wxString GOrgueStdPath::GetResourceDir() { #ifdef __WXMAC__ return wxStandardPaths::Get().GetResourcesDir(); #else return GetBaseDir() + wxFILE_SEP_PATH + wxT("share") + wxFILE_SEP_PATH + wxT("GrandOrgue"); #endif }
void CSAStatusLog::Init(const char *pOutputFilename) { m_bEnable = TRUE; // get application path and name char buf[MAX_PATH+1]; DWORD res = GetModuleFileName(AfxGetInstanceHandle(), buf, MAX_PATH); CString appDir = GetBaseDir(buf); m_csAppName = GetBaseName(buf); m_csFileName.Format("%s\\%s", appDir, pOutputFilename); // overwrite the old one! remove(m_csFileName); }
int APIENTRY WinMain( HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow ) { // Must add 'bin' to the path.... char* pPath = getenv("PATH"); // Use the .EXE name to determine the root directory char moduleName[ MAX_PATH ]; char szBuffer[ 4096 ]; if ( !GetModuleFileName( hInstance, moduleName, MAX_PATH ) ) { MessageBox( 0, "Failed calling GetModuleFileName", "Launcher Error", MB_OK ); return 0; } // Get the root directory the .exe is in char* pRootDir = GetBaseDir( moduleName ); #ifdef _DEBUG int len = #endif sprintf( szBuffer, "PATH=%s\\bin\\;%s", pRootDir, pPath ); assert( len < 4096 ); _putenv( szBuffer ); HINSTANCE launcher = LoadLibrary("launcher.dll"); // STEAM OK ... filesystem not mounted yet if (!launcher) { char *pszError; FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, GetLastError(), MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), (LPTSTR)&pszError, 0, NULL); char szBuf[1024]; sprintf(szBuf, "Failed to load the launcher DLL:\n\n%s", pszError); MessageBox( 0, szBuf, "Launcher Error", MB_OK ); LocalFree(pszError); return 0; } LauncherMain_t main = (LauncherMain_t)GetProcAddress( launcher, "LauncherMain" ); return main( hInstance, hPrevInstance, lpCmdLine, nCmdShow ); }
// // Load template with specified name // INT_32 CTPP2FileSourceLoader::LoadTemplate(CCHAR_P szTemplateName) { sNormalizedFileName.erase(); INT_32 iStatCode = 0; STLW::vector<STLW::string>::const_iterator itvIncludeDirs = vIncludeDirs.begin(); while(itvIncludeDirs != vIncludeDirs.end()) { STLW::string sTMP = *itvIncludeDirs; #ifdef WIN32 if ( sTMP.length() && sTMP[sTMP.length() - 1] != '/' && sTMP[sTMP.length() - 1] != '\\' ) { sTMP.append("\\", 1); } #else if (sTMP.length() && sTMP[sTMP.length() - 1] != '/') { sTMP.append("/", 1); } #endif sTMP.append(szTemplateName); sCurrentDir = GetBaseDir(sTMP, sNormalizedFileName); if (sNormalizedFileName.length() == 0) { STLW::string sError("invalid file name `"); sError.append(sTMP); sError.append("`"); throw CTPPLogicError(sError.c_str()); } // Get file size struct stat oStat; iStatCode = stat(sNormalizedFileName.c_str(), &oStat); if (iStatCode == 0) { iTemplateSize = oStat.st_size; break; } ++itvIncludeDirs; } if (iStatCode == -1) { STLW::string sError("cannot find file in include directories "); itvIncludeDirs = vIncludeDirs.begin(); for (;;) { sError.append("`"); if (itvIncludeDirs -> size() != 0) { sError.append(*itvIncludeDirs); } else { CHAR_P szPWD = getcwd(NULL, 0); sError.append(szPWD); free(szPWD); } sError.append("`"); ++itvIncludeDirs; if (itvIncludeDirs == vIncludeDirs.end()) { break; } sError.append(", "); } throw CTPPLogicError(sError.c_str()); } if (iTemplateSize == 0) { STLW::string sError("empty file `"); sError.append(sNormalizedFileName); sError.append("` found"); throw CTPPLogicError(sError.c_str()); } // Load file FILE * F = fopen(sNormalizedFileName.c_str(), "rb"); if (F == NULL) { throw CTPPUnixException("fopen", errno); } if (sTemplate != NULL) { free(sTemplate); } // Allocate memory sTemplate = (CHAR_P)malloc(iTemplateSize); // Read from file if (fread(sTemplate, iTemplateSize, 1, F) != 1) { if (ferror(F) != 0) { free(sTemplate); fclose(F); throw CTPPUnixException("fread", errno); } else { free(sTemplate); fclose(F); throw CTPPLogicError("Cannot read from file"); } } fclose(F); return 0; }
