void floatWidthMissingGlyphCallback(const TextRun& run, SVGTextRunWalkerMeasuredLengthData& data) { // Handle system font fallback FontDescription fontDescription(data.font->fontDescription()); fontDescription.setFamily(FontFamily()); Font font(fontDescription, 0, 0); // spacing handled by SVG text code. font.update(data.font->fontSelector()); data.length += font.floatWidth(run); }
LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { int wmId, wmEvent; PAINTSTRUCT ps; HDC hdc; long _rect[4]; GetClientRect(hWnd, (LPRECT)_rect); Graphics* g_p; POINT p; GetCursorPos(&p); Font font(&FontFamily(L"Arial"), 12); SolidBrush brush(Color::Black); Gdiplus::Rect* rect_p; //if (message != WM_PAINT && message != WM_KEYUP) //{ // hdc = BeginPaint(hWnd, &ps); // g_p = new Graphics(hdc); // rect_p = new Rect(0, 0, 10 * 10, 24); // g_p->FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Color::White), *rect_p); // POINT scr; // scr.x = 0; // scr.y = 0; // ClientToScreen(hWnd, &scr); // // g_p->DrawString((std::wstring(L"Freq: ")+std::to_wstring(freqdiff*(p.x-scr.x))).c_str(), -1, &font, PointF(0, 0), &brush); // EndPaint(hWnd, &ps); // InvalidateRect(hWnd, NULL, FALSE); //} switch (message) { case WM_SIZE: scrW = _rect[2] - _rect[0]; scrH = _rect[3] - _rect[1]; break; case WM_KEYUP: if (wParam == 0x50) isPaused = !isPaused; if (wParam == 0x50 - 1) w.reset(); break; case WM_COMMAND: wmId = LOWORD(wParam); wmEvent = HIWORD(wParam); // Parse the menu selections: switch (wmId) { case IDM_ABOUT: DialogBox(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_ABOUTBOX), hWnd, About); break; case IDM_EXIT: DestroyWindow(hWnd); break; default: return DefWindowProc(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam); } break; case WM_PAINT: hdc = BeginPaint(hWnd, &ps); if (!isPaused) OnPaint(hWnd, hdc); EndPaint(hWnd, &ps); InvalidateRect(hWnd, NULL, FALSE); break; case WM_DESTROY: PostQuitMessage(0); break; default: return DefWindowProc(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam); } return 0; }
void Font::drawTextUsingSVGFont(GraphicsContext* context, const TextRun& run, const FloatPoint& point, int from, int to) const { SVGFontElement* fontElement = 0; SVGFontFaceElement* fontFaceElement = 0; if (const SVGFontData* fontData = svgFontAndFontFaceElementForFontData(primaryFont(), fontFaceElement, fontElement)) { if (!fontElement) return; SVGTextRunWalkerDrawTextData data; FloatPoint currentPoint = point; float scale = convertEmUnitToPixel(size(), fontFaceElement->unitsPerEm(), 1.0f); SVGPaintServer* activePaintServer = run.activePaintServer(); // If renderObject is not set, we're dealing for HTML text rendered using SVG Fonts. if (!run.referencingRenderObject()) { ASSERT(!activePaintServer); // TODO: We're only supporting simple filled HTML text so far. SVGPaintServerSolid* solidPaintServer = SVGPaintServer::sharedSolidPaintServer(); solidPaintServer->setColor(context->fillColor()); activePaintServer = solidPaintServer; } ASSERT(activePaintServer); int charsConsumed; String glyphName; bool isVerticalText = false; float xStartOffset = floatWidthOfSubStringUsingSVGFont(this, run, 0, run.rtl() ? to : 0, run.rtl() ? run.length() : from, charsConsumed, glyphName); FloatPoint glyphOrigin; String language; // TODO: language matching & svg glyphs should be possible for HTML text, too. if (run.referencingRenderObject()) { isVerticalText = isVerticalWritingMode(run.referencingRenderObject()->style()->svgStyle()); if (SVGElement* element = static_cast<SVGElement*>(run.referencingRenderObject()->element())) language = element->getAttribute(XMLNames::langAttr); } if (!isVerticalText) { glyphOrigin.setX(fontData->horizontalOriginX() * scale); glyphOrigin.setY(fontData->horizontalOriginY() * scale); } data.extraCharsAvailable = 0; data.charsConsumed = 0; SVGTextRunWalker<SVGTextRunWalkerDrawTextData> runWalker(fontData, fontElement, data, drawTextUsingSVGFontCallback, drawTextMissingGlyphCallback); runWalker.walk(run, isVerticalText, language, from, to); SVGPaintTargetType targetType = context->textDrawingMode() == cTextStroke ? ApplyToStrokeTargetType : ApplyToFillTargetType; unsigned numGlyphs = data.glyphIdentifiers.size(); unsigned fallbackCharacterIndex = 0; for (unsigned i = 0; i < numGlyphs; ++i) { const SVGGlyphIdentifier& identifier = data.glyphIdentifiers[run.rtl() ? numGlyphs - i - 1 : i]; if (identifier.isValid) { // FIXME: Support arbitary SVG content as glyph (currently limited to <glyph d="..."> situations). if (!identifier.pathData.isEmpty()) { context->save(); if (isVerticalText) { glyphOrigin.setX(identifier.verticalOriginX * scale); glyphOrigin.setY(identifier.verticalOriginY * scale); } context->translate(xStartOffset + currentPoint.x() + glyphOrigin.x(), currentPoint.y() + glyphOrigin.y()); context->scale(FloatSize(scale, -scale)); context->beginPath(); context->addPath(identifier.pathData); if (activePaintServer->setup(context, run.referencingRenderObject(), targetType)) { // Spec: Any properties specified on a text elements which represents a length, such as the // 'stroke-width' property, might produce surprising results since the length value will be // processed in the coordinate system of the glyph. (TODO: What other lengths? miter-limit? dash-offset?) if (targetType == ApplyToStrokeTargetType && scale != 0.0f) context->setStrokeThickness(context->strokeThickness() / scale); activePaintServer->renderPath(context, run.referencingRenderObject(), targetType); activePaintServer->teardown(context, run.referencingRenderObject(), targetType); } context->restore(); } if (isVerticalText) currentPoint.move(0.0f, identifier.verticalAdvanceY * scale); else currentPoint.move(identifier.horizontalAdvanceX * scale, 0.0f); } else { // Handle system font fallback FontDescription fontDescription(context->font().fontDescription()); fontDescription.setFamily(FontFamily()); Font font(fontDescription, 0, 0); // spacing handled by SVG text code. font.update(context->font().fontSelector()); TextRun fallbackCharacterRun(run); fallbackCharacterRun.setText(&data.fallbackCharacters[run.rtl() ? data.fallbackCharacters.size() - fallbackCharacterIndex - 1 : fallbackCharacterIndex], 1); font.drawText(context, fallbackCharacterRun, currentPoint); if (isVerticalText) currentPoint.move(0.0f, font.floatWidth(fallbackCharacterRun)); else currentPoint.move(font.floatWidth(fallbackCharacterRun), 0.0f); fallbackCharacterIndex++; } } } }
bool Font::fromString(string const & data, bool & toggle) { istringstream is(data); Lexer lex; lex.setStream(is); int nset = 0; while (lex.isOK()) { string token; if (lex.next()) token = lex.getString(); if (token.empty() || !lex.next()) break; if (token == "family") { int const next = lex.getInteger(); bits_.setFamily(FontFamily(next)); } else if (token == "series") { int const next = lex.getInteger(); bits_.setSeries(FontSeries(next)); } else if (token == "shape") { int const next = lex.getInteger(); bits_.setShape(FontShape(next)); } else if (token == "size") { int const next = lex.getInteger(); bits_.setSize(FontSize(next)); } else if (token == "emph" || token == "underbar" || token == "noun" || token == "number" || token == "uuline" || token == "uwave" || token == "strikeout") { int const next = lex.getInteger(); FontState const misc = FontState(next); if (token == "emph") bits_.setEmph(misc); else if (token == "underbar") bits_.setUnderbar(misc); else if (token == "strikeout") bits_.setStrikeout(misc); else if (token == "uuline") bits_.setUuline(misc); else if (token == "uwave") bits_.setUwave(misc); else if (token == "noun") bits_.setNoun(misc); else if (token == "number") bits_.setNumber(misc); } else if (token == "color") { int const next = lex.getInteger(); bits_.setColor(ColorCode(next)); /** } else if (token == "background") { int const next = lex.getInteger(); bits_.setBackground(ColorCode(next)); */ } else if (token == "language") { string const next = lex.getString(); setLanguage(languages.getLanguage(next)); } else if (token == "toggleall") { toggle = lex.getBool(); } else { // Unrecognised token break; } ++nset; } return (nset > 0); }
/* ** This routine adds information to the input texts that doesn't change ** when the display is resized or when new fonts are selected, etc. ** Mostly this means adding style attributes. But other constant ** information (such as numbering on <li> and images used for <IMG>) ** is also obtained. The key is that this routine is only called ** once, where the sizer and layout routines can be called many times. ** ** This routine is called whenever the list of elements grows. The ** style stack is stored as part of the HTML widget so that we can ** always continue where we left off the last time. ** ** In addition to adding style, this routine will invoke callbacks ** needed to acquire information about a markup. The htmlPtr->zIsVisitied ** callback is called for each <a> and the htmlPtr->zGetImage is called ** for each <IMG> or for each <LI> that has a SRC= field. ** ** This routine may invoke a callback procedure which could delete ** the HTML widget. ** ** When a markup is inserted or deleted from the token list, the ** style routine must be completely rerun from the beginning. So ** what we said above, that this routine is only run once, is not ** strictly true. */ void HtmlAddStyle(HtmlWidget *htmlPtr, HtmlElement *p){ HtmlStyle style; /* Current style */ int size; /* A new font size */ int i; /* Loop counter */ int paraAlign; /* Current paragraph alignment */ int rowAlign; /* Current table row alignment */ int anchorFlags; /* Flags associated with <a> tag */ int inDt; /* True if within <dt>..</dt> */ HtmlStyle nextStyle; /* Style for next token if useNextStyle==1 */ int useNextStyle = 0; /* True if nextStyle is valid */ char *z; /* A tag parameter's value */ /* The size of header fonts relative to the current font size */ static int header_sizes[] = {+2, +1, 1, 1, -1, -1}; /* Don't allow recursion */ if( htmlPtr->flags & STYLER_RUNNING ){ TestPoint(0); return; } htmlPtr->flags |= STYLER_RUNNING; /* Load the style state out of the htmlPtr structure and into local ** variables. This is purely a matter of convenience... */ style = GetCurrentStyle(htmlPtr); paraAlign = htmlPtr->paraAlignment; rowAlign = htmlPtr->rowAlignment; anchorFlags = htmlPtr->anchorFlags; inDt = htmlPtr->inDt; /* Loop over tokens */ while( p ){ switch( p->base.type ){ case Html_A: if( htmlPtr->anchorStart ){ style = HtmlPopStyleStack(htmlPtr, Html_EndA); htmlPtr->anchorStart = 0; anchorFlags = 0; } z = HtmlMarkupArg(p,"href",0); if( z ){ HtmlLock(htmlPtr); style.color = GetLinkColor(htmlPtr, z); if( htmlPtr->underlineLinks ){ style.flags |= STY_Underline; } if( HtmlUnlock(htmlPtr) ) return; anchorFlags |= STY_Anchor; PushStyleStack(htmlPtr, Html_EndA, style); htmlPtr->anchorStart = p; } break; case Html_EndA: if( htmlPtr->anchorStart ){ p->ref.pOther = htmlPtr->anchorStart; style = HtmlPopStyleStack(htmlPtr, Html_EndA); htmlPtr->anchorStart = 0; anchorFlags = 0; } break; case Html_ADDRESS: case Html_EndADDRESS: case Html_BLOCKQUOTE: case Html_EndBLOCKQUOTE: paraAlign = ALIGN_None; TestPoint(0); break; case Html_APPLET: if( htmlPtr->zAppletCommand && *htmlPtr->zAppletCommand ){ nextStyle = style; nextStyle.flags |= STY_Invisible; PushStyleStack(htmlPtr, Html_EndAPPLET, nextStyle); useNextStyle = 1; }else{ PushStyleStack(htmlPtr, Html_EndAPPLET, style); } TestPoint(0); break; case Html_B: style.font = BoldFont( FontSize(style.font) ); PushStyleStack(htmlPtr, Html_EndB, style); TestPoint(0); break; case Html_EndAPPLET: case Html_EndB: case Html_EndBIG: case Html_EndCENTER: case Html_EndCITE: case Html_EndCODE: case Html_EndCOMMENT: case Html_EndEM: case Html_EndFONT: case Html_EndI: case Html_EndKBD: case Html_EndMARQUEE: case Html_EndNOBR: case Html_EndNOFRAME: case Html_EndNOSCRIPT: case Html_EndS: case Html_EndSAMP: case Html_EndSMALL: case Html_EndSTRIKE: case Html_EndSTRONG: case Html_EndSUB: case Html_EndSUP: case Html_EndTITLE: case Html_EndTT: case Html_EndU: case Html_EndVAR: style = HtmlPopStyleStack(htmlPtr, p->base.type); TestPoint(0); break; case Html_BASE: z = HtmlMarkupArg(p,"href",0); if( z ){ HtmlLock(htmlPtr); z = HtmlResolveUri(htmlPtr, z); if( HtmlUnlock(htmlPtr) ) return; if( z!=0 ){ if( htmlPtr->zBaseHref ){ HtmlFree(htmlPtr->zBaseHref); } htmlPtr->zBaseHref = z; } } break; case Html_EndDIV: paraAlign = ALIGN_None; style = HtmlPopStyleStack(htmlPtr, p->base.type); TestPoint(0); break; case Html_EndBASEFONT: style = HtmlPopStyleStack(htmlPtr, Html_EndBASEFONT); style.font = FontFamily(style.font) + 2; TestPoint(0); break; case Html_BIG: ScaleFont(&style,1); PushStyleStack(htmlPtr, Html_EndBIG, style); TestPoint(0); break; case Html_CAPTION: paraAlign = GetAlignment(p, paraAlign); TestPoint(0); break; case Html_EndCAPTION: paraAlign = ALIGN_None; TestPoint(0); break; case Html_CENTER: paraAlign = ALIGN_None; style.align = ALIGN_Center; PushStyleStack(htmlPtr, Html_EndCENTER, style); TestPoint(0); break; case Html_CITE: PushStyleStack(htmlPtr, Html_EndCITE, style); TestPoint(0); break; case Html_CODE: style.font = CWFont( FontSize(style.font) ); PushStyleStack(htmlPtr, Html_EndCODE, style); TestPoint(0); break; case Html_COMMENT: style.flags |= STY_Invisible; PushStyleStack(htmlPtr, Html_EndCOMMENT, style); TestPoint(0); break; case Html_DD: if( htmlPtr->innerList && htmlPtr->innerList->base.type==Html_DL ){ p->ref.pOther = htmlPtr->innerList; TestPoint(0); }else{ p->ref.pOther = 0; TestPoint(0); } inDt = 0; break; case Html_DIR: case Html_MENU: case Html_UL: p->list.pPrev = htmlPtr->innerList; p->list.cnt = 0; htmlPtr->innerList = p; if( p->list.pPrev==0 ){ p->list.type = LI_TYPE_Bullet1; p->list.compact = HtmlMarkupArg(p,"compact",0)!=0; TestPoint(0); }else if( p->list.pPrev->list.pPrev==0 ){ p->list.type = LI_TYPE_Bullet2; p->list.compact = 1; TestPoint(0); }else{ p->list.type = LI_TYPE_Bullet3; p->list.compact = 1; TestPoint(0); } p->list.type = GetUnorderedListType(p,p->list.type); break; case Html_EndDL: inDt = 0; TestPoint(0); /* Fall thru into the next case */ case Html_EndDIR: case Html_EndMENU: case Html_EndOL: case Html_EndUL: p->ref.pOther = htmlPtr->innerList; if( htmlPtr->innerList ){ htmlPtr->innerList = htmlPtr->innerList->list.pPrev; TestPoint(0); }else{ TestPoint(0); } break; case Html_DIV: paraAlign = ALIGN_None; style.align = GetAlignment(p, style.align); PushStyleStack(htmlPtr, Html_EndDIV, style); TestPoint(0); break; case Html_DT: if( htmlPtr->innerList && htmlPtr->innerList->base.type==Html_DL ){ p->ref.pOther = htmlPtr->innerList; TestPoint(0); }else{ p->ref.pOther = 0; TestPoint(0); } inDt = STY_DT; break; case Html_EndDD: case Html_EndDT: inDt = 0; TestPoint(0); break; case Html_DL: p->list.pPrev = htmlPtr->innerList; p->list.cnt = 0; htmlPtr->innerList = p; p->list.compact = HtmlMarkupArg(p,"compact",0)!