Beispiel #1

Finds the spawn function for the entity and calls it,
returning qfalse if not found
qboolean G_CallSpawnFunction( gentity_t *spawnedEntity )
	entityClassDescriptor_t     *spawnedClass;
	buildable_t buildable;

	if ( !spawnedEntity->classname )
		//don't even warn about spawning-errors with -2 (maps might still work at least partly if we ignore these willingly)
		if ( g_debugEntities.integer > -2 )
			G_Printf( S_ERROR "Entity " S_COLOR_CYAN "#%i" S_COLOR_WHITE " is missing classname – we are unable to spawn it.\n", spawnedEntity->s.number );
		return qfalse;

	//check buildable spawn functions
	buildable = BG_BuildableByEntityName( spawnedEntity->classname )->number;

	if ( buildable != BA_NONE )
		// don't spawn built-in buildings if we are using a custom layout
		if ( level.layout[ 0 ] && Q_stricmp( level.layout, S_BUILTIN_LAYOUT ) )
			return qfalse;

		if ( buildable == BA_A_SPAWN || buildable == BA_H_SPAWN )
			spawnedEntity->s.angles[ YAW ] += 180.0f;
			AngleNormalize360( spawnedEntity->s.angles[ YAW ] );

		G_SpawnBuildable( spawnedEntity, buildable );
		return qtrue;

	// check the spawn functions for other classes
	spawnedClass = bsearch( spawnedEntity->classname, entityClassDescriptions, ARRAY_LEN( entityClassDescriptions ),
	             sizeof( entityClassDescriptor_t ), cmdcmp );

	if ( spawnedClass )
	{ // found it

		spawnedEntity->eclass = &entityClasses[(int) (spawnedClass-entityClassDescriptions)];

		if(!G_ValidateEntity( spawnedClass, spawnedEntity ))
			return qfalse; // results in freeing the entity

		spawnedClass->spawn( spawnedEntity );
		spawnedEntity->spawned = qtrue;

		if ( g_debugEntities.integer > 2 )
			G_Printf( S_DEBUG "Successfully spawned entity " S_COLOR_CYAN "#%i" S_COLOR_WHITE " as " S_COLOR_YELLOW "%i" S_COLOR_WHITE "th instance of " S_COLOR_CYAN "%s\n",
					spawnedEntity->s.number, spawnedEntity->eclass->instanceCounter, spawnedClass->name);

		 *  to allow each spawn function to test and handle for itself,
		 *  we handle it automatically *after* the spawn (but before it's use/reset)
		if(!G_HandleEntityVersions( spawnedClass, spawnedEntity ))
			return qfalse;

		return qtrue;

	//don't even warn about spawning-errors with -2 (maps might still work at least partly if we ignore these willingly)
	if ( g_debugEntities.integer > -2 )
		if (!Q_stricmp(S_WORLDSPAWN, spawnedEntity->classname))
			G_Printf( S_ERROR "a " S_COLOR_CYAN S_WORLDSPAWN S_COLOR_WHITE " class was misplaced into position " S_COLOR_CYAN "#%i" S_COLOR_WHITE " of the spawn string – Ignoring\n", spawnedEntity->s.number );
			G_Printf( S_ERROR "Unknown entity class \"" S_COLOR_CYAN "%s" S_COLOR_WHITE "\".\n", spawnedEntity->classname );

	return qfalse;
Beispiel #2

Finds the spawn function for the entity and calls it,
returning false if not found
bool G_CallSpawnFunction( gentity_t *spawnedEntity )
	entityClassDescriptor_t     *spawnedClass;
	buildable_t buildable;

	if ( !spawnedEntity->classname )
		//don't even warn about spawning-errors with -2 (maps might still work at least partly if we ignore these willingly)
		if ( g_debugEntities.integer > -2 )
			Log::Warn("Entity ^5#%i^* is missing classname – we are unable to spawn it.", spawnedEntity->s.number );
		return false;

	//check buildable spawn functions
	buildable = BG_BuildableByEntityName( spawnedEntity->classname )->number;

	if ( buildable != BA_NONE )
		const buildableAttributes_t *attr = BG_Buildable( buildable );

		// don't spawn built-in buildings if we are using a custom layout
		if ( level.layout[ 0 ] && Q_stricmp( level.layout, S_BUILTIN_LAYOUT ) )
			return false;

		if ( buildable == BA_A_SPAWN || buildable == BA_H_SPAWN )
			spawnedEntity->s.angles[ YAW ] += 180.0f;
			AngleNormalize360( spawnedEntity->s.angles[ YAW ] );

		G_SpawnBuildable( spawnedEntity, buildable );[ attr->team ].layoutBuildPoints += attr->buildPoints;

		return true;

	// check the spawn functions for other classes
	spawnedClass = (entityClassDescriptor_t*) bsearch( spawnedEntity->classname, entityClassDescriptions, ARRAY_LEN( entityClassDescriptions ),
	             sizeof( entityClassDescriptor_t ), cmdcmp );

	if ( spawnedClass )
	{ // found it

		spawnedEntity->eclass = &entityClasses[(int) (spawnedClass-entityClassDescriptions)];

		if(!G_ValidateEntity( spawnedClass, spawnedEntity ))
			return false; // results in freeing the entity

		spawnedClass->spawn( spawnedEntity );
		spawnedEntity->spawned = true;

		if ( g_debugEntities.integer > 2 )
			Log::Warn("Successfully spawned entity ^5#%i^* as ^3#%i^*th instance of ^5%s",
					spawnedEntity->s.number, spawnedEntity->eclass->instanceCounter, spawnedClass->name);

		 *  to allow each spawn function to test and handle for itself,
		 *  we handle it automatically *after* the spawn (but before it's use/reset)
		if(!G_HandleEntityVersions( spawnedClass, spawnedEntity ))
			return false;

		return true;

	//don't even warn about spawning-errors with -2 (maps might still work at least partly if we ignore these willingly)
	if ( g_debugEntities.integer > -2 )
		if (!Q_stricmp(S_WORLDSPAWN, spawnedEntity->classname))
			Log::Warn("a ^5" S_WORLDSPAWN "^7 class was misplaced into position ^5#%i^* of the spawn string – Ignoring", spawnedEntity->s.number );
			Log::Warn("Unknown entity class \"^5%s^*\".", spawnedEntity->classname );

	return false;