Beispiel #1
static boolean SCLoadGame(int option)
	char name[256];

	{ // slot's empty...don't try and load
		return false;
		sprintf(name, SAVEGAMENAMECD"%d.hsg", option);
		sprintf(name, SAVEGAMENAME"%d.hsg", option);
	BorderNeedRefresh = true;
	if(quickload == -1)
		quickload = option+1;
		players[consoleplayer].message = NULL;
		players[consoleplayer].messageTics = 1;
	return true;
Beispiel #2
void FSavegameManager::LoadSavegame(int Selected)
	G_LoadGame(SaveGames[Selected]->Filename.GetChars(), true);
	if (quickSaveSlot == (FSaveGameNode*)1)
		quickSaveSlot = SaveGames[Selected];
	LastAccessed = Selected;
// User wants to load this game
void M_LoadSelect(int choice)
	if( ::g->gamemode != commercial ) {
		G_LoadGame ( ::g->savegamepaths[ choice ] );
	} else {
		strcpy( DoomLib::loadGamePath, ::g->savegamepaths[ choice ] );
		DoomLib::SetCurrentExpansion( DoomLib::idealExpansion );
		DoomLib::skipToLoad = true;
	M_ClearMenus ();
// User wants to load this game
void M_LoadSelect (int choice)
	std::string name;

	G_BuildSaveName (name, choice);
	G_LoadGame ((char *)name.c_str());
	gamestate = gamestate == GS_FULLCONSOLE ? GS_HIDECONSOLE : gamestate;
	M_ClearMenus ();
	if (quickSaveSlot == -2)
		quickSaveSlot = choice;
Beispiel #5
static void CheckRecordFrom(void)
    int p;

    p = M_CheckParm("-recordfrom");
    if (!p || p > myargc - 2)
    {                           // Bad args
    G_LoadGame(atoi(myargv[p + 1]));
    G_DoLoadGame();             // Load the gameskill etc info from savegame
    G_RecordDemo(gameskill, 1, gameepisode, gamemap, myargv[p + 2]);

    H2_GameLoop();              // Never returns
Beispiel #6
static void LoadHubLevel(char *levelname)
   hublevel_t *hublevel;
   hublevel = HublevelForName(levelname);
      // load level normally
      gameaction = ga_loadlevel;
      // found saved level: reload
      G_LoadGame(hublevel->tmpfile, 0, 0);
      hub_changelevel = true;
   wipegamestate = gamestate;
static void CheckRecordFrom(void)
    int p;

    // @vanilla
    // @category demo
    // @arg <savenum> <demofile>
    // Record a demo, loading from the given filename. Equivalent
    // to -loadgame <savenum> -record <demofile>.
    p = M_CheckParm("-recordfrom");
    if (!p || p > myargc - 2)
    {                           // Bad args
    G_LoadGame(atoi(myargv[p + 1]));
    G_DoLoadGame();             // Load the gameskill etc info from savegame
    G_RecordDemo(gameskill, 1, gameepisode, gamemap, myargv[p + 2]);

    H2_GameLoop();              // Never returns
Beispiel #8
static boolean SCLoadGame(int option)
    char *filename;

    if (!SlotStatus[option])
    {                           // slot's empty...don't try and load
        return false;

    filename = SV_Filename(option);

    BorderNeedRefresh = true;
    if (quickload == -1)
        quickload = option + 1;
        players[consoleplayer].message = NULL;
        players[consoleplayer].messageTics = 1;
    return true;
Beispiel #9
 * Post Engine Initialization routine.
 * All game-specific actions that should take place at this time go here.
void G_PostInit(void)
    int                 p;
    char                file[256];
    char                mapStr[6];

    // Common post init routine

    // Initialize ammo info.

    // Initialize weapon info.

    // Print a game mode banner with rulers.
                gamemode ==
                retail ? "The Ultimate DOOM Startup\n" : gamemode ==
                shareware ? "DOOM Shareware Startup\n" : gamemode ==
                registered ? "DOOM Registered Startup\n" : gamemode ==
                commercial ? (gamemission ==
                              GM_PLUT ?
                              "Final DOOM: The Plutonia Experiment\n" :
                              gamemission ==
                              GM_TNT ? "Final DOOM: TNT: Evilution\n" :
                              "DOOM 2: Hell on Earth\n") : "Public DOOM\n");
    Con_FPrintf(CBLF_RULER, "");

    // Game parameters.
    monsterinfight = GetDefInt("AI|Infight", 0);

    // get skill / episode / map from parms
    gameskill = startskill = SM_NOITEMS;
    startepisode = 1;
    startmap = 1;
    autostart = false;

    // Game mode specific settings
    // Plutonia and TNT automatically turn on the full sky.
    if(gamemode == commercial &&
       (gamemission == GM_PLUT || gamemission == GM_TNT))
        Con_SetInteger("rend-sky-full", 1, true);

    // Command line options
    nomonsters = ArgCheck("-nomonsters");
    respawnparm = ArgCheck("-respawn");
    fastparm = ArgCheck("-fast");
    devparm = ArgCheck("-devparm");

        cfg.netDeathmatch = 2;
    else if(ArgCheck("-deathmatch"))
        cfg.netDeathmatch = 1;

    p = ArgCheck("-skill");
    if(p && p < myargc - 1)
        startskill = Argv(p + 1)[0] - '1';
        autostart = true;

    p = ArgCheck("-episode");
    if(p && p < myargc - 1)
        startepisode = Argv(p + 1)[0] - '0';
        startmap = 1;
        autostart = true;

    p = ArgCheck("-timer");
    if(p && p < myargc - 1 && deathmatch)
        int     time;

        time = atoi(Argv(p + 1));
        Con_Message("Levels will end after %d minute", time);
        if(time > 1)

    p = ArgCheck("-warp");
    if(p && p < myargc - 1)
        if(gamemode == commercial)
            startmap = atoi(Argv(p + 1));
            autostart = true;
        else if(p < myargc - 2)
            startepisode = Argv(p + 1)[0] - '0';
            startmap = Argv(p + 2)[0] - '0';
            autostart = true;

    // turbo option
    p = ArgCheck("-turbo");
    turboMul = 1.0f;
        int     scale = 200;

        turboparm = true;
        if(p < myargc - 1)
            scale = atoi(Argv(p + 1));
        if(scale < 10)
            scale = 10;
        if(scale > 400)
            scale = 400;

        Con_Message("turbo scale: %i%%\n", scale);
        turboMul = scale / 100.f;

    // Are we autostarting?
        if(gamemode == commercial)
            Con_Message("Warp to Map %d, Skill %d\n", startmap, startskill + 1);
            Con_Message("Warp to Episode %d, Map %d, Skill %d\n", startepisode,
                        startmap, startskill + 1);

    // Load a saved game?
    p = ArgCheck("-loadgame");
    if(p && p < myargc - 1)
        SV_GetSaveGameFileName(Argv(p + 1)[0] - '0', file);

    // Check valid episode and map
    if((autostart || IS_NETGAME))
        if(gamemode == commercial)
            sprintf(mapStr,"MAP%2.2d", startmap);
            sprintf(mapStr,"E%d%d",startepisode, startmap);

            startepisode = 1;
            startmap = 1;

    // Print a string showing the state of the game parameters
    Con_Message("Game state parameters:%s%s%s%s%s\n",
                 nomonsters? " nomonsters" : "",
                 respawnparm? " respawn" : "",
                 fastparm? " fast" : "",
                 turboparm? " turbo" : "",
                 (cfg.netDeathmatch ==1)? " deathmatch" :
                    (cfg.netDeathmatch ==2)? " altdeath" : "");

    if(G_GetGameAction() != GA_LOADGAME)
        if(autostart || IS_NETGAME)
            G_DeferedInitNew(startskill, startepisode, startmap);
            G_StartTitle();     // start up intro loop
Beispiel #10
 Can be called by both the resume game button after launch, or the
 load game button after a player death
void StartSaveGame() {
	G_LoadGame( 0, true );
Beispiel #11
// D_DoomMain
void D_DoomMain(void)
    int		p;
    char	file[256];
// *** PID BEGIN ***
    // Pointer to environment variable string to determine username.
    char	*whoami = NULL;

    // Value to check whether there were any userlist-related flags
    // given on the command line.  Used to determine whether to
    // set up default userlist parameters.
    boolean	userlist_arg_given = false;
// *** PID END ***



    // add xdoom.wad with the extensions

// *** PID BEGIN ***
// Ok, this doesn't have to do with psdoom, but an abort message here
// would be good if we can't find xdoom.wad.  If this weren't here,
// the game crashes later on with a more obscure error message.
    if (!access(xdoomwad, R_OK)) {
    } else {
      I_Error("Cannot load mandatory xdoom.wad\n");
// old code:
//    if (!access(xdoomwad, R_OK))
//      D_AddFile(xdoomwad);

// If the command-line flag to suppress auto-loading of custom
// ps management levels is *not* there, load the appropriate level.
   if ( !M_CheckParm("-nopslev") ) {

// Add psdoom1.wad if this is registered (Doom 1) or retail (Ultimite Doom).
// If we loaded it, set the flag to true so we can place the monsters in the
// correct positions.
       if ( gamemode == registered || gamemode == retail ){
          if (!access(psdoom1wad, R_OK)) {
            ps_level_loaded = true;

// Add psdoom2.wad if this is commercial (Doom 2) and not an add-on pack.
// If we loaded it, set the flag to true so we can place the monsters in the
// correct positions.
       if ( gamemode == commercial && gamemission == doom2 ) {
          if (!access(psdoom2wad, R_OK)) {
            ps_level_loaded = true;

   } // end if auto-load suppression flag isn't there
// *** PID END ***

    setbuf(stdout, NULL);
    modifiedgame = false;

    nomonsters = M_CheckParm("-nomonsters");

// *** PID BEGIN ***
// This keeps a 'no monsters' that is persistant across new games
// and level warps.
    if ( (nomonstersperiod = M_CheckParm("-nomonsters.") ) ) {
       nomonsters = true;

// This makes items respawn as in -altdeath (ie. no dropped items,
// no invis, no invun)
    respawnitems = M_CheckParm("-respawnitems");

// Get flag to determine whether to run the 'ps' portion of the program.
    nopsmon = M_CheckParm("-nopsmon");

// Get flag to determine whether to execute the actual re-nice and kill
// of processes.
    nopsact = M_CheckParm("-nopsact");

// Get flag to determine whether pid monsters can be hurt and killed by
// things other than a player.  They can be hurt if this flag is true.
    nopssafety = M_CheckParm("-nopssafety");

// Get flag to tell if we show all users' processes.  userlist_arg_given
// is assigned so we don't set defaults later on since we specified
// at least one user-related option.
    psallusers = userlist_arg_given = M_CheckParm("-psallusers");

// Set up list of users whose processes to include.
    p = M_CheckParm("-psuser");
    if (p)
        // Keeps track if any specific usernames are given.  If not,
        // use the current user's name.
        boolean		user_name_given = false;

        userlist_arg_given = true;  // Don't set defaults later on...

	// the parms after p are user names,
	// until end of parms or another - preceded parm
	while (++p != myargc && myargv[p][0] != '-') {
           user_name_given = true;
           add_to_ps_userlist(psuser, myargv[p]);

        // If there were no arguments to the -psuser flag,
        // add current username to the list
        if ( !user_name_given ) {

           if ( whoami == NULL ) {  // Need to get username
              // Get username of the person running the program.
              // PSDOOMUSER, LOGNAME, USER, and USERNAME in the environment
              // are checked with getenv(), in that order.  If none of
              // these are set, abort with a message to set one of them.
              if ( (whoami=getenv("PSDOOMUSER")) == NULL )
                 if ( (whoami=getenv("LOGNAME")) == NULL )
                    if ( (whoami=getenv("USER")) == NULL )
                       if ( (whoami=getenv("USERNAME")) == NULL ) {
                          // Error!  Need to have at least one of these set in
                          // the environment so we can determine current username.
                          I_Error("Could not determine your username.\nNeed to have PSDOOMUSER, LOGNAME, USER, or USERNAME set in the environment.\n");
           }  // end 'if whoami is not set'

           add_to_ps_userlist(psuser, whoami);

        }  // end 'if we default in current username'
    }  // end -psuser

// Set up list of users whose processes to exclude.
    p = M_CheckParm("-psnotuser");
    if (p)
        // Keeps track if any specific usernames are given.  If not,
        // use the current user's name.
        boolean		user_name_given = false;

        userlist_arg_given = true;  // Don't set defaults later on...

	// the parms after p are user names,
	// until end of parms or another - preceded parm
	while (++p != myargc && myargv[p][0] != '-') {
           user_name_given = true;
           add_to_ps_userlist(psnotuser, myargv[p]);

        // If there were no arguments to the -psnotuser flag,
        // add current username to the list
        if ( !user_name_given ) {

           if ( whoami == NULL ) {  // Need to get username
              // Get username of the person running the program.
              // PSDOOMUSER, LOGNAME, USER, and USERNAME in the environment
              // are checked with getenv(), in that order.  If none of
              // these are set, abort with a message to set one of them.
              if ( (whoami=getenv("PSDOOMUSER")) == NULL )
                 if ( (whoami=getenv("LOGNAME")) == NULL )
                    if ( (whoami=getenv("USER")) == NULL )
                       if ( (whoami=getenv("USERNAME")) == NULL ) {
                          // Error!  Need to have at least one of these set in
                          // the environment so we can determine current username.
                          I_Error("Could not determine your username.\nNeed to have PSDOOMUSER, LOGNAME, USER, or USERNAME set in the environment.\n");
           }  // end 'if whoami is not set'

           add_to_ps_userlist(psnotuser, whoami);

        }  // end 'if we default in the current username'
    }  // end -psnotuser

// If none of the user-related flags were given on the command line,
// set defaults depending on whether the current user is root or not.
    if ( !userlist_arg_given ) {

       if ( whoami == NULL ) {  // Need to get username
          // Get username of the person running the program.
          // PSDOOMUSER, LOGNAME, USER, and USERNAME in the environment
          // are checked with getenv(), in that order.  If none of
          // these are set, abort with a message to set one of them.
          if ( (whoami=getenv("PSDOOMUSER")) == NULL )
             if ( (whoami=getenv("LOGNAME")) == NULL )
                if ( (whoami=getenv("USER")) == NULL )
                   if ( (whoami=getenv("USERNAME")) == NULL ) {
                      // Error!  Need to have at least one of these set in
                      // the environment so we can determine current username.
                      I_Error("Could not determine your username.\nNeed to have PSDOOMUSER, LOGNAME, USER, or USERNAME set in the environment.\n");
       }  // end 'if whoami is not set'

       if ( !strcmp(whoami,"root") ) {
          // username is "root".  show all user processes.
          psallusers = true;
       } else {
          // username is not "root".  show only current user's processes.
          add_to_ps_userlist(psuser, whoami);

    }  // end if !userlist_arg_given
// *** PID END ***

    respawnparm = M_CheckParm("-respawn");
    fastparm = M_CheckParm("-fast");
    devparm = M_CheckParm("-devparm");
    nosound = M_CheckParm("-nosound");
    nomusic = M_CheckParm("-nomusic");
    cdaudio = M_CheckParm("-cdaudio");
    showkey = M_CheckParm("-showkeysym");
    notranslu = M_CheckParm("-notrans");
    noendtxt = M_CheckParm("-noendtxt");
    if (M_CheckParm("-altdeath"))
	deathmatch = 2;
    else if (M_CheckParm("-deathmatch"))
	deathmatch = 1;
    else if (M_CheckParm("-altcoop"))
	altcoop = 1;
    stripextbits = M_CheckParm("-stripextbits");

    // remember state of smoke trails in the state tables
    smoketrail = states[S_ROCKET].action;

    switch (gamemode)
      case retail:
		"                        "
		"The Ultimate DOOM Startup v%i.%i"
		"                        ",

      case shareware:
		"                          "
		"DOOM Shareware Startup v%i.%i"
		"                         ",

      case registered:
		"                         "
		"DOOM Registered Startup v%i.%i"
		"                         ",

      case commercial:
	switch (gamemission)
	case doom2:
		 "                         "
		 "DOOM 2: Hell on Earth v%i.%i"
		 "                           ",

	case pack_plut:
		 "                   "
		 "DOOM 2: Plutonia Experiment v%i.%i"
		 "                           ",

	case pack_tnt:
		 "                     "
		 "DOOM 2: TNT - Evilution v%i.%i"
		 "                           ",

		 "                     "
		 "Unknown Title");

		"                     "
		"Public DOOM - v%i.%i"
		"                           ",


// *** PID BEGIN ***
    printf("                         psDooM version - %s\n", PSVERSION);
    printf("                                  based on:\n");
// *** PID END ***

    printf("                             XDoom build %i\n\n", BUILD);

// *** PID BEGIN ***
    printf("\tpsDooM is released under the GNU General Public License 2.0.\n");
// old code:
//    printf("\tXDoom is released under the GNU General Public License 2.0.\n");
// *** PID END ***
    printf("\tYou are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.\n");
    printf("\tIt comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. See file COPYING for"
           " details.\n\n");

    if (devparm)

    // turbo option
    if ((p = M_CheckParm("-turbo")))
	int		scale = 200;
	extern int	forwardmove[2];
	extern int	sidemove[2];

	if (p < myargc - 1)
	    scale = atoi(myargv[p + 1]);
	if (scale < 10)
	    scale = 10;
	if (scale > 400)
	    scale = 400;
	printf("turbo scale: %i%%\n", scale);
	forwardmove[0] = forwardmove[0] *scale / 100;
	forwardmove[1] = forwardmove[1] *scale / 100;
	sidemove[0] = sidemove[0] * scale / 100;
	sidemove[1] = sidemove[1] * scale / 100;

    // add any files specified on the command line with -file wadfile
    // to the wad list
    // convenience hack to allow -wart e m to add a wad file
    // prepend a tilde to the filename so wadfile will be reloadable
    p = M_CheckParm("-wart");
    if (p)
	myargv[p][4] = 'p';     // big hack, change to -warp

