Beispiel #1
GeoDataDocument *VectorClipper::clipTo(const GeoDataLatLonBox &tileBoundary, int zoomLevel)
    bool const useBaseClipper = false;
    if (useBaseClipper) {
        return clipToBaseClipper(tileBoundary);

    bool const filterSmallAreas = zoomLevel > 10 && zoomLevel < 17;
    GeoDataDocument* tile = new GeoDataDocument();
    auto const clip = clipPath(tileBoundary, zoomLevel);
    GeoDataLinearRing ring;
    ring << GeoDataCoordinates(tileBoundary.west(), tileBoundary.north());
    ring << GeoDataCoordinates(tileBoundary.east(), tileBoundary.north());
    ring << GeoDataCoordinates(tileBoundary.east(), tileBoundary.south());
    ring << GeoDataCoordinates(tileBoundary.west(), tileBoundary.south());
    qreal const minArea = filterSmallAreas ? 0.01 * area(ring) : 0.0;
    foreach (GeoDataPlacemark const * placemark, potentialIntersections(tileBoundary)) {
        GeoDataGeometry const * const geometry = placemark ? placemark->geometry() : nullptr;
        if (geometry && tileBoundary.intersects(geometry->latLonAltBox())) {
            if(geometry->nodeType() == GeoDataTypes::GeoDataPolygonType) {
                clipPolygon(placemark, clip, minArea, tile);
            } else if (geometry->nodeType() == GeoDataTypes::GeoDataLineStringType) {
                clipString<GeoDataLineString>(placemark, clip, minArea, tile);
            } else if (geometry->nodeType() == GeoDataTypes::GeoDataLinearRingType) {
                clipString<GeoDataLinearRing>(placemark, clip, minArea, tile);
            } else {
                tile->append(new GeoDataPlacemark(*placemark));
void GeoGraphicsScene::removeItem( GeoGraphicsItem* item )
    int zoomLevel;
    qreal north, south, east, west;
    item->latLonAltBox().boundaries( north, south, east, west );
    for(zoomLevel = s_tileZoomLevel; zoomLevel >= 0; zoomLevel--)
        if( d->coordToTileId( GeoDataCoordinates(west, north, 0), zoomLevel ) == 
            d->coordToTileId( GeoDataCoordinates(east, south, 0), zoomLevel ) )
    int tnorth, tsouth, teast, twest;
    TileId key;
    key = d->coordToTileId( GeoDataCoordinates(west, north, 0), zoomLevel );
    twest = key.x();
    tnorth = key.y();

    key = d->coordToTileId( GeoDataCoordinates(east, south, 0), zoomLevel );
    teast = key.x();
    tsouth = key.y();
    for( int i = twest; i <= teast; i++ )
        for( int j = tsouth; j <= tnorth; j++ )
            QList< GeoGraphicsItem* >& tileList = d->m_items[TileId( "", zoomLevel, i, j )]; 
            tileList.removeOne( item );
void GeoDataLatLonAltBoxTest::fromLineStringTest()
    qreal west = randomLon();
    qreal east = randomLon();
    qreal lat1 = randomLat();
    qreal lat2 = randomLat();
    GeoDataLatLonAltBox sourceBox;

    if ( lat1 >= lat2 ) {
        sourceBox = GeoDataLatLonBox( lat1, lat2, east, west, GeoDataCoordinates::Degree );
    else {
        sourceBox = GeoDataLatLonBox( lat2, lat1, east, west, GeoDataCoordinates::Degree );

    GeoDataLinearRing ring;
    // SouthWest
    ring << GeoDataCoordinates( sourceBox.west(), sourceBox.south() );
    // SouthEast
    ring << GeoDataCoordinates( sourceBox.east(), sourceBox.south() );
    // NorthEast
    ring << GeoDataCoordinates( sourceBox.east(), sourceBox.north() );
    // NorthWest
    ring << GeoDataCoordinates( sourceBox.west(), sourceBox.north() );

