Beispiel #1
 * From Roll-Pitch Gyro Drift Compensation, Rev 3. William Premerlani, 2012.
static void rollPitch_drift_GPS(float Rbe[3][3], float accels_e_int[3],
								 float delT_between_updates, float *errRollPitch_b)
	float errRollPitch_e[3];
	float dGPSdt_e[3];
	GPSVelocityData gpsVelocity;
	dGPSdt_e[0] = (gpsVelocity.North - drft->GPSV_old[0]) / delT_between_updates;
	dGPSdt_e[1] = (gpsVelocity.East - drft->GPSV_old[1]) / delT_between_updates;
	dGPSdt_e[2] = -GRAVITY + (gpsVelocity.Down - drft->GPSV_old[2]) / delT_between_updates;
	drft->GPSV_old[0] = gpsVelocity.North;
	drft->GPSV_old[1] = gpsVelocity.East;
	drft->GPSV_old[2] = gpsVelocity.Down;
	float normdGPSdt_e = VectorMagnitude(dGPSdt_e);
	//Take cross product of integrated accelerometer measurements with integrated earth frame accelerations. We should be using normalized dGPSdt, but we perform that calculation in the following line(s).
	CrossProduct((const float *)accels_e_int, (const float *)dGPSdt_e, errRollPitch_e);
	//Scale cross product
	errRollPitch_e[0] /= (normdGPSdt_e * delT_between_updates);
	errRollPitch_e[1] /= (normdGPSdt_e * delT_between_updates);
	errRollPitch_e[2] /= (normdGPSdt_e * delT_between_updates);
	//Rotate earth drift error back into body frame;
	rot_mult(Rbe, errRollPitch_e, errRollPitch_b, FALSE);
Beispiel #2
 * Although yaw correction is done in horizontal plane, it is 
 *  computed in 3 dimensions, just in case we change our minds later.
void yaw_drift_MagGPS(float Rbe[3][3], bool gpsNewData_flag, bool magNewData_flag, float *errYaw_b)
	//      Form the horizontal direction over ground based on rmat
	float horizDirOverGndRmat[3];
	//Define forward vector in earth frame, Rbe' * [1;0;0], and eliminate vertical component from vector
	horizDirOverGndRmat[0] = Rbe[0][0];
	horizDirOverGndRmat[1] = Rbe[0][1];
	horizDirOverGndRmat[2] = 0;
#if defined (PIOS_INCLUDE_GPS)
	if (gpsNewData_flag) {
		GPSVelocityData gpsVelocity;
		if (fabs(gpsVelocity.North) > GPS_SPEED_MIN
		    || fabs(gpsVelocity.East) > GPS_SPEED_MIN) {
			float errorGPSYaw_e;
			float errorGPSYaw_b[3];
			float normGPS =
			sqrtf(gpsVelocity.North * gpsVelocity.North +
					gpsVelocity.East * gpsVelocity.East);
			float horizDirOverGndGPS[3] = { gpsVelocity.North / normGPS, gpsVelocity.East / normGPS, 0 };	//Normalized vector
			// vector cross product to get the rotation error in ground frame. However, save several processor cycles by 
			// condensing the math to take advantage of the cross products null entries on the x and y elements.
			// errorGPSYaw_e = horizDirOverGndRmat X horizDirOverGndGPS
			errorGPSYaw_e =
			horizDirOverGndRmat[0] * horizDirOverGndGPS[1] -
			horizDirOverGndGPS[0] * horizDirOverGndRmat[1];
			// Rotate error to body frame. Again, take advantage of the yaw error vector [0;0;errorGPSYaw_e]'s null entries
			// errorGPSYaw_b = Rbe * errorGPSYaw_e;
			errorGPSYaw_b[0] = Rbe[0][2] * errorGPSYaw_e;
			errorGPSYaw_b[1] = Rbe[1][2] * errorGPSYaw_e;
			errorGPSYaw_b[2] = Rbe[2][2] * errorGPSYaw_e;
			//Sum error with existing error
			errYaw_b[0] += errorGPSYaw_b[0] * GPS_YAW_KP;
			errYaw_b[1] += errorGPSYaw_b[1] * GPS_YAW_KP;
			errYaw_b[2] += errorGPSYaw_b[2] * GPS_YAW_KP;
	// TODO: Create a flag to indicate whether mag data is present (or check for updates of MagnetometerData)
	if (magNewData_flag) {
		MagnetometerData magnetometerData;
		float errorMagYaw_e;
		float errorMagYaw_b[3];
		float horizDirOverGndMag[3];
		float mags_b[3] = { magnetometerData.x, magnetometerData.y, magnetometerData.z };
		// Rotate magnetometer to earth frame and eliminate vertical component
		rot_mult(Rbe, mags_b, horizDirOverGndMag, true);
		horizDirOverGndMag[2] = 0;
		//Compute norm
		float normMag = VectorMagnitude(horizDirOverGndMag);
		//Normalize mag_vector. Recall that horizDirOverGndMag[2]=0
		horizDirOverGndMag[0] /= normMag;
		horizDirOverGndMag[1] /= normMag;
		// vector cross product to get the rotation error in ground frame. However, save several processor cycles by 
		// condensing the math to take advantage of the cross products null entries on the x and y elements.
		// errorMagYaw_e = horizDirOverGndRmat X horizDirOverGndMag
		errorMagYaw_e = horizDirOverGndRmat[0] * horizDirOverGndMag[1] -
		horizDirOverGndMag[0] * horizDirOverGndRmat[1];
		// Rotate error to body frame. Again, take advantage of the yaw error vector [0;0;errorGPSYaw_e]'s null entries
		// errorMagYaw_b = Rbe * errorMagYaw_e;
		errorMagYaw_b[0] = Rbe[0][2] * errorMagYaw_e;
		errorMagYaw_b[1] = Rbe[1][2] * errorMagYaw_e;
		errorMagYaw_b[2] = Rbe[2][2] * errorMagYaw_e;
		errYaw_b[0] += errorMagYaw_b[0] * MAG_YAW_KP;
		errYaw_b[1] += errorMagYaw_b[1] * MAG_YAW_KP;
		errYaw_b[2] += errorMagYaw_b[2] * MAG_YAW_KP;
Beispiel #3
 * This method performs a simple simulation of a car
 * It takes in the ActuatorDesired command to rotate the aircraft and performs
 * a simple kinetic model where the throttle increases the energy and drag decreases
 * it.  Changing altitude moves energy from kinetic to potential.
 * 1. Update attitude based on ActuatorDesired
 * 2. Update position based on velocity
static void simulateModelCar()
	static double pos[3] = {0,0,0};
	static double vel[3] = {0,0,0};
	static double ned_accel[3] = {0,0,0};
	static float q[4] = {1,0,0,0};
	static float rpy[3] = {0,0,0}; // Low pass filtered actuator
	static float baro_offset = 0.0f;
	float Rbe[3][3];
	const float ACTUATOR_ALPHA = 0.8;
	const float MAX_THRUST = 9.81 * 0.5;
	const float K_FRICTION = 0.2;
	const float GPS_PERIOD = 0.1;
	const float MAG_PERIOD = 1.0 / 75.0;
	const float BARO_PERIOD = 1.0 / 20.0;
	static uint32_t last_time;
	float dT = (PIOS_DELAY_DiffuS(last_time) / 1e6);
	if(dT < 1e-3)
		dT = 2e-3;
	last_time = PIOS_DELAY_GetRaw();
	FlightStatusData flightStatus;
	ActuatorDesiredData actuatorDesired;
	float thrust = (flightStatus.Armed == FLIGHTSTATUS_ARMED_ARMED) ? actuatorDesired.Throttle * MAX_THRUST : 0;
	if (thrust < 0)
		thrust = 0;
	if (thrust != thrust)
		thrust = 0;
	//	float control_scaling = thrust * thrustToDegs;
	//	// In rad/s
	//	rpy[0] = control_scaling * actuatorDesired.Roll * (1 - ACTUATOR_ALPHA) + rpy[0] * ACTUATOR_ALPHA;
	//	rpy[1] = control_scaling * actuatorDesired.Pitch * (1 - ACTUATOR_ALPHA) + rpy[1] * ACTUATOR_ALPHA;
	//	rpy[2] = control_scaling * actuatorDesired.Yaw * (1 - ACTUATOR_ALPHA) + rpy[2] * ACTUATOR_ALPHA;
	//	GyrosData gyrosData; // Skip get as we set all the fields
	//	gyrosData.x = rpy[0] * 180 / M_PI + rand_gauss();
	//	gyrosData.y = rpy[1] * 180 / M_PI + rand_gauss();
	//	gyrosData.z = rpy[2] * 180 / M_PI + rand_gauss();
	/**** 1. Update attitude ****/
	RateDesiredData rateDesired;
	// Need to get roll angle for easy cross coupling
	AttitudeActualData attitudeActual;