int RunTest(XMLCONFPARSER *xcp, char *uri) { LPXMLRUNTIMEATT att, tatt; XMLCH testuri[MAX_PATH]; XMLCH xmlbase[MAX_PATH]; XMLCH id[256]; XMLCH *s; FILE *f; RUNPARSERDATA rdata; int result, expect; LPXMLPARSER parser = xcp->runParser; int type; if ((s = XMLParser_GetPrefixMapping(xcp->parser, "xml:base"))) strcpy(xmlbase, s); /* we save current xmlbase (although it shouldn't get modified 'cos main parser isn't running during RunTest()) */ else { /* rmt-e2e-18: External entity containing start of entity declaration is base URI for system identifier, so: */ XMLCH *sysID = XMLParser_GetSystemID(xcp->parser); if (!sysID) xmlbase[0] = '\0'; else GetBaseDir(sysID, xmlbase); } strcpy(testuri, xmlbase); strcat(testuri, uri); puts(testuri); /* resolve basedir for external entities, DTD and for canonxml */ GetBaseDir(testuri, rdata.testbasedir); tatt = XMLParser_GetNamedItem(xcp->parser, "TYPE"); if (tatt) { /* "Nonvalidating parsers must also accept "invalid" testcases, but validating ones must reject them." */ if (!strcmp(tatt->value, "valid")) type = TYPE_VALID; else if (!strcmp(tatt->value, "invalid")) type = TYPE_INVALID; else type = TYPE_OTHER; /* error, not-wf */ } if ((f = fopen(testuri, "rb"))) { #ifdef TEST_VALIDATING xcp->v->UserData = &rdata; xcp->v->UserFlag = type; xcp->v->startElementHandlerFilter = StartElementDetermineValidation; result = XMLParser_ParseValidateDTD(xcp->v, parser, cstream, f, 0); #else parser->UserData = &rdata; result = XMLParser_Parse(parser, cstream, f, 0); #endif fclose(f); } else { fprintf(PFERR, "Error opening file %s\n", testuri); return 0; } xcp->testCount++; /* 1 row columns: ID, TYPE, PASS/FAIL, ERRORSTRING 2 row columns: ENTITIES + OUTPUT in one col, 3 empty cols 3 row: test description, 3 empty cols */ att = XMLParser_GetNamedItem(xcp->parser, "ID"); strcpy(id, (att) ? att->value : "unknown"); fputs((xcp->testCount % 2) ? "<tr bgcolor='#EEEEEE'>" : "<tr>", xcp->pfout); fprintf(xcp->pfout, "<td><a href='%s'>%s</a></td>", testuri, id); if (tatt) { if (type == TYPE_VALID) expect = 1; else if (type == TYPE_INVALID) #ifdef TEST_VALIDATING expect = 0; #else expect = 1; #endif else expect = 0; fprintf(xcp->pfout, "<td>%s</td>", tatt->value); if (result == expect) xcp->testSuccess++; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { NSVALIDPARSER nsparser; LPXMLPARSER parser; LPXMLDTDVALIDATOR vp; FILE *f; int i; XMLCH *filename = NULL; if (argc < 2 || argc > 4) goto USAGE; nsparser.elemCount = 0; nsparser.wantedUri = ""; *nsparser.userDTD = '\0'; *nsparser.base = '\0'; for (i=1; i<argc; i++) { if (!strncmp(argv[i], "/DTD:", 5)) strcpy(nsparser.userDTD, argv[i]+5); else if (!strncmp(argv[i], "/URI:", 5)) nsparser.wantedUri = argv[i]+5; else { if (filename) goto USAGE; filename = argv[i]; } } if (!filename) goto USAGE; if (!XMLParser_Create(&parser)) { puts("Out of memory!"); return 1; } vp = XMLParser_CreateDTDValidator(); if (!vp) { puts("Out of memory!"); return 1; } if (!XMLVector_Create(&nsparser.filteredAtts, 0, sizeof(XMLRUNTIMEATT))) { puts("Out of memory!"); return 1; } vp->UserData = &nsparser; parser->errorHandler = ErrorHandler; parser->resolveEntityHandler = ResolveEntity; parser->externalEntityParsedHandler = FreeInputData; if (*nsparser.userDTD) { int filepos = GetBaseDir(nsparser.base, nsparser.userDTD); if (filepos) strcpy(nsparser.userDTD, nsparser.userDTD+filepos); XMLParser_SetExternalSubset(parser, NULL, nsparser.userDTD); } if (!