    QCOMPARE( GeoDataLatLonAltBox::fromLineString( ring ).toString(), sourceBox.toString() );

void GeoGraphicsScene::addIdem( GeoGraphicsItem* item )
    // Select zoom level so that the object fit in single tile
    int zoomLevel;
    qreal north, south, east, west;
    item->latLonAltBox().boundaries( north, south, east, west );
    for(zoomLevel = s_tileZoomLevel; zoomLevel >= 0; zoomLevel--)
        if( d->coordToTileId( GeoDataCoordinates(west, north, 0), zoomLevel ) == 
            d->coordToTileId( GeoDataCoordinates(east, south, 0), zoomLevel ) )
    int tnorth, tsouth, teast, twest;
    TileId key;
    key = d->coordToTileId( GeoDataCoordinates(west, north, 0), zoomLevel );
    twest = key.x();
    tnorth = key.y();

    key = d->coordToTileId( GeoDataCoordinates(east, south, 0), zoomLevel );
    teast = key.x();
    tsouth = key.y();
    for( int i = twest; i <= teast; i++ )
        for( int j = tsouth; j <= tnorth; j++ )
            QList< GeoGraphicsItem* >& tileList = d->m_items[TileId( "", zoomLevel, i, j )]; 
            QList< GeoGraphicsItem* >::iterator position = qLowerBound( tileList.begin(), tileList.end(), item, zValueLessThan );
            tileList.insert( position, item );
GeoDataCoordinates GeoDataLatLonAltBox::center() const
    if ( isEmpty() )
        return GeoDataCoordinates();
    if( crossesDateLine() )
        return GeoDataCoordinates( GeoDataCoordinates::normalizeLon(east() + 2 * M_PI - (east() + 2 * M_PI - west()) / 2),
                                north() - (north() - south()) / 2, 
                                d->m_maxAltitude - (d->m_maxAltitude - d->m_minAltitude) / 2);
        return GeoDataCoordinates( east() - (east() - west()) / 2,
                                north() - (north() - south()) / 2, 
                                d->m_maxAltitude - (d->m_maxAltitude - d->m_minAltitude) / 2);
Beispiel #6
QSet<TileId> PlacemarkLayout::visibleTiles( const ViewportParams *viewport )
    int zoomLevel = qLn( viewport->radius() *4 / 256 ) / qLn( 2.0 );

     * rely on m_placemarkCache to find the placemarks for the tiles which
     * matter. The top level tiles have the more popular placemarks,
     * the bottom level tiles have the smaller ones, and we only get the ones
     * matching our latLonAltBox.

    qreal north, south, east, west;
    viewport->viewLatLonAltBox().boundaries(north, south, east, west);
    QSet<TileId> tileIdSet;
    QVector<QRectF> geoRects;
    if( west <= east ) {
        geoRects << QRectF(west, north, east - west, south - north);
    } else {
        geoRects << QRectF(west, north, M_PI - west, south - north);
        geoRects << QRectF(-M_PI, north, east + M_PI, south - north);
    foreach( const QRectF &geoRect, geoRects ) {
        TileId key;
        QRect rect;

        key = TileId::fromCoordinates( GeoDataCoordinates(geoRect.left(), north, 0), zoomLevel);
        rect.setLeft( key.x() );
        rect.setTop( key.y() );

        key = TileId::fromCoordinates( GeoDataCoordinates(geoRect.right(), south, 0), zoomLevel);
        rect.setRight( key.x() );
        rect.setBottom( key.y() );

        TileCoordsPyramid pyramid(0, zoomLevel );
        pyramid.setBottomLevelCoords( rect );

        for ( int level = pyramid.topLevel(); level <= pyramid.bottomLevel(); ++level ) {
        QRect const coords = pyramid.coords( level );
        int x1, y1, x2, y2;
        coords.getCoords( &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2 );
            for ( int x = x1; x <= x2; ++x ) {
                for ( int y = y1; y <= y2; ++y ) {
                    TileId const tileId( 0, level, x, y );
void EditPlacemarkDialog::updateTextAnnotation()
    d->m_placemark->setDescription( d->m_formattedTextWidget->text() );
    //allow for HTML in the description
    d->m_placemark->setDescriptionCDATA( true );
    d->m_placemark->setName( d->m_header->name() );
    d->m_placemark->setCoordinate( GeoDataCoordinates( d->m_header->longitude(),
                                                                         GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ) );

    d->m_placemark->setVisible( d->m_isPlacemarkVisible->isChecked() );
    d->m_placemark->setBalloonVisible( d->m_isBalloonVisible->isChecked() );
    d->m_placemark->setId( d->m_header->id() );
    d->m_placemark->setTargetId( d->m_header->targetId() );

    GeoDataStyle *newStyle = new GeoDataStyle( *d->m_placemark->style() );

