Beispiel #1
void BufferGLImpl::CreateViewInternal( const BufferViewDesc &OrigViewDesc, class IBufferView **ppView, bool bIsDefaultView )
    VERIFY( ppView != nullptr, "Buffer view pointer address is null" );
    if( !ppView )return;
    VERIFY( *ppView == nullptr, "Overwriting reference to existing object may cause memory leaks" );
    *ppView = nullptr;

        auto ViewDesc = OrigViewDesc;
        CorrectBufferViewDesc( ViewDesc );

        auto *pDeviceGLImpl = ValidatedCast<RenderDeviceGLImpl>(GetDevice());
        auto &BuffViewAllocator = pDeviceGLImpl->GetBuffViewObjAllocator();
        VERIFY( &BuffViewAllocator == &m_dbgBuffViewAllocator, "Buff view allocator does not match allocator provided at buffer initialization" );

        auto pContext = pDeviceGLImpl->GetImmediateContext();
        VERIFY( pContext, "Immediate context has been released" );
        *ppView = NEW_RC_OBJ(BuffViewAllocator, "BufferViewGLImpl instance", BufferViewGLImpl, bIsDefaultView ? this : nullptr)(pDeviceGLImpl, pContext, ViewDesc, this, bIsDefaultView);
        if( !bIsDefaultView )
    catch( const std::runtime_error & )
        const auto *ViewTypeName = GetBufferViewTypeLiteralName(OrigViewDesc.ViewType);
        LOG_ERROR("Failed to create view \"", OrigViewDesc.Name ? OrigViewDesc.Name : "", "\" (", ViewTypeName, ") for buffer \"", m_Desc.Name ? m_Desc.Name : "", "\"");
void BufferD3D11Impl::CreateViewInternal( const BufferViewDesc &OrigViewDesc, IBufferView **ppView, bool bIsDefaultView )
    VERIFY( ppView != nullptr, "Null pointer provided" );
    if( !ppView )return;
    VERIFY( *ppView == nullptr, "Overwriting reference to existing object may cause memory leaks" );

    *ppView = nullptr;

        auto *pDeviceD3D11Impl = ValidatedCast<RenderDeviceD3D11Impl>(GetDevice());
        auto &BuffViewAllocator = pDeviceD3D11Impl->GetBuffViewObjAllocator();
        VERIFY( &BuffViewAllocator == &m_dbgBuffViewAllocator, "Buff view allocator does not match allocator provided at buffer initialization" );

        BufferViewDesc ViewDesc = OrigViewDesc;
        if( ViewDesc.ViewType == BUFFER_VIEW_UNORDERED_ACCESS )
            CComPtr<ID3D11UnorderedAccessView> pUAV;
            CreateUAV( ViewDesc, &pUAV );
            *ppView = NEW_RC_OBJ(BuffViewAllocator, "BufferViewD3D11Impl instance",  BufferViewD3D11Impl, bIsDefaultView ? this : nullptr)
                                ( pDeviceD3D11Impl, ViewDesc, this, pUAV, bIsDefaultView );
        else if( ViewDesc.ViewType == BUFFER_VIEW_SHADER_RESOURCE )
			CComPtr<ID3D11ShaderResourceView> pSRV;
            CreateSRV( ViewDesc, &pSRV );
            *ppView = NEW_RC_OBJ(BuffViewAllocator, "BufferViewD3D11Impl instance",  BufferViewD3D11Impl, bIsDefaultView ? this : nullptr)
                                (pDeviceD3D11Impl, ViewDesc, this, pSRV, bIsDefaultView );

        if( !bIsDefaultView && *ppView )
    catch( const std::runtime_error & )
        const auto *ViewTypeName = GetBufferViewTypeLiteralName(OrigViewDesc.ViewType);
        LOG_ERROR("Failed to create view \"", OrigViewDesc.Name ? OrigViewDesc.Name : "", "\" (", ViewTypeName, ") for buffer \"", m_Desc.Name, "\"" );
void BufferD3D12Impl::CreateViewInternal( const BufferViewDesc &OrigViewDesc, IBufferView **ppView, bool bIsDefaultView )
    VERIFY( ppView != nullptr, "Null pointer provided" );
    if( !ppView )return;
    VERIFY( *ppView == nullptr, "Overwriting reference to existing object may cause memory leaks" );

    *ppView = nullptr;

        auto *pDeviceD3D12Impl = ValidatedCast<RenderDeviceD3D12Impl>(GetDevice());
        auto &BuffViewAllocator = pDeviceD3D12Impl->GetBuffViewObjAllocator();
        VERIFY( &BuffViewAllocator == &m_dbgBuffViewAllocator, "Buff view allocator does not match allocator provided at buffer initialization" );

        BufferViewDesc ViewDesc = OrigViewDesc;
        if( ViewDesc.ViewType == BUFFER_VIEW_UNORDERED_ACCESS )
            auto UAVHandleAlloc = pDeviceD3D12Impl->AllocateDescriptor(D3D12_DESCRIPTOR_HEAP_TYPE_CBV_SRV_UAV);
            CreateUAV( ViewDesc, UAVHandleAlloc.GetCpuHandle() );
            *ppView = NEW(BuffViewAllocator, "BufferViewD3D12Impl instance", BufferViewD3D12Impl, GetDevice(), ViewDesc, this, std::move(UAVHandleAlloc), bIsDefaultView );
        else if( ViewDesc.ViewType == BUFFER_VIEW_SHADER_RESOURCE )
			auto SRVHandleAlloc = pDeviceD3D12Impl->AllocateDescriptor(D3D12_DESCRIPTOR_HEAP_TYPE_CBV_SRV_UAV);
            CreateSRV( ViewDesc, SRVHandleAlloc.GetCpuHandle() );
            *ppView = NEW(BuffViewAllocator, "BufferViewD3D12Impl instance", BufferViewD3D12Impl, GetDevice(), ViewDesc, this, std::move(SRVHandleAlloc), bIsDefaultView );

        if( !bIsDefaultView && *ppView )
    catch( const std::runtime_error & )
        const auto *ViewTypeName = GetBufferViewTypeLiteralName(OrigViewDesc.ViewType);
        LOG_ERROR("Failed to create view \"", OrigViewDesc.Name ? OrigViewDesc.Name : "", "\" (", ViewTypeName, ") for buffer \"", m_Desc.Name, "\"" )