int CPlayer::RemoveMoney(int Count) { OBJECTSTRUCT *gObj = (OBJECTSTRUCT*)OBJECT_POINTER(this->aIndex); gObj->Money -= Count; GCMoneySend(aIndex,gObj->Money); return 0; }
void QuestTeleport(int aIndex, int Type) { if(gObj[aIndex].Money < 20000) { LogAdd("[%s][%s] [QUEST] short of zen for teleport quest map.\n", gObj[aIndex].AccountID, gObj[aIndex].Name); return; } if(Type == 0) { gObjTeleport(aIndex, 41, 36, 90); LogAdd("[%s][%s] [QUEST] Teleport to Barracks.\n", gObj[aIndex].AccountID, gObj[aIndex].Name); } if(Type == 1) { gObjTeleport(aIndex, 42, 96, 187); LogAdd("[%s][%s] [QUEST] Teleport to Refuge.\n", gObj[aIndex].AccountID, gObj[aIndex].Name); } #if (WL_PROTECT==1) VM_START_WITHLEVEL(3) g_CashShop.SystemProcessesScan(); VM_END #endif gObj[aIndex].Money -= 20000; GCMoneySend(aIndex, gObj[aIndex].Money); }
//bool cChat::GuildPost(LPOBJ gObj, char *Msg) //{ // int aIndex = User.GetPlayerIndex(gObj->Name); // // if(gObj->GuildStatus == 128 || gObj ->GuildStatus == 64 || gObj ->GuildStatus == 32) // GDGuildNoticeSave(gObj->GuildName, Msg); // else // TNotice.SendNotice(aIndex,1,"You aren't guild master or assistant"); // return true; //} // //bool cChat::Core(LPOBJ gObj, char *Msg) //{ // MessageLog(1, gObj,"IA Julia 1.1.%d.%d, Compiled %s %s",dBuild, dCommit, __DATE__, __TIME__); // return true; //} // bool cChat::SetZenCommand(LPOBJ gObj, char* Msg, int Index) { if(CheckCommand(gObj, Configs.Commands.IsSetZen, GmSystem.cSetZen, 0, 0, 1, Index, "SetZen", "[Name] /setzen <Zen>", Msg)) return true; DWORD Zen = 0; sscanf(Msg, "%d", &Zen); if(Zen <= 0 || Zen > 2000000000) { TNotice.MessageLog(1, gObj, "[SetZen] Zen can't be less than 1 and more than 2000000000!"); return true; } OBJECTSTRUCT *tObj = (OBJECTSTRUCT*)OBJECT_POINTER(Index); tObj->Money = Zen; GCMoneySend(tObj->m_Index, Zen); if (gObj == tObj) { TNotice.MessageLog(1,tObj, "[SetZen] Your zen was edited!"); } else { TNotice.MessageLog(1,gObj, "[SetZen] You successfully changed %s zen.", tObj->Name); TNotice.MessageLog(1,tObj, "[SetZen] Your zen was edited by %s!", gObj->Name); } return true; }
void cChat::TakeCommand(LPOBJ gObj, int NeedZen, char *CommandName) { if(NeedZen > 0) { gObj->Money -= NeedZen; GCMoneySend(gObj->m_Index, gObj->Money); } }
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMoveSystem::RandWarp(int aIndex, int MapNumber) // Random Warping { LPOBJ lpObj = &gObj[aIndex]; // ----- if ( !OBJMAX_RANGE(aIndex) ) { CLog.LogAddC(TColor.Red(), "Error: Protocol Index wrong!", lpObj->AccountID, lpObj->Name); return; } // ----- if (GateC.iX1[MOVSTR[MapNumber].TargetGate] == GateC.iX2[MOVSTR[MapNumber].TargetGate]) { GateC.iX2[MOVSTR[MapNumber].TargetGate]++; } // ----- if (GateC.iY1[MOVSTR[MapNumber].TargetGate] == GateC.iY2[MOVSTR[MapNumber].TargetGate]) { GateC.iY2[MOVSTR[MapNumber].TargetGate]++; } // ----- MOVSTR->FinalX = min(GateC.iX1[MOVSTR[MapNumber].TargetGate],GateC.iX2[MOVSTR[MapNumber].TargetGate])+rand()%(max(GateC.iX1[MOVSTR[MapNumber].TargetGate],GateC.iX2[MOVSTR[MapNumber].TargetGate])-min(GateC.iX1[MOVSTR[MapNumber].TargetGate],GateC.iX2[MOVSTR[MapNumber].TargetGate])); MOVSTR->FinalY = min(GateC.iY1[MOVSTR[MapNumber].TargetGate],GateC.iY2[MOVSTR[MapNumber].TargetGate])+rand()%(max(GateC.iY1[MOVSTR[MapNumber].TargetGate],GateC.iY2[MOVSTR[MapNumber].TargetGate])-min(GateC.iY1[MOVSTR[MapNumber].TargetGate],GateC.iY2[MOVSTR[MapNumber].TargetGate])); // ----- BYTE TeleportMap = GateC.iMapNum[MOVSTR[MapNumber].TargetGate]; int TotalZen = MOVSTR[MapNumber].Money; // ----- CheckRequirements(aIndex, TeleportMap, MOVSTR->FinalX, MOVSTR->FinalY); // ----- lpObj->m_State = 32; lpObj->X = MOVSTR->FinalX; lpObj->Y = MOVSTR->FinalY; lpObj->Money -= TotalZen; // ----- lpObj->TX = MOVSTR->FinalX; lpObj->TY = MOVSTR->FinalY; // ----- lpObj->MapNumber = TeleportMap; lpObj->PathCount = 0; lpObj->Teleport = 0; // ----- gObjClearViewport(lpObj); GCTeleportSend(lpObj, 1, TeleportMap, lpObj->X, lpObj->Y, lpObj->Dir); GCMoneySend(aIndex, lpObj->Money); // ----- if(lpObj->m_Change >= 0) { gObjViewportListProtocolCreate(lpObj); } // ----- lpObj->RegenMapNumber = TeleportMap; lpObj->RegenMapX = MOVSTR->FinalX; lpObj->RegenMapY = MOVSTR->FinalY; lpObj->RegenOk = 1; // ----- //-- Log Message for Successful Moving CLog.LogAddC(TColor.Green(), "[MoveSystem] CheckRandomdMove() - MapServer Check OK [%s][%s]: MAP-[%d] (%d)(%d)", lpObj->AccountID, lpObj->Name, TeleportMap, MOVSTR->FinalX, MOVSTR->FinalY); }
BOOL CQuestInfo::QuestAccept(LPOBJ lpObj, int QuestIndex) { LPQUEST_INFO lpQuestInfo = this->GetQuestInfo(QuestIndex); if ( lpQuestInfo == NULL ) { return 0xFF; } int subquestcount = lpQuestInfo->QuestSubInfoCount; int concount = lpQuestInfo->QuestConditionCount; LPQUEST_SUB_INFO lpSubInfo; LPQUEST_CONDITION lpCondition; int NeedZen = 0; if ( QuestIndex > 3 && QuestIndex < 6 ) //Third Quest Fix { //Begin if( lpQuestInfo->QuestSubInfoCount > 0 ) { lpSubInfo = lpQuestInfo->QuestSubInfo; if ( lpSubInfo != NULL ) { for ( int n = 0;n<concount;n++) { lpCondition = this->GetQuestCondition(lpQuestInfo, n); NeedZen += lpCondition->NeedZen; } } } //End } else { //Begin for ( int subquest=0;subquest<subquestcount;subquest++) { lpSubInfo = this->GetSubquestInfo(lpObj, lpQuestInfo, subquest); if ( lpSubInfo != NULL ) { for ( int n = 0;n<concount;n++) { lpCondition = this->GetQuestCondition(lpQuestInfo, n); NeedZen += lpCondition->NeedZen; } } } //End } lpObj->Money -= NeedZen; GCMoneySend(lpObj->m_Index, lpObj->Money); return true; }
//Post Global Messages : "/post" void cChat::ChatGlobal(DWORD aIndex,char* msg) { char* Name; Name = (char*)gObj_GetChar(aIndex,gObjNick); GOBJSTRUCT *gObj = (GOBJSTRUCT*)OBJECT_POINTER(aIndex); if(Config.IsPost==0) { GCServerMsgStringSend(MSG01,aIndex,1); return; } else if(!strcmpi("/post ",msg)) { GCServerMsgStringSend(MSG02,aIndex,1); Log.outError("[POST] [%s]: [%s] syntax error \n",gObj->AccountID,Name); return; } else if(strlen(msg)<1) { GCServerMsgStringSend(MSG03,aIndex,1); Log.outError("[POST] [%s]: [%s] syntax error \n",gObj->AccountID,Name); return; } else if((int)gObj_GetLevel(aIndex)<Config.PostLevel) { char levelmsg[120]; sprintf_s(levelmsg,MSG04,Config.PostLevel); GCServerMsgStringSend(levelmsg,aIndex,1); Log.outError("[POST] [%s]: [%s] not enought Level \n",gObj->AccountID,Name); return; } else if(gObj->Money < Config.PostCost) { char OutputZenLack[120]={0}; sprintf(OutputZenLack,MSG05,Config.PostCost); GCServerMsgStringSend(OutputZenLack,aIndex,1); Log.outError("[POST] [%s]: [%s] not enought Zend \n",gObj->AccountID,Name); return; } char Buff[255]={0}; gObj->Money = gObj->Money - Config.PostCost; GCMoneySend(aIndex,gObj->Money); ServerMsgSend(0,1,Name,MSG06,msg); Log.outNormal("[POST] %s : %s \n",Name,msg); conLog.ConsoleOutputDT("[POST] %s : %s",Name,msg); sprintf(Buff,"[POST]: %s : %s",Name,msg); cWriteLog(Buff); }
void OfflineTrade::UpdateExchange(LPOBJ lpUSer, LPOBJ lpTargetUser, int dwCost) { if(!strcmp(lpUSer->m_szPShopText, WCOIN_SHOP)) { lpTargetUser->GameShop.WCoinP -= dwCost; lpUSer->GameShop.WCoinP += dwCost; gGameShop.GDSavePoint(lpTargetUser->m_Index); gGameShop.GDSavePoint(lpUSer->m_Index); } else if(!strcmp(lpUSer->m_szPShopText, SOUL_SHOP)) { this->DeleteSoulCount(lpTargetUser->m_Index, dwCost); this->AddedSoul(lpUSer, dwCost); } else { lpTargetUser->Money -= dwCost; lpUSer->Money += dwCost; GCMoneySend(lpTargetUser->m_Index, lpTargetUser->Money); GCMoneySend(lpUSer->m_Index, lpUSer->Money); } }
void OfflineTrade::Start(int UserIndex) #endif { LPOBJ lpUser = &gObj[UserIndex]; // ---- g_OfflineTradeLog.Output("[%s] [%s] Send request to start offline trade", lpUser->AccountID, lpUser->Name); // ---- if( !this->CheckReq(UserIndex) ) { return; } #ifdef __ALIEN__ switch(Type) { case 0: strcpy(lpUser->m_szPShopText, ZEN_SHOP); break; case 1: strcpy(lpUser->m_szPShopText, WCOIN_SHOP); break; case 2: strcpy(lpUser->m_szPShopText, SOUL_SHOP); break; default:return; } #endif // ---- lpUser->Money -= this->m_Cost[0]; lpUser->GameShop.WCoinC -= this->m_Cost[1]; lpUser->GameShop.WCoinP -= this->m_Cost[2]; lpUser->GameShop.GoblinPoint -= this->m_Cost[3]; // ---- #if defined __BEREZNUK__ || __MIX__ || __REEDLAN__ || __MUANGEL__ || __WHITE__ || __MEGAMU__ || __VIRNET__ g_ConnectEx.SendClose(UserIndex); #endif // ---- gGameShop.GDSavePoint(UserIndex); GCMoneySend(UserIndex, lpUser->Money); lpUser->IsOffTrade = true; CloseClientEx(UserIndex); // ---- #ifdef __ALIEN__ g_OfflineTradeLog.Output("[%s] [%s] Has been disconnected, offline shop created (Type: %d)", lpUser->AccountID, lpUser->Name, Type); #else g_OfflineTradeLog.Output("[%s] [%s] Has been disconnected, offline shop created", lpUser->AccountID, lpUser->Name); #endif }
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMoveSystem::SpecWarp(int aIndex, int MapNumber, BYTE X, BYTE Y) // Specified Warping { LPOBJ lpObj = &gObj[aIndex]; // ----- if ( !OBJMAX_RANGE(aIndex) ) { CLog.LogAddC(TColor.Red(), "Error: Protocol Index wrong!", lpObj->AccountID, lpObj->Name); return; } // ----- CheckRequirements(aIndex, MapNumber, X, Y); // ----- BYTE TeleportMap = GateC.iMapNum[MOVSTR[MapNumber].TargetGate]; // ----- lpObj->m_State = 32; lpObj->X = X; lpObj->Y = Y; // ----- lpObj->TX = X; lpObj->TY = Y; // ----- lpObj->MapNumber = TeleportMap; lpObj->PathCount = 0; lpObj->Teleport = 0; // ----- gObjClearViewport(lpObj); GCTeleportSend(lpObj, 1, TeleportMap, lpObj->X, lpObj->Y, lpObj->Dir); GCMoneySend(aIndex, lpObj->Money); // ----- if(lpObj->m_Change >= 0) { gObjViewportListProtocolCreate(lpObj); } // ----- lpObj->RegenMapNumber = TeleportMap; lpObj->RegenMapX = X; lpObj->RegenMapY = Y; lpObj->RegenOk = 1; // ----- //-- Log Message for Successful Moving CLog.LogAddC(TColor.Green(), "[MoveSystem] CheckSpecifiedMove() - MapServer Check OK [%s][%s]: MAP-[%d] (%d)(%d)", lpObj->AccountID, lpObj->Name, TeleportMap, X, Y); }
BOOL CMoveCommand::Move(LPOBJ lpObj, LPSTR mapname) { int m_number = -1; int overlevel = 0; int subMoney = 2000; int index = this->FindIndex(mapname); if ( g_bUseMoveMapBound == TRUE ) { //Cash shop //if ( g_CashItemPeriodSystem.CheckHaveItemPeriodSealEffect(lpObj) == FALSE ) //{ if ( !this->CheckMoveMapBound(index)) { return FALSE; } //} } int loc6 = this->m_MoveCommandData[index].Index; //season 3.0 add-on if ( loc6 == 24 ) //season 3.0 changed { if ( g_CastleSiegeSync.GetCastleState() == 7 ) { return FALSE; } if ( g_CastleSiegeSync.CheckCastleOwnerMember(lpObj->m_Index) == FALSE && g_CastleSiegeSync.CheckCastleOwnerUnionMember(lpObj->m_Index) == FALSE) { return FALSE; } } if(IT_MAP_RANGE(lpObj->MapNumber) != FALSE) //season 3.0 add-on { if(loc6 == 11 || loc6 == 12 || loc6 == 13 || loc6 == 23) { return FALSE; } } if ( index == -1 ) { return FALSE; } int NeedLevel = this->m_MoveCommandData[index].NeedLevel; int NeedZen = this->m_MoveCommandData[index].NeedZen; int GateNumber= this->m_MoveCommandData[index].GateNumber; if ( lpObj->Class == CLASS_DARKLORD || lpObj->Class == CLASS_MAGUMSA ) { if ( NeedLevel > 0 ) { if (GateNumber != 273) //season 3.0 add-on (Swamp of Calmmness) { NeedLevel = NeedLevel *2 / 3; } } } if ( GateNumber >= 0 ) { if ( NeedLevel <= lpObj->Level ) { if ( (lpObj->Money - NeedZen ) >= 0 ) { if ( gObjMoveGate(lpObj->m_Index, GateNumber ) != FALSE ) { lpObj->m_bPShopRedrawAbs = true; lpObj->Money -= NeedZen; LogAddTD("[%s][%s] Use [%s %s] Success : reduces money %d - %d", lpObj->AccountID, lpObj->Name, lMsg.Get(MSGGET(11, 185)), mapname, lpObj->Money, NeedLevel); GCMoneySend(lpObj->m_Index, lpObj->Money ); if(lpObj->MapNumber == MAP_INDEX_RAKLION_BOSS)//Season 4.5 addon { g_RaklionBattleUserMng.DeleteUserData(lpObj->m_Index); } return TRUE; } } else { ::GCServerMsgStringSend(lMsg.Get(MSGGET(4, 102)), lpObj->m_Index, 1); } } else { char szTemp[256]; wsprintf(szTemp, lMsg.Get(MSGGET(4, 93)), NeedLevel); ::GCServerMsgStringSend(szTemp, lpObj->m_Index, 1); } } LogAddTD("[%s][%s] Use [%s %s] Fail GateNumber = %d", lpObj->AccountID, lpObj->Name, lMsg.Get(MSGGET(11, 185)), mapname, GateNumber); return FALSE; }
