Beispiel #1
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    char *name;
    int overlay;
    int invert, fp;
    struct GModule *module;
    struct Option *map;
    struct Option *vallist;
    struct Option *bg;
    struct Flag *flag_n;
    struct Flag *flag_i;

    /* Initialize the GIS calls */

    module = G_define_module();
    module->description = _("Displays user-specified raster map in the active "
			    "graphics frame.");
    /* set up command line */
    map = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_MAP);
    map->description = _("Name of raster map to be displayed");

    vallist = G_define_option();
    vallist->key = "values";
    vallist->key_desc = "value[-value]";
    vallist->type = TYPE_STRING;
    vallist->required = NO;
    vallist->multiple = YES;
    vallist->description = _("List of categories or values to be displayed");
    vallist->guisection = _("Selection");

    bg = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_C_BG);
    bg->key_desc = "color";
    bg->gisprompt = "old_color,color,color";
    bg->label = _("Background color (for null)");
    bg->description = _("Either a standard color name or R:G:B triplet");
    bg->guisection = _("Null cells");

    flag_n = G_define_flag();
    flag_n->key = 'n';
    flag_n->description = _("Make null cells opaque");
    flag_n->guisection = _("Null cells");

    flag_i = G_define_flag();
    flag_i->key = 'i';
    flag_i->description = _("Invert value list");
    flag_i->guisection = _("Selection");

    if (G_parser(argc, argv))

    name = map->answer;
    overlay = !flag_n->answer;
    invert = flag_i->answer;

    if (D_open_driver() != 0)
	G_fatal_error(_("No graphics device selected. "
			"Use d.mon to select graphics device."));

    fp = Rast_map_is_fp(name, "");
    if (vallist->answer) {
	if (fp)
	    parse_vallist(vallist->answers, &d_mask);
	    parse_catlist(vallist->answers, &mask);

    /* use DCELL even if the map is FCELL */
    display(name, overlay, bg->answer, fp ? DCELL_TYPE : CELL_TYPE, invert);
Beispiel #2
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    char *name, *outfile;
    const char *unit;
    int unit_id;
    double factor;
    int fd, projection;
    FILE *fp, *coor_fp;
    double res;
    char *null_string;
    char ebuf[256], nbuf[256], label[512], formatbuff[256];
    char b1[100], b2[100];
    int n;
    int havefirst = FALSE;
    int coords = 0, i, k = -1;
    double e1, e2, n1, n2;
    RASTER_MAP_TYPE data_type;
    struct Cell_head window;
	struct Option *opt1, *profile, *res, *output, *null_str, *coord_file, *units;
	struct Flag *g, *c, *m;
    struct GModule *module;


    /* Set description */
    module = G_define_module();
    module->description =
	_("Outputs the raster map layer values lying on user-defined line(s).");

    parm.opt1 = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_INPUT);

    parm.output = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_F_OUTPUT);
    parm.output->required = NO;
    parm.output->answer = "-";
    parm.output->description =
	_("Name of file for output (use output=- for stdout)");

    parm.profile = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_M_COORDS);
    parm.profile->required = NO;
    parm.profile->multiple = YES;
    parm.profile->description = _("Profile coordinate pairs");

    parm.coord_file = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_F_INPUT);
    parm.coord_file->key = "file";
    parm.coord_file->required = NO;
    parm.coord_file->label =
	_("Name of input file containing coordinate pairs");
    parm.coord_file->description =
	_("Use instead of the 'coordinates' option. "
	  "\"-\" reads from stdin.");

    parm.res = G_define_option();
    parm.res->key = "resolution";
    parm.res->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    parm.res->required = NO;
    parm.res->description =
	_("Resolution along profile (default = current region resolution)");

    parm.null_str = G_define_option();
    parm.null_str->key = "null";
    parm.null_str->type = TYPE_STRING;
    parm.null_str->required = NO;
    parm.null_str->answer = "*";
    parm.null_str->description = _("Character to represent no data cell");

    parm.g = G_define_flag();
    parm.g->key = 'g';
    parm.g->description =
	_("Output easting and northing in first two columns of four column output");

    parm.c = G_define_flag();
    parm.c->key = 'c';
    parm.c->description =
	_("Output RRR:GGG:BBB color values for each profile point");

    parm.units = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_M_UNITS);
    parm.units->options = "meters,kilometers,feet,miles";
    parm.units->label = parm.units->description;
    parm.units->description = _("If units are not specified, current location units are used. "
                                "Meters are used by default in geographic (latlon) locations.");

    if (G_parser(argc, argv))

    clr = 0;
    if (parm.c->answer)
	clr = 1;		/* color output */

    null_string = parm.null_str->answer;

    if ((parm.profile->answer && parm.coord_file->answer) ||
	(!parm.profile->answer && !parm.coord_file->answer))
	G_fatal_error(_("Either use profile option or coordinate_file "
			" option, but not both"));

    projection = G_projection();

    /* get conversion factor and units name */
    if (parm.units->answer) {
        unit_id = G_units(parm.units->answer);
        factor = 1. / G_meters_to_units_factor(unit_id);
        unit = G_get_units_name(unit_id, 1, 0);
    /* keep meters in case of latlon */
    else if (projection == PROJECTION_LL) {
        factor = 1;
        unit = "meters";
    else {
        /* get conversion factor to current units */
        unit = G_database_unit_name(1);
        factor = G_database_units_to_meters_factor();

    if (parm.res->answer) {
	res = atof(parm.res->answer);
	/* Catch bad resolution ? */
	if (res <= 0)
	    G_fatal_error(_("Illegal resolution %g [%s]"), res / factor, unit);
    else {
	/* Do average of EW and NS res */
	res = (window.ew_res + window.ns_res) / 2;

    G_message(_("Using resolution: %g [%s]"), res / factor, unit);


    /* Open Input File for reading */
    /* Get Input Name */
    name = parm.opt1->answer;
    if (parm.g->answer)
	coords = 1;

    /* Open Raster File */
    fd = Rast_open_old(name, "");

    /* initialize color structure */
    if (clr)
	Rast_read_colors(name, "", &colors);

    /* Open ASCII file for output or stdout */
    outfile = parm.output->answer;

    if ((strcmp("-", outfile)) == 0) {
	fp = stdout;
    else if (NULL == (fp = fopen(outfile, "w")))
	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open file <%s>"), outfile);

    /* Get Raster Type */
    data_type = Rast_get_map_type(fd);
    /* Done with file */

    /* Show message giving output format */
    G_message(_("Output columns:"));
    if (coords == 1)
		_("Easting, Northing, Along track dist. [%s], Elevation"), unit);
	sprintf(formatbuff, _("Along track dist. [%s], Elevation"), unit);
    if (clr)
	strcat(formatbuff, _(" RGB color"));

    /* Get Profile Start Coords */
    if (parm.coord_file->answer) {
	if (strcmp("-", parm.coord_file->answer) == 0)
	    coor_fp = stdin;
	    coor_fp = fopen(parm.coord_file->answer, "r");

	if (coor_fp == NULL)
	    G_fatal_error(_("Could not open <%s>"), parm.coord_file->answer);

	for (n = 1; input(b1, ebuf, b2, nbuf, label, coor_fp); n++) {
	    G_debug(4, "stdin line %d: ebuf=[%s]  nbuf=[%s]", n, ebuf, nbuf);
	    if (!G_scan_easting(ebuf, &e2, G_projection()) ||
		!G_scan_northing(nbuf, &n2, G_projection()))
		G_fatal_error(_("Invalid coordinates %s %s"), ebuf, nbuf);

	    if (havefirst)
		do_profile(e1, e2, n1, n2, coords, res, fd, data_type,
			   fp, null_string, unit, factor);
	    e1 = e2;
	    n1 = n2;
	    havefirst = TRUE;

	if (coor_fp != stdin)
    else {
	/* Coords given on the Command Line using the profile= option */
	for (i = 0; parm.profile->answers[i]; i += 2) {
	    /* Test for number coordinate pairs */
	    k = i;

	if (k == 0) {
	    /* Only one coordinate pair supplied */
	    G_scan_easting(parm.profile->answers[0], &e1, G_projection());
	    G_scan_northing(parm.profile->answers[1], &n1, G_projection());
	    e2 = e1;
	    n2 = n1;

	    /* Get profile info */
	    do_profile(e1, e2, n1, n2, coords, res, fd, data_type, fp,
		       null_string, unit, factor);
	else {
	    for (i = 0; i <= k - 2; i += 2) {
		G_scan_easting(parm.profile->answers[i], &e1, G_projection());
		G_scan_northing(parm.profile->answers[i + 1], &n1,
		G_scan_easting(parm.profile->answers[i + 2], &e2,
		G_scan_northing(parm.profile->answers[i + 3], &n2,

		/* Get profile info */
		do_profile(e1, e2, n1, n2, coords, res, fd, data_type,
			   fp, null_string, unit, factor);



    if (clr)

}				/* Done with main */
Beispiel #3
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int i, cat, with_z, more, ctype, nrows;
    char buf[DB_SQL_MAX];
    int count;
    double coor[3];
    int ncoor;
    struct Option *driver_opt, *database_opt, *table_opt;
    struct Option *xcol_opt, *ycol_opt, *zcol_opt, *keycol_opt, *where_opt,
    struct Flag *same_table_flag;
    struct GModule *module;
    struct Map_info Map;
    struct line_pnts *Points;
    struct line_cats *Cats;
    dbString sql;
    dbDriver *driver;
    dbCursor cursor;
    dbTable *table;
    dbColumn *column;
    dbValue *value;
    struct field_info *fi;


    module = G_define_module();
    module->description =
	_("Creates new vector (points) map from database table containing coordinates.");

    table_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_DB_TABLE);
    table_opt->required = YES;
    table_opt->description = _("Input table name");

    driver_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_DB_DRIVER);
    driver_opt->options = db_list_drivers();
    driver_opt->answer = (char *)db_get_default_driver_name();
    driver_opt->guisection = _("Input DB");

    database_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_DB_DATABASE);
    database_opt->answer = (char *)db_get_default_database_name();
    database_opt->guisection = _("Input DB");

    xcol_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_DB_COLUMN);
    xcol_opt->key = "x";
    xcol_opt->required = YES;
    xcol_opt->description = _("Name of column containing x coordinate");

    ycol_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_DB_COLUMN);
    ycol_opt->key = "y";
    ycol_opt->required = YES;
    ycol_opt->description = _("Name of column containing y coordinate");

    zcol_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_DB_COLUMN);
    zcol_opt->key = "z";
    zcol_opt->description = _("Name of column containing z coordinate");
    zcol_opt->guisection = _("3D output");

    keycol_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_DB_COLUMN);
    keycol_opt->key = "key";
    keycol_opt->required = NO;
    keycol_opt->label = _("Name of column containing category number");
    keycol_opt->description = _("Must refer to an integer column");

    where_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_DB_WHERE);
    where_opt->guisection = _("Selection");

    outvect = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_OUTPUT);

    same_table_flag = G_define_flag();
    same_table_flag->key = 't';
    same_table_flag->description =
	_("Use imported table as attribute table for new map");

    if (G_parser(argc, argv))

    if (zcol_opt->answer) {
	with_z = WITH_Z;
	ncoor = 3;
    else {
	with_z = WITHOUT_Z;
	ncoor = 2;

    Points = Vect_new_line_struct();
    Cats = Vect_new_cats_struct();

    if (G_get_overwrite()) {
	/* We don't want to delete the input table when overwriting the output
	 * vector. */
	char name[GNAME_MAX], mapset[GMAPSET_MAX];

	if (!G_name_is_fully_qualified(outvect->answer, name, mapset)) {
	    strcpy(name, outvect->answer);
	    strcpy(mapset, G_mapset());

	Vect_set_open_level(1); /* no topo needed */

	if (strcmp(mapset, G_mapset()) == 0 && G_find_vector2(name, mapset) &&
	    Vect_open_old(&Map, name, mapset) >= 0) {
	    int num_dblinks;

	    num_dblinks = Vect_get_num_dblinks(&Map);
	    for (i = 0; i < num_dblinks; i++) {
		if ((fi = Vect_get_dblink(&Map, i)) != NULL &&
		    strcmp(fi->driver, driver_opt->answer) == 0 &&
		    strcmp(fi->database, database_opt->answer) == 0 &&
		    strcmp(fi->table, table_opt->answer) == 0)
		    G_fatal_error(_("Vector map <%s> cannot be overwritten "
				    "because input table <%s> is linked to "
				    "this map."),
				    outvect->answer, table_opt->answer);

    if (Vect_open_new(&Map, outvect->answer, with_z) < 0)
	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to create vector map <%s>"),

    Vect_set_error_handler_io(NULL, &Map);

    fi = Vect_default_field_info(&Map, 1, NULL, GV_1TABLE);

    /* Open driver */
    driver = db_start_driver_open_database(driver_opt->answer,
    if (driver == NULL) {
	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open database <%s> by driver <%s>"),
		      fi->database, fi->driver);
    /* check if target table already exists */
    G_debug(3, "Output vector table <%s>, driver: <%s>, database: <%s>",
	    outvect->answer, db_get_default_driver_name(),

    if (!same_table_flag->answer &&
			db_get_default_database_name(), outvect->answer) == 1)
	G_fatal_error(_("Output vector map, table <%s> (driver: <%s>, database: <%s>) "
		       "already exists"), outvect->answer,

    if (keycol_opt->answer) {
        int coltype;
        coltype = db_column_Ctype(driver, table_opt->answer, keycol_opt->answer);

        if (coltype == -1)
            G_fatal_error(_("Column <%s> not found in table <%s>"),
                          keycol_opt->answer, table_opt->answer);
        if (coltype != DB_C_TYPE_INT)
            G_fatal_error(_("Data type of key column must be integer"));
    else {
        if (same_table_flag->answer) {
            G_fatal_error(_("Option <%s> must be specified when -%c flag is given"),
                          keycol_opt->key, same_table_flag->key);

        if (strcmp(db_get_default_driver_name(), "sqlite") != 0)
            G_fatal_error(_("Unable to define key column. This operation is not supported "
                            "by <%s> driver. You need to define <%s> option."),
                          fi->driver, keycol_opt->key);

    /* Open select cursor */
    sprintf(buf, "SELECT %s, %s", xcol_opt->answer, ycol_opt->answer);
    db_set_string(&sql, buf);
    if (with_z) {
	sprintf(buf, ", %s", zcol_opt->answer);
	db_append_string(&sql, buf);
    if (keycol_opt->answer) {
	sprintf(buf, ", %s", keycol_opt->answer);
	db_append_string(&sql, buf);
    sprintf(buf, " FROM %s", table_opt->answer);
    db_append_string(&sql, buf);
    if (where_opt->answer) {
	sprintf(buf, " WHERE %s", where_opt->answer);
	db_append_string(&sql, buf);
    G_debug(2, "SQL: %s", db_get_string(&sql));

    if (db_open_select_cursor(driver, &sql, &cursor, DB_SEQUENTIAL) != DB_OK) {
	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open select cursor: '%s'"),

    table = db_get_cursor_table(&cursor);
    nrows = db_get_num_rows(&cursor);

    G_debug(2, "%d points selected", nrows);

    count = cat = 0;
    G_message(_("Writing features..."));
    while (db_fetch(&cursor, DB_NEXT, &more) == DB_OK && more) {
	G_percent(count, nrows, 2);
	/* key column */
        if (keycol_opt->answer) {
            column = db_get_table_column(table, with_z ? 3 : 2);
            ctype = db_sqltype_to_Ctype(db_get_column_sqltype(column));
            if (ctype != DB_C_TYPE_INT)
                G_fatal_error(_("Key column must be integer"));
            value = db_get_column_value(column);
            cat = db_get_value_int(value);
        else {

        /* coordinates */
	for (i = 0; i < ncoor; i++) {
	    column = db_get_table_column(table, i);
	    ctype = db_sqltype_to_Ctype(db_get_column_sqltype(column));
	    if (ctype != DB_C_TYPE_INT && ctype != DB_C_TYPE_DOUBLE)
		G_fatal_error(_("x/y/z column must be integer or double"));
	    value = db_get_column_value(column);
	    if (ctype == DB_C_TYPE_INT)
		coor[i] = (double)db_get_value_int(value);
		coor[i] = db_get_value_double(value);


	Vect_append_point(Points, coor[0], coor[1], coor[2]);

	Vect_cat_set(Cats, 1, cat);

	Vect_write_line(&Map, GV_POINT, Points, Cats);

    G_percent(1, 1, 1);

    /* close connection to input DB before copying attributes */

    /* Copy table */
    if (!same_table_flag->answer) {
        G_message(_("Copying attributes..."));
        if (DB_FAILED == db_copy_table_where(driver_opt->answer, database_opt->answer,
                                             fi->driver, fi->database, fi->table,
                                             where_opt->answer)) { /* where can be NULL */
            G_warning(_("Unable to copy table"));
	else {
	    Vect_map_add_dblink(&Map, 1, NULL, fi->table,
                                keycol_opt->answer ? keycol_opt->answer : GV_KEY_COLUMN,
				fi->database, fi->driver);

        if (!keycol_opt->answer) {
            /* TODO: implement for all DB drivers in generic way if
             * possible */
            driver = db_start_driver_open_database(fi->driver, fi->database);
            if (driver == NULL) {
                G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open database <%s> by driver <%s>"),
                              fi->database, fi->driver);

            /* add key column */
            sprintf(buf, "ALTER TABLE %s ADD COLUMN %s INTEGER",
                    fi->table, GV_KEY_COLUMN);
            db_set_string(&sql, buf);
            if (db_execute_immediate(driver, &sql) != DB_OK) {
                G_fatal_error(_("Unable to add key column <%s>: "
                                "SERIAL type is not supported by <%s>"), 
                              GV_KEY_COLUMN, fi->driver);

            /* update key column */
            sprintf(buf, "UPDATE %s SET %s = _ROWID_",
                    fi->table, GV_KEY_COLUMN);
            db_set_string(&sql, buf);
            if (db_execute_immediate(driver, &sql) != DB_OK) {
                G_fatal_error(_("Failed to update key column <%s>"),

    else {
        /* do not copy attributes, link original table */
	Vect_map_add_dblink(&Map, 1, NULL, table_opt->answer,
                            keycol_opt->answer ? keycol_opt->answer : GV_KEY_COLUMN,
                            database_opt->answer, driver_opt->answer);


    G_done_msg(_n("%d point written to vector map.",
                  "%d points written to vector map.",
                  count), count);

    return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
Beispiel #4
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    FILTER *filter;
    int nfilters;
    int repeat;
    char *in_name;
    char *filt_name;
    char *out_name;
    char title[1024];
    char temp[300];
    int i;
    struct GModule *module;
    struct Flag *flag2;
    struct Option *opt1;
    struct Option *opt2;
    struct Option *opt3;
    struct Option *opt4;
    struct Option *opt5;


    module = G_define_module();
    module->description = _("Performs raster map matrix filter.");

    /* Define the different options */

    opt1 = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_INPUT);

    opt2 = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_OUTPUT);

    opt3 = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_F_INPUT);
    opt3->key = "filter";
    opt3->required = YES;
    opt3->description = _("Path to filter file");

    opt4 = G_define_option();
    opt4->key = "repeat";
    opt4->type = TYPE_INTEGER;
    opt4->multiple = NO;
    opt4->required = NO;
    opt4->answer = "1";
    opt4->description = _("Number of times to repeat the filter");
    opt4->guisection = _("Filter");
    opt5 = G_define_option();
    opt5->key = "title";
    opt5->type = TYPE_STRING;
    opt5->required = NO;
    opt5->description = _("Output raster map title");

    /* Define the different flags */

    /* this isn't implemented at all 
       flag3 = G_define_flag() ;
       flag3->key         = 'p' ;
       flag3->description = _("Preserved edge") ;

    flag2 = G_define_flag();
    flag2->key = 'z';
    flag2->description = _("Apply filter only to null data values");
    flag2->guisection = _("Filter");

    if (G_parser(argc, argv))

       preserve_edges = flag3->answer;
    null_only = flag2->answer;

    sscanf(opt4->answer, "%d", &repeat);
    out_name = opt2->answer;
    filt_name = opt3->answer;

    in_name = opt1->answer;

    nrows = Rast_window_rows();
    ncols = Rast_window_cols();
    buflen = ncols * sizeof(DCELL);

    /* get the filter */
    filter = get_filter(filt_name, &nfilters, temp);

    /* make sure filter matrix won't extend outside the raster map */
    for (i = 0; i < nfilters; i++) {
	if (filter[i].size > ncols || filter[i].size > nrows)
	    G_fatal_error(_("Raster map too small for the size of the filter"));

    /* make a title for result */
    if (opt5->answer)
	strcpy(title, opt5->answer);
    else {
	if (*temp == 0)
	    strcpy(temp, "unknown filter");
	sprintf(title, "%s filtered using %s", in_name, temp);

    perform_filter(in_name, out_name, filter, nfilters, repeat);

    Rast_put_cell_title(out_name, title);

Beispiel #5
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    struct GModule *module;
    struct Option *start_opt, *select_opt, *stop_opt, *output_opt,
        *width_opt, *height_opt, *bgcolor_opt, *res_opt;
    struct Flag *list_flag, *selected_flag, *select_flag, *release_flag, 
        *cmd_flag, *truecolor_flag, *update_flag, *x_flag, *sfile_flag;
    int nopts, ret;
    const char *mon;
    module = G_define_module();
    module->description = _("Controls graphics display monitors from the command line.");
    start_opt = G_define_option();
    start_opt->key = "start";
    start_opt->type = TYPE_STRING;
    start_opt->description = _("Name of monitor to start");
    start_opt->options = "wx0,wx1,wx2,wx3,wx4,wx5,wx6,wx7,png,ps,html,cairo";
    start_opt->guisection = _("Manage");
    stop_opt = G_define_option();
    stop_opt->key = "stop";
    stop_opt->type = TYPE_STRING;
    stop_opt->description = _("Name of monitor to stop");
    stop_opt->options = "wx0,wx1,wx2,wx3,wx4,wx5,wx6,wx7,png,ps,html,cairo";
    stop_opt->guisection = _("Manage");

    select_opt = G_define_option();
    select_opt->key = "select";
    select_opt->type = TYPE_STRING;
    select_opt->description = _("Name of monitor to select");
    select_opt->options = "wx0,wx1,wx2,wx3,wx4,wx5,wx6,wx7,png,ps,html,cairo";
    select_opt->guisection = _("Manage");

    width_opt = G_define_option();
    width_opt->key = "width";
    width_opt->label = _("Width for display monitor if not set by GRASS_RENDER_WIDTH");
    width_opt->description = _("Default value: 720");
    width_opt->type = TYPE_INTEGER;
    width_opt->key_desc = "value";
    width_opt->guisection = _("Settings");

    height_opt = G_define_option();
    height_opt->key = "height";
    height_opt->label = _("Height for display monitor if not set by GRASS_RENDER_HEIGHT");
    height_opt->description = _("Default value: 480");
    height_opt->type = TYPE_INTEGER;
    height_opt->key_desc = "value";
    height_opt->guisection = _("Settings");

    res_opt = G_define_option();
    res_opt->key = "resolution";
    res_opt->label = _("Dimensions of display monitor versus current size");
    res_opt->description = _("Example: resolution=2 enlarge display monitor twice to 1280x960"); 
    res_opt->type = TYPE_INTEGER;
    res_opt->key_desc = "value";
    res_opt->guisection = _("Settings");

    bgcolor_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_CN);
    bgcolor_opt->key = "bgcolor";
    bgcolor_opt->label = _("Background color");
    bgcolor_opt->answer = DEFAULT_BG_COLOR;
    bgcolor_opt->guisection = _("Settings");

    output_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_F_OUTPUT);
    output_opt->required = NO;
    output_opt->label = _("Name for output file (when starting new monitor)");
    output_opt->description = _("Ignored for 'wx' monitors");
    output_opt->guisection = _("Settings");
    list_flag = G_define_flag();
    list_flag->key = 'l';
    list_flag->description = _("List running monitors and exit");
    list_flag->guisection = _("Print");

    selected_flag = G_define_flag();
    selected_flag->key = 'p';
    selected_flag->description = _("Print name of currently selected monitor and exit");
    selected_flag->guisection = _("Print");

    cmd_flag = G_define_flag();
    cmd_flag->key = 'c';
    cmd_flag->description = _("Print commands for currently selected monitor and exit");
    cmd_flag->guisection = _("Print");

    sfile_flag = G_define_flag();
    sfile_flag->key = 'g';
    sfile_flag->description =
	_("Print path to support files of currently selected monitor and exit");

    select_flag = G_define_flag();
    select_flag->key = 's';
    select_flag->description = _("Do not automatically select when starting");
    select_flag->guisection = _("Manage");

    release_flag = G_define_flag();
    release_flag->key = 'r';
    release_flag->description = _("Release and stop currently selected monitor and exit");
    release_flag->guisection = _("Manage");

    truecolor_flag = G_define_flag();
    truecolor_flag->key = 't';
    truecolor_flag->description = _("Disable true colors");
    truecolor_flag->guisection = _("Settings");

    update_flag = G_define_flag();
    update_flag->key = 'u';
    update_flag->label = _("Open output file in update mode");
    update_flag->description = _("Requires --overwrite flag");
    update_flag->guisection = _("Settings");

    x_flag = G_define_flag();
    x_flag->key = 'x';
    x_flag->label = _("Launch light-weight wx monitor without toolbars and statusbar");
    x_flag->description = _("Requires 'start=wx0-7'");
    x_flag->guisection = _("Settings");

    if (G_parser(argc, argv))

    if (x_flag->answer && start_opt->answer && strncmp(start_opt->answer, "wx", 2) != 0)
        G_warning(_("Flag -%c has effect only for wx monitors (%s=wx0-7)"),
                  x_flag->key, start_opt->key);
    if (selected_flag->answer || release_flag->answer ||
        cmd_flag->answer || sfile_flag->answer) {
	if (list_flag->answer)
	    G_warning(_("Flag -%c ignored"), list_flag->key);
	mon = G_getenv_nofatal("MONITOR");
	if (mon) {
	    if (selected_flag->answer) {
		G_verbose_message(_("Currently selected monitor:"));
		fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", mon);
	    else if (cmd_flag->answer) {
		G_message(_("List of commands for monitor <%s>:"), mon);
		list_cmd(mon, stdout);
            else if (sfile_flag->answer) {
                list_files(mon, stdout);
	    else if (mon) { /* release */
		G_verbose_message(_("Monitor <%s> released"), mon); 
                ret = stop_mon(mon);
	    G_important_message(_("No monitor selected"));

    if (list_flag->answer) {
    nopts = 0;
    if (start_opt->answer)
    if (stop_opt->answer)
    if (select_opt->answer)

    if (nopts != 1)
	G_fatal_error(_("Either <%s>, <%s> or <%s> must be given"),
		      start_opt->key, stop_opt->key, select_opt->key);
    if (output_opt->answer &&
	(!start_opt->answer || strncmp(start_opt->answer, "wx", 2) == 0))
	G_warning(_("Option <%s> ignored"), output_opt->key);
    if (start_opt->answer) {
        int width, height;

        width = width_opt->answer ? atoi(width_opt->answer) : 0;
        height = height_opt->answer ? atoi(height_opt->answer) : 0;
        if (width < 1) {
            char *env_width = getenv("GRASS_RENDER_WIDTH");
            if (env_width)
                width = atoi(env_width);
        if (height < 1) {
            char *env_height = getenv("GRASS_RENDER_HEIGHT");
            if (env_height)
                height = atoi(env_height);
        if (width < 1)
            width = DEFAULT_WIDTH;
        if (height < 1)
            height = DEFAULT_HEIGHT;
        if (res_opt->answer) {
            int res;
            res = atoi(res_opt->answer);
            width *= res;
            height *= res;

