Beispiel #1
 * @brief Get application parameters
 * Get all required task parameters from the parameter file or (if specified)
 * by querying the user. Observation dependent parameters will only be read
 * if the observation container is actually empty. Observation dependent
 * parameters are:
 * "stat" (statistics to be used for observation),
 * "caldb" (calibration database),
 * "irf" (instrument response function), and
 * "infile" (input file name).
 * The model will only be loaded if no model components exist in the
 * observation container.
 * This method handles both loading of FITS files and of handling XML
 * observation definition files.
void ctlike::get_parameters(void)
    // If there are no observations in container then load them via user
    // parameters
    if (m_obs.size() == 0) {

        // Throw exception if no input observation file is given

        // Get observation container
        m_obs = get_observations();

    } // endif: there was no observation in the container

    // If only single observation is used, read statistics parameter
    if (!m_use_xml) {

        // Get other task parameters
        std::string statistics = gammalib::toupper((*this)["stat"].string());

        // Set statistics

    // If there is are no models associated with the observations then
    // load now the model definition
    if (m_obs.models().size() == 0) {

        // Get models XML filename
        std::string filename = (*this)["inmodel"].filename();

        // Setup models for optimizing.

    } // endif: no models were associated with observations

    // Get other parameters
    m_refit           = (*this)["refit"].boolean();
    m_apply_edisp     = (*this)["edisp"].boolean();
    m_fix_spat_for_ts = (*this)["fix_spat_for_ts"].boolean();

    // Optionally read ahead parameters so that they get correctly
    // dumped into the log file
    if (read_ahead()) {
        m_outmodel = (*this)["outmodel"].filename();

    // Set optimizer logger
    if (logTerse()) {
    else {

    // Return
Beispiel #2
 * @brief Get application parameters
 * @exception GException::invalid_value
 *            Test source not found.
 * Get all task parameters from parameter file or (if required) by querying
 * the user.
void cterror::get_parameters(void)
    // If there are no observations in container then load them via user
    // parameters
    if (m_obs.size() == 0) {

        // Throw exception if no input observation file is given

        // Build observation container
        m_obs = get_observations();

    } // endif: there was no observation in the container

    // If there are no models associated with the observations then
    // load now the model definition
    if (m_obs.models().size() == 0) {

        // Get models XML filename
        std::string filename = (*this)["inmodel"].filename();

        // Setup models for optimizing.

    } // endif: no models were associated with observations

    // Get name of test source and check container for this name
    m_srcname = (*this)["srcname"].string();
    if (!m_obs.models().contains(m_srcname)) {
        std::string msg = "Source \""+m_srcname+"\" not found in model "
                          "container. Please add a source with that name "
                          "or check for possible typos.";
        throw GException::invalid_value(G_GET_PARAMETERS, msg);

    // Read energy dispersion flag
    m_apply_edisp = (*this)["edisp"].boolean();

    // Get confidence level and transform into log-likelihood difference
    m_confidence = (*this)["confidence"].real();
    double sigma = gammalib::erfinv(m_confidence) * gammalib::sqrt_two;
    m_dlogL      = (sigma*sigma) / 2.0;

    // Read other parameters
    m_tol      = (*this)["tol"].real();
    m_max_iter = (*this)["max_iter"].integer();

    // Return
Beispiel #3
 * @brief Setup observation container
 * @exception GException::no_cube
 *            No event cube found in CTA observation.
 * This method sets up the observation container for processing. There are
 * two cases:
 * If there are no observations in the actual observation container, the
 * method will check in "infile" parameter. If this parameter is "NONE" or
 * empty, the task parameters will be used to construct a model map.
 * Otherwise, the method first tries to interpret the "infile" parameter as
 * a counts map, and attemps loading of the file in an event cube. If this
 * fails, the method tries to interpret the "infile" parameter as an
 * observation definition XML file. If this also fails, an exception will
 * be thrown.
 * If observations exist already in the observation container, the method
 * will simply keep them.
 * Test if all CTA observations contain counts maps.
 * Finally, if no models exist so far in the observation container, the
 * models will be loaded from the model XML file.
void ctmodel::setup_obs(void)
    // If there are no observations in the container then try to build some
    if (m_obs.size() == 0) {

        // If no input filename has been specified, then create a model map
        // from the task parameters
        if ((m_infile == "NONE") || (gammalib::strip_whitespace(m_infile) == "")) {

            // Set pointing direction
            GCTAPointing pnt;
            GSkyDir      skydir;
            skydir.radec_deg(m_ra, m_dec);

            // Setup energy range covered by model
            GEnergy  emin(m_emin, "TeV");
            GEnergy  emax(m_emax, "TeV");
            GEbounds ebds(m_enumbins, emin, emax);

            // Setup time interval covered by model
            GGti  gti;
            GTime tmin(m_tmin);
            GTime tmax(m_tmax);
            gti.append(tmin, tmax);

            // Setup skymap
            GSkymap map = GSkymap(m_proj, m_coordsys,
                                  m_xref, m_yref, -m_binsz, m_binsz,
                                  m_nxpix, m_nypix, m_enumbins);

            // Create model cube from sky map
            GCTAEventCube cube(map, ebds, gti);

            // Allocate CTA observation
            GCTAObservation obs;

            // Set CTA observation attributes

            // Set event cube in observation

            // Append CTA observation to container

            // Signal that no XML file should be used for storage
            m_use_xml = false;

        } // endif: created model map from task parameters

        // ... otherwise try to load information from the file
        else {

            // First try to open the file as a counts map
            try {

                // Allocate CTA observation
                GCTAObservation obs;

                // Load counts map in CTA observation

                // Append CTA observation to container

                // Signal that no XML file should be used for storage
                m_use_xml = false;


            // ... otherwise try to open as XML file
            catch (GException::fits_open_error &e) {

                // Load observations from XML file. This will throw
                // an exception if it fails.

                // Signal that XML file should be used for storage
                m_use_xml = true;


        } // endelse: loaded information from input file

    } // endif: there was no observation in the container

    // If there are no models associated with the observations then
    // load now the model definition from the XML file
    if (m_obs.models().size() == 0) {

    // Check if all CTA observations contain an event cube and setup response
    // for all observations
    for (int i = 0; i < m_obs.size(); ++i) {

        // Is this observation a CTA observation?
        GCTAObservation* obs = dynamic_cast<GCTAObservation*>(m_obs[i]);

        // Yes ...
        if (obs != NULL) {

            // Throw an exception if this observation does not contain
            // an event cube
            if (dynamic_cast<const GCTAEventCube*>(obs->events()) == NULL) {
                throw GException::no_cube(G_SETUP_OBS);

            // Set response if it isn't set already
            if (obs->response().aeff() == NULL) {

                // Set calibration database. If specified parameter is a
                // directory then use this as the pathname to the calibration
                // database. Otherwise interpret this as the instrument name,
                // the mission being "cta"
                GCaldb caldb;
                if (gammalib::dir_exists(m_caldb)) {
                else {
          "cta", m_caldb);

                // Set reponse
                obs->response(m_irf, caldb);

            } // endif: observation already has a response

        } // endif: observation was a CTA observation

    } // endfor: looped over all observations

    // Return