*nsparser.base) GetBaseDir(nsparser.base, filename); if (*nsparser.wantedUri) { vp->startElementHandlerFilter = StartElement; vp->endElementHandlerFilter = EndElement; vp->charactersHandlerFilter = Characters; vp->ignorableWhitespaceHandlerFilter = IgnorableWS; } else /* simple validator w/o namespace filter: */ parser->startElementHandler = StartElementSimple; if (!(f = fopen(filename, "rb"))) { printf("Error opening file %s\n", filename); return 1; } if (XMLParser_ParseValidateDTD(vp, parser, cstream, f, 0)) { printf("Elements (total: %d) in namespace \"%s\" were valid\nin the" " document %s\n", nsparser.elemCount, ((*nsparser.wantedUri) ? nsparser.wantedUri : "not specified"), filename); } fclose(f); XMLVector_Free(nsparser.filteredAtts); XMLParser_FreeDTDValidator(vp); XMLParser_Free(parser); return 0; USAGE: puts("Usage: nsvalid document.xml /DTD:<optional> /URI:<optional>\n" "Example: nsvalid my.xml /DTD:/home/my.dtd /URI:http://my.org"); return 1; }
/** * Handle Stereo Drawing. ***/ void* StereoPresenter::Provoke(void* pThis, int eD3D, int eD3DInterface, int eD3DMethod, DWORD dwNumberConnected, int& nProvokerIndex) { #ifdef _DEBUG_STP { wchar_t buf[128]; wsprintf(buf, L"[STP] ifc %u mtd %u", eD3DInterface, eD3DMethod); OutputDebugString(buf); } #endif // update our global time static float fGlobalTime = 0.0f; static DWORD dwTimeStart = 0; DWORD dwTimeCur = GetTickCount(); if (dwTimeStart == 0) dwTimeStart = dwTimeCur; fGlobalTime = (dwTimeCur - dwTimeStart) / 1000.0f; // only present accepted bool bValid = false; if (((eD3DInterface == INTERFACE_IDXGISWAPCHAIN) && (eD3DMethod == METHOD_IDXGISWAPCHAIN_PRESENT)) || ((eD3DInterface == INTERFACE_IDIRECT3DDEVICE9) && (eD3DMethod == METHOD_IDIRECT3DDEVICE9_PRESENT))) bValid = true; if (!bValid) return nullptr; // clear all previous menu events ZeroMemory(&m_abMenuEvents[0], sizeof(VireioMenuEvent)* (int)VireioMenuEvent::NumberOfEvents); // main menu update ? if ((m_sMainMenu.bOnChanged) && (!m_sMenuControl.eSelectionMovement)) { m_sMainMenu.bOnChanged = false; // loop through entries for (size_t nIx = 0; nIx < m_sMainMenu.asEntries.size(); nIx++) { // entry index changed ? if (m_sMainMenu.asEntries[nIx].bOnChanged) { m_sMainMenu.asEntries[nIx].bOnChanged = false; // set new menu index.. selection to zero m_sMenuControl.nMenuIx = (INT)nIx; m_sMenuControl.unSelectionFormer = m_sMenuControl.unSelection = 0; } } } // sub menu update ? if ((m_sSubMenu.bOnChanged) && (!m_sMenuControl.eSelectionMovement)) { m_sSubMenu.bOnChanged = false; // exit ? if (m_sSubMenu.bOnExit) m_sMenuControl.nMenuIx = -1; // loop through entries for (size_t nIx = 0; nIx < m_sSubMenu.asEntries.size(); nIx++) { // entry index changed ? if (m_sSubMenu.asEntries[nIx].bOnChanged) { m_sSubMenu.asEntries[nIx].bOnChanged = false; // font ? if (nIx == ENTRY_FONT) { // get device and context ID3D11Device* pcDevice = nullptr; ID3D11DeviceContext* pcContext = nullptr; HRESULT nHr = S_OK; if ((eD3DInterface == INTERFACE_IDXGISWAPCHAIN) && (eD3DMethod == METHOD_IDXGISWAPCHAIN_PRESENT)) nHr = GetDeviceAndContext((IDXGISwapChain*)pThis, &pcDevice, &pcContext); else { if (m_ppcTexView11[0]) { if (*(m_ppcTexView11[0])) (*(m_ppcTexView11[0]))->GetDevice(&pcDevice); if (pcDevice) pcDevice->GetImmediateContext(&pcContext); else nHr = E_FAIL; if (!pcContext) nHr = E_FAIL; } else nHr = E_FAIL; } if (SUCCEEDED(nHr)) { HRESULT nHr; // get base directory std::string strVireioPath = GetBaseDir(); // add file path strVireioPath += "font//"; strVireioPath += m_sSubMenu.asEntries[nIx].astrValueEnumeration[m_sSubMenu.asEntries[nIx].unValue]; strVireioPath += ".spritefont"; OutputDebugStringA(strVireioPath.c_str()); // create font, make backup VireioFont* pcOldFont = m_pcFontSegeo128; m_pcFontSegeo128 = new VireioFont(pcDevice, pcContext, strVireioPath.c_str(), 128.0f, 1.0f, nHr, 1); if (FAILED(nHr)) { delete m_pcFontSegeo128; m_pcFontSegeo128 = pcOldFont; } else { // set new font name m_strFontName = m_sSubMenu.asEntries[nIx].astrValueEnumeration[m_sSubMenu.asEntries[nIx].unValue]; // write to ini file char szFilePathINI[1024]; GetCurrentDirectoryA(1024, szFilePathINI); strcat_s(szFilePathINI, "\\VireioPerception.ini"); WritePrivateProfileStringA("Stereo Presenter", "strFontName", m_strFontName.c_str(), szFilePathINI); } } SAFE_RELEASE(pcDevice); SAFE_RELEASE(pcContext); } } } } // get xbox controller input XINPUT_STATE sControllerState; bool bControllerAttached = false; ZeroMemory(&sControllerState, sizeof(XINPUT_STATE)); if (XInputGetState(0, &sControllerState) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { bControllerAttached = true; } if (true) { #pragma region menu hotkeys static bool bReleased = true; static bool s_bOnMenu = false; // keyboard menu on/off event + get hand poses UINT uIxHandPoses = 0, uIxPoseRequest = 0; s_bOnMenu = GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LCONTROL) && GetAsyncKeyState(0x51); for (UINT unIx = 0; unIx < 32; unIx++) { // set menu bool event if (m_apsSubMenues[unIx]) { if (m_apsSubMenues[unIx]->bOnBack) { // main menu ? exit if ((m_sMenuControl.nMenuIx == -1) && (!m_sMenuControl.eSelectionMovement)) s_bOnMenu = true; else m_abMenuEvents[VireioMenuEvent::OnExit] = TRUE; m_apsSubMenues[unIx]->bOnBack = false; } // hand poses ? if (m_apsSubMenues[unIx]->bHandPosesPresent) uIxHandPoses = unIx; if (m_apsSubMenues[unIx]->bHandPosesRequest) uIxPoseRequest = unIx; } } if ((m_apsSubMenues[uIxHandPoses]) && (m_apsSubMenues[uIxPoseRequest])) { // copy the hand pose data to the request node m_apsSubMenues[uIxPoseRequest]->sPoseMatrix[0] = m_apsSubMenues[uIxHandPoses]->sPoseMatrix[0]; m_apsSubMenues[uIxPoseRequest]->sPoseMatrix[1] = m_apsSubMenues[uIxHandPoses]->sPoseMatrix[1]; m_apsSubMenues[uIxPoseRequest]->sPosition[0] = m_apsSubMenues[uIxHandPoses]->sPosition[0]; m_apsSubMenues[uIxPoseRequest]->sPosition[1] = m_apsSubMenues[uIxHandPoses]->sPosition[1]; } // static hotkeys : LCTRL+Q - toggle vireio menu // F12 - toggle stereo output if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_F12)) { m_bHotkeySwitch = true; } else if (s_bOnMenu) { m_bMenuHotkeySwitch = true; } else if (m_bMenuHotkeySwitch) { m_bMenuHotkeySwitch = false; m_bMenu = !m_bMenu; for (UINT unIx = 0; unIx < 32; unIx++) { // set sub menu active if menu is active if (m_apsSubMenues[unIx]) m_apsSubMenues[unIx]->bIsActive = m_bMenu; } } else if (m_bHotkeySwitch) { if (m_eStereoMode) m_eStereoMode = VireioMonitorStereoModes::Vireio_Mono; else m_eStereoMode = VireioMonitorStereoModes::Vireio_SideBySide; m_bHotkeySwitch = false; } else bReleased = true; #pragma endregion #pragma region menu events // menu is shown ? if (m_bMenu) { // handle controller if (bControllerAttached) { if (sControllerState.Gamepad.wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_BACK) { m_abMenuEvents[VireioMenuEvent::OnExit] = TRUE; } if (sControllerState.Gamepad.wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_A) { m_abMenuEvents[VireioMenuEvent::OnAccept] = TRUE; } if (sControllerState.Gamepad.sThumbLY > 