	// Map name handling.
	switch (gamemode)
	  case shareware:
	  case retail:
	  case registered:
	    sprintf(file, "~"DEVMAPS"E%cM%c.wad",
		    myargv[p + 1][0], myargv[p + 2][0]);
	    printf("Warping to Episode %s, Map %s.\n",
		   myargv[p + 1], myargv[p + 2]);

	  case commercial:
	    p = atoi(myargv[p + 1]);
	    if (p < 10)
	      sprintf(file, "~"DEVMAPS"cdata/map0%i.wad", p);
	      sprintf(file, "~"DEVMAPS"cdata/map%i.wad", p);

    p = M_CheckParm("-file");
    if (p)
	// the parms after p are wadfile/lump names,
	// until end of parms or another - preceded parm
	modifiedgame = true;            // homebrew levels
	while (++p != myargc && myargv[p][0] != '-')

    p = M_CheckParm("-playdemo");
    if (!p)
	p = M_CheckParm("-timedemo");
	if (p)
#ifndef SNDSERV
	    nosound = true;
	    noendtxt = true;

    if (p && p < myargc - 1)
	sprintf(file,"%s.lmp", myargv[p + 1]);
	printf("Playing demo %s.lmp.\n", myargv[p + 1]);

    // get skill / episode / map from parms
    startskill = sk_medium;
    startepisode = 1;
    startmap = 1;
    autostart = false;

    p = M_CheckParm("-skill");
    if (p && p < myargc - 1)
	startskill = myargv[p + 1][0] - '1';
	autostart = true;

    p = M_CheckParm("-episode");
    if (p && p < myargc - 1)
	startepisode = myargv[p + 1][0] - '0';
	startmap = 1;
	autostart = true;

    p = M_CheckParm("-timer");
    if (p && p < myargc - 1 && deathmatch)
	int	time = atoi(myargv[p + 1]);

	printf("Levels will end after %d minute", time);
	if (time > 1)

    p = M_CheckParm("-avg");
    if (p && p < myargc - 1 && deathmatch)
	printf("Austin Virtual Gaming: Levels will end after 20 minutes\n");

    p = M_CheckParm("-warp");
    if (p && p < myargc - 1)
	if (gamemode == commercial)
	    startmap = atoi(myargv[p + 1]);
	    startepisode = myargv[p + 1][0] - '0';
	    startmap = myargv[p + 2][0] - '0';
	autostart = true;

    // init subsystems
    printf("V_Init: allocate screens.\n");

    printf("M_LoadDefaults: Load system defaults.\n");
    M_LoadDefaults();		// load before initing other systems

    printf("Z_Init: Init zone memory allocation daemon. \n");

    printf("W_Init: Init WADfiles.\n");

    // Check for Ultimate Doom
    if (gamemode == registered)
	if (W_CheckNumForName("e4m1") != -1)
	    gamemode = retail;
	    printf("=== This is Ultimate Doom! ===\n");

    // Check for -file in shareware
    if (modifiedgame)
	// These are the lumps that will be checked in IWAD,
	// if any one is not present, execution will be aborted.
	char name[23][8] =
	int i;

	if (gamemode == shareware)
	    I_Error("\nYou cannot -file with the shareware version. Register!");

	// Check for fake IWAD with right name,
	// but w/o all the lumps of the registered version.
	if (gamemode == registered)
	    for (i = 0; i < 23; i++)
		if (W_CheckNumForName(name[i]) < 0)
		    I_Error("\nThis is not the registered version.");

#if 0
    // If additional PWAD files are used, print modified banner
    if (modifiedgame)
	printf (
"ATTENTION:  This version of DOOM has been modified.  If you would like to\n"
"get a copy of the original game, call 1-800-IDGAMES or see the readme file.\n"
"        You will not receive technical support for modified games.\n"
"                      press enter to continue\n"

#if 0
    // Check and print which version is executed.
    switch (gamemode)
      case shareware:
      case indetermined:
"                                Shareware!\n"

      case registered:
      case retail:
      case commercial:
"                 Commercial product - do not distribute!\n"
"         Please report software piracy to the SPA: 1-800-388-PIR8\n"

	// Ouch.

    printf("M_Init: Init miscellaneous info.\n");

    printf("R_Init: Init DOOM refresh daemon - ");

    printf("\nP_Init: Init Playloop state.\n");

    printf("I_Init: Setting up machine state.\n");

    printf("D_CheckNetGame: Checking network game status.\n");

    if (!nosound)
      printf("S_Init: Setting up sound.\n");
      S_Init(snd_SfxVolume, snd_MusicVolume, snd_CdVolume);

    printf("HU_Init: Setting up heads up display.\n");

    printf("ST_Init: Init status bar.\n");

    // check for a driver that wants intermission stats
    p = M_CheckParm("-statcopy");
    if (p && p < myargc - 1)
	// for statistics driver
	extern void	*statcopy;

	statcopy = (void*)atoi(myargv[p + 1]);
	printf("External statistics registered.\n");

    // start the apropriate game based on parms
    p = M_CheckParm("-record");

    if (p && p < myargc - 1)
	G_RecordDemo(myargv[p + 1]);
	autostart = true;

    p = M_CheckParm("-playdemo");
    if (p && p < myargc - 1)
	singledemo = true;		// quit after one demo
	D_DoomLoop();			// never returns

    p = M_CheckParm("-timedemo");
    if (p && p < myargc - 1)
	G_TimeDemo(myargv[p + 1]);
	D_DoomLoop();			// never returns

    p = M_CheckParm("-loadgame");
    if (p && p < myargc - 1)

// *** PID BEGIN ***
// Make a ~/.psdoom directory for savegames, configs, etc.
	sprintf(file, "%s/.psdoom/"SAVEGAMENAME"%c.dsg", home,
		    myargv[p + 1][0]);
// old code:
//	sprintf(file, "%s/.xdoom/"SAVEGAMENAME"%c.dsg", home,
//		    myargv[p + 1][0]);
// *** PID END ***


    if (gameaction != ga_loadgame)
	if (autostart || netgame)
	    G_InitNew(startskill, startepisode, startmap);
	    D_StartTitle();		// start up intro loop

    D_DoomLoop();			// never returns
Beispiel #12
// D_DoomMain
void D_DoomMain (void)
    int p;
    char file[256];
    char demolumpname[9];
    int numiwadlumps;

    I_AtExit(D_Endoom, false);

    // print banner


    DEH_printf("Z_Init: Init zone memory allocation daemon. \n");
    Z_Init ();

    // @category net
    // Start a dedicated server, routing packets but not participating
    // in the game itself.

    if (M_CheckParm("-dedicated") > 0)
        printf("Dedicated server mode.\n");

        // Never returns

    // @category net
    // Query the Internet master server for a global list of active
    // servers.

    if (M_CheckParm("-search"))

    // @arg <address>
    // @category net
    // Query the status of the server running on the given IP
    // address.

    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-query", 1);

    if (p)

    // @category net
    // Search the local LAN for running servers.

    if (M_CheckParm("-localsearch"))


    // @vanilla
    // Disable monsters.
    nomonsters = M_CheckParm ("-nomonsters");

    // @vanilla
    // Monsters respawn after being killed.

    respawnparm = M_CheckParm ("-respawn");

    // @vanilla
    // Monsters move faster.

    fastparm = M_CheckParm ("-fast");

    // @vanilla
    // Developer mode.  F1 saves a screenshot in the current working
    // directory.

    devparm = M_CheckParm ("-devparm");


    // @category net
    // @vanilla
    // Start a deathmatch game.

    if (M_CheckParm ("-deathmatch"))
	deathmatch = 1;

    // @category net
    // @vanilla
    // Start a deathmatch 2.0 game.  Weapons do not stay in place and
    // all items respawn after 30 seconds.

    if (M_CheckParm ("-altdeath"))
	deathmatch = 2;

    if (devparm)
    // find which dir to use for config files

#ifdef _WIN32

    // @platform windows
    // @vanilla
    // Save configuration data and savegames in c:\doomdata,
    // allowing play from CD.

    if (M_ParmExists("-cdrom"))

        // Auto-detect the configuration dir.


    // @arg <x>
    // @vanilla
    // Turbo mode.  The player's speed is multiplied by x%.  If unspecified,
    // x defaults to 200.  Values are rounded up to 10 and down to 400.

    if ( (p=M_CheckParm ("-turbo")) )
	int     scale = 200;
	extern int forwardmove[2];
	extern int sidemove[2];
	if (p<myargc-1)
	    scale = atoi (myargv[p+1]);
	if (scale < 10)
	    scale = 10;
	if (scale > 400)
	    scale = 400;
        DEH_printf("turbo scale: %i%%\n", scale);
	forwardmove[0] = forwardmove[0]*scale/100;
	forwardmove[1] = forwardmove[1]*scale/100;
	sidemove[0] = sidemove[0]*scale/100;
	sidemove[1] = sidemove[1]*scale/100;
    // init subsystems
    DEH_printf("V_Init: allocate screens.\n");
    V_Init ();

    // Load configuration files before initialising other subsystems.
    DEH_printf("M_LoadDefaults: Load system defaults.\n");
    M_SetConfigFilenames("default.cfg", PROGRAM_PREFIX "doom.cfg");

    // Save configuration at exit.
    I_AtExit(M_SaveDefaults, false);

    // Find main IWAD file and load it.
    iwadfile = D_FindIWAD(IWAD_MASK_DOOM, &gamemission);

    // None found?

    if (iwadfile == NULL)
        I_Error("Game mode indeterminate.  No IWAD file was found.  Try\n"
                "specifying one with the '-iwad' command line parameter.\n");

    modifiedgame = false;

    DEH_printf("W_Init: Init WADfiles.\n");
    numiwadlumps = numlumps;


    // Now that we've loaded the IWAD, we can figure out what gamemission
    // we're playing and which version of Vanilla Doom we need to emulate.

    // @category mod
    // Disable automatic loading of Dehacked patches for certain
    // IWAD files.
    if (!M_ParmExists("-nodeh"))
        // Some IWADs have dehacked patches that need to be loaded for
        // them to be played properly.

    // Doom 3: BFG Edition includes modified versions of the classic
    // IWADs which can be identified by an additional DMENUPIC lump.
    // Furthermore, the M_GDHIGH lumps have been modified in a way that
    // makes them incompatible to Vanilla Doom and the modified version
    // of doom2.wad is missing the TITLEPIC lump.
    // We specifically check for DMENUPIC here, before PWADs have been
    // loaded which could probably include a lump of that name.

    if (W_CheckNumForName("dmenupic") >= 0)
        printf("BFG Edition: Using workarounds as needed.\n");
        bfgedition = true;

        // BFG Edition changes the names of the secret levels to
        // censor the Wolfenstein references. It also has an extra
        // secret level (MAP33). In Vanilla Doom (meaning the DOS
        // version), MAP33 overflows into the Plutonia level names
        // array, so HUSTR_33 is actually PHUSTR_1.

        DEH_AddStringReplacement(HUSTR_31, "level 31: idkfa");
        DEH_AddStringReplacement(HUSTR_32, "level 32: keen");
        DEH_AddStringReplacement(PHUSTR_1, "level 33: betray");

        // The BFG edition doesn't have the "low detail" menu option (fair
        // enough). But bizarrely, it reuses the M_GDHIGH patch as a label
        // for the options menu (says "Fullscreen:"). Why the perpetrators
        // couldn't just add a new graphic lump and had to reuse this one,
        // I don't know.
        // The end result is that M_GDHIGH is too wide and causes the game
        // to crash. As a workaround to get a minimum level of support for
        // the BFG edition IWADs, use the "ON"/"OFF" graphics instead.

        DEH_AddStringReplacement("M_GDHIGH", "M_MSGON");
        DEH_AddStringReplacement("M_GDLOW", "M_MSGOFF");

    // Load Dehacked patches specified on the command line with -deh.
    // Note that there's a very careful and deliberate ordering to how
    // Dehacked patches are loaded. The order we use is:
    //  1. IWAD dehacked patches.
    //  2. Command line dehacked patches specified with -deh.
    //  3. PWAD dehacked patches in DEHACKED lumps.

    // Load PWAD files.
    modifiedgame = W_ParseCommandLine();

    // Debug:
//    W_PrintDirectory();

    // @arg <demo>
    // @category demo
    // @vanilla
    // Play back the demo named demo.lmp.

    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs ("-playdemo", 1);

    if (!p)
        // @arg <demo>
        // @category demo
        // @vanilla
        // Play back the demo named demo.lmp, determining the framerate
        // of the screen.
	p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-timedemo", 1);


    if (p)
        char *uc_filename = strdup(myargv[p + 1]);

        // With Vanilla you have to specify the file without extension,
        // but make that optional.
        if (M_StringEndsWith(uc_filename, ".LMP"))
            M_StringCopy(file, myargv[p + 1], sizeof(file));
            DEH_snprintf(file, sizeof(file), "%s.lmp", myargv[p+1]);


        if (D_AddFile(file))
            M_StringCopy(demolumpname, lumpinfo[numlumps - 1]->name,
            // If file failed to load, still continue trying to play
            // the demo in the same way as Vanilla Doom.  This makes
            // tricks like "-playdemo demo1" possible.

            M_StringCopy(demolumpname, myargv[p + 1], sizeof(demolumpname));

        printf("Playing demo %s.\n", file);

    I_AtExit(G_CheckDemoStatusAtExit, true);

    // Generate the WAD hash table.  Speed things up a bit.

    // Load DEHACKED lumps from WAD files - but only if we give the right
    // command line parameter.

    // @category mod
    // Load Dehacked patches from DEHACKED lumps contained in one of the
    // loaded PWAD files.
    if (M_ParmExists("-dehlump"))
        int i, loaded = 0;

        for (i = numiwadlumps; i < numlumps; ++i)
            if (!strncmp(lumpinfo[i]->name, "DEHACKED", 8))
                DEH_LoadLump(i, false, false);

        printf("  loaded %i DEHACKED lumps from PWAD files.\n", loaded);

    // Set the gamedescription string. This is only possible now that
    // we've finished loading Dehacked patches.

#ifdef _WIN32
    // In -cdrom mode, we write savegames to c:\doomdata as well as configs.
    if (M_ParmExists("-cdrom"))
        savegamedir = configdir;
        savegamedir = M_GetSaveGameDir(D_SaveGameIWADName(gamemission));

    // Check for -file in shareware
    if (modifiedgame)
	// These are the lumps that will be checked in IWAD,
	// if any one is not present, execution will be aborted.
	char name[23][8]=
	int i;
	if ( gamemode == shareware)
	    I_Error(DEH_String("\nYou cannot -file with the shareware "
			       "version. Register!"));

	// Check for fake IWAD with right name,
	// but w/o all the lumps of the registered version. 
	if (gamemode == registered)
	    for (i = 0;i < 23; i++)
		if (W_CheckNumForName(name[i])<0)
		    I_Error(DEH_String("\nThis is not the registered version."));

    if (W_CheckNumForName("SS_START") >= 0
     || W_CheckNumForName("FF_END") >= 0)
        printf(" WARNING: The loaded WAD file contains modified sprites or\n"
               " floor textures.  You may want to use the '-merge' command\n"
               " line option instead of '-file'.\n");


    // Freedoom's IWADs are Boom-compatible, which means they usually
    // don't work in Vanilla (though FreeDM is okay). Show a warning
    // message and give a link to the website.
    if (W_CheckNumForName("FREEDOOM") >= 0 && W_CheckNumForName("FREEDM") < 0)
        printf(" WARNING: You are playing using one of the Freedoom IWAD\n"
               " files, which might not work in this port. See this page\n"
               " for more information on how to play using Freedoom:\n"

    DEH_printf("I_Init: Setting up machine state.\n");

    printf ("NET_Init: Init network subsystem.\n");
    NET_Init ();

    // Initial netgame startup. Connect to server etc.

    // get skill / episode / map from parms
    startskill = sk_medium;
    startepisode = 1;
    startmap = 1;
    autostart = false;

    // @arg <skill>
    // @vanilla
    // Set the game skill, 1-5 (1: easiest, 5: hardest).  A skill of
    // 0 disables all monsters.

    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-skill", 1);

    if (p)
	startskill = myargv[p+1][0]-'1';
	autostart = true;

    // @arg <n>
    // @vanilla
    // Start playing on episode n (1-4)

    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-episode", 1);

    if (p)
	startepisode = myargv[p+1][0]-'0';
	startmap = 1;
	autostart = true;
    timelimit = 0;

    // @arg <n>
    // @category net
    // @vanilla
    // For multiplayer games: exit each level after n minutes.

    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-timer", 1);

    if (p)
	timelimit = atoi(myargv[p+1]);

    // @category net
    // @vanilla
    // Austin Virtual Gaming: end levels after 20 minutes.

    p = M_CheckParm ("-avg");

    if (p)
	timelimit = 20;

    // @arg [<x> <y> | <xy>]
    // @vanilla
    // Start a game immediately, warping to ExMy (Doom 1) or MAPxy
    // (Doom 2)

    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-warp", 1);

    if (p)
        if (gamemode == commercial)
            startmap = atoi (myargv[p+1]);
            startepisode = myargv[p+1][0]-'0';

            if (p + 2 < myargc)
                startmap = myargv[p+2][0]-'0';
                startmap = 1;
        autostart = true;

    // Undocumented:
    // Invoked by setup to test the controls.

    p = M_CheckParm("-testcontrols");

    if (p > 0)
        startepisode = 1;
        startmap = 1;
        autostart = true;
        testcontrols = true;

    // Check for load game parameter
    // We do this here and save the slot number, so that the network code
    // can override it or send the load slot to other players.

    // @arg <s>
    // @vanilla
    // Load the game in slot s.

    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-loadgame", 1);
    if (p)
        startloadgame = atoi(myargv[p+1]);
        // Not loading a game
        startloadgame = -1;

    DEH_printf("M_Init: Init miscellaneous info.\n");
    M_Init ();

    DEH_printf("R_Init: Init DOOM refresh daemon - ");
    R_Init ();

    DEH_printf("\nP_Init: Init Playloop state.\n");
    P_Init ();

    DEH_printf("S_Init: Setting up sound.\n");
    S_Init (sfxVolume * 8, musicVolume * 8);

    DEH_printf("D_CheckNetGame: Checking network game status.\n");
    D_CheckNetGame ();


    DEH_printf("HU_Init: Setting up heads up display.\n");
    HU_Init ();

    DEH_printf("ST_Init: Init status bar.\n");
    ST_Init ();

    // If Doom II without a MAP01 lump, this is a store demo.
    // Moved this here so that MAP01 isn't constantly looked up
    // in the main loop.

    if (gamemode == commercial && W_CheckNumForName("map01") < 0)
        storedemo = true;

    if (M_CheckParmWithArgs("-statdump", 1))
        I_AtExit(StatDump, true);
        DEH_printf("External statistics registered.\n");

    // @arg <x>
    // @category demo
    // @vanilla
    // Record a demo named x.lmp.

