
"activator" should be set to the entity that initiated the firing.

For all t in the entities, where t.targetnames[i] matches
ent.targets[j] for any (i,j) pairs, call the t.use function.
void G_EventFireEntity( gentity_t *self, gentity_t *activator, gentityCallEvent_t eventType )
	gentity_t *currentTarget = nullptr;
	int targetIndex;
	gentityCall_t call;
	call.activator = activator;

	while( ( currentTarget = G_IterateCallEndpoints( currentTarget, &targetIndex, self ) ) != nullptr )
		if( eventType && self->calltargets[ targetIndex ].eventType != eventType )

		call.caller = self; //reset the caller in case there have been nested calls
		call.definition = &self->calltargets[ targetIndex ];

		G_CallEntity(currentTarget, &call);

		if ( !self->inuse )
			G_Printf( S_WARNING "entity was removed while using targets\n" );
Beispiel #2

"activator" should be set to the entity that initiated the firing.

For all t in the entities, where t.targetnames[i] matches
ent.targets[j] for any (i,j) pairs, call the t.use function.
void G_EventFireEntity( gentity_t *self, gentity_t *activator, gentityCallEvent_t eventType )
	gentity_t *currentTarget = NULL;
	int targetIndex;
	gentityCall_t call;
	call.activator = activator;

	if ( self->shaderKey && self->shaderReplacement )
		G_SetShaderRemap( self->shaderKey, self->shaderReplacement, level.time * 0.001 );
		trap_SetConfigstring( CS_SHADERSTATE, BuildShaderStateConfig() );

	while( ( currentTarget = G_IterateCallEndpoints( currentTarget, &targetIndex, self ) ) != NULL )
		if( eventType && self->calltargets[ targetIndex ].eventType != eventType )

		call.caller = self; //reset the caller in case there have been nested calls
		call.definition = &self->calltargets[ targetIndex ];

		G_CallEntity(currentTarget, &call);

		if ( !self->inuse )
			G_Printf( S_WARNING "entity was removed while using targets\n" );
void G_FireEntityRandomly( gentity_t *entity, gentity_t *activator )
	int       targetIndex;
	gentity_t *possibleTarget = nullptr;
	int       totalChoiceCount = 0;
	gentityCall_t call;
	gentityTargetChoice_t choices[ MAX_GENTITIES ];
	gentityTargetChoice_t *selectedChoice;

	//collects the targets
	while( ( possibleTarget = G_IterateCallEndpoints( possibleTarget, &targetIndex, entity ) ) != nullptr )
		choices[ totalChoiceCount ].recipient = possibleTarget;
		choices[ totalChoiceCount ].callDefinition = &entity->calltargets[targetIndex];

	if ( totalChoiceCount == 0 )

	//return a random one from among the choices
	selectedChoice = &choices[ rand() / ( RAND_MAX / totalChoiceCount + 1 ) ];

	call.definition = selectedChoice->callDefinition;
	call.caller = entity;
	call.activator = activator;

	G_CallEntity( selectedChoice->recipient, &call );
void Svcmd_EntityFire_f()
    char argument[ MAX_STRING_CHARS ];
    int  entityNum;
    gentity_t *selection;
    gentityCall_t call;
    gentityCallDefinition_t callDefinition = { nullptr, ON_DEFAULT, nullptr, nullptr, ECA_DEFAULT };

    if ( trap_Argc() < 2 || trap_Argc() > 3 )
        G_Printf( "usage: entityFire <entityNum> [<action>]\n" );

    trap_Argv( 1, argument, sizeof( argument ) );
    entityNum = atoi( argument );

    if ( entityNum >= level.num_entities || entityNum < MAX_CLIENTS )
        G_Printf( "invalid entityId %d\n", entityNum );

    selection = &g_entities[entityNum];

    if (!selection->inuse)
        G_Printf("entity slot %d is not in use\n", entityNum);

    if( trap_Argc() >= 3 )
        trap_Argv( 2, argument, sizeof( argument ) );
        callDefinition.action = argument;
        callDefinition.actionType = G_GetCallActionTypeFor( callDefinition.action );

    G_Printf( "firing %s:%s\n", etos( selection ), callDefinition.action ? callDefinition.action : "default" );

        callDefinition.name = selection->names[0];

    call.definition = &callDefinition;
    call.caller = &g_entities[ ENTITYNUM_NONE ];
    call.activator = &g_entities[ ENTITYNUM_NONE ] ;

    G_CallEntity(selection, &call);