        G_debug(1, "Monitor width/height = %d/%d", width, height);

	ret = start_mon(start_opt->answer, output_opt->answer, !select_flag->answer,
			width, height, bgcolor_opt->answer,
			!truecolor_flag->answer, x_flag->answer, update_flag->answer);
        if (output_opt->answer && !update_flag->answer) {
    if (stop_opt->answer)
	ret = stop_mon(stop_opt->answer);
    if (select_opt->answer)
	ret = select_mon(select_opt->answer);
    if (ret != 0)
Beispiel #6
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    struct Option *type, *rc_file;
    struct Flag *update, *nolaunch;
    struct GModule *module;
    const char *gui_type_env;
    char progname[GPATH_MAX];
    char *desc;


    module = G_define_module();
    G_add_keyword(_("user interface"));
    module->label =
	_("Launches a GRASS graphical user interface (GUI) session.");
    module->description = _("And updates default user interface settings.");

    type = G_define_option();
    type->key = "ui";
    type->type = TYPE_STRING;
    type->label = _("User interface");
    type->description = _("Default value: GRASS_GUI if defined otherwise wxpython");
    desc = NULL;
	        _("wxPython based GUI (wxGUI)"),
	        _("command line interface only"));
    type->descriptions = desc;
    type->options = "wxpython,text";
    type->guisection = _("Type");
    rc_file = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_F_INPUT);
    rc_file->key = "workspace";
    rc_file->required = NO;
    rc_file->key_desc = "name.gxw";
    rc_file->description = _("Name of workspace file to load on start-up (valid only for wxGUI)");

    update = G_define_flag();
    update->key = 'd';
    update->description = _("Update default user interface settings");
    update->guisection = _("Default");

    nolaunch = G_define_flag();
    nolaunch->key = 'n';
    nolaunch->description =
	_("Do not launch GUI after updating the default user interface settings");
    nolaunch->guisection = _("Default");

    if (G_parser(argc, argv))

    if (type->answer && strcmp(type->answer, "text") == 0 &&
	nolaunch->answer = TRUE;
    if (nolaunch->answer && !update->answer)
	update->answer = TRUE;
    gui_type_env = G__getenv("GUI");

    if (!type->answer) {
	if (gui_type_env && strcmp(gui_type_env, "text")) {
	    type->answer = G_store(gui_type_env);
	else {
	    type->answer = "wxpython";

    if (((gui_type_env && update->answer) &&
	 strcmp(gui_type_env, type->answer) != 0) || !gui_type_env) {
	G_setenv("GUI", type->answer);
	G_message(_("<%s> is now the default GUI"), type->answer);
    else {
	    if(gui_type_env) {
		G_debug(1, "No change: old gui_type_env=[%s], new type->ans=[%s]",
			gui_type_env, type->answer);


    G_message(_("Launching <%s> GUI in the background, please wait..."), type->answer);

    if (strcmp(type->answer, "wxpython") == 0) {
	sprintf(progname, "%s/gui/wxpython/", G_gisbase());
	if (rc_file->answer) {
	    G_spawn_ex(getenv("GRASS_PYTHON"), getenv("GRASS_PYTHON"), progname,
		    "--workspace", rc_file->answer, SF_BACKGROUND, NULL);
	else {
	    G_spawn_ex(getenv("GRASS_PYTHON"), getenv("GRASS_PYTHON"), progname,

    /* stop the impatient from starting it again
        before the splash screen comes up */

Beispiel #7
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    struct GModule *module;
	struct Option *base, *cover, *output;
    } parm;
    char *basemap, *base_mapset;
    char *covermap, *cover_mapset;
    char *outmap;
    char command[1024];
    struct Categories cover_cats;
    FILE *stats_fd, *reclass_fd;
    int first;
    long basecat, covercat, catb, catc;
    double area;
    struct stats stats;


    module = G_define_module();
    module->keywords = _("raster, statistics");
    module->description =
	_("Finds the median of values in a cover map within "
	  "areas assigned the same category value in a "
	  "user-specified base map.");

    parm.base = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_INPUT);
    parm.base->key = "base";
    parm.base->description = _("Name of base raster map");

    parm.cover = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_INPUT);
    parm.cover->key = "cover";
    parm.cover->description = _("Name of cover raster map");

    parm.output = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_OUTPUT);

    if (G_parser(argc, argv))

    basemap = parm.base->answer;
    covermap = parm.cover->answer;
    outmap = parm.output->answer;

    base_mapset = G_find_cell2(basemap, "");
    if (base_mapset == NULL)
	G_fatal_error(_("Base raster map <%s> not found"), basemap);

    cover_mapset = G_find_cell2(covermap, "");
    if (cover_mapset == NULL)
	G_fatal_error(_("Raster map <%s> not found"), covermap);
    if (G_legal_filename(outmap) < 0)
	G_fatal_error(_("<%s> is an illegal file name"), outmap);
    if (strcmp(G_mapset(), base_mapset) == 0 && strcmp(basemap, outmap) == 0)
	G_fatal_error(_("Base map and output map <%s> must be different"),
    if (G_read_cats(covermap, cover_mapset, &cover_cats) < 0)
	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to read category labels of raster map <%s>"),

    strcpy(command, "r.stats -an \"");
    strcat(command, G_fully_qualified_name(basemap, base_mapset));
    strcat(command, ",");
    strcat(command, G_fully_qualified_name(covermap, cover_mapset));
    strcat(command, "\"");

    /* strcpy (command,"cat /tmp/t"); */
    G_debug(3, "command: %s", command);
    stats_fd = popen(command, "r");

    G_debug(3, "r.reclass i=\"%s\" o=\"%s\"",
	    G_fully_qualified_name(basemap, base_mapset), outmap);
    sprintf(command, "r.reclass i=\"%s\" o=\"%s\"",
	    G_fully_qualified_name(basemap, base_mapset), outmap);

    reclass_fd = popen(command, "w");

    first = 1;
    while (read_stats(stats_fd, &basecat, &covercat, &area)) {
	if (first) {
	    stats.n = 0;
	    stats.nalloc = 16; = (long *)
		G_calloc(stats.nalloc, sizeof(long));
	    stats.area = (double *)
		G_calloc(stats.nalloc, sizeof(double));
	    first = 0;
	    catb = basecat;
	if (basecat != catb) {
	    catc = median(&stats);
	    write_reclass(reclass_fd, catb, catc,
			  G_get_cat(catc, &cover_cats));
	    catb = basecat;
	    stats.n = 0;
	if (stats.n > stats.nalloc) {
	    stats.nalloc *= 2; = (long *)
		G_realloc(, stats.nalloc * sizeof(long));
	    stats.area = (double *)
		G_realloc(stats.area, stats.nalloc * sizeof(double));
	}[stats.n - 1] = covercat;
	stats.area[stats.n - 1] = area;
    if (!first) {
	catc = median(&stats);
	write_reclass(reclass_fd, catb, catc, G_get_cat(catc, &cover_cats));


Beispiel #8
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    char title[80];
    char buf[80], *p;
    struct Ortho_Image_Group group;
    struct GModule *module;
    struct Option *group_opt;

    /* must run in a term window */
    G_putenv("GRASS_UI_TERM", "1");

    /* initialize grass */

    module = G_define_module();
    module->keywords = _("imagery, orthorectify");
    module->description = _("Menu driver for the photo imagery programs.");

    group_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_I_GROUP);
    group_opt->description =
	_("Name of imagery group for ortho-rectification");

    if (G_parser(argc, argv))

    strncpy(, group_opt->answer, 99);[99] = '\0';
    /* strip off mapset if it's there: I_() fns only work with current mapset */
    if ((p = strchr(, '@')))
	*p = 0;

    /* get and check the group reference files */
    if (!I_get_group_ref(, &group.group_ref)) {
	G_warning(_("Pre-selected group <%s> not found"),;
	/* clean the wrong name in GROUPFILE */

	/* ask for new group name */
	if (!I_ask_group_old(
	    _("Enter imagery group for ortho-rectification"),
	I_get_group_ref(, &group.group_ref);

    if (group.group_ref.nfiles <= 0)
	G_fatal_error(_("Group [%s] contains no files"),;


    while (1) {
	if (!I_get_group( {

	/* print the screen full of options */
	sprintf(title, " -- \tImagery Group = %s ",;

	fprintf(stderr, "%s\n\n", title);
	fprintf(stderr, "Initialization Options:\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "   1.     Select/Modify imagery group\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "   2.     Select/Modify imagery group target\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "   3.     Select/Modify target elevation model\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "   4.     Select/Modify imagery group camera\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "Transformation Parameter Computations:\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "   5.     Compute image-to-photo transformation\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "   6.     Initialize exposure station parameters\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "   7.     Compute ortho-rectification parameters\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "Ortho-rectification Option:\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "   8.     Ortho-rectify imagery files\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "RETURN   exit\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "\n> ");

	/* Get the option */
	if (!G_gets(buf))
	if (*buf == 0)		/* exit */

	/* run the program chosen */
	fprintf(stderr, "<%s>\n", buf);
	if (strcmp(buf, "1") == 0)
	if (strcmp(buf, "2") == 0)
	if (strcmp(buf, "3") == 0)
	if (strcmp(buf, "4") == 0)
	if (strcmp(buf, "5") == 0)
	if (strcmp(buf, "6") == 0)
	if (strcmp(buf, "7") == 0)
	if (strcmp(buf, "8") == 0) {
	    sprintf(buf, " group=%s",;
Beispiel #9
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    struct GModule *module;
	struct Option *quant, *perc, *slots, *basemap, *covermap, *output;
    } opt;
    struct {
	struct Flag *r, *p;
    } flag;
    const char *basemap, *covermap;
    char **outputs;
    int reclass, print;
    int cover_fd, base_fd;
    struct Range range;
    struct FPRange fprange;
    int i;


    module = G_define_module();
    module->description = _("Compute category quantiles using two passes.");

    opt.basemap = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_BASE);

    opt.covermap = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_COVER);

    opt.quant = G_define_option();
    opt.quant->key = "quantiles";
    opt.quant->type = TYPE_INTEGER;
    opt.quant->required = NO;
    opt.quant->description = _("Number of quantiles");

    opt.perc = G_define_option();
    opt.perc->key = "percentiles";
    opt.perc->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    opt.perc->multiple = YES;
    opt.perc->description = _("List of percentiles");
    opt.perc->answer = "50";

    opt.slots = G_define_option();
    opt.slots->key = "bins";
    opt.slots->type = TYPE_INTEGER;
    opt.slots->required = NO;
    opt.slots->description = _("Number of bins to use");
    opt.slots->answer = "1000";

    opt.output = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_OUTPUT);
    opt.output->description = _("Resultant raster map(s)");
    opt.output->required = NO;
    opt.output->multiple = YES;

    flag.r = G_define_flag();
    flag.r->key = 'r';
    flag.r->description =
	_("Create reclass map with statistics as category labels");

    flag.p = G_define_flag();
    flag.p->key = 'p';
    flag.p->description =
	_("Do not create output maps; just print statistics");

    if (G_parser(argc, argv))

    basemap = opt.basemap->answer;
    covermap = opt.covermap->answer;
    outputs = opt.output->answers;
    reclass = flag.r->answer;
    print = flag.p->answer;

    if (!print && !opt.output->answers)
	G_fatal_error(_("Either -%c or %s= must be given"),
			flag.p->key, opt.output->key);

    if (print && opt.output->answers)
	G_fatal_error(_("-%c and %s= are mutually exclusive"),
			flag.p->key, opt.output->key);

    num_slots = atoi(opt.slots->answer);

    if (opt.quant->answer) {
	num_quants = atoi(opt.quant->answer) - 1;
	quants = G_calloc(num_quants, sizeof(DCELL));
	for (i = 0; i < num_quants; i++)
	    quants[i] = 1.0 * (i + 1) / (num_quants + 1);
    else {
	for (i = 0; opt.perc->answers[i]; i++)
	num_quants = i;
	quants = G_calloc(num_quants, sizeof(DCELL));
	for (i = 0; i < num_quants; i++)
	    quants[i] = atof(opt.perc->answers[i]) / 100;
	qsort(quants, num_quants, sizeof(DCELL), compare_dcell);

    if (opt.output->answer) {
	for (i = 0; opt.output->answers[i]; i++)
	if (i != num_quants)
	    G_fatal_error(_("Number of quantiles (%d) does not match number of output maps (%d)"),
			  num_quants, i);

    base_fd = Rast_open_old(basemap, "");

    cover_fd = Rast_open_old(covermap, "");

    if (Rast_map_is_fp(basemap, "") != 0)
	G_fatal_error(_("The base map must be an integer (CELL) map"));

    if (Rast_read_range(basemap, "", &range) < 0)
	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to read range of base map <%s>"), basemap);

    Rast_get_range_min_max(&range, &min, &max);
    num_cats = max - min + 1;
    if (num_cats > MAX_CATS)
	G_fatal_error(_("Base map <%s> has too many categories (max: %d)"),
		      basemap, MAX_CATS);

    Rast_read_fp_range(covermap, "", &fprange);
    Rast_get_fp_range_min_max(&fprange, &f_min, &f_max);
    slot_size = (f_max - f_min) / num_slots;

    basecats = G_calloc(num_cats, sizeof(struct basecat));

    for (i = 0; i < num_cats; i++)
	basecats[i].slots = G_calloc(num_slots, sizeof(unsigned int));

    rows = Rast_window_rows();
    cols = Rast_window_cols();

    get_slot_counts(base_fd, cover_fd);

    fill_bins(base_fd, cover_fd);


    if (print)
    else if (reclass)
	do_reclass(basemap, outputs);
	do_output(base_fd, outputs, covermap);


    return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
Beispiel #10
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    struct GModule *module;
    struct {
	struct Flag *r, *w, *l, *g, *a, *n, *c;
    } flag; 

    struct {
	struct Option *map, *field, *colr, *rast, *volume, *rules,
          *attrcol, *rgbcol, *range, *use;
    } opt;

    int layer;
    int overwrite, remove, is_from_stdin, stat, have_colors, convert, use;
    const char *mapset, *cmapset;
    const char *style, *rules, *cmap, *attrcolumn, *rgbcolumn;
    char *name;
    struct Map_info Map;
    struct FPRange range;
    struct Colors colors, colors_tmp;
    /* struct Cell_stats statf; */
    module = G_define_module();
    G_add_keyword(_("color table"));
    module->description =
	_("Creates/modifies the color table associated with a vector map."); = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_MAP);

    opt.field = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_FIELD);

    opt.use = G_define_option();
    opt.use->key = "use";
    opt.use->type = TYPE_STRING;
    opt.use->required = YES;
    opt.use->multiple = NO;
    opt.use->options = "attr,cat,z";
    opt.use->description = _("Source values");
    G_asprintf((char **) &(opt.use->descriptions),
	       _("read values from attribute table (requires <column> option)"),
	       _("use category values"),
	       _("use z coordinate (3D points or centroids only)"));
    opt.use->answer = "cat";
    opt.attrcol = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_DB_COLUMN);
    opt.attrcol->label = _("Name of column containing numeric data");
    opt.attrcol->description = _("Required for use=attr");
    opt.attrcol->guisection = _("Define");

    opt.range = G_define_option();
    opt.range->key = "range";
    opt.range->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    opt.range->required = NO;
    opt.range->label = _("Manually set range (refers to 'column' option)");
    opt.range->description = _("Ignored when 'rules' given");
    opt.range->key_desc = "min,max";

    opt.colr = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_M_COLR);
    opt.colr->guisection = _("Define");

    opt.rast = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_INPUT);
    opt.rast->key = "raster";
    opt.rast->required = NO;
    opt.rast->description =
        _("Raster map from which to copy color table");
    opt.rast->guisection = _("Define");

    opt.volume = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R3_INPUT);
    opt.volume->key = "raster_3d";
    opt.volume->required = NO;
    opt.volume->description =
        _("3D raster map from which to copy color table");
    opt.volume->guisection = _("Define");

    opt.rules = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_F_INPUT);
    opt.rules->key = "rules";
    opt.rules->required = NO;
    opt.rules->description = _("Path to rules file");
    opt.rules->guisection = _("Define");

    opt.rgbcol = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_DB_COLUMN);
    opt.rgbcol->key = "rgb_column";
    opt.rgbcol->label = _("Name of color column to populate RGB values");
    opt.rgbcol->description = _("If not given writes color table");
    flag.r = G_define_flag();
    flag.r->key = 'r';
    flag.r->description = _("Remove existing color table");
    flag.r->guisection = _("Remove");

    flag.w = G_define_flag();
    flag.w->key = 'w';
    flag.w->description =
        _("Only write new color table if it does not already exist");

    flag.l = G_define_flag();
    flag.l->key = 'l';
    flag.l->description = _("List available rules then exit");
    flag.l->suppress_required = YES;
    flag.l->guisection = _("Print");

    flag.n = G_define_flag();
    flag.n->key = 'n';
    flag.n->description = _("Invert colors");
    flag.n->guisection = _("Define");

    flag.g = G_define_flag();
    flag.g->key = 'g';
    flag.g->description = _("Logarithmic scaling");
    flag.g->guisection = _("Define");

    flag.a = G_define_flag();
    flag.a->key = 'a';
    flag.a->description = _("Logarithmic-absolute scaling");
    flag.a->guisection = _("Define");

    flag.c = G_define_flag();
    flag.c->key = 'c';
    flag.c->label = _("Convert color rules from RGB values to color table");
    flag.c->description = _("Option 'rgb_column' with valid RGB values required");
    /* TODO ?
    flag.e = G_define_flag();
    flag.e->key = 'e';
    flag.e->description = _("Histogram equalization");
    flag.e->guisection = _("Define");
    if (G_parser(argc, argv))

    if (flag.l->answer) {

    overwrite = !flag.w->answer;
    remove = flag.r->answer;
    name =>answer;
    style = opt.colr->answer;
    rules = opt.rules->answer;
    attrcolumn = opt.attrcol->answer;
    rgbcolumn = opt.rgbcol->answer;
    convert = flag.c->answer;
    use = USE_CAT;
    if (opt.use->answer) {
        switch (opt.use->answer[0]) {
        case 'a':
            use = USE_ATTR;
        case 'c':
            use = USE_CAT;
        case 'z':
            use = USE_Z;
    G_debug(1, "use=%d", use);
    if (!name)
        G_fatal_error(_("No vector map specified"));

    if (use == USE_ATTR && !attrcolumn)
        G_fatal_error(_("Option <%s> required"), opt.attrcol->key); 
    if (use != USE_ATTR && attrcolumn) {
        G_important_message(_("Option <%s> given, assuming <use=attr>..."), opt.attrcol->key);
        use = USE_ATTR;

    if (opt.rast->answer && opt.volume->answer)
        G_fatal_error(_("%s= and %s= are mutually exclusive"),
		      opt.rast->key, opt.volume->key);

    cmap = NULL;
    if (opt.rast->answer)
        cmap = opt.rast->answer;
    if (opt.volume->answer)
        cmap = opt.volume->answer;
    if (!cmap && !style && !rules && !remove && !convert)
        G_fatal_error(_("One of -%c, -%c or %s=, %s= or %s= "
			"must be specified"), flag.r->key, flag.c->key, 
		      opt.colr->key, opt.rast->key, opt.rules->key);
    if (!!style + !!cmap + !!rules > 1)
        G_fatal_error(_("%s=, %s= and %s= are mutually exclusive"),
			opt.colr->key, opt.rules->key, opt.rast->key);

    if (flag.g->answer && flag.a->answer)
        G_fatal_error(_("-%c and -%c are mutually exclusive"),
		      flag.g->key, flag.a->key);

    if (flag.c->answer && !rgbcolumn) 
	G_fatal_error(_("%s= required for -%c"),
		      opt.rgbcol->key, flag.c->key);

    is_from_stdin = rules && strcmp(rules, "-") == 0;
    if (is_from_stdin)
        G_fatal_error(_("Reading rules from standard input is not implemented yet, please provide path to rules file instead."));

    mapset = G_find_vector(name, "");
    if (!mapset)
	G_fatal_error(_("Vector map <%s> not found"), name);
    stat = -1;
    if (remove) {
	stat = Vect_remove_colors(name, mapset);
        if (stat < 0)
            G_fatal_error(_("Unable to remove color table of vector map <%s>"), name);
        if (stat == 0)
            G_warning(_("Color table of vector map <%s> not found"), name);
        return EXIT_SUCCESS;

    have_colors = Vect_read_colors(name, mapset, NULL);

    if (have_colors > 0 && !overwrite) {
        G_fatal_error(_("Color table exists. Exiting."));


    /* open map and get min/max values */
    Vect_set_open_level(1); /* no topology required */
    if (Vect_open_old2(&Map, name, mapset, opt.field->answer) < 0)
	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open vector map <%s>"), name);

    Vect_set_error_handler_io(&Map, NULL);
    if (use == USE_Z && !Vect_is_3d(&Map))
        G_fatal_error(_("Vector map <%s> is not 3D"), Vect_get_full_name(&Map));
    layer = Vect_get_field_number(&Map, opt.field->answer);
    if (layer < 1)
	G_fatal_error(_("Layer <%s> not found"), opt.field->answer);
    if (opt.range->answer) {
	range.min = atof(opt.range->answers[0]);
	range.max = atof(opt.range->answers[1]);
	if (range.min > range.max)
	    G_fatal_error(_("Option <%s>: min must be greater or equal to max"),

    if (is_from_stdin) {
        G_fatal_error(_("Reading color rules from standard input is currently not supported"));
        if (!read_color_rules(stdin, &colors, min, max, fp))
    } else if (style || rules) {	
	if (style && !G_find_color_rule(style))
	    G_fatal_error(_("Color table <%s> not found"), style);
	if (use == USE_CAT) {
	    scan_cats(&Map, layer, style, rules,
		      opt.range->answer ? &range : NULL,
        else if (use == USE_Z) {
	    scan_z(&Map, layer, style, rules,
		      opt.range->answer ? &range : NULL,
        else {
	    scan_attr(&Map, layer, attrcolumn, style, rules,
		      opt.range->answer ? &range : NULL,
    else {
	/* use color from another map (cmap) */
	if (opt.rast->answer) {
            cmapset = G_find_raster2(cmap, "");
            if (!cmapset)
                G_fatal_error(_("Raster map <%s> not found"), cmap);

            if (Rast_read_colors(cmap, cmapset, &colors) < 0)
                G_fatal_error(_("Unable to read color table for raster map <%s>"), cmap);
        } else if (opt.volume->answer) {
            cmapset = G_find_raster3d(cmap, "");
            if (!cmapset)
                G_fatal_error(_("3D raster map <%s> not found"), cmap);

            if (Rast3d_read_colors(cmap, cmapset, &colors) < 0)
                G_fatal_error(_("Unable to read color table for 3D raster map <%s>"), cmap);

    if (flag.n->answer)

    /* TODO ?
    if (flag.e->answer) {
    if (!have_stats)
    have_stats = get_stats(name, mapset, &statf);
    Rast_histogram_eq_colors(&colors_tmp, &colors, &statf);
    colors = colors_tmp;
    if (flag.g->answer) {
        Rast_log_colors(&colors_tmp, &colors, 100);
        colors = colors_tmp;

    if (flag.a->answer) {
        Rast_abs_log_colors(&colors_tmp, &colors, 100);
        colors = colors_tmp;

    G_important_message(_("Writing color rules..."));
    if (style || rules || opt.rast->answer || opt.volume->answer) {
	if (rgbcolumn)
	    write_rgb_values(&Map, layer, rgbcolumn, &colors);
	    Vect_write_colors(name, mapset, &colors);
    if (convert) {
	/* convert RGB values to color tables */
	rgb2colr(&Map, layer, rgbcolumn, &colors);
	Vect_write_colors(name, mapset, &colors);
    G_message(_("Color table for vector map <%s> set to '%s'"), 
	      G_fully_qualified_name(name, mapset), 
              is_from_stdin || convert ? "rules" : style ? style : rules ? rules :
Beispiel #11
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    char *p;
    int i, j, k;
    int method, half, use_catno;
    const char *mapset;
    struct GModule *module;
    struct Option *point_opt,	/* point vector */
     *area_opt,			/* area vector */
     *point_type_opt,		/* point type */
     *point_field_opt,		/* point layer */
     *area_field_opt,		/* area layer */
     *method_opt,		/* stats method */
     *point_column_opt,		/* point column for stats */
     *count_column_opt,		/* area column for point count */
     *stats_column_opt,		/* area column for stats result */
     *fs_opt;			/* field separator for printed output */
    struct Flag *print_flag;
    char *fs;
    struct Map_info PIn, AIn;
    int point_type, point_field, area_field;
    struct line_pnts *Points;
    struct line_cats *ACats, *PCats;
    AREA_CAT *Area_cat;
    int pline, ptype, count;
    int area, nareas, nacats, nacatsalloc;
    int ctype, nrec;
    struct field_info *PFi, *AFi;
    dbString stmt;
    dbDriver *Pdriver, *Adriver;
    char buf[2000];
    int update_ok, update_err;
    struct boxlist *List;
    struct bound_box box;
    dbCatValArray cvarr;
    dbColumn *column;
    struct pvalcat
	double dval;
	int catno;
    } *pvalcats;
    int npvalcats, npvalcatsalloc;
    stat_func *statsvalue = NULL;
    double result;

    column = NULL;


    module = G_define_module();
    G_add_keyword(_("attribute table"));
    G_add_keyword(_("univariate statistics"));
    G_add_keyword(_("zonal statistics"));
    module->description = _("Count points in areas, calculate statistics from point attributes.");

    point_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_INPUT);
    point_opt->key = "points";
    point_opt->description = _("Name of existing vector map with points");
    /* point_opt->guisection = _("Required"); */

    area_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_INPUT);
    area_opt->key = "areas";
    area_opt->description = _("Name of existing vector map with areas");
    /* area_opt->guisection = _("Required"); */

    point_type_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_TYPE);
    point_type_opt->key = "type";
    point_type_opt->options = "point,centroid";
    point_type_opt->answer = "point";
    point_type_opt->label = _("Feature type");
    point_type_opt->required = NO;

    point_field_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_FIELD);
    point_field_opt->key = "player";
    point_field_opt->label = _("Layer number for points map");

    area_field_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_FIELD);
    area_field_opt->key = "alayer";
    area_field_opt->label = _("Layer number for area map");

    method_opt = G_define_option();
    method_opt->key = "method";
    method_opt->type = TYPE_STRING;
    method_opt->required = NO;
    method_opt->multiple = NO;
    p = G_malloc(1024);
    for (i = 0; menu[i].name; i++) {
	if (i)
	    strcat(p, ",");
	    *p = 0;
	strcat(p, menu[i].name);
    method_opt->options = p;
    method_opt->description = _("Method for aggregate statistics");

    point_column_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_DB_COLUMN);
    point_column_opt->key = "pcolumn";
    point_column_opt->required = NO;
    point_column_opt->multiple = NO;
    point_column_opt->label =
	_("Column name of points map to use for statistics");
    point_column_opt->description = _("Column of points map must be numeric");

    count_column_opt = G_define_option();
    count_column_opt->key = "ccolumn";
    count_column_opt->type = TYPE_STRING;
    count_column_opt->required = NO;
    count_column_opt->multiple = NO;
    count_column_opt->label = _("Column name to upload points count");
    count_column_opt->description =
	_("Column to hold points count, must be of type integer, will be created if not existing");

    stats_column_opt = G_define_option();
    stats_column_opt->key = "scolumn";
    stats_column_opt->type = TYPE_STRING;
    stats_column_opt->required = NO;
    stats_column_opt->multiple = NO;
    stats_column_opt->label = _("Column name to upload statistics");
    stats_column_opt->description =
	_("Column to hold statistics, must be of type double, will be created if not existing");

    fs_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_F_SEP);

    print_flag = G_define_flag();
    print_flag->key = 'p';
    print_flag->label =
	_("Print output to stdout, do not update attribute table");
    print_flag->description = _("First column is always area category");

    if (G_parser(argc, argv))

    point_type = Vect_option_to_types(point_type_opt);

    point_field = atoi(point_field_opt->answer);
    area_field = atoi(area_field_opt->answer);

    if (print_flag->answer)
	/* get field separator */
	    fs = G_option_to_separator(fs_opt);
	    fs = NULL;

