Beispiel #1
	static void vDNSSetCallBack( const char *pcHostName, void *pvSearchID, FOnDNSEvent pCallbackFunction, TickType_t xTimeout, TickType_t xIdentifier )
		size_t lLength = strlen( pcHostName );
		DNSCallback_t *pxCallback = ( DNSCallback_t * )pvPortMalloc( sizeof( *pxCallback ) + lLength );

		/* Translate from ms to number of clock ticks. */
		xTimeout /= portTICK_PERIOD_MS;
		if( pxCallback != NULL )
			if( listLIST_IS_EMPTY( &xCallbackList ) )
				/* This is the first one, start the DNS timer to check for timeouts */
				vIPReloadDNSTimer( FreeRTOS_min_uint32( 1000U, xTimeout ) );
			strcpy( pxCallback->pcName, pcHostName );
			pxCallback->pCallbackFunction = pCallbackFunction;
			pxCallback->pvSearchID = pvSearchID;
			pxCallback->xRemaningTime = xTimeout;
			vTaskSetTimeOutState( &pxCallback->xTimeoutState );
			listSET_LIST_ITEM_OWNER( &( pxCallback->xListItem ), ( void* ) pxCallback );
			listSET_LIST_ITEM_VALUE( &( pxCallback->xListItem ), xIdentifier );
				vListInsertEnd( &xCallbackList, &pxCallback->xListItem );
 * uxStreamBufferAdd( )
 * Adds data to a stream buffer.  If uxOffset > 0, data will be written at
 * an offset from uxHead while uxHead will not be moved yet.  This possibility
 * will be used when TCP data is received while earlier data is still missing.
 * If 'pucData' equals NULL, the function is called to advance 'uxHead' only.
size_t uxStreamBufferAdd( StreamBuffer_t *pxBuffer, size_t uxOffset, const uint8_t *pucData, size_t uxCount )
size_t uxSpace, uxNextHead, uxFirst;

	uxSpace = uxStreamBufferGetSpace( pxBuffer );

	/* If uxOffset > 0, items can be placed in front of uxHead */
	if( uxSpace > uxOffset )
		uxSpace -= uxOffset;
		uxSpace = 0u;

	/* The number of bytes that can be written is the minimum of the number of
	bytes requested and the number available. */
	uxCount = FreeRTOS_min_uint32( uxSpace, uxCount );

	if( uxCount != 0u )
		uxNextHead = pxBuffer->uxHead;

		if( uxOffset != 0u )
			/* ( uxOffset > 0 ) means: write in front if the uxHead marker */
			uxNextHead += uxOffset;
			if( uxNextHead >= pxBuffer->LENGTH )
				uxNextHead -= pxBuffer->LENGTH;

		if( pucData != NULL )
			/* Calculate the number of bytes that can be added in the first
			write - which may be less than the total number of bytes that need
			to be added if the buffer will wrap back to the beginning. */
			uxFirst = FreeRTOS_min_uint32( pxBuffer->LENGTH - uxNextHead, uxCount );

			/* Write as many bytes as can be written in the first write. */
			memcpy( ( void* ) ( pxBuffer->ucArray + uxNextHead ), pucData, uxFirst );

			/* If the number of bytes written was less than the number that
			could be written in the first write... */
			if( uxCount > uxFirst )
				/* ...then write the remaining bytes to the start of the
				buffer. */
				memcpy( ( void * )pxBuffer->ucArray, pucData + uxFirst, uxCount - uxFirst );

		if( uxOffset == 0u )
			/* ( uxOffset == 0 ) means: write at uxHead position */
			uxNextHead += uxCount;
			if( uxNextHead >= pxBuffer->LENGTH )
				uxNextHead -= pxBuffer->LENGTH;
			pxBuffer->uxHead = uxNextHead;

		if( xStreamBufferLessThenEqual( pxBuffer, pxBuffer->uxFront, uxNextHead ) != pdFALSE )
			/* Advance the front pointer */
			pxBuffer->uxFront = uxNextHead;

	return uxCount;
 * uxStreamBufferGet( )
 * 'uxOffset' can be used to read data located at a certain offset from 'lTail'.
 * If 'pucData' equals NULL, the function is called to advance 'lTail' only.
 * if 'xPeek' is pdTRUE, or if 'uxOffset' is non-zero, the 'lTail' pointer will
 * not be advanced.
size_t uxStreamBufferGet( StreamBuffer_t *pxBuffer, size_t uxOffset, uint8_t *pucData, size_t uxMaxCount, BaseType_t xPeek )
size_t uxSize, uxCount, uxFirst, uxNextTail;

	/* How much data is available? */
	uxSize = uxStreamBufferGetSize( pxBuffer );

	if( uxSize > uxOffset )
		uxSize -= uxOffset;
		uxSize = 0u;

	/* Use the minimum of the wanted bytes and the available bytes. */
	uxCount = FreeRTOS_min_uint32( uxSize, uxMaxCount );

	if( uxCount > 0u )
		uxNextTail = pxBuffer->uxTail;

		if( uxOffset != 0u )
			uxNextTail += uxOffset;
			if( uxNextTail >= pxBuffer->LENGTH )
				uxNextTail -= pxBuffer->LENGTH;

		if( pucData != NULL )
			/* Calculate the number of bytes that can be read - which may be
			less than the number wanted if the data wraps around to the start of
			the buffer. */
			uxFirst = FreeRTOS_min_uint32( pxBuffer->LENGTH - uxNextTail, uxCount );

			/* Obtain the number of bytes it is possible to obtain in the first
			read. */
			memcpy( pucData, pxBuffer->ucArray + uxNextTail, uxFirst );

			/* If the total number of wanted bytes is greater than the number
			that could be read in the first read... */
			if( uxCount > uxFirst )
				/*...then read the remaining bytes from the start of the buffer. */
				memcpy( pucData + uxFirst, pxBuffer->ucArray, uxCount - uxFirst );

		if( ( xPeek == pdFALSE ) && ( uxOffset == 0UL ) )
			/* Move the tail pointer to effecively remove the data read from
			the buffer. */
			uxNextTail += uxCount;

			if( uxNextTail >= pxBuffer->LENGTH )
				uxNextTail -= pxBuffer->LENGTH;

			pxBuffer->uxTail = uxNextTail;

	return uxCount;