bool OGRAmigoCloudDataSource::waitForJobToFinish(const char* jobId)
    std::stringstream url;
    url << std::string(GetAPIURL()) << "/me/jobs/" << std::string(jobId);
    int count = 0;
    while (count<5) {
        json_object *result = RunGET(url.str().c_str());
        if (result == nullptr) {
            CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "waitForJobToFinish failed.");
            return false;

        if (result != nullptr) {
            int type = json_object_get_type(result);
            if (type == json_type_object) {
                json_object *poStatus = CPL_json_object_object_get(result, "status");
                const char *status = json_object_get_string(poStatus);
                if (status != nullptr) {
                    if (std::string(status) == "SUCCESS") {
                        return true;
                    } else if (std::string(status) == "FAILURE") {
                        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Job failed : %s", json_object_get_string(result));
                        return false;
        CPLSleep(1.0); // Sleep 1 sec.
    return false;
Beispiel #2
CPLHTTPResult * OGRGFTDataSource::RunSQL(const char* pszUnescapedSQL)
    CPLString osSQL("POSTFIELDS=sql=");
    /* Do post escaping */
    for(int i=0;pszUnescapedSQL[i] != 0;i++)
        const int ch = ((unsigned char*)pszUnescapedSQL)[i];
        if (ch != '&' && ch >= 32 && ch < 128)
            osSQL += (char)ch;
            osSQL += CPLSPrintf("%%%02X", ch);

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Provide the API Key - used to rate limit access (see            */
/*      GFT_APIKEY config)                                              */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    osSQL += "&key=";
    osSQL += osAPIKey;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Force old style CSV output from calls - maybe we want to        */
/*      migrate to JSON output at some point?                           */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    osSQL += "&alt=csv";

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Collection the header options and execute request.              */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    char** papszOptions = CSLAddString(AddHTTPOptions(), osSQL);
    CPLHTTPResult * psResult = CPLHTTPFetch( GetAPIURL(), papszOptions);

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Check for some error conditions and report.  HTML Messages      */
/*      are transformed info failure.                                   */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if (psResult && psResult->pszContentType &&
        strncmp(psResult->pszContentType, "text/html", 9) == 0)
        CPLDebug( "GFT", "RunSQL HTML Response:%s", psResult->pabyData );
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, 
                 "HTML error page returned by server");
        psResult = NULL;
    if (psResult && psResult->pszErrBuf != NULL) 
        CPLDebug( "GFT", "RunSQL Error Message:%s", psResult->pszErrBuf );
    else if (psResult && psResult->nStatus != 0) 
        CPLDebug( "GFT", "RunSQL Error Status:%d", psResult->nStatus );

    return psResult;
void OGRAmigoCloudDataSource::SubmitChangeset(const CPLString &json)
    std::stringstream url;
    url << std::string(GetAPIURL()) << "/users/0/projects/" + std::string(GetProjectId()) + "/submit_changeset";
    std::stringstream changeset;
    changeset << "{\"changeset\":\"" << OGRAMIGOCLOUDJsonEncode(json) << "\"}";
    json_object* poObj = RunPOST(url.str().c_str(), changeset.str().c_str());
    if( poObj != nullptr )
OGRErr OGRAmigoCloudDataSource::DeleteLayer(int iLayer)
    if( !bReadWrite )
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                 "Operation not available in read-only mode");
        return OGRERR_FAILURE;

    if( iLayer < 0 || iLayer >= nLayers )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                  "Layer %d not in legal range of 0 to %d.",
                  iLayer, nLayers-1 );
        return OGRERR_FAILURE;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Blow away our OGR structures related to the layer.  This is     */
/*      pretty dangerous if anything has a reference to this layer!     */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    CPLString osDatasetId = papoLayers[iLayer]->GetDatasetId();

