CFormBackendImp::LoadLayout( GUCEF::CORE::CIOAccess& layoutStorage )
    CEGUI::Window* rootWindow = NULL;
    CEGUI::WindowManager* wmgr = CEGUI::WindowManager::getSingletonPtr();
    GUCEF_DEBUG_LOG( 0, "Starting layout load for a GUI Form" );
        CORE::CDynamicBuffer memBuffer( layoutStorage );
        CEGUI::RawDataContainer container;

        container.setData( (CEGUI::uint8*) memBuffer.GetBufferPtr() );
        container.setSize( (size_t) memBuffer.GetDataSize() );

        rootWindow = wmgr->loadLayoutFromContainer( container );

        container.setData( (CEGUI::uint8*) NULL );
        container.setSize( (size_t) 0 );
    catch ( CEGUI::Exception& e )
        GUCEF_ERROR_LOG( 0, CString( "CEGUI Exception while attempting to load form layout: " ) + e.what() );
        return false;
    // Now that we completed loading lets see what we got from CEGUI
    if ( NULL != rootWindow )
        // Begin by providing a wrapper for the root window
        m_rootWindow = CreateAndHookWrapperForWindow( rootWindow );
        if ( NULL != m_rootWindow )
            CString localWidgetName = m_rootWindow->GetName().SubstrToChar( '/', false );
            m_widgetMap[ localWidgetName ] = m_rootWindow;
            WrapAndHookChildWindows( rootWindow );
            // We will directly add the form as a child of the root for now
            // Note: This assumes that you have a GUISheet already set, otherwise this will result in a segfault!
            CEGUI::Window* globalRootWindow = CEGUI::System::getSingleton().getDefaultGUIContext().getRootWindow();
            if ( NULL != globalRootWindow )
                globalRootWindow->addChild( rootWindow );
                GUCEF_DEBUG_LOG( 0, "Successfully loaded a GUI Form layout" );
                return true;                
                GUCEF_ERROR_LOG( 0, "Failed to add form as a child to the global \"root\" window" );    

    GUCEF_DEBUG_LOG( 0, "Failed to load a GUI Form layout" );
    return false; 
CFormBackendImp::LoadLayout( GUCEF::CORE::CIOAccess& layoutStorage )
    CEGUI::Window* rootWindow = NULL;
    CEGUI::WindowManager* wmgr = CEGUI::WindowManager::getSingletonPtr();
    GUCEF_DEBUG_LOG( 0, "Starting layout load for a GUI Form" );
        // provide hacky access to the given data
        m_dummyArchive->AddResource( layoutStorage, "currentFile" );

        // Now we can load the window layout from the given storage
        // Note that if CEGUI ever provides an interface to do this directly
        // clean up this mess !!!
        rootWindow = wmgr->loadWindowLayout( "currentFile"                  , 
                                             m_widgetNamePrefix.C_String()  ,
                                             m_resourceGroupName.C_String() );     
    catch ( Ogre::Exception& e )
        GUCEF_ERROR_LOG( 0, CString( "Ogre Exception while attempting to load form layout: " ) + e.getFullDescription().c_str() );
        return false;
    // Now that we completed loading lets see what we got from CEGUI
    if ( NULL != rootWindow )
        // Begin by providing a wrapper for the root window
        m_rootWindow = CreateAndHookWrapperForWindow( rootWindow );
        if ( NULL != m_rootWindow )
            CString localWidgetName = m_rootWindow->GetName().SubstrToChar( '/', false );
            m_widgetMap[ localWidgetName ] = m_rootWindow;
            WrapAndHookChildWindows( rootWindow );
            // We will directly add the form as a child of the root for now
            CEGUI::Window* globalRootWindow = wmgr->getWindow( "root" );
            if ( NULL != globalRootWindow )
                globalRootWindow->addChildWindow( rootWindow );
                GUCEF_DEBUG_LOG( 0, "Successfully loaded a GUI Form layout" );
                return true;                
                GUCEF_ERROR_LOG( 0, "Failed to add form as a child to the global \"root\" window" );    

    GUCEF_DEBUG_LOG( 0, "Failed to loaded a GUI Form layout" );
    return false; 
CreateAndroidMakefileOnDiskForEachModule( const TModuleInfoEntryPairVector& mergeLinks ,
                                          bool addGeneratorCompileTimeToOutput         ,
                                          TStringSet& ndkModulesUsed                   )

    TModuleInfoEntryPairVector::const_iterator i = mergeLinks.begin();
    while ( i != mergeLinks.end() )
        const TModuleInfoEntry& moduleInfoEntry = (*(*i).first);
        const TModuleInfo& moduleInfo = (*(*i).second);

        if ( !CreateAndroidMakefileOnDiskForModule( mergeLinks                      ,
                                                    moduleInfo                      ,
                                                    moduleInfoEntry.rootDir         ,
                                                    addGeneratorCompileTimeToOutput ,
                                                    ndkModulesUsed                  ) )
            GUCEF_ERROR_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "Failed to create an Android makefile for all modules because of the following module " + );
            return false;

    return true;
CLogSvcServer::OnClientConnectionDataReceived( CORE::CNotifier* notifier    ,
                                               const CORE::CEvent& eventid  ,
                                               CORE::CICloneable* eventdata )

    // Get access to the event data
    COMCORE::CTCPServerConnection::TDataRecievedEventData* eData = static_cast< COMCORE::CTCPServerConnection::TDataRecievedEventData* >( eventdata );
    const CORE::CDynamicBuffer& buffer = eData->GetData();

    // Get access to the connection object & client info
    COMCORE::CTCPServerConnection* connection = static_cast< COMCORE::CTCPServerConnection* >( notifier );
    TClientInfo& clientInfo = m_clientInfoMap[ connection->GetConnectionIndex() ];

    // Handle the tcp stream, take into account message concatonation
    // First we copy the data recieved into our recieve buffer where we
    // can properly segment data because we retain whatever data we need
    if ( !( buffer.GetDataSize() == clientInfo.receiveBuffer.Write( buffer, 0 ) ) )
        GUCEF_ERROR_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_IMPORTANT, "Failed to write all data recieved into a receive buffer for processsing" );

    // Use the received data as a trigger to process whatever we can on this connection
    ProcessReceivedData( clientInfo ,
                         connection );
VfsResourceProvider::loadRawDataContainer( const CEGUI::String& filename      , 
                                           CEGUI::RawDataContainer& output    , 
                                           const CEGUI::String& resourceGroup )
    // everything in CEGUI works based on resource groups
    // make sure we dont use an empty one
    const CEGUI::String* rscGroup = &resourceGroup;
    if ( resourceGroup.empty() )
        rscGroup = &m_defaultResourceGroup;

    CORE::CString filePath;
    CORE::CString fileName = filename;
    TCEStringMap::iterator i = m_groupMap.find( *rscGroup );
    if ( i != m_groupMap.end() )
        filePath = (*i).second;

    filePath = CORE::CombinePath( filePath, fileName );

    VFS::CVFS& vfs = VFS::CVfsGlobal::Instance()->GetVfs();

    VFS::CVFS::CVFSHandlePtr file = vfs.GetFile( filePath, "rb", false );
    if ( !file.IsNULL() )
        CORE::CIOAccess* fileAccess = file->GetAccess();
        if ( NULL != fileAccess )
            CORE::CDynamicBuffer memBuffer( *fileAccess );
            void* buffer = NULL;
            UInt32 dataSize = 0; 
            memBuffer.RelinquishDataOwnership( buffer, dataSize );

            output.setData( (CEGUI::uint8*) buffer );
            output.setSize( dataSize );

