void LIB_RECTANGLE::drawGraphic( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC,
                                 const wxPoint& aOffset, EDA_COLOR_T aColor, GR_DRAWMODE aDrawMode,
                                 void* aData, const TRANSFORM& aTransform )
    wxPoint pos1, pos2;

    EDA_COLOR_T color = GetLayerColor( LAYER_DEVICE );

    if( aColor < 0 )       // Used normal color or selected color
        if( IsSelected() )
            color = GetItemSelectedColor();
        color = aColor;

    pos1 = aTransform.TransformCoordinate( m_Pos ) + aOffset;
    pos2 = aTransform.TransformCoordinate( m_End ) + aOffset;

    FILL_T fill = aData ? NO_FILL : m_Fill;

    if( aColor >= 0 )
        fill = NO_FILL;

    GRSetDrawMode( aDC, aDrawMode );

    EDA_RECT* const clipbox  = aPanel? aPanel->GetClipBox() : NULL;
    if( fill == FILLED_WITH_BG_BODYCOLOR && !aData )
        GRFilledRect( clipbox, aDC, pos1.x, pos1.y, pos2.x, pos2.y, GetPenSize( ),
                      (m_Flags & IS_MOVED) ? color : GetLayerColor( LAYER_DEVICE_BACKGROUND ),
                      GetLayerColor( LAYER_DEVICE_BACKGROUND ) );
    else if( m_Fill == FILLED_SHAPE  && !aData )
        GRFilledRect( clipbox, aDC, pos1.x, pos1.y, pos2.x, pos2.y,
                      GetPenSize(), color, color );
        GRRect( clipbox, aDC, pos1.x, pos1.y, pos2.x, pos2.y, GetPenSize(), color );

    /* Set to one (1) to draw bounding box around rectangle to validate
     * bounding box calculation. */
#if 0
    EDA_RECT bBox = GetBoundingBox();
    bBox = aTransform.TransformCoordinate( bBox );
    bBox.Move( aOffset );
    GRRect( clipbox, aDC, bBox, 0, LIGHTMAGENTA );
void D_CODE::DrawFlashedShape(  GERBER_DRAW_ITEM* aParent,
                                EDA_RECT* aClipBox, wxDC* aDC, COLOR4D aColor,
                                wxPoint aShapePos, bool aFilledShape )
    int radius;

    switch( m_Shape )
    case APT_MACRO:
        GetMacro()->DrawApertureMacroShape( aParent, aClipBox, aDC, aColor,
                                            aShapePos, aFilledShape);

    case APT_CIRCLE:
        radius = m_Size.x >> 1;
        if( !aFilledShape )
            GRCircle( aClipBox, aDC, aParent->GetABPosition(aShapePos), radius, 0, aColor );
            if( m_DrillShape == APT_DEF_NO_HOLE )
                GRFilledCircle( aClipBox, aDC, aParent->GetABPosition(aShapePos),
                                radius, aColor );
            else if( m_DrillShape == APT_DEF_ROUND_HOLE )    // round hole in shape
                int width = (m_Size.x - m_Drill.x ) / 2;
                GRCircle( aClipBox, aDC,  aParent->GetABPosition(aShapePos),
                          radius - (width / 2), width, aColor );
            else                            // rectangular hole
                if( m_Polygon.OutlineCount() == 0 )

                DrawFlashedPolygon( aParent, aClipBox, aDC, aColor, aFilledShape, aShapePos );

    case APT_RECT:
        wxPoint start;
        start.x = aShapePos.x - m_Size.x / 2;
        start.y = aShapePos.y - m_Size.y / 2;
        wxPoint end = start + m_Size;
        start = aParent->GetABPosition( start );
        end = aParent->GetABPosition( end );

        if( !aFilledShape )
            GRRect( aClipBox, aDC, start.x, start.y, end.x, end.y, 0, aColor );
        else if( m_DrillShape == APT_DEF_NO_HOLE )
            GRFilledRect( aClipBox, aDC, start.x, start.y, end.x, end.y, 0, aColor, aColor );
            if( m_Polygon.OutlineCount() == 0 )