    /* check for stats */
    if (method_opt->answer) {
	if (!point_column_opt->answer) {
	    G_fatal_error("Method but no point column selected");
	if (!print_flag->answer && !stats_column_opt->answer)
	    G_fatal_error("Name for stats column is missing");

    if (point_column_opt->answer) {
	if (!method_opt->answer)
	    G_fatal_error("No method for statistics selected");
	if (!print_flag->answer && !stats_column_opt->answer)
	    G_fatal_error("Name for stats column is missing");
    /* Open points vector */
    if ((mapset = G_find_vector2(point_opt->answer, "")) == NULL)
	G_fatal_error(_("Vector map <%s> not found"), point_opt->answer);

    if (Vect_open_old(&PIn, point_opt->answer, mapset) < 0)
	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open vector map <%s>"), point_opt->answer);

    /* Open areas vector */
    if ((mapset = G_find_vector2(area_opt->answer, "")) == NULL)
	G_fatal_error(_("Vector map <%s> not found"), area_opt->answer);
    if (!print_flag->answer && strcmp(mapset, G_mapset()) != 0)
	G_fatal_error(_("Vector map <%s> is not in user mapset and cannot be updated"),

    if (Vect_open_old(&AIn, area_opt->answer, mapset) < 0)
	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open vector map <%s>"), area_opt->answer);

    method = -1;
    use_catno = 0;
    half = 0;
    if (method_opt->answer) {
	/* get the method */
	for (method = 0; (p = menu[method].name); method++)
	    if ((strcmp(p, method_opt->answer) == 0))
	if (!p) {
	    G_warning(_("<%s=%s> unknown %s"),
		      method_opt->key, method_opt->answer,

	/* establish the statsvalue routine */
	statsvalue = menu[method].method;

	/* category number of lowest/highest value */
	if ((strcmp(menu[method].name, menu[5].name) == 0) ||
	    (strcmp(menu[method].name, menu[7].name) == 0))
	    use_catno = 1;

	G_debug(1, "method: %s, use cat value: %s", menu[method].name,
		(use_catno == 1 ? "yes" : "no"));

    /* Open database driver */
    Adriver = NULL;

    if (!print_flag->answer) {

	AFi = Vect_get_field(&AIn, area_field);
	if (AFi == NULL)
	    G_fatal_error(_("Database connection not defined for layer %d"),

	Adriver = db_start_driver_open_database(AFi->driver, AFi->database);
	if (Adriver == NULL)
	    G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open database <%s> with driver <%s>"),
			  AFi->database, AFi->driver);

	if (!count_column_opt->answer)
	    G_fatal_error(_("ccolumn is required to upload point counts"));

	/* check if count column exists */
	G_debug(1, "check if count column exists");
	db_get_column(Adriver, AFi->table, count_column_opt->answer, &column);
	if (column) {
	    /* check count column type */
	    if (db_column_Ctype(Adriver, AFi->table, count_column_opt->answer)
		G_fatal_error(_("ccolumn must be of type integer"));

	    column = NULL;
	else {
	    /* create count column */
	    /* db_add_column() exists but is not implemented,
	     * see lib/db/stubs/add_col.c */
	    sprintf(buf, "alter table %s add column %s integer",
	                    AFi->table, count_column_opt->answer);
	    db_set_string(&stmt, buf);
	    if (db_execute_immediate(Adriver, &stmt) != DB_OK)
		G_fatal_error(_("Unable to add column <%s>"),

	if (method_opt->answer) {
	    if (!stats_column_opt->answer)
		G_fatal_error(_("scolumn is required to upload point stats"));

	    /* check if stats column exists */
	    G_debug(1, "check if stats column exists");
	    db_get_column(Adriver, AFi->table, stats_column_opt->answer,
	    if (column) {
		/* check stats column type */
		if (db_column_Ctype
		    (Adriver, AFi->table,
		     stats_column_opt->answer) != DB_C_TYPE_DOUBLE)
		    G_fatal_error(_("scolumn must be of type double"));

		column = NULL;
	    else {
		/* create stats column */
		/* db_add_column() exists but is not implemented,
		 * see lib/db/stubs/add_col.c */
		sprintf(buf, "alter table %s add column %s double",
				AFi->table, stats_column_opt->answer);
		db_set_string(&stmt, buf);
		if (db_execute_immediate(Adriver, &stmt) != DB_OK)
		    G_fatal_error(_("Unable to add column <%s>"),
	AFi = NULL;

    Pdriver = NULL;
    if (method_opt->answer) {

	G_verbose_message(_("collecting attributes from points vector..."));

	PFi = Vect_get_field(&PIn, point_field);
	if (PFi == NULL)
	    G_fatal_error(_("Database connection not defined for layer %d"),

	Pdriver = db_start_driver_open_database(PFi->driver, PFi->database);
	if (Pdriver == NULL)
	    G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open database <%s> with driver <%s>"),
			  PFi->database, PFi->driver);

	/* check if point column exists */
	db_get_column(Pdriver, PFi->table, point_column_opt->answer, &column);
	if (column) {
	    column = NULL;
	else {
	    G_fatal_error(_("Column <%s> not found in table <%s>"),
			  point_column_opt->answer, PFi->table);

	/* Check column type */
	ctype =
	    db_column_Ctype(Pdriver, PFi->table, point_column_opt->answer);

	if (ctype == DB_C_TYPE_INT)
	    half = menu[method].half;
	else if (ctype == DB_C_TYPE_DOUBLE)
	    half = 0;
	    G_fatal_error(_("column for points vector must be numeric"));

	nrec = db_select_CatValArray(Pdriver, PFi->table, PFi->key,
				     point_column_opt->answer, NULL, &cvarr);
	G_debug(1, "selected values = %d", nrec);

    Points = Vect_new_line_struct();
    ACats = Vect_new_cats_struct();
    PCats = Vect_new_cats_struct();
    List = Vect_new_boxlist(0);

    /* Allocate space ( may be more than needed (duplicate cats and elements without cats) ) */
    if ((nareas = Vect_get_num_areas(&AIn)) <= 0)
	G_fatal_error("No areas in area input vector");

    nacatsalloc = nareas;
    Area_cat = (AREA_CAT *) G_calloc(nacatsalloc, sizeof(AREA_CAT));

    /* Read all cats from 'area' */
    nacats = 0;
    for (area = 1; area <= nareas; area++) {

	Vect_get_area_cats(&AIn, area, ACats);

	if (ACats->n_cats <= 0)
	for (i = 0; i < ACats->n_cats; i++) {

	    if (ACats->field[i] == area_field) {
		Area_cat[nacats].area_cat = ACats->cat[i];
		Area_cat[nacats].count = 0;
		Area_cat[nacats].nvalues = 0;
		Area_cat[nacats].nalloc = 0;
		if (nacats >= nacatsalloc) {
		    nacatsalloc += 100;
		    Area_cat =
			(AREA_CAT *) G_realloc(Area_cat,
					       nacatsalloc *


    G_debug(1, "%d cats loaded from vector (including duplicates)", nacats);

    /* Sort by category */
    qsort((void *)Area_cat, nacats, sizeof(AREA_CAT), cmp_area);

    /* remove duplicate categories */
    for (i = 1; i < nacats; i++) {
	if (Area_cat[i].area_cat == Area_cat[i - 1].area_cat) {
	    for (j = i; j < nacats - 1; j++) {
		Area_cat[j].area_cat = Area_cat[j + 1].area_cat;

    G_debug(1, "%d cats loaded from vector (unique)", nacats);

    /* Go through all areas in area vector and find points in points vector
     * falling into the area */
    npvalcatsalloc = 10;
    npvalcats = 0;
    pvalcats =
	(struct pvalcat *)G_calloc(npvalcatsalloc, sizeof(struct pvalcat));

    G_message(_("Selecting points for each area..."));
    count = 0;
    for (area = 1; area <= nareas; area++) {
	dbCatVal *catval;

	G_debug(3, "area = %d", area);
	G_percent(area, nareas, 2);

	Vect_get_area_cats(&AIn, area, ACats);

	if (ACats->n_cats <= 0)

	/* select points by box */
	Vect_get_area_box(&AIn, area, &box);

	Vect_select_lines_by_box(&PIn, &box, point_type, List);
	G_debug(4, "%d points selected by box", List->n_values);

	/* For each point in box check if it is in the area */
	for (i = 0; i < List->n_values; i++) {

	    pline = List->id[i];
	    G_debug(4, "%d: point %d", i, pline);

	    ptype = Vect_read_line(&PIn, Points, PCats, pline);
	    if (!(ptype & point_type))

	    /* point in area */
	    if (Vect_point_in_area(Points->x[0], Points->y[0], &AIn, area, &box)) {
		AREA_CAT *area_info, search_ai;

		int tmp_cat;

		/* stats on point column */
		if (method_opt->answer) {
		    npvalcats = 0;
		    tmp_cat = -1;
		    for (j = 0; j < PCats->n_cats; j++) {
			if (PCats->field[j] == point_field) {
			    if (tmp_cat >= 0)
					"More cats found in point layer (point=%d)",
			    tmp_cat = PCats->cat[j];

			    /* find cat in array */
			    db_CatValArray_get_value(&cvarr, tmp_cat,

			    if (catval) {
				pvalcats[npvalcats].catno = tmp_cat;
				switch (cvarr.ctype) {
				case DB_C_TYPE_INT:
				    pvalcats[npvalcats].dval = catval->val.i;

				case DB_C_TYPE_DOUBLE:
				    pvalcats[npvalcats].dval = catval->val.d;
				if (npvalcats >= npvalcatsalloc) {
				    npvalcatsalloc += 10;
				    pvalcats =
					(struct pvalcat *)G_realloc(pvalcats,

		/* update count for all area cats of given field */
		search_ai.area_cat = -1;
		for (j = 0; j < ACats->n_cats; j++) {
		    if (ACats->field[j] == area_field) {
			if (search_ai.area_cat >= 0)
				    "More cats found in area layer (area=%d)",
			search_ai.area_cat = ACats->cat[j];

			/* find cat in array */
			area_info =
			    (AREA_CAT *) bsearch((void *)&search_ai, Area_cat,
						 nacats, sizeof(AREA_CAT),
			if (area_info->area_cat != search_ai.area_cat)
			    G_fatal_error(_("could not find area category %d"),

			/* each point is counted once, also if it has
			 * more than one category or no category
			 * OK? */

			if (method_opt->answer) {
			    /* ensure enough space */
			    if (area_info->nvalues + npvalcats >=
				area_info->nalloc) {
				if (area_info->nalloc == 0) {
				    area_info->nalloc = npvalcats + 10;
				    area_info->values =
					(double *)G_calloc(area_info->nalloc,
				    area_info->cats =
					(int *)G_calloc(area_info->nalloc,
				    area_info->nalloc +=
					area_info->nvalues + npvalcats + 10;
				area_info->values =
				    (double *)G_realloc(area_info->values,
							area_info->nalloc *
				area_info->cats =
				    (int *)G_realloc(area_info->cats,
						     area_info->nalloc *
			    for (k = 0; k < npvalcats; k++) {
				area_info->cats[area_info->nvalues] =
				area_info->values[area_info->nvalues] =
	}			/* next point in box */
    }				/* next area */

    G_debug(1, "count = %d", count);

    /* release catval array */
    if (method_opt->answer)


    /* Update table or print to stdout */
    if (print_flag->answer) {	/* print header */
	fprintf(stdout, "area_cat%scount", fs);
	if (method_opt->answer)
	    fprintf(stdout, "%s%s", fs, menu[method].name);
	fprintf(stdout, "\n");
    else {
	G_message("Updating attributes for area vector...");
	update_err = update_ok = 0;
    if (Adriver)

    for (i = 0; i < nacats; i++) {
	if (!print_flag->answer)
	    G_percent(i, nacats, 2);

	result = 0;

	if (Area_cat[i].count > 0 && method_opt->answer) {
	    /* get stats */
	    statsvalue(&result, Area_cat[i].values, Area_cat[i].nvalues,

	    if (half)
		result += 0.5;
	    else if (use_catno)
		result = Area_cat[i].cats[(int)result];
	if (print_flag->answer) {
	    fprintf(stdout, "%d%s%d", Area_cat[i].area_cat, fs,
	    if (method_opt->answer) {
		if (Area_cat[i].count > 0)
		    fprintf(stdout, "%s%.15g", fs, result);
		    fprintf(stdout, "%snull", fs);
	    fprintf(stdout, "\n");
	else {
	    sprintf(buf, "update %s set %s = %d", AFi->table,
		    count_column_opt->answer, Area_cat[i].count);
	    db_set_string(&stmt, buf);
	    if (method_opt->answer) {
		if (Area_cat[i].count > 0)
		    sprintf(buf, " , %s = %.15g", stats_column_opt->answer,
		    sprintf(buf, " , %s = null", stats_column_opt->answer);
		db_append_string(&stmt, buf);
	    sprintf(buf, " where %s = %d", AFi->key, Area_cat[i].area_cat);
	    db_append_string(&stmt, buf);
	    G_debug(2, "SQL: %s", db_get_string(&stmt));
	    if (db_execute_immediate(Adriver, &stmt) == DB_OK) {
	    else {

    if (Adriver)

    if (!print_flag->answer) {
	G_percent(nacats, nacats, 2);
	G_message(_("%d records updated"), update_ok);
	if (update_err > 0)
	    G_message(_("%d update errors"), update_err);



    G_done_msg(" ");

Beispiel #12
/* ************************************************************************* */
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    RASTER3D_Region region, inputmap_bounds;
    struct Cell_head region2d;
    struct GModule *module;
    struct History history;
    void *map = NULL; /*The 3D Rastermap */
    int i = 0, changemask = 0;
    int *fd = NULL, output_type, cols, rows;
    char *RasterFileName;
    int overwrite = 0;

    /* Initialize GRASS */

    module = G_define_module();
    module->description = _("Converts 3D raster maps to 2D raster maps");

    /* Get parameters from user */

    /* Have GRASS get inputs */
    if (G_parser(argc, argv))

    G_debug(3, "Open 3D raster map <%s>", param.input->answer);

    if (NULL == G_find_raster3d(param.input->answer, ""))
        Rast3d_fatal_error(_("3D raster map <%s> not found"),

    /*Set the defaults */

    /*Set the resolution of the output maps */
    if (param.res->answer) {

        /*Open the map with current region */
        map = Rast3d_open_cell_old(param.input->answer,
                              G_find_raster3d(param.input->answer, ""),
                              RASTER3D_DEFAULT_WINDOW, RASTER3D_TILE_SAME_AS_FILE,
        if (map == NULL)
            Rast3d_fatal_error(_("Unable to open 3D raster map <%s>"),

        /*Get the region of the map */
        Rast3d_get_region_struct_map(map, &region);
        /*set this region as current 3D window for map */
        Rast3d_set_window_map(map, &region);
        /*Set the 2d region appropriate */
        Rast3d_extract2d_region(&region, &region2d);
        /*Make the new 2d region the default */

    } else {
        /* Figure out the region from the map */

        /*Open the 3d raster map */
        map = Rast3d_open_cell_old(param.input->answer,
                              G_find_raster3d(param.input->answer, ""),
                              &region, RASTER3D_TILE_SAME_AS_FILE,

        if (map == NULL)
            Rast3d_fatal_error(_("Unable to open 3D raster map <%s>"),

    /*Check if the g3d-region is equal to the 2D rows and cols */
    rows = Rast_window_rows();
    cols = Rast_window_cols();

    /*If not equal, set the 3D window correct */
    if (rows != region.rows || cols != region.cols) {
        G_message(_("The 2D and 3D region settings are different. "
                    "Using the 2D window settings to adjust the 2D part of the 3D region."));
        region.ns_res = region2d.ns_res;
        region.ew_res = region2d.ew_res;
        region.rows = region2d.rows;
        region.cols = region2d.cols;
        Rast3d_set_window_map(map, &region);

    /* save the input map region for later use (history meta-data) */
    Rast3d_get_region_struct_map(map, &inputmap_bounds);

    /*Get the output type */
    output_type = Rast3d_file_type_map(map);

    /*prepare the filehandler */
    fd = (int *) G_malloc(region.depths * sizeof (int));

    if (fd == NULL)
        fatal_error(map, NULL, 0, _("Out of memory"));

    G_message(_("Creating %i raster maps"), region.depths);

    /*Loop over all output maps! open */
    for (i = 0; i < region.depths; i++) {
        /*Create the outputmaps */
        G_asprintf(&RasterFileName, "%s_%05d", param.output->answer, i + 1);
        G_message(_("Raster map %i Filename: %s"), i + 1, RasterFileName);

        overwrite = G_check_overwrite(argc, argv);
        if (G_find_raster2(RasterFileName, "") && !overwrite)
            G_fatal_error(_("Raster map %d Filename: %s already exists. Use the flag --o to overwrite."),
                      i + 1, RasterFileName);

        if (output_type == FCELL_TYPE)
            fd[i] = open_output_map(RasterFileName, FCELL_TYPE);
        else if (output_type == DCELL_TYPE)
            fd[i] = open_output_map(RasterFileName, DCELL_TYPE);


    /*if requested set the Mask on */
    if (param.mask->answer) {
        if (Rast3d_mask_file_exists()) {
            changemask = 0;
            if (Rast3d_mask_is_off(map)) {
                changemask = 1;

    /*Create the Rastermaps */
    g3d_to_raster(map, region, fd);

    /*Loop over all output maps! close */
    for (i = 0; i < region.depths; i++) {

        /* write history */
        G_asprintf(&RasterFileName, "%s_%i", param.output->answer, i + 1);
        G_debug(4, "Raster map %d Filename: %s", i + 1, RasterFileName);
        Rast_short_history(RasterFileName, "raster", &history);

        Rast_set_history(&history, HIST_DATSRC_1, "3D Raster map:");
        Rast_set_history(&history, HIST_DATSRC_2, param.input->answer);

        Rast_append_format_history(&history, "Level %d of %d", i + 1, region.depths);
        Rast_append_format_history(&history, "Level z-range: %f to %f",
                                   region.bottom + (i * region.tb_res),
                                   region.bottom + (i + 1 * region.tb_res));

        Rast_append_format_history(&history, "Input map full z-range: %f to %f",
        Rast_append_format_history(&history, "Input map z-resolution: %f",

        if (!param.res->answer) {
            Rast_append_format_history(&history, "GIS region full z-range: %f to %f",
            Rast_append_format_history(&history, "GIS region z-resolution: %f",

        Rast_write_history(RasterFileName, &history);

    /*We set the Mask off, if it was off before */
    if (param.mask->answer) {
        if (Rast3d_mask_file_exists())
            if (Rast3d_mask_is_on(map) && changemask)

    /*Cleaning */
    if (RasterFileName)

    if (fd)

    /* Close files and exit */
    if (!Rast3d_close(map))
        fatal_error(map, NULL, 0, _("Unable to close 3D raster map"));

    map = NULL;

    return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
Beispiel #13
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    static DCELL *count, *sum, *mean, *sumu, *sum2, *sum3, *sum4, *min, *max;
    DCELL *result;
    struct GModule *module;
    struct {
	struct Option *method, *basemap, *covermap, *output;
    } opt;
    struct {
	struct Flag *c, *r;
    } flag;
    char methods[2048];
    const char *basemap, *covermap, *output;
    int usecats;
    int reclass;
    int base_fd, cover_fd;
    struct Categories cats;
    CELL *base_buf;
    DCELL *cover_buf;
    struct Range range;
    CELL mincat, ncats;
    int method;
    int rows, cols;
    int row, col, i;


    module = G_define_module();
    module->description =
	_("Calculates category or object oriented statistics (accumulator-based statistics).");

    opt.basemap = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_BASE);

    opt.covermap = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_COVER);

    opt.method = G_define_option();
    opt.method->key = "method";
    opt.method->type = TYPE_STRING;
    opt.method->required = YES;
    opt.method->description = _("Method of object-based statistic");

    for (i = 0; menu[i].name; i++) {
	if (i)
	    strcat(methods, ",");
	    *(methods) = 0;
	strcat(methods, menu[i].name);
    opt.method->options = G_store(methods);

    for (i = 0; menu[i].name; i++) {
	if (i)
	    strcat(methods, ";");
	    *(methods) = 0;
	strcat(methods, menu[i].name);
	strcat(methods, ";");
	strcat(methods, menu[i].text);
    opt.method->descriptions = G_store(methods);

    opt.output = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_OUTPUT);
    opt.output->description = _("Resultant raster map");
    opt.output->required = YES;

    flag.c = G_define_flag();
    flag.c->key = 'c';
    flag.c->description =
	_("Cover values extracted from the category labels of the cover map");

    flag.r = G_define_flag();
    flag.r->key = 'r';
    flag.r->description =
	_("Create reclass map with statistics as category labels");

    if (G_parser(argc, argv))

    basemap = opt.basemap->answer;
    covermap = opt.covermap->answer;
    output = opt.output->answer;
    usecats = flag.c->answer;
    reclass = flag.r->answer;

    for (i = 0; menu[i].name; i++)
	if (strcmp(menu[i].name, opt.method->answer) == 0)

    if (!menu[i].name) {
	G_warning(_("<%s=%s> unknown %s"), opt.method->key, opt.method->answer,

    method = menu[i].val;

    base_fd = Rast_open_old(basemap, "");

    cover_fd = Rast_open_old(covermap, "");

    if (usecats && Rast_read_cats(covermap, "", &cats) < 0)
	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to read category file of cover map <%s>"), covermap);

    if (Rast_map_is_fp(basemap, "") != 0)
	G_fatal_error(_("The base map must be an integer (CELL) map"));

    if (Rast_read_range(basemap, "", &range) < 0)
	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to read range of base map <%s>"), basemap);

    mincat = range.min;
    ncats = range.max - range.min + 1;

    rows = Rast_window_rows();
    cols = Rast_window_cols();

    switch (method) {
    case COUNT:
	count = G_calloc(ncats, sizeof(DCELL));
    case SUM:
	sum = G_calloc(ncats, sizeof(DCELL));
    case MIN:
	min = G_malloc(ncats * sizeof(DCELL));
    case MAX:
	max = G_malloc(ncats * sizeof(DCELL));
    case RANGE:
	min = G_malloc(ncats * sizeof(DCELL));
	max = G_malloc(ncats * sizeof(DCELL));
    case AVERAGE:
    case ADEV:
    case VARIANCE2:
    case STDDEV2:
    case SKEWNESS2:
    case KURTOSIS2:
	count = G_calloc(ncats, sizeof(DCELL));
	sum = G_calloc(ncats, sizeof(DCELL));
    case VARIANCE1:
    case STDDEV1:
	count = G_calloc(ncats, sizeof(DCELL));
	sum = G_calloc(ncats, sizeof(DCELL));
	sum2 = G_calloc(ncats, sizeof(DCELL));
    case SKEWNESS1:
	count = G_calloc(ncats, sizeof(DCELL));
	sum = G_calloc(ncats, sizeof(DCELL));
	sum2 = G_calloc(ncats, sizeof(DCELL));
	sum3 = G_calloc(ncats, sizeof(DCELL));
    case KURTOSIS1:
	count = G_calloc(ncats, sizeof(DCELL));
	sum = G_calloc(ncats, sizeof(DCELL));
	sum2 = G_calloc(ncats, sizeof(DCELL));
	sum4 = G_calloc(ncats, sizeof(DCELL));

    if (min)
	for (i = 0; i < ncats; i++)
	    min[i] = 1e300;
    if (max)
	for (i = 0; i < ncats; i++)
	    max[i] = -1e300;

    base_buf = Rast_allocate_c_buf();
    cover_buf = Rast_allocate_d_buf();

    G_message(_("First pass"));

    for (row = 0; row < rows; row++) {
	Rast_get_c_row(base_fd, base_buf, row);
	Rast_get_d_row(cover_fd, cover_buf, row);

	for (col = 0; col < cols; col++) {
	    int n;
	    DCELL v;

	    if (Rast_is_c_null_value(&base_buf[col]))
	    if (Rast_is_d_null_value(&cover_buf[col]))

	    n = base_buf[col] - mincat;

	    if (n < 0 || n >= ncats)

	    v = cover_buf[col];
	    if (usecats)
		sscanf(Rast_get_c_cat((CELL *) &v, &cats), "%lf", &v);

	    if (count)
	    if (sum)
		sum[n] += v;
	    if (sum2)
		sum2[n] += v * v;
	    if (sum3)
		sum3[n] += v * v * v;
	    if (sum4)
		sum4[n] += v * v * v * v;
	    if (min && min[n] > v)
		min[n] = v;
	    if (max && max[n] < v)
		max[n] = v;

	G_percent(row, rows, 2);

    G_percent(row, rows, 2);

    result = G_calloc(ncats, sizeof(DCELL));

    switch (method) {
    case ADEV:
    case VARIANCE2:
    case STDDEV2:
    case SKEWNESS2:
    case KURTOSIS2:
	mean = G_calloc(ncats, sizeof(DCELL));
	for (i = 0; i < ncats; i++)
	    mean[i] = sum[i] / count[i];

    switch (method) {
    case ADEV:
	sumu = G_calloc(ncats, sizeof(DCELL));
    case VARIANCE2:
    case STDDEV2:
	sum2 = G_calloc(ncats, sizeof(DCELL));
    case SKEWNESS2:
	sum2 = G_calloc(ncats, sizeof(DCELL));
	sum3 = G_calloc(ncats, sizeof(DCELL));
    case KURTOSIS2:
	sum2 = G_calloc(ncats, sizeof(DCELL));
	sum4 = G_calloc(ncats, sizeof(DCELL));

    if (mean) {
	G_message(_("Second pass"));

	for (row = 0; row < rows; row++) {
	    Rast_get_c_row(base_fd, base_buf, row);
	    Rast_get_d_row(cover_fd, cover_buf, row);

	    for (col = 0; col < cols; col++) {
		int n;
		DCELL v, d;

		if (Rast_is_c_null_value(&base_buf[col]))
		if (Rast_is_d_null_value(&cover_buf[col]))

		n = base_buf[col] - mincat;

		if (n < 0 || n >= ncats)

		v = cover_buf[col];
		if (usecats)
		    sscanf(Rast_get_c_cat((CELL *) &v, &cats), "%lf", &v);
		d = v - mean[n];

		if (sumu)
		    sumu[n] += fabs(d);
		if (sum2)
		    sum2[n] += d * d;
		if (sum3)
		    sum3[n] += d * d * d;
		if (sum4)
		    sum4[n] += d * d * d * d;

	    G_percent(row, rows, 2);

