void CxSkinButton::DrawBitmap(CDC* dc, HBITMAP hbmp, RECT r, int DrawMode)
//	DrawMode: 0=Normal; 1=stretch; 2=tiled fill
	if(!hbmp) return;	//safe check

	int cx=r.right  - r.left;
	int cy=r.bottom - r.top;
	CDC dcBmp,dcMask;
	if (m_bMask.m_hObject!=NULL){

		CDC hdcMem;
	    CBitmap hBitmap;
		} else {
			int bx=GetBitmapWidth(hbmp);
			int by=GetBitmapHeight(hbmp);


	} else {
		} else {
			int bx=GetBitmapWidth(hbmp);
			int by=GetBitmapHeight(hbmp);
wxLCDWindow::OnPaint(wxPaintEvent& event)
    wxPaintDC dc(this);

    int dw = GetClientSize().GetWidth();
    int dh = GetClientSize().GetHeight();

    int bw = GetBitmapWidth();
    int bh = GetBitmapHeight();

    double xs = (double) dw / bw;
    double ys = (double) dh / bh;

    double as = xs > ys? ys : xs;

    dc.SetUserScale(as, as);
    dc.SetDeviceOrigin(((dw - bw * as) / 2), ((dh - bh * as) / 2));

void CxSkinButton::FillWithBitmap(CDC* dc, HBITMAP hbmp, RECT r)
	if(!hbmp) return;
	CDC memdc;
	int w = r.right - r.left;
	int	h = r.bottom - r.top;
	int x,y,z;
	int	bx=GetBitmapWidth(hbmp);
	int	by=GetBitmapHeight(hbmp);
	for (y = r.top ; y < h ; y += by){
		if ((y+by)>h) by=h-y;
		for (x = r.left ; x < w ; x += z){
			if ((x+z)>w) z=w-x;
			dc->BitBlt(x, y, z, by, &memdc, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
wxLCDWindow::DigitX(int digit)
    return GetBitmapWidth() - ((digit + 1) * GetDigitWidth());
Beispiel #5
void CSkinTab::DrawBitmap(CDC* dc, HBITMAP hbmp, CRect rect)
	RECT r;
	r.left = rect.left;
	r.top = rect.top;
	r.right = rect.right;
	r.bottom = rect.bottom;


	int cx=r.right  - r.left;
	int cy=r.bottom - r.top;
	int xbmp = GetBitmapWidth(hbmp);
	int ybmp = GetBitmapHeight(hbmp);

	CDC		 l_BufferDC ;
			 l_BufferDC.CreateCompatibleDC( dc) ;
	CBitmap  l_BufferBitmap ;
			 l_BufferBitmap.CreateCompatibleBitmap( dc, cx, cy ) ;
	CBitmap* l_pOldBufferBitmap = l_BufferDC.SelectObject( &l_BufferBitmap ) ;

	CDC		 l_MaskDC ;
			 l_MaskDC.CreateCompatibleDC( dc ) ;
	CBitmap  l_MaskBitmap ;
			 l_MaskBitmap.CreateBitmap( cx, cy, 1, 1, NULL ) ;
	CBitmap* l_pOldMaskBitmap = l_MaskDC.SelectObject( &l_MaskBitmap ) ;

	#define SRCMASK						0x00220326

	l_BufferDC.FillSolidRect( r.left,r.top,r.right,r.bottom, RGB( 255, 0, 255 ) ) ;

	CDC		 l_MemoryDC ;
			 l_MemoryDC.CreateCompatibleDC( dc) ;
	l_MemoryDC.SelectObject(hbmp) ;

	//RECT rico;
	//rico.top = 0;
	//rico.right = xbmp;
	//rico.bottom = ybmp;

	//RECT rbmp;
	//rbmp.top = 0;
	//rbmp.right = xbmp;
	//rbmp.bottom = ybmp;
	//DrawTitle(&l_MemoryDC, rbmp);

	l_BufferDC.BitBlt( 0, 0, cx, cy, &l_MemoryDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY ) ;