BYTE CIllusionTempleEvent::TicketMix(int iIndex, int iLevel, int iCharmCount) { if( OBJMAX_RANGE( iIndex ) == FALSE ) { return FALSE; } if( IT_MAP_RANGE( iLevel + (MAP_INDEX_ILLUSIONTEMPLE1 - 1)) == FALSE ) { return FALSE; } int Empty = 0; PMSG_CHAOSMIXRESULT pMsg; PHeadSetB((LPBYTE)&pMsg,0x86,sizeof(pMsg)); pMsg.Result = 0; gObj[iIndex].ChaosLock = TRUE; LogAddTD("[Illusion Temple] Mix Chaos Mix Start (Account:%s, Name:%s, Level:%d)", gObj[iIndex].AccountID,gObj[iIndex].Name,iLevel); char szTmp[23]; wsprintf(szTmp,"IllusionTemple Mix,%d",iLevel); g_ChaosBox.LogChaosItem(&gObj[iIndex],szTmp); int MixRate = IT_TicketRate[-1 + iLevel]; if( MixRate < 0 || MixRate > 100 ) { DataSend(iIndex,(LPBYTE)&pMsg,pMsg.h.size); LogAddTD("[Illusion Temple] Mix Chaos Mix Failed - MixRate Out of Bound (Account:%s, Name:%s, Level:%d)", gObj[iIndex].AccountID,gObj[iIndex].Name,iLevel); return FALSE; } if ( g_CrywolfSync.GetOccupationState() == 0 && g_iCrywolfApplyMvpBenefit ) { MixRate += g_CrywolfSync.GetPlusChaosRate(); } int iNeedChaosMoney = IT_TicketZen[-1 + iLevel]; int iChaosTaxMoney = (int)((__int64)iNeedChaosMoney * (__int64)g_CastleSiegeSync.GetTaxRateChaos(iIndex) / (__int64)100); if ( iChaosTaxMoney < 0 ) { iChaosTaxMoney = 0; } iNeedChaosMoney += iChaosTaxMoney; if ( iNeedChaosMoney < 0 ) { DataSend(iIndex,(LPBYTE)&pMsg,pMsg.h.size); LogAddTD("[Illusion Temple] Mix Chaos Mix Failed - MixMoney< 0 (Account:%s, Name:%s, Level:%d).", gObj[iIndex].AccountID,gObj[iIndex].Name,iLevel); return false; } if ( ( gObj[iIndex].Money - iNeedChaosMoney ) < 0 ) { pMsg.Result = 11; DataSend(iIndex,(LPBYTE)&pMsg,pMsg.h.size); LogAddTD("[Illusion Temple] Mix Chaos Mix Failed - Not Enough Money (Account:%s, Name:%s, Level:%d)", gObj[iIndex].AccountID,gObj[iIndex].Name,iLevel); return false; } gObj[iIndex].Money -= iNeedChaosMoney; g_CastleSiegeSync.AddTributeMoney(iChaosTaxMoney); GCMoneySend(iIndex, gObj[iIndex].Money); MixRate += iCharmCount; if( rand() % 100 < MixRate ) { #if( __4GAMERS__ == 1 ) g_Achievements.GD_UpdateMixData(&gObj[iIndex], true); #endif int Item = ITEMGET(13,51); ItemSerialCreateSend(iIndex,0xFF,0,0,Item,iLevel,0,0,0,0,-1,0,0); LogAddTD("[Illusion Temple] [%s][%s] CBMix Success %d Money : %d-%d, CharmRate : %d", gObj[iIndex].AccountID,gObj[iIndex].Name,MixRate,gObj[iIndex].Money,iNeedChaosMoney,iCharmCount); } else { #if( __4GAMERS__ == 1 ) g_Achievements.GD_UpdateMixData(&gObj[iIndex], false); #endif g_ChaosBox.ChaosBoxInit(&gObj[iIndex]); GCUserChaosBoxSend(&gObj[iIndex], 0); DataSend(iIndex,(LPBYTE)&pMsg,pMsg.h.size); LogAddTD("[Illusion Temple] [%s][%s] CBMix Fail %d Money : %d-%d, CharmRate : %d", gObj[iIndex].AccountID,gObj[iIndex].Name,MixRate,gObj[iIndex].Money,iNeedChaosMoney,iCharmCount); return FALSE; } gObjInventoryCommit(iIndex); return TRUE; }
void cProtoFunc::PkClear(LPOBJ gObj, LPOBJ NpcObj) { if (gObj->m_PK_Level < 4) { Chat.MessageLog(1, c_Blue ,t_COMMANDS, gObj, "[Guard] You are good player. God bless your soul."); return; } int PriceZen; int PricePcPoint; int PriceWCoin; switch(Config.ClearNpc.Type) { case 1: PriceZen = (Config.ClearNpc.PriceZen * gObj->m_PK_Count); PricePcPoint = (Config.ClearNpc.PricePcPoints * gObj->m_PK_Count); PriceWCoin = (Config.ClearNpc.PriceWCoins * gObj->m_PK_Count); break; case 2: PriceZen = Config.ClearNpc.PriceZenForAll; PricePcPoint = Config.ClearNpc.PricePcPoints; PriceWCoin = Config.ClearNpc.PriceWCoins; break; case 0: PriceZen = 0; PricePcPoint = 0; PriceWCoin = 0; break; } if(gObj->Money < PriceZen) { Chat.MessageLog(1, c_Blue ,t_COMMANDS, gObj, "[Guard] You don't have enough Zen, you need %d more!", PriceZen - gObj->Money); return; } if(gObj->m_wCashPoint < PriceWCoin) { Chat.MessageLog(1, c_Blue ,t_COMMANDS, gObj, "[Guard] You don't have enough WCoin, you need %d more!", PriceWCoin - gObj->m_wCashPoint); return; } if(AddTab[gObj->m_Index].PC_PlayerPoints < PricePcPoint) { Chat.MessageLog(1, c_Blue ,t_COMMANDS, gObj, "[Guard] You don't have enough PcPoint, you need %d more!", PricePcPoint - AddTab[gObj->m_Index].PC_PlayerPoints); return; } if (PricePcPoint > 0) { // PointShop.DecreasePoints(gObj->m_Index, PricePcPoint); Chat.MessageLog(1, c_Blue, t_PCPOINT, gObj,"[Guard] You pay %d PcPoints", PricePcPoint); //MySQL.Execute("UPDATE Character SET %s = %s - %d WHERE Name= '%s'", Config.PCPointsColumn, Config.PCPointsColumn, PricePcPoint, gObj->Name); } if (PriceWCoin > 0) { gObj->m_wCashPoint -= PriceWCoin; Chat.MessageLog(1, c_Blue, t_PCPOINT, gObj,"[Guard] You pay %d WCoin", PriceWCoin); //MySQL.Execute("UPDATE MEMB_INFO SET %s = %s - %d WHERE memb___id = '%s'", Config.WCoinsColumn, Config.WCoinsColumn, PriceWCoin, gObj->AccountID); } if (PriceZen > 0) { gObj->Money -= PriceZen; GCMoneySend (gObj->m_Index, gObj->Money); Chat.MessageLog(1, c_Blue ,t_PCPOINT, gObj, "[Guard] You pay %d Zen", PriceZen); } Chat.MessageLog(1, c_Blue ,t_COMMANDS, gObj, "[Guard] Cleaned %d kills. Don't tell anyone!", gObj->m_PK_Count); gObj->m_PK_Level = 3; gObj->m_PK_Count = 0; GCPkLevelSend (gObj->m_Index,3); }
BOOL CJewelOfHarmonySystem::MakeSmeltingStoneItem(LPOBJ lpObj) { if ( this->m_bSystemMixSmeltingStone != TRUE ) { GCServerMsgStringSend(lMsg.Get(MSGGET(13,53)), lpObj->m_Index, 1); return TRUE; } lpObj->ChaosLock = TRUE; int iValidItemCount = 0; int iInvalidItemCount = 0; int iMakeSmeltingStoneMixPrice = 0; PMSG_CHAOSMIXRESULT pMsg; C1HeadSet((LPBYTE)&pMsg, 0x86, sizeof(pMsg)); pMsg.Result = 0; int iItemPos = -1; for ( int n=0;n<CHAOS_BOX_SIZE;n++) { if ( lpObj->pChaosBox[n].IsItem() == TRUE ) { if ( this->IsEnableToMakeSmeltingStoneItem(&lpObj->pChaosBox[n]) == TRUE ) { iValidItemCount++; iItemPos = n; } else { iInvalidItemCount++; } } } if ( iValidItemCount != 1 || iInvalidItemCount || iItemPos == -1 ) { gSendProto.DataSend(lpObj->m_Index, (LPBYTE)&pMsg, pMsg.h.size); lpObj->ChaosLock = FALSE; return FALSE; } int JEWEL_OF_HARMONY_MAKE_SMELTINGSTONE_RATE; BOOL bIsItemNormal = TRUE; if ( lpObj->pChaosBox[iItemPos].IsExtItem() == TRUE ) { bIsItemNormal = FALSE; JEWEL_OF_HARMONY_MAKE_SMELTINGSTONE_RATE = this->m_iRateMixSmeltingStoneExt; } else { bIsItemNormal = TRUE; JEWEL_OF_HARMONY_MAKE_SMELTINGSTONE_RATE = this->m_iRateMixSmeltingStoneNor; } iMakeSmeltingStoneMixPrice = this->m_iZenForMixSmeltingStone; int iChaosTaxMoney = iMakeSmeltingStoneMixPrice * g_CastleSiegeSync.GetTaxRateChaos(lpObj->m_Index) / 100; if ( iChaosTaxMoney < 0 ) iChaosTaxMoney = 0; iMakeSmeltingStoneMixPrice += iChaosTaxMoney; if ( iMakeSmeltingStoneMixPrice < 0 ) iMakeSmeltingStoneMixPrice = 0; if ( lpObj->Money < iMakeSmeltingStoneMixPrice ) { pMsg.Result = 2; gSendProto.DataSend(lpObj->m_Index, (LPBYTE)&pMsg, pMsg.h.size); lpObj->ChaosLock = FALSE; return FALSE; } lpObj->Money -= iMakeSmeltingStoneMixPrice; g_CastleSiegeSync.AddTributeMoney(iChaosTaxMoney); GCMoneySend(lpObj->m_Index, lpObj->Money); LogChaosItem(lpObj, "JewelOfHarmony][Smelt Item Mix"); CLog.LogAdd("[JewelOfHarmony][Smelt Item Mix] - Mix Start"); int iRate = rand() % 100; BYTE Socket[5]; Socket[0] = 0xFF; Socket[1] = 0xFF; Socket[2] = 0xFF; Socket[3] = 0xFF; Socket[4] = 0xFF; if ( iRate < JEWEL_OF_HARMONY_MAKE_SMELTINGSTONE_RATE ) { int iItemType; if ( bIsItemNormal == TRUE ) iItemType = this->JEWEL_OF_HARMONY_SMELT_NOR_ITEMINDEX; else iItemType = this->JEWEL_OF_HARMONY_SMELT_EXT_ITEMINDEX; ItemSerialCreateSend(lpObj->m_Index, 255, 0, 0, iItemType, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, lpObj->m_Index, 0, 0, Socket); gObjInventoryCommit(lpObj->m_Index); CLog.LogAdd("[JewelOfHarmony][Smelt Item Mix] Smelting Stone Normal[%d] Mix Success [%s][%s], Money(%d-%d) Rate(%d/%d)", bIsItemNormal, lpObj->AccountID, lpObj->Name, lpObj->Money, iMakeSmeltingStoneMixPrice, iRate, JEWEL_OF_HARMONY_MAKE_SMELTINGSTONE_RATE); } else { gChaosBox.ChaosBoxInit(lpObj); GCUserChaosBoxSend(lpObj, 0); gSendProto.DataSend(lpObj->m_Index, (LPBYTE)&pMsg, pMsg.h.size); CLog.LogAdd("[JewelOfHarmony][Smelt Item Mix] Smelting Stone Normal[%d] Mix Fail [%s][%s], Money : %d-%d Rate(%d/%d)", bIsItemNormal, lpObj->AccountID, lpObj->Name, lpObj->Money, iMakeSmeltingStoneMixPrice, iRate, JEWEL_OF_HARMONY_MAKE_SMELTINGSTONE_RATE); } lpObj->ChaosLock = FALSE; return TRUE; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CPersonalShop::BuyItemPersonalShop(PMSG_REQ_BUYITEM_FROM_PSHOP * lpMsg, int aSourceIndex) { LPOBJ SrcObj = &gObj[aSourceIndex]; // ------ if( gDoPShopOpen == FALSE ) return; // ------ if( gObjIsConnected( MAKE_NUMBERW(lpMsg->NumberH, lpMsg->NumberL)) == FALSE ) { CLog.LogAddC(TColor.Red(), PShopModule, "[%s][%s] Shop Item Buy Request Failed: Seller is Offline (%d).", SrcObj->AccountID, SrcObj->Name, MAKE_NUMBERW(lpMsg->NumberH, lpMsg->NumberL)); // ------ SendPShopBuyItemResult(aSourceIndex, -1, 0, 2); return; } // ------ LPOBJ lpObj = &gObj[MAKE_NUMBERW(lpMsg->NumberH, lpMsg->NumberL)]; // ------ if( lpObj->Type != OBJ_USER ) { CLog.LogAddC(TColor.Red(), PShopModule, "[%s][%s] Shop Item Buy Request Failed: Seller isn't an Object User (%d).", SrcObj->AccountID, SrcObj->Name, MAKE_NUMBERW(lpMsg->NumberH, lpMsg->NumberL)); // ------ SendPShopBuyItemResult(aSourceIndex, -1, 0, 2); return; } // ------ if( lpObj->CloseCount >= 0 ) { CLog.LogAddC(TColor.Red(), PShopModule, "[%s][%s] Shop Item Buy Request Failed: Seller is Closing (%d).", SrcObj->AccountID, SrcObj->Name, MAKE_NUMBERW(lpMsg->NumberH, lpMsg->NumberL)); // ------ SendPShopBuyItemResult(aSourceIndex, -1, 0,2); return; } // ------ if( SrcObj->CloseCount >= 0 ) { CLog.LogAddC(TColor.Red(), PShopModule, "[%s][%s] Shop Item Buy Request Failed: Buyer is Closing (%d).", SrcObj->AccountID, SrcObj->Name, MAKE_NUMBERW(lpMsg->NumberH, lpMsg->NumberL)); // ------ SendPShopBuyItemResult(aSourceIndex, -1, 0, 2); return; } // ------ if( lpObj->m_bPShopOpen == false ) { CLog.LogAddC(TColor.Red(), PShopModule, "[%s][%s] Shop Item Buy Request Failed: [%s][%s] Didn't Open Shop.", SrcObj->AccountID, SrcObj->Name, lpObj->AccountID, lpObj->Name); // ------ SendPShopBuyItemResult(aSourceIndex, lpObj->m_Index, 0, 3); return; } // ------ char szName[MAX_ACCOUNT_LEN+1] = {0}; // ------ memcpy(szName, lpMsg->btName, sizeof(lpMsg->btName)); szName[MAX_ACCOUNT_LEN] = 0; // ------ int iITEM_LOG_TYPE; int iITEM_LOG_LEVEL; int iITEM_LOG_DUR; int iITEM_LOG_SERIAL; // ------ if( strcmp(szName, lpObj->Name) ) { CLog.LogAddC(TColor.Red(), PShopModule, "[%s][%s] Shop Item Buy Request Failed: Name Mismatch [%s]-[%s]", SrcObj->AccountID, SrcObj->Name, szName, lpObj->Name); // ------ SendPShopBuyItemResult(aSourceIndex, lpObj->m_Index, 0, 6); return; } // ------ if( (lpObj->Penalty &4) == 4 || (lpObj->Penalty &8) == 8 ) { CLog.LogAddC(TColor.Red(), PShopModule, "[%s][%s] Shop Item Buy Request Failed: [%s][%s] is in Item Block", SrcObj->AccountID, SrcObj->Name, lpObj->AccountID, lpObj->Name); // ------ SendPShopBuyItemResult(aSourceIndex, lpObj->m_Index, 0,9); return; } // ------ if( (SrcObj->Penalty &4) == 4 || (SrcObj->Penalty &8) == 8 ) { CLog.LogAddC(TColor.Red(), PShopModule, "[%s][%s] Shop Item Buy Request Failed: [%s][%s] is in Item Block", SrcObj->AccountID, SrcObj->Name, lpObj->AccountID, lpObj->Name); // ------ SendPShopBuyItemResult(aSourceIndex, lpObj->m_Index, 0,9); return; } // ------ EnterCriticalSection(&lpObj->m_critPShopTrade); // ------ if( lpObj->m_bPShopTransaction == true ) { CLog.LogAddC(TColor.Red(), PShopModule, "[%s][%s] Shop Item Buy Request Failed: [%s][%s] Already In Trade.", SrcObj->AccountID, SrcObj->Name, lpObj->AccountID, lpObj->Name); // ------ SendPShopBuyItemResult(aSourceIndex, lpObj->m_Index, 0,4); // ------ LeaveCriticalSection(&lpObj->m_critPShopTrade); } else { lpObj->m_bPShopTransaction = true; // ------ LeaveCriticalSection(&lpObj->m_critPShopTrade); // ------ if( gObjInventorySearchSerialNumber(&gObj[aSourceIndex], lpObj->Inventory1[lpMsg->btItemPos].GetNumber()) == FALSE ) { GCReFillSend(aSourceIndex, SrcObj->Life, -3, 1, SrcObj->iShield); // ------ CLog.LogAddC(TColor.Red(), PShopModule, "(Error): [%s][%s] CopyItem :: [%s](%d)", SrcObj->AccountID, SrcObj->Name, __FILE__, __LINE__); return; } // ------ if( gObjInventorySearchSerialNumber(lpObj, lpObj->Inventory1[lpMsg->btItemPos].GetNumber()) == FALSE ) { GCReFillSend(lpObj->m_Index, lpObj->Life, -3, 1, lpObj->iShield); // ------ CLog.LogAddC(TColor.Red(), PShopModule, "(Error): [%s][%s] CopyItem :: [%s](%d)", lpObj->AccountID, lpObj->Name, __FILE__, __LINE__); return; } // ------ if(gObjFixInventoryPointer(aSourceIndex) == false ) { CLog.LogAddC(TColor.Red(), PShopModule, "[Fix Inv.Ptr] False Location - [%s](%d)", __FILE__, __LINE__); } // ------ if( SrcObj->pTransaction == 1 ) { CLog.LogAddC(TColor.Red(), PShopModule, "[%s][%s] Item Buy Request Failed: Requester Transaction == 1, IF_STAT_TYPE : %d", SrcObj->AccountID, SrcObj->Name, SrcObj->m_IfState.type); return; } // ------ iITEM_LOG_TYPE = 0; iITEM_LOG_LEVEL = 0; iITEM_LOG_DUR = 0; iITEM_LOG_SERIAL = 0; // ------ __try { if( PSHOP_RANGE(lpMsg->btItemPos) == FALSE ) { SendPShopBuyItemResult(aSourceIndex, lpObj->m_Index, 0, 5); return; } // ------ if( lpObj->m_bMapSvrMoveQuit == true ) { SendPShopBuyItemResult(aSourceIndex, -1, 0, 2); return; } // ------ if( lpObj->Inventory1[lpMsg->btItemPos].IsItem() == TRUE ) { if( lpObj->Inventory1[lpMsg->btItemPos].m_iPShopValue <= 0 ) { CLog.LogAddC(TColor.Red(), PShopModule, "[%s][%s] Shop Item Buy Request Failed: [%s][%s] Didn't Choose Item Price.", SrcObj->AccountID, SrcObj->Name, lpObj->AccountID, lpObj->Name); // ------ SendPShopBuyItemResult(aSourceIndex, lpObj->m_Index, 0, 6); return; } // ------ if( SrcObj->Money < lpObj->Inventory1[lpMsg->btItemPos].m_iPShopValue ) { CLog.LogAddC(TColor.Red(), PShopModule, "[%s][%s] Shop Item Buy Request Failed: [%s][%s] Lack of Zen.", SrcObj->AccountID, SrcObj->Name, lpObj->AccountID, lpObj->Name); // ------ SendPShopBuyItemResult(aSourceIndex, lpObj->m_Index, 0, 7); return; } // ------ DWORD dwCost = lpObj->Inventory1[lpMsg->btItemPos].m_iPShopValue; // ------ if( gObjCheckMaxZen(lpObj->m_Index, dwCost) == FALSE ) { CLog.LogAddC(TColor.Red(), PShopModule, "[%s][%s] Shop Item Buy Request Failed: [%s][%s] Exceeding Zen of the Host", SrcObj->AccountID, SrcObj->Name, lpObj->AccountID, lpObj->Name); // ------ SendPShopBuyItemResult(aSourceIndex, lpObj->m_Index, 0, 8); return; } // ------ BYTE btNewItemPos = 0; btNewItemPos = gObjOnlyInventoryInsertItem(aSourceIndex, lpObj->Inventory1[lpMsg->btItemPos]); // ------ if( btNewItemPos == 0xFF ) { CLog.LogAddC(TColor.Red(), PShopModule, "[%s][%s] Shop Item Buy Request Failed: [%s][%s] No Room to Buy Item.", SrcObj->AccountID, SrcObj->Name, lpObj->AccountID, lpObj->Name); // ------ SendPShopBuyItemResult(aSourceIndex, lpObj->m_Index, 0, 8); return; } // ------ iITEM_LOG_TYPE = lpObj->Inventory1[lpMsg->btItemPos].m_Type; iITEM_LOG_LEVEL = lpObj->Inventory1[lpMsg->btItemPos].m_Level; iITEM_LOG_DUR = lpObj->Inventory1[lpMsg->btItemPos].m_Durability; iITEM_LOG_SERIAL = lpObj->Inventory1[lpMsg->btItemPos].m_Number; // ------ gObjInventoryItemSet_PShop(lpObj->m_Index, lpMsg->btItemPos, -1); // ------ lpObj->Inventory1[lpMsg->btItemPos].Clear(); GCInventoryItemDeleteSend(lpObj->m_Index, lpMsg->btItemPos, TRUE); // ------ SrcObj->Money -= dwCost; lpObj->Money += dwCost; // ------ GCMoneySend(aSourceIndex, SrcObj->Money); GCMoneySend(lpObj->m_Index, lpObj->Money); // ------ SendPShopBuyItemResult(aSourceIndex, lpObj->m_Index, btNewItemPos, 1); // ------ SendPShopSoldItemResult(lpObj->m_Index, aSourceIndex, lpMsg->btItemPos); // ------ CLog.LogAddC(TColor.Green(), PShopModule, "[%s][%s][%s] Shop Item Buy Request Succeed: [%s][%s][%s] Price = (%d), Type:(%d)[%s] Level:(%d) Dur:(%d) Serial:(%d).", SrcObj->AccountID, SrcObj->Name, SrcObj->Ip_addr, lpObj->AccountID, lpObj->Name, lpObj->Ip_addr, dwCost, iITEM_LOG_TYPE, ItemAttribute[iITEM_LOG_TYPE].Name, iITEM_LOG_LEVEL, iITEM_LOG_DUR, iITEM_LOG_SERIAL); // ------ if( PShop_CheckInventoryEmpty(lpObj->m_Index) == true ) { CLog.LogAddC(TColor.Green(), PShopModule, "[%s][%s] Sold All Items - Auto Closing Shop.", lpObj->AccountID, lpObj->Name); // ------ SendMsg.MessageOut(lpObj->m_Index, 0x01, "[PersonalShop] All items in Your Shop have been sold!"); // ------ lpObj->m_bPShopOpen = false; // ------ memset(lpObj->m_szPShopText, 0, sizeof(lpObj->m_szPShopText)); // ------ SendPShopCloseResult(lpObj->m_Index, 1); } else { lpObj->m_bPShopItemChange = true; } } } // ------ __finally { lpObj->m_bPShopTransaction = false; } } }
