// parsePNGFile()
// Takes in a PNG file and plugs the indexes into
// the proper art format.
static bool parsePNGFile(uint32_t pngi, FILE* afile)
	FILE* pngfile;
	char pngfilename[FILENAME_MAX];
	uint8_t* buffer;
	uint32_t xsize, ysize;
	int32_t xi, yi;
	FIBITMAP *pngas;
	FIBITMAP *pngaspal;
	FIBITMAP *pngasbg;
	FIBITMAP *pngas24;
	FIBITMAP *pngastemp;
	uint32_t m;
	uint32_t n;
	uint32_t _px;
	uint32_t* _pbx;

	TilesList[pngi].animdata = 0;
	TilesList[pngi].offset = ftell(afile);
	TilesList[pngi].sizex = 0;
	TilesList[pngi].sizey = 0;

	sprintf(pngfilename, "%s%stile%04u.png", inputdir, PATH_DELIMITER, pngi);
	pngastemp = FreeImage_Load(FIF_PNG, pngfilename, 0);

	if (pngastemp == NULL)
		return false;
	pngas = FreeImage_AllocateEx(FreeImage_GetWidth(pngastemp), 
		FreeImage_GetHeight(pngastemp), 8, &rgbpal[255], 0, rgbpal, 0, 0, 0);

	if (FreeImage_GetBPP(pngastemp) != 8)
		// printf("ssssnaaaaoooo\n");
		if (FreeImage_GetBPP(pngastemp) == 32)
			pngasbg = FreeImage_Composite(pngastemp, FALSE, &rgbpal[255], NULL);
			// pngas24 = FreeImage_ConvertTo24Bits(pngasbg);
			pngaspal = FreeImage_ColorQuantizeEx(pngasbg, FIQ_NNQUANT, 256, 256, rgbpal);
			FreeImage_SetTransparentIndex(pngaspal, 255);
			pngaspal = FreeImage_ColorQuantizeEx(pngastemp, FIQ_NNQUANT, 256, 256, rgbpal);
			FreeImage_SetTransparentIndex(pngaspal, 255);
		if (pngaspal == NULL)
			printf("error: tile%04u.png is an invalid 8/24/32bit image\n", pngi);
			return false;
		pngas = pngaspal;
		pngas = pngastemp;
	xsize = FreeImage_GetWidth(pngas);
	ysize = FreeImage_GetHeight(pngas);

	TilesList[pngi].sizex = xsize;
	TilesList[pngi].sizey = ysize;

	buffer = malloc(xsize * ysize);
	if (buffer == NULL)
		printf("error: not enough memory to read image\n");
		return false;

	// This is where the magic happens
	for (xi = 0; xi  < TilesList[pngi].sizex; xi++)
		for (yi = 0; yi < TilesList[pngi].sizey; yi++)
			FreeImage_GetPixelIndex(pngas, xi, yi, &buffer[xi * TilesList[pngi].sizey + yi]);
			fwrite(&buffer[xi * TilesList[pngi].sizey + yi], 1, 1, afile);
	free(buffer);	// Gotta free memory explicitly

	return true;
void ofxGifEncoder::processFrame(ofxGifFrame * frame, FIMULTIBITMAP *multi){
    FIBITMAP * bmp = NULL;
    // we need to swap the channels if we're on little endian (see ofImage::swapRgb);

    if (frame->bitsPerPixel ==32){
        ofLog() << "image is transaprent!";
        frame = convertTo24BitsWithGreenScreen(frame);
    // from here on, we can only deal with 24 bits
    // get the pixel data
    bmp	= FreeImage_ConvertFromRawBits(
                                       0, 0, 0, true // in of006 this (topdown) had to be false.
    FIBITMAP * bmpConverted;
    FIBITMAP * quantizedBmp = NULL;
    FIBITMAP * ditheredBmp  = NULL;
    FIBITMAP * processedBmp = NULL;
    quantizedBmp = FreeImage_ColorQuantizeEx(bmp, FIQ_WUQUANT, nColors);
    processedBmp = quantizedBmp;
    if (nChannels == 4){

    // dithering :)
    if(ditherMode > OFX_GIF_DITHER_NONE) {
        ditheredBmp = FreeImage_Dither(processedBmp, (FREE_IMAGE_DITHER)ditherMode);
        processedBmp = ditheredBmp;
    DWORD frameDuration = (DWORD) (frame->duration * 1000.f);
    // clear any animation metadata used by this dib as we’ll adding our own ones
    FreeImage_SetMetadata(FIMD_ANIMATION, processedBmp, NULL, NULL);
    // add animation tags to dib[frameNum]
    FITAG *tag = FreeImage_CreateTag();
    if(tag) {
        FreeImage_SetTagKey(tag, "FrameTime");
        FreeImage_SetTagType(tag, FIDT_LONG);
        FreeImage_SetTagCount(tag, 1);
        FreeImage_SetTagLength(tag, 4);
        FreeImage_SetTagValue(tag, &frameDuration);
        FreeImage_SetMetadata(FIMD_ANIMATION, processedBmp, FreeImage_GetTagKey(tag), tag);
    FreeImage_AppendPage(multi, processedBmp);
    // clear freeimage stuff
    if(bmp          != NULL) FreeImage_Unload(bmp);
    if(quantizedBmp != NULL) FreeImage_Unload(quantizedBmp);
    if(ditheredBmp  != NULL) FreeImage_Unload(ditheredBmp);
    // no need to unload processedBmp, as it points to either of the above