    QFileInfo fileInfo( d->m_header->iconLink() );
    if ( fileInfo.exists() ) {
        newStyle->iconStyle().setIconPath( d->m_header->iconLink() );

    newStyle->iconStyle().setScale( d->m_iconScale->value() );
    newStyle->labelStyle().setScale( d->m_labelScale->value() );

    newStyle->iconStyle().setColor( d->m_iconColorDialog->currentColor() );
    newStyle->labelStyle().setColor( d->m_labelColorDialog->currentColor() );

    d->m_placemark->setStyle( newStyle );

    emit textAnnotationUpdated( d->m_placemark );
void OpenCachingComModel::updateHome()
    qreal lon, lat;
    int zoom;
    marbleModel()->home( lon, lat, zoom );
    m_homeCoordinates = GeoDataCoordinates(lon, lat, 0, GeoDataCoordinates::Degree);
Beispiel #9
void FlyToEditWidget::save()
    if (flyToElement()->view() != nullptr && m_coord != GeoDataCoordinates()) {
        GeoDataCoordinates coords = m_coord;
        if (auto camera = geodata_cast<GeoDataCamera>(flyToElement()->view())) {
            camera->setCoordinates( coords );
        } else if (auto lookAt = geodata_cast<GeoDataLookAt>(flyToElement()->view())) {
            lookAt->setCoordinates( coords );
        } else{
            lookAt = new GeoDataLookAt;
            lookAt->setCoordinates( coords );
            flyToElement()->setView( lookAt );


    if (m_modeCombo->currentIndex() == 0) {
        flyToElement()->setFlyToMode( GeoDataFlyTo::Smooth );
    } else if (m_modeCombo->currentIndex() == 1) {
        flyToElement()->setFlyToMode( GeoDataFlyTo::Bounce );

    emit editingDone(m_index);
Beispiel #10
QList< GeoGraphicsItem* > GeoGraphicsScene::items( const Marble::GeoDataLatLonAltBox& box, int maxZoomLevel ) const
    QList< GeoGraphicsItem* > result;
    QRect rect;
    qreal north, south, east, west;
    box.boundaries( north, south, east, west );
    TileId key;
    int zoomLevel = maxZoomLevel < s_tileZoomLevel ? maxZoomLevel : s_tileZoomLevel;

    key = d->coordToTileId( GeoDataCoordinates(west, north, 0), zoomLevel );
    rect.setLeft( key.x() );
    rect.setTop( key.y() );

    key = d->coordToTileId( GeoDataCoordinates(east, south, 0), zoomLevel );
    rect.setRight( key.x() );
    rect.setBottom( key.y() );
    TileCoordsPyramid pyramid( 0, zoomLevel );
    pyramid.setBottomLevelCoords( rect );

    for ( int level = pyramid.topLevel(); level <= pyramid.bottomLevel(); ++level ) {
        QRect const coords = pyramid.coords( level );
        int x1, y1, x2, y2;
        coords.getCoords( &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2 );
        for ( int x = x1; x <= x2; ++x ) {
            for ( int y = y1; y <= y2; ++y ) {
                TileId const tileId( "", level, x, y );
                const QList< GeoGraphicsItem* > &objects = d->m_items.value(tileId);
                QList< GeoGraphicsItem* >::iterator before = result.begin();
                QList< GeoGraphicsItem* >::const_iterator currentItem = objects.constBegin();
                while( currentItem != objects.end() )
                    while( ( currentItem != objects.end() )
                      && ( ( before == result.end() ) || ( (*currentItem)->zValue() < (*before)->zValue() ) ) )
                        if( (*currentItem)->minZoomLevel() <= maxZoomLevel )
                            before = result.insert( before, *currentItem );
                    if ( before != result.end() )
    return result;
Beispiel #11
void RoutingInputWidget::clear()
    d->m_route->setPosition( d->m_index, GeoDataCoordinates() );
    emit targetValidityChanged( false );
GeoDataCoordinates AlternativeRoutesModelPrivate::coordinates( const GeoDataCoordinates &start, qreal distance, qreal bearing )
    qreal lat1 = start.latitude();
    qreal lon1 = start.longitude();
    qreal lat2 = asin( sin( lat1 ) * cos( distance ) + cos( lat1 ) * sin( distance ) * cos( bearing ) );
    qreal lon2 = lon1 + atan2( sin( bearing ) * sin( distance ) * cos( lat1 ), cos( distance ) - sin( lat1 ) * sin( lat2 ) );
    return GeoDataCoordinates( lon2, lat2 );
Beispiel #13
GeoDataCoordinates RoutingInputWidget::targetPosition() const
    if ( d->m_index < d->m_route->size() ) {
        return d->m_route->at( d->m_index );
    } else {
        return GeoDataCoordinates();
Beispiel #14
GeoDataPoint::GeoDataPoint( qreal lon, qreal lat, qreal alt,
                            GeoDataCoordinates::Unit unit )
    : GeoDataGeometry( new GeoDataPointPrivate )
    d->m_coordinates = GeoDataCoordinates(lon, lat, alt, unit);
    d->m_latLonAltBox = GeoDataLatLonAltBox(d->m_coordinates);
Beispiel #15
GeoDataCoordinates ViewportParams::focusPoint() const
    if (d->m_focusPoint.isValid()) {
        return d->m_focusPoint;
    else {
       const qreal lon = d->m_centerLongitude;
       const qreal lat = d->m_centerLatitude;