	rpy[0] = 0; // cannot roll
	rpy[1] = 0; // cannot pitch
	rpy[2] = (flightStatus.Armed == FLIGHTSTATUS_ARMED_ARMED) * rateDesired.Yaw * (1 - ACTUATOR_ALPHA) + rpy[2] * ACTUATOR_ALPHA;

	GyrosData gyrosData; // Skip get as we set all the fields
	gyrosData.x = rpy[0] + rand_gauss();
	gyrosData.y = rpy[1] + rand_gauss();
	gyrosData.z = rpy[2] + rand_gauss();
	// Predict the attitude forward in time
	float qdot[4];
	qdot[0] = (-q[1] * rpy[0] - q[2] * rpy[1] - q[3] * rpy[2]) * dT * DEG2RAD / 2;
	qdot[1] = (q[0] * rpy[0] - q[3] * rpy[1] + q[2] * rpy[2]) * dT * DEG2RAD / 2;
	qdot[2] = (q[3] * rpy[0] + q[0] * rpy[1] - q[1] * rpy[2]) * dT * DEG2RAD / 2;
	qdot[3] = (-q[2] * rpy[0] + q[1] * rpy[1] + q[0] * rpy[2]) * dT * DEG2RAD / 2;
	// Take a time step
	q[0] = q[0] + qdot[0];
	q[1] = q[1] + qdot[1];
	q[2] = q[2] + qdot[2];
	q[3] = q[3] + qdot[3];
	float qmag = sqrtf(q[0]*q[0] + q[1]*q[1] + q[2]*q[2] + q[3]*q[3]);
	q[0] = q[0] / qmag;
	q[1] = q[1] / qmag;
	q[2] = q[2] / qmag;
	q[3] = q[3] / qmag;
		AttitudeActualData attitudeActual;
		attitudeActual.q1 = q[0];
		attitudeActual.q2 = q[1];
		attitudeActual.q3 = q[2];
		attitudeActual.q4 = q[3];
	/**** 2. Update position based on velocity ****/
	// Rbe takes a vector from body to earth.  If we take (1,0,0)^T through this and then dot with airspeed
	// we get forward airspeed		

	double groundspeed[3] = {vel[0], vel[1], vel[2] };
	double forwardSpeed = Rbe[0][0] * groundspeed[0] + Rbe[0][1] * groundspeed[1] + Rbe[0][2] * groundspeed[2];
	double sidewaysSpeed = Rbe[1][0] * groundspeed[0] + Rbe[1][1] * groundspeed[1] + Rbe[1][2] * groundspeed[2];

	/* Compute aerodynamic forces in body referenced frame.  Later use more sophisticated equations  */
	/* TODO: This should become more accurate.  Use the force equations to calculate lift from the   */
	/* various surfaces based on AoA and airspeed.  From that compute torques and forces.  For later */
	double forces[3]; // X, Y, Z
	forces[0] = thrust - forwardSpeed * K_FRICTION;         // Friction is applied in all directions in NED
	forces[1] = 0 - sidewaysSpeed * K_FRICTION * 100;      // No side slip
	forces[2] = 0;
	// Negate force[2] as NED defines down as possitive, aircraft convention is Z up is positive (?)
	ned_accel[0] = forces[0] * Rbe[0][0] + forces[1] * Rbe[1][0] - forces[2] * Rbe[2][0];
	ned_accel[1] = forces[0] * Rbe[0][1] + forces[1] * Rbe[1][1] - forces[2] * Rbe[2][1];
	ned_accel[2] = 0;