            DataContainerInfoPtr info = new TDataContainerInfo;
            info->fileHandle = file;
            info->requestFilename = fileName;
            info->requestresourceGroup = resourceGroup;
            info->ceContainer = output;

            m_containerMap[ buffer ] = info;
            GUCEF_ERROR_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "VfsResourceProvider:loadRawDataContainer: Unable to load resource from path: " + filePath );
CreateAndroidMakefileOnDiskForModule( const TModuleInfoEntryPairVector& mergeLinks ,
                                      const TModuleInfo& moduleInfo                ,
                                      const CORE::CString& moduleRoot              ,
                                      bool addGeneratorCompileTimeToOutput         ,
                                      TStringSet& ndkModulesUsed                   )

    if ( ( MODULETYPE_HEADER_INCLUDE_LOCATION == moduleInfo.moduleType )   ||
         ( MODULETYPE_HEADER_INTEGRATE_LOCATION == moduleInfo.moduleType ) ||
         ( MODULETYPE_CODE_INTEGRATE_LOCATION == moduleInfo.moduleType )    )
        // this module type does not require processing here
        return true;

    GUCEF_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "Generating Android makefile content for module " + );

    // First we generate the content for the makefile based on the given module information
    CORE::CString makefileContent = GenerateContentForAndroidMakefile( mergeLinks                      ,
                                                                       moduleInfo                      ,
                                                                       moduleRoot                      ,
                                                                       addGeneratorCompileTimeToOutput ,
                                                                       ndkModulesUsed                  );

    // Now we write the makefile to the root location of the module since everything is relative to that
    CORE::CString makefilePath = moduleRoot;
    CORE::AppendToPath( makefilePath, "" );

    // Do not change the file on disk unless we have to.
    // the NDK build system will rebuild if the timestamp on the file changed which can take a long time
    if ( DidMakefileContentChange( makefilePath, makefileContent ) )
        GUCEF_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "Writing Android makefile content for module " + + " to " + makefilePath );

        if ( CORE::WriteStringAsTextFile( makefilePath    ,
                                          makefileContent ,
                                          true            ,
                                          "\n"            ) )
            GUCEF_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "Successfully created Android makefile for module " + + " at " + makefilePath );
            return true;
        GUCEF_ERROR_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "Failed to create an Android makefile for module " + + " at " + makefilePath );
        return false;
        GUCEF_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "Skipping creation of Android makefile for module " + + " at " + makefilePath +
            " since there already is a makefile with identical content" );
        return true;
COgrePluginAdapter::Link( void* modulePtr                         ,
                          CORE::TPluginMetaDataPtr pluginMetaData )

    if ( IsLoaded() ) return false;
    m_moduleHandle = modulePtr;
    if ( NULL != m_moduleHandle )
        GUCEF_SYSTEM_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "COgrePluginAdapter: Linking API using module pointer: " + CORE::PointerToString( modulePtr ) );
        // We have now successfully loaded the module itself
        // We will now try to lookup the function pointers
        m_funcPointers[ OGREPLUGINFUNCPTR_STARTPLUGIN ] = CORE::GetFunctionAddress( m_moduleHandle   ,
                                                                                    "dllStartPlugin" ,
                                                                                    0                ).funcPtr;
        m_funcPointers[ OGREPLUGINFUNCPTR_STOPPLUGIN ] = CORE::GetFunctionAddress( m_moduleHandle  ,
                                                                                   "dllStopPlugin" ,
                                                                                   0               ).funcPtr;

        // Verify that all function pointers are loaded correctly
        if ( ( NULL != m_funcPointers[ OGREPLUGINFUNCPTR_STARTPLUGIN ] ) &&
             ( NULL != m_funcPointers[ OGREPLUGINFUNCPTR_STOPPLUGIN ] )  )
            // Call the module's dllStartPlugin()
            reinterpret_cast< TOGREPLUGFPTR_StartPlugin >( m_funcPointers[ OGREPLUGINFUNCPTR_STARTPLUGIN ] )();
            // We have loaded & linked our plugin module
            GUCEF_SYSTEM_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "COgrePluginAdapterCORE::: Successfully loaded module and invoked dllStartPlugin() using module: " + CORE::PointerToString( modulePtr ) );

            // Copy the given metadata 
            m_metaData = new CORE::CPluginMetaData( *pluginMetaData );                

            return true;                
            GUCEF_ERROR_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "COgrePluginAdapter: Failed to locate the required exports in module: " + CORE::PointerToString( modulePtr ) );

        // We failed to link the functions :(
        memset( m_funcPointers, 0, OGREPLUGINFUNCPTR_COUNT );
        m_moduleHandle = NULL;
        return false;

    // Unloading->Loading must be done explicitly
    return false;
CX11Window::WindowCreate( const Int32 xPosition ,
                          const Int32 yPosition ,
                          const UInt32 width    ,
                          const UInt32 height   ,
                          ::Window parentWindow )

    // If we already have a window destroy it

    if ( NULL == m_display )
        m_display = CX11EventDispatcher::Instance()->GetDisplay();
    if ( NULL == m_display )
        GUCEF_ERROR_LOG( LOGLEVEL_IMPORTANT, "CX11Window::WindowCreate(): Failed to open display" );
        return false;
    m_screenNr = DefaultScreen( m_display );

    if ( 0 == parentWindow )
        // no parent window was provided so we will make this window a child of the default display's root
        parentWindow = RootWindow( m_display, m_screenNr );

    m_window = ::XCreateSimpleWindow( m_display,
                                      xPosition, yPosition, width, height, 1,
                                      BlackPixel( m_display, m_screenNr ),
                                      WhitePixel( m_display, m_screenNr ) );

    // Subscribe to window events at the centralized dispatcher
    CX11EventDispatcher::Instance()->SubscribeOnBehalfOfWindow( AsObserver(), m_window );

    // register interest in the delete window message
//    m_wmDeleteWindow = ::XInternAtom( m_display, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", False );
//    ::XSetWMProtocols( m_display, m_window, &m_wmDeleteWindow, 1 );

    return true;
CreateAndroidProjectMakefileOnDisk( const CORE::CString& projectName             ,
                                    const TModuleInfoEntryPairVector& mergeLinks ,
                                    const CORE::CString& outputDir               ,
                                    bool addGeneratorCompileTimeToOutput         ,
                                    const TStringSet& ndkModulesUsed             )

    GUCEF_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "Generating Android makefile content for overall project file regarding project \"" + projectName + "\"" );

    // First we generate the content for the makefile based on the given module information
    CORE::CString makefileContent = GenerateContentForAndroidProjectMakefile( projectName                     ,
                                                                              mergeLinks                      ,
                                                                              outputDir                       ,
                                                                              addGeneratorCompileTimeToOutput ,
                                                                              ndkModulesUsed                  );

    // Now we write the makefile to the root location of the project since everything is relative to that
    CORE::CString makefilePath = outputDir;
    CORE::AppendToPath( makefilePath, "" );