       return GeoDataCoordinates(lon, lat, 0.0, GeoDataCoordinates::Radian);

Beispiel #16
void TileIdTest::testFromCoordinates()
    QFETCH( qreal, lon );
    QFETCH( qreal, lat );
    QFETCH( int, zoom);
    QFETCH( int, x);
    QFETCH( int, y);

    const TileId tile = TileId::fromCoordinates(GeoDataCoordinates( lon , lat, 0, GeoDataCoordinates::Degree), zoom );

    QCOMPARE( tile.x(), x );
    QCOMPARE( tile.y(), y );
Beispiel #17
GeoDataCoordinates GeoDataAbstractView::coordinates() const
    if ( nodeType() == GeoDataTypes::GeoDataLookAtType) {
        const GeoDataLookAt *lookAt = static_cast<const GeoDataLookAt*>( this );
        if( lookAt ){
            return lookAt->coordinates();
    else if( nodeType() == GeoDataTypes::GeoDataCameraType ){
        const GeoDataCamera *camera = static_cast<const GeoDataCamera*>( this );
        if ( camera ){
            return camera->coordinates();
    return GeoDataCoordinates();
Beispiel #18
QVariant TargetModel::homeData ( int role ) const
    switch( role ) {
    case Qt::DisplayRole: return tr( "Home" );
    case Qt::DecorationRole: return QIcon( ":/icons/go-home.png" );
    case MarblePlacemarkModel::CoordinateRole: {
        qreal lon( 0.0 ), lat( 0.0 );
        int zoom( 0 );
        m_marbleModel->home( lon, lat, zoom );
        const GeoDataCoordinates coordinates = GeoDataCoordinates( lon, lat, 0, GeoDataCoordinates::Degree );
        return qVariantFromValue( coordinates );

    return QVariant();
Beispiel #19
bool RoutingLayerPrivate::handleMouseButtonRelease( QMouseEvent *e )
    if ( e->button() != Qt::LeftButton ) {
        return false;

    if ( m_pointSelection ) {
        if ( e->button() == Qt::LeftButton ) {
            qreal lon( 0.0 ), lat( 0.0 );
            if ( m_marbleWidget->geoCoordinates( e->pos().x(), e->pos().y(),
                                                 lon, lat, GeoDataCoordinates::Radian ) ) {
                emit q->pointSelected( GeoDataCoordinates( lon, lat ) );
                return true;
        } else {
            return false;

    if ( m_movingIndex >= 0 ) {
        m_movingIndex = -1;
        emit q->routeDirty();
        return true;

    if ( !m_dropStopOver.isNull() && !m_dragStopOver.isNull() ) {
        QPoint moved = e->pos() - m_dragStopOver;
        if ( moved.manhattanLength() < 10 ) {
            return false;

        qreal lon( 0.0 ), lat( 0.0 );
        if ( m_dragStopOverRightIndex >= 0 && m_dragStopOverRightIndex <= m_routeRequest->size()
                && m_marbleWidget->geoCoordinates( m_dropStopOver.x(), m_dropStopOver.y(), lon, lat, GeoDataCoordinates::Radian ) ) {
            GeoDataCoordinates position( lon, lat );
            m_dragStopOverRightIndex = viaInsertPosition( e->modifiers() );
            m_routeRequest->insert( m_dragStopOverRightIndex, position );
            emit q->routeDirty();
            return true;

    return false;
Beispiel #20
bool AbstractGeoPolygonGraphicsItem::contains(const QPoint &screenPosition, const ViewportParams *viewport) const
    auto const visualCategory = static_cast<const GeoDataPlacemark*>(feature())->visualCategory();
    if (visualCategory == GeoDataPlacemark::Landmass ||
            visualCategory == GeoDataPlacemark::UrbanArea ||
            (visualCategory >= GeoDataPlacemark::LanduseAllotments && visualCategory <= GeoDataPlacemark::LanduseVineyard)) {
        return false;