	// Apply acceleration based on velocity
	ned_accel[0] -= K_FRICTION * (vel[0]);
	ned_accel[1] -= K_FRICTION * (vel[1]);
	// Predict the velocity forward in time
	vel[0] = vel[0] + ned_accel[0] * dT;
	vel[1] = vel[1] + ned_accel[1] * dT;
	vel[2] = vel[2] + ned_accel[2] * dT;
	// Predict the position forward in time
	pos[0] = pos[0] + vel[0] * dT;
	pos[1] = pos[1] + vel[1] * dT;
	pos[2] = pos[2] + vel[2] * dT;
	// Simulate hitting ground
	if(pos[2] > 0) {
		pos[2] = 0;
		vel[2] = 0;
		ned_accel[2] = 0;
	// Sensor feels gravity (when not acceleration in ned frame e.g. ned_accel[2] = 0)
	ned_accel[2] -= GRAVITY;
	// Transform the accels back in to body frame
	AccelsData accelsData; // Skip get as we set all the fields
	accelsData.x = ned_accel[0] * Rbe[0][0] + ned_accel[1] * Rbe[0][1] + ned_accel[2] * Rbe[0][2] + accel_bias[0];
	accelsData.y = ned_accel[0] * Rbe[1][0] + ned_accel[1] * Rbe[1][1] + ned_accel[2] * Rbe[1][2] + accel_bias[1];
	accelsData.z = ned_accel[0] * Rbe[2][0] + ned_accel[1] * Rbe[2][1] + ned_accel[2] * Rbe[2][2] + accel_bias[2];
	accelsData.temperature = 30;
	if(baro_offset == 0) {
		// Hacky initialization
		baro_offset = 50;// * rand_gauss();
	} else {
		// Very small drift process
		baro_offset += rand_gauss() / 100;
	// Update baro periodically	
	static uint32_t last_baro_time = 0;
	if(PIOS_DELAY_DiffuS(last_baro_time) / 1.0e6 > BARO_PERIOD) {
		BaroAltitudeData baroAltitude;
		baroAltitude.Altitude = -pos[2] + baro_offset;
		last_baro_time = PIOS_DELAY_GetRaw();
	HomeLocationData homeLocation;
	static float gps_vel_drift[3] = {0,0,0};
	gps_vel_drift[0] = gps_vel_drift[0] * 0.65 + rand_gauss() / 5.0;
	gps_vel_drift[1] = gps_vel_drift[1] * 0.65 + rand_gauss() / 5.0;
	gps_vel_drift[2] = gps_vel_drift[2] * 0.65 + rand_gauss() / 5.0;
	// Update GPS periodically	
	static uint32_t last_gps_time = 0;
	if(PIOS_DELAY_DiffuS(last_gps_time) / 1.0e6 > GPS_PERIOD) {
		// Use double precision here as simulating what GPS produces
		double T[3];
		T[0] = homeLocation.Altitude+6.378137E6f * DEG2RAD;
		T[1] = cosf(homeLocation.Latitude / 10e6 * DEG2RAD)*(homeLocation.Altitude+6.378137E6) * DEG2RAD;
		T[2] = -1.0;
		static float gps_drift[3] = {0,0,0};
		gps_drift[0] = gps_drift[0] * 0.95 + rand_gauss() / 10.0;
		gps_drift[1] = gps_drift[1] * 0.95 + rand_gauss() / 10.0;
		gps_drift[2] = gps_drift[2] * 0.95 + rand_gauss() / 10.0;
		GPSPositionData gpsPosition;
		gpsPosition.Latitude = homeLocation.Latitude + ((pos[0] + gps_drift[0]) / T[0] * 10.0e6);
		gpsPosition.Longitude = homeLocation.Longitude + ((pos[1] + gps_drift[1])/ T[1] * 10.0e6);
		gpsPosition.Altitude = homeLocation.Altitude + ((pos[2] + gps_drift[2]) / T[2]);
		gpsPosition.Groundspeed = sqrtf(pow(vel[0] + gps_vel_drift[0],2) + pow(vel[1] + gps_vel_drift[1],2));
		gpsPosition.Heading = 180 / M_PI * atan2f(vel[1] + gps_vel_drift[1],vel[0] + gps_vel_drift[0]);
		gpsPosition.Satellites = 7;
		gpsPosition.PDOP = 1;
		last_gps_time = PIOS_DELAY_GetRaw();
	// Update GPS Velocity measurements
	static uint32_t last_gps_vel_time = 1000; // Delay by a millisecond
	if(PIOS_DELAY_DiffuS(last_gps_vel_time) / 1.0e6 > GPS_PERIOD) {
		GPSVelocityData gpsVelocity;
		gpsVelocity.North = vel[0] + gps_vel_drift[0];
		gpsVelocity.East = vel[1] + gps_vel_drift[1];
		gpsVelocity.Down = vel[2] + gps_vel_drift[2];
		last_gps_vel_time = PIOS_DELAY_GetRaw();
	// Update mag periodically
	static uint32_t last_mag_time = 0;
	if(PIOS_DELAY_DiffuS(last_mag_time) / 1.0e6 > MAG_PERIOD) {
		MagnetometerData mag;
		mag.x = 100+homeLocation.Be[0] * Rbe[0][0] + homeLocation.Be[1] * Rbe[0][1] + homeLocation.Be[2] * Rbe[0][2];
		mag.y = 100+homeLocation.Be[0] * Rbe[1][0] + homeLocation.Be[1] * Rbe[1][1] + homeLocation.Be[2] * Rbe[1][2];
		mag.z = 100+homeLocation.Be[0] * Rbe[2][0] + homeLocation.Be[1] * Rbe[2][1] + homeLocation.Be[2] * Rbe[2][2];
		last_mag_time = PIOS_DELAY_GetRaw();
	AttitudeSimulatedData attitudeSimulated;
	attitudeSimulated.q1 = q[0];
	attitudeSimulated.q2 = q[1];
	attitudeSimulated.q3 = q[2];
	attitudeSimulated.q4 = q[3];
	attitudeSimulated.Position[0] = pos[0];
	attitudeSimulated.Position[1] = pos[1];
	attitudeSimulated.Position[2] = pos[2];
	attitudeSimulated.Velocity[0] = vel[0];
	attitudeSimulated.Velocity[1] = vel[1];
	attitudeSimulated.Velocity[2] = vel[2];
Beispiel #4
static void simulateModelQuadcopter()
	static double pos[3] = {0,0,0};
	static double vel[3] = {0,0,0};
	static double ned_accel[3] = {0,0,0};
	static float q[4] = {1,0,0,0};
	static float rpy[3] = {0,0,0}; // Low pass filtered actuator
	static float baro_offset = 0.0f;
	static float temperature = 20;
	float Rbe[3][3];
	const float ACTUATOR_ALPHA = 0.8;
	const float MAX_THRUST = GRAVITY * 2;
	const float K_FRICTION = 1;
	const float GPS_PERIOD = 0.1;
	const float MAG_PERIOD = 1.0 / 75.0;
	const float BARO_PERIOD = 1.0 / 20.0;
	static uint32_t last_time;
	float dT = (PIOS_DELAY_DiffuS(last_time) / 1e6);
	if(dT < 1e-3)
		dT = 2e-3;
	last_time = PIOS_DELAY_GetRaw();
	FlightStatusData flightStatus;
	ActuatorDesiredData actuatorDesired;

