unsigned long CCharsetDetector::NextStateMachineState(const SMModel* const pSMModel, unsigned char Uint8Current, SMByteInfo* pTemSMByteInfo)
	//for each byte we get its class , if it is first byte, we also get byte length
	unsigned char byteCls = GETFROMPCK((Uint8Current), pSMModel->classTable);
	unsigned char byteCls2 = getFromPck((Uint8Current), pSMModel->classTable); // fot test.
	if (pTemSMByteInfo->dwSMState == eStart)
		pTemSMByteInfo->dwCurrentBytePos = 0; 
		pTemSMByteInfo->dwCurrentCharLen = pSMModel->charLenTable[byteCls];
	//from byte's class and stateTable, we get its next state
	pTemSMByteInfo->dwSMState= (ESMState)GETFROMPCK((pTemSMByteInfo->dwSMState*(pSMModel->classFactor) + byteCls), pSMModel->stateTable);
	return pTemSMByteInfo->dwSMState;
 nsSMState CVE_2013_0779_seamonkey2_13_2_NextState(char c){
   //for each byte we get its class , if it is first byte, we also get byte length
   PRUint32 byteCls = GETCLASS(c);
   if (mCurrentState == eStart)
     mCurrentBytePos = 0; 
     mCurrentCharLen = mModel->charLenTable[byteCls];
   //from byte's class and stateTable, we get its next state
   return mCurrentState;