    double lon, lat;
    viewport->geoCoordinates(screenPosition.x(), screenPosition.y(), lon, lat, GeoDataCoordinates::Radian);
    auto const coordinates = GeoDataCoordinates(lon, lat);
    if (m_polygon) {
        return m_polygon->contains(coordinates);
    } else if (m_ring) {
        return m_ring->contains(coordinates);
    return false;
Beispiel #21
void SatellitesMSCItem::addTrackPointAt( const QDateTime &dateTime )
    double lng    = 0.;
    double lat    = 0.;
    double height = 0.;

    QDateTime dt = dateTime.toUTC();
    QDate date =;
    QTime time = dt.time();

    m_planSat->setMJD( date.year(), date.month(),,
                       time.hour(), time.minute(), time.second() );
    m_planSat->getPlanetographic( lng, lat, height );

    m_track->addPoint( dateTime,
                       GeoDataCoordinates( lng, lat, height * 1000,
                                           GeoDataCoordinates::Degree) );
Beispiel #22
void EditPlacemarkDialog::updateTextAnnotation()
    d->m_placemark->setDescription( d->m_formattedTextWidget->text() );
    //allow for HTML in the description
    d->m_placemark->setDescriptionCDATA( true );
    d->m_placemark->setName( d->m_header->name() );
    d->m_placemark->setCoordinate( GeoDataCoordinates( d->m_header->longitude(),
                                                                         GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ) );

    d->m_placemark->setVisible( d->m_isPlacemarkVisible->isChecked() );
    d->m_placemark->setBalloonVisible( d->m_isBalloonVisible->isChecked() );
    d->m_placemark->setId( d->m_header->id() );
    d->m_placemark->setTargetId( d->m_header->targetId() );

    if ( !d->m_header->iconLink().isEmpty() ) {
        QFileInfo fileInfo( d->m_header->iconLink() );

        GeoDataStyle *newStyle = new GeoDataStyle( *d->m_placemark->style() );
        if ( fileInfo.exists() ) {
            newStyle->iconStyle().setIconPath( d->m_header->iconLink() );

        newStyle->iconStyle().setScale( d->m_iconScale->value() );
        newStyle->labelStyle().setScale( d->m_labelScale->value() );
        newStyle->iconStyle().setColor( d->m_iconColorDialog->currentColor() );
        newStyle->labelStyle().setColor( d->m_labelColorDialog->currentColor() );
        d->m_placemark->setStyle( newStyle );
    else {
        QString suitableTag = d->m_osmTagEditorWidget->suitableTag();
        if ( !suitableTag.isEmpty() ) {
            GeoDataFeature::GeoDataVisualCategory category = OsmPresetLibrary::osmVisualCategory( suitableTag );
            d->m_placemark->setVisualCategory( category );
            d->m_placemark->setStyle( 0 );

    emit textAnnotationUpdated( d->m_placemark );
Beispiel #23
void EditPlacemarkDialog::updateTextAnnotation()
    d->m_placemark->setDescription( d->m_formattedTextWidget->text() );
    //allow for HTML in the description
    d->m_placemark->setDescriptionCDATA( true );
    d->m_placemark->setName( d->m_header->name() );
    d->m_placemark->setCoordinate( GeoDataCoordinates( d->m_header->longitude(),
                                                                         GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ) );

    d->m_placemark->setVisible( d->m_isPlacemarkVisible->isChecked() );
    d->m_placemark->setBalloonVisible( d->m_isBalloonVisible->isChecked() );
    d->m_placemark->setId( d->m_header->id() );
    d->m_placemark->setTargetId( d->m_header->targetId() );

    if ( !d->m_header->iconLink().isEmpty() ) {
        QFileInfo fileInfo( d->m_header->iconLink() );