    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-record", 1);

    if (p)
	G_RecordDemo (myargv[p+1]);
	autostart = true;

    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-playdemo", 1);
    if (p)
	singledemo = true;              // quit after one demo
	G_DeferedPlayDemo (demolumpname);
	D_DoomLoop ();  // never returns
    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-timedemo", 1);
    if (p)
	G_TimeDemo (demolumpname);
	D_DoomLoop ();  // never returns
    if (startloadgame >= 0)
        M_StringCopy(file, P_SaveGameFile(startloadgame), sizeof(file));
    if (gameaction != ga_loadgame )
	if (autostart || netgame)
	    G_InitNew (startskill, startepisode, startmap);
	    D_StartTitle ();                // start up intro loop

    D_DoomLoop ();  // never returns
Beispiel #13
static void D_DoomMainSetup(void)
  int p,slot;



  // proff 04/05/2000: Added support for include response files
  /* proff 2001/7/1 - Moved up, so -config can be in response files */
    boolean rsp_found;
    int i;

    do {
      for (i=0; i<myargc; i++)
        if (myargv[i][0]=='@')
    } while (rsp_found==true);

  lprintf(LO_INFO,"M_LoadDefaults: Load system defaults.\n");
  M_LoadDefaults();              // load before initing other systems

  // figgi 09/18/00-- added switch to force classic bsp nodes
  if (M_CheckParm ("-forceoldbsp"))
    extern boolean forceOldBsp;
    forceOldBsp = true;

  DoLooseFiles();  // Ty 08/29/98 - handle "loose" files on command line

  // e6y: DEH files preloaded in wrong order
  // The dachaked stuff has been moved below an autoload

  // jff 1/24/98 set both working and command line value of play parms
  nomonsters = clnomonsters = M_CheckParm ("-nomonsters");
  respawnparm = clrespawnparm = M_CheckParm ("-respawn");
  fastparm = clfastparm = M_CheckParm ("-fast");
  // jff 1/24/98 end of set to both working and command line value

  devparm = M_CheckParm ("-devparm");

  if (M_CheckParm ("-altdeath"))
    deathmatch = 2;
    if (M_CheckParm ("-deathmatch"))
      deathmatch = 1;

    // CPhipps - localise title variable
    // print title for every printed line
    // cph - code cleaned and made smaller
    const char* doomverstr;

    switch ( gamemode ) {
    case retail:
      doomverstr = "The Ultimate DOOM";
    case shareware:
      doomverstr = "DOOM Shareware";
    case registered:
      doomverstr = "DOOM Registered";
    case commercial:  // Ty 08/27/98 - fixed gamemode vs gamemission
      switch (gamemission)
        case pack_plut:
    doomverstr = "DOOM 2: Plutonia Experiment";
        case pack_tnt:
          doomverstr = "DOOM 2: TNT - Evilution";
          doomverstr = "DOOM 2: Hell on Earth";
      doomverstr = "Public DOOM";

    /* cphipps - the main display. This shows the build date, copyright, and game type */
    lprintf(LO_ALWAYS,"PrBoom (built %s), playing: %s\n"
      "PrBoom is released under the GNU General Public license v2.0.\n"
      "You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.\n"
      "It comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. See the file COPYING for details.\n",
      version_date, doomverstr);

  if (devparm)
    //jff 9/3/98 use logical output routine

  // turbo option
  if ((p=M_CheckParm ("-turbo")))
      int scale = 200;
      extern int forwardmove[2];
      extern int sidemove[2];

      if (p<myargc-1)
        scale = atoi(myargv[p+1]);
      if (scale < 10)
        scale = 10;
      if (scale > 400)
        scale = 400;
      //jff 9/3/98 use logical output routine
      lprintf (LO_CONFIRM,"turbo scale: %i%%\n",scale);
      forwardmove[0] = forwardmove[0]*scale/100;
      forwardmove[1] = forwardmove[1]*scale/100;
      sidemove[0] = sidemove[0]*scale/100;
      sidemove[1] = sidemove[1]*scale/100;

  modifiedgame = false;

  // get skill / episode / map from parms

  startskill = sk_none; // jff 3/24/98 was sk_medium, just note not picked
  startepisode = 1;
  startmap = 1;
  autostart = false;

  if ((p = M_CheckParm ("-skill")) && p < myargc-1)
      startskill = myargv[p+1][0]-'1';
      autostart = true;

  if ((p = M_CheckParm ("-episode")) && p < myargc-1)
      startepisode = myargv[p+1][0]-'0';
      startmap = 1;
      autostart = true;

  if ((p = M_CheckParm ("-timer")) && p < myargc-1 && deathmatch)
      int time = atoi(myargv[p+1]);
      //jff 9/3/98 use logical output routine
      lprintf(LO_CONFIRM,"Levels will end after %d minute%s.\n", time, time>1 ? "s" : "");

  if ((p = M_CheckParm ("-avg")) && p < myargc-1 && deathmatch)
    //jff 9/3/98 use logical output routine
    lprintf(LO_CONFIRM,"Austin Virtual Gaming: Levels will end after 20 minutes\n");

  if ((p = M_CheckParm ("-warp")) ||      // killough 5/2/98
       (p = M_CheckParm ("-wart")))
       // Ty 08/29/98 - moved this check later so we can have -warp alone: && p < myargc-1)
    startmap = 0; // Ty 08/29/98 - allow "-warp x" to go to first map in wad(s)
    autostart = true; // Ty 08/29/98 - move outside the decision tree
    if (gamemode == commercial)
      if (p < myargc-1)
        startmap = atoi(myargv[p+1]);   // Ty 08/29/98 - add test if last parm
    else    // 1/25/98 killough: fix -warp xxx from crashing Doom 1 / UD
      if (p < myargc-2)
        startepisode = atoi(myargv[++p]);
        startmap = atoi(myargv[p+1]);
  // Ty 08/29/98 - later we'll check for startmap=0 and autostart=true
  // as a special case that -warp * was used.  Actually -warp with any
  // non-numeric will do that but we'll only document "*"

  //jff 1/22/98 add command line parms to disable sound and music
    int nosound = M_CheckParm("-nosound");
    nomusicparm = nosound || M_CheckParm("-nomusic");
    nosfxparm   = nosound || M_CheckParm("-nosfx");
  //jff end of sound/music command line parms

  // killough 3/2/98: allow -nodraw -noblit generally
  nodrawers = M_CheckParm ("-nodraw");
  noblit = M_CheckParm ("-noblit");

  //proff 11/22/98: Added setting of viewangleoffset
  p = M_CheckParm("-viewangle");
  if (p)
    viewangleoffset = atoi(myargv[p+1]);
    viewangleoffset = viewangleoffset<0 ? 0 : (viewangleoffset>7 ? 7 : viewangleoffset);
    viewangleoffset = (8-viewangleoffset) * ANG45;

  // init subsystems

  G_ReloadDefaults();    // killough 3/4/98: set defaults just loaded.
  // jff 3/24/98 this sets startskill if it was -1

  // Video stuff
  if ((p = M_CheckParm("-width")))
    if (myargv[p+1])
      desired_screenwidth = atoi(myargv[p+1]);

  if ((p = M_CheckParm("-height")))
    if (myargv[p+1])
      desired_screenheight = atoi(myargv[p+1]);

  if ((p = M_CheckParm("-fullscreen")))
      use_fullscreen = 1;

  if ((p = M_CheckParm("-nofullscreen")))
      use_fullscreen = 0;

  // e6y
  // New command-line options for setting a window (-window) 
  // or fullscreen (-nowindow) mode temporarily which is not saved in cfg.
  // It works like "-geom" switch
  desired_fullscreen = use_fullscreen;
  if ((p = M_CheckParm("-window")))
      desired_fullscreen = 0;

  if ((p = M_CheckParm("-nowindow")))
      desired_fullscreen = 1;

  { // -geometry handling, change screen size for this session only
    // e6y: new code by me
    int w, h;

    if (!(p = M_CheckParm("-geom")))
      p = M_CheckParm("-geometry");

    if (!(p && (p+1<myargc) && sscanf(myargv[p+1], "%dx%d", &w, &h) == 2))
      w = desired_screenwidth;
      h = desired_screenheight;
    I_CalculateRes(w, h);

#ifdef GL_DOOM
  // proff 04/05/2000: for GL-specific switches

  //jff 9/3/98 use logical output routine
  lprintf(LO_INFO,"V_Init: allocate screens.\n");

  // CPhipps - autoloading of wads
  // Designed to be general, instead of specific to boomlump.wad
  // Some people might find this useful
  // cph - support MBF -noload parameter
  if (!M_CheckParm("-noload")) {
    int i;

    for (i=0; i<MAXLOADFILES*2; i++) {
      const char *fname = (i < MAXLOADFILES) ? wad_files[i]
  : deh_files[i - MAXLOADFILES];
      char *fpath;

      if (!(fname && *fname)) continue;
      // Filename is now stored as a zero terminated string
      fpath = I_FindFile(fname, (i < MAXLOADFILES) ? ".wad" : ".bex");
      if (!fpath)
        lprintf(LO_WARN, "Failed to autoload %s\n", fname);
      else {
        if (i >= MAXLOADFILES)
          ProcessDehFile(fpath, D_dehout(), 0);
        else {
        modifiedgame = true;

  // e6y: DEH files preloaded in wrong order
  // The dachaked stuff has been moved from above

  // ty 03/09/98 do dehacked stuff
  // Note: do this before any other since it is expected by
  // the deh patch author that this is actually part of the EXE itself
  // Using -deh in BOOM, others use -dehacked.
  // Ty 03/18/98 also allow .bex extension.  .bex overrides if both exist.

  D_BuildBEXTables(); // haleyjd

  p = M_CheckParm ("-deh");
  if (p)
      char file[PATH_MAX+1];      // cph - localised
      // the parms after p are deh/bex file names,
      // until end of parms or another - preceded parm
      // Ty 04/11/98 - Allow multiple -deh files in a row

      while (++p != myargc && *myargv[p] != '-')
          AddDefaultExtension(strcpy(file, myargv[p]), ".bex");
          if (access(file, F_OK))  // nope
              AddDefaultExtension(strcpy(file, myargv[p]), ".deh");
              if (access(file, F_OK))  // still nope
                I_Error("D_DoomMainSetup: Cannot find .deh or .bex file named %s",myargv[p]);
          // during the beta we have debug output to dehout.txt
  // ty 03/09/98 end of do dehacked stuff

  // add any files specified on the command line with -file wadfile
  // to the wad list

  // killough 1/31/98, 5/2/98: reload hack removed, -wart same as -warp now.

  if ((p = M_CheckParm ("-file")))
      // the parms after p are wadfile/lump names,
      // until end of parms or another - preceded parm
      modifiedgame = true;            // homebrew levels
      while (++p != myargc && *myargv[p] != '-')

  if (!(p = M_CheckParm("-playdemo")) || p >= myargc-1) {   /* killough */
    if ((p = M_CheckParm ("-fastdemo")) && p < myargc-1)    /* killough */
      fastdemo = true;             // run at fastest speed possible
      p = M_CheckParm ("-timedemo");

  if (p && p < myargc-1)
      char file[PATH_MAX+1];      // cph - localised
      AddDefaultExtension(file,".lmp");     // killough
      D_AddFile (file,source_lmp);
      //jff 9/3/98 use logical output routine
      lprintf(LO_CONFIRM,"Playing demo %s\n",file);
      if ((p = M_CheckParm ("-ffmap")) && p < myargc-1) {
        ffmap = atoi(myargv[p+1]);


  // internal translucency set to config file value               // phares
  general_translucency = default_translucency;                    // phares

  // 1/18/98 killough: Z_Init() call moved to i_main.c

  // CPhipps - move up netgame init
  //jff 9/3/98 use logical output routine
  lprintf(LO_INFO,"D_InitNetGame: Checking for network game.\n");

  //jff 9/3/98 use logical output routine
  lprintf(LO_INFO,"W_Init: Init WADfiles.\n");
  W_Init(); // CPhipps - handling of wadfiles init changed

  lprintf(LO_INFO,"\n");     // killough 3/6/98: add a newline, by popular demand :)

  // e6y 
  // option to disable automatic loading of dehacked-in-wad lump
  if (!M_CheckParm ("-nodeh"))
    if ((p = W_CheckNumForName("DEHACKED")) != -1) // cph - add dehacked-in-a-wad support
      ProcessDehFile(NULL, D_dehout(), p);

  V_InitColorTranslation(); //jff 4/24/98 load color translation lumps

  // killough 2/22/98: copyright / "modified game" / SPA banners removed

  // Ty 04/08/98 - Add 5 lines of misc. data, only if nonblank
  // The expectation is that these will be set in a .bex file
  //jff 9/3/98 use logical output routine
  if (*startup1) lprintf(LO_INFO,"%s",startup1);
  if (*startup2) lprintf(LO_INFO,"%s",startup2);
  if (*startup3) lprintf(LO_INFO,"%s",startup3);
  if (*startup4) lprintf(LO_INFO,"%s",startup4);
  if (*startup5) lprintf(LO_INFO,"%s",startup5);
  // End new startup strings

  //jff 9/3/98 use logical output routine
  lprintf(LO_INFO,"M_Init: Init miscellaneous info.\n");

#ifdef HAVE_NET
  // CPhipps - now wait for netgame start

  //jff 9/3/98 use logical output routine
  lprintf(LO_INFO,"R_Init: Init DOOM refresh daemon - ");

  //jff 9/3/98 use logical output routine
  lprintf(LO_INFO,"\nP_Init: Init Playloop state.\n");

  //jff 9/3/98 use logical output routine
  lprintf(LO_INFO,"I_Init: Setting up machine state.\n");

  //jff 9/3/98 use logical output routine
  lprintf(LO_INFO,"S_Init: Setting up sound.\n");
  S_Init(snd_SfxVolume /* *8 */, snd_MusicVolume /* *8*/ );

  //jff 9/3/98 use logical output routine
  lprintf(LO_INFO,"HU_Init: Setting up heads up display.\n");

  if (!(M_CheckParm("-nodraw") && M_CheckParm("-nosound")))

  //jff 9/3/98 use logical output routine
  lprintf(LO_INFO,"ST_Init: Init status bar.\n");

  idmusnum = -1; //jff 3/17/98 insure idmus number is blank

  // CPhipps - auto screenshots
  if ((p = M_CheckParm("-autoshot")) && (p < myargc-2))
    if ((auto_shot_count = auto_shot_time = atoi(myargv[p+1])))
      auto_shot_fname = myargv[p+2];

  // start the apropriate game based on parms

  // killough 12/98:
  // Support -loadgame with -record and reimplement -recordfrom.

  if ((slot = M_CheckParm("-recordfrom")) && (p = slot+2) < myargc)
      slot = M_CheckParm("-loadgame");
      if ((p = M_CheckParm("-record")) && ++p < myargc)
    autostart = true;

  if ((p = M_CheckParm ("-checksum")) && ++p < myargc)
      P_RecordChecksum (myargv[p]);

  if ((p = M_CheckParm ("-fastdemo")) && ++p < myargc)
    {                                 // killough
      fastdemo = true;                // run at fastest speed possible
      timingdemo = true;              // show stats after quit
      singledemo = true;              // quit after one demo
    if ((p = M_CheckParm("-timedemo")) && ++p < myargc)
  singletics = true;
  timingdemo = true;            // show stats after quit
  singledemo = true;            // quit after one demo
      if ((p = M_CheckParm("-playdemo")) && ++p < myargc)
    singledemo = true;          // quit after one demo

  if (slot && ++slot < myargc)
      slot = atoi(myargv[slot]);        // killough 3/16/98: add slot info
      G_LoadGame(slot, true);           // killough 5/15/98: add command flag // cph - no filename
    if (!singledemo) {                  /* killough 12/98 */
      if (autostart || netgame)
    G_InitNew(startskill, startepisode, startmap);
    if (demorecording)
  D_StartTitle();                 // start up intro loop
Beispiel #14
// D_DoomMain
void D_DoomMain (void)
    int             p;
    char            file[256];
    char            demolumpname[9];

    M_FindResponseFile ();

    // Undocumented "search for IWADs" parameter used by the setup
    // tool.

    if (M_CheckParm("-findiwads") > 0)

    // print banner


    DEH_printf("Z_Init: Init zone memory allocation daemon. \n");
    Z_Init ();

    // @category net
    // Start a dedicated server, routing packets but not participating
    // in the game itself.

    if (M_CheckParm("-dedicated") > 0)
        printf("Dedicated server mode.\n");

        // Never returns

    // @category net
    // Query the Internet master server for a global list of active
    // servers.

    if (M_CheckParm("-search"))
        printf("\nSearching for servers on Internet ...\n");
        p = NET_MasterQuery(NET_QueryPrintCallback, NULL);
        printf("\n%i server(s) found.\n", p);

    // @arg <address>
    // @category net
    // Query the status of the server running on the given IP
    // address.

    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-query", 1);

    if (p)

    // @category net
    // Search the local LAN for running servers.

    if (M_CheckParm("-localsearch"))
        printf("\nSearching for servers on local LAN ...\n");
        p = NET_LANQuery(NET_QueryPrintCallback, NULL);
        printf("\n%i server(s) found.\n", p);

    printf("DEH_Init: Init Dehacked support.\n");

    iwadfile = D_FindIWAD();
// *** PID BEGIN ***
    psdoom1wad = D_FindWADByName("psdoom1.wad");
    psdoom2wad = D_FindWADByName("psdoom2.wad");
// *** PID END ***

    // None found?

    if (iwadfile == NULL)
        I_Error("Game mode indeterminate.  No IWAD file was found.  Try\n"
                "specifying one with the '-iwad' command line parameter.\n");

    modifiedgame = false;

    // @vanilla
    // Disable monsters.
    nomonsters = M_CheckParm ("-nomonsters");

// This keeps a 'no monsters' that is persistant across new games
// and level warps.
    if ( (nomonstersperiod = M_CheckParm("-nomonsters.") ) ) {
       nomonsters = true;

// This makes items respawn as in -altdeath (ie. no dropped items,
// no invis, no invun)
    respawnitems = M_CheckParm("-respawnitems");

    // @vanilla
    // Monsters respawn after being killed.

    respawnparm = M_CheckParm ("-respawn");

    // @vanilla
    // Monsters move faster.

    fastparm = M_CheckParm ("-fast");

    // @vanilla
    // Developer mode.  F1 saves a screenshot in the current working
    // directory.

    devparm = M_CheckParm ("-devparm");

    // @category net
    // @vanilla
    // Start a deathmatch game.

    if (M_CheckParm ("-deathmatch"))
	deathmatch = 1;

    // @category net
    // @vanilla
    // Start a deathmatch 2.0 game.  Weapons do not stay in place and
    // all items respawn after 30 seconds.

    if (M_CheckParm ("-altdeath"))
	deathmatch = 2;

    if (devparm)
    // find which dir to use for config files

    // @arg <x>
    // @vanilla
    // Turbo mode.  The player's speed is multiplied by x%.  If unspecified,
    // x defaults to 200.  Values are rounded up to 10 and down to 400.

    if ( (p=M_CheckParm ("-turbo")) )
	int     scale = 200;
	extern int forwardmove[2];
	extern int sidemove[2];
	if (p<myargc-1)
	    scale = atoi (myargv[p+1]);
	if (scale < 10)
	    scale = 10;
	if (scale > 400)
	    scale = 400;
        DEH_printf("turbo scale: %i%%\n", scale);
	forwardmove[0] = forwardmove[0]*scale/100;
	forwardmove[1] = forwardmove[1]*scale/100;
	sidemove[0] = sidemove[0]*scale/100;
	sidemove[1] = sidemove[1]*scale/100;
    // init subsystems
    DEH_printf("V_Init: allocate screens.\n");
    V_Init ();

    DEH_printf("M_LoadDefaults: Load system defaults.\n");
    M_LoadDefaults ();              // load before initing other systems

    DEH_printf("W_Init: Init WADfiles.\n");
// *** PID BEGIN ***
// If the command-line flag to suppress auto-loading of custom
// ps management levels is *not* there, load the appropriate level.
    p = M_CheckParm ("-nopslev");
    if (p)
// Add psdoom1.wad if this is registered (Doom 1) or retail (Ultimite Doom).
// If we loaded it, set the flag to true so we can place the monsters in the
// correct positions.
		if ( gamemode == registered || gamemode == retail ){
			ps_level_loaded = true;
// Add psdoom2.wad if this is commercial (Doom 2) and not an add-on pack.
// If we loaded it, set the flag to true so we can place the monsters in the
// correct positions.
		if ( gamemode == commercial && gamemission == doom2 ) {
			ps_level_loaded = true;
// *** PID END ***


    // Merged PWADs are loaded first, because they are supposed to be 
    // modified IWADs.