    // Do not change the file on disk unless we have to.
    // the NDK build system will rebuild if the timestamp on the file changed which can take a long time
    if ( DidMakefileContentChange( makefilePath, makefileContent ) )
        GUCEF_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "Writing Android makefile content for project \"" + projectName + "\" to " + makefilePath );

        if ( CORE::WriteStringAsTextFile( makefilePath    ,
                                          makefileContent ,
                                          true            ,
                                          "\n"            ) )
            GUCEF_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "Successfully created Android makefile for project \"" + projectName + "\" at " + makefilePath );
            return true;
        GUCEF_ERROR_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "Failed to create an Android makefile for project \"" + projectName + "\" at " + makefilePath );
        return false;
        GUCEF_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "Skipping creation of overall project Android makefile for project \"" + projectName + "\" at " + makefilePath +
            " since there already is a makefile with identical content" );
        return true;
Beispiel #10
CRefAppSubSystem::OnUpdate( const GUCEF::CORE::UInt64 tickCount               ,
                            const GUCEF::CORE::Float64 updateDeltaInMilliSecs )
        if ( !Ogre::Root::getSingletonPtr()->renderOneFrame() )
    catch ( Ogre::Exception& /* e */ )
        GUCEF_ERROR_LOG( GUCEF::CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "CRefAppSubSystem::OnUpdate(): Exception during Ogre frame rendering" );
Beispiel #11
CGUIManager::UnregisterGUIDriver( const CString& driverName )

    TDriverMap::iterator i = m_drivers.find( driverName );
    if ( i != m_drivers.end() )
        GUCEF_SYSTEM_LOG( GUCEF::CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "GUCE CGUIManager: Unregistering GUI driver: " + driverName ); 
        if ( (*i).second->Shutdown() )
            GUCEF_SYSTEM_LOG( GUCEF::CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "GUCE CGUIManager: GUI driver successfully shutdown. Reason: because it is being unregistered. Name: " + driverName );
            GUCEF_ERROR_LOG( GUCEF::CORE::LOGLEVEL_IMPORTANT, "GUCE CGUIManager: GUI driver failed to shutdown. Reason: Shutdown because it is being unregistered. Name: " + driverName );
        m_drivers.erase( i );
CWin32WindowContext::Initialize( const GUI::CString& title                ,
                                     const GUI::CVideoSettings& videoSettings )

    // Do not initialize twice

    if ( !CORE::CMsWin32Window::RegisterWindowClass( GetClassTypeName() ) )
        GUCEF_ERROR_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "Win32WindowContext: Could not register window class" );
        return false;

    // First create a regular Win32 window
    if ( m_window.WindowCreate( GetClassTypeName()                          ,
                                title                                       ,
                                0                                           ,
                                0                                           ,
                                videoSettings.GetResolutionWidthInPixels()  ,
                                videoSettings.GetResolutionHeightInPixels() ) )
        // Display the new window

        // Grab the main app pulse generator and set the update interval for the context to the desired refresh rate
        CORE::CPulseGenerator& pulseGenerator = CORE::CCoreGlobal::Instance()->GetPulseGenerator(); 
        pulseGenerator.RequestPeriodicPulses( this, 1000 / videoSettings.GetFrequency() );
        SubscribeTo( &pulseGenerator );

        GUCEF_SYSTEM_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "Win32WindowContext: Succesfully created Win32 window" );
        return true;
    return false;
GenerateContentForAndroidMakefile( const TModuleInfoEntryPairVector& mergeLinks ,
                                   const TModuleInfo& moduleInfo                ,
                                   const CORE::CString& moduleRoot              ,
                                   bool addGeneratorCompileTimeToOutput         ,
                                   TStringSet& ndkModulesUsed                   )

    CORE::CString contentPrefix = makefileHeader;

    if ( addGeneratorCompileTimeToOutput )
        contentPrefix +=
          "# The project generator version used was compiled on " __TIME__ __DATE__ "\n"

    contentPrefix +=
      "ifndef MY_MODULE_PATH\n"
      "  MY_MODULE_PATH := $(call my-dir)\n"
      "LOCAL_PATH := $(MY_MODULE_PATH)\n\n"
      "include $(CLEAR_VARS)\n\n"
      "@echo Module path: $(MY_MODULE_PATH)\n"
      "LOCAL_MODULE := " + + "\n";

    if ( ( MODULETYPE_SHARED_LIBRARY == moduleInfo.moduleType ) ||
         ( MODULETYPE_STATIC_LIBRARY == moduleInfo.moduleType )  )
        contentPrefix += "LOCAL_MODULE_FILENAME := lib" + + "\n";
    contentPrefix += "@echo Module name: $(LOCAL_MODULE)\n\n";

    // Generate the source files section
    CORE::CString srcFilesSection = "LOCAL_SRC_FILES := \\\n";
    bool firstLoop = true;
    TStringVectorMap::const_iterator i = moduleInfo.sourceDirs.begin();
    while ( i != moduleInfo.sourceDirs.end() )
        const CORE::CString& srcDir = (*i).first;
        const TStringVector& srcFiles = (*i).second;

        TStringVector::const_iterator n = srcFiles.begin();
        while ( n != srcFiles.end() )
            if ( !firstLoop )
                srcFilesSection += " \\\n";
            firstLoop = false;

            CORE::CString relFilePath = srcDir;
            CORE::AppendToPath( relFilePath, (*n) );

            srcFilesSection += "  " + relFilePath.ReplaceChar( '\\', '/' );


    // Add some spacing for readability
    srcFilesSection += "\n\n";

    // Generate the included files section
    // for android make files we only need the path
    // it will locate the header file on its own
    CORE::CString includeFilesSection = "LOCAL_C_INCLUDES := \\\n";
    i = moduleInfo.includeDirs.begin();
    firstLoop = true;
    while ( i != moduleInfo.includeDirs.end() )
        if ( !firstLoop )
            includeFilesSection += " \\\n";
        firstLoop = false;

        const CORE::CString& dir = (*i).first;
        if ( !dir.IsNULLOrEmpty() )
            includeFilesSection += "  $(MY_MODULE_PATH)/" + dir.ReplaceChar( '\\', '/' );
            // Support the use-case where the include dir is empty because the moduleinfo dir == include dir
            includeFilesSection += "  $(MY_MODULE_PATH)";


    // We also need to add the include paths required to find headers
    // refered to because of dependencies
    TStringSet::const_iterator n = moduleInfo.dependencyIncludeDirs.begin();
    while ( n != moduleInfo.dependencyIncludeDirs.end() )
        if ( !firstLoop )
            includeFilesSection += " \\\n";
        firstLoop = false;

        includeFilesSection += "  $(MY_MODULE_PATH)/" + (*n).ReplaceChar( '\\', '/' );


    // Add some spacing for readability
    includeFilesSection += "\n\n";

    // Now we add the preprocessor definitions
    CORE::CString preprocessorSection;
    if ( !moduleInfo.preprocessorSettings.defines.empty() )
        preprocessorSection = "LOCAL_CFLAGS :=";

        TStringSet::const_iterator m = moduleInfo.preprocessorSettings.defines.begin();
        while ( m != moduleInfo.preprocessorSettings.defines.end() )
            preprocessorSection += " -D" + (*m);

        // Add some spacing for readability
        preprocessorSection += "\n\n";