        GeoDataStyle::Ptr newStyle(new GeoDataStyle( *d->m_placemark->style() ));
        if ( fileInfo.exists() ) {
            newStyle->iconStyle().setIconPath( d->m_header->iconLink() );

        newStyle->iconStyle().setScale( d->m_iconScale->value() );
        newStyle->labelStyle().setScale( d->m_labelScale->value() );
        newStyle->iconStyle().setColor( d->m_iconColorDialog->currentColor() );
        newStyle->labelStyle().setColor( d->m_labelColorDialog->currentColor() );
        d->m_placemark->setStyle( newStyle );
    else {
        const OsmPlacemarkData osmData = d->m_osmTagEditorWidget->placemarkData();
        const GeoDataPlacemark::GeoDataVisualCategory category = StyleBuilder::determineVisualCategory(osmData);
        if (category != GeoDataPlacemark::None) {
            d->m_placemark->setVisualCategory( category );

    emit textAnnotationUpdated( d->m_placemark );
Beispiel #24
QVector<GeoDataCoordinates> ElevationModel::heightProfile( qreal fromLon, qreal fromLat, qreal toLon, qreal toLat ) const
    if ( !d->m_textureLayer ) {
        return QVector<GeoDataCoordinates>();

    const int tileZoomLevel = TileLoader::maximumTileLevel( *( d->m_textureLayer ) );
    const int width = d->m_textureLayer->tileSize().width();
    const int numTilesX = TileLoaderHelper::levelToColumn( d->m_textureLayer->levelZeroColumns(), tileZoomLevel );

    qreal distPerPixel = ( qreal )360 / ( width * numTilesX );
    //mDebug() << "heightProfile" << fromLat << fromLon << toLat << toLon << "distPerPixel" << distPerPixel;

    qreal lat = fromLat;
    qreal lon = fromLon;
    char dirLat = fromLat < toLat ? 1 : -1;
    char dirLon = fromLon < toLon ? 1 : -1;
    qreal k = qAbs( ( fromLat - toLat ) / ( fromLon - toLon ) );
    //mDebug() << "fromLon" << fromLon << "fromLat" << fromLat;
    //mDebug() << "diff lon" << ( fromLon - toLon ) << "diff lat" << ( fromLat - toLat );
    //mDebug() << "dirLon" << QString::number(dirLon) << "dirLat" << QString::number(dirLat) << "k" << k;
    QVector<GeoDataCoordinates> ret;
    while ( lat*dirLat <= toLat*dirLat && lon*dirLon <= toLon * dirLon ) {
        //mDebug() << lat << lon;
        qreal h = height( lon, lat );
        if ( h < 32000 ) {
            ret << GeoDataCoordinates( lon, lat, h, GeoDataCoordinates::Degree );
        if ( k < 0.5 ) {
            //mDebug() << "lon(x) += distPerPixel";
            lat += distPerPixel * k * dirLat;
            lon += distPerPixel * dirLon;
        } else {
            //mDebug() << "lat(y) += distPerPixel";
            lat += distPerPixel * dirLat;
            lon += distPerPixel / k * dirLon;
    //mDebug() << ret;
    return ret;
Beispiel #25
void FlyToEditWidget::save()
    if (flyToElement()->view() != 0 && m_coord != GeoDataCoordinates()) {
        GeoDataCoordinates coords = m_coord;
        if ( flyToElement()->view()->nodeType() == GeoDataTypes::GeoDataCameraType ) {
            GeoDataCamera* camera = dynamic_cast<GeoDataCamera*>( flyToElement()->view() );
            camera->setCoordinates( coords );
        } else if ( flyToElement()->view()->nodeType() == GeoDataTypes::GeoDataLookAtType ) {
            GeoDataLookAt* lookAt = dynamic_cast<GeoDataLookAt*>( flyToElement()->view() );
            lookAt->setCoordinates( coords );
        } else{
            GeoDataLookAt* lookAt = new GeoDataLookAt;
            lookAt->setCoordinates( coords );
            flyToElement()->setView( lookAt );


    emit editingDone(m_index);
Beispiel #26
GeoNode* OsmNdTagHandler::parse( GeoParser &geoParser ) const
    Q_ASSERT( dynamic_cast<OsmParser *>( &geoParser ) != 0 );
    OsmParser &parser = static_cast<OsmParser &>( geoParser );

    Q_ASSERT( parser.isStartElement() );

    GeoStackItem parentItem = parser.parentElement();

    if ( parentItem.represents( osmTag_way ) )
        GeoDataLineString *s = parentItem.nodeAs<GeoDataLineString>();
        Q_ASSERT( s );
        quint64 id = parser.attribute( "ref" ).toULongLong();
        if ( GeoDataPoint *p = parser.node( id ) ) {
            s->append( GeoDataCoordinates( p->coordinates().longitude(), p->coordinates().latitude() ) );

        return 0;

    return 0;
Beispiel #27
EditPlacemarkDialog::EditPlacemarkDialog( GeoDataPlacemark *placemark,
                                          const QHash<qint64, OsmPlacemarkData> *relations,
                                          QWidget *parent ) :
    QDialog( parent ),
    d( new Private( placemark ) )
    d->setupUi( this );