=0; inDt = 0; TestPoint(0); break; case Html_EM: style.font = ItalicFont( FontSize(style.font) ); PushStyleStack(htmlPtr, Html_EndEM, style); TestPoint(0); break; case Html_EMBED: break; case Html_BASEFONT: case Html_FONT: z = HtmlMarkupArg(p,"size",0); if( z ){ if( *z=='-' ){ size = FontSize(style.font) - atoi(&z[1]); }else if( *z=='+' ){ size = FontSize(style.font) + atoi(&z[1]); }else{ size = atoi(z); } if( size <= 0 ){ size = 1; } if( size >= N_FONT_SIZE ){ size = N_FONT_SIZE - 1; } style.font = FontFamily(style.font) + size - 1; } z = HtmlMarkupArg(p,"color",0); if( z ){ style.color = HtmlGetColorByName(htmlPtr, z); } PushStyleStack(htmlPtr, p->base.type==Html_FONT ? Html_EndFONT : Html_EndBASEFONT, style); break; case Html_FORM: { char *zUrl; char *zMethod; Tcl_DString cmd; /* -formcommand callback */ int result; char zToken[50]; htmlPtr->formStart = 0; p->form.id = 0; if( htmlPtr->zFormCommand==0 || htmlPtr->zFormCommand[0]==0 ){ TestPoint(0); break; } zUrl = HtmlMarkupArg(p,"action",0); if( zUrl==0 ){ TestPoint(0); break; } HtmlLock(htmlPtr); zUrl = HtmlResolveUri(htmlPtr, zUrl); if( HtmlUnlock(htmlPtr) ) return; if( zUrl==0 ) break; zMethod = HtmlMarkupArg(p,"method","GET"); sprintf(zToken," %d form ", ++htmlPtr->nForm); Tcl_DStringInit(&cmd); Tcl_DStringAppend(&cmd, htmlPtr->zFormCommand, -1); Tcl_DStringAppend(&cmd, zToken, -1); Tcl_DStringAppendElement(&cmd, zUrl); HtmlFree(zUrl); Tcl_DStringAppendElement(&cmd, zMethod); Tcl_DStringStartSublist(&cmd); HtmlAppendArglist(&cmd, p); Tcl_DStringEndSublist(&cmd); HtmlLock(htmlPtr); result = Tcl_GlobalEval(htmlPtr->interp, Tcl_DStringValue(&cmd)); Tcl_DStringFree(&cmd); if( HtmlUnlock(htmlPtr) ) return; if( result==TCL_OK ){ htmlPtr->formStart = p; p->form.id = htmlPtr->nForm; } Tcl_ResetResult(htmlPtr->interp); break; } case Html_EndFORM: p->ref.pOther = htmlPtr->formStart; htmlPtr->formStart = 0; TestPoint(0); break; case Html_H1: case Html_H2: case Html_H3: case Html_H4: case Html_H5: case Html_H6: paraAlign = ALIGN_None; i = (p->base.type - Html_H1)/2 + 1; if( i>=1 && i<=6 ){ ScaleFont(&style,header_sizes[i-1]); } style.font = BoldFont( FontSize(style.font) ); style.align = GetAlignment(p, style.align); PushStyleStack(htmlPtr, Html_EndH1, style); break; case Html_EndH1: case Html_EndH2: case Html_EndH3: case Html_EndH4: case Html_EndH5: case Html_EndH6: paraAlign = ALIGN_None; style = HtmlPopStyleStack(htmlPtr, Html_EndH1); TestPoint(0); break; case Html_HR: nextStyle = style; style.align = GetAlignment(p, ALIGN_None); useNextStyle = 1; break; case Html_I: style.font = ItalicFont( FontSize(style.font) ); PushStyleStack(htmlPtr, Html_EndI, style); TestPoint(0); break; case Html_IMG: HtmlLock(htmlPtr); p->image.pImage = HtmlGetImage(htmlPtr, p); if( HtmlUnlock(htmlPtr) ) return; TestPoint(0); break; case Html_INPUT: p->input.pForm = htmlPtr->formStart; TestPoint(0); break; case Html_KBD: style.font = CWFont( FontSize(style.font) ); PushStyleStack(htmlPtr, Html_EndKBD, style); TestPoint(0); break; case Html_LI: if( htmlPtr->innerList ){ p->li.type = htmlPtr->innerList->list.type; if( htmlPtr->innerList->base.type==Html_OL ){ z = HtmlMarkupArg(p, "value", 0); if( z ){ int n = atoi(z); if( n>0 ){ p->li.cnt = n; htmlPtr->innerList->list.cnt = n+1; TestPoint(0); }else{ TestPoint(0); } }else{ p->li.cnt = htmlPtr->innerList->list.cnt++; TestPoint(0); } p->li.type = GetOrderedListType(p,p->li.type); }else{ p->li.type = GetUnorderedListType(p,p->li.type); TestPoint(0); } }else{ p->base.flags &= ~HTML_Visible; TestPoint(0); } break; case Html_MARQUEE: style.flags |= STY_Invisible; PushStyleStack(htmlPtr, Html_EndMARQUEE, style); TestPoint(0); break; case