	float thrust = (flightStatus.Armed == FLIGHTSTATUS_ARMED_ARMED) ? actuatorDesired.Throttle * MAX_THRUST : 0;
	if (thrust < 0)
		thrust = 0;
	if (thrust != thrust)
		thrust = 0;
//	float control_scaling = thrust * thrustToDegs;
//	// In rad/s
//	rpy[0] = control_scaling * actuatorDesired.Roll * (1 - ACTUATOR_ALPHA) + rpy[0] * ACTUATOR_ALPHA;
//	rpy[1] = control_scaling * actuatorDesired.Pitch * (1 - ACTUATOR_ALPHA) + rpy[1] * ACTUATOR_ALPHA;
//	rpy[2] = control_scaling * actuatorDesired.Yaw * (1 - ACTUATOR_ALPHA) + rpy[2] * ACTUATOR_ALPHA;
//	GyrosData gyrosData; // Skip get as we set all the fields
//	gyrosData.x = rpy[0] * 180 / M_PI + rand_gauss();
//	gyrosData.y = rpy[1] * 180 / M_PI + rand_gauss();
//	gyrosData.z = rpy[2] * 180 / M_PI + rand_gauss();
	RateDesiredData rateDesired;
	rpy[0] = (flightStatus.Armed == FLIGHTSTATUS_ARMED_ARMED) * rateDesired.Roll * (1 - ACTUATOR_ALPHA) + rpy[0] * ACTUATOR_ALPHA;
	rpy[1] = (flightStatus.Armed == FLIGHTSTATUS_ARMED_ARMED) * rateDesired.Pitch * (1 - ACTUATOR_ALPHA) + rpy[1] * ACTUATOR_ALPHA;
	rpy[2] = (flightStatus.Armed == FLIGHTSTATUS_ARMED_ARMED) * rateDesired.Yaw * (1 - ACTUATOR_ALPHA) + rpy[2] * ACTUATOR_ALPHA;

	temperature = 20;
	GyrosData gyrosData; // Skip get as we set all the fields
	gyrosData.x = rpy[0] + rand_gauss() + (temperature - 20) * 1 + powf(temperature - 20,2) * 0.11; // - powf(temperature - 20,3) * 0.05;;
	gyrosData.y = rpy[1] + rand_gauss() + (temperature - 20) * 1 + powf(temperature - 20,2) * 0.11;;
	gyrosData.z = rpy[2] + rand_gauss() + (temperature - 20) * 1 + powf(temperature - 20,2) * 0.11;;
	gyrosData.temperature = temperature;
	// Predict the attitude forward in time
	float qdot[4];
	qdot[0] = (-q[1] * rpy[0] - q[2] * rpy[1] - q[3] * rpy[2]) * dT * DEG2RAD / 2;
	qdot[1] = (q[0] * rpy[0] - q[3] * rpy[1] + q[2] * rpy[2]) * dT * DEG2RAD / 2;
	qdot[2] = (q[3] * rpy[0] + q[0] * rpy[1] - q[1] * rpy[2]) * dT * DEG2RAD / 2;
	qdot[3] = (-q[2] * rpy[0] + q[1] * rpy[1] + q[0] * rpy[2]) * dT * DEG2RAD / 2;
	// Take a time step
	q[0] = q[0] + qdot[0];
	q[1] = q[1] + qdot[1];
	q[2] = q[2] + qdot[2];
	q[3] = q[3] + qdot[3];
	float qmag = sqrtf(q[0]*q[0] + q[1]*q[1] + q[2]*q[2] + q[3]*q[3]);
	q[0] = q[0] / qmag;
	q[1] = q[1] / qmag;
	q[2] = q[2] / qmag;
	q[3] = q[3] / qmag;
		AttitudeActualData attitudeActual;
		attitudeActual.q1 = q[0];
		attitudeActual.q2 = q[1];
		attitudeActual.q3 = q[2];
		attitudeActual.q4 = q[3];
	static float wind[3] = {0,0,0};
	wind[0] = wind[0] * 0.95 + rand_gauss() / 10.0;
	wind[1] = wind[1] * 0.95 + rand_gauss() / 10.0;
	wind[2] = wind[2] * 0.95 + rand_gauss() / 10.0;
	// Make thrust negative as down is positive
	ned_accel[0] = -thrust * Rbe[2][0];
	ned_accel[1] = -thrust * Rbe[2][1];
	// Gravity causes acceleration of 9.81 in the down direction
	ned_accel[2] = -thrust * Rbe[2][2] + GRAVITY;
	// Apply acceleration based on velocity
	ned_accel[0] -= K_FRICTION * (vel[0] - wind[0]);
	ned_accel[1] -= K_FRICTION * (vel[1] - wind[1]);
	ned_accel[2] -= K_FRICTION * (vel[2] - wind[2]);

	// Predict the velocity forward in time
	vel[0] = vel[0] + ned_accel[0] * dT;
	vel[1] = vel[1] + ned_accel[1] * dT;
	vel[2] = vel[2] + ned_accel[2] * dT;

	// Predict the position forward in time
	pos[0] = pos[0] + vel[0] * dT;
	pos[1] = pos[1] + vel[1] * dT;
	pos[2] = pos[2] + vel[2] * dT;