    // @arg <files>
    // @category mod
    // Simulates the behavior of deutex's -merge option, merging a PWAD
    // into the main IWAD.  Multiple files may be specified.

    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-merge", 1);

    if (p > 0)
        for (p = p + 1; p<myargc && myargv[p][0] != '-'; ++p)
            char *filename;

            filename = D_TryFindWADByName(myargv[p]);

            printf(" merging %s\n", filename);

    // NWT-style merging:

    // NWT's -merge option:

    // @arg <files>
    // @category mod
    // Simulates the behavior of NWT's -merge option.  Multiple files
    // may be specified.

    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-nwtmerge", 1);

    if (p > 0)
        for (p = p + 1; p<myargc && myargv[p][0] != '-'; ++p)
            char *filename;

            filename = D_TryFindWADByName(myargv[p]);

            printf(" performing NWT-style merge of %s\n", filename);
    // Add flats

    // @arg <files>
    // @category mod
    // Simulates the behavior of NWT's -af option, merging flats into
    // the main IWAD directory.  Multiple files may be specified.

    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-af", 1);

    if (p > 0)
        for (p = p + 1; p<myargc && myargv[p][0] != '-'; ++p)
            char *filename;

            filename = D_TryFindWADByName(myargv[p]);

            printf(" merging flats from %s\n", filename);
            W_NWTMergeFile(filename, W_NWT_MERGE_FLATS);

    // @arg <files>
    // @category mod
    // Simulates the behavior of NWT's -as option, merging sprites
    // into the main IWAD directory.  Multiple files may be specified.

    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-as", 1);

    if (p > 0)
        for (p = p + 1; p<myargc && myargv[p][0] != '-'; ++p)
            char *filename;

            filename = D_TryFindWADByName(myargv[p]);

            printf(" merging sprites from %s\n", filename);
            W_NWTMergeFile(filename, W_NWT_MERGE_SPRITES);

    // @arg <files>
    // @category mod
    // Equivalent to "-af <files> -as <files>".

    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-aa", 1);

    if (p > 0)
        for (p = p + 1; p<myargc && myargv[p][0] != '-'; ++p)
            char *filename;

            filename = D_TryFindWADByName(myargv[p]);

            printf(" merging sprites and flats from %s\n", filename);
            W_NWTMergeFile(filename, W_NWT_MERGE_SPRITES | W_NWT_MERGE_FLATS);


    // @arg <files>
    // @vanilla
    // Load the specified PWAD files.

    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-file", 1);
    if (p)
	// the parms after p are wadfile/lump names,
	// until end of parms or another - preceded parm
	modifiedgame = true;            // homebrew levels
	while (++p != myargc && myargv[p][0] != '-')
            char *filename;

            filename = D_TryFindWADByName(myargv[p]);


    // Debug:
//    W_PrintDirectory();

    // @arg <demo>
    // @category demo
    // @vanilla
    // Play back the demo named demo.lmp.

    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs ("-playdemo", 1);

    if (!p)
        // @arg <demo>
        // @category demo
        // @vanilla
        // Play back the demo named demo.lmp, determining the framerate
        // of the screen.
	p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-timedemo", 1);


    if (p)
        if (!strcasecmp(myargv[p+1] + strlen(myargv[p+1]) - 4, ".lmp"))
            strcpy(file, myargv[p + 1]);
	    sprintf (file,"%s.lmp", myargv[p+1]);

	if (D_AddFile (file))
            strncpy(demolumpname, lumpinfo[numlumps - 1].name, 8);
            demolumpname[8] = '\0';

            printf("Playing demo %s.\n", file);
            // If file failed to load, still continue trying to play
            // the demo in the same way as Vanilla Doom.  This makes
            // tricks like "-playdemo demo1" possible.

            strncpy(demolumpname, myargv[p + 1], 8);
            demolumpname[8] = '\0';


    // Generate the WAD hash table.  Speed things up a bit.


    // Check for -file in shareware
    if (modifiedgame)
	// These are the lumps that will be checked in IWAD,
	// if any one is not present, execution will be aborted.
	char name[23][8]=
	int i;
	if ( gamemode == shareware)
	    I_Error(DEH_String("\nYou cannot -file with the shareware "
			       "version. Register!"));

	// Check for fake IWAD with right name,
	// but w/o all the lumps of the registered version. 
	if (gamemode == registered)
	    for (i = 0;i < 23; i++)
		if (W_CheckNumForName(name[i])<0)
		    I_Error(DEH_String("\nThis is not the registered version."));
    // get skill / episode / map from parms
    startskill = sk_medium;
    startepisode = 1;
    startmap = 1;
    autostart = false;

    // @arg <skill>
    // @vanilla
    // Set the game skill, 1-5 (1: easiest, 5: hardest).  A skill of
    // 0 disables all monsters.

    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-skill", 1);

    if (p)
	startskill = myargv[p+1][0]-'1';
	autostart = true;

    // @arg <n>
    // @vanilla
    // Start playing on episode n (1-4)

    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-episode", 1);

    if (p)
	startepisode = myargv[p+1][0]-'0';
	startmap = 1;
	autostart = true;
    timelimit = 0;

    // @arg <n>
    // @category net
    // @vanilla
    // For multiplayer games: exit each level after n minutes.

    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-timer", 1);

    if (p)
	timelimit = atoi(myargv[p+1]);

    // @category net
    // @vanilla
    // Austin Virtual Gaming: end levels after 20 minutes.

    p = M_CheckParm ("-avg");

    if (p)
	timelimit = 20;

    // @arg [<x> <y> | <xy>]
    // @vanilla
    // Start a game immediately, warping to ExMy (Doom 1) or MAPxy
    // (Doom 2)

    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-warp", 1);

    if (p)
        if (gamemode == commercial)
            startmap = atoi (myargv[p+1]);
            startepisode = myargv[p+1][0]-'0';

            if (p + 2 < myargc)
                startmap = myargv[p+2][0]-'0';
                startmap = 1;
        autostart = true;

    // Undocumented:
    // Invoked by setup to test the controls.

    p = M_CheckParm("-testcontrols");

    if (p > 0)
        startepisode = 1;
        startmap = 1;
        autostart = true;
        testcontrols = true;

    // Check for load game parameter
    // We do this here and save the slot number, so that the network code
    // can override it or send the load slot to other players.

    // @arg <s>
    // @vanilla
    // Load the game in slot s.

    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-loadgame", 1);
    if (p)
        startloadgame = atoi(myargv[p+1]);
        // Not loading a game
        startloadgame = -1;

    // @category video
    // Disable vertical mouse movement.

    if (M_CheckParm("-novert"))
        novert = true;

    // @category video
    // Enable vertical mouse movement.

    if (M_CheckParm("-nonovert"))
        novert = false;

    if (W_CheckNumForName("SS_START") >= 0
     || W_CheckNumForName("FF_END") >= 0)
        printf ("===========================================================================\n");
        printf(" WARNING: The loaded WAD file contains modified sprites or\n"
               " floor textures.  You may want to use the '-merge' command\n"
               " line option instead of '-file'.\n");
    printf ("===========================================================================\n");


    printf (
	    " " PACKAGE_NAME " is free software, covered by the GNU General Public\n"
            " License.  There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS\n"
            " FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are welcome to change and distribute\n"
            " copies under certain conditions. See the source for more information.\n"



    DEH_printf("M_Init: Init miscellaneous info.\n");
    M_Init ();

    DEH_printf("R_Init: Init DOOM refresh daemon - ");
    R_Init ();

    DEH_printf("\nP_Init: Init Playloop state.\n");
    P_Init ();

    DEH_printf("I_Init: Setting up machine state.\n");
    I_Init ();

    printf ("NET_Init: Init network subsystem.\n");
    NET_Init ();

    DEH_printf("S_Init: Setting up sound.\n");
    S_Init (sfxVolume * 8, musicVolume * 8);

    DEH_printf("D_CheckNetGame: Checking network game status.\n");
    D_CheckNetGame ();


    DEH_printf("HU_Init: Setting up heads up display.\n");
    HU_Init ();

    DEH_printf("ST_Init: Init status bar.\n");
    ST_Init ();

    // If Doom II without a MAP01 lump, this is a store demo.  
    // Moved this here so that MAP01 isn't constantly looked up
    // in the main loop.

    if (gamemode == commercial && W_CheckNumForName("map01") < 0)
        storedemo = true;

    // @arg <x>
    // @category demo
    // @vanilla
    // Record a demo named x.lmp.

    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-record", 1);

    if (p)
	G_RecordDemo (myargv[p+1]);
	autostart = true;

    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-playdemo", 1);
    if (p)
	singledemo = true;              // quit after one demo
	G_DeferedPlayDemo (demolumpname);
	D_DoomLoop ();  // never returns
    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-timedemo", 1);
    if (p)
	G_TimeDemo (demolumpname);
	D_DoomLoop ();  // never returns
    if (startloadgame >= 0)
        strcpy(file, P_SaveGameFile(startloadgame));
	G_LoadGame (file);
    if (gameaction != ga_loadgame )
	if (autostart || netgame)
	    G_InitNew (startskill, startepisode, startmap);
	    D_StartTitle ();                // start up intro loop

    D_DoomLoop ();  // never returns
Beispiel #15
 * Post Game Initialization routine.
 * All game-specific actions that should take place at this time go here.
void D_PostInit(void)
    AutoStr* path;
    Uri* uri;
    int p;

    /// @todo Kludge: Border background is different in DOOM2.
    /// @todo Do this properly!
    if(gameModeBits & GM_ANY_DOOM2)
        borderGraphics[0] = "Flats:GRNROCK";
        borderGraphics[0] = "Flats:FLOOR7_2";

    // Common post init routine

    // Initialize ammo info.

    // Initialize weapon info.

    // Game parameters.
    monsterInfight = GetDefInt("AI|Infight", 0);

    // Get skill / episode / map from parms.
    gameSkill = startSkill = SM_NOITEMS;
    startEpisode = 0;
    startMap = 0;
    autoStart = false;

    // Command line options.
    noMonstersParm = CommandLine_Check("-nomonsters")? true : false;
    respawnParm = CommandLine_Check("-respawn")? true : false;
    fastParm = CommandLine_Check("-fast")? true : false;
    devParm = CommandLine_Check("-devparm")? true : false;

        cfg.netDeathmatch = 2;
    else if(CommandLine_Check("-deathmatch"))
        cfg.netDeathmatch = 1;

    p = CommandLine_Check("-timer");
    if(p && p < myargc - 1 && deathmatch)
        int time = atoi(CommandLine_At(p + 1));
        Con_Message("Maps will end after %d %s", time, time == 1? "minute" : "minutes");

    // Turbo option.
    p = CommandLine_Check("-turbo");
    turboMul = 1.0f;
        int scale = 200;

        turboParm = true;
        if(p < myargc - 1)
            scale = atoi(CommandLine_At(p + 1));
        if(scale < 10)
            scale = 10;
        if(scale > 400)
            scale = 400;

        Con_Message("turbo scale: %i%%", scale);
        turboMul = scale / 100.f;

    // Load a saved game?
    p = CommandLine_Check("-loadgame");
    if(p && p < myargc - 1)
        const int saveSlot = SV_ParseSlotIdentifier(CommandLine_At(p + 1));
        if(SV_IsUserWritableSlot(saveSlot) && G_LoadGame(saveSlot))
            // No further initialization is to be done.

    p = CommandLine_Check("-skill");
    if(p && p < myargc - 1)
        startSkill = CommandLine_At(p + 1)[0] - '1';
        autoStart = true;

    p = CommandLine_Check("-episode");
    if(p && p < myargc - 1)
        startEpisode = CommandLine_At(p + 1)[0] - '1';
        startMap = 0;
        autoStart = true;

    p = CommandLine_Check("-warp");
    if(p && p < myargc - 1)
        if(gameModeBits & (GM_ANY_DOOM2|GM_DOOM_CHEX))
            startMap = atoi(CommandLine_At(p + 1)) - 1;
            autoStart = true;
        else if(p < myargc - 2)
            startEpisode = CommandLine_At(p + 1)[0] - '1';
            startMap = CommandLine_At(p + 2)[0] - '1';
            autoStart = true;

    // Are we autostarting?
        if(gameModeBits & (GM_ANY_DOOM2|GM_DOOM_CHEX))
            Con_Message("Warp to Map %d, Skill %d", startMap+1, startSkill + 1);
            Con_Message("Warp to Episode %d, Map %d, Skill %d", startEpisode+1, startMap+1, startSkill + 1);

    // Validate episode and map.
    uri = G_ComposeMapUri((gameModeBits & (GM_DOOM|GM_DOOM_SHAREWARE|GM_DOOM_ULTIMATE))? startEpisode : 0, startMap);
    path = Uri_Compose(uri);
    if((autoStart || IS_NETGAME) && !P_MapExists(Str_Text(path)))
        startEpisode = 0;
        startMap = 0;

    if(autoStart || IS_NETGAME)
        G_DeferredNewGame(startSkill, startEpisode, startMap, 0/*default*/);
        G_StartTitle(); // Start up intro loop.
Beispiel #16
void D_DoomMain(void)
    GameMission_t gamemission;
    int p;

    I_AtExit(D_HexenQuitMessage, false);
    startepisode = 1;
    autostart = false;
    startskill = sk_medium;
    startmap = 1;
    gamemode = commercial;


    // Initialize subsystems

    ST_Message("V_Init: allocate screens.\n");

    // Load defaults before initing other systems
    ST_Message("M_LoadDefaults: Load system defaults.\n");

#ifdef _WIN32

    // @platform windows
    // @vanilla
    // Save configuration data and savegames in c:\hexndata,
    // allowing play from CD.

    cdrom = M_ParmExists("-cdrom");

    if (cdrom)

    M_SetConfigFilenames("hexen.cfg", PROGRAM_PREFIX "hexen.cfg");

    I_AtExit(M_SaveDefaults, false);

    // Now that the savedir is loaded from .CFG, make sure it exists

    ST_Message("Z_Init: Init zone memory allocation daemon.\n");

    // haleyjd: removed WATCOMC

    ST_Message("W_Init: Init WADfiles.\n");

    iwadfile = D_FindIWAD(IWAD_MASK_HEXEN, &gamemission);

    if (iwadfile == NULL)
        I_Error("Game mode indeterminate. No IWAD was found. Try specifying\n"
                "one with the '-iwad' command line parameter.");




    ST_Message("MN_Init: Init menu system.\n");

    ST_Message("CT_Init: Init chat mode data.\n");

    InitMapMusicInfo();         // Init music fields in mapinfo


    ST_Message("SN_InitSequenceScript: Registering sound sequences.\n");
    ST_Message("I_Init: Setting up machine state.\n");

    ST_Message("NET_Init: Init networking subsystem.\n");


    ST_Message("ST_Init: Init startup screen.\n");

    // Show version message now, so it's visible during R_Init()
    ST_Message("R_Init: Init Hexen refresh daemon");

    //if (M_CheckParm("-net"))
    //    ST_NetProgress();       // Console player found

    ST_Message("P_Init: Init Playloop state.\n");

    // Check for command line warping. Follows P_Init() because the
    // MAPINFO.TXT script must be already processed.

    ST_Message("D_CheckNetGame: Checking network game status.\n");

    ST_Message("SB_Init: Loading patches.\n");


    if (autostart)
        ST_Message("Warp to Map %d (\"%s\":%d), Skill %d\n",
                   WarpMap, P_GetMapName(startmap), startmap, startskill + 1);


    p = M_CheckParm("-record");
    if (p && p < myargc - 1)
        G_RecordDemo(startskill, 1, startepisode, startmap, myargv[p + 1]);
        H2_GameLoop();          // Never returns

    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-playdemo", 1);
    if (p)
        singledemo = true;      // Quit after one demo
        H2_GameLoop();          // Never returns

    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-timedemo", 1);
    if (p)
        H2_GameLoop();          // Never returns

    // @arg <s>
    // @vanilla
    // Load the game in savegame slot s.

