Beispiel #1
 * Function Name : GPIO_DRV_WritePinOutput
 * Description   : Set output level of individual GPIO pin to logic 1 or 0.
void GPIO_DRV_WritePinOutput(uint32_t pinName, uint32_t output)
    uint32_t gpioBaseAddr = g_gpioBaseAddr[GPIO_EXTRACT_PORT(pinName)];
    uint32_t pin = GPIO_EXTRACT_PIN(pinName);

    GPIO_HAL_WritePinOutput(gpioBaseAddr, pin, output);
Beispiel #2
 * Function Name : GPIO_DRV_SetPinDir
 * Description   : Set current direction of individual GPIO pin.
void GPIO_DRV_SetPinDir(uint32_t pinName, gpio_pin_direction_t direction)
    uint32_t gpioBaseAddr = g_gpioBaseAddr[GPIO_EXTRACT_PORT(pinName)];
    uint32_t pin = GPIO_EXTRACT_PIN(pinName);

    GPIO_HAL_SetPinDir(gpioBaseAddr, pin, direction);
Beispiel #3
void hardware_init(void)

    uint8_t i;

    /* enable clock for PORTs */
    for (i = 0; i < PORT_INSTANCE_COUNT; i++)

#if ((defined TWR_K64F120M) || (defined FRDM_K64F) || (defined TWR_K60D100M) || (defined TWR_K21F120M) || (defined TWR_K65F180M))
    /* configure detect pin as gpio (alt1) */
    uint32_t port = GPIO_EXTRACT_PORT(sdhcCdPin[0].pinName);
    uint32_t pin = GPIO_EXTRACT_PIN(sdhcCdPin[0].pinName);
    PORT_Type * portBase = g_portBase[port];
    PORT_HAL_SetMuxMode(portBase, pin, kPortMuxAsGpio);

    /* Init board clock */
// handler associated to SW1 (labeled SW2 on board)
void SW1_Intr_Handler(void)
  static uint32_t c_ifsr;          // port c interrupt flag status register
  uint32_t c_portBaseAddr = g_portBaseAddr[GPIO_EXTRACT_PORT(kGpioSW1)];
  uint32_t portPinMask = (1 << GPIO_EXTRACT_PIN(kGpioSW1));

  CPU_CRITICAL_ENTER();         // enter critical section (disable interrupts)

  OSIntEnter();         // notify to scheduler the beginning of an ISR ("This allows ?C/OS-III to keep track of interrupt nesting")

  c_ifsr = PORT_HAL_GetPortIntFlag(c_portBaseAddr);         // get intr flag reg related to port C

  if( (c_ifsr & portPinMask) ) // check if kGpioSW1 generated the interrupt [pin 6 -> 7th flag (flags start with index 0)]
                         OS_OPT_POST_1 + OS_OPT_POST_NO_SCHED,

  GPIO_DRV_ClearPinIntFlag( kGpioSW1 );
  CPU_CRITICAL_EXIT();  // renable interrupts

  OSIntExit();          /* notify to scheduler the end of an ISR ("determines if a higher priority task is ready-to-run.
                          If so, the interrupt returns to the higher priority task instead of the interrupted task.") */
 * Function Name : GPIO_DRV_ClearPinIntFlag
 * Description   : Clear individual GPIO pin interrupt status flag.
void GPIO_DRV_ClearPinIntFlag(uint32_t pinName)
    PORT_Type * portBase = g_portBase[GPIO_EXTRACT_PORT(pinName)];
    uint32_t pin = GPIO_EXTRACT_PIN(pinName);

    PORT_HAL_ClearPinIntFlag(portBase, pin);
 * Function Name : GPIO_DRV_OutputPinInit
 * Description   : Initialize one GPIO output pin used by board.
void GPIO_DRV_OutputPinInit(const gpio_output_pin_user_config_t *outputPin)
    /* Get actual port and pin number.*/
    uint32_t port = GPIO_EXTRACT_PORT(outputPin->pinName);
    uint32_t pin = GPIO_EXTRACT_PIN(outputPin->pinName);
    GPIO_Type * gpioBase = g_gpioBase[port];
    PORT_Type * portBase = g_portBase[port];

