Beispiel #1
int engine(int numassets, int numfactors, 
	     double *ub, double *lb, double *mu, double *sigma2, 
	   double *V, double *F, double lambda)
  int retcode = 0;
  GRBenv   *env = NULL;
  GRBmodel *model = NULL;
  int n, i, j, k;
  double *x;
  int *qrow, *qcol, Nq;
  double *qval;
  int *cind;
  double rhs;
  char sense;
  double *cval;
  int numnonz;
  char **names, bigname[100];
  double expectedreturnval;

  printf("running solver engine\n");

  n = numassets + numfactors;

  retcode = GRBloadenv(&env, "engine.log");
  if (retcode) goto BACK;

 /* Create initial model */
  retcode = GRBnewmodel(env, &model, "factors", n, 
                      NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
  if (retcode) goto BACK;

  names = (char **) calloc(n, sizeof(char *));

  /** next we create the remaining attributes for the n columns **/
  x     = (double *) calloc (n, sizeof(double));

  for(j = 0; j < numassets; j++){
    names[j] = (char *)calloc(3, sizeof(char));
    if(names[j] == NULL){
      retcode = 1; goto BACK;
    sprintf(names[j],"x%d", j);
  for(j = numassets; j < numassets + numfactors; j++){
    names[j] = (char *)calloc(3, sizeof(char));
    if(names[j] == NULL){
		  retcode = 1; goto BACK;
    sprintf(names[j],"F%d", j - numassets);

  /* initialize variables */
  for(j = 0; j < n; j++){
    retcode = GRBsetstrattrelement(model, "VarName", j, names[j]);
    if (retcode) goto BACK;

    retcode = GRBsetdblattrelement(model, "Obj", j, -mu[j]);
    if (retcode) goto BACK;

    retcode = GRBsetdblattrelement(model, "LB", j, lb[j]);
    if (retcode) goto BACK;

    retcode = GRBsetdblattrelement(model, "UB", j, ub[j]);
    if (retcode) goto BACK;


  /** next, the quadratic -- there are numassets + numfactors*numfactors nonzeroes: 
      numassets residual variances plus the numfactors x numfactors
      factor covariance matrix**/

  Nq = numassets + numfactors*numfactors;
  qrow = (int *) calloc(Nq, sizeof(int));  /** row indices **/
  qcol = (int *) calloc(Nq, sizeof(int));  /** column indices **/
  qval = (double *) calloc(Nq, sizeof(double));  /** values **/

  if( ( qrow == NULL) || ( qcol == NULL) || (qval == NULL) ){
    printf("could not create quadratic\n");
    retcode = 1; goto BACK;

  for (j = 0; j < numassets; j++){
    qval[j] = lambda*sigma2[j];
    qrow[j] = qcol[j] = j;
  for (i = 0; i < numfactors; i++){
    for (j = 0; j < numfactors; j++){
      k = i*numfactors + j;
      qval[k + numassets] = lambda*F[k];
      qrow[k + numassets] = numassets + i;
      qcol[k + numassets] = numassets + j;
  retcode = GRBaddqpterms(model, Nq, qrow, qcol, qval);
  if (retcode) goto BACK;

  /** now we will add one constraint at a time **/
  /** we need to have a couple of auxiliary arrays **/

  cind = (int *)calloc(n, sizeof(int));  /** n is over the top since no constraint is totally dense;		     but it's not too bad here **/
  cval= (double *)calloc(n, sizeof(double));
    printf("cannot allocate cval\n"); retcode = 2; goto BACK;
  for(i = 0; i < numfactors; i++){
    for(j = 0; j < numassets; j++){
      cval[j] = V[i*numassets + j];
      cind[j] = j;
    cind[numassets] = /* j */ numassets + i;
    cval[numassets] = -1;
    numnonz = numassets + 1;
    rhs = 0;
    sense = GRB_EQUAL;

    retcode = GRBaddconstr(model, numnonz, cind, cval, sense, rhs, bigname);
    if (retcode) goto BACK;


  /** sum of x variables = 1 **/

  for (j = 0; j < numassets; j++){
    cval[j] = 1.0;  cind[j] = j;

  numnonz = numassets;
  rhs = 1.0;
  sense = GRB_EQUAL;

  /* let's reuse some space */
  sprintf(bigname, "sum");

  retcode = GRBaddconstr(model, numnonz, cind, cval, sense, rhs, bigname);
  if (retcode) goto BACK;

  retcode = GRBupdatemodel(model);
  if (retcode) goto BACK;