    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-loadgame", 1);
    if (p)
        G_LoadGame(atoi(myargv[p + 1]));

    if (gameaction != ga_loadgame)
        UpdateState |= I_FULLSCRN;
        BorderNeedRefresh = true;
        if (autostart || netgame)
            G_InitNew(startskill, startepisode, startmap);
    H2_GameLoop();              // Never returns
Beispiel #17

  at the start of a level, the game is either saved, or loaded

  we must wait for all AI to spawn themselves, and a real client to connect
void AICast_CheckLoadGame( void ) {
    char loading[4];
    gentity_t *ent = NULL; // TTimo: VC6 'may be used without having been init'
    qboolean ready;
    cast_state_t *pcs;

    // have we already done the save or load?
    if ( !saveGamePending ) {

    // tell the cgame NOT to render the scene while we are waiting for things to settle
    trap_Cvar_Set( "cg_norender", "1" );

    trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer( "savegame_loading", loading, sizeof( loading ) );

//	reloading = qtrue;
    trap_Cvar_Set( "g_reloading", "1" );

    if ( strlen( loading ) > 0 && atoi( loading ) != 0 ) {
        // screen should be black if we are at this stage
        trap_SetConfigstring( CS_SCREENFADE, va( "1 %i 1", level.time - 10 ) );

//		if (!reloading && atoi(loading) == 2) {
        if ( !( g_reloading.integer ) && atoi( loading ) == 2 ) {
            // (SA) hmm, this seems redundant when it sets it above...
//			reloading = qtrue;	// this gets reset at the Map_Restart() since the server unloads the game dll
            trap_Cvar_Set( "g_reloading", "1" );

        ready = qtrue;
        if ( numSpawningCast != numcast ) {
            ready = qfalse;
        } else if ( !( ent = AICast_FindEntityForName( "player" ) ) ) {
            ready = qfalse;
        } else if ( !ent->client || ent->client->pers.connected != CON_CONNECTED ) {
            ready = qfalse;

        if ( ready ) {
            trap_Cvar_Set( "savegame_loading", "0" ); // in-case it aborts
            saveGamePending = qfalse;
            G_LoadGame( NULL );     // always load the "current" savegame

            // RF, spawn a thinker that will enable rendering after the client has had time to process the entities and setup the display
            //trap_Cvar_Set( "cg_norender", "0" );
            ent = G_Spawn();
            ent->nextthink = level.time + 200;
            ent->think = AICast_EnableRenderingThink;

            // wait for the clients to return from faded screen
            //trap_SetConfigstring( CS_SCREENFADE, va("0 %i 1500", level.time + 500) );
            trap_SetConfigstring( CS_SCREENFADE, va( "0 %i 750", level.time + 500 ) );
            level.reloadPauseTime = level.time + 1100;

            // make sure sound fades up
            trap_SendServerCommand( -1, va( "snd_fade 1 %d", 2000 ) );  //----(SA)	added

    } else {

        ready = qtrue;
        if ( numSpawningCast != numcast ) {
            ready = qfalse;
        } else if ( !( ent = AICast_FindEntityForName( "player" ) ) ) {
            ready = qfalse;
        } else if ( !ent->client || ent->client->pers.connected != CON_CONNECTED ) {
            ready = qfalse;

        // not loading a game, we must be in a new level, so look for some persistant data to read in, then save the game
        if ( ready ) {
            G_LoadPersistant();     // make sure we save the game after we have brought across the items

            trap_Cvar_Set( "g_totalPlayTime", "0" );  // reset play time
            trap_Cvar_Set( "g_attempts", "0" );
            pcs = AICast_GetCastState( ent->s.number );
            pcs->totalPlayTime = 0;
            pcs->lastLoadTime = 0;
            pcs->attempts = 0;

            // RF, disabled, since the pregame menu turns this off after the button is pressed, this isn't
            // required here
            // RF, spawn a thinker that will enable rendering after the client has had time to process the entities and setup the display
            //trap_Cvar_Set( "cg_norender", "0" );
            //ent = G_Spawn();
            //ent->nextthink = level.time + 200;
            //ent->think = AICast_EnableRenderingThink;

            saveGamePending = qfalse;

            // wait for the clients to return from faded screen
//			trap_SetConfigstring( CS_SCREENFADE, va("0 %i 1500", level.time + 500) );
//			trap_SetConfigstring( CS_SCREENFADE, va("0 %i 750", level.time + 500) );
            // (SA) send a command that will be interpreted for both the screenfade and any other effects (music cues, pregame menu, etc)

// briefing menu will handle transition, just set a cvar for it to check for drawing the 'continue' button
            trap_SendServerCommand( -1, "rockandroll\n" );

            level.reloadPauseTime = level.time + 1100;

Beispiel #18
// D_DoomMainSetup
// CPhipps - the old contents of D_DoomMain, but moved out of the main
//  line of execution so its stack space can be freed
static void D_DoomMainSetup(void)
    int     p;
    char    file[256];
    int     temp;
    int     choseniwad;



    iwadfile = D_FindIWAD();

    modifiedgame = false;

    nomonsters = M_CheckParm("-nomonsters");
    respawnparm = M_CheckParm("-respawn");
    fastparm = M_CheckParm("-fast");
    devparm = M_CheckParm("-devparm");
    if (M_CheckParm("-altdeath"))
        deathmatch = 2;
    else if (M_CheckParm("-deathmatch"))
        deathmatch = 1;


    // turbo option
    p = M_CheckParm("-turbo");
    if (p)
        int        scale = 200;
        extern int forwardmove[2];
        extern int sidemove[2];

        if (p < myargc - 1)
            scale = atoi(myargv[p + 1]);
        if (scale < 10)
            scale = 10;
        if (scale > 400)
            scale = 400;
        forwardmove[0] = forwardmove[0] * scale / 100;
        forwardmove[1] = forwardmove[1] * scale / 100;
        sidemove[0] = sidemove[0] * scale / 100;
        sidemove[1] = sidemove[1] * scale / 100;

    // init subsystems

    // Load configuration files before initialising other subsystems.

    if (!M_FileExists("doomretro.wad"))
        if (!M_FileExists("doomretro.wad.temp"))
            I_Error("Can't find doomretro.wad.");

    if (iwadfile)
        if (D_AddFile(iwadfile))
            if (runcount < RUNCOUNT_MAX)
        if (!runcount)

        rename("doomretro.wad", "doomretro.wad.temp");

            choseniwad = D_ChooseIWAD();

            if (choseniwad == -1)
                rename("doomretro.wad.temp", "doomretro.wad");
            else if (!choseniwad)

        } while (!choseniwad);

        rename("doomretro.wad.temp", "doomretro.wad");

        if (runcount < RUNCOUNT_MAX)

    if (!W_MergeFile("doomretro.wad"))
        if (!W_MergeFile("doomretro.wad.temp"))
            I_Error("Can't find doomretro.wad.");

    if (W_CheckNumForName("BLD2A0") < 0 ||
        W_CheckNumForName("MEDBA0") < 0 ||
        W_CheckNumForName("STBAR2") < 0)
        I_Error("Wrong version of doomretro.wad.");

    p = M_CheckParmsWithArgs("-file", "-pwad", 1);
    if (p > 0)
        for (p = p + 1; p < myargc && myargv[p][0] != '-'; ++p)
            char *filename = uppercase(D_TryFindWADByName(myargv[p]));

            if (W_MergeFile(filename))
                modifiedgame = true;
                if (D_CheckFilename(filename, "NERVE.WAD"))
                    nerve = true;

    if (FREEDOOM && W_CheckNumForName("FREEDM") < 0 && !modifiedgame)
        I_Error("FREEDOOM requires a BOOM-compatible source port, and is therefore"
                "unable to be opened by DOOM RETRO.");

    DMENUPIC = (W_CheckNumForName("DMENUPIC") >= 0);
    M_DOOM = (W_CheckMultipleLumps("M_DOOM") > 1);
    M_EPISOD = (W_CheckMultipleLumps("M_EPISOD") > 1);
    M_GDHIGH = (W_CheckMultipleLumps("M_GDHIGH") > 1);
    M_GDLOW = (W_CheckMultipleLumps("M_GDLOW") > 1);
    M_LOADG = (W_CheckMultipleLumps("M_LOADG") > 1);
    M_LSCNTR = (W_CheckMultipleLumps("M_LSCNTR") > 1);
    M_MSENS = (W_CheckMultipleLumps("M_MSENS") > 1);
    M_MSGOFF = (W_CheckMultipleLumps("M_MSGOFF") > 1);
    M_MSGON = (W_CheckMultipleLumps("M_MSGON") > 1);
    M_NEWG = (W_CheckMultipleLumps("M_NEWG") > 1);
    M_NMARE = (W_CheckMultipleLumps("M_NMARE") > 1);
    M_OPTTTL = (W_CheckMultipleLumps("M_OPTTTL") > 1);
    M_PAUSE = (W_CheckMultipleLumps("M_PAUSE") > 1);
    M_SAVEG = (W_CheckMultipleLumps("M_SAVEG") > 1);
    M_SKILL = (W_CheckMultipleLumps("M_SKILL") > 1);
    M_SKULL1 = (W_CheckMultipleLumps("M_SKULL1") > 1);
    M_SVOL = (W_CheckMultipleLumps("M_SVOL") > 1);
    STARMS = (W_CheckMultipleLumps("STARMS") > 2);
    STBAR = (W_CheckMultipleLumps("STBAR") > 2);
    STCFN034 = (W_CheckMultipleLumps("STCFN034") > 1);
    STCFN039 = (W_CheckMultipleLumps("STCFN039") > 1);
    STCFN121 = (W_CheckMultipleLumps("STCFN121") > 1);
    STYSNUM0 = (W_CheckMultipleLumps("STYSNUM0") > 1);
    TITLEPIC = (W_CheckNumForName("TITLEPIC") >= 0);
    WISCRT2 = (W_CheckMultipleLumps("WISCRT2") > 1);

    bfgedition = (DMENUPIC && W_CheckNumForName("M_ACPT") >= 0);

    // Generate the WAD hash table. Speed things up a bit.


    // Check for -file in shareware
    if (modifiedgame)
        // These are the lumps that will be checked in IWAD,
        // if any one is not present, execution will be aborted.
        char name[23][9] =
            "e2m1", "e2m2", "e2m3", "e2m4", "e2m5", "e2m6", "e2m7", "e2m8", "e2m9",
            "e3m1", "e3m3", "e3m3", "e3m4", "e3m5", "e3m6", "e3m7", "e3m8", "e3m9",
            "dphoof", "bfgga0", "heada1", "cybra1", "spida1d1"
        int i;

        if (gamemode == shareware)
            I_Error("You cannot use -FILE with the shareware version.\n"
                    "Please purchase the full version.");

        // Check for fake IWAD with right name,
        // but w/o all the lumps of the registered version.
        if (gamemode == registered)
            for (i = 0; i < 23; i++)
                if (W_CheckNumForName(name[i]) < 0)
                    I_Error("This is not the registered version.");

    // get skill / episode / map from parms
    startskill = sk_medium;
    startepisode = 1;
    startmap = 1;
    autostart = false;

    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-skill", 1);
    if (p)
        temp = myargv[p + 1][0] - '1';
        if (temp >= sk_baby && temp <= sk_nightmare)
            startskill = (skill_t)temp;
            autostart = true;

    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-episode", 1);
    if (p)
        temp = myargv[p + 1][0] - '0';
        if ((gamemode == shareware && temp == 1)
            || (temp >= 1
                && ((gamemode == registered && temp <= 3)
                    || (gamemode == retail && temp <= 4))))
            startepisode = temp;
            startmap = 1;
            autostart = true;

    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-expansion", 1);
    if (p)
        temp = myargv[p + 1][0] - '0';
        if (gamemode == commercial && temp <= (nerve ? 2 : 1))
            gamemission = (temp == 1 ? doom2 : pack_nerve);
            selectedexpansion = temp - 1;
            startepisode = 1;
            startmap = 1;
            autostart = true;

    timelimit = 0;

    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-timer", 1);
    if (p)
        timelimit = atoi(myargv[p + 1]);

    p = M_CheckParm("-avg");
    if (p)
        timelimit = 20;

    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-warp", 1);
    if (p)
        static char lumpname[6];

        if (gamemode == commercial)
            if (strlen(myargv[p + 1]) == 5 &&
                toupper(myargv[p + 1][0]) == 'M' &&
                toupper(myargv[p + 1][1]) == 'A' &&
                toupper(myargv[p + 1][2]) == 'P')
                startmap = (myargv[p + 1][3] - '0') * 10 + myargv[p + 1][4] - '0';
                startmap = atoi(myargv[p + 1]);

            sprintf(lumpname, "MAP%02i", startmap);
            if (strlen(myargv[p + 1]) == 4 &&
                toupper(myargv[p + 1][0]) == 'E' &&
                toupper(myargv[p + 1][2]) == 'M')
                startepisode = myargv[p + 1][1] - '0';
                startmap = myargv[p + 1][3] - '0';
                startepisode = myargv[p + 1][0] - '0';

                if (p + 2 < myargc)
                    startmap = myargv[p + 2][0] - '0';
                    startmap = 1;

            sprintf(lumpname, "E%iM%i", startepisode, startmap);

        if (W_CheckNumForName(lumpname) >= 0)
            autostart = true;

    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-loadgame", 1);
    if (p)
        startloadgame = atoi(myargv[p + 1]);
        startloadgame = -1;

    if (mouseSensitivity < MOUSESENSITIVITY_MIN || mouseSensitivity > MOUSESENSITIVITY_MAX)
        mouseSensitivity = MOUSESENSITIVITY_DEFAULT;
    if (mouseSensitivity == MOUSESENSITIVITY_MIN)
        mouseSensitivity = -5;
    gamepadSensitivity = (!mouseSensitivity ? 0.0f :
                          (2.0f + mouseSensitivity / (float)MOUSESENSITIVITY_MAX));

    if (sfxVolume < SFXVOLUME_MIN || sfxVolume > SFXVOLUME_MAX)
        sfxVolume = SFXVOLUME_DEFAULT;

    if (musicVolume < MUSICVOLUME_MIN || musicVolume > MUSICVOLUME_MAX)
        musicVolume = MUSICVOLUME_DEFAULT;

    if (screensize < SCREENSIZE_MIN || screensize > SCREENSIZE_MAX)
        screensize = SCREENSIZE_DEFAULT;
    if (widescreen && !fullscreen)
        widescreen = false;
        screensize = SCREENSIZE_MAX;
    if (!widescreen)
        hud = true;
    if (fullscreen && screensize == SCREENSIZE_MAX)
        widescreen = true;
        screensize = SCREENSIZE_MAX - 1;
    if (widescreen)
        returntowidescreen = true;
        widescreen = false;

    if (screenwidth && screenheight
        && (screenwidth < SCREENWIDTH || screenheight < SCREENHEIGHT * 3 / 4))
        screenwidth = SCREENWIDTH;
        screenheight = SCREENWIDTH * 3 / 4;

    if (windowwidth < SCREENWIDTH || windowheight < SCREENWIDTH * 3 / 4)
        windowwidth = SCREENWIDTH;
        windowheight = SCREENWIDTH * 3 / 4;

    if (gammalevel < GAMMALEVEL_MIN || gammalevel > GAMMALEVEL_MAX)
        gammalevel = GAMMALEVEL_DEFAULT;
    gammalevelindex = 0;
    while (gammalevelindex < GAMMALEVELS)
        if (gammalevels[gammalevelindex++] == gammalevel)
    if (gammalevelindex == GAMMALEVELS)
        gammalevelindex = 0;
        while (gammalevels[gammalevelindex++] != GAMMALEVEL_DEFAULT);

    if (bloodsplats < BLOODSPLATS_MIN || bloodsplats > BLOODSPLATS_MAX)
        bloodsplats = BLOODSPLATS_DEFAULT;
    bloodSplatSpawner = ((bloodsplats == UNLIMITED ? P_SpawnBloodSplat : 
                         (bloodsplats ? P_SpawnBloodSplat2 : P_SpawnBloodSplat3)));

    if (pixelwidth < PIXELWIDTH_MIN || pixelwidth > PIXELWIDTH_MAX)
        pixelwidth = PIXELWIDTH_DEFAULT;
    while (SCREENWIDTH % pixelwidth)
    if (pixelheight < PIXELHEIGHT_MIN || pixelheight > PIXELHEIGHT_MAX)
        pixelheight = PIXELHEIGHT_DEFAULT;
    while (SCREENHEIGHT % pixelheight)





    S_Init((int)(sfxVolume * (127.0f / 15.0f)), (int)(musicVolume * (127.0f / 15.0f)));





    if (startloadgame >= 0)
        M_StringCopy(file, P_SaveGameFile(startloadgame), sizeof(file));

    if (gameaction != ga_loadgame)
        if (autostart || netgame)
            G_DeferredInitNew(startskill, startepisode, startmap);
            D_StartTitle();                     // start up intro loop
Beispiel #19
void D_DoomMainSetup(void)
   int   p;

   nomonsters = M_CheckParm ("-nomonsters");
   respawnparm = M_CheckParm ("-respawn");
   fastparm = M_CheckParm ("-fast");
   devparm = M_CheckParm ("-devparm");
   if (M_CheckParm ("-altdeath"))
      deathmatch = 2;
   else if (M_CheckParm ("-deathmatch"))
      deathmatch = 1;

   printf("Welcome to Rockdoom\n");

   switch ( gamemode )
   case retail:
      printf ("The Ultimate DOOM Startup v%d.%d\n",DVERSION/100,DVERSION%100);
   case shareware:
      printf ("DOOM Shareware Startup v%d.%d\n",DVERSION/100,DVERSION%100);
   case registered:
      printf ("DOOM Registered Startup v%d.%d\n",DVERSION/100,DVERSION%100);
   case commercial:
      switch (gamemission)
      case pack_plut:
         printf ("DOOM 2: Plutonia Experiment v%d.%d\n",DVERSION/100,DVERSION%100);
      case pack_tnt:
         printf ("DOOM 2: TNT - Evilution v%d.%d\n",DVERSION/100,DVERSION%100);
         printf ("DOOM 2: Hell on Earth v%d.%d\n",DVERSION/100,DVERSION%100);
      printf ("Public DOOM v%d.%d\n",DVERSION/100,DVERSION%100);

   if (devparm)

   // turbo option
   if ((p=M_CheckParm ("-turbo")))
      int scale = 200;
      extern int forwardmove[2];
      extern int sidemove[2];

      if (p<myargc-1)
         scale = atoi (myargv[p+1]);
      if (scale < 10)
         scale = 10;
      if (scale > 400)
         scale = 400;
      printf ("turbo scale: %d%%\n",scale);
      forwardmove[0] = forwardmove[0]*scale/100;
      forwardmove[1] = forwardmove[1]*scale/100;
      sidemove[0] = sidemove[0]*scale/100;
      sidemove[1] = sidemove[1]*scale/100;

   // get skill / episode / map from parms
   startskill = sk_medium;
   startepisode = 1;
   startmap = 1;
   autostart = false;

   p = M_CheckParm ("-skill");
   if (p && p < myargc-1)
      startskill = myargv[p+1][0]-'1';
      autostart = true;

   p = M_CheckParm ("-episode");
   if (p && p < myargc-1)
      startepisode = myargv[p+1][0]-'0';
      startmap = 1;
      autostart = true;

   p = M_CheckParm ("-warp");
   if (p && p < myargc-1)
      if (gamemode == commercial)
         startmap = atoi (myargv[p+1]);
         startepisode = myargv[p+1][0]-'0';
         startmap = myargv[p+2][0]-'0';
      autostart = true;