    CPLDebug( "AMIGOCLOUD", "DeleteLayer(%s)", osDatasetId.c_str() );

    int bDeferredCreation = papoLayers[iLayer]->GetDeferredCreation();
    delete papoLayers[iLayer];
    memmove( papoLayers + iLayer, papoLayers + iLayer + 1,
             sizeof(void *) * (nLayers - iLayer - 1) );

    if (osDatasetId.size() == 0)
        return OGRERR_NONE;

    if( !bDeferredCreation )
        std::stringstream url;
        url << std::string(GetAPIURL()) << "/users/0/projects/" + std::string(GetProjetcId()) + "/datasets/"+ osDatasetId.c_str();
        json_object *poObj = RunDELETE(url.str().c_str());

//        json_object* poObj = RunSQL(osSQL);
        if( poObj == NULL )
            return OGRERR_FAILURE;

    return OGRERR_NONE;
bool OGRAmigoCloudDataSource::ListDatasets()
    std::stringstream url;
    url << std::string(GetAPIURL()) << "/users/0/projects/" << std::string(GetProjectId()) << "/datasets/?summary";
    json_object* result = RunGET(url.str().c_str());
    if( result == nullptr ) {
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "AmigoCloud:get failed.");
        return false;

    if( result != nullptr )
        auto type = json_object_get_type(result);
        if(type == json_type_object)
            json_object *poResults = CPL_json_object_object_get(result, "results");
            if(poResults != nullptr &&
                json_object_get_type(poResults) == json_type_array)
                CPLprintf("List of available datasets for project id: %s\n", GetProjectId());
                CPLprintf("| id \t | name\n");
                const auto nSize = json_object_array_length(poResults);
                for(auto i = decltype(nSize){0}; i < nSize; ++i) {
                    json_object *ds = json_object_array_get_idx(poResults, i);
                    if(ds!=nullptr) {
                        const char *name = nullptr;
                        int64_t dataset_id = 0;
                        json_object *poName = CPL_json_object_object_get(ds, "name");
                        if (poName != nullptr) {
                            name = json_object_get_string(poName);
                        json_object *poId = CPL_json_object_object_get(ds, "id");
                        if (poId != nullptr) {
                            dataset_id = json_object_get_int64(poId);
                        if (name != nullptr) {
                            std::stringstream str;
                            str << "| " << dataset_id << "\t | " << name;
                            CPLprintf("%s\n", str.str().c_str());
    return true;
Beispiel #6

    for( int i = 0; i < nLayers; i++ )
        delete papoLayers[i];
    CPLFree( papoLayers );

    if (bMustCleanPersistant)
        char** papszOptions = CSLAddString(NULL, CPLSPrintf("CLOSE_PERSISTENT=GFT:%p", this));
        CPLHTTPFetch( GetAPIURL(), papszOptions);

    CPLFree( pszName );
Beispiel #7

    for( int i = 0; i < nLayers; i++ )
        delete papoLayers[i];
    CPLFree( papoLayers );

    if (bMustCleanPersistent)
        char** papszOptions = nullptr;
        papszOptions = CSLSetNameValue(papszOptions, "CLOSE_PERSISTENT", CPLSPrintf("GFT:%p", this));
        CPLHTTPDestroyResult( CPLHTTPFetch( GetAPIURL(), papszOptions) );

    CPLFree( pszName );

    for( int i = 0; i < nLayers; i++ )
        delete papoLayers[i];
    CPLFree( papoLayers );

    if( bMustCleanPersistent )
        char** papszOptions = NULL;
        papszOptions = CSLSetNameValue(papszOptions, "CLOSE_PERSISTENT", CPLSPrintf("AMIGOCLOUD:%p", this));
        CPLHTTPDestroyResult( CPLHTTPFetch( GetAPIURL(), papszOptions) );

    CPLFree( pszName );

    for( int i = 0; i < nLayers; i++ )
        delete papoLayers[i];
    CPLFree( papoLayers );

    if (bMustCleanPersistant)
        char** papszOptions = NULL;
        papszOptions = CSLSetNameValue(papszOptions, "CLOSE_PERSISTENT", CPLSPrintf("CARTODB:%p", this));
        CPLHTTPFetch( GetAPIURL(), papszOptions);