            DrawFlashedPolygon( aParent, aClipBox, aDC, aColor, aFilledShape, aShapePos );

    case APT_OVAL:
        wxPoint start = aShapePos;
        wxPoint end   = aShapePos;

        if( m_Size.x > m_Size.y )   // horizontal oval
            int delta = (m_Size.x - m_Size.y) / 2;
            start.x -= delta;
            end.x   += delta;
            radius   = m_Size.y;
        else   // horizontal oval
            int delta = (m_Size.y - m_Size.x) / 2;
            start.y -= delta;
            end.y   += delta;
            radius   = m_Size.x;

        start = aParent->GetABPosition( start );
        end = aParent->GetABPosition( end );

        if( !aFilledShape )
            GRCSegm( aClipBox, aDC, start.x, start.y, end.x, end.y, radius, aColor );
        else if( m_DrillShape == APT_DEF_NO_HOLE )
            GRFillCSegm( aClipBox, aDC, start.x, start.y, end.x, end.y, radius, aColor );
            if( m_Polygon.OutlineCount() == 0 )

            DrawFlashedPolygon( aParent, aClipBox, aDC, aColor, aFilledShape, aShapePos );

    case APT_POLYGON:
        if( m_Polygon.OutlineCount() == 0 )

        DrawFlashedPolygon( aParent, aClipBox, aDC, aColor, aFilledShape, aShapePos );
void DIALOG_PAGES_SETTINGS::UpdatePageLayoutExample()
    int lyWidth, lyHeight;

    wxSize clamped_layout_size( Clamp( MIN_PAGE_SIZE, m_layout_size.x, m_maxPageSizeMils.x ),
                                Clamp( MIN_PAGE_SIZE, m_layout_size.y, m_maxPageSizeMils.y ) );

    double lyRatio = clamped_layout_size.x < clamped_layout_size.y ?
                        (double) clamped_layout_size.y / clamped_layout_size.x :
                        (double) clamped_layout_size.x / clamped_layout_size.y;

    if( clamped_layout_size.x < clamped_layout_size.y )
        lyHeight = MAX_PAGE_EXAMPLE_SIZE;
        lyWidth = KiROUND( (double) lyHeight / lyRatio );
        lyWidth = MAX_PAGE_EXAMPLE_SIZE;
        lyHeight = KiROUND( (double) lyWidth / lyRatio );

    if( m_page_bitmap )
        m_PageLayoutExampleBitmap->SetBitmap( wxNullBitmap );
        delete m_page_bitmap;

    m_page_bitmap = new wxBitmap( lyWidth + 1, lyHeight + 1 );

    if( m_page_bitmap->IsOk() )
        double scaleW = (double) lyWidth  / clamped_layout_size.x;
        double scaleH = (double) lyHeight / clamped_layout_size.y;

        // Prepare DC.
        wxSize example_size( lyWidth + 1, lyHeight + 1 );
        wxMemoryDC memDC;
        memDC.SelectObject( *m_page_bitmap );
        memDC.SetClippingRegion( wxPoint( 0, 0 ), example_size );
        memDC.SetUserScale( scaleW, scaleH );

        // Get logical page size and margins.
        PAGE_INFO pageDUMMY;

        // Get page type
        int idx = m_paperSizeComboBox->GetSelection();

        if( idx < 0 )
            idx = 0;

        wxString pageFmtName = m_pageFmt[idx].BeforeFirst( ' ' );
        bool portrait = clamped_layout_size.x < clamped_layout_size.y;
        pageDUMMY.SetType( pageFmtName, portrait );
        if( m_customFmt )
            pageDUMMY.SetWidthMils( clamped_layout_size.x );
            pageDUMMY.SetHeightMils( clamped_layout_size.y );

        // Draw layout preview.
        wxString emptyString;
        GRResetPenAndBrush( &memDC );

        WORKSHEET_LAYOUT::SetAltInstance( m_pagelayout );
        GRFilledRect( NULL, &memDC, 0, 0, m_layout_size.x, m_layout_size.y, WHITE, WHITE );
        DrawPageLayout( &memDC, NULL, pageDUMMY,
                        emptyString, emptyString,
                        m_tb, m_screen->m_NumberOfScreens,
                        m_screen->m_ScreenNumber, 1, 1, DARKGRAY, RED );

        memDC.SelectObject( wxNullBitmap );
        m_PageLayoutExampleBitmap->SetBitmap( *m_page_bitmap );
        WORKSHEET_LAYOUT::SetAltInstance( NULL );

        // Refresh the dialog.
Beispiel #4
void Trace_Segment(WinEDA_DrawPanel * panel, wxDC * DC, TRACK* track, int draw_mode)
/* routine de trace de 1 segment de piste.
Parametres :
	pt_piste = adresse de la description de la piste en buflib
	draw_mode = mode ( GR_XOR, GR_OR..)
int l_piste;
int color;
int zoom;
int rayon;
int fillopt;
static bool show_err;

	color = g_DesignSettings.m_LayerColor[track->m_Layer];
	if(color & ITEM_NOT_SHOW ) return ;

	zoom = panel->GetZoom();