Html_NOBR: style.flags |= STY_NoBreak; PushStyleStack(htmlPtr, Html_EndNOBR, style); TestPoint(0); break; case Html_NOFRAME: if( htmlPtr->zFrameCommand && *htmlPtr->zFrameCommand ){ nextStyle = style; nextStyle.flags |= STY_Invisible; PushStyleStack(htmlPtr, Html_EndNOFRAME, nextStyle); useNextStyle = 1; }else{ PushStyleStack(htmlPtr, Html_EndNOFRAME, style); } TestPoint(0); break; case Html_NOSCRIPT: if( htmlPtr->zScriptCommand && *htmlPtr->zScriptCommand ){ nextStyle = style; nextStyle.flags |= STY_Invisible; PushStyleStack(htmlPtr, Html_EndNOSCRIPT, nextStyle); useNextStyle = 1; }else{ PushStyleStack(htmlPtr, Html_EndNOSCRIPT, style); } TestPoint(0); break; case Html_OL: p->list.pPrev = htmlPtr->innerList; p->list.type = GetOrderedListType(p,LI_TYPE_Enum_1); p->list.cnt = 1; z = HtmlMarkupArg(p,"start",0); if( z ){ int n = atoi(z); if( n>0 ){ p->list.cnt = n; TestPoint(0); }else{ TestPoint(0); } }else{ TestPoint(0); } p->list.compact = htmlPtr->innerList!=0 || HtmlMarkupArg(p,"compact",0)!=0; htmlPtr->innerList = p; break; case Html_P: paraAlign = GetAlignment(p, ALIGN_None); TestPoint(0); break; case Html_EndP: paraAlign = ALIGN_None; TestPoint(0); break; case Html_PRE: case Html_LISTING: case Html_XMP: case Html_PLAINTEXT: paraAlign = ALIGN_None; style.font = CWFont( FontSize(style.font) ); style.flags |= STY_Preformatted; PushStyleStack(htmlPtr, Html_EndPRE, style); TestPoint(0); break; case Html_EndPRE: case Html_EndLISTING: case Html_EndXMP: style = HtmlPopStyleStack(htmlPtr, Html_EndPRE); TestPoint(0); break; case Html_S: style.flags |= STY_StrikeThru; PushStyleStack(htmlPtr, Html_EndS, style); TestPoint(0); break; case Html_SCRIPT: if( htmlPtr->zScriptCommand && *htmlPtr->zScriptCommand ){ Tcl_DString cmd; int result; Tcl_DStringInit(&cmd); Tcl_DStringAppend(&cmd, htmlPtr->zScriptCommand, -1); Tcl_DStringStartSublist(&cmd); HtmlAppendArglist(&cmd, p); Tcl_DStringEndSublist(&cmd); Tcl_DStringStartSublist(&cmd); Tcl_DStringAppend(&cmd, p->script.zScript, p->script.nScript); Tcl_DStringEndSublist(&cmd); HtmlLock(htmlPtr); result = Tcl_GlobalEval(htmlPtr->interp, Tcl_DStringValue(&cmd)); Tcl_DStringFree(&cmd); if( HtmlUnlock(htmlPtr) ) return; Tcl_ResetResult(htmlPtr->interp); } nextStyle = style; style.flags |= STY_Invisible; useNextStyle = 1; break; case Html_SELECT: p->input.pForm = htmlPtr->formStart; nextStyle.flags |= STY_Invisible; useNextStyle = 1; PushStyleStack(htmlPtr, Html_EndSELECT, style); htmlPtr->formElemStart = p; break; case Html_EndSELECT: style = HtmlPopStyleStack(htmlPtr, Html_EndSELECT); if( htmlPtr->formElemStart && htmlPtr->formElemStart->base.type==Html_SELECT ){ p->ref.pOther = htmlPtr->formElemStart; MakeInvisible(p->ref.pOther, p); }else{ p->ref.pOther = 0; } htmlPtr->formElemStart = 0; break; case Html_STRIKE: style.flags |= STY_StrikeThru; PushStyleStack(htmlPtr, Html_EndSTRIKE, style); TestPoint(0); break; case Html_STYLE: /* Ignore style sheets */ break; case Html_SAMP: style.font = CWFont( FontSize(style.font) ); PushStyleStack(htmlPtr, Html_EndSAMP, style); TestPoint(0); break; case Html_SMALL: ScaleFont(&style,-1); PushStyleStack(htmlPtr, Html_EndSMALL, style); TestPoint(0); break; case Html_STRONG: style.font = BoldFont( FontSize(style.font) ); PushStyleStack(htmlPtr, Html_EndSTRONG, style); TestPoint(0); break; case Html_SUB: ScaleFont(&style,-1); if( style.subscript > -6 ){ style.subscript--; TestPoint(0); }else{ TestPoint(0); } PushStyleStack(htmlPtr, Html_EndSUB, style); break; case Html_SUP: ScaleFont(&style,-1); if( style.subscript < 6 ){ style.subscript++; TestPoint(0); }else{ TestPoint(0); } PushStyleStack(htmlPtr, Html_EndSUP, style); break; case Html_TABLE: paraAlign = ALIGN_None; nextStyle = style; nextStyle.align = ALIGN_Left; z = HtmlMarkupArg(p, "bgcolor", 0); if( z ){ nextStyle.bgcolor = HtmlGetColorByName(htmlPtr, z); style.bgcolor = nextStyle.bgcolor; /* }else{ nextStyle.bgcolor = COLOR_Background; */ } PushStyleStack(htmlPtr, Html_EndTABLE, nextStyle); useNextStyle = 1; htmlPtr->inTd = 0; htmlPtr->inTr = 0; TestPoint(0); break; case Html_EndTABLE: paraAlign = ALIGN_None; if( htmlPtr->inTd ){ style = HtmlPopStyleStack(htmlPtr, Html_EndTD); htmlPtr->inTd = 0; } if( htmlPtr->inTr ){ style = HtmlPopStyleStack(htmlPtr, Html_EndTR); htmlPtr->inTr = 0; } style = HtmlPopStyleStack(htmlPtr, p->base.type); TestPoint(0); break; case Html_TD: if( htmlPtr->inTd ){ style = HtmlPopStyleStack(htmlPtr, Html_EndTD); } htmlPtr->inTd = 1; paraAlign = GetAlignment(p, rowAlign); if( (z = HtmlMarkupArg(p, "bgcolor", 0))!=0 ){ style.bgcolor = HtmlGetColorByName(htmlPtr, z); } PushStyleStack(htmlPtr, Html_EndTD, style); TestPoint(0); break; case Html_TEXTAREA: p->input.pForm = htmlPtr->formStart; nextStyle = style; nextStyle.flags |= STY_Invisible; PushStyleStack(htmlPtr, Html_EndTEXTAREA, nextStyle); htmlPtr->formElemStart = p; useNextStyle = 1; TestPoint(0); break; case Html_EndTEXTAREA: style = HtmlPopStyleStack(htmlPtr, Html_EndTEXTAREA); if( htmlPtr->formElemStart && htmlPtr->formElemStart->base.type==Html_TEXTAREA ){ p->ref.pOther = htmlPtr->formElemStart; }else{ p->ref.pOther = 0; } htmlPtr->formElemStart = 0; break; case Html_TH: /* paraAlign = GetAlignment(p, rowAlign); */ if( htmlPtr->inTd ){ style = HtmlPopStyleStack(htmlPtr, Html_EndTD); } paraAlign = GetAlignment(p, ALIGN_Center); style.font = BoldFont( FontSize(style.font) ); if( (z = HtmlMarkupArg(p, "bgcolor", 0))!=0 ){ style.bgcolor = HtmlGetColorByName(htmlPtr, z); } PushStyleStack(htmlPtr, Html_EndTD, style); htmlPtr->inTd = 1; TestPoint(0); break; case Html_TR: if( htmlPtr->inTd ){ style = HtmlPopStyleStack(htmlPtr, Html_EndTD); htmlPtr->inTd = 0; } if( htmlPtr->inTr ){ style = HtmlPopStyleStack(htmlPtr, Html_EndTR); } rowAlign = GetAlignment(p, ALIGN_None); if( (z = HtmlMarkupArg(p, "bgcolor", 0))!=0 ){ style.bgcolor = HtmlGetColorByName(htmlPtr, z); } PushStyleStack(htmlPtr, Html_EndTR, style); htmlPtr->inTr = 1; TestPoint(0); break; case Html_EndTR: if( htmlPtr->inTd ){ style = HtmlPopStyleStack(htmlPtr, Html_EndTD); htmlPtr->inTd = 0; } style = HtmlPopStyleStack(htmlPtr, Html_EndTR); htmlPtr->inTr = 0; paraAlign = ALIGN_None; rowAlign = ALIGN_None; TestPoint(0); break; case Html_EndTD: case Html_EndTH: style = HtmlPopStyleStack(htmlPtr, Html_EndTD); htmlPtr->inTd = 0; paraAlign = ALIGN_None; rowAlign = ALIGN_None; TestPoint(0); break; case Html_TITLE: style.flags |= STY_Invisible; PushStyleStack(htmlPtr, Html_EndTITLE, style); TestPoint(0); break; case Html_TT: style.font = CWFont( FontSize(style.font) ); PushStyleStack(htmlPtr, Html_EndTT, style); TestPoint(0); break; case Html_U: style.flags |= STY_Underline; PushStyleStack(htmlPtr, Html_EndU, style); break; case Html_VAR: style.font = ItalicFont( FontSize(style.font) ); PushStyleStack(htmlPtr, Html_EndVAR, style); TestPoint(0); break; default: TestPoint(0); break; } p->base.style = style; p->base.style.flags |= anchorFlags | inDt; if( paraAlign!=ALIGN_None ){ p->base.style.align = paraAlign; } if( useNextStyle ){ style = nextStyle; useNextStyle = 0; } TRACE(HtmlTrace_Style, ("Style of 0x%08x font=%02d color=%02d bg=%02d " "align=%d flags=0x%04x token=%s\n", (int)p, p->base.style.font, p->base.style.color, p->base.style.bgcolor, p->base.style.align, p->base.style.flags, HtmlTokenName(p))); p = p->pNext; } /* Copy state information back into the htmlPtr structure for ** safe keeping. */ htmlPtr->paraAlignment = paraAlign; htmlPtr->rowAlignment = rowAlign; htmlPtr->anchorFlags = anchorFlags; htmlPtr->inDt = inDt; htmlPtr->flags &= ~STYLER_RUNNING; }