    /* Un-gate port clock*/

    /* Set current pin as gpio.*/
    PORT_HAL_SetMuxMode(portBase, pin, kPortMuxAsGpio);

    /* Set current pin as digital output.*/
    GPIO_HAL_SetPinDir(gpioBase, pin, kGpioDigitalOutput);

    /* Configure GPIO output features. */
    GPIO_HAL_WritePinOutput(gpioBase, pin, outputPin->config.outputLogic);
    PORT_HAL_SetSlewRateMode(portBase, pin, outputPin->config.slewRate);
    PORT_HAL_SetDriveStrengthMode(portBase, pin, outputPin->config.driveStrength);
    PORT_HAL_SetOpenDrainCmd(portBase, pin, outputPin->config.isOpenDrainEnabled);
 * Function Name : GPIO_DRV_SetDigitalFilterCmd
 * Description   : Enable or disable digital filter in one single port.
void GPIO_DRV_SetDigitalFilterCmd(uint32_t pinName, bool isDigitalFilterEnabled)
    PORT_Type * portBase = g_portBase[GPIO_EXTRACT_PORT(pinName)];
    uint32_t pin = GPIO_EXTRACT_PIN(pinName);

    PORT_HAL_SetDigitalFilterCmd(portBase, pin, isDigitalFilterEnabled);
 * Function Name : GPIO_DRV_IsPinIntPending
 * Description   : Read the individual pin-interrupt status flag.
bool GPIO_DRV_IsPinIntPending(uint32_t pinName)
    PORT_Type * portBase = g_portBase[GPIO_EXTRACT_PORT(pinName)];
    uint32_t pin = GPIO_EXTRACT_PIN(pinName);

    return PORT_HAL_IsPinIntPending(portBase, pin);
 * Function Name : GPIO_DRV_TogglePinOutput
 * Description   : Reverse current output logic of individual GPIO pin.
void GPIO_DRV_TogglePinOutput(uint32_t pinName)
    GPIO_Type * gpioBase = g_gpioBase[GPIO_EXTRACT_PORT(pinName)];
    uint32_t pin = GPIO_EXTRACT_PIN(pinName);

    GPIO_HAL_TogglePinOutput(gpioBase, pin);
 * Function Name : GPIO_DRV_ReadPinInput
 * Description   : Read current input value of individual GPIO pin.
uint32_t GPIO_DRV_ReadPinInput(uint32_t pinName)
    GPIO_Type * gpioBase = g_gpioBase[GPIO_EXTRACT_PORT(pinName)];
    uint32_t pin = GPIO_EXTRACT_PIN(pinName);

    return GPIO_HAL_ReadPinInput(gpioBase, pin);
 * Function Name : GPIO_DRV_WritePinOutput
 * Description   : Set output level of individual GPIO pin to logic 1 or 0.
void GPIO_DRV_WritePinOutput(uint32_t pinName, uint32_t output)
    GPIO_Type * gpioBase = g_gpioBase[GPIO_EXTRACT_PORT(pinName)];
    uint32_t pin = GPIO_EXTRACT_PIN(pinName);

    GPIO_HAL_WritePinOutput(gpioBase, pin, output);
 * Function Name : GPIO_DRV_SetPinDir
 * Description   : Set current direction of individual GPIO pin.
void GPIO_DRV_SetPinDir(uint32_t pinName, gpio_pin_direction_t direction)
    GPIO_Type * gpioBase = g_gpioBase[GPIO_EXTRACT_PORT(pinName)];
    uint32_t pin = GPIO_EXTRACT_PIN(pinName);