	// Simulate hitting ground
	if(pos[2] > 0) {
		pos[2] = 0;
		vel[2] = 0;
		ned_accel[2] = 0;
	// Sensor feels gravity (when not acceleration in ned frame e.g. ned_accel[2] = 0)
	ned_accel[2] -= 9.81;
	// Transform the accels back in to body frame
	AccelsData accelsData; // Skip get as we set all the fields
	accelsData.x = ned_accel[0] * Rbe[0][0] + ned_accel[1] * Rbe[0][1] + ned_accel[2] * Rbe[0][2] + accel_bias[0];
	accelsData.y = ned_accel[0] * Rbe[1][0] + ned_accel[1] * Rbe[1][1] + ned_accel[2] * Rbe[1][2] + accel_bias[1];
	accelsData.z = ned_accel[0] * Rbe[2][0] + ned_accel[1] * Rbe[2][1] + ned_accel[2] * Rbe[2][2] + accel_bias[2];
	accelsData.temperature = 30;

	if(baro_offset == 0) {
		// Hacky initialization
		baro_offset = 50;// * rand_gauss();
	} else {
		// Very small drift process
		baro_offset += rand_gauss() / 100;
	// Update baro periodically	
	static uint32_t last_baro_time = 0;
	if(PIOS_DELAY_DiffuS(last_baro_time) / 1.0e6 > BARO_PERIOD) {
		BaroAltitudeData baroAltitude;
		baroAltitude.Altitude = -pos[2] + baro_offset;
		last_baro_time = PIOS_DELAY_GetRaw();
	HomeLocationData homeLocation;

	static float gps_vel_drift[3] = {0,0,0};
	gps_vel_drift[0] = gps_vel_drift[0] * 0.65 + rand_gauss() / 5.0;
	gps_vel_drift[1] = gps_vel_drift[1] * 0.65 + rand_gauss() / 5.0;
	gps_vel_drift[2] = gps_vel_drift[2] * 0.65 + rand_gauss() / 5.0;

	// Update GPS periodically	
	static uint32_t last_gps_time = 0;
	if(PIOS_DELAY_DiffuS(last_gps_time) / 1.0e6 > GPS_PERIOD) {
		// Use double precision here as simulating what GPS produces
		double T[3];
		T[0] = homeLocation.Altitude+6.378137E6f * DEG2RAD;
		T[1] = cosf(homeLocation.Latitude / 10e6 * DEG2RAD)*(homeLocation.Altitude+6.378137E6) * DEG2RAD;
		T[2] = -1.0;
		static float gps_drift[3] = {0,0,0};
		gps_drift[0] = gps_drift[0] * 0.95 + rand_gauss() / 10.0;
		gps_drift[1] = gps_drift[1] * 0.95 + rand_gauss() / 10.0;
		gps_drift[2] = gps_drift[2] * 0.95 + rand_gauss() / 10.0;

		GPSPositionData gpsPosition;
		gpsPosition.Latitude = homeLocation.Latitude + ((pos[0] + gps_drift[0]) / T[0] * 10.0e6);
		gpsPosition.Longitude = homeLocation.Longitude + ((pos[1] + gps_drift[1])/ T[1] * 10.0e6);
		gpsPosition.Altitude = homeLocation.Altitude + ((pos[2] + gps_drift[2]) / T[2]);
		gpsPosition.Groundspeed = sqrtf(pow(vel[0] + gps_vel_drift[0],2) + pow(vel[1] + gps_vel_drift[1],2));
		gpsPosition.Heading = 180 / M_PI * atan2f(vel[1] + gps_vel_drift[1],vel[0] + gps_vel_drift[0]);
		gpsPosition.Satellites = 7;
		gpsPosition.PDOP = 1;
		gpsPosition.Status = GPSPOSITION_STATUS_FIX3D;
		last_gps_time = PIOS_DELAY_GetRaw();
	// Update GPS Velocity measurements
	static uint32_t last_gps_vel_time = 1000; // Delay by a millisecond
	if(PIOS_DELAY_DiffuS(last_gps_vel_time) / 1.0e6 > GPS_PERIOD) {
		GPSVelocityData gpsVelocity;
		gpsVelocity.North = vel[0] + gps_vel_drift[0];
		gpsVelocity.East = vel[1] + gps_vel_drift[1];
		gpsVelocity.Down = vel[2] + gps_vel_drift[2];
		last_gps_vel_time = PIOS_DELAY_GetRaw();

	// Update mag periodically
	static uint32_t last_mag_time = 0;
	if(PIOS_DELAY_DiffuS(last_mag_time) / 1.0e6 > MAG_PERIOD) {
		MagnetometerData mag;
		mag.x = homeLocation.Be[0] * Rbe[0][0] + homeLocation.Be[1] * Rbe[0][1] + homeLocation.Be[2] * Rbe[0][2];
		mag.y = homeLocation.Be[0] * Rbe[1][0] + homeLocation.Be[1] * Rbe[1][1] + homeLocation.Be[2] * Rbe[1][2];
		mag.z = homeLocation.Be[0] * Rbe[2][0] + homeLocation.Be[1] * Rbe[2][1] + homeLocation.Be[2] * Rbe[2][2];

		// Run the offset compensation algorithm from the firmware

		last_mag_time = PIOS_DELAY_GetRaw();
	AttitudeSimulatedData attitudeSimulated;
	attitudeSimulated.q1 = q[0];
	attitudeSimulated.q2 = q[1];
	attitudeSimulated.q3 = q[2];
	attitudeSimulated.q4 = q[3];
	attitudeSimulated.Position[0] = pos[0];
	attitudeSimulated.Position[1] = pos[1];
	attitudeSimulated.Position[2] = pos[2];
	attitudeSimulated.Velocity[0] = vel[0];
	attitudeSimulated.Velocity[1] = vel[1];
	attitudeSimulated.Velocity[2] = vel[2];
Beispiel #5
 * @brief Use the INSGPS fusion algorithm in either indoor or outdoor mode (use GPS)
 * @params[in] first_run This is the first run so trigger reinitialization
 * @params[in] outdoor_mode If true use the GPS for position, if false weakly pull to (0,0)
 * @return 0 for success, -1 for failure
static int32_t updateAttitudeINSGPS(bool first_run, bool outdoor_mode)
	UAVObjEvent ev;
	GyrosData gyrosData;
	AccelsData accelsData;
	MagnetometerData magData;
	BaroAltitudeData baroData;
	GPSPositionData gpsData;
	GPSVelocityData gpsVelData;
	GyrosBiasData gyrosBias;

	static bool mag_updated = false;
	static bool baro_updated;
	static bool gps_updated;
	static bool gps_vel_updated;

	static float baroOffset = 0;

	static uint32_t ins_last_time = 0;
	static bool inited;

	float NED[3] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
	float vel[3] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
	float zeros[3] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};