  /** optional: write the problem **/

  retcode = GRBwrite(model, "engine.lp");
  if (retcode) goto BACK;

  retcode = GRBoptimize(model);
  if (retcode) goto BACK;

  /** get solution **/

  retcode = GRBgetdblattrarray(model,
                               GRB_DBL_ATTR_X, 0, n,
  if(retcode) goto BACK;

  /** now let's see the values **/

  expectedreturnval = 0;
  for(j = 0; j < numassets; j++){
    if( x[j] > 1.0e-09){
      printf("%s = %g\n", names[j], x[j]);
      expectedreturnval += x[j]*mu[j];

  printf("\n*** expected portfolio return: %g\n", expectedreturnval);


  printf("engine exits with code %d\n", retcode);
  return retcode;
Beispiel #2
main(int   argc,
     char *argv[])
  GRBenv   *masterenv = NULL;
  GRBmodel *model     = NULL;
  GRBenv   *modelenv  = NULL;
  int       error     = 0;
  int       optimstatus;
  double    objval;

  if (argc < 2) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Usage: lp_c filename\n");

  /* Create environment */

  error = GRBloadenv(&masterenv, "lp.log");
  if (error) goto QUIT;

  /* Read model from file */

  error = GRBreadmodel(masterenv, argv[1], &model);
  if (error) goto QUIT;

  /* Solve model */

  error = GRBoptimize(model);
  if (error) goto QUIT;

  /* Capture solution information */

  error = GRBgetintattr(model, GRB_INT_ATTR_STATUS, &optimstatus);
  if (error) goto QUIT;

  /* If model is infeasible or unbounded, turn off presolve and resolve */

  if (optimstatus == GRB_INF_OR_UNBD) {
    modelenv = GRBgetenv(model);
    if (!modelenv) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Error: could not get model environment\n");
      goto QUIT;

    /* Change parameter on model environment.  The model now has
       a copy of the master environment, so changing the master will
       no longer affect the model.  */

    error = GRBsetintparam(modelenv, "PRESOLVE", 0);
    if (error) goto QUIT;

    error = GRBoptimize(model);
    if (error) goto QUIT;

    error = GRBgetintattr(model, GRB_INT_ATTR_STATUS, &optimstatus);
    if (error) goto QUIT;

  if (optimstatus == GRB_OPTIMAL) {
    error = GRBgetdblattr(model, GRB_DBL_ATTR_OBJVAL, &objval);
    if (error) goto QUIT;
    printf("Optimal objective: %.4e\n\n", objval);
  } else if (optimstatus == GRB_INFEASIBLE) {
    printf("Model is infeasible\n\n");

    error = GRBcomputeIIS(model);
    if (error) goto QUIT;

    error = GRBwrite(model, "model.ilp");
    if (error) goto QUIT;
  } else if (optimstatus == GRB_UNBOUNDED) {
    printf("Model is unbounded\n\n");
  } else {
    printf("Optimization was stopped with status = %d\n\n", optimstatus);


  /* Error reporting */

  if (error) {
    printf("ERROR: %s\n", GRBgeterrormsg(masterenv));

  /* Free model */


  /* Free environment */


  return 0;
Beispiel #3
main(int   argc,
     char *argv[])
  GRBenv   *env   = NULL;
  GRBmodel *model = NULL;
  int       error = 0;
  double    sol[3];
  int       ind[3];
  double    val[3];
  double    obj[] = {1, 0, 0};
  int       qrow[3];
  int       qcol[3];
  double    qval[3];
  int       optimstatus;
  double    objval;

  /* Create environment */

  error = GRBloadenv(&env, "qcp.log");
  if (error || env == NULL) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Error: could not create environment\n");

  /* Create an empty model */

  error = GRBnewmodel(env, &model, "qcp", 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
  if (error) goto QUIT;

  /* Add variables */

  error = GRBaddvars(model, 3, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, obj, NULL, NULL, NULL,
  if (error) goto QUIT;

  /* Change sense to maximization */

  error = GRBsetintattr(model, GRB_INT_ATTR_MODELSENSE, GRB_MAXIMIZE);
  if (error) goto QUIT;

  /* Integrate new variables */

  error = GRBupdatemodel(model);
  if (error) goto QUIT;