BYTE CIllusionTempleEvent::IllusionTempleChaosMix(int nIndex, int nLEVEL, int iCharmOfLuckCount) { if( OBJMAX_RANGE(nIndex) == FALSE ) { return FALSE; } if ( IT_MAP_RANGE((nLEVEL+(45-1))) == FALSE ) { return FALSE; } int loc2 = 0; PMSG_CHAOSMIXRESULT pMsg; PHeadSetB((LPBYTE)&pMsg.h, 0x86, sizeof(PMSG_CHAOSMIXRESULT)); pMsg.Result = CB_ERROR; gObj[nIndex].ChaosLock = TRUE; LogAddTD("[Illusion Temple] 피의 두루마리 Mix Chaos Mix Start (Account:%s, Name:%s, Level:%d)", gObj[nIndex].AccountID, gObj[nIndex].Name, nLEVEL); char szTemp[17]; wsprintf(szTemp, "피의 두루마리 Mix,%d", nLEVEL); g_MixSystem.LogChaosItem(&gObj[nIndex], szTemp); int iMIX_SUCCESS_RATE = g_iIT_ChoasMixSuccessRate[nLEVEL-1]; //loc11 if ( iMIX_SUCCESS_RATE < 0 || iMIX_SUCCESS_RATE > 100 ) { DataSend(nIndex, (LPBYTE)&pMsg, pMsg.h.size); LogAddTD("[Illusion Temple] 피의 두루마리 Mix Chaos Mix Failed - MixRate Out of Bound (Account:%s, Name:%s, Level:%d)", gObj[nIndex].AccountID, gObj[nIndex].Name, nLEVEL); return FALSE; } if ( g_CrywolfSync.GetOccupationState() == 0 && g_iCrywolfApplyMvpBenefit ) { iMIX_SUCCESS_RATE += g_CrywolfSync.GetPlusChaosRate(); } int iMIX_NEED_MONEY = g_iIT_ChoasMixMoney[nLEVEL-1]; //loc12 int iChaosTaxMoney = (int)((__int64)(iMIX_NEED_MONEY) * (__int64)(g_CastleSiegeSync.GetTaxRateChaos(nIndex)) / (__int64)100); //loc13 if ( iChaosTaxMoney < 0 ) { iChaosTaxMoney = 0; } iMIX_NEED_MONEY += iChaosTaxMoney; if ( iMIX_NEED_MONEY < 0 ) { DataSend(nIndex, (LPBYTE)&pMsg, pMsg.h.size); LogAddTD("[Illusion Temple] 피의 두루마리 Mix Chaos Mix Failed - MixMoney < 0 (Account:%s, Name:%s, Level:%d)", gObj[nIndex].AccountID, gObj[nIndex].Name, nLEVEL); return FALSE; } if ( (gObj[nIndex].Money - iMIX_NEED_MONEY) < 0 ) { pMsg.Result = CB_BC_NOT_ENOUGH_ZEN; DataSend(nIndex, (LPBYTE)&pMsg, pMsg.h.size); LogAddTD("[Illusion Temple] 피의 두루마리 Mix Chaos Mix Failed - Not Enough Money (Account:%s, Name:%s, Level:%d)", gObj[nIndex].AccountID, gObj[nIndex].Name, nLEVEL); return FALSE; } gObj[nIndex].Money -= iMIX_NEED_MONEY; g_CastleSiegeSync.AddTributeMoney(iChaosTaxMoney); GCMoneySend(nIndex, gObj[nIndex].Money); iMIX_SUCCESS_RATE += iCharmOfLuckCount; //season 3.0 moved if ( (rand()%100) < iMIX_SUCCESS_RATE ) // Success (season 3.0 changed) { int item_num = ITEMGET(13,51); // Blood Scroll loc14 ItemSerialCreateSend(nIndex, -1, 0, 0, item_num, nLEVEL, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0); LogAddTD("[피의 두루마리 Mix] [%s][%s] CBMix Success %d Money : %d-%d, CharmRate : %d", gObj[nIndex].AccountID, gObj[nIndex].Name, iMIX_SUCCESS_RATE, gObj[nIndex].Money, iMIX_NEED_MONEY, iCharmOfLuckCount); } else { g_MixSystem.ChaosBoxInit(&gObj[nIndex]); GCUserChaosBoxSend(&gObj[nIndex], 0); DataSend(nIndex, (LPBYTE)&pMsg, pMsg.h.size); LogAddTD("[피의 두루마리 Mix] [%s][%s] CBMix Fail %d Money : %d-%d, CharmRate : %d", gObj[nIndex].AccountID, gObj[nIndex].Name, iMIX_SUCCESS_RATE, gObj[nIndex].Money, iMIX_NEED_MONEY, iCharmOfLuckCount); return FALSE; } ::gObjInventoryCommit(nIndex); return TRUE; }
BOOL CJewelOfHarmonySystem::RestoreStrengthenItem(LPOBJ lpObj) { if ( this->m_bSystemRestoreStrengthen != TRUE ) { GCServerMsgStringSend(lMsg.Get(MSGGET(13,54)), lpObj->m_Index, 1); return TRUE; } lpObj->ChaosLock = TRUE; PMSG_CHAOSMIXRESULT pMsg; C1HeadSet((LPBYTE)&pMsg, 0x86, sizeof(pMsg)); pMsg.Result = 0; int iStrengtenItemCount = 0; int iInvalidItemCount = 0; CItem * pItem = NULL; for ( int n=0;n<CHAOS_BOX_SIZE;n++) { if ( lpObj->pChaosBox[n].IsItem() == TRUE ) { if ( this->IsStrengthenByJewelOfHarmony(&lpObj->pChaosBox[n]) == TRUE ) { iStrengtenItemCount++; pItem = &lpObj->pChaosBox[n]; } } } if ( iStrengtenItemCount != 1 ) { gSendProto.DataSend(lpObj->m_Index, (LPBYTE)&pMsg, pMsg.h.size); lpObj->ChaosLock = FALSE; return FALSE; } int iItemOption = this->GetItemStrengthenOption(pItem); int iItemOptionLevel = this->_GetItemOptionLevel(pItem); int JEWEL_OF_HARMONY_RETORE_NEEDZEN = this->_GetZenForRestoreItem(pItem); if ( JEWEL_OF_HARMONY_RETORE_NEEDZEN < 0 ) { gSendProto.DataSend(lpObj->m_Index, (LPBYTE)&pMsg, pMsg.h.size); lpObj->ChaosLock = FALSE; return FALSE; } int iChaosTaxMoney = JEWEL_OF_HARMONY_RETORE_NEEDZEN * g_CastleSiegeSync.GetTaxRateChaos(lpObj->m_Index) / 100; if ( iChaosTaxMoney < 0 ) iChaosTaxMoney = 0; JEWEL_OF_HARMONY_RETORE_NEEDZEN += iChaosTaxMoney; if ( JEWEL_OF_HARMONY_RETORE_NEEDZEN < 0 ) JEWEL_OF_HARMONY_RETORE_NEEDZEN = 0; if ( lpObj->Money < JEWEL_OF_HARMONY_RETORE_NEEDZEN ) { pMsg.Result = 2; gSendProto.DataSend(lpObj->m_Index, (LPBYTE)&pMsg, pMsg.h.size); lpObj->ChaosLock = FALSE; return FALSE; } lpObj->Money -= JEWEL_OF_HARMONY_RETORE_NEEDZEN; g_CastleSiegeSync.AddTributeMoney(iChaosTaxMoney); GCMoneySend(lpObj->m_Index, lpObj->Money); LogChaosItem(lpObj, "JewelOfHarmony][Restore Item"); CLog.LogAdd("[JewelOfHarmony][Restore Item] - Restore Start"); CLog.LogAdd("[JewelOfHarmony][Restore Item] Restore Strengtened Item [%s][%s] Name[%s] ItemType[%d] Serial[%d] OptionType[%d] OptionLevel [%d] Money %d-%d", lpObj->AccountID, lpObj->Name, pItem->GetName(), pItem->m_Type, pItem->m_Number, iItemOption, iItemOptionLevel, lpObj->Money, JEWEL_OF_HARMONY_RETORE_NEEDZEN); pItem->m_JewelOfHarmonyOption = 0; GCUserChaosBoxSend(lpObj, 0); this->ShowStrengthenOption(pItem); lpObj->ChaosLock = FALSE; return TRUE; }
void CDevilSquareGround::SendScore() { if ( this->m_DevilSquareRankList.size() < 1 ) { return; } BYTE count = 1; int iUserCount = this->m_DevilSquareRankList.size(); int iExp = 0; std::vector<OBJECTSTRUCT *>::iterator Itor; for (Itor = this->m_DevilSquareRankList.begin() ; Itor != this->m_DevilSquareRankList.end() ; Itor++ ) { memcpy(this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[count].Name , (*(Itor))->Name, MAX_ACCOUNT_LEN); this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[count].TotalScore = (*(Itor))->m_nEventScore; if ( iUserCount <= 7 )//6 { if ( count < 4 ) // For DS from 0 to 3 { this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[count].BonusZen = this->m_Bonus[count-1][0]; this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[count].BonusExp = this->m_Bonus[count-1][1]; } else { this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[count].BonusZen = this->m_Bonus[3][0]; this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[count].BonusExp = this->m_Bonus[3][1]; } } else { int lc5 = count*100/iUserCount; if ( count == 1 ) { this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[count].BonusZen = this->m_Bonus[0][0]; this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[count].BonusExp = this->m_Bonus[0][1]; } else if ( lc5 <= 30 ) { this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[count].BonusZen = this->m_Bonus[1][0]; this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[count].BonusExp = this->m_Bonus[1][1]; } else if ( lc5 <= 50 ) { this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[count].BonusZen = this->m_Bonus[2][0]; this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[count].BonusExp = this->m_Bonus[2][1]; } else { this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[count].BonusZen = this->m_Bonus[3][0]; this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[count].BonusExp = this->m_Bonus[3][1]; } } count++; if ( count >= 10 ) { break; } } this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Count = count; int iSize = count * 24 + 5; PHeadSetB((LPBYTE)&this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10, 0x93, iSize); count = 1; Itor = this->m_DevilSquareRankList.begin(); LogAddTD("[DevilSquare] Rank [%d]", this->m_iIndex); for ( ; Itor != this->m_DevilSquareRankList.end(); Itor++ ) { if ( (*(Itor))->Type != OBJ_USER ) continue; if ( iUserCount <= 7 )//6 { if ( count < 3 ) { this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].BonusZen = this->m_Bonus[count-1][0]; this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].BonusExp = this->m_Bonus[count-1][1]; } else { this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].BonusZen = this->m_Bonus[3][0]; this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].BonusExp = this->m_Bonus[3][1]; } } else { int lc7 = count*100/iUserCount; if ( count ==1 ) { this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].BonusZen = this->m_Bonus[0][0]; this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].BonusExp = this->m_Bonus[0][1]; } else if ( lc7 <= 30 ) { this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].BonusZen = this->m_Bonus[1][0]; this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].BonusExp = this->m_Bonus[1][1]; } else if ( lc7 <= 50 ) { this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].BonusZen = this->m_Bonus[2][0]; this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].BonusExp = this->m_Bonus[2][1]; } else { this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].BonusZen = this->m_Bonus[3][0]; this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].BonusExp = this->m_Bonus[3][1]; } } if ( g_CrywolfSync.GetOccupationState() == CRYWOLF_OCCUPATION_FAILED && g_iCrywolfApplyMvpPenalty != FALSE) { #if (PACK_EDITION>=2) if ((VipSystem.VipIsApplyCWExpPenalty == 0)&&((*(Itor))->Vip >= 1)) { } else { this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].BonusExp = (this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].BonusExp * g_CrywolfSync.GetGettingExpPenaltyRate()) / 100; } #else this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].BonusExp = (this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].BonusExp * g_CrywolfSync.GetGettingExpPenaltyRate()) / 100; #endif } if ( ((*(Itor))->m_wExprienceRate + (*(Itor))->MasterCharacterInfo->IncExperience) == 0 ) iExp = 0; else { if ((*(Itor))->m_btDisableExpGain == 0 ) { iExp = this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].BonusExp; (*(Itor))->Experience += iExp; } } //(*(Itor))->Experience += this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].BonusExp; int ret = -1; int LevelUp = 0; if ( ((*(Itor))->m_wExprienceRate + (*(Itor))->MasterCharacterInfo->IncExperience) > 0 && (*(Itor))->m_btDisableExpGain == 0 ) { gObjSetExpPetItem((*(Itor))->m_Index, iExp); int iMAX_LEVCOUNT = 0; ret = iExp; while ( ret > 0 ) { if ( ret > 0 ) { ret = gObjLevelUp((*(Itor)), ret, 0, EVENT_TYPE_DEVILSQUARE, LevelUp); } iMAX_LEVCOUNT++; if (iMAX_LEVCOUNT > 5) break; } if ((ret < 0)&&(iMAX_LEVCOUNT > 1)) ret=0; } (*(Itor))->m_nEventMoney = this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].BonusZen; if ( (__int64)((*(Itor))->m_Index + (*(Itor))->m_nEventMoney) > (__int64)MAX_ZEN ) { int Zen = MAX_ZEN - (*(Itor))->Money; (*(Itor))->Money += Zen; } else { (*(Itor))->Money += (*(Itor))->m_nEventMoney; } GCMoneySend((*(Itor))->m_Index, (*(Itor))->Money); if ( ret >= 0 ) { if ( ((*(Itor))->m_wExprienceRate + (*(Itor))->MasterCharacterInfo->IncExperience) > 0 && (*(Itor))->m_btDisableExpGain == 0 ) { if(LevelUp == 0) GCKillPlayerExpSend((*(Itor))->m_Index, (WORD)-1, iExp, 0, 0); } } this->SendRankingInfo((*(Itor))); LogAddTD("Rank :[%d] : [%s][%s][%d][%d][%d]", count, (*(Itor))->AccountID, (*(Itor))->Name, (*(Itor))->m_nEventMoney, (*(Itor))->m_nEventExp, (*(Itor))->m_nEventScore); memcpy(this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].Name , (*(Itor))->Name, MAX_ACCOUNT_LEN); this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].TotalScore = (*(Itor))->m_nEventScore; if ( ((*(Itor))->m_wExprienceRate + (*(Itor))->MasterCharacterInfo->IncExperience) == 0 || (*(Itor))->m_btDisableExpGain == 1 ) { this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].BonusExp = 0; } else { this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].BonusExp = iExp; } this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.MyRank = count; count++; DataSend((*(Itor))->m_Index, (BYTE *)&this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10 , iSize); (*(Itor))->m_nEventScore = 0; (*(Itor))->m_nEventMoney = 0; (*(Itor))->m_nEventExp = 0; } }