	COLORREF l_crOldBack = l_BufferDC.SetBkColor( RGB( 255, 0, 255 ) ) ;

	l_MaskDC.BitBlt( 0, 0, cx, cy, &l_BufferDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY ) ;

	l_BufferDC.SetBkColor( l_crOldBack ) ;

	if(!dc->MaskBlt( r.left, r.top, cx,cy,&l_BufferDC,0,0,l_MaskBitmap,0,0,ROP4_TRANSPARENTBLIT ) )
		CDC		 l_CopyDC ;
				 l_CopyDC.CreateCompatibleDC( dc ) ;
		CBitmap  l_CopyBitmap ;
				 l_CopyBitmap.CreateCompatibleBitmap(dc, cx, cy ) ;
		CBitmap* l_pOldCopyBitmap = l_CopyDC.SelectObject( &l_CopyBitmap ) ;

		l_CopyDC.BitBlt(   0, 0, cx, cy, dc,  0, 0, SRCCOPY  ) ;
		l_CopyDC.BitBlt(   0, 0, cx, cy, &l_MaskDC,   0, 0, SRCAND   ) ;
		l_BufferDC.BitBlt( 0, 0, cx, cy, &l_MaskDC,   0, 0, SRCMASK  ) ;
		l_CopyDC.BitBlt(   0, 0, cx, cy, &l_BufferDC, 0, 0, SRCPAINT ) ;
		dc->BitBlt(  0, 0, cx, cy, &l_CopyDC,   0, 0, SRCCOPY  ) ;

		l_CopyDC.SelectObject( l_pOldCopyBitmap ) ;
Beispiel #6
StrBuf* GenLynxSprite (const Bitmap* B, const Collection* A)
/* Generate binary output in Lynx sprite format for the bitmap B. The output
 * is stored in a string buffer (which is actually a dynamic char array) and
 * returned.
 * The Lynx will draw 4 quadrants:
 * - Down right
 * - Up right
 * - Up left
 * - Down left
 * The sprite will end with a byte 0.
    enum Mode M;
    StrBuf* D;
    signed X, Y;
    unsigned OX, OY;
    char ColorBits;
    char ColorMask;
    char EdgeIndex;

    /* Get EdgeIndex */
    EdgeIndex = GetEdgeIndex (A);

    /* Action point of the sprite */
    OX = GetActionPointX (A);
    OY = GetActionPointY (A);
    if (OX >= GetBitmapWidth (B)) {
        Error ("Action point X cannot be larger than bitmap width");
    if (OY >= GetBitmapHeight (B)) {
        Error ("Action point Y cannot be larger than bitmap height");
    printf("OX = %d OY = %d\n", OX, OY);

    /* Output the image properties */
    Print (stdout, 1, "Image is %ux%u with %u colors%s\n",
           GetBitmapWidth (B), GetBitmapHeight (B), GetBitmapColors (B),
           BitmapIsIndexed (B)? " (indexed)" : "");

    /* Get the sprite mode */
    M = GetMode (A);

    /* Now check if bitmap indexes are ok */
    if (GetBitmapColors (B) > 16) {
        Error ("Too many colors for a Lynx sprite");
    ColorBits = 4;
    ColorMask = 0x0f;
    if (GetBitmapColors (B) < 9) {
        ColorBits = 3;
        ColorMask = 0x07;
    if (GetBitmapColors (B) < 5) {
        ColorBits = 2;
        ColorMask = 0x03;
    if (GetBitmapColors (B) < 3) {
        ColorBits = 1;
        ColorMask = 0x01;

    /* Create the output buffer and resize it to the required size. */
    D = NewStrBuf ();
    SB_Realloc (D, 63);

    /* Convert the image for quadrant bottom right */
    for (Y = OY; Y < (signed)GetBitmapHeight (B); ++Y) {
        signed i = 0;
        signed LastOpaquePixel = -1;
        char LineBuffer[512]; /* The maximum size is 508 pixels */

        /* Fill the LineBuffer for easier optimisation */
        for (X = OX; X < (signed)GetBitmapWidth (B); ++X) {