	// Perform the update
	uint16_t sensors = 0;
	float dT;

	// Wait until the gyro and accel object is updated, if a timeout then go to failsafe
	if ( (xQueueReceive(gyroQueue, &ev, FAILSAFE_TIMEOUT_MS / portTICK_RATE_MS) != pdTRUE) ||
	     (xQueueReceive(accelQueue, &ev, 1 / portTICK_RATE_MS) != pdTRUE) )
		// Do not set attitude timeout warnings in simulation mode
		if (!AttitudeActualReadOnly()){
			return -1;

	if (inited) {
		mag_updated = 0;
		baro_updated = 0;
		gps_updated = 0;
		gps_vel_updated = 0;

	if (first_run) {
		inited = false;
		init_stage = 0;

		mag_updated = 0;
		baro_updated = 0;
		gps_updated = 0;
		gps_vel_updated = 0;

		ins_last_time = PIOS_DELAY_GetRaw();

		return 0;

	mag_updated |= (xQueueReceive(magQueue, &ev, 0 / portTICK_RATE_MS) == pdTRUE);
	baro_updated |= xQueueReceive(baroQueue, &ev, 0 / portTICK_RATE_MS) == pdTRUE;
	gps_updated |= (xQueueReceive(gpsQueue, &ev, 0 / portTICK_RATE_MS) == pdTRUE) && outdoor_mode;
	gps_vel_updated |= (xQueueReceive(gpsVelQueue, &ev, 0 / portTICK_RATE_MS) == pdTRUE) && outdoor_mode;

	// Get most recent data

	// Discard mag if it has NAN (normally from bad calibration)
	mag_updated &= (magData.x == magData.x && magData.y == magData.y && magData.z == magData.z);
	// Don't require HomeLocation.Set to be true but at least require a mag configuration (allows easily
	// switching between indoor and outdoor mode with Set = false)
	mag_updated &= (homeLocation.Be[0] != 0 || homeLocation.Be[1] != 0 || homeLocation.Be[2]);

	// Have a minimum requirement for gps usage
	gps_updated &= (gpsData.Satellites >= 7) && (gpsData.PDOP <= 4.0f) && (homeLocation.Set == HOMELOCATION_SET_TRUE);

	if (!inited)
	else if (outdoor_mode && gpsData.Satellites < 7)
	if (!inited && mag_updated && baro_updated && (gps_updated || !outdoor_mode)) {
		// Don't initialize until all sensors are read
		if (init_stage == 0 && !outdoor_mode) {
			float Pdiag[16]={25.0f,25.0f,25.0f,5.0f,5.0f,5.0f,1e-5f,1e-5f,1e-5f,1e-5f,1e-5f,1e-5f,1e-5f,1e-4f,1e-4f,1e-4f};
			float q[4];
			float pos[3] = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};

			// Initialize barometric offset to homelocation altitude
			baroOffset = -baroData.Altitude;
			pos[2] = -(baroData.Altitude + baroOffset);

			// Reset the INS algorithm

			// Initialize the gyro bias from the settings
			float gyro_bias[3] = {gyrosBias.x * F_PI / 180.0f, gyrosBias.y * F_PI / 180.0f, gyrosBias.z * F_PI / 180.0f};

			xQueueReceive(magQueue, &ev, 100 / portTICK_RATE_MS);

			// Set initial attitude
			AttitudeActualData attitudeActual;
			attitudeActual.Roll = atan2f(-accelsData.y, -accelsData.z) * 180.0f / F_PI;
			attitudeActual.Pitch = atan2f(accelsData.x, -accelsData.z) * 180.0f / F_PI;
			attitudeActual.Yaw = atan2f(-magData.y, magData.x) * 180.0f / F_PI;

			q[0] = attitudeActual.q1;
			q[1] = attitudeActual.q2;
			q[2] = attitudeActual.q3;
			q[3] = attitudeActual.q4;
			INSSetState(pos, zeros, q, zeros, zeros);
		} else if (init_stage == 0 && outdoor_mode) {
			float Pdiag[16]={25.0f,25.0f,25.0f,5.0f,5.0f,5.0f,1e-5f,1e-5f,1e-5f,1e-5f,1e-5f,1e-5f,1e-5f,1e-4f,1e-4f,1e-4f};
			float q[4];
			float NED[3];

			// Reset the INS algorithm


			// Initialize the gyro bias from the settings
			float gyro_bias[3] = {gyrosBias.x * F_PI / 180.0f, gyrosBias.y * F_PI / 180.0f, gyrosBias.z * F_PI / 180.0f};

			GPSPositionData gpsPosition;

			// Transform the GPS position into NED coordinates
			getNED(&gpsPosition, NED);
			// Initialize barometric offset to cirrent GPS NED coordinate
			baroOffset = -NED[2] - baroData.Altitude;

			xQueueReceive(magQueue, &ev, 100 / portTICK_RATE_MS);

			// Set initial attitude
			AttitudeActualData attitudeActual;
			attitudeActual.Roll = atan2f(-accelsData.y, -accelsData.z) * 180.0f / F_PI;
			attitudeActual.Pitch = atan2f(accelsData.x, -accelsData.z) * 180.0f / F_PI;
			attitudeActual.Yaw = atan2f(-magData.y, magData.x) * 180.0f / F_PI;

			q[0] = attitudeActual.q1;
			q[1] = attitudeActual.q2;
			q[2] = attitudeActual.q3;
			q[3] = attitudeActual.q4;

			INSSetState(NED, zeros, q, zeros, zeros);
		} else if (init_stage > 0) {
			// Run prediction a bit before any corrections
			dT = PIOS_DELAY_DiffuS(ins_last_time) / 1.0e6f;

			float gyros[3] = {(gyrosData.x + gyrosBias.x) * F_PI / 180.0f, 
				(gyrosData.y + gyrosBias.y) * F_PI / 180.0f, 
				(gyrosData.z + gyrosBias.z) * F_PI / 180.0f};
			INSStatePrediction(gyros, &accelsData.x, dT);
			AttitudeActualData attitude;
			attitude.q1 = Nav.q[0];
			attitude.q2 = Nav.q[1];
			attitude.q3 = Nav.q[2];
			attitude.q4 = Nav.q[3];

		if(init_stage > 10)
			inited = true;

		ins_last_time = PIOS_DELAY_GetRaw();	

		return 0;

	if (!inited)
		return 0;

	dT = PIOS_DELAY_DiffuS(ins_last_time) / 1.0e6f;
	ins_last_time = PIOS_DELAY_GetRaw();