  /* Linear constraint: x + y + z = 1 */

  ind[0] = 0; ind[1] = 1; ind[2] = 2;
  val[0] = 1; val[1] = 1; val[2] = 1;

  error = GRBaddconstr(model, 3, ind, val, GRB_EQUAL, 1.0, "c0");
  if (error) goto QUIT;

  /* Cone: x^2 + y^2 <= z^2 */

  qrow[0] = 0; qcol[0] = 0; qval[0] = 1.0;
  qrow[1] = 1; qcol[1] = 1; qval[1] = 1.0;
  qrow[2] = 2; qcol[2] = 2; qval[2] = -1.0;

  error = GRBaddqconstr(model, 0, NULL, NULL, 3, qrow, qcol, qval,
                        GRB_LESS_EQUAL, 0.0, "qc0");
  if (error) goto QUIT;

  /* Rotated cone: x^2 <= yz */

  qrow[0] = 0; qcol[0] = 0; qval[0] = 1.0;
  qrow[1] = 1; qcol[1] = 2; qval[1] = -1.0;

  error = GRBaddqconstr(model, 0, NULL, NULL, 2, qrow, qcol, qval,
                        GRB_LESS_EQUAL, 0.0, "qc1");
  if (error) goto QUIT;

  /* Optimize model */

  error = GRBoptimize(model);
  if (error) goto QUIT;

  /* Write model to 'qcp.lp' */

  error = GRBwrite(model, "qcp.lp");
  if (error) goto QUIT;

  /* Capture solution information */

  error = GRBgetintattr(model, GRB_INT_ATTR_STATUS, &optimstatus);
  if (error) goto QUIT;

  error = GRBgetdblattr(model, GRB_DBL_ATTR_OBJVAL, &objval);
  if (error) goto QUIT;

  error = GRBgetdblattrarray(model, GRB_DBL_ATTR_X, 0, 3, sol);
  if (error) goto QUIT;

  printf("\nOptimization complete\n");
  if (optimstatus == GRB_OPTIMAL) {
    printf("Optimal objective: %.4e\n", objval);

    printf("  x=%.2f, y=%.2f, z=%.2f\n", sol[0], sol[1], sol[2]);
  } else if (optimstatus == GRB_INF_OR_UNBD) {
    printf("Model is infeasible or unbounded\n");
  } else {
    printf("Optimization was stopped early\n");


  /* Error reporting */

  if (error) {
    printf("ERROR: %s\n", GRBgeterrormsg(env));

  /* Free model */


  /* Free environment */


  return 0;
Beispiel #4
int wctlp_write(wctlp *lp, const char *fname) {
    int val  = 0;
    val = GRBwrite(lp->model, fname);
    CHECK_VAL_GRB(val, "failed GRBwrite", lp->env);
    return val;
Beispiel #5
main(int   argc,
     char *argv[])
  FILE     *fp    = NULL;
  GRBenv   *env   = NULL;
  GRBmodel *model = NULL;
  int       board[DIM][DIM];
  char      inputline[100];
  int       ind[DIM];
  double    val[DIM];
  double    lb[DIM*DIM*DIM];
  char      vtype[DIM*DIM*DIM];
  char     *names[DIM*DIM*DIM];
  char      namestorage[10*DIM*DIM*DIM];
  char     *cursor;
  int       optimstatus;
  double    objval;
  int       zero = 0;
  int       i, j, v, ig, jg, count;
  int       error = 0;

  if (argc < 2) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Usage: sudoku_c datafile\n");

  fp = fopen(argv[1], "r");
  if (fp == NULL) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Error: unable to open input file %s\n", argv[1]);

  for (i = 0; i < DIM; i++) {
    fgets(inputline, 100, fp);
    if (strlen(inputline) < 9) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Error: not enough board positions specified\n");
    for (j = 0; j < DIM; j++) {
      board[i][j] = (int) inputline[j] - (int) '1';
      if (board[i][j] < 0 || board[i][j] >= DIM)
        board[i][j] = -1;

  /* Create an empty model */

  cursor = namestorage;
  for (i = 0; i < DIM; i++) {
    for (j = 0; j < DIM; j++) {
      for (v = 0; v < DIM; v++) {
        if (board[i][j] == v)
          lb[i*DIM*DIM+j*DIM+v] = 1;
          lb[i*DIM*DIM+j*DIM+v] = 0;
        vtype[i*DIM*DIM+j*DIM+v] = GRB_BINARY;

        names[i*DIM*DIM+j*DIM+v] = cursor;
        sprintf(names[i*DIM*DIM+j*DIM+v], "x[%d,%d,%d]", i, j, v+1);
        cursor += strlen(names[i*DIM*DIM+j*DIM+v]) + 1;