    // Now we add the compiler flags, if any
    // For Android we only support the GCC compilers
    CORE::CString compilerSection;
    TStringMap::const_iterator p = moduleInfo.compilerSettings.compilerFlags.find( "GCC" );
    if ( p != moduleInfo.compilerSettings.compilerFlags.end() )
        compilerSection = "LOCAL_CFLAGS +=" + (*p).second + "\n\n";
    p = moduleInfo.compilerSettings.compilerFlags.find( "G++" );
    if ( p != moduleInfo.compilerSettings.compilerFlags.end() )
        compilerSection = "LOCAL_CPPFLAGS +=" + (*p).second + "\n\n";

    // Now we will add all the dependency linking instructions.
    // For some reason it matters, at specification time, to Android's build
    // system whether the module you are linking to is a dynamically linked module
    // or a statically linked module. As such we have to figure out which is which.
    // We make an alphabetical list instead of creating the section right away because
    // we dont want the order to vary in the makefile because such changes cause the NDK
    // to build the code again for no reason.
    CORE::CString linkingErrorSection;
    TStringSet linkedSharedLibraries;
    TStringSet linkedStaticLibraries;
    TStringSet linkedRuntimeLibraries;
    TModuleTypeMap::const_iterator m = moduleInfo.linkerSettings.linkedLibraries.begin();
    while ( m != moduleInfo.linkerSettings.linkedLibraries.end() )
        const CORE::CString& linkedLibName = (*m).first;
        TModuleType linkedLibType = (*m).second;
        switch ( linkedLibType )
                // This is really nasty but the best option for now...
                // It is possible to link to exported symbols from an executable
                // under linux and as such we will leverage this here
                linkedSharedLibraries.insert( linkedLibName );
                linkedSharedLibraries.insert( linkedLibName );
                linkedStaticLibraries.insert( linkedLibName );
                // Skip this, no linking required
                // Since the depedendency module type was not predefined we will investigate among
                // the other modules to try to determine the nature of the linked module
                const TModuleInfo* linkedDependency = FindModuleByName( mergeLinks, linkedLibName );
                if ( NULL != linkedDependency )
                    // The module we are linking too is part of this project.
                    // As such we can simply check the other module's info
                    // to find out wheter its a dynamically linked module or not
                    // which in turn tells us how to instruct the Android build system
                    // to link.
                    switch( linkedDependency->moduleType )
                        case MODULETYPE_SHARED_LIBRARY:
                            linkedSharedLibraries.insert( linkedLibName );
                        case MODULETYPE_STATIC_LIBRARY:
                            linkedStaticLibraries.insert( linkedLibName );
                        case MODULETYPE_EXECUTABLE:
                            // This is really nasty but the best option for now...
                            // It is possible to link to exported symbols from an executable
                            // under linux and as such we will leverage this here
                            linkedSharedLibraries.insert( linkedLibName );
                        case MODULETYPE_HEADER_INTEGRATE_LOCATION:
                        case MODULETYPE_CODE_INTEGRATE_LOCATION:
                            // Dont do anything.
                            // The files for this 'module' have already been merged into the dependent module
                        case MODULETYPE_HEADER_INCLUDE_LOCATION:
                            // Don't have to do anything.
                            // Due to the auto-dependency tracking of include paths the header paths will have been added to
                            // whatever module depends on this 'module'
                            linkingErrorSection +=
                              "# *** ERROR *** Finish me\n"
                              "# Unable to determing module type from the source information\n"
                              "# Please edit the line below to manually set the correct linking method for this dependency\n";
                            linkingErrorSection += "#LOCAL_<(LDLIBS???)> += " + + "\n\n";

                            GUCEF_ERROR_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "Error: the module " + + " does not have a useable module type set, you will have to manually edit the file to correct the error" );
                    // If we get here then this dependency is not on a module which is part of the project
                    // As such we cannot build this module thus the only approriote linking method would seem
                    // to be the one where we simply instruct the linker to load this dependency at runtime.
                    // This will typically be the case for any Android NDK modules we have to link to.
                    linkedRuntimeLibraries.insert( linkedLibName );

    CORE::CString linkingSection;
    CORE::CString linkedSharedLibrariesSection = "\nLOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES := \\\n";
    CORE::CString linkedStaticLibrariesSection = "\nLOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES := \\\n";
    CORE::CString linkedRuntimeLibrariesSection = "\nLOCAL_LDLIBS := \\\n";

    // Based on what was found we will construct the linking section
    bool first = true;
    n = linkedSharedLibraries.begin();
    while ( n != linkedSharedLibraries.end() )
        if ( !first )
             linkedSharedLibrariesSection += " \\\n";
        linkedSharedLibrariesSection += "  " + (*n);
        first = false;
    first = true;
    n = linkedStaticLibraries.begin();
    while ( n != linkedStaticLibraries.end() )
        if ( !first )
             linkedStaticLibrariesSection += " \\\n";
        linkedStaticLibrariesSection += "  " + (*n);
        first = false;
    first = true;
    n = linkedRuntimeLibraries.begin();
    while ( n != linkedRuntimeLibraries.end() )
        if ( !first )
             linkedRuntimeLibrariesSection += " \\\n";
        linkedRuntimeLibrariesSection += "  -l" + (*n);
        first = false;

    if ( !linkedSharedLibraries.empty() )
        linkingSection += linkedSharedLibrariesSection + "\n\n";
    if ( !linkedStaticLibraries.empty() )
        linkingSection += linkedStaticLibrariesSection + "\n\n";
    if ( !linkedRuntimeLibraries.empty() )
        linkingSection += linkedRuntimeLibrariesSection + "\n\n";
    linkingSection += linkingErrorSection;

    // Check if we have a file on disk of information which is to be inserted into
    // our automatically generated make file
    CORE::CString manualContent;
    CORE::CString manualContentFilePath = moduleRoot;
    CORE::AppendToPath( manualContentFilePath, "" );
    if ( CORE::FileExists( manualContentFilePath ) )
        if ( CORE::LoadTextFileAsString( manualContentFilePath ,
                                         manualContent         ) )
            GUCEF_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "Successfully loaded manually defined content for module " + + " from addition file " + manualContentFilePath );
            manualContent =
              "# *** ERROR *** Finish me\n"
              "# Unable to load manually defined content from detected file\n"
              "# Please manually insert its contents here\n\n";
            GUCEF_ERROR_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "Error: the module " + + " has manually defined content in a file but it could not be loaded, you will have to manually edit the file to correct the error" );

    // Now generate the latter part of the file which contains more meta data about the module
    CORE::CString contentSuffix;
    switch ( moduleInfo.moduleType )
            contentSuffix += "include $(BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY)\n\n";
            contentSuffix += "include $(BUILD_STATIC_LIBRARY)\n\n";
            contentSuffix += "include $(BUILD_EXECUTABLE)\n\n";
            contentSuffix +=
              "# *** ERROR *** Finish me\n"
              "# Unable to determine module type from the source information\n"
              "# Please edit the line below to manually set the correct module type to build\n"
              "#include $(BUILD_???)\n\n";

            GUCEF_ERROR_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "Error: the module " + + " does not have a useable module type set, you will have to manually edit the file to correct the error" );