	// This should only happen at start up or at mode switches
	if(dT > 0.01f)
		dT = 0.01f;
	else if(dT <= 0.001f)
		dT = 0.001f;

	// If the gyro bias setting was updated we should reset
	// the state estimate of the EKF
	if(gyroBiasSettingsUpdated) {
		float gyro_bias[3] = {gyrosBias.x * F_PI / 180.0f, gyrosBias.y * F_PI / 180.0f, gyrosBias.z * F_PI / 180.0f};
		gyroBiasSettingsUpdated = false;

	// Because the sensor module remove the bias we need to add it
	// back in here so that the INS algorithm can track it correctly
	float gyros[3] = {gyrosData.x * F_PI / 180.0f, gyrosData.y * F_PI / 180.0f, gyrosData.z * F_PI / 180.0f};
	if (revoCalibration.BiasCorrectedRaw == REVOCALIBRATION_BIASCORRECTEDRAW_TRUE) {
		gyros[0] += gyrosBias.x * F_PI / 180.0f;
		gyros[1] += gyrosBias.y * F_PI / 180.0f;
		gyros[2] += gyrosBias.z * F_PI / 180.0f;

	// Advance the state estimate
	INSStatePrediction(gyros, &accelsData.x, dT);

	// Copy the attitude into the UAVO
	AttitudeActualData attitude;
	attitude.q1 = Nav.q[0];
	attitude.q2 = Nav.q[1];
	attitude.q3 = Nav.q[2];
	attitude.q4 = Nav.q[3];

	// Advance the covariance estimate

		sensors |= MAG_SENSORS;

		sensors |= BARO_SENSOR;

	if (gps_updated && outdoor_mode)
		INSSetPosVelVar(revoCalibration.gps_var[REVOCALIBRATION_GPS_VAR_POS], revoCalibration.gps_var[REVOCALIBRATION_GPS_VAR_VEL]);
		sensors |= POS_SENSORS;

		if (0) { // Old code to take horizontal velocity from GPS Position update
			sensors |= HORIZ_SENSORS;
			vel[0] = gpsData.Groundspeed * cosf(gpsData.Heading * F_PI / 180.0f);
			vel[1] = gpsData.Groundspeed * sinf(gpsData.Heading * F_PI / 180.0f);
			vel[2] = 0;
		// Transform the GPS position into NED coordinates
		getNED(&gpsData, NED);

		// Track barometric altitude offset with a low pass filter
		baroOffset = BARO_OFFSET_LOWPASS_ALPHA * baroOffset +
		    * ( -NED[2] - baroData.Altitude );

	} else if (!outdoor_mode) {
		INSSetPosVelVar(1e2f, 1e2f);
		vel[0] = vel[1] = vel[2] = 0;
		NED[0] = NED[1] = 0;
		NED[2] = -(baroData.Altitude + baroOffset);

	if (gps_vel_updated && outdoor_mode) {
		vel[0] = gpsVelData.North;
		vel[1] = gpsVelData.East;
		vel[2] = gpsVelData.Down;
	 * TODO: Need to add a general sanity check for all the inputs to make sure their kosher
	 * although probably should occur within INS itself
	if (sensors)
		INSCorrection(&magData.x, NED, vel, ( baroData.Altitude + baroOffset ), sensors);

	// Copy the position and velocity into the UAVO
	PositionActualData positionActual;
	positionActual.North = Nav.Pos[0];
	positionActual.East = Nav.Pos[1];
	positionActual.Down = Nav.Pos[2];
	VelocityActualData velocityActual;
	velocityActual.North = Nav.Vel[0];
	velocityActual.East = Nav.Vel[1];
	velocityActual.Down = Nav.Vel[2];

	if (revoCalibration.BiasCorrectedRaw == REVOCALIBRATION_BIASCORRECTEDRAW_TRUE && !gyroBiasSettingsUpdated) {
		// Copy the gyro bias into the UAVO except when it was updated
		// from the settings during the calculation, then consume it
		// next cycle
		gyrosBias.x = Nav.gyro_bias[0] * 180.0f / F_PI;
		gyrosBias.y = Nav.gyro_bias[1] * 180.0f / F_PI;
		gyrosBias.z = Nav.gyro_bias[2] * 180.0f / F_PI;

	return 0;
Beispiel #6
static int32_t updateAttitudeComplementary(bool first_run)
	UAVObjEvent ev;
	GyrosData gyrosData;
	AccelsData accelsData;
	static int32_t timeval;
	float dT;
	static uint8_t init = 0;

	// Wait until the AttitudeRaw object is updated, if a timeout then go to failsafe
	if ( xQueueReceive(gyroQueue, &ev, FAILSAFE_TIMEOUT_MS / portTICK_RATE_MS) != pdTRUE ||
	     xQueueReceive(accelQueue, &ev, 1 / portTICK_RATE_MS) != pdTRUE )
		// When one of these is updated so should the other
		// Do not set attitude timeout warnings in simulation mode
		if (!AttitudeActualReadOnly()){
			return -1;


	// During initialization and 
	FlightStatusData flightStatus;
	if(first_run) {
#if defined(PIOS_INCLUDE_HMC5883)
		// To initialize we need a valid mag reading
		if ( xQueueReceive(magQueue, &ev, 0 / portTICK_RATE_MS) != pdTRUE )
			return -1;
		MagnetometerData magData;
		MagnetometerData magData;
		magData.x = 100;
		magData.y = 0;
		magData.z = 0;
		AttitudeActualData attitudeActual;
		init = 0;
		attitudeActual.Roll = atan2f(-accelsData.y, -accelsData.z) * 180.0f / F_PI;
		attitudeActual.Pitch = atan2f(accelsData.x, -accelsData.z) * 180.0f / F_PI;
		attitudeActual.Yaw = atan2f(-magData.y, magData.x) * 180.0f / F_PI;


		timeval = PIOS_DELAY_GetRaw();

		return 0;


	if((init == 0 && xTaskGetTickCount() < 7000) && (xTaskGetTickCount() > 1000)) {
		// For first 7 seconds use accels to get gyro bias
		attitudeSettings.AccelKp = 1;
		attitudeSettings.AccelKi = 0.9;
		attitudeSettings.YawBiasRate = 0.23;
		magKp = 1;
	} else if ((attitudeSettings.ZeroDuringArming == ATTITUDESETTINGS_ZERODURINGARMING_TRUE) && (flightStatus.Armed == FLIGHTSTATUS_ARMED_ARMING)) {
		attitudeSettings.AccelKp = 1;
		attitudeSettings.AccelKi = 0.9;
		attitudeSettings.YawBiasRate = 0.23;
		magKp = 1;
		init = 0;
	} else if (init == 0) {
		// Reload settings (all the rates)
		magKp = 0.01f;
		init = 1;