	G_percent(row, rows, 2);

    switch (method) {
    case COUNT:
	for (i = 0; i < ncats; i++)
	    result[i] = count[i];
    case SUM:
	for (i = 0; i < ncats; i++)
	    result[i] = sum[i];
    case AVERAGE:
	for (i = 0; i < ncats; i++)
	    result[i] = sum[i] / count[i];
    case MIN:
	for (i = 0; i < ncats; i++)
	    result[i] = min[i];
    case MAX:
	for (i = 0; i < ncats; i++)
	    result[i] = max[i];
    case RANGE:
	for (i = 0; i < ncats; i++)
	    result[i] = max[i] - min[i];
    case VARIANCE1:
	for (i = 0; i < ncats; i++) {
	    double n = count[i];
	    double var = (sum2[i] - sum[i] * sum[i] / n) / (n - 1);
	    result[i] = var;
    case STDDEV1:
	for (i = 0; i < ncats; i++) {
	    double n = count[i];
	    double var = (sum2[i] - sum[i] * sum[i] / n) / (n - 1);
	    result[i] = sqrt(var);
    case SKEWNESS1:
	for (i = 0; i < ncats; i++) {
	    double n = count[i];
	    double var = (sum2[i] - sum[i] * sum[i] / n) / (n - 1);
	    double skew = (sum3[i] / n
			   - 3 * sum[i] * sum2[i] / (n * n)
			   + 2 * sum[i] * sum[i] * sum[i] / (n * n * n))
		/ (pow(var, 1.5));
	    result[i] = skew;
    case KURTOSIS1:
	for (i = 0; i < ncats; i++) {
	    double n = count[i];
	    double var = (sum2[i] - sum[i] * sum[i] / n) / (n - 1);
	    double kurt = (sum4[i] / n
			   - 4 * sum[i] * sum3[i] / (n * n)
			   + 6 * sum[i] * sum[i] * sum2[i] / (n * n * n)
			   - 3 * sum[i] * sum[i] * sum[i] * sum[i] / (n * n * n * n))
		/ (var * var) - 3;
	    result[i] = kurt;
    case ADEV:
	for (i = 0; i < ncats; i++)
	    result[i] = sumu[i] / count[i];
    case VARIANCE2:
	for (i = 0; i < ncats; i++)
	    result[i] = sum2[i] / (count[i] - 1);
    case STDDEV2:
	for (i = 0; i < ncats; i++)
	    result[i] = sqrt(sum2[i] / (count[i] - 1));
    case SKEWNESS2:
	for (i = 0; i < ncats; i++) {
	    double n = count[i];
	    double var = sum2[i] / (n - 1);
	    double sdev = sqrt(var);
	    result[i] = sum3[i] / (sdev * sdev * sdev) / n;
    case KURTOSIS2:
	for (i = 0; i < ncats; i++) {
	    double n = count[i];
	    double var = sum2[i] / (n - 1);
	    result[i] = sum4[i] / (var * var) / n - 3;

    if (reclass) {
	const char *tempfile = G_tempfile();
	char *input_arg = G_malloc(strlen(basemap) + 7);
	char *output_arg = G_malloc(strlen(output) + 8);
	char *rules_arg = G_malloc(strlen(tempfile) + 7);
	FILE *fp;

	G_message(_("Generating reclass map"));

	sprintf(input_arg, "input=%s", basemap);
	sprintf(output_arg, "output=%s", output);
	sprintf(rules_arg, "rules=%s", tempfile);

	fp = fopen(tempfile, "w");
	if (!fp)
	    G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open temporary file"));

	for (i = 0; i < ncats; i++)
	    fprintf(fp, "%d = %d %f\n", mincat + i, mincat + i, result[i]);


	G_spawn("r.reclass", "r.reclass", input_arg, output_arg, rules_arg, NULL);
    else {
	int out_fd;
	DCELL *out_buf;
	struct Colors colors;

	G_message(_("Writing output map"));

	out_fd = Rast_open_fp_new(output);

	out_buf = Rast_allocate_d_buf();

	for (row = 0; row < rows; row++) {
	    Rast_get_c_row(base_fd, base_buf, row);

	    for (col = 0; col < cols; col++)
		if (Rast_is_c_null_value(&base_buf[col]))
		    Rast_set_d_null_value(&out_buf[col], 1);
		    out_buf[col] = result[base_buf[col] - mincat];

	    Rast_put_d_row(out_fd, out_buf);

	    G_percent(row, rows, 2);

	G_percent(row, rows, 2);


	if (Rast_read_colors(covermap, "", &colors) > 0)
	    Rast_write_colors(output, G_mapset(), &colors);

    return 0;
Beispiel #14
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    struct Flag *printattributes, *topo_flag, *shell_flag;
    struct Option *map_opt, *field_opt, *coords_opt, *maxdistance;
    struct Cell_head window;
    struct GModule *module;
    char buf[2000];
    int i, level, ret;
    int *field;
    double xval, yval, xres, yres, maxd, x;
    double EW_DIST1, EW_DIST2, NS_DIST1, NS_DIST2;
    char nsres[30], ewres[30];
    char ch;

    /* Initialize the GIS calls */

    module = G_define_module();
    module->description = _("Queries a vector map at given locations.");

    map_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_MAPS);

    field_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_FIELD_ALL);
    coords_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_M_EN);
    coords_opt->label = _("Coordinates for query");
    coords_opt->description = _("If not given read from standard input");

    maxdistance = G_define_option();
    maxdistance->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    maxdistance->key = "distance";
    maxdistance->answer = "0";
    maxdistance->multiple = NO;
    maxdistance->description = _("Query threshold distance");

    topo_flag = G_define_flag();
    topo_flag->key = 'd';
    topo_flag->description = _("Print topological information (debugging)");
    topo_flag->guisection = _("Print");

    printattributes = G_define_flag();
    printattributes->key = 'a';
    printattributes->description = _("Print attribute information");
    printattributes->guisection = _("Print");

    shell_flag = G_define_flag();
    shell_flag->key = 'g';
    shell_flag->description = _("Print the stats in shell script style");
    shell_flag->guisection = _("Print");

    if (G_parser(argc, argv))

    if (map_opt->answers && map_opt->answers[0])
	vect = map_opt->answers;

    maxd = atof(maxdistance->answer);

     *  fprintf(stdout, maxdistance->answer);
     *  fprintf(stdout, "Maxd is %f", maxd);
     *  fprintf(stdout, xcoord->answer);
     *  fprintf(stdout, "xval is %f", xval);
     *  fprintf(stdout, ycoord->answer);
     *  fprintf(stdout, "yval is %f", yval);

    if (maxd == 0.0) {
	x = window.proj;
	G_format_resolution(window.ew_res, ewres, x);
	G_format_resolution(window.ns_res, nsres, x);
	    G_distance(window.east, window.north, window.west, window.north);
	/* EW Dist at South Edge */
	    G_distance(window.east, window.south, window.west, window.south);
	/* NS Dist at East edge */
	    G_distance(window.east, window.north, window.east, window.south);
	/* NS Dist at West edge */
	    G_distance(window.west, window.north, window.west, window.south);
	xres = ((EW_DIST1 + EW_DIST2) / 2) / window.cols;
	yres = ((NS_DIST1 + NS_DIST2) / 2) / window.rows;
	if (xres > yres)
	    maxd = xres;
	    maxd = yres;

    /* Look at maps given on command line */
    if (vect) {

	for (i = 0; vect[i]; i++)
	nvects = i;

	for (i = 0; field_opt->answers[i]; i++)
	if (nvects != i)
	    G_fatal_error(_("Number of given vector maps (%d) differs from number of layers (%d)"),
			  nvects, i);
	Map = (struct Map_info *) G_malloc(nvects * sizeof(struct Map_info));
	field = (int *) G_malloc(nvects * sizeof(int));
	for (i = 0; i < nvects; i++) {
	    level = Vect_open_old2(&Map[i], vect[i], "", field_opt->answers[i]);
	    if (level < 2)
		G_fatal_error(_("You must build topology on vector map <%s>"),
	    field[i] = Vect_get_field_number(&Map[i], field_opt->answers[i]);

    if (!coords_opt->answer) {
	/* read them from stdin */
	setvbuf(stdin, NULL, _IOLBF, 0);
	setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IOLBF, 0);
	while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), stdin) != NULL) {
	    ret = sscanf(buf, "%lf%c%lf", &xval, &ch, &yval);
	    if (ret == 3 && (ch == ',' || ch == ' ' || ch == '\t')) {
		what(xval, yval, maxd, topo_flag->answer,
		     printattributes->answer, shell_flag->answer, field);
	    else {
		G_warning(_("Unknown input format, skipping: '%s'"), buf);
    else {
	/* use coords given on command line */
	for (i = 0; coords_opt->answers[i] != NULL; i += 2) {
	    xval = atof(coords_opt->answers[i]);
	    yval = atof(coords_opt->answers[i + 1]);
	    what(xval, yval, maxd, topo_flag->answer,
		 printattributes->answer, shell_flag->answer, field);

    for (i = 0; i < nvects; i++)

Beispiel #15
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int i, type, stat;
    int day, yr, Out_proj;
    int out_zone = 0;
    int overwrite;		/* overwrite output map */
    const char *mapset;
    const char *omap_name, *map_name, *iset_name, *iloc_name;
    struct pj_info info_in;
    struct pj_info info_out;
    const char *gbase;
    char date[40], mon[4];
    struct GModule *module;
    struct Option *omapopt, *mapopt, *isetopt, *ilocopt, *ibaseopt, *smax;
    struct Key_Value *in_proj_keys, *in_unit_keys;
    struct Key_Value *out_proj_keys, *out_unit_keys;
    struct line_pnts *Points, *Points2;
    struct line_cats *Cats;
    struct Map_info Map;
    struct Map_info Out_Map;
    struct bound_box src_box, tgt_box;
    int nowrap = 0, recommend_nowrap = 0;
    double lmax;
	struct Flag *list;	/* list files in source location */
	struct Flag *transformz;	/* treat z as ellipsoidal height */
	struct Flag *wrap;		/* latlon output: wrap to 0,360 */
	struct Flag *no_topol;		/* do not build topology */
    } flag;


    module = G_define_module();
    module->description = _("Re-projects a vector map from one location to the current location.");

    /* set up the options and flags for the command line parser */

    ilocopt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_M_LOCATION);
    ilocopt->required = YES;
    ilocopt->label = _("Location containing input vector map");
    ilocopt->guisection = _("Source");
    isetopt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_M_MAPSET);
    isetopt->label = _("Mapset containing input vector map");
    isetopt->description = _("Default: name of current mapset");
    isetopt->guisection = _("Source");

    mapopt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_INPUT);
    mapopt->required = NO;
    mapopt->label = _("Name of input vector map to re-project");
    mapopt->description = NULL;
    mapopt->guisection = _("Source");
    ibaseopt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_M_DBASE);
    ibaseopt->label = _("Path to GRASS database of input location");
    smax = G_define_option();
    smax->key = "smax";
    smax->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    smax->required = NO;
    smax->answer = "10000";
    smax->label = _("Maximum segment length in meters in output vector map");
    smax->description = _("Increases accuracy of reprojected shapes, disable with smax=0");
    smax->guisection = _("Target");

    omapopt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_OUTPUT);
    omapopt->required = NO;
    omapopt->description = _("Name for output vector map (default: input)");
    omapopt->guisection = _("Target");

    flag.list = G_define_flag();
    flag.list->key = 'l';
    flag.list->description = _("List vector maps in input mapset and exit");

    flag.transformz = G_define_flag();
    flag.transformz->key = 'z';
    flag.transformz->description = _("3D vector maps only");
    flag.transformz->label =
	_("Assume z coordinate is ellipsoidal height and "
	  "transform if possible");
    flag.transformz->guisection = _("Target");

    flag.wrap = G_define_flag();
    flag.wrap->key = 'w';
    flag.wrap->description = _("Latlon output only, default is -180,180");
    flag.wrap->label =
	_("Disable wrapping to -180,180 for latlon output");
    flag.transformz->guisection = _("Target");

    flag.no_topol = G_define_flag();
    flag.no_topol->key = 'b';
    flag.no_topol->label = _("Do not build vector topology");
    flag.no_topol->description = _("Recommended for massive point projection");

    /* The parser checks if the map already exists in current mapset,
       we switch out the check and do it
       in the module after the parser */
    overwrite = G_check_overwrite(argc, argv);

    if (G_parser(argc, argv))

    /* start checking options and flags */
    /* set input vector map name and mapset */
    map_name = mapopt->answer;
    if (omapopt->answer)
	omap_name = omapopt->answer;
	omap_name = map_name;
    if (omap_name && !flag.list->answer && !overwrite &&
	G_find_vector2(omap_name, G_mapset()))
	G_fatal_error(_("option <%s>: <%s> exists. To overwrite, use the --overwrite flag"), omapopt->key,
    if (isetopt->answer)
	iset_name = isetopt->answer;
	iset_name = G_store(G_mapset());

    iloc_name = ilocopt->answer;

    if (ibaseopt->answer)
	gbase = ibaseopt->answer;
	gbase = G_store(G_gisdbase());

    if (!ibaseopt->answer && strcmp(iloc_name, G_location()) == 0)
	G_fatal_error(_("Input and output locations can not be the same"));

    lmax = atof(smax->answer);
    if (lmax < 0)
	lmax = 0;

    Out_proj = G_projection();
    if (Out_proj == PROJECTION_LL && flag.wrap->answer)
	nowrap = 1;

    /* Change the location here and then come back */

    G_setenv_nogisrc("GISDBASE", gbase);
    G_setenv_nogisrc("LOCATION_NAME", iloc_name);
    stat = G_mapset_permissions(iset_name);
    if (stat >= 0) {		/* yes, we can access the mapset */
	/* if requested, list the vector maps in source location - MN 5/2001 */
	if (flag.list->answer) {
	    int i;
	    char **list;
	    G_verbose_message(_("Checking location <%s> mapset <%s>"),
			      iloc_name, iset_name);
	    list = G_list(G_ELEMENT_VECTOR, G_getenv_nofatal("GISDBASE"),
			  G_getenv_nofatal("LOCATION_NAME"), iset_name);
	    if (list[0]) {
		for (i = 0; list[i]; i++) {
		    fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", list[i]);
	    else {
		G_important_message(_("No vector maps found"));
	    exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);	/* leave v.proj after listing */

	if (mapopt->answer == NULL) {
	    G_fatal_error(_("Required parameter <%s> not set"), mapopt->key);

	G_setenv_nogisrc("MAPSET", iset_name);
	/* Make sure map is available */
	mapset = G_find_vector2(map_name, iset_name);
	if (mapset == NULL)
	    G_fatal_error(_("Vector map <%s> in location <%s> mapset <%s> not found"),
			  map_name, iloc_name, iset_name);

	 /*** Get projection info for input mapset ***/
	in_proj_keys = G_get_projinfo();
	if (in_proj_keys == NULL)

	/* apparently the +over switch must be set in the input projection,
	 * not the output latlon projection */
	if (Out_proj == PROJECTION_LL && nowrap == 1)
	    G_set_key_value("+over", "defined", in_proj_keys);

	in_unit_keys = G_get_projunits();
	if (in_unit_keys == NULL)

	if (pj_get_kv(&info_in, in_proj_keys, in_unit_keys) < 0)

	G_debug(1, "Open old: location: %s mapset : %s", G_location_path(),
	if (Vect_open_old(&Map, map_name, mapset) < 0)
	    G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open vector map <%s>"), map_name);
    else if (stat < 0)
    {				/* allow 0 (i.e. denied permission) */
	/* need to be able to read from others */
	if (stat == 0)
	    G_fatal_error(_("Mapset <%s> in input location <%s> - permission denied"),
			  iset_name, iloc_name);
	    G_fatal_error(_("Mapset <%s> in input location <%s> not found"),
			  iset_name, iloc_name);


    /****** get the output projection parameters ******/
    out_proj_keys = G_get_projinfo();
    if (out_proj_keys == NULL)

    out_unit_keys = G_get_projunits();
    if (out_unit_keys == NULL)

    if (pj_get_kv(&info_out, out_proj_keys, out_unit_keys) < 0)


    if (G_verbose() == G_verbose_max()) {
	pj_print_proj_params(&info_in, &info_out);

    /* Initialize the Point / Cat structure */
    Points = Vect_new_line_struct();
    Points2 = Vect_new_line_struct();
    Cats = Vect_new_cats_struct();

    /* test if latlon wrapping to -180,180 should be disabled */
    if (Out_proj == PROJECTION_LL && nowrap == 0) {
	int first = 1, counter = 0;
	double x, y;
	/* Cycle through all lines */
	while (1) {
	    type = Vect_read_next_line(&Map, Points, Cats);	/* read line */
	    if (type == 0)
		continue;		/* Dead */

	    if (type == -1)
		G_fatal_error(_("Reading input vector map"));
	    if (type == -2)
	    if (first && Points->n_points > 0) {
		first = 0;
		src_box.E = src_box.W = Points->x[0];
		src_box.N = src_box.S = Points->y[0];
		src_box.T = src_box.B = Points->z[0];
	    for (i = 0; i < Points->n_points; i++) {
		if (src_box.E < Points->x[i])
		    src_box.E = Points->x[i];
		if (src_box.W > Points->x[i])
		    src_box.W = Points->x[i];
		if (src_box.N < Points->y[i])
		    src_box.N = Points->y[i];
		if (src_box.S > Points->y[i])
		    src_box.S = Points->y[i];
	if (counter == 0) {
	    G_warning(_("Input vector map <%s> is empty"), omap_name);
	/* NW corner */
	x = src_box.W;
	y = src_box.N;
	if (pj_do_transform(1, &x, &y, NULL,
			    &info_in, &info_out) < 0) {
	    G_fatal_error(_("Error in pj_do_transform"));
	tgt_box.E = x;
	tgt_box.W = x;
	tgt_box.N = y;
	tgt_box.S = y;
	/* SW corner */
	x = src_box.W;
	y = src_box.S;
	if (pj_do_transform(1, &x, &y, NULL,
			    &info_in, &info_out) < 0) {
	    G_fatal_error(_("Error in pj_do_transform"));
	if (tgt_box.W > x)
	    tgt_box.W = x;
	if (tgt_box.E < x)
	    tgt_box.E = x;
	if (tgt_box.N < y)
	    tgt_box.N = y;
	if (tgt_box.S > y)
	    tgt_box.S = y;
	/* NE corner */
	x = src_box.E;
	y = src_box.N;
	if (pj_do_transform(1, &x, &y, NULL,
			    &info_in, &info_out) < 0) {
	    G_fatal_error(_("Error in pj_do_transform"));
	if (tgt_box.W > x) {
	    tgt_box.E = x + 360;
	    recommend_nowrap = 1;
	if (tgt_box.N < y)
	    tgt_box.N = y;
	if (tgt_box.S > y)
	    tgt_box.S = y;
	/* SE corner */
	x = src_box.E;
	y = src_box.S;
	if (pj_do_transform(1, &x, &y, NULL,
			    &info_in, &info_out) < 0) {
	    G_fatal_error(_("Error in pj_do_transform"));
	if (tgt_box.W > x) {
	    if (tgt_box.E < x + 360)
		tgt_box.E = x + 360;
	    recommend_nowrap = 1;
	if (tgt_box.N < y)
	    tgt_box.N = y;
	if (tgt_box.S > y)
	    tgt_box.S = y;

    G_debug(1, "Open new: location: %s mapset : %s", G_location_path(),

    if (Vect_open_new(&Out_Map, omap_name, Vect_is_3d(&Map)) < 0)
	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to create vector map <%s>"), omap_name);

    Vect_set_error_handler_io(NULL, &Out_Map); /* register standard i/o error handler */
    Vect_copy_head_data(&Map, &Out_Map);
    Vect_hist_copy(&Map, &Out_Map);

    out_zone =;
    Vect_set_zone(&Out_Map, out_zone);

    /* Read and write header info */
    sprintf(date, "%s", G_date());
    sscanf(date, "%*s%s%d%*s%d", mon, &day, &yr);
    if (yr < 2000)
	yr = yr - 1900;
	yr = yr - 2000;
    sprintf(date, "%s %d %d", mon, day, yr);
    Vect_set_date(&Out_Map, date);

    /* line densification works only with vector topology */
    if (Map.format != GV_FORMAT_NATIVE)
	lmax = 0;

    /* Cycle through all lines */
    i = 0;
    G_message(_("Reprojecting primitives ..."));
    while (TRUE) {
	G_progress(i, 1e3);
	type = Vect_read_next_line(&Map, Points, Cats);	/* read line */
	if (type == 0)
	    continue;		/* Dead */

	if (type == -1)
	    G_fatal_error(_("Reading input vector map"));
	if (type == -2)

	if (lmax > 0 && (type & GV_LINES) && Points->n_points > 1) {
	    double x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2;
	    double dx, dy, dz;
	    double l;
	    int i, n;

	    for (i = 0; i < Points->n_points - 1; i++) {
		x1 = Points->x[i];
		y1 = Points->y[i];
		z1 = Points->z[i];
		n = i + 1;
		x2 = Points->x[n];
		y2 = Points->y[n];
		z2 = Points->z[n];

		dx = x2 - x1;
		dy = y2 - y1;
		dz = z2 - z1;

		if (pj_do_transform(1, &x1, &y1,
				    flag.transformz->answer ? &z1 : NULL,
				    &info_in, &info_out) < 0) {
		  G_fatal_error(_("Unable to re-project vector map <%s> from <%s>"),
				Vect_get_full_name(&Map), ilocopt->answer);

		if (pj_do_transform(1, &x2, &y2,
				    flag.transformz->answer ? &z2 : NULL,
				    &info_in, &info_out) < 0) {
		  G_fatal_error(_("Unable to re-project vector map <%s> from <%s>"),
				Vect_get_full_name(&Map), ilocopt->answer);

		Vect_append_point(Points2, x1, y1, z1);

		l = G_distance(x1, y1, x2, y2);

		if (l > lmax) {
		    int j;
		    double x, y, z;

		    x1 = Points->x[i];
		    y1 = Points->y[i];
		    z1 = Points->z[i];

		    n = ceil(l / lmax);

		    for (j = 1; j < n; j++) {
			x = x1 + dx * j / n;
			y = y1 + dy * j / n;
			z = z1 + dz * j / n;

			if (pj_do_transform(1, &x, &y,
					    flag.transformz->answer ? &z : NULL,
					    &info_in, &info_out) < 0) {
			  G_fatal_error(_("Unable to re-project vector map <%s> from <%s>"),
					Vect_get_full_name(&Map), ilocopt->answer);
			Vect_append_point(Points2, x, y, z);
	    Vect_append_point(Points2, x2, y2, z2);
	    Vect_write_line(&Out_Map, type, Points2, Cats);	/* write line */
	else {
	    if (pj_do_transform(Points->n_points, Points->x, Points->y,
				flag.transformz->answer ? Points->z : NULL,
				&info_in, &info_out) < 0) {
	      G_fatal_error(_("Unable to re-project vector map <%s> from <%s>"),
			    Vect_get_full_name(&Map), ilocopt->answer);

	    Vect_write_line(&Out_Map, type, Points, Cats);	/* write line */
    }				/* end lines section */
    G_progress(1, 1);

    /* Copy tables */
    if (Vect_copy_tables(&Map, &Out_Map, 0))
        G_warning(_("Failed to copy attribute table to output map"));


    if (!flag.no_topol->answer)

    if (recommend_nowrap)
	G_important_message(_("Try to disable wrapping to -180,180 "
			      "if topological errors occurred"));

Beispiel #16
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    struct GModule *module;
    int infile;
    const char *mapset;
    size_t cell_size;
    int ytile, xtile, y, overlap;
    int *outfiles;
    void *inbuf;


    module = G_define_module();
    module->description =
	_("Splits a raster map into tiles.");

    parm.rastin = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_INPUT);

    parm.rastout = G_define_option();
    parm.rastout->key = "output";
    parm.rastout->type = TYPE_STRING;
    parm.rastout->required = YES;
    parm.rastout->multiple = NO;
    parm.rastout->description = _("Output base name");

    parm.width = G_define_option();
    parm.width->key = "width";
    parm.width->type = TYPE_INTEGER;
    parm.width->required = YES;
    parm.width->multiple = NO;
    parm.width->description = _("Width of tiles (columns)");

    parm.height = G_define_option();
    parm.height->key = "height";
    parm.height->type = TYPE_INTEGER;
    parm.height->required = YES;
    parm.height->multiple = NO;
    parm.height->description = _("Height of tiles (rows)");

    parm.overlap = G_define_option();
    parm.overlap->key = "overlap";
    parm.overlap->type = TYPE_INTEGER;
    parm.overlap->required = NO;
    parm.overlap->multiple = NO;
    parm.overlap->description = _("Overlap of tiles");

    if (G_parser(argc, argv))

    overlap = parm.overlap->answer ? atoi(parm.overlap->answer) : 0;

    mapset = G_find_raster2(parm.rastin->answer, "");
    if (mapset == NULL)
        G_fatal_error(_("Raster map <%s> not found"), parm.rastin->answer);

    /* set window to old map */
    Rast_get_cellhd(parm.rastin->answer, "", &src_w);
    dst_w = src_w;
    dst_w.cols = atoi(parm.width->answer);
    dst_w.rows = atoi(parm.height->answer);
    G_adjust_Cell_head(&dst_w, 1, 1);

    xtiles = (src_w.cols + dst_w.cols - 1) / dst_w.cols;
    ytiles = (src_w.rows + dst_w.rows - 1) / dst_w.rows;

    G_debug(1, "X: %d * %d, Y: %d * %d",
	    xtiles, dst_w.cols, ytiles, dst_w.rows);

    src_w.cols = xtiles * dst_w.cols + 2 * overlap;
    src_w.rows = ytiles * dst_w.rows + 2 * overlap;
    src_w.west = src_w.west - overlap * src_w.ew_res;
    src_w.east = src_w.west + (src_w.cols + 2 * overlap) * src_w.ew_res;
    src_w.north = src_w.north + overlap * src_w.ns_res;
    src_w.south = src_w.north - (src_w.rows + 2 * overlap) * src_w.ns_res;


    /* set the output region */
    ovl_w = dst_w;
    ovl_w.cols = ovl_w.cols + 2 * overlap;
    ovl_w.rows = ovl_w.rows + 2 * overlap;

    G_adjust_Cell_head(&ovl_w, 1, 1);

    infile = Rast_open_old(parm.rastin->answer, "");
    map_type = Rast_get_map_type(infile);
    cell_size = Rast_cell_size(map_type);

    inbuf = Rast_allocate_input_buf(map_type);

    outfiles = G_malloc(xtiles * sizeof(int));

    G_debug(1, "X: %d * %d, Y: %d * %d",
	    xtiles, dst_w.cols, ytiles, dst_w.rows);

    G_message(_("Generating %d x %d = %d tiles..."), xtiles, ytiles, xtiles * ytiles);
    for (ytile = 0; ytile < ytiles; ytile++) {
	G_debug(1, "reading y tile: %d", ytile);
	G_percent(ytile, ytiles, 2);
	for (xtile = 0; xtile < xtiles; xtile++) {
	    char name[GNAME_MAX];
	    sprintf(name, "%s-%03d-%03d", parm.rastout->answer, ytile, xtile);
	    outfiles[xtile] = Rast_open_new(name, map_type);
	for (y = 0; y < ovl_w.rows; y++) {
	    int row = ytile * dst_w.rows + y;
	    G_debug(1, "reading row: %d", row);
	    Rast_get_row(infile, inbuf, row, map_type);
	    for (xtile = 0; xtile < xtiles; xtile++) {
		int cells = xtile * dst_w.cols;
		void *ptr = G_incr_void_ptr(inbuf, cells * cell_size);
		Rast_put_row(outfiles[xtile], ptr, map_type);

	for (xtile = 0; xtile < xtiles; xtile++) {
	    write_support_files(xtile, ytile, overlap);