    GPIO_HAL_SetPinDir(gpioBase, pin, direction);
 * Function Name : GPIO_DRV_GetPinDir
 * Description   : Get current direction of individual GPIO pin.
gpio_pin_direction_t GPIO_DRV_GetPinDir(uint32_t pinName)
    GPIO_Type * gpioBase = g_gpioBase[GPIO_EXTRACT_PORT(pinName)];
    uint32_t pin = GPIO_EXTRACT_PIN(pinName);

    return GPIO_HAL_GetPinDir(gpioBase, pin);
Beispiel #14
 * Function Name : GPIO_DRV_GetPinDir
 * Description   : Get current direction of individual GPIO pin.
gpio_pin_direction_t GPIO_DRV_GetPinDir(uint32_t pinName)
    uint32_t gpioBaseAddr = g_gpioBaseAddr[GPIO_EXTRACT_PORT(pinName)];
    uint32_t pin = GPIO_EXTRACT_PIN(pinName);

    return GPIO_HAL_GetPinDir(gpioBaseAddr, pin);
Beispiel #15
 * @brief gpio IRQ handler with the same name in startup code
    PORT_Type * gpioBase = g_portBase[GPIO_EXTRACT_PORT(kGpioSdhc0Cd)];
    uint32_t pin = GPIO_EXTRACT_PIN(kGpioSdhc0Cd);

    if(PORT_HAL_GetPortIntFlag(gpioBase) == (1 << pin))
    /* Clear interrupt flag.*/
Beispiel #16
 * @brief gpio IRQ handler with the same name in startup code
    PORT_Type * gpioBase = g_portBase[GPIO_EXTRACT_PORT(kGpioSdcardCardDetection)];
    uint32_t pin = GPIO_EXTRACT_PIN(kGpioSdcardCardDetection);

    if(PORT_HAL_GetPortIntFlag(gpioBase) == (1 << pin))
    /* Clear interrupt flag.*/
 * Function Name : GPIO_DRV_InputPinInit
 * Description   : Initialize one GPIO input pin used by board.
void GPIO_DRV_InputPinInit(const gpio_input_pin_user_config_t *inputPin)
    /* Get actual port and pin number.*/
    uint32_t port = GPIO_EXTRACT_PORT(inputPin->pinName);
    uint32_t pin = GPIO_EXTRACT_PIN(inputPin->pinName);
    GPIO_Type * gpioBase = g_gpioBase[port];
    PORT_Type * portBase = g_portBase[port];

    /* Un-gate port clock*/

    /* Set current pin as gpio.*/
    PORT_HAL_SetMuxMode(portBase, pin, kPortMuxAsGpio);

    /* Set current pin as digital input.*/
    GPIO_HAL_SetPinDir(gpioBase, pin, kGpioDigitalInput);

    /* Configure GPIO input features. */
    PORT_HAL_SetPullCmd(portBase, pin, inputPin->config.isPullEnable);
    PORT_HAL_SetPullMode(portBase, pin, inputPin->config.pullSelect);
    PORT_HAL_SetPassiveFilterCmd(portBase, pin,
    PORT_HAL_SetDigitalFilterCmd(portBase, pin,
    PORT_HAL_SetPinIntMode(portBase, pin, inputPin->config.interrupt);

    /* Configure NVIC */
    if ((inputPin->config.interrupt) && (g_portIrqId[port]))
        /* Enable GPIO interrupt.*/
 * Function Name : gpio_output_pin_init
 * Description   : Initialize one GPIO output pin used by board.
void gpio_output_pin_init(const gpio_output_pin_user_config_t *outputPin)
    /* Get actual port and pin number.*/
    uint32_t gpioInstance = GPIO_EXTRACT_PORT(outputPin->pinName);
    uint32_t pin = GPIO_EXTRACT_PIN(outputPin->pinName);

    /* Un-gate port clock*/
    clock_manager_set_gate(kClockModulePORT, gpioInstance, true);

    /* Set current pin as digital output.*/
    gpio_hal_set_pin_direction(gpioInstance, pin, kGpioDigitalOutput);