    CPLFree( pszName );
    CPLFree( pszAccount );
json_object* OGRAmigoCloudDataSource::RunSQL(const char* pszUnescapedSQL)
    CPLString osSQL;
    osSQL = "/users/0/projects/" + CPLString(pszProjetctId) + "/sql";

    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*      Provide the API Key                                             */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( osAPIKey.size() > 0 )
        osSQL += "?token=";
        osSQL += osAPIKey;

    osSQL += "&query=";

    char * pszEscaped = CPLEscapeString( pszUnescapedSQL, -1, CPLES_URL );
    std::string escaped = pszEscaped;
    CPLFree( pszEscaped );
    osSQL += escaped;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Collection the header options and execute request.              */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    std::string pszAPIURL = GetAPIURL();
    char** papszOptions = NULL;

    pszAPIURL += osSQL;

    CPLHTTPResult * psResult = CPLHTTPFetch( pszAPIURL.c_str(), papszOptions);
    if( psResult == NULL )
        return NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Check for some error conditions and report.  HTML Messages      */
/*      are transformed info failure.                                   */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if (psResult->pszContentType &&
        strncmp(psResult->pszContentType, "text/html", 9) == 0)
        CPLDebug( "AMIGOCLOUD", "RunSQL HTML Response:%s", psResult->pabyData );
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                 "HTML error page returned by server");
        return NULL;
    if (psResult->pszErrBuf != NULL)
        CPLDebug( "AMIGOCLOUD", "RunSQL Error Message:%s", psResult->pszErrBuf );
    else if (psResult->nStatus != 0)
        CPLDebug( "AMIGOCLOUD", "RunSQL Error Status:%d", psResult->nStatus );

    if( psResult->pabyData == NULL )
        return NULL;

    CPLDebug( "AMIGOCLOUD", "RunSQL Response:%s", psResult->pabyData );

    json_tokener* jstok = NULL;
    json_object* poObj = NULL;

    jstok = json_tokener_new();
    poObj = json_tokener_parse_ex(jstok, (const char*) psResult->pabyData, -1);
    if( jstok->err != json_tokener_success)
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                    "JSON parsing error: %s (at offset %d)",
                    json_tokener_error_desc(jstok->err), jstok->char_offset);
        return NULL;


    if( poObj != NULL )
        if( json_object_get_type(poObj) == json_type_object )
            json_object* poError = CPL_json_object_object_get(poObj, "error");
            if( poError != NULL && json_object_get_type(poError) == json_type_array &&
                json_object_array_length(poError) > 0 )
                poError = json_object_array_get_idx(poError, 0);
                if( poError != NULL && json_object_get_type(poError) == json_type_string )
                    CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                            "Error returned by server : %s", json_object_get_string(poError));
                    return NULL;
            return NULL;

    return poObj;
json_object* OGRAmigoCloudDataSource::RunSQL(const char* pszUnescapedSQL)
    CPLString osSQL;
    osSQL = "/users/0/projects/" + CPLString(pszProjectId) + "/sql";

    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*      Provide the API Key                                             */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( !osAPIKey.empty() )
        osSQL += "?token=" + osAPIKey;

    osSQL += "&query=";

    char * pszEscaped = CPLEscapeString( pszUnescapedSQL, -1, CPLES_URL );
    std::string escaped = pszEscaped;
    CPLFree( pszEscaped );
    osSQL += escaped;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Collection the header options and execute request.              */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    std::string pszAPIURL = GetAPIURL();
    char** papszOptions = nullptr;
    papszOptions = CSLAddString(papszOptions, GetUserAgentOption().c_str());

    pszAPIURL += osSQL;