    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Beispiel #17
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    struct GModule *module;
    struct Option *in_opt, *layer_opt, *out_opt, *length_opt, *units_opt, *vertices_opt;
    struct Map_info In, Out;
    struct line_pnts *Points, *Points2;
    struct line_cats *Cats;

    int line, nlines, layer;
    double length = -1;
    int vertices = 0;
    double (*line_length) ();
    int latlon = 0;


    module = G_define_module();
    module->description = _("Splits vector lines to shorter segments.");
    in_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_INPUT);

    layer_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_FIELD_ALL);

    out_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_OUTPUT);
    length_opt = G_define_option();
    length_opt->key = "length";
    length_opt->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    length_opt->required = NO;
    length_opt->multiple = NO;
    length_opt->description = _("Maximum segment length");

    units_opt = G_define_option();
    units_opt->key = "units";
    units_opt->type = TYPE_STRING;
    units_opt->required = NO;
    units_opt->multiple = NO;
    units_opt->options = "meters,kilometers,feet,miles,nautmiles";
    units_opt->answer = "meters";
    units_opt->description = _("Length units");
    vertices_opt = G_define_option();
    vertices_opt->key = "vertices";
    vertices_opt->type = TYPE_INTEGER;
    vertices_opt->required = NO;
    vertices_opt->multiple = NO;
    vertices_opt->description = _("Maximum number of vertices in segment");
    if (G_parser(argc, argv))
    if ((length_opt->answer && vertices_opt->answer) ||
	!(length_opt->answer || vertices_opt->answer))
	G_fatal_error(_("Use either length or vertices"));

    line_length = NULL;

    if (length_opt->answer) {
	length = atof(length_opt->answer);
	if (length <= 0)
	    G_fatal_error(_("Length must be positive but is %g"), length);

	/* convert length to meters */
	if (strcmp(units_opt->answer, "meters") == 0)
	    /* do nothing */ ;
	else if (strcmp(units_opt->answer, "kilometers") == 0)
	    length *= FROM_KILOMETERS;
	else if (strcmp(units_opt->answer, "feet") == 0)
	    length *= FROM_FEET;
	else if (strcmp(units_opt->answer, "miles") == 0)
	    length *= FROM_MILES;
	else if (strcmp(units_opt->answer, "nautmiles") == 0)
	    length *= FROM_NAUTMILES;
	    G_fatal_error(_("Unknown unit %s"), units_opt->answer); 

	/* set line length function */
	if ((latlon = (G_projection() == PROJECTION_LL)) == 1)
	    line_length = Vect_line_geodesic_length;
	else {
	    double factor;
	    line_length = Vect_line_length;
	    /* convert length to map units */
	    if ((factor = G_database_units_to_meters_factor()) == 0)
		G_fatal_error(_("Can not get projection units"));
	    else {
		/* meters to units */
		length = length / factor;
	G_verbose_message(_("length in %s: %g"), (latlon ? "meters" : "map units"), length);

    if (vertices_opt->answer) {
	vertices = atoi(vertices_opt->answer);
	if (vertices < 2)
	    G_fatal_error(_("Number of vertices must be at least 2"));
    Vect_open_old2(&In, in_opt->answer, "", layer_opt->answer);
    layer = Vect_get_field_number(&In, layer_opt->answer);
    Vect_open_new(&Out, out_opt->answer, Vect_is_3d(&In));
    Vect_copy_head_data(&In, &Out);
    Vect_hist_copy(&In, &Out);
    Vect_copy_tables(&In, &Out, layer);
    Points = Vect_new_line_struct();
    Points2 = Vect_new_line_struct();
    Cats = Vect_new_cats_struct();

    nlines = Vect_get_num_lines(&In);

    for (line = 1; line <= nlines; line++) {
	int ltype;

	G_percent(line, nlines, 1);

	if (!Vect_line_alive(&In, line))

	ltype = Vect_read_line(&In, Points, Cats, line);

	if (layer != -1 && !Vect_cat_get(Cats, layer, NULL))

	if (ltype & GV_LINES) {
	    if (length > 0) {
		double l, from, to, step;

		l = line_length(Points);

		if (l <= length) {
		    Vect_write_line(&Out, ltype, Points, Cats);
		else {
		    int n, i;

		    n = ceil(l / length);
		    if (latlon)
			l = Vect_line_length(Points);

		    step = l / n;
		    from = 0.;

		    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
			int ret;
			double x, y, z;

			if (i == n - 1) {
			    to = l;	/* to be sure that it goes to end */
			else {
			    to = from + step;

			ret = Vect_line_segment(Points, from, to, Points2);
			if (ret == 0) {
			    G_warning(_("Unable to make line segment: %f - %f (line length = %f)"),
				      from, to, l);

			/* To be sure that the coordinates are identical */
			if (i > 0) {
			    Points2->x[0] = x;
			    Points2->y[0] = y;
			    Points2->z[0] = z;
			if (i == n - 1) {
			    Points2->x[Points2->n_points - 1] =
				Points->x[Points->n_points - 1];
			    Points2->y[Points2->n_points - 1] =
				Points->y[Points->n_points - 1];
			    Points2->z[Points2->n_points - 1] =
				Points->z[Points->n_points - 1];

			Vect_write_line(&Out, ltype, Points2, Cats);

			/* last point */
			x = Points2->x[Points2->n_points - 1];
			y = Points2->y[Points2->n_points - 1];
			z = Points2->z[Points2->n_points - 1];

			from += step;
	    else {
		int start = 0;	/* number of coordinates written */

		while (start < Points->n_points - 1) {
		    int i, v;

		    for (i = 0; i < vertices; i++) {
			v = start + i;
			if (v == Points->n_points)

			Vect_append_point(Points2, Points->x[v], Points->y[v],

		    Vect_write_line(&Out, ltype, Points2, Cats);

		    start = v;
	else {
	    Vect_write_line(&Out, ltype, Points, Cats);

Beispiel #18
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    struct Cell_head window;
    RASTER_MAP_TYPE raster_type, mag_raster_type = -1;
    int layer_fd;
    void *raster_row, *ptr;
    int nrows, ncols;
    int aspect_c = -1;
    float aspect_f = -1.0;

    double scale;
    int skip, no_arrow;
    char *mag_map = NULL;
    void *mag_raster_row = NULL, *mag_ptr = NULL;
    double length = -1;
    int mag_fd = -1;
    struct FPRange range;
    double mag_min, mag_max;

    struct GModule *module;
    struct Option *opt1, *opt2, *opt3, *opt4, *opt5,
	*opt6, *opt7, *opt8, *opt9;
    struct Flag *align;

    double t, b, l, r;


    module = G_define_module();
    module->description =
	_("Draws arrows representing cell aspect direction "
	  "for a raster map containing aspect data.");

    opt1 = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_MAP);
    opt1->description = _("Name of raster aspect map to be displayed");

    opt2 = G_define_option();
    opt2->key = "type";
    opt2->type = TYPE_STRING;
    opt2->required = NO;
    opt2->answer = "grass";
    opt2->options = "grass,compass,agnps,answers";
    opt2->description = _("Type of existing raster aspect map");

    opt3 = G_define_option();
    opt3->key = "arrow_color";
    opt3->type = TYPE_STRING;
    opt3->required = NO;
    opt3->answer = "green";
    opt3->gisprompt = "old_color,color,color";
    opt3->description = _("Color for drawing arrows");
    opt3->guisection = _("Colors");
    opt4 = G_define_option();
    opt4->key = "grid_color";
    opt4->type = TYPE_STRING;
    opt4->required = NO;
    opt4->answer = "gray";
    opt4->gisprompt = "old_color,color,color_none";
    opt4->description = _("Color for drawing grid or \"none\"");
    opt4->guisection = _("Colors");

    opt5 = G_define_option();
    opt5->key = "x_color";
    opt5->type = TYPE_STRING;
    opt5->required = NO;
    opt5->answer = DEFAULT_FG_COLOR;
    opt5->gisprompt = "old_color,color,color_none";
    opt5->description = _("Color for drawing X's (null values)");
    opt5->guisection = _("Colors");

    opt6 = G_define_option();
    opt6->key = "unknown_color";
    opt6->type = TYPE_STRING;
    opt6->required = NO;
    opt6->answer = "red";
    opt6->gisprompt = "old_color,color,color_none";
    opt6->description = _("Color for showing unknown information");
    opt6->guisection = _("Colors");

    opt9 = G_define_option();
    opt9->key = "skip";
    opt9->type = TYPE_INTEGER;
    opt9->required = NO;
    opt9->answer = "1";
    opt9->description = _("Draw arrow every Nth grid cell");

    opt7 = G_define_option();
    opt7->key = "magnitude_map";
    opt7->type = TYPE_STRING;
    opt7->required = NO;
    opt7->multiple = NO;
    opt7->gisprompt = "old,cell,raster";
    opt7->description =
	_("Raster map containing values used for arrow length");

    opt8 = G_define_option();
    opt8->key = "scale";
    opt8->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    opt8->required = NO;
    opt8->answer = "1.0";
    opt8->description = _("Scale factor for arrows (magnitude map)");

    align = G_define_flag();
    align->key = 'a';
    align->description = _("Align grids with raster cells");

    /* Check command line */
    if (G_parser(argc, argv))

    layer_name = opt1->answer;

    arrow_color = D_translate_color(opt3->answer);
    x_color = D_translate_color(opt5->answer);
    unknown_color = D_translate_color(opt6->answer);

    if (strcmp("none", opt4->answer) == 0)
	grid_color = -1;
	grid_color = D_translate_color(opt4->answer);

    if (strcmp("grass", opt2->answer) == 0)
	map_type = 1;
    else if (strcmp("agnps", opt2->answer) == 0)
	map_type = 2;
    else if (strcmp("answers", opt2->answer) == 0)
	map_type = 3;
    else if (strcmp("compass", opt2->answer) == 0)
	map_type = 4;

    scale = atof(opt8->answer);
    if (scale <= 0.0)
	G_fatal_error(_("Illegal value for scale factor"));

    skip = atoi(opt9->answer);
    if (skip <= 0)
	G_fatal_error(_("Illegal value for skip factor"));

    if (opt7->answer) {
	if (map_type != 1 && map_type != 4)
	    G_fatal_error(_("Magnitude is only supported for GRASS and compass aspect maps."));

	mag_map = opt7->answer;
    else if (scale != 1.0)
	G_warning(_("Scale option requires magnitude_map"));

    /* Setup driver and check important information */
    if (D_open_driver() != 0)
      	G_fatal_error(_("No graphics device selected. "
			"Use d.mon to select graphics device."));

    /* Read in the map window associated with window */

    if (align->answer) {
	struct Cell_head wind;

	Rast_get_cellhd(layer_name, "", &wind);

	/* expand window extent by one wind resolution */
	wind.west += wind.ew_res * ((int)((window.west - wind.west) / wind.ew_res) - (window.west < wind.west));
	wind.east += wind.ew_res * ((int)((window.east - wind.east) / wind.ew_res) + (window.east > wind.east));
	wind.south += wind.ns_res * ((int)((window.south - wind.south) / wind.ns_res) - (window.south < wind.south));
	wind.north += wind.ns_res * ((int)((window.north - wind.north) / wind.ns_res) + (window.north > wind.north));

	wind.rows = (wind.north - wind.south) / wind.ns_res;
	wind.cols = (wind.east - wind.west) / wind.ew_res;


	nrows = wind.rows;
	ncols = wind.cols;

	t = (wind.north - window.north) * nrows / (wind.north - wind.south);
	b = t + (window.north - window.south) * nrows / (wind.north - wind.south);
	l = (window.west - wind.west) * ncols / (wind.east - wind.west);
	r = l + (window.east - window.west) * ncols / (wind.east - wind.west);
    } else {
        nrows = window.rows;
        ncols = window.cols;

	t = 0;
	b = nrows;
	l = 0;
	r = ncols;

    D_set_src(t, b, l, r);

    /* figure out arrow scaling if using a magnitude map */
    if (opt7->answer) {
	Rast_init_fp_range(&range);	/* really needed? */
	if (Rast_read_fp_range(mag_map, "", &range) != 1)
	    G_fatal_error(_("Problem reading range file"));
	Rast_get_fp_range_min_max(&range, &mag_min, &mag_max);

	scale *= 1.5 / fabs(mag_max);
	G_debug(3, "scaling=%.2f  rast_max=%.2f", scale, mag_max);

    if (grid_color > 0) {	/* ie not "none" */
	/* Set color */

	/* Draw vertical grids */
	for (col = 0; col < ncols; col++)
	    D_line_abs(col, 0, col, nrows);

	/* Draw horizontal grids */
	for (row = 0; row < nrows; row++)
	    D_line_abs(0, row, ncols, row);

    /* open the raster map */
    layer_fd = Rast_open_old(layer_name, "");

    raster_type = Rast_get_map_type(layer_fd);

    /* allocate the cell array */
    raster_row = Rast_allocate_buf(raster_type);

    if (opt7->answer) {
	/* open the magnitude raster map */
	mag_fd = Rast_open_old(mag_map, "");

	mag_raster_type = Rast_get_map_type(mag_fd);

	/* allocate the cell array */
	mag_raster_row = Rast_allocate_buf(mag_raster_type);

    /* loop through cells, find value, determine direction (n,s,e,w,ne,se,sw,nw),
       and call appropriate function to draw an arrow on the cell */

    for (row = 0; row < nrows; row++) {
	Rast_get_row(layer_fd, raster_row, row, raster_type);
	ptr = raster_row;

	if (opt7->answer) {
	    Rast_get_row(mag_fd, mag_raster_row, row, mag_raster_type);
	    mag_ptr = mag_raster_row;

	for (col = 0; col < ncols; col++) {

	    if (row % skip != 0)
		no_arrow = TRUE;
		no_arrow = FALSE;

	    if (col % skip != 0)
		no_arrow = TRUE;

	    /* find aspect direction based on cell value */
	    if (raster_type == CELL_TYPE)
		aspect_f = *((CELL *) ptr);
	    else if (raster_type == FCELL_TYPE)
		aspect_f = *((FCELL *) ptr);
	    else if (raster_type == DCELL_TYPE)
		aspect_f = *((DCELL *) ptr);

	    if (opt7->answer) {

		if (mag_raster_type == CELL_TYPE)
		    length = *((CELL *) mag_ptr);
		else if (mag_raster_type == FCELL_TYPE)
		    length = *((FCELL *) mag_ptr);
		else if (mag_raster_type == DCELL_TYPE)
		    length = *((DCELL *) mag_ptr);

		length *= scale;

		if (Rast_is_null_value(mag_ptr, mag_raster_type)) {
		    G_debug(5, "Invalid arrow length [NULL]. Skipping.");
		    no_arrow = TRUE;
		else if (length <= 0.0) {	/* use fabs() or theta+=180? */
		    G_debug(5, "Illegal arrow length [%.3f]. Skipping.",
		    no_arrow = TRUE;

	    if (no_arrow) {
		ptr = G_incr_void_ptr(ptr, Rast_cell_size(raster_type));
		if (opt7->answer)
		    mag_ptr =
		no_arrow = FALSE;

	    /* treat AGNPS and ANSWERS data like old zero-as-null CELL */
	    /*   TODO: update models */
	    if (map_type == 2 || map_type == 3) {
		if (Rast_is_null_value(ptr, raster_type))
		    aspect_c = 0;
		    aspect_c = (int)(aspect_f + 0.5);

	    /** Now draw the arrows **/

	    /* case switch for standard GRASS aspect map 
	       measured in degrees counter-clockwise from east */
	    if (map_type == 1) {

		if (Rast_is_null_value(ptr, raster_type)) {
		else if (aspect_f >= 0.0 && aspect_f <= 360.0) {
		    if (opt7->answer)
			arrow_mag(aspect_f, length);
		else {

	    /* case switch for AGNPS type aspect map */
	    else if (map_type == 2) {
		switch (aspect_c) {
		case 0:
		case 1:
		case 2:
		case 3:
		case 4:
		case 5:
		case 6:
		case 7:
		case 8:

	    /* case switch for ANSWERS type aspect map */
	    else if (map_type == 3) {
		if (aspect_c >= 15 && aspect_c <= 360)	/* start at zero? */
		else if (aspect_c == 400) {
		else {

	    /* case switch for compass type aspect map
	       measured in degrees clockwise from north */
	    else if (map_type == 4) {

		if (Rast_is_null_value(ptr, raster_type)) {
		else if (aspect_f >= 0.0 && aspect_f <= 360.0) {
		    if (opt7->answer)
			arrow_mag(90 - aspect_f, length);
			arrow_360(90 - aspect_f);
		else {

	    ptr = G_incr_void_ptr(ptr, Rast_cell_size(raster_type));
	    if (opt7->answer)
		mag_ptr =
		    G_incr_void_ptr(mag_ptr, Rast_cell_size(mag_raster_type));

    if (opt7->answer)


Beispiel #19
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    struct GModule *module;
    struct Option *map_opt, *type_opt, *field_opt, *col_opt, *where_opt,
    struct Flag *shell_flag, *extended;
    struct Map_info Map;
    struct field_info *Fi;
    dbDriver *Driver;
    dbCatValArray Cvarr;
    struct line_pnts *Points;
    struct line_cats *Cats;
    int otype, ofield;
    int compatible = 1;		/* types are compatible: point+centroid or line+boundary or area */
    int nrec, ctype, nlines, line, nareas, area;
    int nmissing = 0;		/* number of missing atttributes */
    int nnull = 0;		/* number of null values */
    int first = 1;

    /* Statistics */
    int count = 0;		/* number of features with non-null attribute */
    double sum = 0.0;
    double sumsq = 0.0;
    double sumcb = 0.0;
    double sumqt = 0.0;
    double sum_abs = 0.0;
    double min = 0.0 / 0.0;	/* init as nan */
    double max = 0.0 / 0.0;
    double mean, mean_abs, pop_variance, sample_variance, pop_stdev,
	sample_stdev, pop_coeff_variation, kurtosis, skewness;
    double total_size = 0.0;	/* total size: length/area */

    /* Extended statistics */
    int perc;

    module = G_define_module();
    module->label =
	_("Calculates univariate statistics for attribute.");
    module->description = _("Variance and standard "
			    "deviation is calculated only for points if specified.");

    map_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_MAP);

    field_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_FIELD);

    type_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_TYPE);
    type_opt->options = "point,line,boundary,centroid,area";

    col_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_DB_COLUMN);
    col_opt->required = YES;

    where_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_DB_WHERE);

    percentile = G_define_option();
    percentile->key = "percentile";
    percentile->type = TYPE_INTEGER;
    percentile->required = NO;
    percentile->options = "0-100";
    percentile->answer = "90";
    percentile->description =
	_("Percentile to calculate (requires extended statistics flag)");

    shell_flag = G_define_flag();
    shell_flag->key = 'g';
    shell_flag->description = _("Print the stats in shell script style");

    extended = G_define_flag();
    extended->key = 'e';
    extended->description = _("Calculate extended statistics");


    if (G_parser(argc, argv))

    otype = Vect_option_to_types(type_opt);
    perc = atoi(percentile->answer);

    Points = Vect_new_line_struct();
    Cats = Vect_new_cats_struct();

    /* open input vector */
    Vect_open_old2(&Map, map_opt->answer, "", field_opt->answer);
    ofield = Vect_get_field_number(&Map, field_opt->answer);

    /* Check if types are compatible */
    if ((otype & GV_POINTS) && ((otype & GV_LINES) || (otype & GV_AREA)))
	compatible = 0;
    if ((otype & GV_LINES) && (otype & GV_AREA))
	compatible = 0;

    if (!compatible) {
	G_warning(_("Incompatible vector type(s) specified, only number of features, minimum, maximum and range "
		   "can be calculated"));

    if (extended->answer && !(otype & GV_POINTS)) {
	G_warning(_("Extended statistics is currently supported only for points/centroids"));

    /* Read attributes */
    Fi = Vect_get_field(&Map, ofield);
    if (Fi == NULL) {
	G_fatal_error(_(" Database connection not defined for layer <%s>"), field_opt->answer);

    Driver = db_start_driver_open_database(Fi->driver, Fi->database);
    if (Driver == NULL)
	G_fatal_error("Unable to open database <%s> by driver <%s>",
		      Fi->database, Fi->driver);

    /* Note do not check if the column exists in the table because it may be an expression */

    nrec =
	db_select_CatValArray(Driver, Fi->table, Fi->key, col_opt->answer,
			      where_opt->answer, &Cvarr);
    G_debug(2, "nrec = %d", nrec);

    ctype = Cvarr.ctype;
    if (ctype != DB_C_TYPE_INT && ctype != DB_C_TYPE_DOUBLE)
	G_fatal_error(_("Column type not supported"));

    if (nrec < 0)
	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to select data from table"));


    /* Lines */
    nlines = Vect_get_num_lines(&Map);

    for (line = 1; line <= nlines; line++) {
	int i, type;

	G_debug(3, "line = %d", line);

	type = Vect_read_line(&Map, Points, Cats, line);
	if (!(type & otype))

	for (i = 0; i < Cats->n_cats; i++) {
	    if (Cats->field[i] == ofield) {
		double val;
		dbCatVal *catval;

		G_debug(3, "cat = %d", Cats->cat[i]);

		if (db_CatValArray_get_value(&Cvarr, Cats->cat[i], &catval) !=
		    DB_OK) {
		    G_debug(3, "No record for cat = %d", Cats->cat[i]);

		if (catval->isNull) {
		    G_debug(3, "NULL value for cat = %d", Cats->cat[i]);

		if (ctype == DB_C_TYPE_INT) {
		    val = catval->val.i;
		else if (ctype == DB_C_TYPE_DOUBLE) {
		    val = catval->val.d;


		if (first) {
		    max = val;
		    min = val;
		    first = 0;
		else {
		    if (val > max)
			max = val;
		    if (val < min)
			min = val;

		if (compatible) {
		    if (type & GV_POINTS) {
			sum += val;
			sumsq += val * val;
			sumcb += val * val * val;
			sumqt += val * val * val * val;
			sum_abs += fabs(val);
		    else {	/* GV_LINES */
			double l;

			l = Vect_line_length(Points);
			sum += l * val;
			sumsq += l * val * val;
			sumcb += l * val * val * val;
			sumqt += l * val * val * val * val;
			sum_abs += l * fabs(val);
			total_size += l;
		G_debug(3, "sum = %f total_size = %f", sum, total_size);

    if (otype & GV_AREA) {
	nareas = Vect_get_num_areas(&Map);
	for (area = 1; area <= nareas; area++) {
	    int i, centr;

	    G_debug(3, "area = %d", area);

	    centr = Vect_get_area_centroid(&Map, area);
	    if (centr < 1)

	    G_debug(3, "centr = %d", centr);
	    Vect_read_line(&Map, NULL, Cats, centr);

	    for (i = 0; i < Cats->n_cats; i++) {
		if (Cats->field[i] == ofield) {
		    double val;
		    dbCatVal *catval;

		    G_debug(3, "cat = %d", Cats->cat[i]);

		    if (db_CatValArray_get_value
			(&Cvarr, Cats->cat[i], &catval) != DB_OK) {
			G_debug(3, "No record for cat = %d", Cats->cat[i]);

		    if (catval->isNull) {
			G_debug(3, "NULL value for cat = %d", Cats->cat[i]);

		    if (ctype == DB_C_TYPE_INT) {
			val = catval->val.i;
		    else if (ctype == DB_C_TYPE_DOUBLE) {
			val = catval->val.d;


		    if (first) {
			max = val;
			min = val;
			first = 0;
		    else {
			if (val > max)
			    max = val;
			if (val < min)
			    min = val;

		    if (compatible) {
			double a;

			a = Vect_get_area_area(&Map, area);
			sum += a * val;
			sumsq += a * val * val;
			sumcb += a * val * val * val;
			sumqt += a * val * val * val * val;
			sum_abs += a * fabs(val);
			total_size += a;
		    G_debug(4, "sum = %f total_size = %f", sum, total_size);

    G_debug(2, "sum = %f total_size = %f", sum, total_size);

    if (compatible) {
	if ((otype & GV_LINES) || (otype & GV_AREA)) {
	    mean = sum / total_size;
	    mean_abs = sum_abs / total_size;
	    /* Roger Bivand says it is wrong see GRASS devel list 7/2004 */
	       pop_variance = (sumsq - sum*sum/total_size)/total_size;
	       pop_stdev = sqrt(pop_variance);
	else {
	    double n = count;

	    mean = sum / count;
	    mean_abs = sum_abs / count;
	    pop_variance = (sumsq - sum * sum / count) / count;
	    pop_stdev = sqrt(pop_variance);
	    pop_coeff_variation = pop_stdev / (sqrt(sum * sum) / count);
	    sample_variance = (sumsq - sum * sum / count) / (count - 1);
	    sample_stdev = sqrt(sample_variance);
	    kurtosis =
		(sumqt / count - 4 * sum * sumcb / (n * n) +
		 6 * sum * sum * sumsq / (n * n * n) -
		 3 * sum * sum * sum * sum / (n * n * n * n))
		/ (sample_stdev * sample_stdev * sample_stdev *
		   sample_stdev) - 3;
	    skewness =
		(sumcb / n - 3 * sum * sumsq / (n * n) +
		 2 * sum * sum * sum / (n * n * n))
		/ (sample_stdev * sample_stdev * sample_stdev);

    G_debug(3, "otype %d:", otype);

    if (shell_flag->answer) {
	fprintf(stdout, "n=%d\n", count);
	fprintf(stdout, "nmissing=%d\n", nmissing);
	fprintf(stdout, "nnull=%d\n", nnull);
	if (count > 0) {
	    fprintf(stdout, "min=%g\n", min);
	    fprintf(stdout, "max=%g\n", max);
	    fprintf(stdout, "range=%g\n", max - min);
	    if (compatible && (otype & GV_POINTS)) {
		fprintf(stdout, "mean=%g\n", mean);
		fprintf(stdout, "mean_abs=%g\n", mean_abs);
		fprintf(stdout, "population_stddev=%g\n", pop_stdev);
		fprintf(stdout, "population_variance=%g\n", pop_variance);
		fprintf(stdout, "population_coeff_variation=%g\n",
		if (otype & GV_POINTS) {
		    fprintf(stdout, "sample_stddev=%g\n", sample_stdev);
		    fprintf(stdout, "sample_variance=%g\n", sample_variance);
		    fprintf(stdout, "kurtosis=%g\n", kurtosis);
		    fprintf(stdout, "skewness=%g\n", skewness);
    else {
	fprintf(stdout, "number of features with non NULL attribute: %d\n",
	fprintf(stdout, "number of missing attributes: %d\n", nmissing);
	fprintf(stdout, "number of NULL attributes: %d\n", nnull);
	if (count > 0) {
	    fprintf(stdout, "minimum: %g\n", min);
	    fprintf(stdout, "maximum: %g\n", max);
	    fprintf(stdout, "range: %g\n", max - min);
	    if (compatible && (otype & GV_POINTS)) {
		fprintf(stdout, "mean: %g\n", mean);
		fprintf(stdout, "mean of absolute values: %g\n", mean_abs);
		fprintf(stdout, "population standard deviation: %g\n",
		fprintf(stdout, "population variance: %g\n", pop_variance);
		fprintf(stdout, "population coefficient of variation: %g\n",
		if (otype & GV_POINTS) {
		    fprintf(stdout, "sample standard deviation: %g\n",
		    fprintf(stdout, "sample variance: %g\n", sample_variance);
		    fprintf(stdout, "kurtosis: %g\n", kurtosis);
		    fprintf(stdout, "skewness: %g\n", skewness);