void AnnotationObject::SetFromNode(DataNode *parentNode) { if(parentNode == 0) return; DataNode *searchNode = parentNode->GetNode("AnnotationObject"); if(searchNode == 0) return; DataNode *node; if((node = searchNode->GetNode("objectName")) != 0) SetObjectName(node->AsString()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("objectType")) != 0) { // Allow enums to be int or string in the config file if(node->GetNodeType() == INT_NODE) { int ival = node->AsInt(); if(ival >= 0 && ival < 8) SetObjectType(AnnotationType(ival)); } else if(node->GetNodeType() == STRING_NODE) { AnnotationType value; if(AnnotationType_FromString(node->AsString(), value)) SetObjectType(value); } } if((node = searchNode->GetNode("visible")) != 0) SetVisible(node->AsBool()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("active")) != 0) SetActive(node->AsBool()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("position")) != 0) { if(node->GetNodeType() == FLOAT_ARRAY_NODE) { const float *fn = node->AsFloatArray(); double dp[3] = {fn[0], fn[1], fn[2]}; SetPosition(dp); } else SetPosition(node->AsDoubleArray()); } if((node = searchNode->GetNode("position2")) != 0) { if(node->GetNodeType() == FLOAT_ARRAY_NODE) { const float *fn = node->AsFloatArray(); double dp[3] = {fn[0], fn[1], fn[2]}; SetPosition2(dp); } else SetPosition2(node->AsDoubleArray()); } if((node = searchNode->GetNode("textColor")) != 0) textColor.SetFromNode(node); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("useForegroundForTextColor")) != 0) SetUseForegroundForTextColor(node->AsBool()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("color1")) != 0) color1.SetFromNode(node); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("color2")) != 0) color2.SetFromNode(node); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("text")) != 0) SetText(node->AsStringVector()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("fontFamily")) != 0) { // Allow enums to be int or string in the config file if(node->GetNodeType() == INT_NODE) { int ival = node->AsInt(); if(ival >= 0 && ival < 3) SetFontFamily(FontFamily(ival)); } else if(node->GetNodeType() == STRING_NODE) { FontFamily value; if(FontFamily_FromString(node->AsString(), value)) SetFontFamily(value); } } if((node = searchNode->GetNode("fontBold")) != 0) SetFontBold(node->AsBool()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("fontItalic")) != 0) SetFontItalic(node->AsBool()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("fontShadow")) != 0) SetFontShadow(node->AsBool()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("floatAttribute1")) != 0) SetDoubleAttribute1(node->AsDouble()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("doubleAttribute1")) != 0) SetDoubleAttribute1(node->AsDouble()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("intAttribute1")) != 0) SetIntAttribute1(node->AsInt()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("intAttribute2")) != 0) SetIntAttribute2(node->AsInt()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("intAttribute3")) != 0) SetIntAttribute3(node->AsInt()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("doubleVector1")) != 0) SetDoubleVector1(node->AsDoubleVector()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("stringVector1")) != 0) SetStringVector1(node->AsStringVector()); if((node = searchNode->GetNode("stringVector2")) != 0) SetStringVector2(node->AsStringVector()); }
AnnotationObject::FontFamily AnnotationObject::GetFontFamily() const { return FontFamily(fontFamily); }