    // Check for NDK static libraries to import
    if ( !linkedStaticLibraries.empty() )
        TStringSet::iterator a = linkedStaticLibraries.find( "android_native_app_glue" );
        if ( a != linkedStaticLibraries.end() )
            ndkModulesUsed.insert( "android_native_app_glue" );
            contentSuffix += "$(call import-module,android/native_app_glue)\n";
        a = linkedStaticLibraries.find( "cpufeatures" );
        if ( a != linkedStaticLibraries.end() )
            ndkModulesUsed.insert( "cpufeatures" );
            contentSuffix += "$(call import-module,android/cpufeatures)\n";

    return contentPrefix + srcFilesSection + includeFilesSection + preprocessorSection + compilerSection + linkingSection + manualContent + contentSuffix;
CDStoreCodecPlugin::Link( void* modulePtr                   ,
                         TPluginMetaDataPtr pluginMetaData )

    if ( IsLoaded() ) return false;
    _sohandle = modulePtr;
    if ( NULL != _sohandle )
        GUCEF_SYSTEM_LOG( LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "DStoreCodecPlugin: Linking API using module pointer: " + PointerToString( modulePtr ) );

        _fptable[ DSTOREPLUG_INIT ] = GetFunctionAddress( _sohandle         ,
                                                          "DSTOREPLUG_Init" ,
                                                          1*sizeof(void*)   ).funcPtr;
        _fptable[ DSTOREPLUG_SHUTDOWN ] = GetFunctionAddress( _sohandle             ,
                                                              "DSTOREPLUG_Shutdown" ,
                                                              1*sizeof(void*)       ).funcPtr;
        _fptable[ DSTOREPLUG_NAME ] = GetFunctionAddress( _sohandle         ,
                                                          "DSTOREPLUG_Name" ,
                                                          1*sizeof(void*)   ).funcPtr;
        _fptable[ DSTOREPLUG_COPYRIGHT ] = GetFunctionAddress( _sohandle              ,
                                                               "DSTOREPLUG_Copyright" ,
                                                               1*sizeof(void*)        ).funcPtr;
        _fptable[ DSTOREPLUG_VERSION ] = GetFunctionAddress( _sohandle            ,
                                                             "DSTOREPLUG_Version" ,
                                                             1*sizeof(void*)      ).funcPtr;
        _fptable[ DSTOREPLUG_TYPE ] = GetFunctionAddress( _sohandle         ,
                                                          "DSTOREPLUG_Type" ,
                                                          1*sizeof(void*)   ).funcPtr;
        _fptable[ DSTOREPLUG_DEST_FILE_OPEN ] = GetFunctionAddress( _sohandle                   ,
                                                                    "DSTOREPLUG_Dest_File_Open" ,
                                                                    3*sizeof(void*)             ).funcPtr;
        _fptable[ DSTOREPLUG_DEST_FILE_CLOSE ] = GetFunctionAddress( _sohandle                    ,
                                                                     "DSTOREPLUG_Dest_File_Close" ,
                                                                     2*sizeof(void*)              ).funcPtr;
        _fptable[ DSTOREPLUG_BEGIN_NODE_STORE ] = GetFunctionAddress( _sohandle                    ,
                                                                     "DSTOREPLUG_Begin_Node_Store" ,
                                                                     3*sizeof(void*)+8             ).funcPtr;
        _fptable[ DSTOREPLUG_END_NODE_STORE ] = GetFunctionAddress( _sohandle                   ,
                                                                    "DSTOREPLUG_End_Node_Store" ,
                                                                    3*sizeof(void*)+8           ).funcPtr;
        _fptable[ DSTOREPLUG_STORE_NODE_ATT ] = GetFunctionAddress( _sohandle                   ,
                                                                    "DSTOREPLUG_Store_Node_Att" ,
                                                                    5*sizeof(void*)+12          ).funcPtr;
        _fptable[ DSTOREPLUG_BEGIN_NODE_CHILDREN ] = GetFunctionAddress( _sohandle                        ,
                                                                         "DSTOREPLUG_Begin_Node_Children" ,
                                                                         3*sizeof(void*)                  ).funcPtr;
        _fptable[ DSTOREPLUG_END_NODE_CHILDREN ] = GetFunctionAddress( _sohandle                      ,
                                                                       "DSTOREPLUG_End_Node_Children" ,
                                                                       3*sizeof(void*)                ).funcPtr;
        _fptable[ DSTOREPLUG_SRC_FILE_OPEN ] = GetFunctionAddress( _sohandle                  ,
                                                                   "DSTOREPLUG_Src_File_Open" ,
                                                                   2*sizeof(void*)            ).funcPtr;
        _fptable[ DSTOREPLUG_SRC_FILE_CLOSE ] = GetFunctionAddress( _sohandle                   ,
                                                                    "DSTOREPLUG_Src_File_Close" ,
                                                                    2*sizeof(void*)             ).funcPtr;
        _fptable[ DSTOREPLUG_SET_READ_HANDLERS ] = GetFunctionAddress( _sohandle                      ,
                                                                       "DSTOREPLUG_Set_Read_Handlers" ,
                                                                       4*sizeof(void*)                ).funcPtr;
        _fptable[ DSTOREPLUG_START_READING ] = GetFunctionAddress( _sohandle                  ,
                                                                   "DSTOREPLUG_Start_Reading" ,
                                                                   2*sizeof(void*)            ).funcPtr;

        if ( ( _fptable[ DSTOREPLUG_INIT ] == NULL ) ||
             ( _fptable[ DSTOREPLUG_SHUTDOWN ] == NULL ) ||
             ( _fptable[ DSTOREPLUG_NAME ] == NULL ) ||
             ( _fptable[ DSTOREPLUG_COPYRIGHT ] == NULL ) ||
             ( _fptable[ DSTOREPLUG_VERSION ] == NULL ) ||
             ( _fptable[ DSTOREPLUG_TYPE ] == NULL ) ||
             ( _fptable[ DSTOREPLUG_DEST_FILE_OPEN ] == NULL ) ||
             ( _fptable[ DSTOREPLUG_DEST_FILE_CLOSE ] == NULL ) ||
             ( _fptable[ DSTOREPLUG_BEGIN_NODE_STORE ] == NULL ) ||
             ( _fptable[ DSTOREPLUG_END_NODE_STORE ] == NULL ) ||
             ( _fptable[ DSTOREPLUG_STORE_NODE_ATT ] == NULL ) ||
             ( _fptable[ DSTOREPLUG_BEGIN_NODE_CHILDREN ] == NULL ) ||
             ( _fptable[ DSTOREPLUG_END_NODE_CHILDREN ] == NULL ) ||
             ( _fptable[ DSTOREPLUG_SRC_FILE_OPEN ] == NULL ) ||
             ( _fptable[ DSTOREPLUG_SRC_FILE_CLOSE ] == NULL ) ||
             ( _fptable[ DSTOREPLUG_SET_READ_HANDLERS ] == NULL ) ||
             ( _fptable[ DSTOREPLUG_START_READING ] == NULL ) )
                memset( _fptable, NULL, sizeof(anyPointer) * DSTOREPLUG_LASTFPTR );
                _sohandle = NULL;

                GUCEF_ERROR_LOG( LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "Invalid codec module: One or more functions could not be located in the module " + PointerToString( modulePtr ) );
                return false;

