Beispiel #1
void write_tiff_stack_rgb( char *name, rgb* buf, int width, int height, int depth )
{ int iframe;
  Tiff_Writer *tiff  = Open_Tiff_Writer(name,0);
  Tiff_Image  *plane = Create_Tiff_Image( width, height );
  void *tr,*tb,*tg;

  Add_Tiff_Image_Channel( plane, CHAN_RED,    8, CHAN_UNSIGNED );
  Add_Tiff_Image_Channel( plane, CHAN_GREEN,  8, CHAN_UNSIGNED );
  Add_Tiff_Image_Channel( plane, CHAN_BLUE,   8, CHAN_UNSIGNED );

  for( iframe = 0; iframe < depth; iframe++ )
  { uint8 *dest;
    rgb  *im, *src;

    /* Select Plane and copy out to channels of Tiff_Image */
    im = buf + iframe * width * height;
    /* red */
    src  =            im                        + width*height  ;
    dest = (uint8*) ( plane->channels[0]->plane)+ width*height  ;
    while( --src >= im ) 
      *(--dest) = src->r;
    /* green */
    src  =            im                        + width*height  ;
    dest = (uint8*) ( plane->channels[1]->plane)+ width*height  ;
    while( --src >= im ) 
      *(--dest) = src->g;
    /* blue  */
    src  =            im                        + width*height  ;
    dest = (uint8*) ( plane->channels[2]->plane)+ width*height  ;
    while( --src >= im ) 
      *(--dest) = src->b;
    { Tiff_IFD *ifd = Make_IFD_For_Image( plane, 0 );
      Write_Tiff_IFD(tiff, ifd );

  Free_Tiff_Image( plane );

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
{ char        *in, *out;
  Tiff_Reader *reader;
  Tiff_Writer *writer;
  Tiff_IFD    *ifd;
  int          flag64, first, source, target;
  int         *colors, nchan;


  in  = Get_String_Arg("in");
  out = Get_String_Arg("out");

  reader = Open_Tiff_Reader(in,NULL,&flag64,strcmp(in+(strlen(in)-4),".lsm") == 0);
  if (reader == NULL)
    { fprintf(stderr,"Error opening tif %s:\n  %s\n",in,Tiff_Error_String());
      exit (1);

  writer = Open_Tiff_Writer(out,flag64,0);
  if (writer == NULL)
    { fprintf(stderr,"Error opening tif %s:\n  %s\n",out,Tiff_Error_String());
      exit (1);

  nchan  = 0;
  colors = NULL;
  target = 0;
  source = 0;

  first = 1;
  while ( ! End_Of_Tiff(reader))
    { ifd = Read_Tiff_IFD(reader);
      if (ifd == NULL)
        { fprintf(stderr,"Error reading IFD:\n  %s\n",Tiff_Error_String());
          exit (1);
      if (first)
        { first = 0;
          if (Is_Arg_Matched("-m"))
            { source = Get_Int_Arg("-m",1);
              target = Get_Int_Arg("-m",2);
              if (source < 0 || source > 1)
                { fprintf(stderr,"Source is not 0 or 1\n"); exit (1); }
              if (target < 0 || target > 2)
                { fprintf(stderr,"Target is not 0, 1, or 2\n"); exit (1); }
          else if (Get_Tiff_Tag(ifd,TIFF_CZ_LSM_INFO,NULL,NULL) != NULL)
            { if (nchan == 0)
                { nchan = Count_LSM_Colors(ifd);
                  colors = (int *) Guarded_Malloc(sizeof(int)*((size_t) nchan),Program_Name());
              Get_LSM_Colors(ifd,nchan,colors);          //  Figure out which channel is green
              for (source = 0; source < nchan; source++) //    and map to green in the RGB
                if ((colors[source] & 0xff00) != 0)
              if (source >= nchan)
                source = 0;
              target = 1;
             { source = 0;
               target = 1;
      if (Convert_2_RGB(ifd,source,target) != NULL)
        { if (Write_Tiff_IFD(writer,ifd))
            { fprintf(stderr,"Error writing IFD:\n  %s\n",Tiff_Error_String());
              exit (1);
        { fprintf(stderr,"Error adding extra channel:\n  %s\n",Tiff_Error_String());
          exit (1);

  exit (0);