   // CPhipps - move up netgame init
   printf("D_InitNetGame: Checking for network game.\n");

   // init subsystems
   printf ("V_Init: allocate screens.\n");
   V_Init ();

   printf ("W_Init: Init WADfiles.\n");

	if ((p = W_CheckNumForName("DEHACKED")) != -1) // cph - add dehacked-in-a-wad support
		ProcessDehFile(NULL, dehout ? "/dehlog.txt" : NULL, p);

   V_InitColorTranslation(); //jff 4/24/98 load color translation lumps

   // Check for -file in shareware
   if (modifiedgame)
      // These are the lumps that will be checked in IWAD,
      // if any one is not present, execution will be aborted.
      const char name[23][8]=
      int i;

      if ( gamemode == shareware)
         I_Error("\nYou cannot -file with the shareware version. Register!\n");

      // Check for fake IWAD with right name,
      // but w/o all the lumps of the registered version.
      if (gamemode == registered)
         for (i = 0;i < 23; i++)
            if (W_CheckNumForName(name[i])<0)
               I_Error("This is not the registered version.\n");

   // Iff additonal PWAD files are used, print modified banner
   if (modifiedgame)
      printf ("ATTENTION:  This version of DOOM has been modified.\n");

   // Check and print which version is executed.
   switch ( gamemode )
   case shareware:
   case indetermined:
      printf ("Shareware!\n");
   case registered:
   case retail:
   case commercial:
      printf ("Commercial product - do not distribute!\n");
      // Ouch.

   printf ("M_Init: Init miscellaneous info.\n");
   M_Init ();

   printf ("R_Init: Init DOOM refresh daemon - ");
   R_Init ();

   printf ("P_Init: Init Playloop state.\n");
   P_Init ();

   printf ("I_Init: Setting up machine state.\n");
   I_Init ();

   printf ("S_Init: Setting up sound.\n");
   S_Init (snd_SfxVolume /* *8 */, snd_MusicVolume /* *8*/ );

   printf ("HU_Init: Setting up heads up display.\n");
   HU_Init ();

   I_InitGraphics ();

   printf ("ST_Init: Init status bar.\n");
   ST_Init ();

   // check for a driver that wants intermission stats
   p = M_CheckParm ("-statcopy");
   if (p && p<myargc-1)
      // for statistics driver
      extern  void* statcopy;

      statcopy = (void*)(intptr_t)atoi(myargv[p+1]);
      printf ("External statistics registered.\n");

   // start the apropriate game based on parms
   p = M_CheckParm ("-record");
   if (p && p < myargc-1)
      G_RecordDemo (myargv[p+1]);
      autostart = true;

   p = M_CheckParm ("-loadgame");
   if (p && p < myargc-1)
      G_LoadGame (atoi(myargv[p+1]), false);

   if ( gameaction != ga_loadgame )
      if (!singledemo) {                  /* killough 12/98 */
         if (autostart || netgame)
            G_InitNew (startskill, startepisode, startmap);
            D_StartTitle ();                // start up intro loop
Beispiel #20
// D_DoomMain
void D_DoomMain (void)
    int             p;
    char            file[256];
    char            demolumpname[9];

    I_AtExit(D_Endoom, false);

    // print banner


    DEH_printf("Z_Init: Init zone memory allocation daemon. \n");
    Z_Init ();

    // @category net
    // Start a dedicated server, routing packets but not participating
    // in the game itself.

    if (M_CheckParm("-dedicated") > 0)
        printf("Dedicated server mode.\n");

        // Never returns

    // @category net
    // Query the Internet master server for a global list of active
    // servers.

    if (M_CheckParm("-search"))

    // @arg <address>
    // @category net
    // Query the status of the server running on the given IP
    // address.

    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-query", 1);

    if (p)

    // @category net
    // Search the local LAN for running servers.

    if (M_CheckParm("-localsearch"))

    printf("DEH_Init: Init Dehacked support.\n");

    iwadfile = D_FindIWAD(IWAD_MASK_DOOM, &gamemission);

    // None found?

    if (iwadfile == NULL)
        I_Error("Game mode indeterminate.  No IWAD file was found.  Try\n"
                "specifying one with the '-iwad' command line parameter.\n");

    modifiedgame = false;

    // @vanilla
    // Disable monsters.
    nomonsters = M_CheckParm ("-nomonsters");

    // @vanilla
    // Monsters respawn after being killed.

    respawnparm = M_CheckParm ("-respawn");

    // @vanilla
    // Monsters move faster.

    fastparm = M_CheckParm ("-fast");

    // @vanilla
    // Developer mode.  F1 saves a screenshot in the current working
    // directory.

    devparm = M_CheckParm ("-devparm");


    // @category net
    // @vanilla
    // Start a deathmatch game.

    if (M_CheckParm ("-deathmatch"))
	deathmatch = 1;

    // @category net
    // @vanilla
    // Start a deathmatch 2.0 game.  Weapons do not stay in place and
    // all items respawn after 30 seconds.

    if (M_CheckParm ("-altdeath"))
	deathmatch = 2;

    if (devparm)
    // find which dir to use for config files

#ifdef _WIN32

    // @platform windows
    // @vanilla
    // Save configuration data and savegames in c:\doomdata,
    // allowing play from CD.

    if (M_CheckParm("-cdrom") > 0)

        // Auto-detect the configuration dir.

    // @arg <x>
    // @vanilla
    // Turbo mode.  The player's speed is multiplied by x%.  If unspecified,
    // x defaults to 200.  Values are rounded up to 10 and down to 400.

    if ( (p=M_CheckParm ("-turbo")) )
	int     scale = 200;
	extern int forwardmove[2];
	extern int sidemove[2];
	if (p<myargc-1)
	    scale = atoi (myargv[p+1]);
	if (scale < 10)
	    scale = 10;
	if (scale > 400)
	    scale = 400;
        DEH_printf("turbo scale: %i%%\n", scale);
	forwardmove[0] = forwardmove[0]*scale/100;
	forwardmove[1] = forwardmove[1]*scale/100;
	sidemove[0] = sidemove[0]*scale/100;
	sidemove[1] = sidemove[1]*scale/100;
    // init subsystems
    DEH_printf("V_Init: allocate screens.\n");
    V_Init ();

    // Load configuration files before initialising other subsystems.
    DEH_printf("M_LoadDefaults: Load system defaults.\n");
    M_SetConfigFilenames("default.cfg", PROGRAM_PREFIX "doom.cfg");

    // Save configuration at exit.
    I_AtExit(M_SaveDefaults, false);

    DEH_printf("W_Init: Init WADfiles.\n");
    modifiedgame = W_ParseCommandLine();

    // Debug:
//    W_PrintDirectory();

    // @arg <demo>
    // @category demo
    // @vanilla
    // Play back the demo named demo.lmp.

    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs ("-playdemo", 1);

    if (!p)
        // @arg <demo>
        // @category demo
        // @vanilla
        // Play back the demo named demo.lmp, determining the framerate
        // of the screen.
	p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-timedemo", 1);


    if (p)
        if (!strcasecmp(myargv[p+1] + strlen(myargv[p+1]) - 4, ".lmp"))
            strcpy(file, myargv[p + 1]);
	    sprintf (file,"%s.lmp", myargv[p+1]);

	if (D_AddFile (file))
            strncpy(demolumpname, lumpinfo[numlumps - 1].name, 8);
            demolumpname[8] = '\0';

            printf("Playing demo %s.\n", file);
            // If file failed to load, still continue trying to play
            // the demo in the same way as Vanilla Doom.  This makes
            // tricks like "-playdemo demo1" possible.

            strncpy(demolumpname, myargv[p + 1], 8);
            demolumpname[8] = '\0';


    I_AtExit((atexit_func_t) G_CheckDemoStatus, true);

    // Generate the WAD hash table.  Speed things up a bit.

    savegamedir = M_GetSaveGameDir(D_SaveGameIWADName(gamemission));

    // Check for -file in shareware
    if (modifiedgame)
	// These are the lumps that will be checked in IWAD,
	// if any one is not present, execution will be aborted.
	char name[23][8]=
	int i;
	if ( gamemode == shareware)
	    I_Error(DEH_String("\nYou cannot -file with the shareware "
			       "version. Register!"));

	// Check for fake IWAD with right name,
	// but w/o all the lumps of the registered version. 
	if (gamemode == registered)
	    for (i = 0;i < 23; i++)
		if (W_CheckNumForName(name[i])<0)
		    I_Error(DEH_String("\nThis is not the registered version."));

    if (W_CheckNumForName("SS_START") >= 0
     || W_CheckNumForName("FF_END") >= 0)
        printf(" WARNING: The loaded WAD file contains modified sprites or\n"
               " floor textures.  You may want to use the '-merge' command\n"
               " line option instead of '-file'.\n");


    DEH_printf("I_Init: Setting up machine state.\n");

    printf ("NET_Init: Init network subsystem.\n");
    NET_Init ();

    // Initial netgame startup. Connect to server etc.

    // get skill / episode / map from parms
    startskill = sk_medium;
    startepisode = 1;
    startmap = 1;
    autostart = false;

    // @arg <skill>
    // @vanilla
    // Set the game skill, 1-5 (1: easiest, 5: hardest).  A skill of
    // 0 disables all monsters.

    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-skill", 1);

    if (p)
	startskill = myargv[p+1][0]-'1';
	autostart = true;

    // @arg <n>
    // @vanilla
    // Start playing on episode n (1-4)

    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-episode", 1);

    if (p)
	startepisode = myargv[p+1][0]-'0';
	startmap = 1;
	autostart = true;
    timelimit = 0;

    // @arg <n>
    // @category net
    // @vanilla
    // For multiplayer games: exit each level after n minutes.

    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-timer", 1);

    if (p)
	timelimit = atoi(myargv[p+1]);

    // @category net
    // @vanilla
    // Austin Virtual Gaming: end levels after 20 minutes.

    p = M_CheckParm ("-avg");

    if (p)
	timelimit = 20;

    // @arg [<x> <y> | <xy>]
    // @vanilla
    // Start a game immediately, warping to ExMy (Doom 1) or MAPxy
    // (Doom 2)

    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-warp", 1);

    if (p)
        if (gamemode == commercial)
            startmap = atoi (myargv[p+1]);
            startepisode = myargv[p+1][0]-'0';

            if (p + 2 < myargc)
                startmap = myargv[p+2][0]-'0';
                startmap = 1;
        autostart = true;

    // Undocumented:
    // Invoked by setup to test the controls.

    p = M_CheckParm("-testcontrols");

    if (p > 0)
        startepisode = 1;
        startmap = 1;
        autostart = true;
        testcontrols = true;

    // Check for load game parameter
    // We do this here and save the slot number, so that the network code
    // can override it or send the load slot to other players.

    // @arg <s>
    // @vanilla
    // Load the game in slot s.

    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-loadgame", 1);
    if (p)
        startloadgame = atoi(myargv[p+1]);
        // Not loading a game
        startloadgame = -1;

    DEH_printf("M_Init: Init miscellaneous info.\n");
    M_Init ();

    DEH_printf("R_Init: Init DOOM refresh daemon - ");
    R_Init ();

    DEH_printf("\nP_Init: Init Playloop state.\n");
    P_Init ();

    DEH_printf("S_Init: Setting up sound.\n");
    S_Init (sfxVolume * 8, musicVolume * 8);

    DEH_printf("D_CheckNetGame: Checking network game status.\n");
    D_CheckNetGame ();


    DEH_printf("HU_Init: Setting up heads up display.\n");
    HU_Init ();

    DEH_printf("ST_Init: Init status bar.\n");
    ST_Init ();

    // If Doom II without a MAP01 lump, this is a store demo.
    // Moved this here so that MAP01 isn't constantly looked up
    // in the main loop.

    if (gamemode == commercial && W_CheckNumForName("map01") < 0)
        storedemo = true;

    // Doom 3: BFG Edition includes modified versions of the classic
    // IWADs. The modified version of doom2.wad does not have a
    // TITLEPIC lump, so detect this so we can apply a workaround.
    // We specifically check for TITLEPIC here, after PWADs have been
    // loaded - this means that we can play with the BFG Edition with
    // PWADs that change the title screen and still see the modified
    // titles.

    if (gamemode == commercial && W_CheckNumForName("titlepic") < 0)
        printf("BFG Edition: Using INTERPIC instead of TITLEPIC.\n");
        bfgedition = true;

        // BFG Edition changes the names of the secret levels to
        // censor the Wolfenstein references. It also has an extra
        // secret level (MAP33). In Vanilla Doom (meaning the DOS
        // version), MAP33 overflows into the Plutonia level names
        // array, so HUSTR_33 is actually PHUSTR_1.

        DEH_AddStringReplacement(HUSTR_31, "level 31: idkfa");
        DEH_AddStringReplacement(HUSTR_32, "level 32: keen");
        DEH_AddStringReplacement(PHUSTR_1, "level 33: betray");

    if (M_CheckParmWithArgs("-statdump", 1))
        I_AtExit(StatDump, true);
        DEH_printf("External statistics registered.\n");

    // @arg <x>
    // @category demo
    // @vanilla
    // Record a demo named x.lmp.

    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-record", 1);

    if (p)
	G_RecordDemo (myargv[p+1]);
	autostart = true;

    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-playdemo", 1);
    if (p)
	singledemo = true;              // quit after one demo
	G_DeferedPlayDemo (demolumpname);
	D_DoomLoop ();  // never returns
    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-timedemo", 1);
    if (p)
	G_TimeDemo (demolumpname);
	D_DoomLoop ();  // never returns
    if (startloadgame >= 0)
        strcpy(file, P_SaveGameFile(startloadgame));
	G_LoadGame (file);
    if (gameaction != ga_loadgame )
	if (autostart || netgame)
	    G_InitNew (startskill, startepisode, startmap);
	    D_StartTitle ();                // start up intro loop

    D_DoomLoop ();  // never returns
Beispiel #21
// D_DoomMain
void D_DoomMain (void)
    int             p;
    char                    file[256];

    FindResponseFile ();
    IdentifyVersion ();
    setbuf (stdout, NULL);
    modifiedgame = false;
    nomonsters = M_CheckParm ("-nomonsters");
    respawnparm = M_CheckParm ("-respawn");
    fastparm = M_CheckParm ("-fast");
    devparm = M_CheckParm ("-devparm");
    if (M_CheckParm ("-altdeath"))
	deathmatch = 2;
    else if (M_CheckParm ("-deathmatch"))
	deathmatch = 1;

    switch ( gamemode )
      case retail:
	sprintf (title,
		 "                         "
		 "The Ultimate DOOM Startup v%i.%i"
		 "                           ",
      case shareware:
	sprintf (title,
		 "                            "
		 "DOOM Shareware Startup v%i.%i"
		 "                           ",
      case registered:
	sprintf (title,
		 "                            "
		 "DOOM Registered Startup v%i.%i"
		 "                           ",
      case commercial:
	sprintf (title,
		 "                         "
		 "DOOM 2: Hell on Earth v%i.%i"
		 "                           ",
       case pack_plut:
	sprintf (title,
		 "                   "
		 "DOOM 2: Plutonia Experiment v%i.%i"
		 "                           ",
      case pack_tnt:
	sprintf (title,
		 "                     "
		 "DOOM 2: TNT - Evilution v%i.%i"
		 "                           ",
	sprintf (title,
		 "                     "
		 "Public DOOM - v%i.%i"
		 "                           ",
    printf ("%s\n",title);

    if (devparm)
    if (M_CheckParm("-cdrom"))
	strcpy (basedefault,"c:/doomdata/default.cfg");
    // turbo option
    if ( (p=M_CheckParm ("-turbo")) )
	int     scale = 200;
	extern int forwardmove[2];
	extern int sidemove[2];
	if (p<myargc-1)
	    scale = atoi (myargv[p+1]);
	if (scale < 10)
	    scale = 10;
	if (scale > 400)
	    scale = 400;
	printf ("turbo scale: %i%%\n",scale);
	forwardmove[0] = forwardmove[0]*scale/100;
	forwardmove[1] = forwardmove[1]*scale/100;
	sidemove[0] = sidemove[0]*scale/100;
	sidemove[1] = sidemove[1]*scale/100;
    // add any files specified on the command line with -file wadfile
    // to the wad list
    // convenience hack to allow -wart e m to add a wad file
    // prepend a tilde to the filename so wadfile will be reloadable
    p = M_CheckParm ("-wart");
    if (p)
	myargv[p][4] = 'p';     // big hack, change to -warp

	// Map name handling.
	switch (gamemode )
	  case shareware:
	  case retail:
	  case registered:
	    sprintf (file,"~"DEVMAPS"E%cM%c.wad",
		     myargv[p+1][0], myargv[p+2][0]);
	    printf("Warping to Episode %s, Map %s.\n",
	  case commercial:
	    p = atoi (myargv[p+1]);
	    if (p<10)
	      sprintf (file,"~"DEVMAPS"cdata/map0%i.wad", p);
	      sprintf (file,"~"DEVMAPS"cdata/map%i.wad", p);
	D_AddFile (file);
    p = M_CheckParm ("-file");
    if (p)
	// the parms after p are wadfile/lump names,
	// until end of parms or another - preceded parm
	modifiedgame = true;            // homebrew levels
	while (++p != myargc && myargv[p][0] != '-')
	    D_AddFile (myargv[p]);

    p = M_CheckParm ("-playdemo");

    if (!p)
	p = M_CheckParm ("-timedemo");

    if (p && p < myargc-1)
	sprintf (file,"%s.lmp", myargv[p+1]);
	W_AddFileAs (file,"D#DEMO");
	printf("Playing demo %s.lmp.\n",myargv[p+1]);
    // get skill / episode / map from parms
    startskill = sk_medium;
    startepisode = 1;
    startmap = 1;
    autostart = false;

    p = M_CheckParm ("-skill");
    if (p && p < myargc-1)
	startskill = myargv[p+1][0]-'1';
	autostart = true;

    p = M_CheckParm ("-episode");
    if (p && p < myargc-1)
	startepisode = myargv[p+1][0]-'0';
	startmap = 1;
	autostart = true;
    p = M_CheckParm ("-timer");
    if (p && p < myargc-1 && deathmatch)
	int     time;
	time = atoi(myargv[p+1]);
	printf("Levels will end after %d minute",time);
	if (time>1)

    p = M_CheckParm ("-avg");
    if (p && p < myargc-1 && deathmatch)
	printf("Austin Virtual Gaming: Levels will end after 20 minutes\n");

    p = M_CheckParm ("-warp");
    if (p && p < myargc-1)
	if (gamemode == commercial)
	    startmap = atoi (myargv[p+1]);
	    startepisode = myargv[p+1][0]-'0';
	    startmap = myargv[p+2][0]-'0';
	autostart = true;
    // init subsystems
    printf ("V_Init: allocate screens.\n");
    V_Init ();

    printf ("M_LoadDefaults: Load system defaults.\n");
    M_LoadDefaults ();              // load before initing other systems

    printf ("Z_Init: Init zone memory allocation daemon. \n");
    Z_Init ();

    printf ("W_Init: Init WADfiles.\n");
    W_InitMultipleFiles (wadfiles);