         *      Intialize the plugin module
        UInt32 statusCode = ( (TDSTOREPLUGFPTR_Init) _fptable[ DSTOREPLUG_INIT ] )( &_plugdata );
        if ( statusCode > 0 )
            // We have loaded & linked our plugin module
            GUCEF_SYSTEM_LOG( LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "DStoreCodecPlugin: Successfully loaded module and invoked Init() which returned status " + 
                    Int32ToString( statusCode  ) + " using module: " + PointerToString( modulePtr ) );
            GUCEF_SYSTEM_LOG( LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "  - Name: " + GetName() );
            GUCEF_SYSTEM_LOG( LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "  - Copyright/EULA: " + GetCopyright() );

            // Copy the given metadata and update it with info from the actual module
            m_metaData = new CPluginMetaData( *pluginMetaData );                 
            m_metaData->SetDescription( GetDescription() );
            m_metaData->SetCopyright( GetCopyright() );
            m_metaData->SetVersion( GetVersion() );
            return true;
            memset( _fptable, NULL, sizeof(anyPointer) * DSTOREPLUG_LASTFPTR );
            _sohandle = NULL;
            _plugdata = NULL;

            GUCEF_ERROR_LOG( LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "Initialization routine reported an error for module " + PointerToString( modulePtr ) );
            return false;

    return false;
CXWinGLWindowContext::Initialize( const GUI::CString& title                ,
                                  const GUI::CVideoSettings& videoSettings )

    // Do not initialize twice

    // First get access to the display
    ::Display* display = CORE::CX11EventDispatcher::Instance()->GetDisplay();
    if ( NULL == display )
        GUCEF_ERROR_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "CXWinGLWindowContext: Could not open display" );
        return false;

    // Now proceed with setting up the OpenGL specifics
    int dummy = 0;
    if ( 0 == glXQueryExtension( display, &dummy, &dummy ) )
        GUCEF_ERROR_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "CXWinGLWindowContext: X server has no OpenGL GLX extension" );
        return false;

    // find an OpenGL-capable Color Index visual with depth buffer
    static int attributes[] = {GLX_RGBA, GLX_DOUBLEBUFFER, None};
    //static int attributes[] = {GLX_DEPTH_SIZE, 16, GLX_DOUBLEBUFFER, None};
    XVisualInfo* vi = glXChooseVisual( display, DefaultScreen( display ), attributes );
    if ( NULL == vi )
        GUCEF_ERROR_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "CXWinGLWindowContext: Could not get visual info for display" );
        return false;

    // create an OpenGL rendering context
    GLXContext cx = glXCreateContext( display, vi,  None, GL_TRUE );
    if ( NULL == cx )
        GUCEF_ERROR_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "CXWinGLWindowContext: Could not create rendering context" );
        XFree( vi );
        return false;
    GUCEF_DEBUG_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "CXWinGLWindowContext: Created GL context using GLX" );

    // create an X colormap since probably not using default visual
    ::Colormap cmap = ::XCreateColormap( display, RootWindow( display, vi->screen),
                                vi->visual, AllocNone);

    ::XSetWindowAttributes swa;
    swa.colormap = cmap;
    swa.border_pixel = 0;
    swa.event_mask = ExposureMask | EnterWindowMask | StructureNotifyMask | SubstructureNotifyMask;

    ::Window glwin = ::XCreateWindow(display, RootWindow(display, vi->screen), 0, 0, videoSettings.GetResolutionWidthInPixels(),
                        videoSettings.GetResolutionHeightInPixels(), 0, vi->depth, InputOutput, vi->visual,
                        CWBorderPixel | CWColormap | CWEventMask, &swa);
    if ( 0 == glwin )
        GUCEF_ERROR_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "CXWinGLWindowContext: Failed to create X11 window" );
        ::XFree( vi );
        return false;
    GUCEF_DEBUG_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "CXWinGLWindowContext: Created X11 Window" );

//    ::XSetStandardProperties(display, glwin, "xogl", "xogl", None, 0,
//                                0, NULL);

    glXMakeCurrent( display, glwin, cx );

    // Set up the default GL state.
    glClearColor(0, 0, 0, 1);
    //glEnableClientState( GL_VERTEX_ARRAY );
    //glEnableClientState( GL_COLOR_ARRAY );

    //glEnable( GL_BLEND );

    glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION );
    glOrtho( 0, GetWidth(), GetHeight(), 0, -1, 1 );

    glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW );

    // Hook up our window object to re-use its eventing capabilities
    m_window.SetDisplay( display );
    m_window.SetScreen( vi->screen );
    m_window.SetWindow( glwin );
    m_window.SetText( title );

    // cleanup
    ::XFree( vi );

    // Display the new window

    // Grab the main app pulse generator and set the update interval for the context to the desired refresh rate
    CORE::CPulseGenerator& pulseGenerator = CORE::CCoreGlobal::Instance()->GetPulseGenerator();
    pulseGenerator.RequestPeriodicPulses( this, 1000 / videoSettings.GetFrequency() );
    SubscribeTo( &pulseGenerator, CORE::CPulseGenerator::PulseEvent );

    GUCEF_SYSTEM_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "CXWinGLWindowContext: Succesfully created OpenGL rendering context" );

    return true;
CResArchive::LoadIndex( void )

    GUCEF_DEBUG_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_BELOW_NORMAL, "CResArchive:LoadIndex: Starting index load" );

    CORE::CFileAccess file;
    if ( file.Open( m_idxPath, "rb" ) )
        CORE::UInt32 fileSize = file.GetSize();        
        GUCEF_DEBUG_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_BELOW_NORMAL, "CResArchive:LoadIndex: Successfully opened index file of " + CORE::UInt32ToString( fileSize ) + " bytes"  );
        if ( 1 != file.Read( &m_index.recordType, 2, 1 ) ) 
            GUCEF_ERROR_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_IMPORTANT, "Failed to read index header at position " + CORE::UInt32ToString( file.Tell() ) );
            return false; 

        // Get the nr of index entries plus do a sanity check
        CORE::UInt32 nrOfEntries = fileSize - 2;
        if ( 0 != nrOfEntries % 8 )
            GUCEF_ERROR_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_IMPORTANT, "CResArchive:LoadIndex: The number of bytes in the index is not what we expected, the data will probably be corrupt" );
        nrOfEntries /= 8;

        // read all the index entries
        for ( CORE::UInt32 i=0; i<nrOfEntries; ++i )
            IdxRecord idxRecord;
            if ( 1 != file.Read( &idxRecord.resourceNr, 4, 1 ) ) 
                GUCEF_ERROR_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_IMPORTANT, "Failed to read index entry at pos in index " + CORE::UInt32ToString( file.Tell() ) + 
                    " Entry " + CORE::UInt32ToString( i+1 ) + "/" + CORE::UInt32ToString( nrOfEntries ) );

                return false; 
            if ( 1 != file.Read( &idxRecord.offset, 4, 1 ) ) 
                GUCEF_ERROR_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_IMPORTANT, "Failed to read index entry at pos in index " + CORE::UInt32ToString( file.Tell() ) + 
                    " Entry " + CORE::UInt32ToString( i+1 ) + "/" + CORE::UInt32ToString( nrOfEntries ) );

                return false; 

            GUCEF_DEBUG_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_BELOW_NORMAL, "Read index entry: id " + CORE::Int32ToString( idxRecord.resourceNr ) + 
                ", offset " + CORE::Int32ToString( idxRecord.offset ) + ". Pos in index " + CORE::UInt32ToString( file.Tell() ) + 
                " Entry " + CORE::UInt32ToString( i+1 ) + "/" + CORE::UInt32ToString( nrOfEntries ) );
            m_index.index.push_back( idxRecord );