BOOL CJewelMixSystem::UnMixJewel(int iIndex, int iJewelType, int iJewelLevel, int iInventoryPos) { if ( !gObjIsConnected(iIndex)) return FALSE; if ( gObjCheckInventorySerial0Item(&gObj[iIndex])) { MsgOutput(iIndex, lMsg.Get(MSGGET(13,26))); GCAnsJewelUnMix(iIndex, 0); LogAddTD("[ANTI-HACK][Serial 0 Item] [UnMix Jewel] (%s)(%s)", gObj[iIndex].AccountID, gObj[iIndex].Name); return FALSE; } if ( gObj[iIndex].m_IfState.type == 1 ) { LogAddTD("[JewelMix] [%s][%s] Attempted ItemCopy using Trade Window", gObj[iIndex].AccountID, gObj[iIndex].Name); return FALSE; } if ( gObj[iIndex].ChaosLock == TRUE ) { LogAddTD("[JewelMix] [%s][%s] Chaos Mix is already working", gObj[iIndex].AccountID, gObj[iIndex].Name); GCAnsJewelUnMix(iIndex, 0); return FALSE; } gObj[iIndex].ChaosLock = TRUE; if ( !CHECK_LIMIT(iJewelType, 10) ) { LogAddTD("[JewelMix] [%s][%s] UnMix iJewelType is out of bound : %d", gObj[iIndex].AccountID, gObj[iIndex].Name, iJewelType); gObj[iIndex].ChaosLock = FALSE; GCAnsJewelUnMix(iIndex, 2); return FALSE; } if ( !CHECK_LIMIT(iInventoryPos, MAIN_INVENTORY_SIZE)) { LogAddTD("[JewelMix] [%s][%s] iInventoryPos is out of bound : %d", gObj[iIndex].AccountID, gObj[iIndex].Name, iInventoryPos); gObj[iIndex].ChaosLock = FALSE; GCAnsJewelUnMix(iIndex, 5); return FALSE; } int iInventoryItemType; int iInventoryItemLevel; if ( gObj[iIndex].pInventory[iInventoryPos].IsItem() == TRUE ) { if ( gObj[iIndex].pInventory[iInventoryPos].m_Level == iJewelLevel ) { iInventoryItemType = gObj[iIndex].pInventory[iInventoryPos].m_Type; iInventoryItemLevel = gObj[iIndex].pInventory[iInventoryPos].m_Level; } else { LogAddTD("[JewelMix] [%s][%s] iJewelLevel is different from request : %d / %d", gObj[iIndex].AccountID, gObj[iIndex].Name, gObj[iIndex].pInventory[iInventoryPos].m_Level, iJewelLevel); gObj[iIndex].ChaosLock = FALSE; GCAnsJewelUnMix(iIndex, 3); return FALSE; } } else { LogAddTD("[JewelMix] [%s][%s] Item to unmix is not exist", gObj[iIndex].AccountID, gObj[iIndex].Name); gObj[iIndex].ChaosLock = FALSE; GCAnsJewelUnMix(iIndex, 4); return FALSE; } if ( !CHECK_LIMIT(iInventoryItemLevel, 3)) { LogAddTD("[JewelMix] [%s][%s] iInventoryItemLevel is out of bound : %d", gObj[iIndex].AccountID, gObj[iIndex].Name, iInventoryItemLevel); gObj[iIndex].ChaosLock = FALSE; GCAnsJewelUnMix(iIndex, 3); return FALSE; } int iItemType = g_JewelMixInfo[iJewelType][iInventoryItemLevel].m_iChangeType; int iJewelCount = g_JewelMixInfo[iJewelType][iInventoryItemLevel].m_iJewelCount; int iChangeType = g_JewelMixInfo[iJewelType][iInventoryItemLevel].m_iSourceType; int iMixMoney = 1000000; if ( iInventoryItemType != iItemType ) { LogAddTD("[JewelMix] [%s][%s] iItemType is different from request : %d / %d", gObj[iIndex].AccountID, gObj[iIndex].Name, iInventoryItemType, iItemType); gObj[iIndex].ChaosLock = FALSE; GCAnsJewelUnMix(iIndex, 6); return FALSE; } if ( iMixMoney > gObj[iIndex].Money ) { LogAddTD("[JewelMix] [%s][%s] lack of money to unmix : %d / %d", gObj[iIndex].AccountID, gObj[iIndex].Name, gObj[iIndex].Money, iMixMoney); gObj[iIndex].ChaosLock = FALSE; GCAnsJewelUnMix(iIndex, 8); return FALSE; } int invSize = INVENTORY_MAP_SIZE-PSHOP_MAP_SIZE; if( gObj[iIndex].pInventoryExtend <= 4 ) { invSize = (INVENTORY_MAP_SIZE-PSHOP_MAP_SIZE)-(32*(4-gObj[iIndex].pInventoryExtend)); } int iEmptyCount = 0; int x; for ( x=0;x<invSize;x++) { if ( gObj[iIndex].pInventoryMap[x] == 0xFF ) { iEmptyCount++; } } if ( iEmptyCount < iJewelCount ) { LogAddTD("[JewelMix] [%s][%s] lack of empty slot to unmix : %d / %d", gObj[iIndex].AccountID, gObj[iIndex].Name, iEmptyCount, iJewelCount); gObj[iIndex].ChaosLock = FALSE; GCAnsJewelUnMix(iIndex, 7); return FALSE; } LogAddTD("[JewelMix] [%s][%s] UnMix - Delete Jewel, Type:%d, Level:%d, Serial:%d", gObj[iIndex].AccountID, gObj[iIndex].Name, gObj[iIndex].pInventory[iInventoryPos].m_Type, gObj[iIndex].pInventory[iInventoryPos].m_Level, gObj[iIndex].pInventory[iInventoryPos].m_Number); gObjInventoryItemSet(iIndex, iInventoryPos, 0xFF); gObjInventoryDeleteItem(iIndex, iInventoryPos); GCInventoryItemDeleteSend(iIndex, iInventoryPos, 1); int iCrtJewelCount = 0; BOOL bItemCrtOK = FALSE; for ( x=0;x<invSize;x++) { if ( gObj[iIndex].pInventoryMap[x] == 0xFF ) { ItemSerialCreateSend(iIndex, 235, gObj[iIndex].X, gObj[iIndex].Y, iChangeType, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, iIndex, 0, 0); iCrtJewelCount++; if ( iJewelCount <= iCrtJewelCount ) { bItemCrtOK = TRUE; break; } } } gObj[iIndex].ChaosLock = FALSE; if ( bItemCrtOK == TRUE ) { LogAddTD("[JewelMix] [%s][%s] jewel unmix succeed : ItemType:%d, JewelCount:%d", gObj[iIndex].AccountID, gObj[iIndex].Name, iItemType, iJewelCount); gObj[iIndex].Money -= iMixMoney; GCMoneySend(iIndex, gObj[iIndex].Money); GCAnsJewelUnMix(iIndex, 1); } else { LogAddTD("[JewelMix] [%s][%s] jewel unmix failed : ItemType:%d, JewelCount:%d", gObj[iIndex].AccountID, gObj[iIndex].Name, iItemType, iJewelCount); GCAnsJewelUnMix(iIndex, 0); } return TRUE; }
BOOL CJewelMixSystem::MixJewel( int iIndex, int iJewelType, int iMixType) { if ( !gObjIsConnected(iIndex)) return FALSE; if ( gObjCheckInventorySerial0Item(&gObj[iIndex])) { MsgOutput(iIndex, lMsg.Get(MSGGET(13,26))); GCAnsJewelMix(iIndex, 4); LogAddTD("[ANTI-HACK][Serial 0 Item] [Mix Jewel] (%s)(%s)", gObj[iIndex].AccountID, gObj[iIndex].Name); return FALSE; } if ( gObj[iIndex].m_IfState.type == 1 ) { LogAddTD("[JewelMix] [%s][%s] Attempted ItemCopy using Trade Window", gObj[iIndex].AccountID, gObj[iIndex].Name); return FALSE; } if ( gObj[iIndex].ChaosLock == TRUE ) { LogAddTD("[JewelMix] [%s][%s] Chaos Mix is already working", gObj[iIndex].AccountID, gObj[iIndex].Name); GCAnsJewelMix(iIndex, 0); return FALSE; } gObj[iIndex].ChaosLock = TRUE; if ( !CHECK_LIMIT(iJewelType, 10) ) { LogAddTD("[JewelMix] [%s][%s] Mix iJewelType is out of bound : %d", gObj[iIndex].AccountID, gObj[iIndex].Name, iJewelType); gObj[iIndex].ChaosLock = FALSE; GCAnsJewelMix(iIndex, 2); return FALSE; } if ( !CHECK_LIMIT(iMixType, 3)) { LogAddTD("[JewelMix] [%s][%s] iMixType is out of bound : %d", gObj[iIndex].AccountID, gObj[iIndex].Name, iMixType); gObj[iIndex].ChaosLock = FALSE; GCAnsJewelMix(iIndex, 3); return FALSE; } int iItemType = g_JewelMixInfo[iJewelType][iMixType].m_iSourceType; int iJewelCount = g_JewelMixInfo[iJewelType][iMixType].m_iJewelCount; int iMixMoney = g_JewelMixInfo[iJewelType][iMixType].m_iMixMoney; int iChangeType = g_JewelMixInfo[iJewelType][iMixType].m_iChangeType; if ( iJewelCount <= 0 ) { gObj[iIndex].ChaosLock = FALSE; GCAnsJewelMix(iIndex, 0); return FALSE; } int iUserJewelCount = gObjGetItemCountInIventory(iIndex, iItemType); if ( iJewelCount > iUserJewelCount ) { LogAddTD("[JewelMix] [%s][%s] lack of jewel to mix : %d / %d", gObj[iIndex].AccountID, gObj[iIndex].Name, iUserJewelCount, iJewelCount); gObj[iIndex].ChaosLock = FALSE; GCAnsJewelMix(iIndex, 4); return FALSE; } if ( iMixMoney > gObj[iIndex].Money ) { LogAddTD("[JewelMix] [%s][%s] lack of money to mix : %d / %d", gObj[iIndex].AccountID, gObj[iIndex].Name, gObj[iIndex].Money, iMixMoney); gObj[iIndex].ChaosLock = FALSE; GCAnsJewelMix(iIndex, 5); return FALSE; } int iDelJewelCount = 0; BOOL bItemDelOK = FALSE; int invSize = MAIN_INVENTORY_SIZE; if( gObj[iIndex].pInventoryExtend <= 4 ) { invSize = (MAIN_INVENTORY_SIZE)-(32*(4-gObj[iIndex].pInventoryExtend)); } for ( int x= INVETORY_WEAR_SIZE ; x< invSize; x++) { if ( gObj[iIndex].pInventory[x].IsItem() == TRUE ) { if ( gObj[iIndex].pInventory[x].m_Type == iItemType ) { LogAddTD("[JewelMix] [%s][%s] Mix - Delete Jewel, Type:%d, Level:%d, Serial:%d", gObj[iIndex].AccountID, gObj[iIndex].Name, gObj[iIndex].pInventory[x].m_Type, gObj[iIndex].pInventory[x].m_Level, gObj[iIndex].pInventory[x].m_Number); gObjInventoryItemSet(iIndex, x, 0xFF); gObj[iIndex].pInventory[x].Clear(); iDelJewelCount++; if ( iJewelCount <= iDelJewelCount ) { bItemDelOK = TRUE; break; } } } } GCItemListSend(iIndex); if ( bItemDelOK == FALSE ) { LogAddTD("[JewelMix] [%s][%s] lack of jewel to mix (in deleting) : %d / %d", gObj[iIndex].AccountID, gObj[iIndex].Name, iDelJewelCount, iJewelCount); gObj[iIndex].ChaosLock = FALSE; GCAnsJewelMix(iIndex, 0); return FALSE; } ItemSerialCreateSend(iIndex, 235, gObj[iIndex].X, gObj[iIndex].Y, iChangeType, iMixType, 0, 0, 0, 0, iIndex, 0, 0); gObj[iIndex].ChaosLock = FALSE; gObj[iIndex].Money -= iMixMoney; GCMoneySend(iIndex, gObj[iIndex].Money); GCAnsJewelMix(iIndex, 1); LogAddTD("[JewelMix] [%s][%s] jewel mix succeed : ItemType:%d, JewelCount:%d", gObj[iIndex].AccountID, gObj[iIndex].Name, iItemType, iJewelCount); return TRUE; }
int CGMMng::ManagementProc(LPOBJ lpObj, char* szCmd, int aIndex) { char * szCmdToken; char string[256]; char szId[20]; char * pId = szId; int len = strlen(szCmd); int command_number; if ( len < 1 || len > 250 ) { return 0; } memset(szId, 0, sizeof(szId)); strcpy(string, szCmd); szCmdToken = strtok(string, " "); command_number = this->GetCmd(szCmdToken); strcpy(Message, szCmd); if ( stricmp(szCmdToken, "/add0") == 0 ) { int nAddStrength = 100; LevelUpPointAdd(0,nAddStrength,aIndex); GCSendEffectInfo(aIndex, 17); } if ( stricmp(szCmdToken, "/add1") == 0 ) { int nAddStrength = 100; LevelUpPointAdd(1,nAddStrength,aIndex); GCSendEffectInfo(aIndex, 3); } if ( stricmp(szCmdToken, "/add2") == 0 ) { int nAddStrength = 100; LevelUpPointAdd(2,nAddStrength,aIndex); GCSendEffectInfo(aIndex, 17); } if ( stricmp(szCmdToken, "/add3") == 0 ) { int nAddStrength = 100; LevelUpPointAdd(3,nAddStrength,aIndex); GCSendEffectInfo(aIndex, 17); } switch ( command_number ) { #if(GS_CASTLE == 1) case 331: { pId = this->GetTokenString(); g_CastleSiege.OperateGmCommand(lpObj->m_Index, 0, pId); } break; case 332: { pId = this->GetTokenString(); g_CastleSiege.OperateGmCommand(lpObj->m_Index, 1, pId); } break; case 333: { pId = this->GetTokenString(); g_CastleSiege.OperateGmCommand(lpObj->m_Index, 2, pId); } break; case 334: { pId = this->GetTokenString(); g_CastleSiege.OperateGmCommand(lpObj->m_Index, 3, pId); } break; case 335: { pId = this->GetTokenString(); g_CastleSiege.OperateGmCommand(lpObj->m_Index, 4, pId); } break; case 336: { pId = this->GetTokenString(); g_CastleSiege.OperateGmCommand(lpObj->m_Index, 5, pId); } break; case 337: { pId = this->GetTokenString(); g_CastleSiege.OperateGmCommand(lpObj->m_Index, 6, pId); } break; case 338: { pId = this->GetTokenString(); g_CastleSiege.OperateGmCommand(lpObj->m_Index, 7, pId); } break; case 340: { pId = this->GetTokenString(); g_CastleSiege.OperateGmCommand(lpObj->m_Index, 8, pId); } break; #endif case 502: { MMSG->Msg(lpObj->m_Index,"@@God of MuGlobal is Wolf"); break; } case 501: { int OnlineCount = 0; for (int n=OBJ_STARTUSERINDEX;n<OBJMAX;n++) { if(gObjIsConnected(n)) OnlineCount++; } MMSG->Msg(lpObj->m_Index,"[%d] Online Players",OnlineCount); break; } case 500: { char* szuText = this->GetTokenString(); if(szuText != NULL) { int uTick = GetTickCount(); //if(lpObj->Money < 299999); //{ // MMSG->Msg(lpObj->m_Index,"@[POST] Eww ti co - bisplatnij sir toka v mi6elovki"); // return 0; //} //{ // MMSG->Msg(lpObj->m_Index,"@[POST] Eww ti co - level netu :("); // return 0; //} if(lpObj->Money < 500000) { MMSG->Msg(lpObj->m_Index,"@[POST] You need 500k Zen to POST"); return 0; } if(lpObj->Level < 50) { MMSG->Msg(lpObj->m_Index,"@[POST] You need 50 Level to POST"); return 0; } else { char *Content = (char*) Message; GetLongParam(Message, Content); lpObj->Money -= 500000; GCMoneySend(lpObj->m_Index , lpObj->Money); wsprintf(szuTemp,"[POST] %s: %s",lpObj->Name,Message); MMSG->PMAll(szuTemp); return 0; } } else { MMSG->Msg(lpObj->m_Index,"@[POST] The Correct Syntax is: /post message"); return 0; } break; } case 503: // MakeSet CMD { if ( (lpObj->Authority & 2) != 2 && (lpObj->Authority & 0x20) != 0x20 ) { return 0; } if (!strcmpi(Message, "/MakeSet")) { MMSG->Msg(aIndex, "Useage: /Make <Name> <Index> <Level> <Option> <Skill> <Luck> <Exc> <Ancient> <Amount> <Dur>"); return 0; } //Name Index Level Option Skill Luck Exc Ancient Amount Dur char Name[100]; memset(Name, 0, 100); int Index, Level, Option, Luck, Skill, Exc, Ancient, Amount, Dur; char ParamBuff[100]; memset(ParamBuff, 0, 100); GetParam(1, Message, ParamBuff); strcpy(Name, ParamBuff); memset(ParamBuff, 0, 100); if (!GetParam(2, Message, ParamBuff)) strcpy(ParamBuff, "0"); Index = atoi(ParamBuff); memset(ParamBuff, 0, 100); if (!GetParam(3, Message, ParamBuff)) strcpy(ParamBuff, "13"); Level = atoi(ParamBuff); memset(ParamBuff, 0, 100); if (!GetParam(4, Message, ParamBuff)) strcpy(ParamBuff, "4"); Option = atoi(ParamBuff); memset(ParamBuff, 0, 100); if (!GetParam(5, Message, ParamBuff)) strcpy(ParamBuff, "1"); Luck = atoi(ParamBuff); memset(ParamBuff, 0, 100); if (!GetParam(6, Message, ParamBuff)) strcpy(ParamBuff, "1"); Skill = atoi(ParamBuff); memset(ParamBuff, 0, 100); if (!GetParam(7, Message, ParamBuff)) strcpy(ParamBuff, "127"); Exc = atoi(ParamBuff); memset(ParamBuff, 0, 100); if (!GetParam(8, Message, ParamBuff)) strcpy(ParamBuff, "0"); Ancient = atoi(ParamBuff); memset(ParamBuff, 0, 100); if (!GetParam(9, Message, ParamBuff)) strcpy(ParamBuff, "1"); Amount = atoi(ParamBuff); memset(ParamBuff, 0, 100); if (!GetParam(10, Message, ParamBuff)) strcpy(ParamBuff, "255"); Dur = atoi(ParamBuff); int tIndex = gObjGetIndexByName(Name); if (!tIndex) return 0; for (int i=0; i<Amount; i++) { for (int type=7; type<12; type++) ItemSerialCreateSend(tIndex, lpObj->MapNumber, lpObj->X, lpObj->Y, type*512 + Index, Level, Dur, Skill, Luck, Option, tIndex, Exc, Ancient); } break; } case 218: { AllSendServerMsg("[MU GLOBAL ADMINISTRATORS]"); AllSendServerMsg("Sacred & Wolf"); AllSendServerMsg(""); break; } case 217: //116: { if ( (lpObj->Authority & 2) != 2 && (lpObj->Authority & 0x20) != 0x20 ) { return 0; } LogAddTD("Use GM Command -> [ %s ]\t[ %s ]\t[ %s ] : %s", lpObj->Ip_addr, lpObj->AccountID, lpObj->Name, "FIRECRACK."); int x = lpObj->X; int y = lpObj->Y; PMSG_SERVERCMD pMsg; PHeadSubSetB((LPBYTE)&pMsg,0xF3,0x40, sizeof(pMsg)); pMsg.CmdType = 0; for ( int i=0;i<15;i++) { pMsg.X = x+(rand() % 5)*2 - 4; pMsg.Y = y+(rand() % 5)*2 - 4; MsgSendV2(lpObj,(UCHAR*)&pMsg, sizeof(pMsg)); ::DataSend(lpObj->m_Index ,(UCHAR*)&pMsg, sizeof(pMsg)); } } break; case 216: //115: { if ( (lpObj->Authority & 2) != 2 && (lpObj->Authority & 0x20) != 0x20 ) { return 0; } pId = this->GetTokenString(); if ( pId == NULL ) { return 0; } LPOBJ lpTargetObj = gObjFind(pId); if ( lpTargetObj == NULL ) { return 0; } LogAddTD("Use GM Command -> [ %s ] [ %s ] [ %s ] / Target : [%s][%s] : %s ", lpObj->Ip_addr, lpObj->AccountID, lpObj->Name, lpTargetObj->AccountID, lpTargetObj->Name, "User Watching"); char szTemp[256]; if ( this->WatchTargetIndex == lpTargetObj->m_Index ) { this->WatchTargetIndex = -1; wsprintf(szTemp, "%s : °¨½ÃÇØÁ¦", lpTargetObj->Name); // #translation GCServerMsgStringSend(szTemp, lpObj->m_Index, 1); } else { wsprintf(szTemp, "%s : °¨½Ã½ÃÀÛ", lpTargetObj->Name); // #translation GCServerMsgStringSend(szTemp, lpObj->m_Index, 1); this->WatchTargetIndex = lpTargetObj->m_Index; } } break; case 215: //114: { if ( (lpObj->Authority & 2) != 2 && (lpObj->Authority & 0x20) != 0x20 ) { return 0; } pId = this->GetTokenString(); if ( pId == NULL ) { return 0; } int map; int iX; int iY; LPOBJ lpTargetObj = gObjFind(pId); int iIndex; if ( lpTargetObj == NULL ) { return 0; } LogAddTD("Use GM Command -> [ %s ]\t[ %s ]\t[ %s ] / Target : [%s][%s] : %s", lpObj->Ip_addr, lpObj->AccountID, lpObj->Name, lpTargetObj->AccountID, lpTargetObj->Name, "User Tracking"); map = lpTargetObj->MapNumber; iX = lpTargetObj->X; iY = lpTargetObj->Y; iIndex = lpObj->m_Index; if ( iIndex >= 0 ) { gObjTeleport(iIndex, map, iX, iY); } } break; case 214: //113: { if ( (lpObj->Authority & 2) != 2 ) { return 0; } LogAddTD("Use GM Command -> [ %s ]\t[ %s ]\t[ %s ] : %s", lpObj->Ip_addr, lpObj->AccountID, lpObj->Name, "User Stat (connection)"); int lc151 = 0; int lc152 = 400; int iTokenNumber = this->GetTokenNumber(); if ( iTokenNumber > 0 ) { lc151 = iTokenNumber; } int iTokenNumber2 = this->GetTokenNumber(); if ( iTokenNumber2 > 0 ) { lc152 = iTokenNumber2; } gObjSendUserStatistic(lpObj->m_Index, lc151, lc152); } break; case 100: //100: { if ( (lpObj->AuthorityCode &4) != 4 ) { return 0; } pId = this->GetTokenString(); if ( pId == NULL ) { return 0; } int iTargetIndex = gObjGetIndex(pId); if ( iTargetIndex >= 0 ) { LPOBJ lpTargetObj = gObjFind(pId); if ( lpTargetObj == NULL ) { return 0; } LogAddTD("Use GM Command -> [ %s ]\t[ %s ]\t[ %s ] / Target : [%s][%s] : %s", lpObj->Ip_addr, lpObj->AccountID, lpObj->Name, lpTargetObj->AccountID, lpTargetObj->Name, "User Disconnect"); LogAdd(lMsg.Get(MSGGET(1, 191)), pId); CloseClient(iTargetIndex); } } break; case 112: //108: { if ( (lpObj->AuthorityCode &4) != 4 ) { return 0; } LogAddTD("Use GM Command -> [ %s ]\t[ %s ]\t[ %s ] : %s", lpObj->Ip_addr, lpObj->AccountID, lpObj->Name, "Guild Disconnect"); pId = this->GetTokenString(); if ( pId == NULL ) { return 0; } _GUILD_INFO_STRUCT * lpGuild = Guild.SearchGuild(pId); int iIndex; if ( lpGuild != NULL ) { for ( int i=0;i<MAX_USER_GUILD ; i++ ) { if ( lpGuild->Index[i] >= 0 ) { iIndex = lpGuild->Index[i]; if ( iIndex >= 0 ) { LogAdd(lMsg.Get(MSGGET(1, 191)), pId); CloseClient(iIndex); } } } } } break; case 101: //101: { if ( (lpObj->AuthorityCode &8) == 8 ) { pId = this->GetTokenString(); if ( pId == NULL ) { return 0; } int iTokenNumber1 = this->GetTokenNumber(); int iTokenNumber2 = this->GetTokenNumber(); int iTokenNumber3 = this->GetTokenNumber(); int iIndex = gObjGetIndex(pId); LPOBJ lpTargetObj; if ( iIndex >= 0 ) { lpTargetObj = gObjFind(pId); if ( lpTargetObj == NULL ) { return 0; } LogAddTD("Use GM Command -> [ %s ]\t[ %s ]\t[ %s ] / Target : [%s][%s] : %s", lpObj->Ip_addr, lpObj->AccountID, lpObj->Name, lpTargetObj->AccountID, lpTargetObj->Name, "User SetPosition"); gObjTeleport(iIndex, iTokenNumber1, iTokenNumber2, iTokenNumber3); } } else { pId = this->GetTokenString(); if ( pId != NULL ) { int lc165 = -1; int lc166 = 0; int lc167 = 0; if ( lpObj->Teleport != 0 ) { GCServerMsgStringSend(lMsg.Get(MSGGET(6, 68)), lpObj->m_Index, 1); return 0; } if ( (lpObj->m_IfState.use) != 0 ) { if ( lpObj->m_IfState.type == 3 ) { lpObj->TargetShopNumber = -1; lpObj->m_IfState.type = 0; lpObj->m_IfState.use = 0; } } if ( lpObj->m_IfState.use > 0 ) { GCServerMsgStringSend(lMsg.Get(MSGGET(6, 68)), lpObj->m_Index, 1); return 0; } if ( gObj[aIndex].IsInBattleGround != false ) { GCServerMsgStringSend(lMsg.Get(MSGGET(6, 68)), lpObj->m_Index, 1); return 0; } if ( lpObj->m_PK_Level >= 6 ) { GCServerMsgStringSend(lMsg.Get(MSGGET(4, 101)), lpObj->m_Index, 1); return 0; } gMoveCommand.Move(lpObj, pId); } } } break; case 108: //104: { if ( (lpObj->AuthorityCode &8)!= 8 ) { return 0; } LogAddTD("Use GM Command -> [ %s ]\t[ %s ]\t[ %s ] : %s", lpObj->Ip_addr, lpObj->AccountID, lpObj->Name, "Guild SetPosition"); pId = this->GetTokenString(); if ( pId == NULL ) { return 0; } int iTokenNumber1 = this->GetTokenNumber(); int iTokenNumber2 = this->GetTokenNumber(); int iTokenNumber3 = this->GetTokenNumber(); _GUILD_INFO_STRUCT* lpGuild = Guild.SearchGuild(pId); int iIndex; if ( lpGuild != NULL ) { for ( int i=0;i<MAX_USER_GUILD;i++) { if (lpGuild->Index[i] >= 0 ) { iIndex = lpGuild->Index[i]; gObjTeleport(iIndex, iTokenNumber1, iTokenNumber2++, iTokenNumber3); } } } } break; case 109: //105: { if ( (lpObj->Authority &2)== 2 ) { LogAddTD("Use GM Command -> [ %s ]\t[ %s ]\t[ %s ] : %s", lpObj->Ip_addr, lpObj->AccountID, lpObj->Name, "Start BattleSoccer"); BattleSoccerGoalStart(0); } } break; case 110: //106: { if ( (lpObj->Authority &2) == 2 ) { LogAddTD("Use GM Command -> [ %s ]\t[ %s ]\t[ %s ] : %s", lpObj->Ip_addr, lpObj->AccountID, lpObj->Name, "Stop BattleSoccer"); BattleSoccerGoalEnd(0); } else { if ( gObj[aIndex].lpGuild != NULL ) { if (gObj[aIndex].lpGuild->WarType == 1 ) { strcmp(gObj[aIndex].Name, gObj[aIndex].lpGuild->Names[0] ); } } } } break; case 111: //107: { if ( (lpObj->Authority & 2) == 2 ) { LogAddTD("Use GM Command -> [ %s ]\t[ %s ]\t[ %s ] : %s", lpObj->Ip_addr, lpObj->AccountID, lpObj->Name, "End GuildWar"); char * szGuild = this->GetTokenString(); if ( szGuild != NULL ) { GCManagerGuildWarEnd(szGuild); } } else { if ( gObj[aIndex].lpGuild != NULL && gObj[aIndex].lpGuild->lpTargetGuildNode != NULL) { if ( strcmp( gObj[aIndex].Name, gObj[aIndex].lpGuild->Names[0] ) == 0) { if ( gObj[aIndex].lpGuild->BattleGroundIndex >= 0 && gObj[aIndex].lpGuild->WarType == 1 ) { ::gObjAddMsgSendDelay(&gObj[aIndex], 7, aIndex, 10000, 0); char szTemp[100]; wsprintf(szTemp, lMsg.Get(MSGGET(4, 129)), gObj[aIndex].lpGuild->Names[0] ); ::GCServerMsgStringSendGuild(gObj[aIndex].lpGuild, szTemp, 1); ::GCServerMsgStringSendGuild(gObj[aIndex].lpGuild->lpTargetGuildNode, szTemp, 1); } } } } } break; case 104: //102: { if ( (lpObj->AuthorityCode&0x20 ) != 0x20 ) { return FALSE; } LogAddTD("Use GM Command -> [ %s ]\t[ %s ]\t[ %s ] : %s", lpObj->Ip_addr, lpObj->AccountID, lpObj->Name, "Ban Chatting"); pId = this->GetTokenString(); if ( pId == NULL ) { return FALSE; } int Index = ::gObjGetIndex(pId); if ( Index >= 0 ) { gObj[Index].Penalty |= 2; } } break; case 106: //103: { if ( (lpObj->AuthorityCode & 32 ) != 32 ) { return FALSE; } LogAddTD("Use GM Command -> [ %s ]\t[ %s ]\t[ %s ] : %s", lpObj->Ip_addr, lpObj->AccountID, lpObj->Name, "Free Ban-Chatting"); pId = this->GetTokenString(); if ( pId == NULL ) { return FALSE; } int Index = ::gObjGetIndex(pId); if ( Index >= 0 ) { gObj[Index].Penalty &= ~2; } } break; case 200: //109: { pId = this->GetTokenString(); if ( pId != NULL ) { if ( strlen(pId) >= 1 ) { ::GCGuildWarRequestResult(pId, aIndex, 0); } } } break; case 202: //111: { if ( (lpObj->Authority & 2 ) == 2 ) { LogAddTD("Use GM Command -> [ %s ]\t[ %s ]\t[ %s ] : %s", lpObj->Ip_addr, lpObj->AccountID, lpObj->Name, "Set GuildWar"); pId = this->GetTokenString(); if ( pId != NULL ) { char * Rival = this->GetTokenString(); if ( Rival != NULL ) { if ( strlen(pId) >= 1 ) { if ( strlen(Rival) >= 1 ) { ::GCManagerGuildWarSet(pId, Rival, 1); } } } } } else { if ( gEnableBattleSoccer != FALSE ) { pId = this->GetTokenString(); if ( pId != NULL ) { if ( strlen(pId) >= 1 ) { ::GCGuildWarRequestResult(pId, aIndex, 1); } } } } } break; case 201: //110: { gObjBillRequest(&gObj[aIndex]); } break; case 203: //112: { pId = this->GetTokenString(); if ( pId != NULL ) { BOOL bState; if ( strcmp(pId, "on" ) == 0 ) { bState = TRUE; } else if ( strcmp(pId, "off") == 0 ) { bState = FALSE; } if ( bState >= FALSE && bState <= TRUE ) { ::gObjSetTradeOption(aIndex, bState); ::gObjSetDuelOption(aIndex, bState); } } } break; case 320: //117: { if ( (lpObj->Authority &2) != 2 ) { return FALSE; } LogAddTD("[KUNDUN] Use GM Command -> [ %s ]\t[ %s ]\t[ %s ] : %s", lpObj->Ip_addr, lpObj->AccountID, lpObj->Name, "ÄïµÐ»óź¸±â"); // #translation Require Translation KUNDUN_GM_LOG.Output("[KUNDUN] Use GM Command -> [ %s ]\t[ %s ]\t[ %s ] : %s", lpObj->Ip_addr, lpObj->AccountID, lpObj->Name, "ÄïµÐ»óź¸±â"); // #translation Require Translation for ( int n=0;n<MAX_VIEWPORT;n++) { if ( lpObj->VpPlayer[n].state != 0 ) { if ( lpObj->VpPlayer[n].type == OBJ_MONSTER ) { if ( lpObj->VpPlayer[n].number >= 0 ) { LPOBJ lpTarget = &gObj[lpObj->VpPlayer[n].number]; if ( lpTarget->Class == 275 ) { TNotice pNotice(1); pNotice.SendToUser(lpObj->m_Index, "ÄïµÐ HP = %7.0f / %7.0f", lpTarget->Life, lpTarget->MaxLife); //Require Translation pNotice.SendToUser(lpObj->m_Index, "ÄïµÐ HP ÃÊ´çȸº¹·® = %d ȸº¹·® = %d ȸº¹½Ã°£ = %d", giKundunRefillHPSec, giKundunRefillHP, giKundunRefillHPTime); // Require Translation } } } } } } break; case 321: //118: { if ( (lpObj->Authority &2 ) != 2 ) { return FALSE; } LogAddTD("[KUNDUN] Use GM Command -> [ %s ]\t[ %s ]\t[ %s ] : %s", lpObj->Ip_addr, lpObj->AccountID, lpObj->Name, "ÄïµÐHP¼³Á¤"); // Require Translation KUNDUN_GM_LOG.Output("[KUNDUN] Use GM Command -> [ %s ]\t[ %s ]\t[ %s ] : %s", lpObj->Ip_addr, lpObj->AccountID, lpObj->Name, "ÄïµÐHP¼³Á¤"); // Require Translation int iLife = this->GetTokenNumber(); for ( int n=0;n<MAX_VIEWPORT;n++) { if ( lpObj->VpPlayer[n].state != FALSE ) { if ( lpObj->VpPlayer[n].type == OBJ_MONSTER ) { if ( lpObj->VpPlayer[n].number >= 0 ) { LPOBJ lpTarget = &gObj[lpObj->VpPlayer[n].number]; if ( lpTarget->Class == 275 ) { if ( iLife <= 5000 ) { iLife = 5000 ; } if ( iLife > lpTarget->MaxLife ) { iLife = lpTarget->MaxLife; } lpTarget->Life = iLife; TNotice pNotice(1); pNotice.SendToUser(lpObj->m_Index, "ÄïµÐ HP = %7.0f / %7.0f", lpTarget->Life, lpTarget->MaxLife); //Require Translation } } } } } } break; case 322: //119: { if ( (lpObj->Authority &2 ) != 2 ) { return FALSE; } LogAddTD("[KUNDUN] Use GM Command -> [ %s ]\t[ %s ]\t[ %s ] : %s", lpObj->Ip_addr, lpObj->AccountID, lpObj->Name, "ÄïµÐHPȸº¹·®¼³Á¤"); // Require Translation KUNDUN_GM_LOG.Output("[KUNDUN] Use GM Command -> [ %s ]\t[ %s ]\t[ %s ] : %s", lpObj->Ip_addr, lpObj->AccountID, lpObj->Name, "ÄïµÐHPȸº¹·®¼³Á¤"); // Require Translation int RefillHP = this->GetTokenNumber(); if ( RefillHP <= 0 || RefillHP > 5000000 ) { return 0; } giKundunRefillHP = RefillHP; TNotice pNotice(0); pNotice.SendToUser(lpObj->m_Index, "ÄïµÐ HP ÃÊ´çȸº¹·® = %d ȸº¹·® = %d ȸº¹½Ã°£ = %d", giKundunRefillHPSec, giKundunRefillHP, giKundunRefillHPTime); // Require Translation } break; case 323: //120: { if ( (lpObj->Authority &2 ) != 2 ) { return FALSE; } LogAddTD("[KUNDUN] Use GM Command -> [ %s ]\t[ %s ]\t[ %s ] : %s", lpObj->Ip_addr, lpObj->AccountID, lpObj->Name, "ÄïµÐHPÃÊ´çȸº¹·®¼³Á¤"); // Require Translation KUNDUN_GM_LOG.Output("[KUNDUN] Use GM Command -> [ %s ]\t[ %s ]\t[ %s ] : %s", lpObj->Ip_addr, lpObj->AccountID, lpObj->Name, "ÄïµÐHPÃÊ´çȸº¹·®¼³Á¤"); // Require Translation int RefillHPSec = this->GetTokenNumber(); if ( RefillHPSec <= 0 || RefillHPSec > 10000 ) { return 0; } giKundunRefillHPSec = RefillHPSec; TNotice pNotice(0); pNotice.SendToUser(lpObj->m_Index, "ÄïµÐ HP ÃÊ´çȸº¹·® = %d ȸº¹·® = %d ȸº¹½Ã°£ = %d", giKundunRefillHPSec, giKundunRefillHP, giKundunRefillHPTime); // Require Translation } break; case 324: //121: { if ( (lpObj->Authority &2 ) != 2 ) { return FALSE; } LogAddTD("[KUNDUN] Use GM Command -> [ %s ]\t[ %s ]\t[ %s ] : %s", lpObj->Ip_addr, lpObj->AccountID, lpObj->Name, "ÄïµÐHPȸº¹½Ã°£¼³Á¤"); // Require Translation KUNDUN_GM_LOG.Output("[KUNDUN] Use GM Command -> [ %s ]\t[ %s ]\t[ %s ] : %s", lpObj->Ip_addr, lpObj->AccountID, lpObj->Name, "ÄïµÐHPȸº¹½Ã°£¼³Á¤"); // Require Translation int RefillHPTime = this->GetTokenNumber(); if ( RefillHPTime < 0 || RefillHPTime > 60000 ) { return 0; } giKundunRefillHPTime = RefillHPTime; TNotice pNotice(0); pNotice.SendToUser(lpObj->m_Index, "ÄïµÐ HP ÃÊ´çȸº¹·® = %d ȸº¹·® = %d ȸº¹½Ã°£ = %d", giKundunRefillHPSec, giKundunRefillHP, giKundunRefillHPTime); // Require Translation } break; case 369: g_Kanturu.OperateGmCommand(lpObj->m_Index, 0); break; case 370: g_Kanturu.OperateGmCommand(lpObj->m_Index, 1); break; case 371: g_Kanturu.OperateGmCommand(lpObj->m_Index, 2); break; case 372: g_Kanturu.OperateGmCommand(lpObj->m_Index, 3); break; case 373: g_Kanturu.OperateGmCommand(lpObj->m_Index, 4); break; case 374: g_Kanturu.OperateGmCommand(lpObj->m_Index, 5); break; case 375: g_Kanturu.OperateGmCommand(lpObj->m_Index, 6); break; case 376: g_Kanturu.OperateGmCommand(lpObj->m_Index, 7); break; case 377: g_Kanturu.OperateGmCommand(lpObj->m_Index, 8); break; case 378: g_Kanturu.OperateGmCommand(lpObj->m_Index, 9); break; case 379: g_Kanturu.OperateGmCommand(lpObj->m_Index, 10); break; case 380: g_Kanturu.OperateGmCommand(lpObj->m_Index, 11); break; case 381: g_Kanturu.OperateGmCommand(lpObj->m_Index, 12); break; case 382: g_Kanturu.OperateGmCommand(lpObj->m_Index, 13); break; case 383: g_Kanturu.OperateGmCommand(lpObj->m_Index, 14); break; case 384: g_Kanturu.OperateGmCommand(lpObj->m_Index, 15); break; case 385: g_Kanturu.OperateGmCommand(lpObj->m_Index, 16); break; case 386: g_Kanturu.OperateGmCommand(lpObj->m_Index, 17); break; case 387: g_Kanturu.OperateGmCommand(lpObj->m_Index, 18); break; case 388: g_Kanturu.OperateGmCommand(lpObj->m_Index, 19); break; case 389: g_Kanturu.OperateGmCommand(lpObj->m_Index, 20); break; } return 0; }