    // Store initial style so that it can be restored if the 'Cancel' button is pressed.
    d->m_initialStyle = *placemark->style();

    d->m_initialVisualCategory = placemark->visualCategory();

    d->m_hadInitialOsmData = placemark->hasOsmData();
    if ( d->m_hadInitialOsmData ) {
        d->m_initialOsmData = placemark->osmData();

    // If the placemark has just been created, assign    it a default name.
    if ( placemark->name().isNull() ) {
        placemark->setName( tr("Untitled Placemark") );
    // Setup id, name, icon link and latitude/longitude values.
    d->m_header->setId( placemark->id() );
    d->m_initialId = placemark->id();
    d->m_header->setName( placemark->name() );
    d->m_initialName = placemark->name();
    d->m_isPlacemarkVisible->setChecked( placemark->isVisible() );
    d->m_initialIsPlacemarkVisible = placemark->isVisible();
    d->m_header->setIconLink( placemark->style()->iconStyle().iconPath() );
    d->m_header->setTargetId( placemark->targetId() );
    d->m_initialTargetId = placemark->targetId();
    MarbleWidget* marbleWidget = dynamic_cast<MarbleWidget*>( parent );
    if( marbleWidget != 0 ) {
        const AngleUnit defaultAngleUnit = marbleWidget->defaultAngleUnit();
        const GeoDataCoordinates::Notation notation =
            (defaultAngleUnit == DecimalDegree) ? GeoDataCoordinates::Decimal :
            (defaultAngleUnit == DMSDegree) ?     GeoDataCoordinates::DMS :
            /* else, UTM */                       GeoDataCoordinates::DMS;
        d->m_header->setNotation( notation );
    connect( d->m_header, SIGNAL(valueChanged()), this, SLOT(
                 updateTextAnnotation()) );

    d->m_formattedTextWidget->setText( placemark->description() );
    d->m_initialDescription = placemark->description();
    d->m_initialDescriptionIsCDATA = placemark->descriptionIsCDATA();
    d->m_isBalloonVisible->setChecked( placemark->isBalloonVisible() );
    d->m_initialIsBaloonVisible = placemark->isBalloonVisible();

    d->m_header->setLatitude( placemark->coordinate().latitude( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ) );
    d->m_header->setLongitude( placemark->coordinate().longitude( GeoDataCoordinates::Degree ) );
    d->m_initialCoords = GeoDataCoordinates( d->m_header->longitude(),
                                             GeoDataCoordinates::Degree );

    // There's no point showing Relations and Tags tabs if the editor was not
    // loaded from the annotate plugin ( loaded from tourWidget.. )
    if ( relations ) {
        // Adding the osm tag editor widget tab
        d->m_osmTagEditorWidget = new OsmTagEditorWidget( placemark, this );
        d->tabWidget->addTab( d->m_osmTagEditorWidget, tr( "Tags" ) );
        QObject::connect( d->m_osmTagEditorWidget, SIGNAL( placemarkChanged( GeoDataFeature* ) ),
                          this, SLOT( updateTextAnnotation() ) );

        // Adding the osm relation editor widget tab
        d->m_osmRelationManagerWidget = new OsmRelationManagerWidget( placemark, relations, this );
        d->tabWidget->addTab( d->m_osmRelationManagerWidget, tr( "Relations" ) );
        QObject::connect( d->m_osmRelationManagerWidget, SIGNAL( relationCreated( const OsmPlacemarkData& ) ),
                          this, SIGNAL( relationCreated( const OsmPlacemarkData& ) ) );

    // Adding the elevation widget tab
    d->m_elevationWidget = new Ui::ElevationWidget;
    QWidget *elevationTab = new QWidget;
    d->m_elevationWidget->setupUi( elevationTab );
    d->tabWidget->addTab( elevationTab, tr("Elevation") );
    qreal altitude = d->m_placemark->coordinate().altitude();
    MarbleLocale *locale = MarbleGlobal::getInstance()->locale();
    if ( altitude == 0.0 ) {
        switch ( locale->measurementSystem() ) {
        case MarbleLocale::MetricSystem:
            d->m_elevationUnit = MarbleLocale::Meter;
        case MarbleLocale::ImperialSystem:
            d->m_elevationUnit = MarbleLocale::Foot;
        case MarbleLocale::NauticalSystem:
            d->m_elevationUnit = MarbleLocale::NauticalMile;

        d->m_elevationWidget->elevationSpinBox->setSuffix( locale->unitAbbreviation((d->m_elevationUnit)) );
    } else {
        qreal convertedAltitude;
        const MarbleLocale::MeasurementSystem currentSystem = locale->measurementSystem();
        locale->meterToTargetUnit( altitude, currentSystem, convertedAltitude, d->m_elevationUnit );
        d->m_elevationWidget->elevationSpinBox->setValue( convertedAltitude );
        d->m_elevationWidget->elevationSpinBox->setSuffix( locale->unitAbbreviation(d->m_elevationUnit) );