  /* Create environment */

  error = GRBloadenv(&env, "sudoku.log");
  if (error) goto QUIT;

  /* Create new model */

  error = GRBnewmodel(env, &model, "sudoku", DIM*DIM*DIM, NULL, lb, NULL,
                      vtype, names);
  if (error) goto QUIT;

  /* Each cell gets a value */

  for (i = 0; i < DIM; i++) {
    for (j = 0; j < DIM; j++) {
      for (v = 0; v < DIM; v++) {
        ind[v] = i*DIM*DIM + j*DIM + v;
        val[v] = 1.0;

      error = GRBaddconstr(model, DIM, ind, val, GRB_EQUAL, 1.0, NULL);
      if (error) goto QUIT;

  /* Each value must appear once in each row */

  for (v = 0; v < DIM; v++) {
    for (j = 0; j < DIM; j++) {
      for (i = 0; i < DIM; i++) {
        ind[i] = i*DIM*DIM + j*DIM + v;
        val[i] = 1.0;

      error = GRBaddconstr(model, DIM, ind, val, GRB_EQUAL, 1.0, NULL);
      if (error) goto QUIT;

  /* Each value must appear once in each column */

  for (v = 0; v < DIM; v++) {
    for (i = 0; i < DIM; i++) {
      for (j = 0; j < DIM; j++) {
        ind[j] = i*DIM*DIM + j*DIM + v;
        val[j] = 1.0;

      error = GRBaddconstr(model, DIM, ind, val, GRB_EQUAL, 1.0, NULL);
      if (error) goto QUIT;

  /* Each value must appear once in each subgrid */

  for (v = 0; v < DIM; v++) {
    for (ig = 0; ig < SUBDIM; ig++) {
      for (jg = 0; jg < SUBDIM; jg++) {
        count = 0;
        for (i = ig*SUBDIM; i < (ig+1)*SUBDIM; i++) {
          for (j = jg*SUBDIM; j < (jg+1)*SUBDIM; j++) {
            ind[count] = i*DIM*DIM + j*DIM + v;
            val[count] = 1.0;

        error = GRBaddconstr(model, DIM, ind, val, GRB_EQUAL, 1.0, NULL);
        if (error) goto QUIT;

  /* Optimize model */

  error = GRBoptimize(model);
  if (error) goto QUIT;

  /* Write model to 'sudoku.lp' */

  error = GRBwrite(model, "sudoku.lp");
  if (error) goto QUIT;

  /* Capture solution information */

  error = GRBgetintattr(model, GRB_INT_ATTR_STATUS, &optimstatus);
  if (error) goto QUIT;

  error = GRBgetdblattr(model, GRB_DBL_ATTR_OBJVAL, &objval);
  if (error) goto QUIT;

  printf("\nOptimization complete\n");
  if (optimstatus == GRB_OPTIMAL)
    printf("Optimal objective: %.4e\n", objval);
  else if (optimstatus == GRB_INF_OR_UNBD)
    printf("Model is infeasible or unbounded\n");
    printf("Optimization was stopped early\n");


  /* Error reporting */

  if (error) {
    printf("ERROR: %s\n", GRBgeterrormsg(env));

  /* Free model */


  /* Free environment */


  return 0;
Beispiel #6
main(int   argc,
     char *argv[])
  GRBenv   *env   = NULL;
  GRBmodel *model = NULL;
  int       error = 0;
  double    sol[3];
  int       ind[3];
  double    val[3];
  double    obj[3];
  char      vtype[3];
  int       optimstatus;
  double    objval;

  /* Create environment */

  error = GRBloadenv(&env, "mip1.log");
  if (error || env == NULL) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Error: could not create environment\n");

  /* Create an empty model */

  error = GRBnewmodel(env, &model, "mip1", 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
  if (error) goto QUIT;

  /* Add variables */

  obj[0] = -1; obj[1] = -1; obj[2] = -2;
  vtype[0] = GRB_BINARY; vtype[1] = GRB_BINARY; vtype[2] = GRB_BINARY;
  error = GRBaddvars(model, 3, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, obj, NULL, NULL, vtype,
  if (error) goto QUIT;

  /* Integrate new variables */

  error = GRBupdatemodel(model);
  if (error) goto QUIT;