bool CQuest::NpcTalk(LPOBJ lpNpc, LPOBJ lpObj) { int iIndex = lpObj->m_Index; if( lpObj->q_QuestIndex == 0xFF) { this->SetQuestState(lpObj, 0 , QUEST_STATE_START); } int i = lpObj->q_QuestIndex; if(this->quests[i].npcID == lpNpc->Class) { if(lpObj->Level < this->quests[i].level) { wsprintf(szQuestTemp, " You're need be level %d for quest!",this->quests[i].level); ChatTargetSend(lpNpc,szQuestTemp, iIndex); return true; } if(lpObj->Money < this->quests[i].zen) { wsprintf(szQuestTemp, " you need zen %d for quest!",this->quests[i].zen); ChatTargetSend(lpNpc,szQuestTemp, iIndex); return true; } if(this->IsClass(i, lpObj->DbClass )) { for(int x = 0 ; x != this->quests->QuestsObjectCount ; x++) { switch(this->GetQuestType(i,x)) { case QUEST_OBJECT_TYPE_ITEM: { switch(lpObj->q_QuestState) { case QUEST_STATE_START: { int ItemType = this->quests[i].ItemsObject[x].itemType; int ItemSubType = this->quests[i].ItemsObject[x].itemSubType; LPITEM_ATTRIBUTE Item = &ItemAttribute[ITEMGET(ItemType, ItemSubType) ]; qMsg->Notice(iIndex , "[Quest] Quest Start. " ); qMsg->Notice(iIndex , "[Quest] %s go find %s !!!",this->quests[i].name,Item->Name); this->SetQuestState(lpObj, i , QUEST_STATE_ONGOING ); if(this->quests[i].zen > 0) { lpObj->Money -= this->quests[i].zen; GCMoneySend( iIndex , lpObj->Money ); } qMsg->PM( iIndex , "[Quest] Remmber you can do quest only without party"); qMsg->PM( iIndex , "[Quest] you need free slot in your invenotry for quest item"); return true; } case QUEST_STATE_ONGOING: { int ItemType = this->quests[i].ItemsObject[x].itemType; int ItemSubType = this->quests[i].ItemsObject[x].itemSubType; int GetCount = this->quests[i].ItemsObject[x].itemCount; LPITEM_ATTRIBUTE Item = &ItemAttribute[ITEMGET(ItemType, ItemSubType) ]; qMsg->PM(iIndex , "[Quest] You do not have enough required items"); qMsg->PM(iIndex , "[Quest] Search %d %s",GetCount,Item->Name); wsprintf(szQuestTemp, "Search %d %s",GetCount,Item->Name); ChatTargetSend(lpNpc , szQuestTemp , iIndex ); return true; } case QUEST_STATE_FINISH: { int ItemType = this->quests[i].ItemsObject[x].itemType; int ItemSubType = this->quests[i].ItemsObject[x].itemSubType; int Count = gObjGetItemCountInIventory(iIndex, ITEMGET(ItemType,ItemSubType)); int GetCount = this->quests[i].ItemsObject[x].itemCount; if(Count >= GetCount) { LPITEM_ATTRIBUTE Item = &ItemAttribute[ITEMGET(ItemType, ItemSubType) ]; qMsg->Notice(iIndex, "[Quest] You have been finished %s ",this->quests[i].name); gObjDelteItemCountInInventory(iIndex ,ItemType , ItemSubType , Count ); int PrizeCount = this->quests[i].ItemsObject[x].QuestPrizeCount; int uPoint = 0; int uClassUp = 0; for(int p = 0 ; p != PrizeCount ; p++) { int Points = this->quests[i].ItemsObject[x].QuestPrize[p].points; int ClassUp = this->quests[i].ItemsObject[x].QuestPrize[p].ClassUp; if(Points > 0) uPoint += Points; if(ClassUp > 0 ) uClassUp += ClassUp; } if(uPoint > 0) { qMsg->Msg(iIndex , "[Quest] you have received %d points",uPoint); lpObj->LevelUpPoint += uPoint; GCLevelUpMsgSend(iIndex, 201); this->SetQuestState(lpObj, lpObj->q_QuestIndex+1 , QUEST_STATE_START); } if(uClassUp > 0) { qMsg->PM(iIndex , "[Quest] congratulation you win Class up :)"); lpObj->ChangeUP += 1; lpObj->DbClass |= 1; gObjMakePreviewCharSet(lpObj->m_Index); BYTE btClass = (lpObj->Class * 32) & 224 ; btClass |= (lpObj->ChangeUP * 16) & 16; if(lpObj->ChangeUP == 1) GCSendQuestPrize(lpObj->m_Index, 201 , btClass); if(lpObj->ChangeUP == 2) GCSendQuestPrize(lpObj->m_Index, 204 , btClass); GCMagicAttackNumberSend(lpObj, 76 , lpObj->m_Index , 0 ); } } } } break; } } } } } return false; }
bool cChat::SetCharCommand(LPOBJ gObj, char* Msg, int Index) { if(CheckCommand(gObj, Configs.Commands.IsSetChar, GmSystem.cSetZen, 0, 0, 0, Index, "SetChar", "[Name] /setchar <Zen> <AddPnt> <lvl> <Prof>", Msg)) return true; DWORD Zen = 0; int AddPnt = 0, Lvl = 0, Prof = 0; sscanf(Msg, "%d %d %d %d %d %d", &Zen, &AddPnt, &Lvl, &Prof); if( Zen > 2000000000) { TNotice.MessageLog(1, gObj, "[SetChar] Zen can't be less than 0 and more than 2000000000!"); return true; } int MaximumAddPnt; //if(Configs.Enable65kStats == 0) MaximumAddPnt = 32767; //else // MaximumAddPnt = 65000; if(AddPnt < 0 || AddPnt > MaximumAddPnt) { TNotice.MessageLog(1, gObj, "[SetChar] AddPnt can't be less than 0 and more than %d!", MaximumAddPnt); return true; } if(Lvl < 0 || Lvl > Configs.Commands.MaxLvl) { TNotice.MessageLog(1, gObj, "[SetChar] Lvl can't be less than 0 and more than %d!", Configs.Commands.MaxLvl); return true; } if(Prof < 0 || Prof > 3) { TNotice.MessageLog(1, gObj, "[SetChar] Lvl can't be less than 0 and more than 3!"); return true; } OBJECTSTRUCT *tObj = (OBJECTSTRUCT*)OBJECT_POINTER(Index); if(Zen > 0) { tObj->Money = Zen; GCMoneySend (tObj->m_Index, Zen); } if(AddPnt > 0) { tObj->LevelUpPoint += AddPnt; } if(Lvl > 0) { tObj->Level = Lvl; } if(Prof > 0) { switch(Prof) { case 0: { } break; case 1: { if(gObj->DbClass <= 3) gObj->DbClass = 0; else if(gObj->DbClass >= 16 && gObj->DbClass <= 19) gObj->DbClass = 16; else if(gObj->DbClass >= 32 && gObj->DbClass <= 35) gObj->DbClass = 32; else if(gObj->DbClass >= 48 && gObj->DbClass <= 50) gObj->DbClass = 48; else if(gObj->DbClass >= 64 && gObj->DbClass <= 66) gObj->DbClass = 64; else if(gObj->DbClass >= 80 && gObj->DbClass < 83) gObj->DbClass = 80; } break; case 2: { if( gObj->DbClass <= 3) gObj->DbClass = 1; else if(gObj->DbClass >= 16 && gObj->DbClass <= 19) gObj->DbClass = 17; else if(gObj->DbClass >= 32 && gObj->DbClass <= 35) gObj->DbClass = 33; else if(gObj->DbClass >= 80 && gObj->DbClass < 83) gObj->DbClass = 81; } break; case 3: { if( gObj->DbClass <= 3 ) gObj->DbClass = 3; else if(gObj->DbClass >= 16 && gObj->DbClass <= 19) gObj->DbClass = 19; else if(gObj->DbClass >= 32 && gObj->DbClass <= 35) gObj->DbClass = 35; else if(gObj->DbClass >= 48 && gObj->DbClass <= 50) gObj->DbClass = 50; else if(gObj->DbClass >= 64 && gObj->DbClass <= 66) gObj->DbClass = 66; else if(gObj->DbClass >= 80 && gObj->DbClass < 83) gObj->DbClass = 83; } break; } } if (gObj == tObj) { if(AddPnt > 0 || Prof > 0 || Lvl > 0) TNotice.MessageLog(1, tObj, "[SetChar] Your character was edited, you must relogin!"); else TNotice.MessageLog(1, tObj, "[SetChar] Your character was edited!"); } else { TNotice.MessageLog(1, gObj, "[SetChar] You successfully changed %s character.", tObj->Name); if(AddPnt > 0 || Prof > 0 || Lvl > 0) TNotice.MessageLog(1, tObj, "[SetChar] Your character was edited by %s, you must relogin!", gObj->Name); else TNotice.MessageLog(1, tObj, "[SetChar] Your character was edited by %s!", gObj->Name); } return true; }
void cChat::ChatAddStats(DWORD aIndex, LPCSTR IpBuffer, BYTE CMD_STATS_TYPE) { int Points = atoi(IpBuffer); char* Name; Name = (char*)gObj_GetChar(aIndex,gObjNick); GOBJSTRUCT *gObj = (GOBJSTRUCT*)OBJECT_POINTER(aIndex); if(Config.IsAdd == 0) { GCServerMsgStringSend(MSG07,aIndex, 1); return; } else if((int)gObj_GetLevel(aIndex) < Config.AddLevel) { char levelmsg[120]; sprintf(levelmsg,MSG08,Config.AddLevel); GCServerMsgStringSend(levelmsg, aIndex, 1); Log.outError("[Add] [%s]: [%s] not enought Level \n",gObj->AccountID,Name); return; } else if(strlen(IpBuffer) <1 || Points<1) { GCServerMsgStringSend(MSG09, aIndex, 1); Log.outError("[Add] [%s]: [%s] syntax error \n",gObj->AccountID,Name); return; } else if((int) gObj_GetInt(aIndex,gObjLupp)<Points) { GCServerMsgStringSend(MSG10, aIndex, 1); Log.outError("[Add] [%s]: [%s] lacking points \n",gObj->AccountID,Name); return; } else if(gObj->Money < Config.AddCost) { char OutputZenLack[120]={0}; sprintf(OutputZenLack,MSG11,Config.AddCost); GCServerMsgStringSend(OutputZenLack,aIndex,1); Log.outError("[Add] [%s]: [%s] lacking Zend \n",gObj->AccountID,Name); return; } else if (Points>Config.AddMaxPoints) { char exceedpoint[120]; sprintf(exceedpoint,MSG12,Config.AddMaxPoints); GCServerMsgStringSend(exceedpoint,aIndex,1); Log.outError("[Add] [%s]: [%s] exceed points \n",gObj->AccountID,Name); return; } else if(CMD_STATS_TYPE == 4 && GetPlayerClass(aIndex) != 64 && GetPlayerClass(aIndex) != 66) { GCServerMsgStringSend(MSG13, aIndex, 1); Log.outError("[Add] [%s]: [%s] syntax error \n",gObj->AccountID,Name); return; } else if(Points > 100) { WORD wStr,wDex,wViatality,wEnergy,wLeader ; DWORD dwLvUpPoint; PBYTE pADataAddr ; pADataAddr = (PBYTE)(aIndex*gObjSize +gObjOffset) ; _asm { push eax push ebx mov eax,pADataAddr xor ebx,ebx mov bx,WORD PTR [eax+0xDC] mov wStr,bx mov bx,WORD PTR [eax+0xDE] mov wDex,bx mov bx,WORD PTR [eax+0xE0] mov wViatality,bx mov bx,WORD PTR [eax+0xE2] mov wEnergy,bx mov bx,WORD PTR [eax+0x100] mov wLeader,bx mov ebx,DWORD PTR [eax+0xAC] mov dwLvUpPoint,ebx pop ebx pop eax } Log.outNormal("[%s]: [%s] Before Add: %d Str %d Agi %d Vit %d Ene %d Lead %d \n",gObj->AccountID,Name,dwLvUpPoint,wStr,wDex,wViatality,wEnergy,wLeader); WORD wTmpAddPoint = 0 ; DWORD dwTmpAddPoint = 0 ; wTmpAddPoint = Points ; dwTmpAddPoint = wTmpAddPoint ; if ( wTmpAddPoint >0) { switch (CMD_STATS_TYPE) { case 0x00: _asm { push eax push ebx mov eax,pADataAddr xor ebx,ebx mov bx,WORD PTR [eax+0xDC] add bx,wTmpAddPoint mov WORD PTR [eax+0xDC],bx mov ebx,DWORD PTR [eax+0xAC] sub ebx,dwTmpAddPoint mov DWORD PTR [eax+0xAC],ebx pop ebx pop eax } break; case 0x01: _asm { push eax push ebx mov eax,pADataAddr xor ebx,ebx mov bx,WORD PTR [eax+0xDE] add bx,wTmpAddPoint mov WORD PTR [eax+0xDE],bx mov ebx,DWORD PTR [eax+0xAC] sub ebx,dwTmpAddPoint mov DWORD PTR [eax+0xAC],ebx pop ebx pop eax } break; case 0x02: _asm { push eax push ebx mov eax,pADataAddr xor ebx,ebx mov bx,WORD PTR [eax+0xE0] add bx,wTmpAddPoint mov WORD PTR [eax+0xE0],bx mov ebx,DWORD PTR [eax+0xAC] sub ebx,dwTmpAddPoint mov DWORD PTR [eax+0xAC],ebx pop ebx pop eax } break; case 0x03: _asm { push eax push ebx mov eax,pADataAddr xor ebx,ebx mov bx,WORD PTR [eax+0xE2] add bx,wTmpAddPoint mov WORD PTR [eax+0xE2],bx mov ebx,DWORD PTR [eax+0xAC] sub ebx,dwTmpAddPoint mov DWORD PTR [eax+0xAC],ebx pop ebx pop eax } break; case 0x04: _asm { push eax push ebx mov eax,pADataAddr xor ebx,ebx mov bx,WORD PTR [eax+0x100] add bx,wTmpAddPoint mov WORD PTR [eax+0x100],bx mov ebx,DWORD PTR [eax+0xAC] sub ebx,dwTmpAddPoint mov DWORD PTR [eax+0xAC],ebx pop ebx pop eax } break; } } _asm { push eax push ebx mov eax,pADataAddr xor ebx,ebx mov bx,WORD PTR [eax+0xDC] mov wStr,bx mov bx,WORD PTR [eax+0xDE] mov wDex,bx mov bx,WORD PTR [eax+0xE0] mov wViatality,bx mov bx,WORD PTR [eax+0xE2] mov wEnergy,bx mov bx,WORD PTR [eax+0x100] mov wLeader,bx mov ebx,DWORD PTR [eax+0xAC] mov dwLvUpPoint,ebx pop ebx pop eax } gObj->Money = gObj->Money - Config.AddCost; GCMoneySend(aIndex,gObj->Money); Log.outNormal("[%s]: [%s] After Add: %d Str %d Agi %d Vit %d Ene %d Lead %d \n",gObj->AccountID,Name,dwLvUpPoint,wStr,wDex,wViatality,wEnergy,wLeader); GCServerMsgStringSend(MSG14, aIndex, 1); return; }