    // Check and print which version is executed.
    switch ( gamemode )
      case shareware:
      case indetermined:
	printf (
	    "                                Shareware!\n"
      case registered:
      case retail:
      case commercial:
	printf (
	    "                 Commercial product - do not distribute!\n"
	    "         Please report software piracy to the SPA: 1-800-388-PIR8\n"
	// Ouch.


    printf ("M_Init: Init miscellaneous info.\n");
    M_Init ();

    printf ("R_Init: Init DOOM refresh daemon - ");
    R_Init ();

    printf ("\nP_Init: Init Playloop state.\n");
    P_Init ();

    printf ("I_Init: Setting up machine state.\n");
    I_Init ();

    printf ("D_CheckNetGame: Checking network game status.\n");
    D_CheckNetGame ();

    printf ("S_Init: Setting up sound.\n");
    S_Init (snd_SfxVolume /* *8 */, snd_MusicVolume /* *8*/ );

    printf ("HU_Init: Setting up heads up display.\n");
    HU_Init ();

    printf ("ST_Init: Init status bar.\n");
    ST_Init ();

    // check for a driver that wants intermission stats
    p = M_CheckParm ("-statcopy");
    if (p && p<myargc-1)
	// for statistics driver
	extern  char*	statcopy;

	statcopy = myargv[p+1];
	printf ("External statistics registered.\n");
    // start the apropriate game based on parms
    p = M_CheckParm ("-record");

    if (p && p < myargc-1)
	G_RecordDemo (myargv[p+1]);
	autostart = true;
	p = M_CheckParm("-fastforward");
	if (p && p < myargc-1)
		fastforward = atoi(myargv[p+1]);

    p = M_CheckParm ("-playdemo");
    if (p && p < myargc-1)
	singledemo = true;              // quit after one demo
	G_DeferedPlayDemo ("D#DEMO");
	D_DoomLoop ();  // never returns
    p = M_CheckParm ("-timedemo");
    if (p && p < myargc-1)
	G_TimeDemo (myargv[p+1]);
	D_DoomLoop ();  // never returns
    p = M_CheckParm ("-loadgame");
    if (p && p < myargc-1)
	if (M_CheckParm("-cdrom"))
	    sprintf(file, "c:\\doomdata\\"SAVEGAMENAME"%c.dsg",myargv[p+1][0]);
	    sprintf(file, SAVEGAMENAME"%c.dsg",myargv[p+1][0]);
	G_LoadGame (file);

    if ( gameaction != ga_loadgame )
	if (autostart || netgame)
	    G_InitNew (startskill, startepisode, startmap);
	    D_StartTitle ();                // start up intro loop


    D_DoomLoop ();  // never returns
Beispiel #22
bool D_DoomMainSetup(void)
  int p;


  // proff 04/05/2000: Added support for include response files
  /* proff 2001/7/1 - Moved up, so -config can be in response files */
    boolean rsp_found;
    int i;

    do {
      for (i=0; i<myargc; i++)
        if (myargv[i][0]=='@')
      if (!FindResponseFile())
         goto failed;
    } while (rsp_found==TRUE);

  lprintf(LO_INFO,"M_LoadDefaults: Load system defaults.\n");
  M_LoadDefaults();              // load before initing other systems

  // figgi 09/18/00-- added switch to force classic bsp nodes
  if (M_CheckParm ("-forceoldbsp"))
    extern boolean forceOldBsp;
    forceOldBsp = TRUE;

  D_BuildBEXTables(); // haleyjd

  DoLooseFiles();  // Ty 08/29/98 - handle "loose" files on command line
  if (!IdentifyVersion())
     goto failed;

  // Load prboom.wad after IWAD but before everything else
    char *data_wad_path = I_FindFile(PACKAGE ".wad", ".wad");

    if (!data_wad_path)
      I_Error(PACKAGE ".wad not found - cannot continue");
      goto failed;

    D_AddFile(data_wad_path, source_pre);

  // e6y: DEH files preloaded in wrong order
  // The dachaked stuff has been moved below an autoload

  // jff 1/24/98 set both working and command line value of play parms
  nomonsters = clnomonsters = M_CheckParm ("-nomonsters");
  respawnparm = clrespawnparm = M_CheckParm ("-respawn");
  fastparm = clfastparm = M_CheckParm ("-fast");
  // jff 1/24/98 end of set to both working and command line value

  if (M_CheckParm ("-altdeath"))
    deathmatch = 2;
    if (M_CheckParm ("-deathmatch"))
      deathmatch = 1;

    // CPhipps - localise title variable
    // print title for every printed line
    // cph - code cleaned and made smaller
    const char* doomverstr;

    switch ( gamemode ) {
    case retail:
      doomverstr = "The Ultimate DOOM";
    case shareware:
      doomverstr = "DOOM Shareware";
    case registered:
      doomverstr = "DOOM Registered";
    case commercial:  // Ty 08/27/98 - fixed gamemode vs gamemission
      switch (gamemission)
        case pack_plut:
    doomverstr = "DOOM 2: Plutonia Experiment";
        case pack_tnt:
          doomverstr = "DOOM 2: TNT - Evilution";
          doomverstr = "DOOM 2: Hell on Earth";
      doomverstr = "Public DOOM";

    /* cphipps - the main display. This shows the build date, copyright, and game type */
    lprintf(LO_ALWAYS,"PrBoom, playing: %s\n"
      "PrBoom is released under the GNU General Public license v2.0.\n"
      "You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.\n"
      "It comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. See the file COPYING for details.\n",

  modifiedgame = FALSE;

  // get skill / episode / map from parms

  startskill = sk_none; // jff 3/24/98 was sk_medium, just note not picked
  startepisode = 1;
  startmap = 1;
  autostart = FALSE;

  if ((p = M_CheckParm ("-skill")) && p < myargc-1)
      startskill = myargv[p+1][0]-'1';
      autostart = TRUE;

  if ((p = M_CheckParm ("-episode")) && p < myargc-1)
      startepisode = myargv[p+1][0]-'0';
      startmap = 1;
      autostart = TRUE;

  if ((p = M_CheckParm ("-warp")) ||      // killough 5/2/98
       (p = M_CheckParm ("-wart")))
       // Ty 08/29/98 - moved this check later so we can have -warp alone: && p < myargc-1)
    startmap = 0; // Ty 08/29/98 - allow "-warp x" to go to first map in wad(s)
    autostart = TRUE; // Ty 08/29/98 - move outside the decision tree
    if (gamemode == commercial)
      if (p < myargc-1)
        startmap = atoi(myargv[p+1]);   // Ty 08/29/98 - add test if last parm
    else    // 1/25/98 killough: fix -warp xxx from crashing Doom 1 / UD
      if (p < myargc-2)
        startepisode = atoi(myargv[++p]);
        startmap = atoi(myargv[p+1]);
  // Ty 08/29/98 - later we'll check for startmap=0 and autostart=TRUE
  // as a special case that -warp * was used.  Actually -warp with any
  // non-numeric will do that but we'll only document "*"

  //jff 1/22/98 add command line parms to disable sound and music
    int nosound = M_CheckParm("-nosound");
    nomusicparm = nosound || M_CheckParm("-nomusic");
    nosfxparm   = nosound || M_CheckParm("-nosfx");
  //jff end of sound/music command line parms

  //proff 11/22/98: Added setting of viewangleoffset
  p = M_CheckParm("-viewangle");
  if (p)
    viewangleoffset = atoi(myargv[p+1]);
    viewangleoffset = viewangleoffset<0 ? 0 : (viewangleoffset>7 ? 7 : viewangleoffset);
    viewangleoffset = (8-viewangleoffset) * ANG45;

  // init subsystems

  G_ReloadDefaults();    // killough 3/4/98: set defaults just loaded.
  // jff 3/24/98 this sets startskill if it was -1

  //jff 9/3/98 use logical output routine
  lprintf(LO_INFO,"V_Init: allocate screens.\n");

  // CPhipps - autoloading of wads
  // Designed to be general, instead of specific to boomlump.wad
  // Some people might find this useful
  // cph - support MBF -noload parameter
  if (!M_CheckParm("-noload")) {
    // only autoloaded wads here - autoloaded patches moved down below W_Init
    int i;

    for (i=0; i<MAXLOADFILES; i++) {
      const char *fname = wad_files[i];
      char *fpath;

      if (!(fname && *fname)) continue;
      // Filename is now stored as a zero terminated string
      fpath = I_FindFile(fname, ".wad");
      if (!fpath)
        lprintf(LO_WARN, "Failed to autoload %s\n", fname);
      else {
        modifiedgame = TRUE;

  // add any files specified on the command line with -file wadfile
  // to the wad list

  // killough 1/31/98, 5/2/98: reload hack removed, -wart same as -warp now.

  if ((p = M_CheckParm ("-file")))
      // the parms after p are wadfile/lump names,
      // until end of parms or another - preceded parm
      modifiedgame = TRUE;            // homebrew levels
      while (++p != myargc && *myargv[p] != '-')

  if (p && p < myargc-1)
      char file[PATH_MAX+1];      // cph - localised
      AddDefaultExtension(file,".lmp");     // killough
      D_AddFile (file,source_lmp);
      //jff 9/3/98 use logical output routine
      lprintf(LO_CONFIRM,"Playing demo %s\n",file);
      if ((p = M_CheckParm ("-ffmap")) && p < myargc-1) {
        ffmap = atoi(myargv[p+1]);


  // 1/18/98 killough: Z_Init() call moved to i_main.c

  // CPhipps - move up netgame init
  //jff 9/3/98 use logical output routine
  lprintf(LO_INFO,"D_InitNetGame: Checking for network game.\n");

  //jff 9/3/98 use logical output routine
  lprintf(LO_INFO,"W_Init: Init WADfiles.\n");
  W_Init(); // CPhipps - handling of wadfiles init changed

  lprintf(LO_INFO,"\n");     // killough 3/6/98: add a newline, by popular demand :)

  // e6y 
  // option to disable automatic loading of dehacked-in-wad lump
  if (!M_CheckParm ("-nodeh"))
    // MBF-style DeHackEd in wad support: load all lumps, not just the last one
    for (p = -1; (p = W_ListNumFromName("DEHACKED", p)) >= 0; )
      // Split loading DEHACKED lumps into IWAD/autoload and PWADs/others
      if (lumpinfo[p].source == source_iwad
          || lumpinfo[p].source == source_pre
          || lumpinfo[p].source == source_auto_load)
        ProcessDehFile(NULL, D_dehout(), p); // cph - add dehacked-in-a-wad support

   if (bfgedition)
      int lump = (W_CheckNumForName)("BFGDEH", ns_prboom);
      if (lump != -1)
        ProcessDehFile(NULL, D_dehout(), lump);

  if (!M_CheckParm("-noload")) {
    // now do autoloaded dehacked patches, after IWAD patches but before PWAD
    int i;

    for (i=0; i<MAXLOADFILES; i++) {
      const char *fname = deh_files[i];
      char *fpath;

      if (!(fname && *fname)) continue;
      // Filename is now stored as a zero terminated string
      fpath = I_FindFile(fname, ".bex");
      if (!fpath)
        lprintf(LO_WARN, "Failed to autoload %s\n", fname);
      else {
        ProcessDehFile(fpath, D_dehout(), 0);
        // this used to set modifiedgame here, but patches shouldn't

  if (!M_CheckParm ("-nodeh"))
    for (p = -1; (p = W_ListNumFromName("DEHACKED", p)) >= 0; )
      if (!(lumpinfo[p].source == source_iwad
            || lumpinfo[p].source == source_pre
            || lumpinfo[p].source == source_auto_load))
        ProcessDehFile(NULL, D_dehout(), p);

  // Load command line dehacked patches after WAD dehacked patches

  // e6y: DEH files preloaded in wrong order

  // ty 03/09/98 do dehacked stuff
  // Using -deh in BOOM, others use -dehacked.
  // Ty 03/18/98 also allow .bex extension.  .bex overrides if both exist.

  p = M_CheckParm ("-deh");
  if (p)
    char file[PATH_MAX+1];      // cph - localised
    // the parms after p are deh/bex file names,
    // until end of parms or another - preceded parm
    // Ty 04/11/98 - Allow multiple -deh files in a row

    while (++p != myargc && *myargv[p] != '-')
      int stillnotfound = 1;
      FILE *fp;
      AddDefaultExtension(strcpy(file, myargv[p]), ".bex");
      fp = fopen(file, "rb");

      if (fp == NULL)
         stillnotfound = 1;
         stillnotfound = 0;


      if (stillnotfound)  // nope
        AddDefaultExtension(strcpy(file, myargv[p]), ".deh");
	fp = fopen(file, "rb");
        if (fp == NULL)  // still nope
          I_Error("D_DoomMainSetup: Cannot find .deh or .bex file named %s",
      // during the beta we have debug output to dehout.txt

  V_InitColorTranslation(); //jff 4/24/98 load color translation lumps

  // killough 2/22/98: copyright / "modified game" / SPA banners removed

  // Ty 04/08/98 - Add 5 lines of misc. data, only if nonblank
  // The expectation is that these will be set in a .bex file
  //jff 9/3/98 use logical output routine
  if (*startup1) lprintf(LO_INFO,"%s",startup1);
  if (*startup2) lprintf(LO_INFO,"%s",startup2);
  if (*startup3) lprintf(LO_INFO,"%s",startup3);
  if (*startup4) lprintf(LO_INFO,"%s",startup4);
  if (*startup5) lprintf(LO_INFO,"%s",startup5);
  // End new startup strings

  //jff 9/3/98 use logical output routine
  lprintf(LO_INFO,"M_Init: Init miscellaneous info.\n");

#ifdef HAVE_NET
  // CPhipps - now wait for netgame start

  //jff 9/3/98 use logical output routine
  lprintf(LO_INFO,"R_Init: Init DOOM refresh daemon - ");

  //jff 9/3/98 use logical output routine
  lprintf(LO_INFO,"\nP_Init: Init Playloop state.\n");

  //jff 9/3/98 use logical output routine
  lprintf(LO_INFO,"I_Init: Setting up machine state.\n");

  //jff 9/3/98 use logical output routine
  lprintf(LO_INFO,"S_Init: Setting up sound.\n");
  S_Init(snd_SfxVolume /* *8 */, snd_MusicVolume /* *8*/ );

  //jff 9/3/98 use logical output routine
  lprintf(LO_INFO,"HU_Init: Setting up heads up display.\n");

  if (!(M_CheckParm("-nodraw") && M_CheckParm("-nosound")))

  //jff 9/3/98 use logical output routine
  lprintf(LO_INFO,"ST_Init: Init status bar.\n");

  idmusnum = -1; //jff 3/17/98 insure idmus number is blank

  // start the apropriate game based on parms

  // killough 12/98:

  if ((p = M_CheckParm ("-checksum")) && ++p < myargc)
      P_RecordChecksum (myargv[p]);

#if 0
  if (slot && ++slot < myargc)
      slot = atoi(myargv[slot]);        // killough 3/16/98: add slot info
      G_LoadGame(slot, TRUE);           // killough 5/15/98: add command flag // cph - no filename
#ifdef HAVE_NET
      if (autostart || netgame)
      if (autostart)
    // sets first map and first episode if unknown
    GetFirstMap(&startepisode, &startmap);
    G_InitNew(startskill, startepisode, startmap);
  D_StartTitle();                 // start up intro loop

  return true;

  return false;
Beispiel #23
// D_DoomMain
void D_DoomMain (void)
    int             p;
    char                    file[256];

    FindResponseFile ();
    IdentifyVersion ();
    setbuf (stdout, NULL);
    modifiedgame = false;
    nomonsters = M_CheckParm ("-nomonsters");
    respawnparm = M_CheckParm ("-respawn");
    fastparm = M_CheckParm ("-fast");
    devparm = M_CheckParm ("-devparm");
    if (M_CheckParm ("-altdeath"))
	deathmatch = 2;
    else if (M_CheckParm ("-deathmatch"))
	deathmatch = 1;

    switch ( gamemode )
      case retail:
	sprintf (title,
		 "                         "
		 "The Ultimate DOOM Startup v%i.%i"
		 "                           ",
      case shareware:
	sprintf (title,
		 "                            "
		 "DOOM Shareware Startup v%i.%i"
		 "                           ",
      case registered:
	sprintf (title,
		 "                            "
		 "DOOM Registered Startup v%i.%i"
		 "                           ",
      case commercial:
	sprintf (title,
		 "                         "
		 "DOOM 2: Hell on Earth v%i.%i"
		 "                           ",
       case pack_plut:
	sprintf (title,
		 "                   "
		 "DOOM 2: Plutonia Experiment v%i.%i"
		 "                           ",
      case pack_tnt:
	sprintf (title,
		 "                     "
		 "DOOM 2: TNT - Evilution v%i.%i"
		 "                           ",
	sprintf (title,
		 "                     "
		 "Public DOOM - v%i.%i"
		 "                           ",
    printf ("%s\n",title);

    if (devparm)
    // turbo option
    if ( (p=M_CheckParm ("-turbo")) )
	int     scale = 200;
	extern int forwardmove[2];
	extern int sidemove[2];
	if (p<myargc-1)
	    scale = atoi (myargv[p+1]);
	if (scale < 10)
	    scale = 10;
	if (scale > 400)
	    scale = 400;
	printf ("turbo scale: %i%%\n",scale);
	forwardmove[0] = forwardmove[0]*scale/100;
	forwardmove[1] = forwardmove[1]*scale/100;
	sidemove[0] = sidemove[0]*scale/100;
	sidemove[1] = sidemove[1]*scale/100;
    // add any files specified on the command line with -file wadfile
    // to the wad list
    // convenience hack to allow -wart e m to add a wad file
    // prepend a tilde to the filename so wadfile will be reloadable
    p = M_CheckParm ("-wart");
    if (p)
	myargv[p][4] = 'p';     // big hack, change to -warp