    // Adjust icon and label scales.
    d->m_iconScale->setValue( placemark->style()->iconStyle().scale() );
    connect( d->m_iconScale, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)), this, SLOT(updateTextAnnotation()) );

    d->m_labelScale->setValue( placemark->style()->labelStyle().scale() );
    connect( d->m_labelScale, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)), this, SLOT(updateTextAnnotation()) );

    // Adjust the current color of the two push buttons' pixmap to resemble the label and icon colors.
    const GeoDataLabelStyle labelStyle = placemark->style()->labelStyle();
    const GeoDataIconStyle iconStyle = placemark->style()->iconStyle();

    QPixmap labelPixmap( d->m_labelButton->iconSize().width(),
                         d->m_labelButton->iconSize().height() );
    labelPixmap.fill( labelStyle.color() );
    d->m_labelButton->setIcon( QIcon( labelPixmap ) );

    QPixmap iconPixmap( d->m_iconButton->iconSize().width(),
                        d->m_iconButton->iconSize().height() );
    iconPixmap.fill( iconStyle.color() );
    d->m_iconButton->setIcon( QIcon( iconPixmap ) );

    // Setup the color dialogs.
    d->m_labelColorDialog = new QColorDialog( this );
    d->m_labelColorDialog->setOption( QColorDialog::ShowAlphaChannel );
    d->m_labelColorDialog->setCurrentColor( labelStyle.color() );
    connect( d->m_labelButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), d->m_labelColorDialog, SLOT(exec()) );
    connect( d->m_labelColorDialog, SIGNAL(colorSelected(QColor)), this, SLOT(updateLabelDialog(QColor)) );
    connect( d->m_labelColorDialog, SIGNAL(colorSelected(QColor)), this, SLOT(updateTextAnnotation()) );

    d->m_iconColorDialog = new QColorDialog( this );
    d->m_iconColorDialog->setOption( QColorDialog::ShowAlphaChannel );
    d->m_iconColorDialog->setCurrentColor( iconStyle.color() );
    connect( d->m_iconButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), d->m_iconColorDialog, SLOT(exec()) );
    connect( d->m_iconColorDialog, SIGNAL(colorSelected(QColor)), this, SLOT(updateIconDialog(QColor)) );
    connect( d->m_iconColorDialog, SIGNAL(colorSelected(QColor)), this, SLOT(updateTextAnnotation()) );

    connect( d->m_isBalloonVisible, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(updateTextAnnotation()) );

    // Promote "Ok" button to default button.
    d->buttonBox->button( QDialogButtonBox::Ok )->setDefault( true );

    connect( d->buttonBox->button( QDialogButtonBox::Ok ), SIGNAL(pressed()), this, SLOT(checkFields()) );
    connect( this, SIGNAL(accepted()), SLOT(updateTextAnnotation()) );
    connect( this, SIGNAL(accepted()), SLOT(updatePlacemarkAltitude()) );
    connect( this, SIGNAL(finished(int)), SLOT(restoreInitial(int)) );

    // Ensure that the dialog gets deleted when closing it (either when clicking OK or
    // Close).
    connect( this, SIGNAL(finished(int)), SLOT(deleteLater()) );
Beispiel #28
void ViewportParams::resetFocusPoint()
    d->m_focusPoint = GeoDataCoordinates();
Beispiel #29
void OsmNode::parseCoordinates(const QXmlStreamAttributes &attributes)
    qreal const lon = attributes.value( "lon" ).toDouble();
    qreal const lat = attributes.value( "lat" ).toDouble();
    m_coordinates = GeoDataCoordinates(lon, lat, 0, GeoDataCoordinates::Degree);
Beispiel #30
void RoutingInputWidget::setInvalid()
    d->m_route->setPosition( d->m_index, GeoDataCoordinates() );
    emit targetValidityChanged( false );