** ===================================================================
**     Method      :  MAG1_GetXYZ8 (component MAG3110)
**     Description :
**         Returns in an array the x, y and z sensor values as 8bit
**         values. Note that for this method the FAST_READ flag *shall*
**         be set.
**     Parameters  :
**         NAME            - DESCRIPTION
**       * xyz             - Pointer to an array of three signed 8bit
**                           values which are used to return the
**                           accelerometer values.
**     Returns     :
**         ---             - Error code, ERR_OK for no error.
** ===================================================================
uint8_t MAG1_GetXYZ8(signed char *xyz)
  /* NOTE: this function assumes that FAST_READ *is* set, as it reads 3 bytes */
  static const uint8_t addr = MAG1_OUT_X_MSB;

  return GI2C1_ReadAddress(MAG1_I2C_ADDR, (uint8_t*)&addr, sizeof(addr), (uint8_t*)xyz, 3);
 * Gets the X, Y and Z values of the accelerometer in the KL25Z board and
 * sends the data to the UART peripheral if debug mode is active.
 *************************************************************************** */
void accelerometer_readXYZ(void) { 
  uint8 registerRead = MMA8451_OUT_X_MSB;
  int8 xyz[3] = {0, 1, 2};
  GI2C1_ReadAddress(MMA8451_I2C_ADDRESS, &registerRead, 1, (uint8_t*)&xyz, 3);
  #ifdef DEBUGFLAG
    uart_SendString("X: ");
    uart_SendString("; Y: ");
    uart_SendString("; Z: ");
** ===================================================================
**     Method      :  MAG1_GetZ (component MAG3110)
**     Description :
**         Returns the Z magnetometer value.
**     Parameters  :
**         NAME            - DESCRIPTION
**       * value           - Pointer to where to store the value
**     Returns     :
**         ---             - Error code
** ===================================================================
byte MAG1_GetZ(int16_t *value)
  union {
    uint8_t buf[2]; /* value from device is in big endian */
    int16_t be;
  } val;
  static const uint8_t addr = MAG1_OUT_Z_MSB;

  if (GI2C1_ReadAddress(MAG1_I2C_ADDR, (uint8_t*)&addr, sizeof(addr), &val.buf[0], sizeof(val.buf))!=ERR_OK) {
    return ERR_FAILED; /* failure */
  *value = (int16_t)((val.buf[0]<<8)|val.buf[1]); /* transform into LE value */
  *value = val.be; /* already in BE */
  return ERR_OK;
** ===================================================================
**     Method      :  MAG1_Read16bitBEValue (component MAG3110)
**     Description :
**         Reads a 16bit value to the device. Value is read in Big Endian 
**         and returned in the proper format depending of LE/BE of 
**         microcontroller.
**         This method is internal. It is used by Processor Expert only.
** ===================================================================
byte MAG1_Read16bitBEValue(byte addr, word *value)
  union {
    uint8_t buf[2]; /* value from device is in big endian */
    uint16_t be;
  } val;
  uint8_t res;

  res = GI2C1_ReadAddress(MAG1_I2C_ADDR, &addr, sizeof(addr), &val.buf[0], sizeof(val.buf));
  if(res!=ERR_OK) {
    return res; /* failure */
  *value = (uint16_t)((val.buf[0]<<8)|val.buf[1]); /* transform into LE value */
  *value = val.be; /* already in BE */
  return ERR_OK;
Beispiel #5
** ===================================================================
**     Method      :  GI2C1_ReadByteAddress8 (component GenericI2C)
**     Description :
**         Read a byte from the device using an 8bit memory address.
**         This writes (S+i2cAddr+0), (memAddr), (Sr+i2cAddr+1), (data)..
**         .(data+P)
**     Parameters  :
**         NAME            - DESCRIPTION
**         i2cAddr         - I2C Address of device
**         memAddr         - Device memory address
**       * data            - Pointer to read buffer (single byte)
**     Returns     :
**         ---             - Error code
** ===================================================================
byte GI2C1_ReadByteAddress8(byte i2cAddr, byte memAddr, byte *data)
  return GI2C1_ReadAddress(i2cAddr, &memAddr, sizeof(memAddr), data, 1);
/* ************************************************************************** */
static void I2CreadBytes(stLSM9DS0_t * stThis, uint8_t address, uint8_t subAddress, uint8_t * dest, uint8_t count)
    byte registerAddress = (byte)(subAddress | 0x80);

    GI2C1_ReadAddress( address, &registerAddress, 1, dest, count );