            /* Fetch next bit into byte buffer */
            LineBuffer[i] = GetPixel (B, X, Y).Index & ColorMask;

            if (LineBuffer[i] != EdgeIndex) {
                LastOpaquePixel = i;

        encodeSprite(D, M, ColorBits, ColorMask, LineBuffer, i, LastOpaquePixel);

    if ((OY == 0) && (OX == 0)) {
        /* Trivial case only one quadrant */

        /* Mark end of sprite */
        SB_AppendChar (D, 0);

        /* Return the converted bitmap */
        return D;

    /* Next quadrant */
    SB_AppendChar (D, 1);

    /* Convert the image for quadrant top right */
    for (Y = OY - 1; Y >= 0; --Y) {
        signed i = 0;
        signed LastOpaquePixel = -1;
        char LineBuffer[512]; /* The maximum size is 508 pixels */

        /* Fill the LineBuffer for easier optimisation */
        for (X = OX; X < (signed)GetBitmapWidth (B); ++X) {

            /* Fetch next bit into byte buffer */
            LineBuffer[i] = GetPixel (B, X, Y).Index & ColorMask;

            if (LineBuffer[i] != EdgeIndex) {
                LastOpaquePixel = i;

        encodeSprite(D, M, ColorBits, ColorMask, LineBuffer, i, LastOpaquePixel);

    if (OX == 0) {
        /* Special case only two quadrants */

        /* Mark end of sprite */
        SB_AppendChar (D, 0);

        /* Return the converted bitmap */
        return D;

    /* Next quadrant */
    SB_AppendChar (D, 1);

    /* Convert the image for quadrant top left */
    for (Y = OY - 1; Y >= 0; --Y) {
        signed i = 0;
        signed LastOpaquePixel = -1;
        char LineBuffer[512]; /* The maximum size is 508 pixels */

        /* Fill the LineBuffer for easier optimisation */
        for (X = OX - 1; X >= 0; --X) {

            /* Fetch next bit into byte buffer */
            LineBuffer[i] = GetPixel (B, X, Y).Index & ColorMask;

            if (LineBuffer[i] != EdgeIndex) {
                LastOpaquePixel = i;

        encodeSprite(D, M, ColorBits, ColorMask, LineBuffer, i, LastOpaquePixel);

    /* Next quadrant */
    SB_AppendChar (D, 1);

    /* Convert the image for quadrant bottom left */
    for (Y = OY; Y < (signed)GetBitmapHeight (B); ++Y) {
        signed i = 0;
        signed LastOpaquePixel = -1;
        char LineBuffer[512]; /* The maximum size is 508 pixels */

        /* Fill the LineBuffer for easier optimisation */
        for (X = OX - 1; X >= 0; --X) {

            /* Fetch next bit into byte buffer */
            LineBuffer[i] = GetPixel (B, X, Y).Index & ColorMask;

            if (LineBuffer[i] != EdgeIndex) {
                LastOpaquePixel = i;

        encodeSprite(D, M, ColorBits, ColorMask, LineBuffer, i, LastOpaquePixel);

    /* End sprite */
    SB_AppendChar (D, 0);

    /* Return the converted bitmap */
    return D;
Beispiel #7
void WriteCFile (const StrBuf* Data, const Collection* A, const Bitmap* B)
/* Write the contents of Data to a file in C format */
    FILE*       F;
    const char* D;
    unsigned    Size;

    /* Get the name of the image */
    const StrBuf* S = GetBitmapName (B);

    /* Get the file name */
    const char* Name = NeedAttrVal (A, "name", "write");

    /* Check the number of bytes per line */
    unsigned BytesPerLine = GetBytesPerLine (A);

    /* Get the number base */
    unsigned Base = GetBase (A);

    /* Get the identifier */
    const char* Ident = GetIdentifier (A);

    /* Open the output file */
    F = fopen (Name, "w");
    if (F == 0) {
        Error ("Cannot open output file `%s': %s", Name, strerror (errno));

    /* Write a readable header */
    fprintf (F,
             "** This file was generated by %s %s from\n"
             "** %.*s (%ux%u, %u colors%s)\n"
             GetVersionAsString (),
             SB_GetLen (S), SB_GetConstBuf (S),
             GetBitmapWidth (B), GetBitmapHeight (B),
             GetBitmapColors (B),
             BitmapIsIndexed (B)? ", indexed" : "");