	// Compute the dT using the cpu clock
	dT = PIOS_DELAY_DiffuS(timeval) / 1000000.0f;
	timeval = PIOS_DELAY_GetRaw();

	float q[4];

	AttitudeActualData attitudeActual;

	float grot[3];
	float accel_err[3];

	// Get the current attitude estimate
	quat_copy(&attitudeActual.q1, q);

	// Rotate gravity to body frame and cross with accels
	grot[0] = -(2 * (q[1] * q[3] - q[0] * q[2]));
	grot[1] = -(2 * (q[2] * q[3] + q[0] * q[1]));
	grot[2] = -(q[0] * q[0] - q[1]*q[1] - q[2]*q[2] + q[3]*q[3]);
	CrossProduct((const float *) &accelsData.x, (const float *) grot, accel_err);

	// Account for accel magnitude
	accel_mag = accelsData.x*accelsData.x + accelsData.y*accelsData.y + accelsData.z*accelsData.z;
	accel_mag = sqrtf(accel_mag);
	accel_err[0] /= accel_mag;
	accel_err[1] /= accel_mag;
	accel_err[2] /= accel_mag;	

	if ( xQueueReceive(magQueue, &ev, 0) != pdTRUE )
		// Rotate gravity to body frame and cross with accels
		float brot[3];
		float Rbe[3][3];
		MagnetometerData mag;
		Quaternion2R(q, Rbe);

		// If the mag is producing bad data don't use it (normally bad calibration)
		if  (mag.x == mag.x && mag.y == mag.y && mag.z == mag.z) {
			rot_mult(Rbe, homeLocation.Be, brot);

			float mag_len = sqrtf(mag.x * mag.x + mag.y * mag.y + mag.z * mag.z);
			mag.x /= mag_len;
			mag.y /= mag_len;
			mag.z /= mag_len;

			float bmag = sqrtf(brot[0] * brot[0] + brot[1] * brot[1] + brot[2] * brot[2]);
			brot[0] /= bmag;
			brot[1] /= bmag;
			brot[2] /= bmag;

			// Only compute if neither vector is null
			if (bmag < 1 || mag_len < 1)
				mag_err[0] = mag_err[1] = mag_err[2] = 0;
				CrossProduct((const float *) &mag.x, (const float *) brot, mag_err);
	} else {
		mag_err[0] = mag_err[1] = mag_err[2] = 0;

	// Accumulate integral of error.  Scale here so that units are (deg/s) but Ki has units of s
	GyrosBiasData gyrosBias;
	gyrosBias.x -= accel_err[0] * attitudeSettings.AccelKi;
	gyrosBias.y -= accel_err[1] * attitudeSettings.AccelKi;
	gyrosBias.z -= mag_err[2] * magKi;

	// Correct rates based on error, integral component dealt with in updateSensors
	gyrosData.x += accel_err[0] * attitudeSettings.AccelKp / dT;
	gyrosData.y += accel_err[1] * attitudeSettings.AccelKp / dT;
	gyrosData.z += accel_err[2] * attitudeSettings.AccelKp / dT + mag_err[2] * magKp / dT;

	// Work out time derivative from INSAlgo writeup
	// Also accounts for the fact that gyros are in deg/s
	float qdot[4];
	qdot[0] = (-q[1] * gyrosData.x - q[2] * gyrosData.y - q[3] * gyrosData.z) * dT * F_PI / 180 / 2;
	qdot[1] = (q[0] * gyrosData.x - q[3] * gyrosData.y + q[2] * gyrosData.z) * dT * F_PI / 180 / 2;
	qdot[2] = (q[3] * gyrosData.x + q[0] * gyrosData.y - q[1] * gyrosData.z) * dT * F_PI / 180 / 2;
	qdot[3] = (-q[2] * gyrosData.x + q[1] * gyrosData.y + q[0] * gyrosData.z) * dT * F_PI / 180 / 2;

	// Take a time step
	q[0] = q[0] + qdot[0];
	q[1] = q[1] + qdot[1];
	q[2] = q[2] + qdot[2];
	q[3] = q[3] + qdot[3];

	if(q[0] < 0) {
		q[0] = -q[0];
		q[1] = -q[1];
		q[2] = -q[2];
		q[3] = -q[3];

	// Renomalize
	qmag = sqrtf(q[0]*q[0] + q[1]*q[1] + q[2]*q[2] + q[3]*q[3]);
	q[0] = q[0] / qmag;
	q[1] = q[1] / qmag;
	q[2] = q[2] / qmag;
	q[3] = q[3] / qmag;

	// If quaternion has become inappropriately short or is nan reinit.
	if((fabs(qmag) < 1.0e-3f) || (qmag != qmag)) {
		q[0] = 1;
		q[1] = 0;
		q[2] = 0;
		q[3] = 0;

	quat_copy(q, &attitudeActual.q1);

	// Convert into eueler degrees (makes assumptions about RPY order)


	// Flush these queues for avoid errors
	xQueueReceive(baroQueue, &ev, 0);
	if ( xQueueReceive(gpsQueue, &ev, 0) == pdTRUE && homeLocation.Set == HOMELOCATION_SET_TRUE ) {
		float NED[3];
		// Transform the GPS position into NED coordinates
		GPSPositionData gpsPosition;
		getNED(&gpsPosition, NED);
		PositionActualData positionActual;
		positionActual.North = NED[0];
		positionActual.East = NED[1];
		positionActual.Down = NED[2];

	if ( xQueueReceive(gpsVelQueue, &ev, 0) == pdTRUE ) {
		// Transform the GPS position into NED coordinates
		GPSVelocityData gpsVelocity;

		VelocityActualData velocityActual;
		velocityActual.North = gpsVelocity.North;
		velocityActual.East = gpsVelocity.East;
		velocityActual.Down = gpsVelocity.Down;


	return 0;