    GUCEF_DEBUG_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_BELOW_NORMAL, "CResArchive:LoadIndex: Successfully loaded " + CORE::UInt32ToString( m_index.index.size() ) + " entries from index"  );
    return true;
Beispiel #17
CGUIManager::Init( CORE::TWindowContextPtr& windowContext )

    if ( !m_initialized )
        GUCEF_SYSTEM_LOG( GUCEF::CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "CGUIManager: Initializing GUI system" );

        // Apply the loaded configuration (if any exists)
        if ( LoadConfig( m_guiConfig ) )
            if ( m_drivers.size() == 0 )
                GUCEF_ERROR_LOG( GUCEF::CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "CGUIManager: Cannot initialize GUI system because no driver is available" ); 
                return false;
            if ( m_selectedDriverName.Length() == 0 )
                GUCEF_SYSTEM_LOG( GUCEF::CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "CGUIManager: No GUI driver specified in config: Using first available driver" ); 
                m_selectedDriverName = (*m_drivers.begin()).first;
            TDriverMap::iterator i = m_drivers.find( m_selectedDriverName );
            if ( i != m_drivers.end() )
                GUCEF_DEBUG_LOG( GUCEF::CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "CGUIManager: Using driver with name " + m_selectedDriverName );
                CIGUIDriver* driver = (*i).second;
                if ( driver->LoadConfig( m_guiConfig ) )
                    if ( driver->Initialize( windowContext ) )
                        m_initialized = true;
                        GUCEF_SYSTEM_LOG( GUCEF::CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "CGUIManager: Successfully initialized the GUI system" );
                        TGUIInitializedEventData eData( windowContext );
                        NotifyObservers( GUIInitializedEvent, &eData );
                        return true;
                        GUCEF_ERROR_LOG( GUCEF::CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "CGUIManager: Failed to initialize the GUI system driver" );
                    GUCEF_ERROR_LOG( GUCEF::CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "CGUIManager: Failed to load the GUI system driver config" );
                GUCEF_ERROR_LOG( GUCEF::CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "CGUIManager: Failed to locate the configured GUI system driver" );
            GUCEF_ERROR_LOG( GUCEF::CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "CGUIManager: Failed to load the GUI system config" );
            return false;
    return true;
CLogSvcServer::ProcessReceivedData( TClientInfo& clientInfo                   ,
                                    COMCORE::CTCPServerConnection* connection )

    // Cycle as long as we have buffered data and no errors occur
    bool noError = true;
    while ( clientInfo.receiveBuffer.HasBufferedData() )
        // First read the message delimiter if its fully available
        char msgDelimterHeader[ 5 ];
        if ( 5 == clientInfo.receiveBuffer.PeekElement( msgDelimterHeader, 5 ) )
            if ( msgDelimterHeader[ 0 ] == LOGSVCMSGTYPE_DELIMITER )
                // Get the total message length from the delimiter header
                CORE::UInt32 msgLength = 0;
                memcpy( &msgLength, msgDelimterHeader+1, 4 );

                // Perform a sanity check
                // Server side we limit the length of the message we will accept from the client
                if ( msgLength <= MAX_ACCEPTED_MSGLENGTH )
                    // Check to see if the buffer actually has the data available already to form the complete message
                    if ( msgLength+5 <= clientInfo.receiveBuffer.GetBufferedDataSizeInBytes() )
                        // Since we already got he header data via a Peek() we will skip that data now
                        if ( 5 != clientInfo.receiveBuffer.SkipRead( 5 ) )
                            // This should not happen
                            GUCEF_ERROR_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_BELOW_NORMAL, "CLogSvcServer: Unable to Skip buffered data" );

                        // Make a buffer for this message and read it from the receive buffer
                        CORE::CDynamicBuffer messageBuffer( msgLength, false );
                        if ( msgLength == clientInfo.receiveBuffer.Read( messageBuffer.GetBufferPtr(), msgLength, 1 ) )
                            // Set the size of usefull data in the buffer
                            messageBuffer.SetDataSize( msgLength );

                            // Process this single message
                            ProcessReceivedMessage( clientInfo    ,
                                                    connection    ,
                                                    messageBuffer );
                            // This should not happen
                            GUCEF_ERROR_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "CLogSvcServer: Unable to Read() buffered data" );
                        // We don't have all the data yet to read this message, we will wait for more data to come in
                    // This connection is misbehaving
                    GUCEF_ERROR_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "CLogSvcServer: A message was received which exceeded the max msg size, disconnecting client" );
Beispiel #19
COgreWindowContext::Initialize( const GUI::CString& title                ,
                                const GUI::CVideoSettings& videoSettings ,
                                const GUI::CString& ogreRenderSystem     )

    // Do not initialize twice

    // First create a regular O/S window
    if ( m_osWindow->WindowCreate( title                                       ,
                                   0                                           ,
                                   0                                           ,
                                   videoSettings.GetResolutionWidthInPixels()  ,
                                   videoSettings.GetResolutionHeightInPixels() ) )
        // Display the new window

	    // Now proceed with setting up the Ogre specifics
        // We grab the O/S window identifier 'the handle' 
        // This is passed to Ogre to tie things together
        CORE::Int64 windowRef = 0; 
        CORE::CString windowIntStr = m_osWindow->GetProperty( "WINDOWINT" );
        if ( !windowIntStr.IsNULLOrEmpty() )
            windowRef = CORE::StringToInt64( windowIntStr );
        Ogre::NameValuePairList options;         
        options[ "externalWindowHandle" ] = Ogre::StringConverter::toString( (size_t) windowRef ); 

        Ogre::Root* ogreRoot = Ogre::Root::getSingletonPtr();
        if ( ogreRoot == nullptr )
            ogreRoot = OGRE_NEW Ogre::Root( "", "", "" ); 

        if ( !ogreRoot->isInitialised() )
            // Load any Ogre plugins not loaded yet from the bootstrap group
            CORE::CCoreGlobal::Instance()->GetPluginControl().LoadPluginGroup( "Ogre" );
            const Ogre::RenderSystemList& rsList = ogreRoot->getAvailableRenderers();
            if ( rsList.size() == 0 )
                GUCEF_ERROR_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_IMPORTANT, "OgreWindowContext: No Ogre render systems are available, cannot initialize" );
                return false;

            Ogre::RenderSystem* renderSystem = nullptr;
            Ogre::RenderSystemList::const_iterator i = rsList.begin();
            while ( i != rsList.end() )
                GUCEF_SYSTEM_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "OgreWindowContext: Available Ogre render system: " + (*i)->getFriendlyName() );
                if ( ogreRenderSystem == (*i)->getName() )
                    GUCEF_SYSTEM_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "OgreWindowContext: Found desired/preferred Ogre render system: " + (*i)->getFriendlyName() );
                    renderSystem = (*i); 
            if ( renderSystem == nullptr )
                GUCEF_WARNING_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_IMPORTANT, "OgreWindowContext: Preferred Ogre render systems not available, using first available alternative: " + (*rsList.begin())->getFriendlyName() );
                renderSystem = *rsList.begin();

            ogreRoot->setRenderSystem( renderSystem );
            m_sceneManager = ogreRoot->createSceneManager( Ogre::ST_GENERIC );

            m_renderWindow = ogreRoot->initialise( false, title );

        m_renderWindow = ogreRoot->createRenderWindow( title, 
                                                       &options ); 