    /* If an identifier was given, output #defines for width, height, the
    ** number of colors and declare a variable for the data.
    if (Ident) {
        fprintf (F,
                 "#define %s_COLORS       %u\n"
                 "#define %s_WIDTH        %u\n"
                 "#define %s_HEIGHT       %u\n"
                 "const unsigned char %s[] = {\n",
                 Ident, GetBitmapColors (B),
                 Ident, GetBitmapWidth (B),
                 Ident, GetBitmapHeight (B),

    /* Write the data */
    D    = SB_GetConstBuf (Data);
    Size = SB_GetLen (Data);
    while (Size) {

        unsigned I;

        /* Output one line */
        unsigned Chunk = Size;
        if (Chunk > BytesPerLine) {
            Chunk = BytesPerLine;
        fputs ("    ", F);
        for (I = 0; I < Chunk; ++I) {
            switch (Base) {
                case 10:
                    fprintf (F, "%u,", *D++ & 0xFF);
                case 16:
                    fprintf (F, "0x%02X,", *D++ & 0xFF);

        fputc ('\n', F);

        /* Bump the counters */
        Size -= Chunk;

    /* Terminate the array if we had an identifier */
    if (Ident) {
        fputs ("};\n", F);

    /* Close the file */
    if (fclose (F) != 0) {
        Error ("Error closing output file `%s': %s", Name, strerror (errno));
Beispiel #8
int kwxLCDDisplay::DigitX( int digit )
	return GetBitmapWidth() - ( ( digit + 1 ) * GetDigitWidth() );
Beispiel #9
StrBuf* GenVic2Sprite (const Bitmap* B, const Collection* A)
/* Generate binary output in VICII sprite format for the bitmap B. The output
** is stored in a string buffer (which is actually a dynamic char array) and
** returned.
    enum Mode M;
    StrBuf* D;
    unsigned X, Y;

    /* Output the image properties */
    Print (stdout, 1, "Image is %ux%u with %u colors%s\n",
           GetBitmapWidth (B), GetBitmapHeight (B), GetBitmapColors (B),
           BitmapIsIndexed (B)? " (indexed)" : "");

    /* Get the sprite mode */
    M = GetMode (A);

    /* Check the height of the bitmap */
    if (GetBitmapHeight (B) != HEIGHT) {
        Error ("Invalid bitmap height (%u) for conversion to vic2 sprite",
               GetBitmapHeight (B));

    /* If the mode wasn't given, determine it from the image properties */
    if (M == smAuto) {
        switch (GetBitmapWidth (B)) {
            case WIDTH_HR:
                M = smHighRes;
            case WIDTH_MC:
                M = smMultiColor;
                Error ("Cannot determine mode from image properties");

    /* Now check if mode and the image properties match */
    if (M == smMultiColor) {
        if (GetBitmapWidth (B) != WIDTH_MC || GetBitmapColors (B) > 4) {
            Error ("Invalid image properties for multicolor sprite");
    } else {
        if (GetBitmapWidth (B) != WIDTH_HR || GetBitmapColors (B) > 2) {
            Error ("Invalid image properties for highres sprite");

    /* Create the output buffer and resize it to the required size. */
    D = NewStrBuf ();
    SB_Realloc (D, 63);

    /* Convert the image */
    for (Y = 0; Y < HEIGHT; ++Y) {
        unsigned char V = 0;
        if (M == smHighRes) {
            for (X = 0; X < WIDTH_HR; ++X) {

                /* Fetch next bit into byte buffer */
                V = (V << 1) | (GetPixel (B, X, Y).Index & 0x01);

                /* Store full bytes into the output buffer */
                if ((X & 0x07) == 0x07) {
                    SB_AppendChar (D, V);
                    V = 0;
        } else {
            for (X = 0; X < WIDTH_MC; ++X) {

                /* Fetch next bit into byte buffer */
                V = (V << 2) | (GetPixel (B, X, Y).Index & 0x03);

                /* Store full bytes into the output buffer */
                if ((X & 0x03) == 0x03) {
                    SB_AppendChar (D, V);
                    V = 0;

    /* Return the converted bitmap */
    return D;