    CPLHTTPResult * psResult = CPLHTTPFetch( pszAPIURL.c_str(), papszOptions);
    if( psResult == nullptr )
        return nullptr;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Check for some error conditions and report.  HTML Messages      */
/*      are transformed info failure.                                   */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if (psResult->pszContentType &&
        strncmp(psResult->pszContentType, "text/html", 9) == 0)
        CPLDebug( "AMIGOCLOUD", "RunSQL HTML Response:%s", psResult->pabyData );
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                 "HTML error page returned by server");
        return nullptr;
    if (psResult->pszErrBuf != nullptr && psResult->pabyData != nullptr )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "GET Response: %s", psResult->pabyData );
    else if (psResult->nStatus != 0)
        CPLDebug( "AMIGOCLOUD", "RunGET Error Status:%d", psResult->nStatus );

    if( psResult->pabyData == nullptr )
        return nullptr;

    CPLDebug( "AMIGOCLOUD", "RunSQL Response:%s", psResult->pabyData );

    json_object* poObj = nullptr;
    const char* pszText = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(psResult->pabyData);
    if( !OGRJSonParse(pszText, &poObj, true) )
        return nullptr;


    if( poObj != nullptr )
        if( json_object_get_type(poObj) == json_type_object )
            json_object* poError = CPL_json_object_object_get(poObj, "error");
            if( poError != nullptr && json_object_get_type(poError) == json_type_array &&
                json_object_array_length(poError) > 0 )
                poError = json_object_array_get_idx(poError, 0);
                if( poError != nullptr && json_object_get_type(poError) == json_type_string )
                    CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                            "Error returned by server : %s", json_object_get_string(poError));
                    return nullptr;
            return nullptr;

    return poObj;
json_object* OGRCARTODBDataSource::RunSQL(const char* pszUnescapedSQL)
    CPLString osSQL("POSTFIELDS=q=");
    /* Do post escaping */
    for(int i=0;pszUnescapedSQL[i] != 0;i++)
        const int ch = ((unsigned char*)pszUnescapedSQL)[i];
        if (ch != '&' && ch >= 32 && ch < 128)
            osSQL += (char)ch;
            osSQL += CPLSPrintf("%%%02X", ch);

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Provide the API Key                                             */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( osAPIKey.size() )
        osSQL += "&api_key=";
        osSQL += osAPIKey;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Collection the header options and execute request.              */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    char** papszOptions = CSLAddString(AddHTTPOptions(), osSQL);
    CPLHTTPResult * psResult = CPLHTTPFetch( GetAPIURL(), papszOptions);

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Check for some error conditions and report.  HTML Messages      */
/*      are transformed info failure.                                   */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if (psResult && psResult->pszContentType &&
        strncmp(psResult->pszContentType, "text/html", 9) == 0)
        CPLDebug( "CARTODB", "RunSQL HTML Response:%s", psResult->pabyData );
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, 
                 "HTML error page returned by server");
        return NULL;
    if (psResult && psResult->pszErrBuf != NULL) 
        CPLDebug( "CARTODB", "RunSQL Error Message:%s", psResult->pszErrBuf );
    else if (psResult && psResult->nStatus != 0) 
        CPLDebug( "CARTODB", "RunSQL Error Status:%d", psResult->nStatus );

    if( psResult->pabyData == NULL )
        return NULL;
    if( strlen((const char*)psResult->pabyData) < 1000 )
        CPLDebug( "CARTODB", "RunSQL Response:%s", psResult->pabyData );
    json_tokener* jstok = NULL;
    json_object* poObj = NULL;

    jstok = json_tokener_new();
    poObj = json_tokener_parse_ex(jstok, (const char*) psResult->pabyData, -1);
    if( jstok->err != json_tokener_success)
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                    "JSON parsing error: %s (at offset %d)",
                    json_tokener_error_desc(jstok->err), jstok->char_offset);
        return NULL;


    if( poObj != NULL )
        if( json_object_get_type(poObj) == json_type_object )
            json_object* poError = json_object_object_get(poObj, "error");
            if( poError != NULL && json_object_get_type(poError) == json_type_array &&
                json_object_array_length(poError) > 0 )
                poError = json_object_array_get_idx(poError, 0);
                if( poError != NULL && json_object_get_type(poError) == json_type_string )
                    CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, 
                            "Error returned by server : %s", json_object_get_string(poError));
                    return NULL;
            return NULL;

    return poObj;