FName FActorFolders::GetDefaultFolderName(UWorld& InWorld, FName ParentPath)
	// This is potentially very slow but necessary to find a unique name
	const auto& ExistingFolders = GetFolderPropertiesForWorld(InWorld);

	// Create a valid base name for this folder
	uint32 Suffix = 1;
	FText LeafName = FText::Format(LOCTEXT("DefaultFolderNamePattern", "NewFolder{0}"), FText::AsNumber(Suffix++));

	FString ParentFolderPath = ParentPath.IsNone() ? TEXT("") : ParentPath.ToString();
	if (!ParentFolderPath.IsEmpty())
		ParentFolderPath += "/";

	FName FolderName(*(ParentFolderPath + LeafName.ToString()));
	while (ExistingFolders.Contains(FolderName))
		LeafName = FText::Format(LOCTEXT("DefaultFolderNamePattern", "NewFolder{0}"), FText::AsNumber(Suffix++));
		FolderName = FName(*(ParentFolderPath + LeafName.ToString()));
		if (Suffix == 0)
			// We've wrapped around a 32bit unsigned int - something must be seriously wrong!
			return FName();

	return FolderName;
Beispiel #2
    void LootState::SelectGame(std::string preferredGame) {
        if (preferredGame.empty()) {
            // Get preferred game from settings.
            if (_settings["game"] && _settings["game"].as<string>() != "auto")
                preferredGame = _settings["game"].as<string>();
            else if (_settings["lastGame"] && _settings["lastGame"].as<string>() != "auto")
                preferredGame = _settings["lastGame"].as<string>();

        // Get iterator to preferred game if there is one.
        _currentGame = _games.end();
        for (auto it = _games.begin(); it != _games.end(); ++it) {
            if ((preferredGame.empty() && it->IsInstalled())
                || (!preferredGame.empty() && preferredGame == it->FolderName() && it->IsInstalled())) {
                _currentGame = it;

        // Preferred game not found, just pick the first installed one.
        for (auto it = _games.begin(); it != _games.end(); ++it) {
            if (it->IsInstalled()) {
                _currentGame = it;

        BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << "None of the supported games were detected.";
        throw error(error::no_game_detected, translate("None of the supported games were detected."));
Beispiel #3
void LootState::load(YAML::Node& settings) {
  lock_guard<mutex> guard(mutex_);


  // Enable/disable debug logging in case it has changed.

  // Update existing games, add new games.
  std::unordered_set<string> newGameFolders;
  BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(trace) << "Updating existing games and adding new games.";
  for (const auto &game : getGameSettings()) {
    auto pos = find(games_.begin(), games_.end(), game);

    if (pos != games_.end()) {
    } else {
      BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(trace) << "Adding new game entry for: " << game.FolderName();


  // Remove deleted games. As the current game is stored using its index,
  // removing an earlier game may invalidate it.
  BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(trace) << "Removing deleted games.";
  for (auto it = games_.begin(); it != games_.end();) {
    if (newGameFolders.find(it->FolderName()) == newGameFolders.end()) {
      BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(trace) << "Removing game: " << it->FolderName();
      it = games_.erase(it);
    } else

  // Re-initialise the current game in case the game path setting was changed.
  // Update game path in settings object.
Beispiel #4
    void LootState::UpdateGames(std::list<GameSettings>& games) {
        // Acquire the lock for the scope of this method.
        base::AutoLock lock_scope(_lock);

        unordered_set<string> newGameFolders;

        // Update existing games, add new games.
        BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(trace) << "Updating existing games and adding new games.";
        for (auto &game : games) {
            auto pos = find(_games.begin(), _games.end(), game);

            if (pos != _games.end()) {
                pos->SetDetails(game.Name(), game.Master(), game.RepoURL(), game.RepoBranch(), game.GamePath().string(), game.RegistryKey());
            else {
                BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(trace) << "Adding new game entry for: " << game.FolderName();


        // Remove deleted games. As the current game is stored using its index,
        // removing an earlier game may invalidate it.
        BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(trace) << "Removing deleted games.";
        for (auto it = _games.begin(); it != _games.end();) {
            if (newGameFolders.find(it->FolderName()) == newGameFolders.end()) {
                BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(trace) << "Removing game: " << it->FolderName();
                it = _games.erase(it);

        // Re-initialise the current game in case the game path setting was changed.
        // Update game path in settings object.
        _settings["games"] = ToGameSettings(_games);
void UActorRecording::FindOrAddFolder(UMovieScene* MovieScene)
	check(GetActorToRecord() != nullptr);

	FName FolderName(NAME_None);
	if(GetActorToRecord()->IsA<ACharacter>() || GetActorToRecord()->IsA<ASkeletalMeshActor>())
		FolderName = TEXT("Characters");
	else if(GetActorToRecord()->IsA<ACameraActor>() || GetActorToRecord()->IsA<ACameraRig_Crane>() || GetActorToRecord()->IsA<ACameraRig_Rail>())
		FolderName = TEXT("Cameras");
		FolderName = TEXT("Misc");

	// look for a folder to put us in
	UMovieSceneFolder* FolderToUse = nullptr;
	for(UMovieSceneFolder* Folder : MovieScene->GetRootFolders())
		if(Folder->GetFolderName() == FolderName)
			FolderToUse = Folder;

	if(FolderToUse == nullptr)
		FolderToUse = NewObject<UMovieSceneFolder>(MovieScene, NAME_None, RF_Transactional);