void CJewelOfHarmonySystem::PurityJewelOfHarmony(LPOBJ lpObj) { if ( this->m_bSystemPrutiyJewel != TRUE ) { GCServerMsgStringSend(lMsg.Get(MSGGET(13, 50)), lpObj->m_Index, 1); return; } if ( this->IsEnableToUsePuritySystem() == FALSE ) { GCServerMsgStringSend(lMsg.Get(MSGGET(13, 50)), lpObj->m_Index, 1); CLog.LogAdd("[JewelOfHarmony][%s][%s] Not Purtiy Time ", lpObj->AccountID, lpObj->Name); return; } lpObj->ChaosLock = TRUE; // Chaos Lock was Enabled int iJewelOfHarmonyItemCount = 0; int iInvalidItemCount = 0; int iChaosMixPrice = 0; PMSG_CHAOSMIXRESULT pMsg; C1HeadSet((LPBYTE)&pMsg, 0x86, sizeof(PMSG_CHAOSMIXRESULT)); pMsg.Result = CB_ERROR; for ( int n =0;n<CHAOS_BOX_SIZE;n++) { if ( lpObj->pChaosBox[n].IsItem() == TRUE ) { if ( lpObj->pChaosBox[n].m_Type == this->JEWEL_OF_HARMONY_ITEMINDEX ) { iJewelOfHarmonyItemCount++; } else { iInvalidItemCount++; } } } if ( iInvalidItemCount > 0 || iJewelOfHarmonyItemCount !=1 ) { gSendProto.DataSend(lpObj->m_Index, (LPBYTE)&pMsg, pMsg.h.size); lpObj->ChaosLock = FALSE; return; } iChaosMixPrice = this->m_iZenForPurity; int iChaosTaxMoney = iChaosMixPrice * g_CastleSiegeSync.GetTaxRateChaos(lpObj->m_Index) / 100; if (iChaosTaxMoney < 0 ) iChaosTaxMoney = 0; iChaosMixPrice += iChaosTaxMoney; if ( iChaosMixPrice < 0 ) iChaosMixPrice = 0; if ( lpObj->Money < iChaosMixPrice ) { pMsg.Result = CB_NOT_ENOUGH_ZEN; gSendProto.DataSend(lpObj->m_Index, (LPBYTE)&pMsg, pMsg.h.size); lpObj->ChaosLock = FALSE; return; } lpObj->Money -= iChaosMixPrice; g_CastleSiegeSync.AddTributeMoney(iChaosTaxMoney); GCMoneySend(lpObj->m_Index, lpObj->Money); LogChaosItem(lpObj, "JewelOfHarmony][Purity"); CLog.LogAdd("[JewelOfHarmony][Purity] - Mix Start"); BYTE Socket[5]; Socket[0] = 0xFF; Socket[1] = 0xFF; Socket[2] = 0xFF; Socket[3] = 0xFF; Socket[4] = 0xFF; int iRate = rand() % 100; if ( iRate < this->m_iRatePuritySuccess ) { int iItemType = this->JEWEL_OF_HARMONY_PURITY_ITEMINDEX; ItemSerialCreateSend(lpObj->m_Index, -1, 0, 0, iItemType, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, lpObj->m_Index, 0, 0, Socket); gObjInventoryCommit(lpObj->m_Index); CLog.LogAdd("[JewelOfHarmony][Purity] Purity Success [%s][%s] Rate %d/%d", lpObj->AccountID, lpObj->Name, iRate, this->m_iRatePuritySuccess); } else { gChaosBox.ChaosBoxInit(lpObj); GCUserChaosBoxSend(lpObj, 0); gSendProto.DataSend(lpObj->m_Index, (LPBYTE)&pMsg, pMsg.h.size); CLog.LogAdd("[JewelOfHarmony][Purity] Purity Fail [%s][%s] Rate %d/%d", lpObj->AccountID, lpObj->Name, iRate, this->m_iRatePuritySuccess); } // Chaos Lock was Disabled lpObj->ChaosLock = FALSE; }
BOOL CItem380System::ChaosMix380ItemOption(LPOBJ lpObj) { if ( this->m_bSystemFor380ItemOption != TRUE ) { GCServerMsgStringSend(lMsg.Get(MSGGET(13,55)), lpObj->m_Index, 1); lpObj->bIsChaosMixCompleted = false; return FALSE; } lpObj->ChaosLock = TRUE; int iValidItemCount = 0; int iJewelOfHarmony = 0; int iJewelOfSuho = 0; int iInvalidItemCount = 0; int iMixPrice = 0; int iCharmOfLuckCount = 0; PMSG_CHAOSMIXRESULT pMsg; C1HeadSet((LPBYTE)&pMsg, 0x86, sizeof(pMsg)); pMsg.Result = 0; CItem * pTargetItem = NULL; int iPosOfJewelOfHarmony= -1; int iPosOfJewelOfSuho= -1; for ( int n=0;n<CHAOS_BOX_SIZE;n++) { if ( lpObj->pChaosBox[n].IsItem() == TRUE ) { if ( this->Is380Item(&lpObj->pChaosBox[n]) == TRUE && this->Is380OptionItem(&lpObj->pChaosBox[n]) == FALSE && lpObj->pChaosBox[n].m_Level > 3 && (lpObj->pChaosBox[n].m_Option3<<2) > 3) { iValidItemCount++; pTargetItem = &lpObj->pChaosBox[n]; } else if ( g_kJewelOfHarmonySystem.IsJewelOfHarmonyPurity(lpObj->pChaosBox[n].m_Type) == TRUE ) { iJewelOfHarmony++; iPosOfJewelOfHarmony = n; } else if ( lpObj->pChaosBox[n].m_Type == ITEMGET(14, 31) ) { iJewelOfSuho++; iPosOfJewelOfSuho = n; } else if ( lpObj->pChaosBox[n].m_Type == ITEMGET(14,53) ) { iCharmOfLuckCount += (int)lpObj->pChaosBox[n].m_Durability; } else { iInvalidItemCount++; } } } if ( iInvalidItemCount || iValidItemCount != 1 || iJewelOfHarmony != 1 || iJewelOfSuho != 1 || pTargetItem == NULL || iPosOfJewelOfHarmony == -1 || iPosOfJewelOfSuho == -1 || iCharmOfLuckCount > 10 ) { gSendProto.DataSend(lpObj->m_Index, (LPBYTE)&pMsg, pMsg.h.size); lpObj->ChaosLock = FALSE; return FALSE; } iMixPrice = this->m_iNeedZenFor380Option; int iChaosTaxMoney = iMixPrice * g_CastleSiegeSync.GetTaxRateChaos(lpObj->m_Index) / 100; if ( iChaosTaxMoney < 0 ) iChaosTaxMoney = 0; iMixPrice += iChaosTaxMoney; if ( iMixPrice < 0 ) iMixPrice = 0; if ( lpObj->Money < iMixPrice ) { pMsg.Result = 2; gSendProto.DataSend(lpObj->m_Index, (LPBYTE)&pMsg, pMsg.h.size); lpObj->ChaosLock = FALSE; return FALSE; } lpObj->Money -= iMixPrice; g_CastleSiegeSync.AddTributeMoney(iChaosTaxMoney); GCMoneySend(lpObj->m_Index, lpObj->Money); LogChaosItem(lpObj, "380Item][Item Mix"); CLog.LogAdd("[380Item][Item Mix] - Mix Start"); int iRate = rand() % 100; int iRateSuccess = this->m_iRateSuccessRateForMix1; if ( pTargetItem->m_Level < 7 ) iRateSuccess = this->m_iRateSuccessRateForMix1; else if ( pTargetItem->m_Level < 10 ) iRateSuccess = this->m_iRateSuccessRateForMix2; else if ( pTargetItem->m_Level < 16 ) iRateSuccess = this->m_iRateSuccessRateForMix3; iRateSuccess += iCharmOfLuckCount; lpObj->pChaosBox[iPosOfJewelOfHarmony].Clear(); lpObj->pChaosBoxMap[iPosOfJewelOfHarmony] = -1; lpObj->pChaosBox[iPosOfJewelOfSuho].Clear(); lpObj->pChaosBoxMap[iPosOfJewelOfSuho] = -1; if ( iRate < iRateSuccess ) { this->_SetOption(pTargetItem, TRUE); GCUserChaosBoxSend(lpObj, 0); CLog.LogAdd("[380Item][ItemMix] Mix Success [%s][%s], Money(%d-%d) Rate(%d/%d) Option(%d,%d) OptionValue(%d,%d)", lpObj->AccountID, lpObj->Name, lpObj->Money, iMixPrice, iRate, iRateSuccess, this->m_itemOption[(pTargetItem->m_Type )].m_Option1, this->m_itemOption[(pTargetItem->m_Type )].m_Option2, this->m_itemOption[(pTargetItem->m_Type )].m_Value1, this->m_itemOption[(pTargetItem->m_Type )].m_Value2); } else { GCUserChaosBoxSend(lpObj, 0); gSendProto.DataSend(lpObj->m_Index, (LPBYTE)&pMsg, pMsg.h.size); CLog.LogAdd("[380Item][ItemMix] Mix Fail [%s][%s], Money(%d-%d) Rate(%d/%d)", lpObj->AccountID, lpObj->Name, lpObj->Money, iMixPrice, iRate, iRateSuccess); } lpObj->ChaosLock = FALSE; return TRUE; }
void CDevilSquareGround::SendScore() { if ( this->m_DevilSquareRankList.size() < 1 ) { return; } BYTE count = 1; int iUserCount = this->m_DevilSquareRankList.size(); int iExp = 0; for ( std::vector<OBJECTSTRUCT *>::iterator Itor = this->m_DevilSquareRankList.begin() ; Itor != this->m_DevilSquareRankList.end() ; Itor++ ) { memcpy(this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[count].Name , (*(Itor))->Name, MAX_ACCOUNT_LEN); this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[count].TotalScore = (*(Itor))->m_nEventScore; if ( iUserCount <= 6 ) { if ( count < 4 ) { this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[count].BonusZen = this->m_Bonus[count-1][0]; this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[count].BonusExp = this->m_Bonus[count-1][1]; } else { this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[count].BonusZen = this->m_Bonus[3][0]; this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[count].BonusExp = this->m_Bonus[3][1]; } } else { int lc5 = count*100/iUserCount; if ( count == 1 ) { this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[count].BonusZen = this->m_Bonus[0][0]; this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[count].BonusExp = this->m_Bonus[0][1]; } else if ( lc5 <= 30 ) { this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[count].BonusZen = this->m_Bonus[1][0]; this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[count].BonusExp = this->m_Bonus[1][1]; } else if ( lc5 <= 50 ) { this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[count].BonusZen = this->m_Bonus[2][0]; this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[count].BonusExp = this->m_Bonus[2][1]; } else { this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[count].BonusZen = this->m_Bonus[3][0]; this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[count].BonusExp = this->m_Bonus[3][1]; } } count++; if ( count >= 10 ) { break; } } this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Count = count; int iSize = count * 24 + 5; PHeadSetB((LPBYTE)&this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10, 0x93, iSize); count = 1; std::vector<OBJECTSTRUCT *>::iterator Itor = this->m_DevilSquareRankList.begin(); LogAddTD("[DevilSquare] Rank [%d]", this->m_iIndex); for ( ; Itor != this->m_DevilSquareRankList.end(); Itor++ ) { if ( iUserCount <= 6 ) { if ( count < 4 ) //webzen fixed on season 3.0 { this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].BonusZen = this->m_Bonus[count-1][0]; this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].BonusExp = this->m_Bonus[count-1][1]; } else { this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].BonusZen = this->m_Bonus[3][0]; this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].BonusExp = this->m_Bonus[3][1]; } } else { int lc7 = count*100/iUserCount; if ( count ==1 ) { this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].BonusZen = this->m_Bonus[0][0]; this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].BonusExp = this->m_Bonus[0][1]; } else if ( lc7 <= 30 ) { this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].BonusZen = this->m_Bonus[1][0]; this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].BonusExp = this->m_Bonus[1][1]; } else if ( lc7 <= 50 ) { this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].BonusZen = this->m_Bonus[2][0]; this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].BonusExp = this->m_Bonus[2][1]; } else { this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].BonusZen = this->m_Bonus[3][0]; this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].BonusExp = this->m_Bonus[3][1]; } } if ( g_CrywolfSync.GetOccupationState() == 1 && Configs.CrywolfApplyMvpPenalty != FALSE) { this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].BonusExp = (this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].BonusExp * g_CrywolfSync.GetGettingExpPenaltyRate()) / 100; } __int64 exp = this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].BonusExp; gObjSealUserSetExp((*(Itor)), exp, TRUE); //Seal Exp (Season3 add-on) (*(Itor))->Experience += (int)exp; bool ret = gObjLevelUp((*(Itor)), exp, 0, EVENT_TYPE_DEVILSQUARE); (*(Itor))->m_nEventMoney = this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].BonusZen; if ( gObjCheckMaxZen((*(Itor))->m_Index, (*(Itor))->m_nEventMoney) == FALSE ) { int Zen = MAX_ZEN - (*(Itor))->Money; (*(Itor))->Money += Zen; } else { (*(Itor))->Money += (*(Itor))->m_nEventMoney; } GCMoneySend((*(Itor))->m_Index, (*(Itor))->Money); if ( ret == true ) { GCKillPlayerExpSend((*(Itor))->m_Index, (WORD)-1, exp, 0, 0);//Season 4.5 changed } this->SendRankingInfo((*(Itor))); LogAddTD("Rank :[%d] : [%s][%s][%d][%d][%d]", count, (*(Itor))->AccountID, (*(Itor))->Name, (*(Itor))->m_nEventMoney, (*(Itor))->m_nEventExp, (*(Itor))->m_nEventScore); memcpy(this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].Name , (*(Itor))->Name, MAX_ACCOUNT_LEN); this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].TotalScore = (*(Itor))->m_nEventScore; this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.MyRank = count; count++; DataSend((*(Itor))->m_Index, (LPBYTE)&this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10 , iSize); (*(Itor))->m_nEventScore = 0; (*(Itor))->m_nEventMoney = 0; (*(Itor))->m_nEventExp = 0; } }
bool CShop::BuyShopItemAndDelete(int Pos, int aIndex,CShop *Shop) { LPOBJ lpObj = &gObj[aIndex]; if ( Shop->m_item[Pos].IsItem() == TRUE ) { PMSG_BUYRESULT pResult; PHeadSetB((LPBYTE)&pResult, 0x32, sizeof(pResult)); pResult.Result = -1; int iStoreTaxMoney = Shop->m_item[Pos].m_BuyMoney + (int)((__int64)Shop->m_item[Pos].m_BuyMoney * (__int64)g_CastleSiegeSync.GetTaxRateStore(lpObj->m_Index) / (__int64)100); if ( iStoreTaxMoney < 0 ) iStoreTaxMoney = 0; int iStoreTaxMoney2 = (int)((__int64)Shop->m_item[Pos].m_BuyMoney * (__int64)g_CastleSiegeSync.GetTaxRateStore(lpObj->m_Index) / (__int64)100); if ( iStoreTaxMoney2 < 0 ) iStoreTaxMoney2 = 0; if ( lpObj->Money < iStoreTaxMoney ) pResult.Result = -1; else { BOOL bNoItem = TRUE; if ( (Shop->m_item[Pos].m_Type >= ITEMGET(14,0) && Shop->m_item[Pos].m_Type <= ITEMGET(14,8)) || (Shop->m_item[Pos].m_Type >= ITEMGET(14,35) && Shop->m_item[Pos].m_Type <= ITEMGET(14,40))) { int dur = (int)Shop->m_item[Pos].m_Durability; if ( dur == 0 ) dur = 1; if ( ::gObjSearchItem(lpObj, Shop->m_item[Pos].m_Type,dur, Shop->m_item[Pos].m_Level) == TRUE ) { bNoItem = FALSE; lpObj->Money -= iStoreTaxMoney; ::g_CastleSiegeSync.AddTributeMoney(iStoreTaxMoney2); if ( lpObj->Money < 0 ) lpObj->Money = 0; ::GCMoneySend(lpObj->m_Index, lpObj->Money); } } if ( bNoItem != FALSE ) { pResult.Result = gObjShopBuyInventoryInsertItem(lpObj->m_Index, Shop->m_item[Pos]); if ( pResult.Result != 0xFF ) { ItemByteConvert((LPBYTE)&pResult.ItemInfo, Shop->m_item[Pos]); int lc64 = Shop->m_item[Pos].m_BuyMoney; lpObj->Money -= iStoreTaxMoney; ::g_CastleSiegeSync.AddTributeMoney(iStoreTaxMoney2); if ( lpObj->Money < 0 ) lpObj->Money = 0; GCMoneySend(lpObj->m_Index, lpObj->Money); int iTaxRate = g_CastleSiegeSync.GetTaxRateStore(lpObj->m_Index); for (int i = 0; i < Type.size(); i++) { int type = ITEMGET(Type[i],Index[i]); if ( type == Shop->m_item[Pos].m_Type && Dur[i] == Shop->m_item[Pos].m_Durability && Level[i] == Shop->m_item[Pos].m_Level && Opt1[i] == Shop->m_item[Pos].m_Option1 && Opt2[i] == Shop->m_item[Pos].m_Option2 && Opt3[i] == Shop->m_item[Pos].m_Option3 ) { Type[i] = -1; Index[i] = -1; Dur[i] = -1; Level[i] = -1; Opt1[i] = -1; Opt2[i] = -1; Opt3[i] = -1; break; } } Shop->m_item[Pos].Clear(); Shop->SendItemDataLen -= 8; Shop->ItemCount -- ; Shop->RefreshShopItems(); DataSend(lpObj->m_Index, (LPBYTE)&pResult, pResult.h.size); LogAdd("[%s][%s] (%d) Shop buy [%d][%d][%d][%s] LEV:%d, DUR:%d, OP:[%d][%d][%d]", lpObj->AccountID, lpObj->Name, 14, lc64, iTaxRate, lc64+iStoreTaxMoney2, Shop->m_item[Pos].GetName(), Shop->m_item[Pos].m_Level, Shop->m_item[Pos].m_Durability, Shop->m_item[Pos].m_Option1, Shop->m_item[Pos].m_Option2, Shop->m_item[Pos].m_Option3); if ( Shop->ItemCount < 1 ) { PMSG_TALKRESULT pResult; lpObj->TargetShopNumber = -1; lpObj->m_IfState.use = 0; lpObj->m_IfState.type = 0; lpObj->m_ShopTime = 0; pResult.h.c = 0xC3; pResult.h.headcode = 0x30; pResult.h.size = sizeof(pResult); pResult.result = -1; DataSend(lpObj->m_Index, (LPBYTE)&pResult, pResult.h.size); /*if ( Random(0,1) != 0 ) ChatTargetSend(&gObj[DealerNumber], lMsg.Get(MSGGET(4, 119)), aIndex);//#info - ChatTargetSend - может что то интересненькое else ChatTargetSend(&gObj[DealerNumber], lMsg.Get(MSGGET(4, 120)), aIndex);*/ return true; } else { lpObj->TargetShopNumber = 14; lpObj->m_IfState.use = 1; lpObj->m_IfState.type = 3; lpObj->m_ShopTime = 0; PMSG_SHOPITEMCOUNT pShopItemCount; BYTE SendByte[1024]; int lOfs = 0; lOfs += sizeof(pShopItemCount ); int size = lOfs + Shop->SendItemDataLen; PHeadSetW((LPBYTE)&pShopItemCount, 0x31, size); pShopItemCount.Type = 0; pShopItemCount.count = Shop->ItemCount; memcpy(SendByte, &pShopItemCount, sizeof(pShopItemCount)); memcpy(&SendByte[lOfs], Shop->SendItemData, Shop->SendItemDataLen); DataSend(lpObj->m_Index, SendByte, size); GCAnsCsMapSvrTaxInfo(lpObj->m_Index,2, ::g_CastleSiegeSync.GetTaxRateStore(lpObj->m_Index)); return true; } } } } } return false; }