    /* Configure GPIO output features. */
    gpio_hal_write_pin_output(gpioInstance, pin, outputPin->config.outputLogic);
    port_hal_configure_slew_rate(gpioInstance, pin, outputPin->config.slewRate);
    port_hal_configure_drive_strength(gpioInstance, pin, outputPin->config.driveStrength);
    port_hal_configure_open_drain(gpioInstance, pin, outputPin->config.isOpenDrainEnabled);
Beispiel #19
* Task Name    : sdcard_task
* Comments     : Open device and install MFS on device
void sdcard_task(void)
{ /* Body */
   int                          dev_fd = -1, a_fd = -1;
   bool                         inserted = FALSE, last = FALSE;
   int32_t                      error_code;
   uint32_t                     isFormatted = 0;
   int                          esdhc_handle = -1;
   char                         partman_name[] = "pm:";
   char                         partition_name[] = "pm:1";
   int                          partition_handle;
   SDCARD_INIT_STRUCT           sdcard_init_data;
   LWSEM_STRUCT                 lwsem;

   /* Create and post card detection semaphore */
   if( _lwsem_create(&lwsem, 0) != MQX_OK ){
       printf("\nlwsem create failed!");
   if( _lwsem_post(&lwsem) != MQX_OK ){
       printf("\nlwsem post failed!");


   /* initialize SDHC pins */

   /* install SDHC low-level driver */
   _nio_dev_install("esdhc:", &nio_esdhc_dev_fn, (void*)&_bsp_esdhc_init, NULL);

   /* get an instance of the SDHC driver */
   esdhc_handle = open("esdhc:", 0);

   if(esdhc_handle < 0)
      printf("\nCould not open esdhc!");

   /* prepare init data structure */
   sdcard_init_data.com_dev = esdhc_handle;
   sdcard_init_data.const_data = (SDCARD_CONST_INIT_STRUCT_PTR)&sdcard_esdhc_init_data;

   /* install device */
   if (_nio_dev_install("sdcard:", &nio_sdcard_dev_fn, (void*)&sdcard_init_data, NULL) == NULL)
   /* Number of sectors is returned by ioctl IO_IOCTL_GET_NUM_SECTORS function */
   /* If another disc structure is desired, use MFS_FORMAT_DATA structure to   */
   /* define it and call standart format function instead default_format       */   
      printf("\nError installing memory device");
   } /* Endif */

   /* install isr for card detection handling and initialize gpio pin */
   _int_install_isr(g_portIrqId[GPIO_EXTRACT_PORT(CDET_PIN->pinName)], card_detect_isr, &lwsem);   


     /* Wait for card insertion or removal */
     if( _lwsem_wait(&lwsem) != MQX_OK ){
       printf("\nlwsem_wait failed!");

     /* Check if card is present */
     if(CDET_PIN->config.pullSelect == kPortPullDown)
         inserted = GPIO_DRV_ReadPinInput(CDET_PIN->pinName);
         inserted = !GPIO_DRV_ReadPinInput(CDET_PIN->pinName);

     if(last != inserted){
       last = inserted;

       /* Card detection switch debounce delay */

         /* Open the device which MFS will be installed on */
         dev_fd = open("sdcard:", O_RDWR);
         if ( dev_fd <= 0 ) {
              printf("\nUnable to open SDCARD device");
         } /* Endif */

         /* Install partition manager over SD card driver */
         error_code = _io_part_mgr_install(dev_fd, partman_name, 0);
         if (error_code != MFS_NO_ERROR)
             printf("Error installing partition manager: %s\n", MFS_Error_text((uint32_t)error_code));

         /* Open partition */
         partition_handle = open(partition_name, O_RDWR);
         if (partition_handle >= 0)
             printf("Installing MFS over partition...\n");
             /* Validate partition */
             error_code = ioctl(partition_handle, IO_IOCTL_VAL_PART, NULL);
             if (error_code != MFS_NO_ERROR)
                 printf("Error validating partition: %s\n", MFS_Error_text((uint32_t)error_code));
                 printf("Not installing MFS.\n");