	GRSetDrawMode(DC, draw_mode);
	if( draw_mode & GR_SURBRILL)
		if( draw_mode & GR_AND)	color &= ~HIGHT_LIGHT_FLAG;
		else color |= HIGHT_LIGHT_FLAG;
	if ( color & HIGHT_LIGHT_FLAG)
		color = ColorRefs[color & MASKCOLOR].m_LightColor;

	rayon = l_piste = track->m_Width >> 1;

	fillopt = DisplayOpt.DisplayPcbTrackFill ? FILLED : SKETCH;

	switch (track->m_Shape)
		case S_CIRCLE:
			rayon = (int)hypot((double)(track->m_End.x-track->m_Start.x),
						(double)(track->m_End.y-track->m_Start.y) );
			if ( (l_piste/zoom) < L_MIN_DESSIN)
				GRCircle(&panel->m_ClipBox, DC, track->m_Start.x, track->m_Start.y,
					rayon , color) ;

			if( fillopt == SKETCH)
				GRCircle(&panel->m_ClipBox, DC, track->m_Start.x, track->m_Start.y,
						rayon-l_piste, color);
				GRCircle(&panel->m_ClipBox, DC, track->m_Start.x, track->m_Start.y,
						rayon+l_piste, color);
				GRCircle(&panel->m_ClipBox, DC, track->m_Start.x, track->m_Start.y,
					rayon, track->m_Width,color);

		case S_ARC:
			if( fillopt == SKETCH)
				GRArc1(&panel->m_ClipBox, DC, track->m_Start.x, track->m_Start.y,
						track->m_End.x, track->m_End.y,
						track->m_Param, track->m_Sous_Netcode, color);
				GRArc1(&panel->m_ClipBox, DC, track->m_Start.x, track->m_Start.y,
						track->m_End.x, track->m_End.y,
						track->m_Width, color);

			fillopt = DisplayOpt.DisplayPadFill ? FILLED : SKETCH;
			if ( (rayon/zoom) < L_MIN_DESSIN)
				GRCircle(&panel->m_ClipBox, DC, track->m_Start.x, track->m_Start.y,
					rayon , color) ;

			else if( fillopt == SKETCH )
				GRCircle(&panel->m_ClipBox, DC, track->m_Start.x, track->m_Start.y,
									rayon, color);
				GRFilledCircle(&panel->m_ClipBox, DC, track->m_Start.x, track->m_Start.y,
						rayon, color, color);

		case  S_SPOT_RECT:
		case  S_RECT:
			fillopt = DisplayOpt.DisplayPadFill ? FILLED : SKETCH;
			if ( (l_piste/zoom) < L_MIN_DESSIN)
				GRLine(&panel->m_ClipBox, DC, track->m_Start.x, track->m_Start.y,
						 track->m_End.x, track->m_End.y, color);
			else if( fillopt == SKETCH )
				GRRect(&panel->m_ClipBox, DC,
						track->m_Start.x - l_piste,
						track->m_Start.y - l_piste,
						track->m_End.x + l_piste,
						track->m_End.y + l_piste,
						color) ;
				GRFilledRect(&panel->m_ClipBox, DC,
						track->m_Start.x - l_piste,
						track->m_Start.y - l_piste,
						track->m_End.x + l_piste,
						track->m_End.y + l_piste,
						color, color) ;

		case  S_SPOT_OVALE:
			fillopt = DisplayOpt.DisplayPadFill ? FILLED : SKETCH;
		case  S_SEGMENT:
			if ( (l_piste/zoom) < L_MIN_DESSIN)
				GRLine(&panel->m_ClipBox, DC, track->m_Start.x, track->m_Start.y,
					 track->m_End.x, track->m_End.y, color);

			if( fillopt == SKETCH )
				GRCSegm(&panel->m_ClipBox, DC, track->m_Start.x, track->m_Start.y,
						track->m_End.x, track->m_End.y,
				track->m_Width, color) ;
				GRFillCSegm(&panel->m_ClipBox, DC, track->m_Start.x, track->m_Start.y,
						track->m_End.x, track->m_End.y,
						track->m_Width, color) ;

			if ( ! show_err )
				DisplayError(panel, wxT("Trace_Segment() type error"));
				show_err = TRUE;