    /* TODO: mode, skewness, kurtosis */
    if (extended->answer && compatible && (otype & GV_POINTS) && count > 0) {
	double quartile_25 = 0.0, quartile_75 = 0.0, quartile_perc = 0.0;
	double median = 0.0;
	int qpos_25, qpos_75, qpos_perc;

	qpos_25 = (int)(count * 0.25 - 0.5);
	qpos_75 = (int)(count * 0.75 - 0.5);
	qpos_perc = (int)(count * perc / 100. - 0.5);

	if (db_CatValArray_sort_by_value(&Cvarr) != DB_OK)
	    G_fatal_error(_("Cannot sort the key/value array"));

	if (Cvarr.ctype == DB_C_TYPE_INT) {
	    quartile_25 = (Cvarr.value[qpos_25]).val.i;
	    if (count % 2)	/* odd */
		median = (Cvarr.value[(int)(count / 2)]).val.i;
	    else		/* even */
		median =
		    ((Cvarr.value[count / 2 - 1]).val.i +
		     (Cvarr.value[count / 2]).val.i) / 2.0;
	    quartile_75 = (Cvarr.value[qpos_75]).val.i;
	    quartile_perc = (Cvarr.value[qpos_perc]).val.i;
	else {			/* must be DB_C_TYPE_DOUBLE */
	    quartile_25 = (Cvarr.value[qpos_25]).val.d;
	    if (count % 2)	/* odd */
		median = (Cvarr.value[(int)(count / 2)]).val.d;
	    else		/* even */
		median =
		    ((Cvarr.value[count / 2 - 1]).val.d +
		     (Cvarr.value[count / 2]).val.d) / 2.0;
	    quartile_75 = (Cvarr.value[qpos_75]).val.d;
	    quartile_perc = (Cvarr.value[qpos_perc]).val.d;

	if (shell_flag->answer) {
	    fprintf(stdout, "first_quartile=%g\n", quartile_25);
	    fprintf(stdout, "median=%g\n", median);
	    fprintf(stdout, "third_quartile=%g\n", quartile_75);
	    fprintf(stdout, "percentile_%d=%g\n", perc, quartile_perc);
	else {
	    fprintf(stdout, "1st quartile: %g\n", quartile_25);
	    if (count % 2)
		fprintf(stdout, "median (odd number of cells): %g\n", median);
		fprintf(stdout, "median (even number of cells): %g\n",
	    fprintf(stdout, "3rd quartile: %g\n", quartile_75);

	    if (perc % 10 == 1 && perc != 11)
		fprintf(stdout, "%dst percentile: %g\n", perc, quartile_perc);
	    else if (perc % 10 == 2 && perc != 12)
		fprintf(stdout, "%dnd percentile: %g\n", perc, quartile_perc);
	    else if (perc % 10 == 3 && perc != 13)
		fprintf(stdout, "%drd percentile: %g\n", perc, quartile_perc);
		fprintf(stdout, "%dth percentile: %g\n", perc, quartile_perc);


Beispiel #20
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    struct Flag *printattributes, *topo_flag, *shell_flag;
    struct Option *opt1, *coords_opt, *maxdistance;
    struct Cell_head window;
    struct GModule *module;
    char *mapset;
    char *str;
    char buf[2000];
    int i, j, level, width = 0, mwidth = 0, ret;
    double xval, yval, xres, yres, maxd, x;
    double EW_DIST1, EW_DIST2, NS_DIST1, NS_DIST2;
    char nsres[30], ewres[30];
    char ch;

    /* Initialize the GIS calls */

    module = G_define_module();
    module->keywords = _("vector, querying");
    module->description = _("Queries a vector map layer at given locations.");

    opt1 = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_MAP);
    opt1->multiple = YES;
    opt1->required = YES;

    coords_opt = G_define_option();
    coords_opt->key = "east_north";
    coords_opt->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    coords_opt->key_desc = "east,north";
    coords_opt->required = NO;
    coords_opt->multiple = YES;
    coords_opt->label = _("Coordinates for query");
    coords_opt->description = _("If not given reads from standard input");

    maxdistance = G_define_option();
    maxdistance->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    maxdistance->key = "distance";
    maxdistance->answer = "0";
    maxdistance->multiple = NO;
    maxdistance->description = _("Query threshold distance");

    topo_flag = G_define_flag();
    topo_flag->key = 'd';
    topo_flag->description = _("Print topological information (debugging)");

    printattributes = G_define_flag();
    printattributes->key = 'a';
    printattributes->description = _("Print attribute information");

    shell_flag = G_define_flag();
    shell_flag->key = 'g';
    shell_flag->description = _("Print the stats in shell script style");

    if ((argc > 1 || !vect) && G_parser(argc, argv))

    if (opt1->answers && opt1->answers[0])
	vect = opt1->answers;

    maxd = atof(maxdistance->answer);

     *  fprintf(stdout, maxdistance->answer);
     *  fprintf(stdout, "Maxd is %f", maxd);
     *  fprintf(stdout, xcoord->answer);
     *  fprintf(stdout, "xval is %f", xval);
     *  fprintf(stdout, ycoord->answer);
     *  fprintf(stdout, "yval is %f", yval);

    if (maxd == 0.0) {
	x = window.proj;
	G_format_resolution(window.ew_res, ewres, x);
	G_format_resolution(window.ns_res, nsres, x);
	    G_distance(window.east, window.north, window.west, window.north);
	/* EW Dist at South Edge */
	    G_distance(window.east, window.south, window.west, window.south);
	/* NS Dist at East edge */
	    G_distance(window.east, window.north, window.east, window.south);
	/* NS Dist at West edge */
	    G_distance(window.west, window.north, window.west, window.south);
	xres = ((EW_DIST1 + EW_DIST2) / 2) / window.cols;
	yres = ((NS_DIST1 + NS_DIST2) / 2) / window.rows;
	if (xres > yres)
	    maxd = xres;
	    maxd = yres;

    /* Look at maps given on command line */
    if (vect) {
	for (i = 0; vect[i]; i++) ;
	nvects = i;

	Map = (struct Map_info *)G_malloc(nvects * sizeof(struct Map_info));

	width = mwidth = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < nvects; i++) {
	    str = strchr(vect[i], '@');
	    if (str)
		j = str - vect[i];
		j = strlen(vect[i]);
	    if (j > width)
		width = j;

	    mapset = G_find_vector2(vect[i], "");
	    if (!mapset)
		G_fatal_error(_("Vector map <%s> not found"), vect[i]);

	    j = strlen(mapset);
	    if (j > mwidth)
		mwidth = j;

	    level = Vect_open_old(&Map[i], vect[i], mapset);
	    if (level < 2)
		G_fatal_error(_("You must build topology on vector map <%s>"),

	    G_verbose_message(_("Building spatial index..."));

    if (!coords_opt->answer) {
	/* if coords are not given on command line, read them from stdin */
	setvbuf(stdin, NULL, _IOLBF, 0);
	setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IOLBF, 0);
	while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), stdin) != NULL) {
	    ret = sscanf(buf, "%lf%c%lf", &xval, &ch, &yval);
	    if (ret == 3 && (ch == ',' || ch == ' ' || ch == '\t')) {
		what(xval, yval, maxd, width, mwidth, topo_flag->answer,
		     printattributes->answer, shell_flag->answer);
	    else {
		G_warning(_("Unknown input format, skipping: '%s'"), buf);
    else {
	/* use coords given on command line */
	for (i = 0; coords_opt->answers[i] != NULL; i += 2) {
	    xval = atof(coords_opt->answers[i]);
	    yval = atof(coords_opt->answers[i + 1]);
	    what(xval, yval, maxd, width, mwidth, topo_flag->answer,
		 printattributes->answer, shell_flag->answer);

    for (i = 0; i < nvects; i++)

Beispiel #21
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    const char *input, *source, *output;
    char *title;
    struct Cell_head cellhd;
    GDALDatasetH hDS;
    GDALRasterBandH hBand;
    struct GModule *module;
    struct {
	struct Option *input, *source, *output, *band, *title;
    } parm;
    struct {
	struct Flag *o, *f, *e, *r, *h, *v;
    } flag;
    int min_band, max_band, band;
    struct band_info info;
    int flip;
    struct Ref reference;


    module = G_define_module();
    module->description =
	_("Links GDAL supported raster data as a pseudo GRASS raster map.");

    parm.input = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_F_INPUT);
    parm.input->description = _("Name of raster file to be linked");
    parm.input->required = NO;
    parm.input->guisection = _("Input");

    parm.source = G_define_option();
    parm.source->key = "source";
    parm.source->description = _("Name of non-file GDAL data source");
    parm.source->required = NO;
    parm.source->type = TYPE_STRING;
    parm.source->key_desc = "name";
    parm.source->guisection = _("Input");
    parm.output = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_OUTPUT); = G_define_option();>key = "band";>type = TYPE_INTEGER;>required = NO;>description = _("Band to select (default: all)");>guisection = _("Input");

    parm.title = G_define_option();
    parm.title->key = "title";
    parm.title->key_desc = "phrase";
    parm.title->type = TYPE_STRING;
    parm.title->required = NO;
    parm.title->description = _("Title for resultant raster map");
    parm.title->guisection = _("Metadata");

    flag.f = G_define_flag();
    flag.f->key = 'f';
    flag.f->description = _("List supported formats and exit");
    flag.f->guisection = _("Print");
    flag.f->suppress_required = YES;

    flag.o = G_define_flag();
    flag.o->key = 'o';
    flag.o->description =
	_("Override projection (use location's projection)");

    flag.e = G_define_flag();
    flag.e->key = 'e';
    flag.e->description = _("Extend location extents based on new dataset");

    flag.r = G_define_flag();
    flag.r->key = 'r';
    flag.r->description = _("Require exact range");

    flag.h = G_define_flag();
    flag.h->key = 'h';
    flag.h->description = _("Flip horizontally");

    flag.v = G_define_flag();
    flag.v->key = 'v';
    flag.v->description = _("Flip vertically");

    if (G_parser(argc, argv))


    if (flag.f->answer) {

    input = parm.input->answer;
    source = parm.source->answer;
    output = parm.output->answer;

    flip = 0;
    if (flag.h->answer)
	flip |= FLIP_H;
    if (flag.v->answer)
	flip |= FLIP_V;

    if (parm.title->answer) {
	title = G_store(parm.title->answer);
	title = NULL;

    if (!input && !source)
	G_fatal_error(_("One of options <%s> or <%s> must be given"),
		      parm.input->key, parm.source->key);

    if (input && source)
	G_fatal_error(_("Option <%s> and <%s> are mutually exclusive"),
		      parm.input->key, parm.source->key);
    if (input && !G_is_absolute_path(input)) {
	char path[GPATH_MAX];
	getcwd(path, sizeof(path));
	strcat(path, "/");
	strcat(path, input);
	input = G_store(path);

    if (!input)
	input = source;

    hDS = GDALOpen(input, GA_ReadOnly);
    if (hDS == NULL)
	return 1;

    setup_window(&cellhd, hDS, &flip);

    check_projection(&cellhd, hDS, flag.o->answer);


    if (>answer)
	min_band = max_band = atoi(>answer);
	min_band = 1, max_band = GDALGetRasterCount(hDS);

    G_verbose_message(_("Proceeding with import..."));

    if (max_band > min_band) {
	if (I_find_group(output) == 1)
	    G_warning(_("Imagery group <%s> already exists and will be overwritten."), output);

    for (band = min_band; band <= max_band; band++) {
	char *output2, *title2 = NULL;

	G_message(_("Reading band %d of %d..."),
		  band, GDALGetRasterCount( hDS ));

	hBand = GDALGetRasterBand(hDS, band);
	if (!hBand)
	    G_fatal_error(_("Selected band (%d) does not exist"), band);

	if (max_band > min_band) {
	    G_asprintf(&output2, "%s.%d", output, band);
	    if (title)
		G_asprintf(&title2, "%s (band %d)", title, band);
	    G_debug(1, "Adding raster map <%s> to group <%s>", output2, output);
	    I_add_file_to_group_ref(output2, G_mapset(), &reference);
	else {
	    output2 = G_store(output);
	    if (title)
		title2 = G_store(title);

	query_band(hBand, output2, flag.r->answer, &cellhd, &info);
	create_map(input, band, output2, &cellhd, &info, title, flip);


    if (flag.e->answer)

    /* Create the imagery group if multiple bands are imported */
    if (max_band > min_band) {
    	I_put_group_ref(output, &reference);
	G_message(_("Imagery group <%s> created"), output);

Beispiel #22
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    struct Map_info in, out, vis;
    struct GModule *module;	/* GRASS module for parsing arguments */
    struct Option *input, *output;	/* The input map */
    struct Option *coor, *ovis;
    char *mapset;

    struct Point *points;
    struct Line *lines;
    int num_points, num_lines;
    int n = 0;

    /* initialize GIS environment */
    G_gisinit(argv[0]);		/* reads grass env, stores program name to G_program_name() */

    /* initialize module */
    module = G_define_module();
    module->keywords = _("vector, path, visibility");
    module->description = _("Visibility graph construction.");

    /* define the arguments needed */
    input = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_INPUT);
    output = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_OUTPUT);

    coor = G_define_option();
    coor->key = "coordinate";
    coor->key_desc = "x,y";
    coor->type = TYPE_STRING;
    coor->required = NO;
    coor->multiple = YES;
    coor->description = _("One or more coordinates");

    ovis = G_define_option();
    ovis->key = "vis";
    ovis->type = TYPE_STRING;
    ovis->required = NO;
    ovis->description = _("Add points after computing the vis graph");

    /* options and flags parser */
    if (G_parser(argc, argv))

    Vect_check_input_output_name(input->answer, output->answer,


    mapset = G_find_vector2(input->answer, NULL);	/* finds the map */

    if (mapset == NULL)
	G_fatal_error("Vector map <%s> not found", input->answer);

    if (Vect_open_old(&in, input->answer, mapset) < 1)	/* opens the map */
	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open vector map <%s>"),
		      G_fully_qualified_name(input->answer, mapset));

    if (Vect_open_new(&out, output->answer, WITHOUT_Z) < 0) {
	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to create vector map <%s>"), output->answer);

    if (ovis->answer != NULL) {
	mapset = G_find_vector2(ovis->answer, NULL);

	if (Vect_open_old(&vis, ovis->answer, mapset) < 1)
	    G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open vector map <%s>"),
			  G_fully_qualified_name(ovis->answer, mapset));

	if (Vect_copy_map_lines(&vis, &out) > 0)
	    G_fatal_error(_("Unable to copy elements from vector map <%s>"),
			  G_fully_qualified_name(ovis->answer, mapset));

    if (G_projection() == PROJECTION_LL)
	G_warning(_("Lat-long projection"));

    /* counting how many points and lines we have to allocate */
    count(&in, &num_points, &num_lines);

    /* modify the number if we have new points to add */
    if (coor->answers != NULL)
	num_points += count_new(coor->answers);

    /* and allocate */
    points = G_malloc(num_points * sizeof(struct Point));
    lines = G_malloc(num_lines * sizeof(struct Line));

    /* and finally set the lines */
    load_lines(&in, &points, &num_points, &lines, &num_lines);

    if (coor->answers != NULL)
	add_points(coor->answers, &points, &num_points);

    if (ovis->answer == NULL)
	construct_visibility(points, num_points, lines, num_lines, &out);
	visibility_points(points, num_points, lines, num_lines, &out, n);



Beispiel #23
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int ii;
    int ret_val;
    double x_orig, y_orig;
    static int rand1 = 12345;
    static int rand2 = 67891;


    module = G_define_module();
    G_add_keyword(_("sediment flow"));
    module->description =
	_("Sediment transport and erosion/deposition simulation "
	  "using path sampling method (SIMWE).");

    parm.elevin = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_ELEV);
    parm.wdepth = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_INPUT);
    parm.wdepth->key = "wdepth";
    parm.wdepth->description = _("Name of water depth raster map [m]");

    parm.dxin = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_INPUT);
    parm.dxin->key = "dx";
    parm.dxin->description = _("Name of x-derivatives raster map [m/m]");

    parm.dyin = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_INPUT);
    parm.dyin->key = "dy";
    parm.dyin->description = _("Name of y-derivatives raster map [m/m]");
    parm.detin = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_INPUT);
    parm.detin->key = "det";
    parm.detin->description =
	_("Name of detachment capacity coefficient raster map [s/m]");

    parm.tranin = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_INPUT);
    parm.tranin->key = "tran";
    parm.tranin->description =
	_("Name of transport capacity coefficient raster map [s]");
    parm.tauin = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_INPUT);
    parm.tauin->key = "tau";
    parm.tauin->description =
	_("Name of critical shear stress raster map [Pa]");

    parm.manin = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_INPUT);
    parm.manin->key = "man";
    parm.manin->required = NO;
    parm.manin->description = _("Name of Manning's n raster map");
    parm.manin->guisection = _("Input");

    parm.maninval = G_define_option();
    parm.maninval->key = "man_value";
    parm.maninval->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    parm.maninval->answer = MANINVAL;
    parm.maninval->required = NO;
    parm.maninval->description = _("Manning's n unique value");
    parm.maninval->guisection = _("Input");

    parm.outwalk = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_OUTPUT);
    parm.outwalk->key = "outwalk";
    parm.outwalk->required = NO;
    parm.outwalk->description =
	_("Base name of the output walkers vector points map");
    parm.outwalk->guisection = _("Output options");
    parm.observation = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_INPUT);
    parm.observation->key = "observation";
    parm.observation->required = NO;
    parm.observation->description =
	_("Name of sampling locations vector points map");
    parm.observation->guisection = _("Input options");

    parm.logfile = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_F_OUTPUT);
    parm.logfile->key = "logfile";
    parm.logfile->required = NO;
    parm.logfile->description =
	_("Name for sampling points output text file. For each observation vector point the time series of sediment transport is stored.");
    parm.logfile->guisection = _("Output"); = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_OUTPUT);>key = "tc";>required = NO;>description = _("Name for output transport capacity raster map [kg/ms]");>guisection = _("Output"); = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_OUTPUT);>key = "et";>required = NO;>description =
	_("Name for output transport limited erosion-deposition raster map [kg/m2s]");>guisection = _("Output");

    parm.conc = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_OUTPUT);
    parm.conc->key = "conc";
    parm.conc->required = NO;
    parm.conc->description =
	_("Name for output sediment concentration raster map [particle/m3]");
    parm.conc->guisection = _("Output");

    parm.flux = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_OUTPUT);
    parm.flux->key = "flux";
    parm.flux->required = NO;
    parm.flux->description = _("Name for output sediment flux raster map [kg/ms]");
    parm.flux->guisection = _("Output");

    parm.erdep = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_OUTPUT);
    parm.erdep->key = "erdep";
    parm.erdep->required = NO;
    parm.erdep->description =
	_("Name for output erosion-deposition raster map [kg/m2s]");
    parm.erdep->guisection = _("Output");

    parm.nwalk = G_define_option();
    parm.nwalk->key = "nwalk";
    parm.nwalk->type = TYPE_INTEGER;
    parm.nwalk->required = NO;
    parm.nwalk->description = _("Number of walkers");
    parm.nwalk->guisection = _("Parameters");

    parm.niter = G_define_option();
    parm.niter->key = "niter";
    parm.niter->type = TYPE_INTEGER;
    parm.niter->answer = NITER;
    parm.niter->required = NO;
    parm.niter->description = _("Time used for iterations [minutes]");
    parm.niter->guisection = _("Parameters");

    parm.outiter = G_define_option();
    parm.outiter->key = "outiter";
    parm.outiter->type = TYPE_INTEGER;
    parm.outiter->answer = ITEROUT;
    parm.outiter->required = NO;
    parm.outiter->description =
	_("Time interval for creating output maps [minutes]");
    parm.outiter->guisection = _("Parameters");

    parm.density = G_define_option();
    parm.density->key = "density";
    parm.density->type = TYPE_INTEGER;
    parm.density->answer = DENSITY;
    parm.density->required = NO;
    parm.density->description = _("Density of output walkers");
    parm.density->guisection = _("Parameters");

    parm.diffc = G_define_option();
    parm.diffc->key = "diffc";
    parm.diffc->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    parm.diffc->answer = DIFFC;
    parm.diffc->required = NO;
    parm.diffc->description = _("Water diffusion constant");
    parm.diffc->guisection = _("Parameters");

    if (G_parser(argc, argv))


    conv = G_database_units_to_meters_factor();

    mixx = cellhd.west * conv;
    maxx = cellhd.east * conv;
    miyy = cellhd.south * conv;
    mayy = cellhd.north * conv;

    stepx = cellhd.ew_res * conv;
    stepy = cellhd.ns_res * conv;
    /*  step = amin1(stepx,stepy); */
    step = (stepx + stepy) / 2.;
    mx = cellhd.cols;
    my = cellhd.rows;
    x_orig = cellhd.west * conv;
    y_orig = cellhd.south * conv;	/* do we need this? */
    xmin = 0.;
    ymin = 0.;
    xp0 = xmin + stepx / 2.;
    yp0 = ymin + stepy / 2.;
    xmax = xmin + stepx * (float)mx;
    ymax = ymin + stepy * (float)my;
    hhc = hhmax = 0.;

#if 0
    bxmi = 2093113. * conv;
    bymi = 731331. * conv;
    bxma = 2093461. * conv;
    byma = 731529. * conv;
    bresx = 2. * conv;
    bresy = 2. * conv;
    maxwab = 100000;

    mx2o = (int)((bxma - bxmi) / bresx);
    my2o = (int)((byma - bymi) / bresy);

    /* relative small box coordinates: leave 1 grid layer for overlap */

    bxmi = bxmi - mixx + stepx;
    bymi = bymi - miyy + stepy;
    bxma = bxma - mixx - stepx;
    byma = byma - miyy - stepy;
    mx2 = mx2o - 2 * ((int)(stepx / bresx));
    my2 = my2o - 2 * ((int)(stepy / bresy));

    elevin = parm.elevin->answer;
    wdepth = parm.wdepth->answer;
    dxin = parm.dxin->answer;
    dyin = parm.dyin->answer;
    detin = parm.detin->answer;
    tranin = parm.tranin->answer;
    tauin = parm.tauin->answer;
    manin = parm.manin->answer;
    tc =>answer;
    et =>answer;
    conc = parm.conc->answer;
    flux = parm.flux->answer;
    erdep = parm.erdep->answer;
    outwalk = parm.outwalk->answer; 

    /*      sscanf(parm.nwalk->answer, "%d", &maxwa); */
    sscanf(parm.niter->answer, "%d", &timesec);
    sscanf(parm.outiter->answer, "%d", &iterout);
/*    sscanf(parm.density->answer, "%d", &ldemo); */
    sscanf(parm.diffc->answer, "%lf", &frac);
    sscanf(parm.maninval->answer, "%lf", &manin_val);

    /* Recompute timesec from user input in minutes
     * to real timesec in seconds */
    timesec = timesec * 60.0;
    iterout = iterout * 60.0;
    if ((timesec / iterout) > 100.0)
	G_message(_("More than 100 files are going to be created !!!!!"));

    /* compute how big the raster is and set this to appr 2 walkers per cell */
    if (parm.nwalk->answer == NULL) {
	maxwa = mx * my * 2;
	rwalk = (double)(mx * my * 2.);
	G_message(_("default nwalk=%d, rwalk=%f"), maxwa, rwalk);
    else {
	sscanf(parm.nwalk->answer, "%d", &maxwa);
	rwalk = (double)maxwa;
    /*rwalk = (double) maxwa; */

    if (conv != 1.0)
	G_message(_("Using metric conversion factor %f, step=%f"), conv,

    if ((tc == NULL) && (et == NULL) && (conc == NULL) && (flux == NULL) &&
	(erdep == NULL))
	G_warning(_("You are not outputting any raster or site files"));
    ret_val = input_data();
    if (ret_val != 1)
	G_fatal_error(_("Input failed"));

    /* mandatory for si,sigma */

    si = G_alloc_matrix(my, mx);
    sigma = G_alloc_matrix(my, mx);

    /* memory allocation for output grids */

    dif = G_alloc_fmatrix(my, mx);
    if (erdep != NULL || et != NULL)
	er = G_alloc_fmatrix(my, mx);

    seeds(rand1, rand2);

    if (et != NULL)
    /* treba dat output pre topoerdep */

    if (tserie == NULL) {
	ii = output_data(0, 1.);
	if (ii != 1)
	    G_fatal_error(_("Cannot write raster maps"));

    /* Exit with Success */
Beispiel #24
int main( int argc, char **argv )
  struct GModule *module;
  struct Option *info_opt, *rast_opt, *vect_opt, *coor_opt, *north_opt, *south_opt, *east_opt, *west_opt, *rows_opt, *cols_opt;
  struct Cell_head window;

  /* Initialize the GIS calls */
  G_gisinit( argv[0] );

  module = G_define_module();
  module->description = ( "Get info about locations,mapsets,maps" );

  info_opt = G_define_option();
  info_opt->key = "info";
  info_opt->type = TYPE_STRING;
  info_opt->description = "info key";
  info_opt->options = "proj,window,size,query,info,colors,stats";

  rast_opt = G_define_standard_option( G_OPT_R_INPUT );
  rast_opt->key = "rast";
  rast_opt->required = NO;

  vect_opt = G_define_standard_option( G_OPT_V_INPUT );
  vect_opt->key = "vect";
  vect_opt->required = NO;

  coor_opt = G_define_option();
  coor_opt->key = "coor";
  coor_opt->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
  coor_opt->multiple = YES;

  north_opt = G_define_option();
  north_opt->key = "north";
  north_opt->type = TYPE_STRING;

  south_opt = G_define_option();
  south_opt->key = "south";
  south_opt->type = TYPE_STRING;

  east_opt = G_define_option();
  east_opt->key = "east";
  east_opt->type = TYPE_STRING;

  west_opt = G_define_option();
  west_opt->key = "west";
  west_opt->type = TYPE_STRING;

  rows_opt = G_define_option();
  rows_opt->key = "rows";
  rows_opt->type = TYPE_INTEGER;

  cols_opt = G_define_option();
  cols_opt->key = "cols";
  cols_opt->type = TYPE_INTEGER;

  if ( G_parser( argc, argv ) )
    exit( EXIT_FAILURE );

  if ( strcmp( "proj", info_opt->answer ) == 0 )
    G_get_window( &window );
    /* code from g.proj */
    if ( window.proj != PROJECTION_XY )
      struct Key_Value *projinfo, *projunits;
      char *wkt;
      projinfo = G_get_projinfo();
      projunits = G_get_projunits();
      wkt = GPJ_grass_to_wkt( projinfo, projunits,  0, 0 );
      fprintf( stdout, "%s", wkt );
  else if ( strcmp( "window", info_opt->answer ) == 0 )
    if ( rast_opt->answer )
      G_get_cellhd( rast_opt->answer, "", &window );
      fprintf( stdout, "%f,%f,%f,%f", window.west, window.south, window.east, window.north );
    else if ( vect_opt->answer )
      G_fatal_error( "Not yet supported" );
  // raster width and height
  else if ( strcmp( "size", info_opt->answer ) == 0 )
    if ( rast_opt->answer )
      G_get_cellhd( rast_opt->answer, "", &window );
      fprintf( stdout, "%d,%d", window.cols, window.rows );
    else if ( vect_opt->answer )
      G_fatal_error( "Not yet supported" );
  // raster informations
  else if ( strcmp( "info", info_opt->answer ) == 0 )
    struct FPRange range;
    double zmin, zmax;

    // Data type
    RASTER_MAP_TYPE raster_type = G_raster_map_type( rast_opt->answer, "" );
    fprintf( stdout, "TYPE:%d\n", raster_type );

    // Statistics
    if ( G_read_fp_range( rast_opt->answer, "", &range ) < 0 )
      G_fatal_error(( "Unable to read range file" ) );
    G_get_fp_range_min_max( &range, &zmin, &zmax );
    fprintf( stdout, "MIN_VALUE:%.17e\n", zmin );
    fprintf( stdout, "MAX_VALUE:%.17e\n", zmax );
  else if ( strcmp( "colors", info_opt->answer ) == 0 )
    // Color table
    struct Colors colors;
    int i, ccount;
    if ( G_read_colors( rast_opt->answer, "", &colors ) == 1 )
      //int maxcolor;
      //CELL min, max;

      //G_get_color_range ( &min, &max, &colors);
      ccount = G_colors_count( &colors );
      for ( i = ccount - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
        DCELL val1, val2;
        unsigned char r1, g1, b1, r2, g2, b2;