             /* Install MFS over partition */
             error_code = _io_mfs_install(partition_handle, "a:", 0);
             if (error_code != MFS_NO_ERROR)
                 printf("Error initializing MFS over partition: %s\n", MFS_Error_text((uint32_t)error_code));

         } else
           printf("Installing MFS over SD card driver...\n");
           /* Install MFS over SD card driver */
           error_code = _io_mfs_install(dev_fd, "a:", (_file_size)0);
           if (error_code != MFS_NO_ERROR)
               printf("Error initializing MFS: %s\n", MFS_Error_text((uint32_t)error_code));

         /* Open the filesystem and format detect, if format is required */
         a_fd = open("a:", O_RDWR);
         if (0 >= a_fd) {
             printf("\nError while opening a:\\ (%s)", MFS_Error_text((uint32_t)errno));

         _io_register_file_system(a_fd, "a:");

         /* We check if the device is formatted with the ioctl command. */
         error_code = ioctl(a_fd, IO_IOCTL_CHECK_FORMATTED, &isFormatted);
         if (0 > error_code) {
             printf("\nError while accessing a:\\ (%s)", MFS_Error_text((uint32_t)error_code));
               printf("\nNOT A DOS DISK! You must format to continue.");
         /* Close the filesystem */
         if ((a_fd >= 0) && (MQX_OK != close(a_fd)))
             printf("Error closing filesystem.\n");
         a_fd = -1;

         /* Force uninstall filesystem */
         error_code = _nio_dev_uninstall_force("a:", NULL);
         if (error_code < 0)
             printf("Error uninstalling filesystem.\n");

         /* Close partition */
         if ((partition_handle >= 0) && (MQX_OK != close(partition_handle)))
             printf("Error closing partition.\n");
         partition_handle = -1;

         /* Uninstall partition manager */
         error_code = _nio_dev_uninstall_force(partman_name, NULL);
         if (error_code < 0)
             printf("Error uninstalling partition manager.\n");

         /* Close the SD card device */
         if ((dev_fd >= 0) && (MQX_OK != close(dev_fd)))
             printf("Error closing SD card device.\n");

         dev_fd = -1;

         printf ("SD card uninstalled.\n");
} /* Endbody */ 
Beispiel #20
*  EEPROM_Init
*  Initializes the EEPROM peripheral
ee_err_t EEPROM_Init(void)
    ee_err_t retval;
    spiBusConfig_t spiConfig = {
        .bitsPerSec = 2000000,
        .master = TRUE,
        .clkActiveHigh = TRUE,
        .clkPhaseFirstEdge = TRUE,
        .MsbFirst = TRUE
    #if gEepromWriteEnable_d
    uint32_t i;

    // Mark Flash as Unerased
    for(i = 0; i < 64; i++)
        mEepromEraseBitmap[i] = 0;

    if(Spi_Init(gEepromSpiInstance_c, &mEepromSpiState, NULL, NULL) != spiSuccess)
        return ee_error;
    if(Spi_Configure(gEepromSpiInstance_c, &spiConfig) != spiSuccess)
        return ee_error;
    return ee_ok;

*  EEPROM_ChipErase
*  Erase all memory to 0xFF
ee_err_t EEPROM_ChipErase(void)
    // make sure the write process is ready
    while(EEPROM_GetWriteReady() != ee_ok);

*  EEPROM_EraseBlock
*  Erase a block of memory to 0xFF
ee_err_t EEPROM_EraseBlock(uint32_t Addr, uint32_t size)
    ee_err_t status = ee_ok;
    if(size != EEPROM_SECTOR_SIZE)
        return ee_error;
    // make sure the write process is ready
    while(EEPROM_GetWriteReady() != ee_ok);
    // send the command
    // send the address
    status |= EEPROM_SendAddress(Addr);

    if (status == ee_ok)
        return ee_ok;
        return ee_error;