Beispiel #1
void display_button(int button) {
	xSemaphoreTake(lcdLock, portMAX_DELAY);
	GLCD_drawRect(buttons[button].upper, buttons[button].right, buttons[button].lower-buttons[button].upper, buttons[button].left-buttons[button].right);
	GLCD_displayChar(buttons[button].upper + 10, buttons[button].right + 20, *(buttons[button].text));
Beispiel #2
 * Display one character, in pos y, x
 * with color according to textCol (= text color)
 * with size of y = line number
 * with size of x = number of characters from left border
 * (max 20 characters on one line)
 * y = 0 -> first line, y = 2 -> second line....
 * in this case input x=0 means the left border
 * A small distance to the right will be added to x
static void screenDisplayChar(int y, int x, unsigned short textCol, char c) {
	unsigned char cOut;

	cOut = c;

    xSemaphoreTake(lcdLock, portMAX_DELAY);
	GLCD_displayChar(y * 24, 304 - 16 * x, cOut);
Beispiel #3
* Disply string on given line                                                  *
*   Parameter:     s*:        pointer to string                                *
*                  ln:        line number                                      *
*   Return:                                                                    *
void GLCD_displayStringLn(unsigned int ln, unsigned char *s) {
    unsigned int i = 0;
    unsigned int refcolumn = (WIDTH/*-1*/)-16;

    while ((*s != 0) & (i < 20))                   /* write the string character by character on lCD */
        GLCD_displayChar(ln, refcolumn, *s);         /* Display one character on LCD */
        refcolumn -= 16;                             /* Decrement the column position by 16 */
        s++;                                         /* Point on the next character */
        i++;                                         /* Increment the character counter */
Beispiel #4
 * help routine to display a grid on the screen
 *	type = 0 if characters
 *	type = 1 if numbers
 *  capsIn = 0 when characters and lower case characters shall be used
 *	capsIn = 1 when characters and capital charaters shall be used
static void screenDisplayGrid(int type, int capsIn) {
	//uint16_t x0 = 150;
	//uint8_t y0 = 28;
	//make longer lines when characters
	uint16_t lengthH = (type) ? 210 : 290;
	uint16_t lengthV = (type) ? 170 : 138;
	//lower case characters are 32 above capital characters
	int		caps = (capsIn) ? 0 : 32;
	int		yD, yC, yE;
	int		xD, xC, xE;
	int		i;

 	xSemaphoreTake(lcdLock, portMAX_DELAY);

	if(type == 0) {
		//display characters
		//first two lines with characters
		for (i = 0; i < 19; i++)
			GLCD_displayChar(38 + 50 * (i/10), 302 - 30 * (i % 10), 65 + i + caps);
		//third line with characters
 		for (i = 0; i < 7; i++)
			GLCD_displayChar(138, 302 - 30 * (i % 10), 84 + i + caps);
		//decide where to draw Delete, Cancel and Enter
		yD = yC = yE = 182;
		xD = 302;
		xC = 182;
		xE = 80;

	} else {  
		//display numbers
		GLCD_displayChar(38,  278,'7');
		GLCD_displayChar(38,  208,'8');
		GLCD_displayChar(38,  138,'9');
		GLCD_displayChar(88,  278,'4');
		GLCD_displayChar(88,  208,'5');
		GLCD_displayChar(88,  138,'6');
		GLCD_displayChar(138, 278,'1');
		GLCD_displayChar(138, 208,'2');
		GLCD_displayChar(138, 138,'3');
		GLCD_displayChar(188, 208,'0');

		//decide where to draw Delete, Cancel and Enter
		yD = 38;
		yC = 88;
		yE = 138;
		xD = xC = xE = 74;
	//draw Delete, starting in position yD, xD
	GLCD_displayChar(yD,   xD,     'D');
	GLCD_displayChar(yD,   xD - 14,'e');
	GLCD_displayChar(yD,   xD - 28,'l');
	GLCD_displayChar(yD,   xD - 42,'e');
	GLCD_displayChar(yD,   xD - 56,'t');
	GLCD_displayChar(yD,   xD - 70,'e');
	//draw Cancel, starting in position yC, xC
	GLCD_displayChar(yC,   xC,     'C');
	GLCD_displayChar(yC,   xC - 14,'a');
	GLCD_displayChar(yC,   xC - 28,'n');
	GLCD_displayChar(yC,   xC - 42,'c');
	GLCD_displayChar(yC,   xC - 56,'e');
	GLCD_displayChar(yC,   xC - 70,'l');
	//draw Enter, starting in posinio yE, xE
	GLCD_displayChar(yE,   xE,     'E');
	GLCD_displayChar(yE,   xE - 14,'n');
	GLCD_displayChar(yE,   xE - 28,'t');
	GLCD_displayChar(yE,   xE - 42,'e');
	GLCD_displayChar(yE,   xE - 56,'r');
	//draw help lines
	GLCD_drawLine(68,  315 - lengthH, lengthH, Horizontal);
	GLCD_drawLine(118, 315 - lengthH, lengthH, Horizontal);
	GLCD_drawLine(168, 315 - lengthH, lengthH, Horizontal);
	if (type == 0) {
		//add text: Caps
		GLCD_displayChar(138,   80,     'S');
		GLCD_displayChar(138,   66,     'p');
		GLCD_displayChar(138,   52,     'a');
		GLCD_displayChar(138,   38,     'c');
		GLCD_displayChar(138,   24,		'e');

		// add an filled arrow, down if caps now, up if lower case now
		GLCD_displayChar( 88,   24,		133 + 2 * capsIn);
		//draw verical lines for displayed characters
		for (i = 0; i < 9; i++)
			GLCD_drawLine(30, 295 - i * 30, lengthV - (i / 7) * 50, Vertical);

		//special lines around Delete, Cancel and Enter
		GLCD_drawLine(170,   315 - lengthH, lengthH, Horizontal);
		GLCD_drawLine(210,   315 - lengthH, lengthH, Horizontal);
		GLCD_drawLine(212,   315 - lengthH, lengthH, Horizontal);

		for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
			GLCD_drawLine(171,  108 + i * 108, 38, Vertical);
			GLCD_drawLine(171,  110 + i * 108, 38, Vertical);

	} else {
		//draw vertical lines for displayed numbers
		GLCD_drawLine(30,  245, lengthV, Vertical);
		GLCD_drawLine(30,  175, lengthV, Vertical);

		//special lines around Delete, Cancel and Enter
		GLCD_drawLine(26,   0, 94, Horizontal);
		GLCD_drawLine(28,   0, 92, Horizontal);
		GLCD_drawLine(68,   0, 92, Horizontal);
		GLCD_drawLine(70,   0, 92, Horizontal);
		GLCD_drawLine(118,  0, 92, Horizontal);
		GLCD_drawLine(120,  0, 92, Horizontal);
		GLCD_drawLine(168,  0, 92, Horizontal);
		GLCD_drawLine(170,  0, 94, Horizontal);

		GLCD_drawLine(28,  92, 142, Vertical);
		GLCD_drawLine(26,  94, 144, Vertical);