        G_get_f_color_rule( &val1, &r1, &g1, &b1, &val2, &r2, &g2, &b2, &colors, i );
        fprintf( stdout, "%.17e %.17e %d %d %d %d %d %d\n", val1, val2, r1, g1, b1, r2, g2, b2 );

  else if ( strcmp( "query", info_opt->answer ) == 0 )
    double x, y;
    int row, col;
    //x = atof( coor_opt->answers[0] );
    //y = atof( coor_opt->answers[1] );
    if ( rast_opt->answer )
      int fd;
      RASTER_MAP_TYPE rast_type;
      DCELL *dcell;
      CELL *cell;
      char buff[101];
      G_get_cellhd( rast_opt->answer, "", &window );
      G_set_window( &window );
      fd = G_open_cell_old( rast_opt->answer, "" );
      // wait for coors from stdin
      while ( fgets( buff, 100, stdin ) != 0 )
        if ( sscanf( buff, "%lf%lf", &x, &y ) != 2 )
          fprintf( stdout, "value:error\n" );
          col = ( int ) G_easting_to_col( x, &window );
          row = ( int ) G_northing_to_row( y, &window );
          if ( col == window.cols )
          if ( row == window.rows )

          if ( col < 0 || col > window.cols || row < 0 || row > window.rows )
            fprintf( stdout, "value:out\n" );
            void *ptr;
            double val;

#if defined(GRASS_VERSION_MAJOR) && defined(GRASS_VERSION_MINOR) && \
            rast_type = G_get_raster_map_type( fd );
            rast_type = G_raster_map_type( rast_opt->answer, "" );
            cell = G_allocate_c_raster_buf();
            dcell = G_allocate_d_raster_buf();

            if ( rast_type == CELL_TYPE )
              if ( G_get_c_raster_row( fd, cell, row ) < 0 )
                G_fatal_error(( "Unable to read raster map <%s> row %d" ),
                              rast_opt->answer, row );
              val = cell[col];
              ptr = &( cell[col] );
              if ( G_get_d_raster_row( fd, dcell, row ) < 0 )
                G_fatal_error(( "Unable to read raster map <%s> row %d" ),
                              rast_opt->answer, row );
              val = dcell[col];
              ptr = &( dcell[col] );
            if ( G_is_null_value( ptr, rast_type ) )
              fprintf( stdout, "value:null\n" );
              fprintf( stdout, "value:%f\n", val );
        fflush( stdout );
      G_close_cell( fd );
    else if ( vect_opt->answer )
      G_fatal_error( "Not yet supported" );
  else if ( strcmp( "stats", info_opt->answer ) == 0 )
    if ( rast_opt->answer )
      int fd;
      RASTER_MAP_TYPE rast_type;
      DCELL *dcell;
      CELL *cell;
      int ncols, nrows;
      int row, col;
      void *ptr;
      double val;
      double min = DBL_MAX;
      double max = -DBL_MAX;
      double sum = 0; // sum of values
      int count = 0; // count of non null values
      double mean = 0;
      double squares_sum = 0; // sum of squares
      double stdev = 0; // standard deviation

      G_get_cellhd( rast_opt->answer, "", &window );
      window.north = atof( north_opt->answer );
      window.south = atof( south_opt->answer );
      window.east = atof( east_opt->answer );
      window.west = atof( west_opt->answer );
      window.rows = ( int ) atoi( rows_opt->answer );
      window.cols = ( int ) atoi( cols_opt->answer );

      G_set_window( &window );
      fd = G_open_cell_old( rast_opt->answer, "" );

      ncols = G_window_cols();
      nrows = G_window_rows();

#if defined(GRASS_VERSION_MAJOR) && defined(GRASS_VERSION_MINOR) && \
      rast_type = G_get_raster_map_type( fd );
      rast_type = G_raster_map_type( rast_opt->answer, "" );
      cell = G_allocate_c_raster_buf();
      dcell = G_allocate_d_raster_buf();

      // Calc stats is very slow for large rasters -> prefer optimization for speed over
      // code length and readability (which is not currently true)
      for ( row = 0; row < nrows; row++ )
        if ( rast_type == CELL_TYPE )
          if ( G_get_c_raster_row( fd, cell, row ) < 0 )
            G_fatal_error(( "Unable to read raster map <%s> row %d" ),
                          rast_opt->answer, row );
          if ( G_get_d_raster_row( fd, dcell, row ) < 0 )
            G_fatal_error(( "Unable to read raster map <%s> row %d" ),
                          rast_opt->answer, row );

        for ( col = 0; col < ncols; col++ )
          if ( rast_type == CELL_TYPE )
            val = cell[col];
            ptr = &( cell[col] );
            val = dcell[col];
            ptr = &( dcell[col] );
          if ( ! G_is_null_value( ptr, rast_type ) )
            if ( val < min ) min = val;
            if ( val > max ) max = val;
            sum += val;
            squares_sum += pow( val, 2 );
      mean = sum / count;
      squares_sum -= count * pow( mean, 2 );
      stdev = sqrt( squares_sum / ( count - 1 ) );

      fprintf( stdout, "MIN:%.17e\n", min );
      fprintf( stdout, "MAX:%.17e\n", max );
      fprintf( stdout, "SUM:%.17e\n", sum );
      fprintf( stdout, "MEAN:%.17e\n", mean );
      fprintf( stdout, "COUNT:%d\n", count );
      fprintf( stdout, "STDEV:%.17e\n", stdev );
      fprintf( stdout, "SQSUM:%.17e\n", squares_sum );

      G_close_cell( fd );
    else if ( vect_opt->answer )
      G_fatal_error( "Not yet supported" );

  exit( EXIT_SUCCESS );
Beispiel #25
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    char *mapname,		/* ptr to name of output layer  */
     *setname,			/* ptr to name of input mapset  */
     *ipolname;			/* name of interpolation method */

    int fdi,			/* input map file descriptor    */
      fdo,			/* output map file descriptor   */
      method,			/* position of method in table  */
      permissions,		/* mapset permissions           */
      cell_type,		/* output celltype              */
      cell_size,		/* size of a cell in bytes      */
      row, col,			/* counters                     */
      irows, icols,		/* original rows, cols          */
      orows, ocols, have_colors,	/* Input map has a colour table */
      overwrite,		/* Overwrite                    */
      curr_proj;		/* output projection (see gis.h) */

    void *obuffer,		/* buffer that holds one output row     */
     *obufptr;			/* column ptr in output buffer  */
    struct cache *ibuffer;	/* buffer that holds the input map      */
    func interpolate;		/* interpolation routine        */

    double xcoord1, xcoord2,	/* temporary x coordinates      */
      ycoord1, ycoord2,		/* temporary y coordinates      */
      col_idx,			/* column index in input matrix */
      row_idx,			/* row index in input matrix    */
      onorth, osouth,		/* save original border coords  */
      oeast, owest, inorth, isouth, ieast, iwest;
    char north_str[30], south_str[30], east_str[30], west_str[30];

    struct Colors colr;		/* Input map colour table       */
    struct History history;

    struct pj_info iproj,	/* input map proj parameters    */
      oproj;			/* output map proj parameters   */

    struct Key_Value *in_proj_info,	/* projection information of    */
     *in_unit_info,		/* input and output mapsets     */
     *out_proj_info, *out_unit_info;

    struct GModule *module;

    struct Flag *list,		/* list files in source location */
     *nocrop,			/* don't crop output map        */
     *print_bounds,		/* print output bounds and exit */
     *gprint_bounds;		/* same but print shell style	*/

    struct Option *imapset,	/* name of input mapset         */
     *inmap,			/* name of input layer          */
     *inlocation,		/* name of input location       */
     *outmap,			/* name of output layer         */
     *indbase,			/* name of input database       */
     *interpol,			/* interpolation method:
				   nearest neighbor, bilinear, cubic */
     *memory,			/* amount of memory for cache   */
     *res;			/* resolution of target map     */
    struct Cell_head incellhd,	/* cell header of input map     */
      outcellhd;		/* and output map               */


    module = G_define_module();
    module->description =
	_("Re-projects a raster map from given location to the current location.");

    inmap = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_INPUT);
    inmap->description = _("Name of input raster map to re-project");
    inmap->required = NO;
    inmap->guisection = _("Source");

    inlocation = G_define_option();
    inlocation->key = "location";
    inlocation->type = TYPE_STRING;
    inlocation->required = YES;
    inlocation->description = _("Location containing input raster map");
    inlocation->gisprompt = "old,location,location";
    inlocation->key_desc = "name";

    imapset = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_M_MAPSET);
    imapset->label = _("Mapset containing input raster map");
    imapset->description = _("default: name of current mapset");
    imapset->guisection = _("Source");

    indbase = G_define_option();
    indbase->key = "dbase";
    indbase->type = TYPE_STRING;
    indbase->required = NO;
    indbase->description = _("Path to GRASS database of input location");
    indbase->gisprompt = "old,dbase,dbase";
    indbase->key_desc = "path";
    indbase->guisection = _("Source");

    outmap = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_OUTPUT);
    outmap->required = NO;
    outmap->description = _("Name for output raster map (default: same as 'input')");
    outmap->guisection = _("Target");

    ipolname = make_ipol_list();
    interpol = G_define_option();
    interpol->key = "method";
    interpol->type = TYPE_STRING;
    interpol->required = NO;
    interpol->answer = "nearest";
    interpol->options = ipolname;
    interpol->description = _("Interpolation method to use");
    interpol->guisection = _("Target");
    interpol->descriptions = make_ipol_desc();

    memory = G_define_option();
    memory->key = "memory";
    memory->type = TYPE_INTEGER;
    memory->required = NO;
    memory->description = _("Cache size (MiB)");

    res = G_define_option();
    res->key = "resolution";
    res->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    res->required = NO;
    res->description = _("Resolution of output raster map");
    res->guisection = _("Target");

    list = G_define_flag();
    list->key = 'l';
    list->description = _("List raster maps in input location and exit");

    nocrop = G_define_flag();
    nocrop->key = 'n';
    nocrop->description = _("Do not perform region cropping optimization");

    print_bounds = G_define_flag();
    print_bounds->key = 'p';
    print_bounds->description =
	_("Print input map's bounds in the current projection and exit");
    print_bounds->guisection = _("Target");
    gprint_bounds = G_define_flag();
    gprint_bounds->key = 'g';
    gprint_bounds->description =
	_("Print input map's bounds in the current projection and exit (shell style)");
    gprint_bounds->guisection = _("Target");

    /* The parser checks if the map already exists in current mapset,
       we switch out the check and do it
       in the module after the parser */
    overwrite = G_check_overwrite(argc, argv);

    if (G_parser(argc, argv))

    /* get the method */
    for (method = 0; (ipolname = menu[method].name); method++)
	if (strcmp(ipolname, interpol->answer) == 0)

    if (!ipolname)
	G_fatal_error(_("<%s=%s> unknown %s"),
		      interpol->key, interpol->answer, interpol->key);
    interpolate = menu[method].method;

    mapname = outmap->answer ? outmap->answer : inmap->answer;
    if (mapname && !list->answer && !overwrite &&
	G_find_raster(mapname, G_mapset()))
	G_fatal_error(_("option <%s>: <%s> exists."), "output", mapname);

    setname = imapset->answer ? imapset->answer : G_store(G_mapset());
    if (strcmp(inlocation->answer, G_location()) == 0 &&
        (!indbase->answer || strcmp(indbase->answer, G_gisdbase()) == 0))
#if 0
	G_fatal_error(_("Input and output locations can not be the same"));
	G_warning(_("Input and output locations are the same"));

    if(gprint_bounds->answer && !print_bounds->answer)
	print_bounds->answer = gprint_bounds->answer;
    curr_proj = G_projection();

    /* Get projection info for output mapset */
    if ((out_proj_info = G_get_projinfo()) == NULL)
	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to get projection info of output raster map"));

    if ((out_unit_info = G_get_projunits()) == NULL)
	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to get projection units of output raster map"));

    if (pj_get_kv(&oproj, out_proj_info, out_unit_info) < 0)
	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to get projection key values of output raster map"));

    /* Change the location           */
    G__setenv("GISDBASE", indbase->answer ? indbase->answer : G_gisdbase());
    G__setenv("LOCATION_NAME", inlocation->answer);

    permissions = G__mapset_permissions(setname);
    if (permissions < 0)	/* can't access mapset       */
	G_fatal_error(_("Mapset <%s> in input location <%s> - %s"),
		      setname, inlocation->answer,
		      permissions == 0 ? _("permission denied")
		      : _("not found"));

    /* if requested, list the raster maps in source location - MN 5/2001 */
    if (list->answer) {
	int i;
	char **list;
	G_verbose_message(_("Checking location <%s> mapset <%s>"),
			  inlocation->answer, setname);
	list = G_list(G_ELEMENT_RASTER, G__getenv("GISDBASE"),
		      G__getenv("LOCATION_NAME"), setname);
	for (i = 0; list[i]; i++) {
	    fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", list[i]);
	exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);	/* leave r.proj after listing */

    if (!inmap->answer)
	G_fatal_error(_("Required parameter <%s> not set"), inmap->key);

    if (!G_find_raster(inmap->answer, setname))
	G_fatal_error(_("Raster map <%s> in location <%s> in mapset <%s> not found"),
		      inmap->answer, inlocation->answer, setname);

    /* Read input map colour table */
    have_colors = Rast_read_colors(inmap->answer, setname, &colr);

    /* Get projection info for input mapset */
    if ((in_proj_info = G_get_projinfo()) == NULL)
	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to get projection info of input map"));

    if ((in_unit_info = G_get_projunits()) == NULL)
	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to get projection units of input map"));

    if (pj_get_kv(&iproj, in_proj_info, in_unit_info) < 0)
	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to get projection key values of input map"));

    if (G_verbose() > G_verbose_std())
	pj_print_proj_params(&iproj, &oproj);

    /* this call causes r.proj to read the entire map into memeory */
    Rast_get_cellhd(inmap->answer, setname, &incellhd);


    if (G_projection() == PROJECTION_XY)
	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to work with unprojected data (xy location)"));

    /* Save default borders so we can show them later */
    inorth = incellhd.north;
    isouth = incellhd.south;
    ieast = incellhd.east;
    iwest = incellhd.west;
    irows = incellhd.rows;
    icols = incellhd.cols;

    onorth = outcellhd.north;
    osouth = outcellhd.south;
    oeast = outcellhd.east;
    owest = outcellhd.west;
    orows = outcellhd.rows;
    ocols = outcellhd.cols;

    if (print_bounds->answer) {
	G_message(_("Input map <%s@%s> in location <%s>:"),
	    inmap->answer, setname, inlocation->answer);

	if (pj_do_proj(&iwest, &isouth, &iproj, &oproj) < 0)
	    G_fatal_error(_("Error in pj_do_proj (projection of input coordinate pair)"));
	if (pj_do_proj(&ieast, &inorth, &iproj, &oproj) < 0)
	    G_fatal_error(_("Error in pj_do_proj (projection of input coordinate pair)"));

	G_format_northing(inorth, north_str, curr_proj);
	G_format_northing(isouth, south_str, curr_proj);
	G_format_easting(ieast, east_str, curr_proj);
	G_format_easting(iwest, west_str, curr_proj);

	if(gprint_bounds->answer) {
	    fprintf(stdout, "n=%s s=%s w=%s e=%s rows=%d cols=%d\n",
		north_str, south_str, west_str, east_str, irows, icols);
	else {
	    fprintf(stdout, "Source cols: %d\n", icols);
	    fprintf(stdout, "Source rows: %d\n", irows);
	    fprintf(stdout, "Local north: %s\n",  north_str);
	    fprintf(stdout, "Local south: %s\n", south_str);
	    fprintf(stdout, "Local west: %s\n", west_str);
	    fprintf(stdout, "Local east: %s\n", east_str);

	/* somehow approximate local ewres, nsres ?? (use 'g.region -m' on lat/lon side) */


    /* Cut non-overlapping parts of input map */
    if (!nocrop->answer)
	bordwalk(&outcellhd, &incellhd, &oproj, &iproj);

    /* Add 2 cells on each side for bilinear/cubic & future interpolation methods */
    /* (should probably be a factor based on input and output resolution) */
    incellhd.north += 2 * incellhd.ns_res;
    incellhd.east += 2 * incellhd.ew_res;
    incellhd.south -= 2 * incellhd.ns_res;
    incellhd.west -= 2 * incellhd.ew_res;
    if (incellhd.north > inorth)
	incellhd.north = inorth;
    if (incellhd.east > ieast)
	incellhd.east = ieast;
    if (incellhd.south < isouth)
	incellhd.south = isouth;
    if (incellhd.west < iwest)
	incellhd.west = iwest;


    /* And switch back to original location */


    /* Adjust borders of output map */

    if (!nocrop->answer)
	bordwalk(&incellhd, &outcellhd, &iproj, &oproj);

#if 0
    outcellhd.west = outcellhd.south = HUGE_VAL;
    outcellhd.east = outcellhd.north = -HUGE_VAL;
    for (row = 0; row < incellhd.rows; row++) {
	ycoord1 = Rast_row_to_northing((double)(row + 0.5), &incellhd);
	for (col = 0; col < incellhd.cols; col++) {
	    xcoord1 = Rast_col_to_easting((double)(col + 0.5), &incellhd);
	    pj_do_proj(&xcoord1, &ycoord1, &iproj, &oproj);
	    if (xcoord1 > outcellhd.east)
		outcellhd.east = xcoord1;
	    if (ycoord1 > outcellhd.north)
		outcellhd.north = ycoord1;
	    if (xcoord1 < outcellhd.west)
		outcellhd.west = xcoord1;
	    if (ycoord1 < outcellhd.south)
		outcellhd.south = ycoord1;

    if (res->answer != NULL)	/* set user defined resolution */
	outcellhd.ns_res = outcellhd.ew_res = atof(res->answer);

    G_adjust_Cell_head(&outcellhd, 0, 0);

    G_message(" ");
    G_message(_("Cols: %d (%d)"), incellhd.cols, icols);
    G_message(_("Rows: %d (%d)"), incellhd.rows, irows);
    G_message(_("North: %f (%f)"), incellhd.north, inorth);
    G_message(_("South: %f (%f)"), incellhd.south, isouth);
    G_message(_("West: %f (%f)"), incellhd.west, iwest);
    G_message(_("East: %f (%f)"), incellhd.east, ieast);
    G_message(_("EW-res: %f"), incellhd.ew_res);
    G_message(_("NS-res: %f"), incellhd.ns_res);
    G_message(" ");

    G_message(_("Cols: %d (%d)"), outcellhd.cols, ocols);
    G_message(_("Rows: %d (%d)"), outcellhd.rows, orows);
    G_message(_("North: %f (%f)"), outcellhd.north, onorth);
    G_message(_("South: %f (%f)"), outcellhd.south, osouth);
    G_message(_("West: %f (%f)"), outcellhd.west, owest);
    G_message(_("East: %f (%f)"), outcellhd.east, oeast);
    G_message(_("EW-res: %f"), outcellhd.ew_res);
    G_message(_("NS-res: %f"), outcellhd.ns_res);
    G_message(" ");

    /* open and read the relevant parts of the input map and close it */
    fdi = Rast_open_old(inmap->answer, setname);
    cell_type = Rast_get_map_type(fdi);
    ibuffer = readcell(fdi, memory->answer);


    if (strcmp(interpol->answer, "nearest") == 0) {
	fdo = Rast_open_new(mapname, cell_type);
	obuffer = (CELL *) Rast_allocate_output_buf(cell_type);
    else {
	fdo = Rast_open_fp_new(mapname);
	cell_type = FCELL_TYPE;
	obuffer = (FCELL *) Rast_allocate_output_buf(cell_type);

    cell_size = Rast_cell_size(cell_type);

    xcoord1 = xcoord2 = outcellhd.west + (outcellhd.ew_res / 2);
    /**/ ycoord1 = ycoord2 = outcellhd.north - (outcellhd.ns_res / 2);
    /**/ G_important_message(_("Projecting..."));
    G_percent(0, outcellhd.rows, 2);

    for (row = 0; row < outcellhd.rows; row++) {
	obufptr = obuffer;

	for (col = 0; col < outcellhd.cols; col++) {
	    /* project coordinates in output matrix to       */
	    /* coordinates in input matrix                   */
	    if (pj_do_proj(&xcoord1, &ycoord1, &oproj, &iproj) < 0)
		Rast_set_null_value(obufptr, 1, cell_type);
	    else {
		/* convert to row/column indices of input matrix */
		col_idx = (xcoord1 - incellhd.west) / incellhd.ew_res;
		row_idx = (incellhd.north - ycoord1) / incellhd.ns_res;

		/* and resample data point               */
		interpolate(ibuffer, obufptr, cell_type,
			    &col_idx, &row_idx, &incellhd);

	    obufptr = G_incr_void_ptr(obufptr, cell_size);
	    xcoord2 += outcellhd.ew_res;
	    xcoord1 = xcoord2;
	    ycoord1 = ycoord2;

	Rast_put_row(fdo, obuffer, cell_type);

	xcoord1 = xcoord2 = outcellhd.west + (outcellhd.ew_res / 2);
	ycoord2 -= outcellhd.ns_res;
	ycoord1 = ycoord2;
	G_percent(row, outcellhd.rows - 1, 2);


    if (have_colors > 0) {
	Rast_write_colors(mapname, G_mapset(), &colr);

    Rast_short_history(mapname, "raster", &history);
    Rast_write_history(mapname, &history);

Beispiel #26
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    struct Map_info In, Out;
    static struct line_pnts *Points;
    struct line_cats *Cats;
    struct GModule *module;	/* GRASS module for parsing arguments */
    struct Option *map_in, *map_out;
    struct Option *cat_opt, *field_opt, *where_opt, *abcol, *afcol;
    struct Option *iter_opt, *error_opt;
    struct Flag *geo_f, *add_f;
    int chcat, with_z;
    int layer, mask_type;
    struct varray *varray;
    dglGraph_s *graph;
    int i, geo, nnodes, nlines, j, max_cat;
    char buf[2000], *covered;

    /* initialize GIS environment */
    G_gisinit(argv[0]);		/* reads grass env, stores program name to G_program_name() */

    /* initialize module */
    module = G_define_module();
    module->keywords = _("vector, network, centrality measures");
    module->description =
	_("Computes degree, centrality, betweeness, closeness and eigenvector "
	 "centrality measures in the network.");

    /* Define the different options as defined in gis.h */
    map_in = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_INPUT);
    field_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_FIELD);

    map_out = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_OUTPUT);

    cat_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_CATS);
    cat_opt->guisection = _("Selection");
    where_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_WHERE);
    where_opt->guisection = _("Selection");

    afcol = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_COLUMN);
    afcol->key = "afcolumn";
    afcol->required = NO;
    afcol->description =
	_("Name of arc forward/both direction(s) cost column");
    afcol->guisection = _("Cost");

    abcol = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_COLUMN);
    abcol->key = "abcolumn";
    abcol->required = NO;
    abcol->description = _("Name of arc backward direction cost column");
    abcol->guisection = _("Cost");

    deg_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_COLUMN);
    deg_opt->key = "degree";
    deg_opt->required = NO;
    deg_opt->description = _("Name of degree centrality column");
    deg_opt->guisection = _("Columns");

    close_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_COLUMN);
    close_opt->key = "closeness";
    close_opt->required = NO;
    close_opt->description = _("Name of closeness centrality column");
    close_opt->guisection = _("Columns");

    betw_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_COLUMN);
    betw_opt->key = "betweenness";
    betw_opt->required = NO;
    betw_opt->description = _("Name of betweenness centrality column");
    betw_opt->guisection = _("Columns");

    eigen_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_COLUMN);
    eigen_opt->key = "eigenvector";
    eigen_opt->required = NO;
    eigen_opt->description = _("Name of eigenvector centrality column");
    eigen_opt->guisection = _("Columns");

    iter_opt = G_define_option();
    iter_opt->key = "iterations";
    iter_opt->answer = "1000";
    iter_opt->type = TYPE_INTEGER;
    iter_opt->required = NO;
    iter_opt->description =
	_("Maximum number of iterations to compute eigenvector centrality");

    error_opt = G_define_option();
    error_opt->key = "error";
    error_opt->answer = "0.1";
    error_opt->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    error_opt->required = NO;
    error_opt->description =
	_("Cummulative error tolerance for eigenvector centrality");

    geo_f = G_define_flag();
    geo_f->key = 'g';
    geo_f->description =
	_("Use geodesic calculation for longitude-latitude locations");

    add_f = G_define_flag();
    add_f->key = 'a';
    add_f->description = _("Add points on nodes");

    /* options and flags parser */
    if (G_parser(argc, argv))
    /* TODO: make an option for this */
    mask_type = GV_LINE | GV_BOUNDARY;

    Points = Vect_new_line_struct();
    Cats = Vect_new_cats_struct();

    Vect_check_input_output_name(map_in->answer, map_out->answer,


    if (1 > Vect_open_old(&In, map_in->answer, ""))
	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open vector map <%s>"), map_in->answer);

    with_z = Vect_is_3d(&In);

    if (0 > Vect_open_new(&Out, map_out->answer, with_z)) {
	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to create vector map <%s>"), map_out->answer);

    if (geo_f->answer) {
	geo = 1;
	if (G_projection() != PROJECTION_LL)
	    G_warning(_("The current projection is not longitude-latitude"));
	geo = 0;

    /* parse filter option and select appropriate lines */
    layer = atoi(field_opt->answer);
    chcat =
	 (&In, layer, mask_type, where_opt->answer, cat_opt->answer,
	  &varray) == 1);

    /* Create table */
    Fi = Vect_default_field_info(&Out, 1, NULL, GV_1TABLE);
    Vect_map_add_dblink(&Out, 1, NULL, Fi->table, "cat", Fi->database,
    driver = db_start_driver_open_database(Fi->driver, Fi->database);
    if (driver == NULL)
	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open database <%s> by driver <%s>"),
		      Fi->database, Fi->driver);

    if (deg_opt->answer)
	append_string(&tmp, deg_opt->answer);
    if (close_opt->answer)
	append_string(&tmp, close_opt->answer);
    if (betw_opt->answer)
	append_string(&tmp, betw_opt->answer);
    if (eigen_opt->answer)
	append_string(&tmp, eigen_opt->answer);
	    "create table %s(cat integer%s)", Fi->table, db_get_string(&tmp));

    db_set_string(&sql, buf);
    G_debug(2, db_get_string(&sql));

    if (db_execute_immediate(driver, &sql) != DB_OK) {
	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to create table: '%s'"), db_get_string(&sql));

    if (db_create_index2(driver, Fi->table, "cat") != DB_OK)
	G_warning(_("Cannot create index"));

    if (db_grant_on_table
	(driver, Fi->table, DB_PRIV_SELECT, DB_GROUP | DB_PUBLIC) != DB_OK)
	G_fatal_error(_("Cannot grant privileges on table <%s>"), Fi->table);


    Vect_copy_head_data(&In, &Out);
    Vect_hist_copy(&In, &Out);