  /* First constraint: x + 2 y + 3 z <= 4 */

  ind[0] = 0; ind[1] = 1; ind[2] = 2;
  val[0] = 1; val[1] = 2; val[2] = 3;

  error = GRBaddconstr(model, 3, ind, val, GRB_LESS_EQUAL, 4.0, "c0");
  if (error) goto QUIT;

  /* Second constraint: x + y >= 1 */

  ind[0] = 0; ind[1] = 1;
  val[0] = 1; val[1] = 1;

  error = GRBaddconstr(model, 2, ind, val, GRB_GREATER_EQUAL, 1.0, "c1");
  if (error) goto QUIT;

  /* Optimize model */

  error = GRBoptimize(model);
  if (error) goto QUIT;

  /* Write model to 'mip1.lp' */

  error = GRBwrite(model, "mip1.lp");
  if (error) goto QUIT;

  /* Capture solution information */

  error = GRBgetintattr(model, GRB_INT_ATTR_STATUS, &optimstatus);
  if (error) goto QUIT;

  error = GRBgetdblattr(model, GRB_DBL_ATTR_OBJVAL, &objval);
  if (error) goto QUIT;

  error = GRBgetdblattrarray(model, GRB_DBL_ATTR_X, 0, 3, sol);
  if (error) goto QUIT;

  printf("\nOptimization complete\n");
  if (optimstatus == GRB_OPTIMAL) {
    printf("Optimal objective: %.4e\n", objval);

    printf("  x=%.0f, y=%.0f, z=%.0f\n", sol[0], sol[1], sol[2]);
  } else if (optimstatus == GRB_INF_OR_UNBD) {
    printf("Model is infeasible or unbounded\n");
  } else {
    printf("Optimization was stopped early\n");


  /* Error reporting */

  if (error) {
    printf("ERROR: %s\n", GRBgeterrormsg(env));

  /* Free model */


  /* Free environment */


  return 0;
Beispiel #7
void gurobi_write(char *fn) {
    int error;

    error = GRBwrite(model, fn);
Beispiel #8
double solve_glp_grb(glp_prob *mip, wrapper_params *par){

	GLPK_out = par->glp_out;
	GRB_out = par->grb_out;
	double obj_val;

	/** GLPK: Generate Variable indexing **/

	/** GLPK: Generate LP **/
	glp_write_mps(mip, GLP_MPS_FILE, NULL, "tmp.mps");

	/** GUROBI **/

	retGRB = GRBloadenv(&env, NULL);
	if (retGRB || env == NULL)
		fprintf(stderr, "Error: could not create environment\n");

	retGRB = GRBsetintparam(env, "OutputFlag", GRB_out?1:0);
	if (retGRB) freeMem();

	//retGRB = GRBsetintparam(env, "Sensitivity", 1);
	//if (retGRB) freeMem();

	/** GUROBI: Read model **/
	retGRB = GRBreadmodel(env, "tmp.mps", &model);
	if (retGRB) freeMem();

	/** Remove utility files from disk **/

	/** GUROBI: Get environment **/
	mipenv = GRBgetenv(model);
	if (!mipenv) freeMem();

	/** GUROBI: Set parameters **/

	/** GUROBI: Ask for more precision **/
	retGRB = GRBsetdblparam(mipenv, "FeasibilityTol", 10E-6);
	if (retGRB) freeMem();
	retGRB = GRBsetdblparam(mipenv, "IntFeasTol", 10E-5);
	if (retGRB) freeMem();
	retGRB = GRBsetdblparam(mipenv, "MIPgap", 10E-6);
	if (retGRB) freeMem();

	/* * Playing with gurobi parameters and attr*/

	retGRB = GRBsetintparam(mipenv, "Cuts", 3);
	if (retGRB) freeMem();

	retGRB = GRBsetintparam(mipenv, "RootMethod", 1);
	if (retGRB) freeMem();

	retGRB = GRBsetintparam(mipenv, "Symmetry", -1);
	if (retGRB) freeMem();


	/** GUROBI: get numvars and numrows **/
	retGRB = GRBgetintattr(model, "NumVars", &numvars);
	if (retGRB) freeMem();

	/** Test variable names */
	for(int j=0;j<numvars;j++){	
		retGRB = GRBgetstrattrelement(model, "VarName", j, &nameGRB);
		printf("GRB Var %d Name %s\n",j,nameGRB); 
	/** GUROBI: get model type **/
	retGRB = GRBgetintattr(model, "IsMIP", &GRB_IsMIP);
	if (retGRB) freeMem();