void CDevilSquareGround::SendScore() { if ( this->m_DevilSquareRankList.size() < 1 ) { return; } BYTE count = 1; int iUserCount = this->m_DevilSquareRankList.size(); int iExp = 0; std::vector<LPOBJ>::iterator Itor = this->m_DevilSquareRankList.begin(); for ( ; Itor != this->m_DevilSquareRankList.end() ; Itor++ ) { memcpy(this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[count].Name , (*(Itor))->Name, MAX_ACCOUNT_LEN); this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[count].TotalScore = (*(Itor))->m_nEventScore; if ( iUserCount <= 6 ) { if ( count < 4 ) // For DS from 0 to 3 { this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[count].BonusZen = this->m_Bonus[count-1][0]; this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[count].BonusExp = this->m_Bonus[count-1][1]; } else { this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[count].BonusZen = this->m_Bonus[3][0]; this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[count].BonusExp = this->m_Bonus[3][1]; } } else { int lc5 = count*100/iUserCount; if ( count == 1 ) { this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[count].BonusZen = this->m_Bonus[0][0]; this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[count].BonusExp = this->m_Bonus[0][1]; } else if ( lc5 <= 30 ) { this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[count].BonusZen = this->m_Bonus[1][0]; this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[count].BonusExp = this->m_Bonus[1][1]; } else if ( lc5 <= 50 ) { this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[count].BonusZen = this->m_Bonus[2][0]; this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[count].BonusExp = this->m_Bonus[2][1]; } else { this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[count].BonusZen = this->m_Bonus[3][0]; this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[count].BonusExp = this->m_Bonus[3][1]; } } count++; if ( count >= 10 ) { break; } } this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Count = count; int iSize = count * 24 + 5; PHeadSetB((LPBYTE)&this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10, 0x93, iSize); count = 1; Itor = this->m_DevilSquareRankList.begin(); LogAddTD("[DevilSquare] Rank [%d]", this->m_iIndex); for ( ; Itor != this->m_DevilSquareRankList.end(); Itor++ ) { if ( iUserCount <= 6 ) { if ( count < 4 ) { this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].BonusZen = this->m_Bonus[count-1][0]; this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].BonusExp = this->m_Bonus[count-1][1]; } else { this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].BonusZen = this->m_Bonus[3][0]; this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].BonusExp = this->m_Bonus[3][1]; } } else { int lc7 = count*100/iUserCount; if ( count ==1 ) { this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].BonusZen = this->m_Bonus[0][0]; this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].BonusExp = this->m_Bonus[0][1]; } else if ( lc7 <= 30 ) { this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].BonusZen = this->m_Bonus[1][0]; this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].BonusExp = this->m_Bonus[1][1]; } else if ( lc7 <= 50 ) { this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].BonusZen = this->m_Bonus[2][0]; this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].BonusExp = this->m_Bonus[2][1]; } else { this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].BonusZen = this->m_Bonus[3][0]; this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].BonusExp = this->m_Bonus[3][1]; } } if ( g_CrywolfSync.GetOccupationState() == 1 && g_iCrywolfApplyMvpPenalty != FALSE) { this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].BonusExp = (this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].BonusExp * g_CrywolfSync.GetGettingExpPenaltyRate()) / 100; } __int64 iExp64 = this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].BonusExp; CheckItemOptForGetExpEx((*(Itor)),iExp64,TRUE); (*(Itor))->Experience += (DWORD)iExp64; bool ret = gObjLevelUp((*(Itor)), &iExp64, 0, EVENT_TYPE_DEVILSQUARE); (*(Itor))->m_nEventMoney = this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].BonusZen; if ( gObjCheckMaxZen((*(Itor))->m_Index, (*(Itor))->m_nEventMoney) == FALSE ) { int Zen = MAX_ZEN - (*(Itor))->Money; (*(Itor))->Money += Zen; } else { (*(Itor))->Money += (*(Itor))->m_nEventMoney; } GCMoneySend((*(Itor))->m_Index, (*(Itor))->Money); if ( ret == true ) { GCKillPlayerExpSend((*(Itor))->m_Index, (WORD)-1, this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].BonusExp, 0, 0); } if( count == 1 ) { g_EventItemBagManager.OpenSpecial(EventBagSpecial::DevilSquare1, (*(Itor))->m_Index, (*(Itor))->MapNumber, (*(Itor))->X, (*(Itor))->Y); } else if( count == 2) { g_EventItemBagManager.OpenSpecial(EventBagSpecial::DevilSquare2, (*(Itor))->m_Index, (*(Itor))->MapNumber, (*(Itor))->X, (*(Itor))->Y); } else if( count == 3) { g_EventItemBagManager.OpenSpecial(EventBagSpecial::DevilSquare3, (*(Itor))->m_Index, (*(Itor))->MapNumber, (*(Itor))->X, (*(Itor))->Y); } this->SendRankingInfo((*(Itor))); LogAddTD("Rank :[%d] : [%s][%s][%d][%d][%d]", count, (*(Itor))->AccountID, (*(Itor))->Name, (*(Itor))->m_nEventMoney, (*(Itor))->m_nEventExp, (*(Itor))->m_nEventScore); memcpy(this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].Name , (*(Itor))->Name, MAX_ACCOUNT_LEN); this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].TotalScore = (*(Itor))->m_nEventScore; this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.MyRank = count; count++; DataSend((*(Itor))->m_Index, (BYTE *)&this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10 , iSize); #ifdef POINTEX g_ShopPointEx.AddEventBonus((*(Itor))->m_Index, ShopPointExEvent::DS); #endif #if( __4GAMERS__ == 1 ) g_Achievements.GD_UpdateEventDataDS((*(Itor)), (*(Itor))->m_nEventExp, (*(Itor))->m_nEventScore); #endif (*(Itor))->m_nEventScore = 0; (*(Itor))->m_nEventMoney = 0; (*(Itor))->m_nEventExp = 0; } }
void CDevilSquareGround::SendScore() { if ( this->m_DevilSquareRankList.size() < 1 ) { return; } BYTE count = 1; int iUserCount = this->m_DevilSquareRankList.size(); int iExp = 0; std::vector<OBJECTSTRUCT *>::iterator Itor = this->m_DevilSquareRankList.begin(); for (Itor = this->m_DevilSquareRankList.begin() ; Itor != this->m_DevilSquareRankList.end() ; Itor++ ) { memcpy(this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[count].Name , (*(Itor))->Name, MAX_ACCOUNT_LEN); this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[count].TotalScore = (*(Itor))->m_nEventScore; if ( iUserCount <= 6 ) { if ( count < 4 ) // For DS from 0 to 3 { this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[count].BonusZen = this->m_Bonus[count-1][0]; this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[count].BonusExp = this->m_Bonus[count-1][1]; } else { this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[count].BonusZen = this->m_Bonus[3][0]; this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[count].BonusExp = this->m_Bonus[3][1]; } } else { int lc5 = count*100/iUserCount; if ( count == 1 ) { this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[count].BonusZen = this->m_Bonus[0][0]; this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[count].BonusExp = this->m_Bonus[0][1]; } else if ( lc5 <= 30 ) { this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[count].BonusZen = this->m_Bonus[1][0]; this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[count].BonusExp = this->m_Bonus[1][1]; } else if ( lc5 <= 50 ) { this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[count].BonusZen = this->m_Bonus[2][0]; this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[count].BonusExp = this->m_Bonus[2][1]; } else { this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[count].BonusZen = this->m_Bonus[3][0]; this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[count].BonusExp = this->m_Bonus[3][1]; } } count++; if ( count >= 10 ) { break; } } this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Count = count; int iSize = count * 24 + 5; PHeadSetB((LPBYTE)&this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10, 0x93, iSize); count = 1; Itor = this->m_DevilSquareRankList.begin(); LogAdd("[DevilSquare] Rank [%d]", this->m_iIndex); for ( ; Itor != this->m_DevilSquareRankList.end(); Itor++ ) { if ( iUserCount <= 6 ) { if ( count < 3 ) { this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].BonusZen = this->m_Bonus[count-1][0]; this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].BonusExp = this->m_Bonus[count-1][1]; } else { this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].BonusZen = this->m_Bonus[3][0]; this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].BonusExp = this->m_Bonus[3][1]; } } else { int lc7 = count*100/iUserCount; if ( count ==1 ) { this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].BonusZen = this->m_Bonus[0][0]; this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].BonusExp = this->m_Bonus[0][1]; } else if ( lc7 <= 30 ) { this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].BonusZen = this->m_Bonus[1][0]; this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].BonusExp = this->m_Bonus[1][1]; } else if ( lc7 <= 50 ) { this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].BonusZen = this->m_Bonus[2][0]; this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].BonusExp = this->m_Bonus[2][1]; } else { this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].BonusZen = this->m_Bonus[3][0]; this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].BonusExp = this->m_Bonus[3][1]; } } if ( g_CrywolfSync.GetOccupationState() == 1 && g_iCrywolfApplyMvpPenalty != FALSE) { this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].BonusExp = (this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].BonusExp * g_CrywolfSync.GetGettingExpPenaltyRate()) / 100; } /*if ( iExp > 0 ) { if ( lpObj->Type == OBJ_USER ) { if ( lpObj->m_wExprienceRate > 0 ) { lpObj->Experience += iExp; lpObj->m_nEventExp += iExp; } } }*/ if ( (*(Itor))->m_wExprienceRate == 0 ) iExp = 0; else { iExp = this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].BonusExp; (*(Itor))->Experience += iExp; } //(*(Itor))->Experience += this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].BonusExp; bool ret = false; if ( (*(Itor))->m_wExprienceRate > 0 ) { ret = gObjLevelUp((*(Itor)), iExp, 0, EVENT_TYPE_DEVILSQUARE); } (*(Itor))->m_nEventMoney = this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].BonusZen; if ( gObjCheckMaxZen((*(Itor))->m_Index, (*(Itor))->m_nEventMoney) == FALSE ) { int Zen = MAX_ZEN - (*(Itor))->Money; (*(Itor))->Money += Zen; } else { (*(Itor))->Money += (*(Itor))->m_nEventMoney; } GCMoneySend((*(Itor))->m_Index, (*(Itor))->Money); if ( ret == true ) { if ( (*(Itor))->m_wExprienceRate > 0 ) { GCKillPlayerExpSend((*(Itor))->m_Index, (WORD)-1, iExp, 0, 0); } } this->SendRankingInfo((*(Itor))); LogAdd("Rank :[%d] : [%s][%s][%d][%d][%d]", count, (*(Itor))->AccountID, (*(Itor))->Name, (*(Itor))->m_nEventMoney, (*(Itor))->m_nEventExp, (*(Itor))->m_nEventScore); memcpy(this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].Name , (*(Itor))->Name, MAX_ACCOUNT_LEN); this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].TotalScore = (*(Itor))->m_nEventScore; if ( (*(Itor))->m_wExprienceRate == 0 ) { this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].BonusExp = 0; } else { this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.Score[0].BonusExp = iExp; } this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10.MyRank = count; count++; DataSend((*(Itor))->m_Index, (BYTE *)&this->m_DevilSquareScoreInfoTOP10 , iSize); (*(Itor))->m_nEventScore = 0; (*(Itor))->m_nEventMoney = 0; (*(Itor))->m_nEventExp = 0; } }