28000) m_abMenuEvents[VireioMenuEvent::OnUp] = TRUE; if (sControllerState.Gamepad.sThumbLY < -28000) m_abMenuEvents[VireioMenuEvent::OnDown] = TRUE; if (sControllerState.Gamepad.sThumbLX > 28000) m_abMenuEvents[VireioMenuEvent::OnRight] = TRUE; if (sControllerState.Gamepad.sThumbLX < -28000) m_abMenuEvents[VireioMenuEvent::OnLeft] = TRUE; } // loop through sub menues for (UINT unIx = 0; unIx < 32; unIx++) { // set bool events if (m_apsSubMenues[unIx]) { if (m_apsSubMenues[unIx]->bOnUp) m_abMenuEvents[VireioMenuEvent::OnUp] = TRUE; if (m_apsSubMenues[unIx]->bOnDown) m_abMenuEvents[VireioMenuEvent::OnDown] = TRUE; if (m_apsSubMenues[unIx]->bOnLeft) m_abMenuEvents[VireioMenuEvent::OnLeft] = TRUE; if (m_apsSubMenues[unIx]->bOnRight) m_abMenuEvents[VireioMenuEvent::OnRight] = TRUE; if (m_apsSubMenues[unIx]->bOnAccept) m_abMenuEvents[VireioMenuEvent::OnAccept] = TRUE; // clear events m_apsSubMenues[unIx]->bOnUp = false; m_apsSubMenues[unIx]->bOnDown = false; m_apsSubMenues[unIx]->bOnLeft = false; m_apsSubMenues[unIx]->bOnRight = false; m_apsSubMenues[unIx]->bOnAccept = false; m_apsSubMenues[unIx]->bOnBack = false; } } #pragma endregion #pragma region menu update/render // update UpdateMenu(fGlobalTime); // get device and context ID3D11Device* pcDevice = nullptr; ID3D11DeviceContext* pcContext = nullptr; HRESULT nHr = S_OK; if ((eD3DInterface == INTERFACE_IDXGISWAPCHAIN) && (eD3DMethod == METHOD_IDXGISWAPCHAIN_PRESENT)) nHr = GetDeviceAndContext((IDXGISwapChain*)pThis, &pcDevice, &pcContext); else { if (m_ppcTexView11[0]) { if (*(m_ppcTexView11[0])) (*(m_ppcTexView11[0]))->GetDevice(&pcDevice); if (pcDevice) pcDevice->GetImmediateContext(&pcContext); else nHr = E_FAIL; if (!pcContext) nHr = E_FAIL; } else nHr = E_FAIL; } if (FAILED(nHr)) { // release frame texture+view if (pcDevice) { pcDevice->Release(); pcDevice = nullptr; } if (pcContext) { pcContext->Release(); pcContext = nullptr; } return nullptr; } // create the depth stencil... if D3D11 if ((eD3DInterface == INTERFACE_IDXGISWAPCHAIN) && (eD3DMethod == METHOD_IDXGISWAPCHAIN_PRESENT) && (!m_pcDSGeometry11)) { ID3D11Texture2D* pcBackBuffer = nullptr; ((IDXGISwapChain*)pThis)->GetBuffer(0, __uuidof(ID3D11Texture2D), (LPVOID*)&pcBackBuffer); if (pcBackBuffer) { D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC sDesc; pcBackBuffer->GetDesc(&sDesc); pcBackBuffer->Release(); // Create depth stencil texture D3D11_TEXTURE2D_DESC descDepth; ZeroMemory(&descDepth, sizeof(descDepth)); descDepth.Width = sDesc.Width; descDepth.Height = sDesc.Height; descDepth.MipLevels = 1; descDepth.ArraySize = 1; descDepth.Format = DXGI_FORMAT_D24_UNORM_S8_UINT; descDepth.SampleDesc.Count = 1; descDepth.SampleDesc.Quality = 0; descDepth.Usage = D3D11_USAGE_DEFAULT; descDepth.BindFlags = D3D11_BIND_DEPTH_STENCIL; descDepth.CPUAccessFlags = 0; descDepth.MiscFlags = 0; if (FAILED(pcDevice->CreateTexture2D(&descDepth, NULL, &m_pcDSGeometry11))) OutputDebugString(L"[STP] Failed to create depth stencil."); // Create the depth stencil view D3D11_DEPTH_STENCIL_VIEW_DESC descDSV; ZeroMemory(&descDSV, sizeof(descDSV)); descDSV.Format = descDepth.Format; descDSV.ViewDimension = D3D11_DSV_DIMENSION_TEXTURE2D; descDSV.Texture2D.MipSlice = 0; if (FAILED(pcDevice->CreateDepthStencilView(m_pcDSGeometry11, &descDSV, &m_pcDSVGeometry11))) OutputDebugString(L"[STP] Failed to create depth stencil view."); } } // get the viewport UINT dwNumViewports = 1; D3D11_VIEWPORT psViewport[16]; pcContext->RSGetViewports(&dwNumViewports, psViewport); // backup all states D3DX11_STATE_BLOCK sStateBlock; CreateStateblock(pcContext, &sStateBlock); // clear