	// Map name handling.
	switch (gamemode )
	  case shareware:
	  case retail:
	  case registered:
	    sprintf (file,"~"DEVMAPS"E%cM%c.wad",
		     myargv[p+1][0], myargv[p+2][0]);
	    printf("Warping to Episode %s, Map %s.\n",
	  case commercial:
	    p = atoi (myargv[p+1]);
	    if (p<10)
	      sprintf (file,"~"DEVMAPS"cdata/map0%i.wad", p);
	      sprintf (file,"~"DEVMAPS"cdata/map%i.wad", p);
	D_AddFile (file);
    p = M_CheckParm ("-file");
    if (p)
	// the parms after p are wadfile/lump names,
	// until end of parms or another - preceded parm
	modifiedgame = true;            // homebrew levels
	while (++p != myargc && myargv[p][0] != '-')
	    D_AddFile (myargv[p]);

    p = M_CheckParm ("-playdemo");

    if (!p)
	p = M_CheckParm ("-timedemo");

    if (p && p < myargc-1)
	sprintf (file,"%s.lmp", myargv[p+1]);
	D_AddFile (file);
	printf("Playing demo %s.lmp.\n",myargv[p+1]);
    // get skill / episode / map from parms
    startskill = sk_medium;
    startepisode = 1;
    startmap = 1;
    autostart = false;

    p = M_CheckParm ("-skill");
    if (p && p < myargc-1)
	startskill = myargv[p+1][0]-'1';
	autostart = true;

    p = M_CheckParm ("-episode");
    if (p && p < myargc-1)
	startepisode = myargv[p+1][0]-'0';
	startmap = 1;
	autostart = true;
    p = M_CheckParm ("-timer");
    if (p && p < myargc-1 && deathmatch)
	int     time;
	time = atoi(myargv[p+1]);
	printf("Levels will end after %d minute",time);
	if (time>1)

    p = M_CheckParm ("-avg");
    if (p && p < myargc-1 && deathmatch)
	printf("Austin Virtual Gaming: Levels will end after 20 minutes\n");

    p = M_CheckParm ("-warp");
    if (p && p < myargc-1)
	if (gamemode == commercial)
	    startmap = atoi (myargv[p+1]);
	    startepisode = myargv[p+1][0]-'0';
	    startmap = myargv[p+2][0]-'0';
	autostart = true;
    // init subsystems
    printf ("V_Init: allocate screens.\n");
    V_Init ();

    printf ("M_LoadDefaults: Load system defaults.\n");
    M_LoadDefaults ();              // load before initing other systems

    printf ("Z_Init: Init zone memory allocation daemon. \n");
    Z_Init ();

    printf ("W_Init: Init WADfiles.\n");
    W_InitMultipleFiles (wadfiles);

    // Check for -file in shareware
    if (modifiedgame)
	// These are the lumps that will be checked in IWAD,
	// if any one is not present, execution will be aborted.
	char name[23][8]=
	int i;
	if ( gamemode == shareware)
	    I_Error("\nYou cannot -file with the shareware "
		    "version. Register!");

	// Check for fake IWAD with right name,
	// but w/o all the lumps of the registered version. 
	if (gamemode == registered)
	    for (i = 0;i < 23; i++)
		if (W_CheckNumForName(name[i])<0)
		    I_Error("\nThis is not the registered version.");
    // Iff additonal PWAD files are used, print modified banner
    if (modifiedgame)
	/*m*/printf (
	    "ATTENTION:  This version of DOOM has been modified.  If you would like to\n"
	    "get a copy of the original game, call 1-800-IDGAMES or see the readme file.\n"
	    "        You will not receive technical support for modified games.\n"
	    "                      press enter to continue\n"

    // Check and print which version is executed.
    switch ( gamemode )
      case shareware:
      case indetermined:
	printf (
	    "                                Shareware!\n"
      case registered:
      case retail:
      case commercial:
	printf (
	    "                 Commercial product - do not distribute!\n"
	    "         Please report software piracy to the SPA: 1-800-388-PIR8\n"
	// Ouch.

    printf ("M_Init: Init miscellaneous info.\n");
    M_Init ();

    printf ("R_Init: Init DOOM refresh daemon - ");
    R_Init ();

    printf ("\nP_Init: Init Playloop state.\n");
    P_Init ();

    printf ("I_Init: Setting up machine state.\n");
    I_Init ();

    printf ("D_CheckNetGame: Checking network game status.\n");
    D_CheckNetGame ();

    printf ("S_Init: Setting up sound.\n");
    S_Init (snd_SfxVolume /* *8 */, snd_MusicVolume /* *8*/ );

    printf ("HU_Init: Setting up heads up display.\n");
    HU_Init ();

    printf ("ST_Init: Init status bar.\n");
    ST_Init ();

    // check for a driver that wants intermission stats
    p = M_CheckParm ("-statcopy");
    if (p && p<myargc-1)
	// for statistics driver
	extern  void*	statcopy;                            

	statcopy = (void*)atoi(myargv[p+1]);
	printf ("External statistics registered.\n");
    // start the apropriate game based on parms
    p = M_CheckParm ("-record");

    if (p && p < myargc-1)
	G_RecordDemo (myargv[p+1]);
	autostart = true;
    p = M_CheckParm ("-playdemo");
    if (p && p < myargc-1)
	singledemo = true;              // quit after one demo
	G_DeferedPlayDemo (myargv[p+1]);
	D_DoomLoop ();  // never returns
    p = M_CheckParm ("-timedemo");
    if (p && p < myargc-1)
	G_TimeDemo (myargv[p+1]);
	D_DoomLoop ();  // never returns
    p = M_CheckParm ("-loadgame");
    if (p && p < myargc-1)
	if (M_CheckParm("-cdrom"))
	    sprintf(file, "c:\\doomdata\\"SAVEGAMENAME"%c.dsg",myargv[p+1][0]);
	    sprintf(file, SAVEGAMENAME"%c.dsg",myargv[p+1][0]);
	G_LoadGame (file);

    if ( gameaction != ga_loadgame )
	if (autostart || netgame)
	    G_InitNew (startskill, startepisode, startmap);
	    D_StartTitle ();                // start up intro loop


    D_DoomLoop ();  // never returns
Beispiel #24
// D_DoomMain
void D_DoomMain(void)
	int p;
	char file[256];
	char demolumpname[9];


	// print banner


	I_Print("Z_Init: Init zone memory allocation daemon. \n");

	iwadfile = D_FindIWAD();

	// None found?

	if (iwadfile == NULL) {
		    ("Game mode indeterminate.  No IWAD file was found.  Try\n"
		     "specifying one with the '-iwad' command line parameter.\n");

	modifiedgame = false;

	// @vanilla
	// Disable monsters.

	nomonsters = M_CheckParm("-nomonsters");

	// @vanilla
	// Monsters respawn after being killed.

	respawnparm = M_CheckParm("-respawn");

	// @vanilla
	// Monsters move faster.

	fastparm = M_CheckParm("-fast");

	// @vanilla
	// Developer mode.  F1 saves a screenshot in the current working
	// directory.

	devparm = M_CheckParm("-devparm");

	// @category net
	// @vanilla
	// Start a deathmatch game.

	if (M_CheckParm("-deathmatch"))
		deathmatch = 1;

	// @category net
	// @vanilla
	// Start a deathmatch 2.0 game.  Weapons do not stay in place and
	// all items respawn after 30 seconds.

	if (M_CheckParm("-altdeath"))
		deathmatch = 2;

	if (devparm)

	// @arg <x>
	// @vanilla
	// Turbo mode.  The player's speed is multiplied by x%.  If unspecified,
	// x defaults to 200.  Values are rounded up to 10 and down to 400.

	if ((p = M_CheckParm("-turbo"))) {
		int scale = 200;
		extern int forwardmove[2];
		extern int sidemove[2];

		if (p < myargc - 1)
			scale = atoi(myargv[p + 1]);
		if (scale < 10)
			scale = 10;
		if (scale > 400)
			scale = 400;
		/*I_Print ("turbo scale: %i%%\n",scale); */
		forwardmove[0] = forwardmove[0] * scale / 100;
		forwardmove[1] = forwardmove[1] * scale / 100;
		sidemove[0] = sidemove[0] * scale / 100;
		sidemove[1] = sidemove[1] * scale / 100;
	// init subsystems
	I_Print("V_Init: allocate screens.\n");

	I_Print("M_LoadDefaults: Load system defaults.\n");
	M_LoadDefaults();	// load before initing other systems

	I_Print("W_Init: Init WADfiles.\n");


	// Merged PWADs are loaded first, because they are supposed to be 
	// modified IWADs.

	// @arg <files>
	// @category mod
	// Simulates the behavior of deutex's -merge option, merging a PWAD
	// into the main IWAD.  Multiple files may be specified.

	p = M_CheckParm("-merge");

	if (p > 0) {
		for (p = p + 1; p < myargc && myargv[p][0] != '-'; ++p) {
			char *filename;

			filename = D_TryFindWADByName(myargv[p]);

			/*I_Print(" merging %s\n", filename); */
	// NWT-style merging:

	// NWT's -merge option:

	// @arg <files>
	// @category mod
	// Simulates the behavior of NWT's -merge option.  Multiple files
	// may be specified.

	p = M_CheckParm("-nwtmerge");

	if (p > 0) {
		for (p = p + 1; p < myargc && myargv[p][0] != '-'; ++p) {
			char *filename;

			filename = D_TryFindWADByName(myargv[p]);

			/*I_Print(" performing NWT-style merge of %s\n", filename); */
	// Add flats

	// @arg <files>
	// @category mod
	// Simulates the behavior of NWT's -af option, merging flats into
	// the main IWAD directory.  Multiple files may be specified.

	p = M_CheckParm("-af");

	if (p > 0) {
		for (p = p + 1; p < myargc && myargv[p][0] != '-'; ++p) {
			char *filename;

			filename = D_TryFindWADByName(myargv[p]);

			/*I_Print(" merging flats from %s\n", filename); */
			W_NWTMergeFile(filename, W_NWT_MERGE_FLATS);
	// @arg <files>
	// @category mod
	// Simulates the behavior of NWT's -as option, merging sprites
	// into the main IWAD directory.  Multiple files may be specified.

	p = M_CheckParm("-as");

	if (p > 0) {
		for (p = p + 1; p < myargc && myargv[p][0] != '-'; ++p) {
			char *filename;

			filename = D_TryFindWADByName(myargv[p]);

			/*I_Print(" merging sprites from %s\n", filename); */
			W_NWTMergeFile(filename, W_NWT_MERGE_SPRITES);
	// @arg <files>
	// @category mod
	// Equivalent to "-af <files> -as <files>".

	p = M_CheckParm("-aa");

	if (p > 0) {
		for (p = p + 1; p < myargc && myargv[p][0] != '-'; ++p) {
			char *filename;

			filename = D_TryFindWADByName(myargv[p]);

			/*I_Print(" merging sprites and flats from %s\n", filename); */

	// @arg <files>
	// @vanilla
	// Load the specified PWAD files.

	p = M_CheckParm("-file");
	if (p) {
		// the parms after p are wadfile/lump names,
		// until end of parms or another - preceded parm
		modifiedgame = true;	// homebrew levels
		while (++p != myargc && myargv[p][0] != '-') {
			char *filename;

			filename = D_TryFindWADByName(myargv[p]);

	// add any files specified on the command line with -file wadfile
	// to the wad list
	// convenience hack to allow -wart e m to add a wad file
	// prepend a tilde to the filename so wadfile will be reloadable
	/*p = M_CheckParm ("-wart");
	   if (p)
	   myargv[p][4] = 'p';     // big hack, change to -warp

	   // Map name handling.
	   switch (gamemode )
	   case shareware:
	   case retail:
	   case registered:
	   sprintf (file,"~"DEVMAPS"E%cM%c.wad",
	   myargv[p+1][0], myargv[p+2][0]);
	   I_Print("Warping to Episode %s, Map %s.\n",

	   case commercial:
	   p = atoi (myargv[p+1]);
	   if (p<10)
	   format_number(file,"~"DEVMAPS"cdata/map0%i.wad", p, 10);
	   format_number(file,"~"DEVMAPS"cdata/map%i.wad", p, 10);
	   D_AddFile (file);
	   } */

	// @arg <demo>
	// @category demo
	// @vanilla
	// Play back the demo named demo.lmp.

	p = M_CheckParm("-playdemo");

	if (!p) {
		// @arg <demo>
		// @category demo
		// @vanilla
		// Play back the demo named demo.lmp, determining the framerate
		// of the screen.
		p = M_CheckParm("-timedemo");


	if (p && p < myargc - 1) {
		strcpy(file, myargv[p + 1]);

		if (D_AddFile(file)) {
			strncpy(demolumpname, lumpinfo[numlumps - 1].name, 8);
			demolumpname[8] = '\0';

			/*I_Print("Playing demo %s.\n", file); */
		} else {
			// If file failed to load, still continue trying to play
			// the demo in the same way as Vanilla Doom.  This makes
			// tricks like "-playdemo demo1" possible.

			strncpy(demolumpname, myargv[p + 1], 8);
			demolumpname[8] = '\0';

	// Generate the WAD hash table.  Speed things up a bit.

	I_Print("W_Init: Generate Hash Table.\n");


	// Check for -file in shareware
	if (modifiedgame) {
		// These are the lumps that will be checked in IWAD,
		// if any one is not present, execution will be aborted.
		char name[23][8] = {
			"e2m1", "e2m2", "e2m3", "e2m4", "e2m5", "e2m6", "e2m7",
			"e2m8", "e2m9",
			"e3m1", "e3m3", "e3m3", "e3m4", "e3m5", "e3m6", "e3m7",
			"e3m8", "e3m9",
			"dphoof", "bfgga0", "heada1", "cybra1", "spida1d1"
		int i;

		if (gamemode == shareware)
			I_Error("\nYou cannot -file with the shareware "
				"version. Register!");

		// Check for fake IWAD with right name,
		// but w/o all the lumps of the registered version. 
		if (gamemode == registered)
			for (i = 0; i < 23; i++)
				if (W_CheckNumForName(name[i]) < 0)
					    ("\nThis is not the registered version.");
	// get skill / episode / map from parms
	startskill = sk_medium;
	startepisode = 1;
	startmap = 1;
	autostart = false;

	// @arg <skill>
	// @vanilla
	// Set the game skill, 1-5 (1: easiest, 5: hardest).  A skill of
	// 0 disables all monsters.

	p = M_CheckParm("-skill");

	if (p && p < myargc - 1) {
		startskill = myargv[p + 1][0] - '1';
		autostart = true;
	// @arg <n>
	// @vanilla
	// Start playing on episode n (1-4)

	p = M_CheckParm("-episode");

	if (p && p < myargc - 1) {
		startepisode = myargv[p + 1][0] - '0';
		startmap = 1;
		autostart = true;

	timelimit = 0;

	// @arg <n>
	// @category net
	// @vanilla
	// For multiplayer games: exit each level after n minutes.

	p = M_CheckParm("-timer");

	if (p && p < myargc - 1 && deathmatch) {
		timelimit = atoi(myargv[p + 1]);
		/*I_Print("timer: %i\n", timelimit); */
	// @category net
	// @vanilla
	// Austin Virtual Gaming: end levels after 20 minutes.

	p = M_CheckParm("-avg");

	if (p && p < myargc - 1 && deathmatch) {
		I_Print("Austin Virtual Gaming: Levels will end "
			"after 20 minutes\n");
		timelimit = 20;
	// @arg [<x> <y> | <xy>]
	// @vanilla
	// Start a game immediately, warping to ExMy (Doom 1) or MAPxy
	// (Doom 2)

	p = M_CheckParm("-warp");

	if (p && p < myargc - 1) {
		if (gamemode == commercial)
			startmap = atoi(myargv[p + 1]);
		else {
			startepisode = myargv[p + 1][0] - '0';

			if (p + 2 < myargc) {
				startmap = myargv[p + 2][0] - '0';
			} else {
				startmap = 1;
		autostart = true;
	// Check for load game parameter
	// We do this here and save the slot number, so that the network code
	// can override it or send the load slot to other players.

	// @arg <s>
	// @vanilla
	// Load the game in slot s.

	p = M_CheckParm("-loadgame");

	if (p && p < myargc - 1) {
		startloadgame = atoi(myargv[p + 1]);
	} else {
		// Not loading a game
		startloadgame = -1;

	// @category video
	// Disable vertical mouse movement.

	if (M_CheckParm("-novert"))
		novert = true;

	// @category video
	// Enable vertical mouse movement.

	if (M_CheckParm("-nonovert"))
		novert = false;

	if (W_CheckNumForName("SS_START") >= 0
	    || W_CheckNumForName("FF_END") >= 0) {
		    (" WARNING: The loaded WAD file contains modified sprites or\n"
		     " floor textures.  You may want to use the '-merge' command\n"
		     " line option instead of '-file'.\n");



	     " " PACKAGE_NAME
	     " is free software, covered by the GNU General Public\n"
	     " License.  There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS\n"
	     " FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are welcome to change and distribute\n"
	     " copies under certain conditions. See the source for more information.\n"

	I_Print("M_Init: Init miscellaneous info.\n");

	I_Print("R_Init: Init DOOM refresh daemon - ");

	I_Print("\nP_Init: Init Playloop state.\n");

	I_Print("\nG_Init: Init game state.\n");

	I_Print("S_Init: Setting up sound.\n");
	S_Init(sfxVolume * 8, musicVolume * 8);


	I_Print("HU_Init: Setting up heads up display.\n");

	I_Print("ST_Init: Init status bar.\n");

	// If Doom II without a MAP01 lump, this is a store demo.  
	// Moved this here so that MAP01 isn't constantly looked up
	// in the main loop.

	if (gamemode == commercial && W_CheckNumForName("map01") < 0)
		storedemo = true;

	I_Print("\nI_InitGraphics: Init graphics.\n");

	// @arg <x>
	// @category demo
	// @vanilla
	// Record a demo named x.lmp.

	p = M_CheckParm("-record");

	if (p && p < myargc - 1) {
		G_RecordDemo(myargv[p + 1]);
		autostart = true;

	p = M_CheckParm("-playdemo");
	if (p && p < myargc - 1) {
		singledemo = true;	// quit after one demo
		D_DoomLoop();	// never returns

	if (startloadgame >= 0) {
		strcpy(file, P_SaveGameFile(startloadgame));

	if (gameaction != ga_loadgame) {
		if (autostart || netgame)
			G_InitNew(startskill, startepisode, startmap);
			D_StartTitle();	// start up intro loop

	I_Print("D_DoomLoop: GOGOGOG!\n");
	D_DoomLoop();		// never returns