    Vect_net_build_graph(&In, mask_type, atoi(field_opt->answer), 0,
			 afcol->answer, abcol->answer, NULL, geo, 0);
    graph = &(In.graph);
    nnodes = dglGet_NodeCount(graph);

    deg = closeness = betw = eigen = NULL;

    covered = (char *)G_calloc(nnodes + 1, sizeof(char));
    if (!covered)
	G_fatal_error(_("Out of memory"));

    if (deg_opt->answer) {
	deg = (double *)G_calloc(nnodes + 1, sizeof(double));
	if (!deg)
	    G_fatal_error(_("Out of memory"));

    if (close_opt->answer) {
	closeness = (double *)G_calloc(nnodes + 1, sizeof(double));
	if (!closeness)
	    G_fatal_error(_("Out of memory"));

    if (betw_opt->answer) {
	betw = (double *)G_calloc(nnodes + 1, sizeof(double));
	if (!betw)
	    G_fatal_error(_("Out of memory"));

    if (eigen_opt->answer) {
	eigen = (double *)G_calloc(nnodes + 1, sizeof(double));
	if (!eigen)
	    G_fatal_error(_("Out of memory"));

    if (deg_opt->answer) {
	G_message(_("Computing degree centrality measure"));
	NetA_degree_centrality(graph, deg);
    if (betw_opt->answer || close_opt->answer) {
	G_message(_("Computing betweenness and/or closeness centrality measure"));
	NetA_betweenness_closeness(graph, betw, closeness);
	if (closeness)
	    for (i = 1; i <= nnodes; i++)
		closeness[i] /= (double)In.cost_multip;
    if (eigen_opt->answer) {
	G_message(_("Computing eigenvector centrality measure"));
	NetA_eigenvector_centrality(graph, atoi(iter_opt->answer),
				    atof(error_opt->answer), eigen);

    nlines = Vect_get_num_lines(&In);
    G_message(_("Writing data into the table..."));
    for (i = 1; i <= nlines; i++) {
	G_percent(i, nlines, 1);
	int type = Vect_read_line(&In, Points, Cats, i);

	if (type == GV_POINT && (!chcat || varray->c[i])) {
	    int cat, node;

	    if (!Vect_cat_get(Cats, layer, &cat))
	    Vect_cat_set(Cats, 1, cat);
	    Vect_write_line(&Out, type, Points, Cats);
	    Vect_get_line_nodes(&In, i, &node, NULL);
	    process_node(node, cat);
	    covered[node] = 1;

    if (add_f->answer && !chcat) {
	max_cat = 0;
	for (i = 1; i <= nlines; i++) {
	    Vect_read_line(&In, NULL, Cats, i);
	    for (j = 0; j < Cats->n_cats; j++)
		if (Cats->cat[j] > max_cat)
		    max_cat = Cats->cat[j];
	for (i = 1; i <= nnodes; i++)
	    if (!covered[i]) {
		Vect_cat_set(Cats, 1, max_cat);
		NetA_add_point_on_node(&In, &Out, i, Cats);
		process_node(i, max_cat);



    if (deg)
    if (closeness)
    if (betw)
    if (eigen)


Beispiel #27
int main( int argc, char **argv )
  struct GModule *module;
  struct Option *info_opt, *rast_opt, *vect_opt, *coor_opt;
  struct Cell_head window;

  /* Initialize the GIS calls */
  G_gisinit( argv[0] );

  module = G_define_module();
  module->description = ( "Get info about locations,mapsets,maps" );

  info_opt = G_define_option();
  info_opt->key = "info";
  info_opt->type = TYPE_STRING;
  info_opt->description = "info key";
  info_opt->options = "proj,window,query";

  rast_opt = G_define_standard_option( G_OPT_R_INPUT );
  rast_opt->key = "rast";
  rast_opt->required = NO;

  vect_opt = G_define_standard_option( G_OPT_V_INPUT );
  vect_opt->key = "vect";
  vect_opt->required = NO;

  coor_opt = G_define_option();
  coor_opt->key = "coor";
  coor_opt->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
  coor_opt->multiple = YES;

  if ( G_parser( argc, argv ) )
    exit( EXIT_FAILURE );

  if ( strcmp( "proj", info_opt->answer ) == 0 )
    G_get_window( &window );
    /* code from g.proj */
    if ( window.proj != PROJECTION_XY )
      struct Key_Value *projinfo, *projunits;
      char *wkt;
      projinfo = G_get_projinfo();
      projunits = G_get_projunits();
      wkt = GPJ_grass_to_wkt( projinfo, projunits,  0, 0 );
      fprintf( stdout, "%s", wkt );
  else if ( strcmp( "window", info_opt->answer ) == 0 )
    if ( rast_opt->answer )
      G_get_cellhd( rast_opt->answer, "", &window );
      fprintf( stdout, "%f,%f,%f,%f", window.west, window.south, window.east, window.north );
    else if ( vect_opt->answer )
      G_fatal_error( "Not yet supported" );
  else if ( strcmp( "query", info_opt->answer ) == 0 )
    double x, y;
    int row, col;
    x = atof( coor_opt->answers[0] );
    y = atof( coor_opt->answers[1] );
    if ( rast_opt->answer )
      int fd;
      RASTER_MAP_TYPE rast_type;
      DCELL *dcell;
      CELL *cell;
      G_get_cellhd( rast_opt->answer, "", &window );
      G_set_window( &window );
      fd = G_open_cell_old( rast_opt->answer, "" );
      col = ( int ) G_easting_to_col( x, &window );
      row = ( int ) G_northing_to_row( y, &window );
      if ( col == window.cols ) col--;
      if ( row == window.rows ) row--;

      if ( col < 0 || col > window.cols || row < 0 || row > window.rows )
        fprintf( stdout, "value:null\n" );
        void *ptr;
        double val;

#if defined(GRASS_VERSION_MAJOR) && defined(GRASS_VERSION_MINOR) && \
        rast_type = G_get_raster_map_type( fd );
        rast_type = G_raster_map_type( rast_opt->answer, "" );
        cell = G_allocate_c_raster_buf();
        dcell = G_allocate_d_raster_buf();

        if ( rast_type == CELL_TYPE )
          if ( G_get_c_raster_row( fd, cell, row ) < 0 )
            G_fatal_error(( "Unable to read raster map <%s> row %d" ),
                          rast_opt->answer, row );
          val = cell[col];
          ptr = &( cell[col] );
          if ( G_get_d_raster_row( fd, dcell, row ) < 0 )
            G_fatal_error(( "Unable to read raster map <%s> row %d" ),
                          rast_opt->answer, row );
          val = dcell[col];
          ptr = &( dcell[col] );
        if ( G_is_null_value( ptr, rast_type ) )
          fprintf( stdout, "value:null\n" );
          fprintf( stdout, "value:%f\n", val );
      G_close_cell( fd );
    else if ( vect_opt->answer )
      G_fatal_error( "Not yet supported" );

  exit( EXIT_SUCCESS );
Beispiel #28
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int i, j, nlines, type, field, cat;
    int fd;

    /* struct Categories RCats; *//* TODO */
    struct Cell_head window;
    RASTER_MAP_TYPE out_type;
    CELL *cell;
    DCELL *dcell;
    double drow, dcol;
    char buf[2000];
    struct Option *vect_opt, *rast_opt, *field_opt, *col_opt, *where_opt;
    int Cache_size;
    struct order *cache;
    int cur_row;
    struct GModule *module;

    struct Map_info Map;
    struct line_pnts *Points;
    struct line_cats *Cats;
    int point;
    int point_cnt;		/* number of points in cache */
    int outside_cnt;		/* points outside region */
    int nocat_cnt;		/* points inside region but without category */
    int dupl_cnt;		/* duplicate categories */
    struct bound_box box;

    int *catexst, *cex;
    struct field_info *Fi;
    dbString stmt;
    dbDriver *driver;
    int select, norec_cnt, update_cnt, upderr_cnt, col_type;


    module = G_define_module();
    G_add_keyword(_("attribute table"));
    module->description =
	_("Uploads raster values at positions of vector points to the table.");

    vect_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_INPUT);
    vect_opt->key = "vector";
    vect_opt->description =
	_("Name of input vector points map for which to edit attribute table");

    rast_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_INPUT);
    rast_opt->key = "raster";
    rast_opt->description = _("Name of existing raster map to be queried");

    field_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_FIELD);

    col_opt = G_define_option();
    col_opt->key = "column";
    col_opt->type = TYPE_STRING;
    col_opt->required = YES;
    col_opt->description =
	_("Column name (will be updated by raster values)");

    where_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_DB_WHERE);

    if (G_parser(argc, argv))

    field = atoi(field_opt->answer);

    Points = Vect_new_line_struct();
    Cats = Vect_new_cats_struct();

    Vect_region_box(&window, &box);	/* T and B set to +/- PORT_DOUBLE_MAX */

    /* Open vector */
    Vect_open_old(&Map, vect_opt->answer, "");

    Fi = Vect_get_field(&Map, field);
    if (Fi == NULL)
	G_fatal_error(_("Database connection not defined for layer %d"),

    /* Open driver */
    driver = db_start_driver_open_database(Fi->driver, Fi->database);
    if (driver == NULL) {
	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open database <%s> by driver <%s>"),
		      Fi->database, Fi->driver);

    /* Open raster */
    fd = Rast_open_old(rast_opt->answer, "");

    out_type = Rast_get_map_type(fd);

    /* TODO: Later possibly category labels */
       if ( Rast_read_cats (name, "", &RCats) < 0 )
       G_fatal_error ( "Cannot read category file");

    /* Check column type */
    col_type = db_column_Ctype(driver, Fi->table, col_opt->answer);

    if (col_type == -1)
	G_fatal_error(_("Column <%s> not found"), col_opt->answer);

    if (col_type != DB_C_TYPE_INT && col_type != DB_C_TYPE_DOUBLE)
	G_fatal_error(_("Column type not supported"));

    if (out_type == CELL_TYPE && col_type == DB_C_TYPE_DOUBLE)
	G_warning(_("Raster type is integer and column type is float"));

    if (out_type != CELL_TYPE && col_type == DB_C_TYPE_INT)
	G_warning(_("Raster type is float and column type is integer, some data lost!!"));

    /* Read vector points to cache */
    Cache_size = Vect_get_num_primitives(&Map, GV_POINT);
    /* Note: Some space may be wasted (outside region or no category) */

    cache = (struct order *)G_calloc(Cache_size, sizeof(struct order));

    point_cnt = outside_cnt = nocat_cnt = 0;

    nlines = Vect_get_num_lines(&Map);

    G_debug(1, "Reading %d vector features fom map", nlines);

    for (i = 1; i <= nlines; i++) {
	type = Vect_read_line(&Map, Points, Cats, i);
	G_debug(4, "line = %d type = %d", i, type);

	/* check type */
	if (!(type & GV_POINT))
	    continue;		/* Points only */

	/* check region */
	if (!Vect_point_in_box(Points->x[0], Points->y[0], 0.0, &box)) {

	Vect_cat_get(Cats, field, &cat);
	if (cat < 0) {		/* no category of given field */

	G_debug(4, "    cat = %d", cat);

	/* Add point to cache */
	drow = Rast_northing_to_row(Points->y[0], &window);
	dcol = Rast_easting_to_col(Points->x[0], &window);

	/* a special case.
	 *   if north falls at southern edge, or east falls on eastern edge,
	 *   the point will appear outside the window.
	 *   So, for these edges, bring the point inside the window
	if (drow == window.rows)
	if (dcol == window.cols)

	cache[point_cnt].row = (int)drow;
	cache[point_cnt].col = (int)dcol;
	cache[point_cnt].cat = cat;
	cache[point_cnt].count = 1;


    G_debug(1, "Read %d vector points", point_cnt);
    /* Cache may contain duplicate categories, sort by cat, find and remove duplicates 
     * and recalc count and decrease point_cnt  */
    qsort(cache, point_cnt, sizeof(struct order), by_cat);

    G_debug(1, "Points are sorted, starting duplicate removal loop");

    for (i = 0, j = 1; j < point_cnt; j++)
	if (cache[i].cat != cache[j].cat)
	    cache[++i] = cache[j];
    point_cnt = i + 1;

    G_debug(1, "%d vector points left after removal of duplicates",

    /* Report number of points not used */
    if (outside_cnt)
	G_warning(_("%d points outside current region were skipped"),

    if (nocat_cnt)
	G_warning(_("%d points without category were skipped"), nocat_cnt);

    /* Sort cache by current region row */
    qsort(cache, point_cnt, sizeof(struct order), by_row);

    /* Allocate space for raster row */
    if (out_type == CELL_TYPE)
	cell = Rast_allocate_c_buf();
	dcell = Rast_allocate_d_buf();

    /* Extract raster values from file and store in cache */
    G_debug(1, "Extracting raster values");

    cur_row = -1;

    for (point = 0; point < point_cnt; point++) {
	if (cache[point].count > 1)
	    continue;		/* duplicate cats */

	if (cur_row != cache[point].row) {
	    if (out_type == CELL_TYPE)
		Rast_get_c_row(fd, cell, cache[point].row);
		Rast_get_d_row(fd, dcell, cache[point].row);
	cur_row = cache[point].row;

	if (out_type == CELL_TYPE) {
	    cache[point].value = cell[cache[point].col];
	else {
	    cache[point].dvalue = dcell[cache[point].col];
    }				/* point loop */

    /* Update table from cache */
    G_debug(1, "Updating db table");

    /* select existing categories to array (array is sorted) */
    select = db_select_int(driver, Fi->table, Fi->key, NULL, &catexst);


    norec_cnt = update_cnt = upderr_cnt = dupl_cnt = 0;

    for (point = 0; point < point_cnt; point++) {
	if (cache[point].count > 1) {
	    G_warning(_("More points (%d) of category %d, value set to 'NULL'"),
		      cache[point].count, cache[point].cat);

	/* category exist in DB ? */
	cex =
	    (int *)bsearch((void *)&(cache[point].cat), catexst, select,
			   sizeof(int), srch_cat);
	if (cex == NULL) {	/* cat does not exist in DB */
	    G_warning(_("No record for category %d in table <%s>"),
		      cache[point].cat, Fi->table);

	sprintf(buf, "update %s set %s = ", Fi->table, col_opt->answer);

	db_set_string(&stmt, buf);

	if (out_type == CELL_TYPE) {
	    if (cache[point].count > 1 ||
		Rast_is_c_null_value(&cache[point].value)) {
		sprintf(buf, "NULL");
	    else {
		sprintf(buf, "%d ", cache[point].value);
	else {			/* FCELL or DCELL */
	    if (cache[point].count > 1 ||
		Rast_is_d_null_value(&cache[point].dvalue)) {
		sprintf(buf, "NULL");
	    else {
		sprintf(buf, "%.10f", cache[point].dvalue);
	db_append_string(&stmt, buf);

	sprintf(buf, " where %s = %d", Fi->key, cache[point].cat);
	db_append_string(&stmt, buf);
	/* user provides where condition: */
	if (where_opt->answer) {
	    sprintf(buf, " AND %s", where_opt->answer);
	    db_append_string(&stmt, buf);
	G_debug(3, db_get_string(&stmt));

	/* Update table */
	if (db_execute_immediate(driver, &stmt) == DB_OK) {
	else {

    G_debug(1, "Committing DB transaction");

    /* Report */
    G_message(_("%d categories loaded from table"), select);
    G_message(_("%d categories loaded from vector"), point_cnt);
    G_message(_("%d categories from vector missing in table"), norec_cnt);
    G_message(_("%d duplicate categories in vector"), dupl_cnt);
    if (!where_opt->answer)
	G_message(_("%d records updated"), update_cnt);
    G_message(_("%d update errors"), upderr_cnt);

Beispiel #29
int main(int argc, char *argv[])

    int i, row, col;		/* counters */
    unsigned long filesize;

    int endianness;		/* 0=little, 1=big */
    int data_format;		/* 0=double  1=float  2=32bit signed int  5=8bit unsigned int (ie text) */
    int data_type;		/* 0=numbers  1=text */
    int format_block;		/* combo of endianness, 0, data_format, and type */
    int realflag = 0;		/* 0=only real values used */

    /* should type be specifically uint32 ??? */

    char array_name[32];	/* variable names must start with a letter (case 
				   sensitive) followed by letters, numbers, or 
				   underscores. 31 chars max. */
    int name_len;
    int mrows, ncols;		/* text/data/map array dimensions */

    int val_i;			/* for misc use */
    float val_f;		/* for misc use */
    double val_d;		/* for misc use */

    char *infile, *outfile, *maptitle, *basename;
    struct Cell_head region;
    void *raster, *ptr;
    RASTER_MAP_TYPE map_type;

    struct Option *inputfile, *outputfile;
    struct GModule *module;

    int fd;
    FILE *fp1;


    module = G_define_module();
    module->description = _("Exports a GRASS raster to a binary MAT-File.");

    /* Define the different options */

    inputfile = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_INPUT);

    outputfile = G_define_option();
    outputfile->key = "output";
    outputfile->type = TYPE_STRING;
    outputfile->required = YES;
    outputfile->gisprompt = "new_file,file,output";
    outputfile->description = _("Name for the output binary MAT-File");

    if (G_parser(argc, argv))

    infile = inputfile->answer;
    basename = G_store(outputfile->answer);
    G_basename(basename, "mat");
    outfile = G_malloc(strlen(basename) + 5);
    sprintf(outfile, "%s.mat", basename);

    fd = Rast_open_old(infile, "");

    map_type = Rast_get_map_type(fd);

    /* open bin file for writing */
    fp1 = fopen(outfile, "wb");
    if (NULL == fp1)
	G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open output file <%s>"), outfile);

    /* Check Endian State of Host Computer */
    if (G_is_little_endian())
	endianness = 0;		/* ie little endian */
	endianness = 1;		/* ie big endian */
    G_debug(1, "Machine is %s endian.\n", endianness ? "big" : "little");


    /********** Write map **********/

    /** write text element (map name) **/
    strncpy(array_name, "map_name", 31);
    mrows = 1;
    ncols = strlen(infile);
    data_format = 5;		/* 0=double  1=float  2=32bit signed int  5=8bit unsigned int(text) */
    data_type = 1;		/* 0=numbers  1=text */

    G_verbose_message(_("Exporting <%s>"), infile);

    /* 4 byte data format */
    format_block = endianness * 1000 + data_format * 10 + data_type;
    fwrite(&format_block, sizeof(int), 1, fp1);
    /* fprintf(stderr, "name data format is [%04ld]\n", format_block); */

    /* 4 byte number of rows & columns */
    fwrite(&mrows, sizeof(int), 1, fp1);
    fwrite(&ncols, sizeof(int), 1, fp1);

    /* 4 byte real/imag flag   0=real vals only */
    fwrite(&realflag, sizeof(int), 1, fp1);

    /* length of array_name+1 */
    name_len = strlen(array_name) + 1;
    fwrite(&name_len, sizeof(int), 1, fp1);

    /* array name */
    fprintf(fp1, "%s%c", array_name, '\0');

    /* array data */
    fprintf(fp1, "%s", infile);

    /********** Write title (if there is one) **********/
    maptitle = Rast_get_cell_title(infile, "");
    if (strlen(maptitle) >= 1) {

	/** write text element (map title) **/
	strncpy(array_name, "map_title", 31);
	mrows = 1;
	ncols = strlen(maptitle);
	data_format = 5;	/* 0=double  1=float  2=32bit signed int  5=8bit unsigned int(text) */
	data_type = 1;		/* 0=numbers  1=text */

	/* 4 byte data format */
	format_block = endianness * 1000 + data_format * 10 + data_type;
	fwrite(&format_block, sizeof(int), 1, fp1);

	/* 4 byte number of rows & columns */
	fwrite(&mrows, sizeof(int), 1, fp1);
	fwrite(&ncols, sizeof(int), 1, fp1);

	/* 4 byte real/imag flag   0=real vals only */
	fwrite(&realflag, sizeof(int), 1, fp1);

	/* length of array_name+1 */
	name_len = strlen(array_name) + 1;
	fwrite(&name_len, sizeof(int), 1, fp1);

	/* array name */
	fprintf(fp1, "%s%c", array_name, '\0');

	/* array data */
	fprintf(fp1, "%s", maptitle);

    /***** Write bounds *****/
    G_verbose_message(_("Using the Current Region settings:"));
    G_verbose_message(_("northern edge=%f"), region.north);
    G_verbose_message(_("southern edge=%f"), region.south);
    G_verbose_message(_("eastern edge=%f"), region.east);
    G_verbose_message(_("western edge=%f"), region.west);
    G_verbose_message(_("nsres=%f"), region.ns_res);
    G_verbose_message(_("ewres=%f"), region.ew_res);
    G_verbose_message(_("rows=%d"), region.rows);
    G_verbose_message(_("cols=%d"), region.cols);

    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
	switch (i) {
	case 0:
	    strncpy(array_name, "map_northern_edge", 31);
	    val_d = region.north;
	case 1:
	    strncpy(array_name, "map_southern_edge", 31);
	    val_d = region.south;
	case 2:
	    strncpy(array_name, "map_eastern_edge", 31);
	    val_d = region.east;
	case 3:
	    strncpy(array_name, "map_western_edge", 31);
	    val_d = region.west;
	    G_fatal_error("please contact development team");

	/** write data element **/
	data_format = 0;	/* 0=double  1=float  2=32bit signed int  5=8bit unsigned int(text) */
	data_type = 0;		/* 0=numbers  1=text */
	mrows = 1;
	ncols = 1;

	/* 4 byte data format */
	format_block = endianness * 1000 + data_format * 10 + data_type;
	fwrite(&format_block, sizeof(int), 1, fp1);
	/* fprintf(stderr, "bounds data format is [%04ld]\n", format_block); */

	/* 4 byte number of rows , 4 byte number of colums */
	fwrite(&mrows, sizeof(int), 1, fp1);
	fwrite(&ncols, sizeof(int), 1, fp1);

	/* 4 byte real/imag flag   0=only real */
	fwrite(&realflag, sizeof(int), 1, fp1);

	/* length of array_name+1 */
	name_len = strlen(array_name) + 1;
	fwrite(&name_len, sizeof(int), 1, fp1);

	/* array name */
	fprintf(fp1, "%s%c", array_name, '\0');

	/* write array data, by increasing column */
	fwrite(&val_d, sizeof(double), 1, fp1);

	/** end of data element **/

    /***** Write map data *****/
    strncpy(array_name, "map_data", 31);

    switch (map_type) {		/* data_format: 0=double  1=float  2=32bit signed int  5=8bit unsigned int (ie text) */

    case CELL_TYPE:
	data_format = 2;
	G_verbose_message(_("Exporting raster as integer values"));

    case FCELL_TYPE:
	data_format = 1;
	G_verbose_message(_("Exporting raster as floating point values"));

    case DCELL_TYPE:
	data_format = 0;
	G_verbose_message(_("Exporting raster as double FP values"));

	G_fatal_error("Please contact development team");

    data_type = 0;		/* 0=numbers  1=text */

    mrows = region.rows;
    ncols = region.cols;

    /* 4 byte data format */
    format_block = (endianness * 1000) + (data_format * 10) + data_type;
    fwrite(&format_block, sizeof(int), 1, fp1);

    G_debug(3, "map data format is [%04d]\n", format_block);

    /* 4 byte number of rows & columns */
    fwrite(&mrows, sizeof(int), 1, fp1);
    fwrite(&ncols, sizeof(int), 1, fp1);

    /* 4 byte real/imag flag   0=only real */
    fwrite(&realflag, sizeof(int), 1, fp1);

    /* length of array_name+1 */
    name_len = strlen(array_name) + 1;
    fwrite(&name_len, sizeof(int), 1, fp1);

    /* array name */
    fprintf(fp1, "%s%c", array_name, '\0');

    /* data array, by increasing column */
    raster =
	G_calloc((Rast_window_rows() + 1) * (Rast_window_cols() + 1),

    G_debug(1, "mem alloc is %d bytes\n",	/* I think _cols()+1 is unneeded? */
	    Rast_cell_size(map_type) * (Rast_window_rows() +
				       1) * (Rast_window_cols() + 1));

    G_verbose_message(_("Reading in map ... "));

    /* load entire map into memory */
    for (row = 0, ptr = raster; row < mrows; row++,
	 ptr =
			 (Rast_window_cols() + 1) * Rast_cell_size(map_type))) {
	Rast_get_row(fd, ptr, row, map_type);
	G_percent(row, mrows, 2);
    G_percent(row, mrows, 2);	/* finish it off */

    G_verbose_message(_("Writing out map..."));

    /* then write it to disk */
    /* NoGood: fwrite(raster, Rast_cell_size(map_type), mrows*ncols, fp1); */
    for (col = 0; col < ncols; col++) {
	for (row = 0; row < mrows; row++) {

	    ptr = raster;
	    ptr =
				(col +
				 row * (ncols +
					1)) * Rast_cell_size(map_type));

	    if (!Rast_is_null_value(ptr, map_type)) {
		if (map_type == CELL_TYPE) {
		    val_i = *((CELL *) ptr);
		    fwrite(&val_i, sizeof(int), 1, fp1);
		else if (map_type == FCELL_TYPE) {
		    val_f = *((FCELL *) ptr);
		    fwrite(&val_f, sizeof(float), 1, fp1);
		else if (map_type == DCELL_TYPE) {
		    val_d = *((DCELL *) ptr);
		    fwrite(&val_d, sizeof(double), 1, fp1);
	    else {		/* ie if NULL cell -> write IEEE NaN value */
		if (map_type == CELL_TYPE) {
		    val_i = *((CELL *) ptr);	/* int has no NaN value, so use whatever GRASS uses */
		    fwrite(&val_i, sizeof(int), 1, fp1);
		else if (map_type == FCELL_TYPE) {
		    if (endianness)	/* ie big */
			fprintf(fp1, "%c%c%c%c", 0xff, 0xf8, 0, 0);
		    else	/* ie little */
			fprintf(fp1, "%c%c%c%c", 0, 0, 0xf8, 0xff);
		else if (map_type == DCELL_TYPE) {
		    if (endianness)
			fprintf(fp1, "%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c", 0xff, 0xf8, 0, 0, 0,
				0, 0, 0);
			fprintf(fp1, "%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
				0xf8, 0xff);
	G_percent(col, ncols, 2);
    G_percent(col, ncols, 2);	/* finish it off */

    /*** end of data element ***/

    /* done! */
    filesize = G_ftell(fp1);

    G_verbose_message(_("%ld bytes written to '%s'"), filesize, outfile);



Beispiel #30
int main(int argc, char *argv[])

    struct GModule *module;
    struct Option *input, *vect;

    struct Cell_head window;
    int bot, right, t0, b0, l0, r0, clear = 0;
    double Rw_l, Rscr_wl;
    char *map_name = NULL, *v_name = NULL, *s_name = NULL;

    /* Initialize the GIS calls */

    /* must run in a term window */
    G_putenv("GRASS_UI_TERM", "1");

    module = G_define_module();
    module->keywords = _("raster, landscape structure analysis, patch index");
    module->description =
	_("Interactive tool used to setup the sampling and analysis framework "
	 "that will be used by the other r.le programs.");

    input = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_MAP);
    input->description = _("Raster map to use to setup sampling");

    vect = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_INPUT);
    vect->key = "vect";
    vect->description = _("Vector map to overlay");
    vect->required = NO;

    if (G_parser(argc, argv))

    setbuf(stdout, NULL);	/* unbuffered */
    setbuf(stderr, NULL);

    G_sleep_on_error(1);	/* error messages get lost on clear screen */

    map_name = input->answer;
    v_name = vect->answer;
    s_name = NULL;		/* sites not used in GRASS 6 */

    /* setup the r.le.para directory */

    /* query for the map to be setup */
    if (R_open_driver() != 0)
	G_fatal_error("No graphics device selected");

    /* setup the current window for display & clear screen */

    Rw_l = (double)G_window_cols() / G_window_rows();
    /*R_open_driver(); */
    /* R_font("romant"); */
    t0 = R_screen_top();
    b0 = R_screen_bot();
    l0 = R_screen_left();
    r0 = R_screen_rite();
    Rscr_wl = (double)(r0 - l0) / (b0 - t0);

    if (Rscr_wl > Rw_l) {
	bot = b0;
	right = l0 + (b0 - t0) * Rw_l;

    else {
	right = r0;
	bot = t0 + (r0 - l0) / Rw_l;
    D_new_window("a", t0, bot, l0, right);

    /* invoke the setup modules */
    set_map(map_name, v_name, s_name, window, t0, bot, l0, right);

    return (EXIT_SUCCESS);