        // Grab the main app pulse generator and set the update interval for the context to the desired refresh rate
        CORE::CPulseGenerator& pulseGenerator = CORE::CCoreGlobal::Instance()->GetPulseGenerator(); 
        pulseGenerator.RequestPeriodicPulses( this, 1000 / videoSettings.GetFrequency() );
        SubscribeTo( &pulseGenerator );

        GUCEF_SYSTEM_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_NORMAL, "OgreWindowContext: Succesfully created Ogre rendering context" );
        m_initialized = true;
        return true;
    return false;
CAndroidGLESWindowContext::Initialize( const GUI::CVideoSettings& videoSettings )

    // Do not initialize twice

    // @TODO: get the app from somewhere
    struct android_app* app = NULL;
    EGLint bitDepth = (EGLint) videoSettings.GetResolutionDepthInBits() / 3;

     * Here specify the attributes of the desired configuration.
     * Below, we select an EGLConfig with at least <bitDepth> bits per color
     * component compatible with on-screen windows
     *  if <bitDepth> is 0 then the smallest available size is used.
    const EGLint attribs[] =
            EGL_BLUE_SIZE, bitDepth,
            EGL_GREEN_SIZE, bitDepth,
            EGL_RED_SIZE, bitDepth,
    EGLint w, h, format;
    EGLint numConfigs;
    EGLConfig config;

    m_display = eglGetDisplay( EGL_DEFAULT_DISPLAY );

    eglInitialize( m_display, 0, 0 );

    /* Here, the application chooses the configuration it desires. In this
     * sample, we have a very simplified selection process, where we pick
     * the first EGLConfig that matches our criteria */
    eglChooseConfig( m_display, attribs, &config, 1, &numConfigs );

    /* EGL_NATIVE_VISUAL_ID is an attribute of the EGLConfig that is
     * guaranteed to be accepted by ANativeWindow_setBuffersGeometry().
     * As soon as we picked a EGLConfig, we can safely reconfigure the
     * ANativeWindow buffers to match, using EGL_NATIVE_VISUAL_ID. */
    eglGetConfigAttrib( m_display, config, EGL_NATIVE_VISUAL_ID, &format );

    ANativeWindow_setBuffersGeometry( app->window, 0, 0, format );

    m_surface = eglCreateWindowSurface( m_display, config, app->window, NULL );
    m_context = eglCreateContext( m_display, config, NULL, NULL );

    if ( eglMakeCurrent( m_display, m_surface, m_surface, m_context ) == EGL_FALSE )
        GUCEF_ERROR_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_IMPORTANT, "eglMakeCurrent failed" );
        return false;

    eglQuerySurface( m_display, m_surface, EGL_WIDTH, &w );
    eglQuerySurface( m_display, m_surface, EGL_HEIGHT, &h );

    //engine->width = w;
    //engine->height = h;

    // Initialize GL state.
    glEnable( GL_CULL_FACE );
    glShadeModel( GL_SMOOTH );
    glDisable( GL_DEPTH_TEST );

    return true;
CCEGUIDriver::LoadConfig( const CORE::CDataNode& treeroot )

    const CORE::CDataNode* ceguiConfig = treeroot.Find( "CEGUI" );
    if ( nullptr == ceguiConfig )
        GUCEF_ERROR_LOG( CORE::LOGLEVEL_IMPORTANT, "CGUIDriver:LoadConfig: Cannot find CEGUI config and as such will not be able to initialize" );
        return false;

    m_schemeToUse = ceguiConfig->GetAttributeValueOrChildValueByName( "Scheme" );
    m_defaultFont = ceguiConfig->GetAttributeValueOrChildValueByName( "DefaultFont" );
    m_defaultCursorImage = ceguiConfig->GetAttributeValueOrChildValueByName( "DefaultCursorImage" );
    // the default is the fallback resource group if none is passed to the adapter
    CORE::CString defaultResourceGroup = ceguiConfig->GetAttributeValueOrChildValueByName( "DefaultResourceGroup" );
    if ( defaultResourceGroup.IsNULLOrEmpty() )
        defaultResourceGroup = "CEGUI";
    m_vfsResourceProvider.setDefaultResourceGroup( defaultResourceGroup );

    CORE::CString imageSetsResourceGroup = ceguiConfig->GetAttributeValueOrChildValueByName( "ImageSetsResourceGroup" );
    CORE::CString fontsResourceGroup = ceguiConfig->GetAttributeValueOrChildValueByName( "FontsResourceGroup" );
    CORE::CString schemesResourceGroup = ceguiConfig->GetAttributeValueOrChildValueByName( "SchemesResourceGroup" );
    CORE::CString lookNFeelResourceGroup = ceguiConfig->GetAttributeValueOrChildValueByName( "LookNFeelsResourceGroup" );
    CORE::CString layoutsResourceGroup = ceguiConfig->GetAttributeValueOrChildValueByName( "LayoutsResourceGroup" );
    CORE::CString animationsResourceGroup = ceguiConfig->GetAttributeValueOrChildValueByName( "AnimationsResourceGroup" );
    CORE::CString scriptsResourceGroup = ceguiConfig->GetAttributeValueOrChildValueByName( "ScriptsResourceGroup" );
    m_schemasResourceGroup = ceguiConfig->GetAttributeValueOrChildValueByName( "SchemasResourceGroup" );

    // set the default resource groups to be used
    CEGUI::ImageManager::setImagesetDefaultResourceGroup( imageSetsResourceGroup );
    CEGUI::Font::setDefaultResourceGroup( fontsResourceGroup );
    CEGUI::Scheme::setDefaultResourceGroup( schemesResourceGroup );
    CEGUI::WidgetLookManager::setDefaultResourceGroup( lookNFeelResourceGroup );
    CEGUI::WindowManager::setDefaultResourceGroup( layoutsResourceGroup );
    CEGUI::AnimationManager::setDefaultResourceGroup( animationsResourceGroup );
    CEGUI::ScriptModule::setDefaultResourceGroup( scriptsResourceGroup );

    // setup default group for validation schemas
    CEGUI::System* ceguiSystem = CEGUI::System::getSingletonPtr();
    if ( nullptr != ceguiSystem )
        CEGUI::XMLParser* parser = ceguiSystem->getXMLParser();
        if ( nullptr != parser && parser->isPropertyPresent( "SchemaDefaultResourceGroup" )  )
            parser->setProperty( "SchemaDefaultResourceGroup", m_schemasResourceGroup );

    const CORE::CDataNode* ceguiVfsConfig = treeroot.Search( "CEGUI/VFSAdapter", '/', false );
    if ( nullptr != ceguiVfsConfig )
        CORE::CDataNode::TConstDataNodeSet grpNodes = ceguiVfsConfig->FindChildrenOfType( "ResourceGroup" );
        CORE::CDataNode::TConstDataNodeSet::iterator i = grpNodes.begin();
        while ( i != grpNodes.end() )
            CORE::CString groupName = (*i)->GetAttributeValueOrChildValueByName( "Name" );
            CORE::CString vfsPath = (*i)->GetAttributeValueOrChildValueByName( "Path" );

            m_vfsResourceProvider.setResourceGroupDirectory( groupName, vfsPath );


    return true;