START_TEST (test_FormulaParser_accessWithNULL)
  fail_unless ( FormulaParser_getAction(0, NULL) == ERROR_STATE);
  fail_unless ( SBML_parseFormula(NULL) == NULL);  

 * The following are private and used only within FormulaParser.c; however,
 * I don't know how else to make them "public" only for testing than to put
 * them here
#define START_STATE   0
#define ACCEPT_STATE  0
#define ERROR_STATE  27
#define NUM_STATES   27

 * The Action[] table contains 144 entries.  To test them all would be
 * laborious and silly.  Instead, for a few token type, test the first,
 * last and middle entry in each token "run".  Also, test some error
 * states.
START_TEST (test_FormulaParser_getAction)
  int i;
  Token_t *t = Token_create();

  t->type = TT_NAME;
  fail_unless( FormulaParser_getAction( 0, t) == 6, NULL );
  fail_unless( FormulaParser_getAction(10, t) == 6, NULL );
  fail_unless( FormulaParser_getAction(25, t) == 6, NULL );
  fail_unless( FormulaParser_getAction( 1, t) == ERROR_STATE, NULL );

  t->type = TT_INTEGER;
  fail_unless( FormulaParser_getAction( 0, t) == 1, NULL );
  fail_unless( FormulaParser_getAction(10, t) == 1, NULL );
  fail_unless( FormulaParser_getAction(25, t) == 1, NULL );
  fail_unless( FormulaParser_getAction( 1, t) == ERROR_STATE, NULL );

  t->type = TT_PLUS;
  fail_unless( FormulaParser_getAction( 1, t) ==  -9, NULL );
  fail_unless( FormulaParser_getAction(16, t) ==  -2, NULL );
  fail_unless( FormulaParser_getAction(24, t) == -11, NULL );
  fail_unless( FormulaParser_getAction( 2, t) == ERROR_STATE, NULL );

  t->type = TT_MINUS;
  fail_unless( FormulaParser_getAction( 0, t) ==  5, NULL );
  fail_unless( FormulaParser_getAction(16, t) == -2, NULL );
  fail_unless( FormulaParser_getAction(25, t) ==  5, NULL );
  fail_unless( FormulaParser_getAction( 2, t) == ERROR_STATE, NULL );

  t->type = TT_END;
  fail_unless( FormulaParser_getAction( 1, t) ==  -9, NULL );
  fail_unless( FormulaParser_getAction(17, t) ==  -5, NULL );
  fail_unless( FormulaParser_getAction(24, t) == -11, NULL );
  fail_unless( FormulaParser_getAction( 3, t) == ERROR_STATE, NULL );

   * TT_UNKNOWN should always yield an error state.
  t->type = TT_UNKNOWN;
  for (i = 0; i < NUM_STATES; i++)
    fail_unless( FormulaParser_getAction(i, t) == ERROR_STATE, NULL );

 * @if conly
 * @memberof ASTNode_t
 * @endif
ASTNode_t *
SBML_parseFormula (const char *formula)
  long rule, state, action;

  ASTNode_t *node = NULL;

  FormulaTokenizer_t *tokenizer = NULL; 
  Stack_t            *stack     = NULL;
  Token_t            *token     = NULL;

  if (formula == NULL) return NULL;
  tokenizer = FormulaTokenizer_createFromFormula(formula);
  token     = FormulaTokenizer_nextToken(tokenizer);
  stack     = Stack_create(20);

  Stack_push(stack, (void *) START_STATE);

  while (1)
    state  = (long) Stack_peek(stack);
    action = FormulaParser_getAction(state, token);

    if (action == ACCEPT_STATE)
      node = Stack_peekAt(stack, 1);

    else if (action == ERROR_STATE)
       * Free ASTNodes on the Stack, skip the states.
      while (Stack_size(stack) > 1)
        ASTNode_free( Stack_pop(stack) );

      node = NULL;

     * Shift
    else if (action > 0)
      Stack_push( stack, ASTNode_createFromToken(token) );
      Stack_push( stack, (void *) action );

      token = FormulaTokenizer_nextToken(tokenizer);

     * Reduce
    else if (action < 0)
      rule  = -action;
      node  = FormulaParser_reduceStackByRule(stack, rule);
      state = (long) Stack_peek(stack);

      Stack_push( stack, node );
      Stack_push( stack, (void *) FormulaParser_getGoto(state, rule) );


  return node;