	/** GUROBI: Optimize model **/
	retGRB = GRBoptimize(model);
	if (retGRB) freeMem();

	/** GUROBI: Retreive the optimization status **/
	GRBgetintattr(model, "Status", &retGRB);
		fprintf(stderr, "Error GRB optimization failed with code GRB_INFEASIBLE\n");
		fprintf(stderr, "Error GRB optimization failed with code GRB_INF_OR_UNBD \n");
		fprintf(stderr, "Error GRB optimization failed with code GRB_UNBOUNDED \n");
	case GRB_CUTOFF :
		fprintf(stderr, "Error GRB optimization failed with code GRB_CUTOFF \n");
		fprintf(stderr, "Error GRB optimization failed with code GRB_ITERATION_LIMIT \n");
		fprintf(stderr, "Error GRB optimization failed with code GRB_NODE_LIMIT \n");
		fprintf(stderr, "Error GRB optimization failed with code GRB_TIME_LIMIT \n");
		fprintf(stderr, "Error GRB optimization failed with code GRB_SOLUTION_LIMIT \n");
		fprintf(stderr, "Error GRB optimization failed with code GRB_INTERRUPTED \n");
		fprintf(stderr, "Error GRB optimization failed with code GRB_SUBOPTIMAL \n");
		fprintf(stderr, "Error GRB optimization failed with code GRB_NUMERIC \n");

		/** GUROBI: Quit in any case non optimal **/

	/** GUROBI: Get obj function value **/
	retGRB = GRBgetdblattr(model, "IntVio", &tmp);
	if (retGRB) freeMem();

	retGRB = GRBgetdblattr(model, "ObjBound", &bound);
	if (retGRB) freeMem();

	retGRB = GRBgetdblattr(model, "ObjVal", &tmp);
	if (retGRB) freeMem();

	/* ********************** */

	obj_val = tmp;

	/* ************ */
	if (verbose) printf ("Objective %lf\n", tmp);
	if (verbose) printf ("Best bound %lf\n", bound);
	if (verbose) printf ("Absolute gap %lf\n", fabs(tmp - bound));

	/** GUROBI: Get variable values **/
	for (j = 0; j < numvars; ++j){

		retGRB = GRBgetdblattrelement(model, "X", j, &tmp);
		if (retGRB) freeMem();

		retGRB = GRBgetstrattrelement(model, "VarName", j, &nameGRB);
		printf("GRB Var %d Name %s\n",j,nameGRB); 
		if (retGRB) freeMem();

		retGRB = GRBgetcharattrelement(model, "VType", j, &type);
		if (retGRB) freeMem();

		/** GLPK search variable index by name **/
		col_index = glp_find_col(mip, nameGRB);

		if (col_index != 0){
			/** GLPK set variable bounds **/
			if ((type == 'B') || (type == 'I')){
				if (verbose) printf ("Variable %s is of type %c value %lf fixed to %lf\n", nameGRB, type, tmp, round(tmp));
				glp_set_col_bnds(mip, col_index, GLP_FX, round(tmp), round(tmp));
				if (verbose) printf ("Variable %s is of type %c value %lf fixed to %lf\n", nameGRB, type, tmp, tmp);
				glp_set_col_bnds(mip, col_index, GLP_FX, tmp, tmp);

	if (GRB_IsMIP){

		/** GLPK initialize parameters **/
		iparm = (glp_iocp*) malloc(sizeof(glp_iocp));
		iparm->presolve = GLP_ON;
		iparm->mip_gap = glpk_iparm_mip_gap;
		iparm->tol_int = glpk_iparm_tol_int;
		iparm->tol_obj = glpk_iparm_tol_obj;

		/** GLPK get the optimal integer solution **/
		ret = glp_intopt(mip, iparm);
		if (ret){
			fprintf(stderr, "glp_intopt, Error on optimizing the model : %d \n", ret);

		ret = glp_mip_status(mip);
		switch (ret){
		case GLP_OPT:
		case GLP_FEAS:
			fprintf(stderr, "Error GLPK simplex is not optimal, GLP_FEAS, code %d\n", ret);
		case GLP_NOFEAS:
			fprintf(stderr, "Error GLPK simplex is not optimal, GLP_NOFEAS, code %d\n", ret);
		case GLP_UNDEF:
			fprintf(stderr, "Error GLPK simplex is not optimal, GLP_UNDEF, code %d\n", ret);