all states, set targets ClearContextState(pcContext); // set the menu texture (if present) if (m_ppcTexViewMenu) { if (*m_ppcTexViewMenu) { // set render target ID3D11RenderTargetView* pcRTView = *m_ppcTexViewMenu; pcContext->OMSetRenderTargets(1, &pcRTView, NULL); // set viewport D3D11_VIEWPORT sViewport = {}; sViewport.TopLeftX = 0; sViewport.TopLeftY = 0; sViewport.Width = 1024; sViewport.Height = 1024; sViewport.MinDepth = 0.0f; sViewport.MaxDepth = 1.0f; pcContext->RSSetViewports(1, &sViewport); // clear render target...zero alpha FLOAT afColorRgba[4] = { 0.5f, 0.4f, 0.2f, 0.4f }; pcContext->ClearRenderTargetView(*m_ppcTexViewMenu, afColorRgba); } } else if ((eD3DInterface == INTERFACE_IDXGISWAPCHAIN) && (eD3DMethod == METHOD_IDXGISWAPCHAIN_PRESENT)) { // set first active render target - the stored back buffer - get the stored private data view ID3D11Texture2D* pcBackBuffer = nullptr; ((IDXGISwapChain*)pThis)->GetBuffer(0, __uuidof(ID3D11Texture2D), (LPVOID*)&pcBackBuffer); ID3D11RenderTargetView* pcView = nullptr; UINT dwSize = sizeof(pcView); pcBackBuffer->GetPrivateData(PDIID_ID3D11TextureXD_RenderTargetView, &dwSize, (void*)&pcView); if (dwSize) { pcContext->OMSetRenderTargets(1, (ID3D11RenderTargetView**)&pcView, m_pcDSVGeometry11); pcView->Release(); } else { // create render target view for the back buffer ID3D11RenderTargetView* pcRTV = nullptr; pcDevice->CreateRenderTargetView(pcBackBuffer, NULL, &pcRTV); if (pcRTV) { pcBackBuffer->SetPrivateDataInterface(PDIID_ID3D11TextureXD_RenderTargetView, pcRTV); pcRTV->Release(); } } pcContext->RSSetViewports(dwNumViewports, psViewport); pcBackBuffer->Release(); // clear the depth stencil pcContext->ClearDepthStencilView(m_pcDSVGeometry11, D3D11_CLEAR_DEPTH, 1.0f, 0); } // create the font class if not present nHr = S_OK; if (!m_pcFontSegeo128) { // get base directory std::string strVireioPath = GetBaseDir(); // add file path strVireioPath += "font//"; strVireioPath += m_strFontName; strVireioPath += ".spritefont"; OutputDebugStringA(strVireioPath.c_str()); // create font m_pcFontSegeo128 = new VireioFont(pcDevice, pcContext, strVireioPath.c_str(), 128.0f, 1.0f, nHr, 1); } if (FAILED(nHr)) { delete m_pcFontSegeo128; m_pcFontSegeo128 = nullptr; } // render text (if font present) if (m_pcFontSegeo128) { m_pcFontSegeo128->SetTextAttributes(0.0f, 0.2f, 0.0001f); // set additional tremble for "accepted" event float fDepthTremble = 0.0f; if (m_sMenuControl.eSelectionMovement == MenuControl::SelectionMovement::Accepted) { float fActionTimeElapsed = (fGlobalTime - m_sMenuControl.fActionStartTime) / m_sMenuControl.fActionTime; fDepthTremble = sin(fActionTimeElapsed*PI_F) * -3.0f; } m_pcFontSegeo128->ToRender(pcContext, fGlobalTime, m_sMenuControl.fYOrigin, 30.0f, fDepthTremble); RenderMenu(pcDevice, pcContext); } else OutputDebugString(L"Failed to create font!"); // set back device ApplyStateblock(pcContext, &sStateBlock); if (pcDevice) { pcDevice->Release(); pcDevice = nullptr; } if (pcContext) { pcContext->Release(); pcContext = nullptr; } } #pragma endregion #pragma region draw stereo (optionally) // draw stereo target to screen (optionally) if ((m_eStereoMode) && (eD3DInterface == INTERFACE_IDXGISWAPCHAIN) && (eD3DMethod == METHOD_IDXGISWAPCHAIN_PRESENT)) { // DX 11 if ((m_ppcTexView11[0]) && (m_ppcTexView11[1])) { // get device and context ID3D11Device* pcDevice = nullptr; ID3D11DeviceContext* pcContext = nullptr; if (FAILED(GetDeviceAndContext((IDXGISwapChain*)pThis, &pcDevice, &pcContext))) { // release frame texture+view if (pcDevice) { pcDevice->Release(); pcDevice = nullptr; } if (pcContext) { pcContext->Release(); pcContext = nullptr; } return nullptr; } // get the viewport UINT dwNumViewports = 1; D3D11_VIEWPORT psViewport[16]; pcContext->RSGetViewports(&dwNumViewports, psViewport); // backup all states D3DX11_STATE_BLOCK sStateBlock; CreateStateblock(pcContext, &sStateBlock); // clear all states, set targets ClearContextState(pcContext); // set first active render target - the stored back buffer - get the stored private data view ID3D11Texture2D* pcBackBuffer = nullptr; ((IDXGISwapChain*)pThis)->GetBuffer(0, __uuidof(ID3D11Texture2D), (LPVOID*)&pcBackBuffer); ID3D11RenderTargetView* pcView = nullptr; UINT dwSize = sizeof(pcView); pcBackBuffer->GetPrivateData(PDIID_ID3D11TextureXD_RenderTargetView, &dwSize, (void*)&pcView); if (dwSize) { pcContext->OMSetRenderTargets(1, (ID3D11RenderTargetView**)&pcView, m_pcDSVGeometry11); pcView->Release(); } else { // create render target view for the back buffer ID3D11RenderTargetView* pcRTV = nullptr; pcDevice->CreateRenderTargetView(pcBackBuffer, NULL, &pcRTV); if (pcRTV) { pcBackBuffer->SetPrivateDataInterface(PDIID_ID3D11TextureXD_RenderTargetView, pcRTV); pcRTV->Release(); } } pcContext->RSSetViewports(dwNumViewports, psViewport); pcBackBuffer->Release(); // clear the depth stencil pcContext->ClearDepthStencilView(m_pcDSVGeometry11, D3D11_CLEAR_DEPTH, 1.0f, 0); // create all bool bool bAllCreated = true; // create vertex shader if (!m_pcVertexShader11) { if (FAILED(CreateVertexShaderTechnique(pcDevice, &m_pcVertexShader11, &m_pcVertexLayout11, VertexShaderTechnique::PosUV2D))) bAllCreated = false; } // create pixel shader... TODO !! add option to switch output if (!m_pcPixelShader11) { if (FAILED(CreatePixelShaderEffect(pcDevice, &m_pcPixelShader11, PixelShaderTechnique::FullscreenSimple))) bAllCreated = false; } // Create vertex buffer if (!m_pcVertexBuffer11) { if (FAILED(CreateFullScreenVertexBuffer(pcDevice, &m_pcVertexBuffer11))) bAllCreated = false; } // create constant buffer if (!m_pcConstantBufferDirect11) { if (FAILED(CreateGeometryConstantBuffer(pcDevice, &m_pcConstantBufferDirect11, (UINT)sizeof(GeometryConstantBuffer)))) bAllCreated = false; } if (bAllCreated) { // left/right eye for (int nEye = 0; nEye < 2; nEye++) { // Set the input layout pcContext->IASetInputLayout(m_pcVertexLayout11); // Set vertex buffer UINT stride = sizeof(TexturedVertex); UINT offset = 0; pcContext->IASetVertexBuffers(0, 1, &m_pcVertexBuffer11, &stride, &offset); // Set constant buffer, first update it... scale and translate the left and right image D3DXMATRIX sScale; D3DXMatrixScaling(&sScale, 0.5f, 1.0f, 1.0f); D3DXMATRIX sTrans; if (nEye == 0) D3DXMatrixTranslation(&sTrans, -0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f); else D3DXMatrixTranslation(&sTrans, 0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f); D3DXMatrixTranspose(&sTrans, &sTrans); D3DXMATRIX sProj; D3DXMatrixMultiply(&sProj, &sTrans, &sScale); pcContext->UpdateSubresource((ID3D11Resource*)m_pcConstantBufferDirect11, 0, NULL, &sProj, 0, 0); pcContext->VSSetConstantBuffers(0, 1, &m_pcConstantBufferDirect11); // Set primitive topology pcContext->IASetPrimitiveTopology(D3D11_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_TRIANGLELIST); // set texture pcContext->PSSetShaderResources(0, 1, m_ppcTexView11[nEye]); // set shaders pcContext->VSSetShader(m_pcVertexShader11, 0, 0); pcContext->PSSetShader(m_pcPixelShader11, 0, 0); // Render a triangle pcContext->Draw(6, 0); } } // set back device ApplyStateblock(pcContext, &sStateBlock); if (pcDevice) { pcDevice->Release(); pcDevice = nullptr; } if (pcContext) { pcContext->Release(); pcContext = nullptr; } } } #pragma endregion } return nullptr; }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool WxMainApp::OnInit() { //get base dir wxString strDir; wxSplitPath(wxGetFullModuleName(), &strDir, NULL, NULL); m_strBaseDir = strDir.char_str(wxConvUTF8).data(); m_strBaseDir += "\\"; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //initialize guiex system try { CGUIFrameworkEditor::ms_pFramework = new CGUIFrameworkEditor( ); CGUIFrameworkEditor::ms_pFramework->Initialize( CGUIIntSize(1024,768), "" ); GSystem->SetDrawExtraInfo( false ); GSystem->SetPlayingAs( false ); GSystem->SetEditorMode( true ); } catch (CGUIBaseException& rError) { wxMessageBox( Gui2wxString(rError.what()), _T("error") ); if( CGUIFrameworkEditor::ms_pFramework ) { CGUIFrameworkEditor::ms_pFramework->Release(); delete CGUIFrameworkEditor::ms_pFramework; CGUIFrameworkEditor::ms_pFramework = NULL; } } //load scintilla dll m_hSciDll = LoadLibrary(_T("SciLexer.DLL")); if (m_hSciDll==NULL) { wxMessageBox(_T("The Scintilla DLL could not be loaded."), _T("Error loading Scintilla"), wxOK|wxCENTER|wxICON_ERROR,NULL); return false; } //load localization config file if( 0 != CPropertyConfigMgr::Instance()->ReadLocalizationConfig(GetBaseDir() + "../editorconfig/localization_config.xml")) { wxMessageBox(_T("failed to read config file localization_config.xml!"), _T("error")); return false; } //load base config file std::vector<wxFileName> vecBaseConfigFile; vecBaseConfigFile.push_back( Gui2wxString(GetBaseDir() + "../editorconfig/libguiex_editor_config.xml")); vecBaseConfigFile.push_back( Gui2wxString(GetBaseDir() + "../editorconfig/libguiex_editor_config_box2d.xml")); vecBaseConfigFile.push_back( Gui2wxString(GetBaseDir() + "../editorconfig/libguiex_editor_config_game.xml")); for( uint32 i=0; i<vecBaseConfigFile.size(); ++i ) { if( 0 != CPropertyConfigMgr::Instance()->ReadPropertyConfig( vecBaseConfigFile[i].GetFullPath())) { wxMessageBox( wxString::Format( _T("failed to read property config file: %s"), vecBaseConfigFile[i].GetFullPath() ), _T("error")); return false; } } //load extend config file if( wxMessageBox( _T("Do you want to load extend widget config file?"), _T("Questing"), wxYES_NO | wxICON_QUESTION) == wxYES ) { wxFileDialog aDlg(NULL, _T("Choose widget config files"), Gui2wxString(GetBaseDir() + "../editorconfig/"), wxEmptyString, _T("widget config files (*.xml)|*.xml"), wxFD_OPEN | wxFD_MULTIPLE | wxFD_FILE_MUST_EXIST ); if( wxID_OK == aDlg.ShowModal()) { //try load wxArrayString arrayFiles; aDlg.GetPaths( arrayFiles ); for( uint32 i=0; i<arrayFiles.size(); ++i ) { if( std::find(vecBaseConfigFile.begin(), vecBaseConfigFile.end(), arrayFiles[i]) != vecBaseConfigFile.end() ) { //base config file, ignore it continue; } if( 0 != CPropertyConfigMgr::Instance()->ReadPropertyConfig( arrayFiles[i])) { wxMessageBox( wxString::Format( _T("failed to read property config file: %s"), arrayFiles[i] ), _T("error")); return false; } } } } //check default property if( false == CheckProperty() ) { wxMessageBox(_T("check default property!"), _T("error")); return false; } //create frame wxFrame* frame = new WxMainFrame(NULL, wxID_ANY, wxT("libguiex editor"), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(1024, 768)); SetTopWindow(frame); frame->Show(); wxToolTip::Enable(true); wxToolTip::SetDelay(1000); return true; }
void GOrgueStdPath::InitLocaleDir() { #ifndef __WXMAC__ wxLocale::AddCatalogLookupPathPrefix(GetBaseDir() + wxFILE_SEP_PATH + wxT("share") + wxFILE_SEP_PATH + wxT("locale")); #endif }