		/*GLPK initialize parameters */
		parm = (glp_smcp*) malloc(sizeof(glp_smcp));
		parm->meth = GLP_DUALP;
		parm->tol_bnd = 10E-4;
		parm->tol_dj = 10E-4;

		/* GLPK get the optimal basis */
		//ret = glp_simplex(mip, parm);
		if (ret){
			fprintf(stderr, "glp_simplex, Error on optimizing the model : %d \n", ret);
		ret = glp_get_status(mip);
		switch (ret){
		case GLP_OPT:
		case GLP_FEAS:
			fprintf(stderr, "Error GLPK simplex is not optimal, GLP_FEAS, code %d\n", ret);
		case GLP_INFEAS:
			fprintf(stderr, "Error GLPK simplex is not optimal, GLP_INFEAS, code %d\n", ret);
		case GLP_NOFEAS:
			fprintf(stderr, "Error GLPK simplex is not optimal, GLP_NOFEAS, code %d\n", ret);
		case GLP_UNBND:
			fprintf(stderr, "Error GLPK simplex is not optimal, GLP_UNBND, code %d\n", ret);
		case GLP_UNDEF:
			fprintf(stderr, "Error GLPK simplex is not optimal, GLP_UNDEF, code %d\n", ret);


	//GRBmodel *fmod = fixed_model(model);
	//gurobi_sens_output(fmod, "/tmp/sens.sol");
        GRBwrite(model, "/tmp/model.sol");

	/** GUROBI: free structures **/
	if (model) GRBfreemodel(model);
	if (env) GRBfreeenv(env);

	return obj_val;
Beispiel #9
int main(void)
  int retcode = 0;
  GRBenv   *env = NULL;
  GRBmodel *model = NULL;
  int n, j;
  double *obj      = NULL;
  double *lb       = NULL;
  double *ub       = NULL;
  double *x;
  int *qrow, *qcol, Nq;
  double *qval;
  int *cind;
  double rhs;
  char sense;
  double *cval;
  int numnonz;

  char **names;

  n = 9; /** 7 'x' variables, 2 factor variables **/

  retcode = GRBloadenv(&env, "factormodel.log");
  if (retcode) goto BACK;

 /* Create initial model */
  retcode = GRBnewmodel(env, &model, "second", n, 
                      NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
  if (retcode) goto BACK;

  names = (char **) calloc(n, sizeof(char *));

  /** next we create the remaining attributes for the n columns **/
  obj     = (double *) calloc (n, sizeof(double));
  ub     = (double *) calloc (n, sizeof(double));
  lb     = (double *) calloc (n, sizeof(double));
  x     = (double *) calloc (n, sizeof(double));

  for(j = 0; j < 7; j++){
    names[j] = (char *)calloc(3, sizeof(char));
    if(names[j] == NULL){
      retcode = 1; goto BACK;
    sprintf(names[j],"x%d", j);
  for(j = 7; j < 9; j++){
    names[j] = (char *)calloc(3, sizeof(char));
    if(names[j] == NULL){
		  retcode = 1; goto BACK;
    sprintf(names[j],"y%d", j - 7);
  obj[0] = -.233; obj[1] = -3.422; obj[2] = -.1904; obj[3] = -.5411;
  obj[4] = -.045; obj[5] = -1.271; obj[6] = -0.955;
  /** calloc initializes memory to zero, so all other obj[j] are zero **/

  /**next, the upper bounds on the x variables **/
  ub[0] = 0.6; ub[1] = 0.8; ub[2] = 0.8; ub[3] = 0.5;
  ub[4] = 0.5; ub[5] = 0.26; ub[6] = 0.99;
  /** the upper bounds on the two factor variables -- we make them large **/
  ub[7] = 100; ub[8] = 100;
  /** the lower bounds on the factor variables **/
  lb[7] = -100; lb[8] = -100;

  /* initialize variables */
  for(j = 0; j < n; j++){
    retcode = GRBsetstrattrelement(model, "VarName", j, names[j]);
    if (retcode) goto BACK;

    retcode = GRBsetdblattrelement(model, "Obj", j, obj[j]);
    if (retcode) goto BACK;

    retcode = GRBsetdblattrelement(model, "LB", j, lb[j]);
    if (retcode) goto BACK;

    retcode = GRBsetdblattrelement(model, "UB", j, ub[j]);
    if (retcode) goto BACK;

  /** next, the quadratic -- there are 11 nonzeroes: 7 residual variances plus the 2x2
									factor covariance matrix**/

  Nq = 11; 
  qrow = (int *) calloc(Nq, sizeof(int));  /** row indices **/
  qcol = (int *) calloc(Nq, sizeof(int));  /** column indices **/
  qval = (double *) calloc(Nq, sizeof(double));  /** values **/

  if( ( qrow == NULL) || ( qcol == NULL) || (qval == NULL) ){
    printf("could not create quadratic\n");
    retcode = 1; goto BACK;

  qval[0] = 10.0; qrow[0] = 0; qcol[0] = 0;
  qval[1] = 20.0; qrow[1] = 1; qcol[1] = 1;
  qval[2] = 30.0; qrow[2] = 2; qcol[2] = 2;
  qval[3] = 40.0; qrow[3] = 3; qcol[3] = 3;
  qval[4] = 50.0; qrow[4] = 4; qcol[4] = 4;
  qval[5] = 60.0; qrow[5] = 5; qcol[5] = 5;
  qval[6] = 70.0; qrow[6] = 6;   qcol[6] = 6;  

  qval[7] = 100.0; qrow[7] = 7; qcol[7] = 7;							
  qval[8] = 200.0; qrow[8] = 8; qcol[8] = 8;
  qval[9] = 0.1; qrow[9] = 7; qcol[9] = 8;
  qval[10] = 0.1; qrow[10] = 8; qcol[10] = 7;	 

  retcode = GRBaddqpterms(model, 11, qrow, qcol, qval);
  if (retcode) goto BACK;

  /** now we will add one constraint at a time **/
  /** we need to have a couple of auxiliary arrays **/

  cind = (int *)calloc(n, sizeof(int));  /** n is over the top since no constraint is totally dense;
					     but it's not too bad here **/
  cval= (double *)calloc(n, sizeof(double));

  /** two factor constraints, first one is next**/
  cval[0] = 1.508; cval[1] = .7802; cval[2] = 1.8796;
  cval[3] = 4.256;  cval[4] = 1.335; cval[5] = 2.026; cval[6] = 1.909;
  cval[7] = -1;

  for(j = 0; j < 7; j++) cind[j] = j;
  cind[7] = 7;

  numnonz = 8;
  rhs = 0;
  sense = GRB_EQUAL;

  retcode = GRBaddconstr(model, numnonz, cind, cval, sense, rhs, "first_constraint");
  if (retcode) goto BACK;

  /** second factor constraint **/

  cval[0] = 4.228; cval[1] = 1.2945; cval[2] = .827;
  cval[3] = 2.149;  
  cval[4] = 2.353; cval[5] = 0.3026; cval[6] = 1.487;
  cval[7] = -1;
  for(j = 0; j < 7; j++) cind[j] = j; /** redundant! but let's keep it here so that we know it 
					 will be used **/
  cind[7] = 7;

  numnonz = 8;
  rhs = 0;
  sense = GRB_EQUAL;

  retcode = GRBaddconstr(model, numnonz, cind, cval, sense, rhs, "second_constraint");
  if (retcode) goto BACK;

  /** sum of x variables = 1 **/
  cval[0] = 1.0; cval[1] = 1.0; cval[2] = 1.0;
  cval[3] = 1.0;  cval[4] = 1.0; cval[5] = 1.0; cval[6] = 1.0;

  for(j = 0; j < 7; j++) cind[j] = j;

  numnonz = 7;
  rhs = 1.0;
  sense = GRB_EQUAL;

  retcode = GRBaddconstr(model, numnonz, cind, cval, sense, rhs, "convexity");
  if (retcode) goto BACK;

  retcode = GRBupdatemodel(model);
  if (retcode) goto BACK;

  /** optional: write the problem **/

  retcode = GRBwrite(model, "factorqp.lp");
  if (retcode) goto BACK;

  retcode = GRBoptimize(model);
  if (retcode) goto BACK;

  /** get solution **/

  retcode = GRBgetdblattrarray(model,
                               GRB_DBL_ATTR_X, 0, n,
  if(retcode) goto BACK;

  /** now let's see the values **/

  for(j = 0; j < n; j++){
    printf("%s = %g\n", names[j], x[j]);


  printf("\nexiting with retcode %d\n", retcode);
  return retcode;