Beispiel #1
void CBaseHudChat::FadeChatHistory( void )
	float frac = ( m_flHistoryFadeTime -  gpGlobals->curtime ) / CHAT_HISTORY_FADE_TIME;

	int alpha = frac * CHAT_HISTORY_ALPHA;
	alpha = clamp( alpha, 0, CHAT_HISTORY_ALPHA );

	if ( alpha >= 0 )
		if ( GetChatHistory() )
			if ( IsMouseInputEnabled() )
				SetAlpha( 255 );
				GetChatHistory()->SetBgColor( Color( 0, 0, 0, CHAT_HISTORY_ALPHA - alpha ) );
				m_pChatInput->GetPrompt()->SetAlpha( (CHAT_HISTORY_ALPHA*2) - alpha );
				m_pChatInput->GetInputPanel()->SetAlpha( (CHAT_HISTORY_ALPHA*2) - alpha );
				SetBgColor( Color( GetBgColor().r(), GetBgColor().g(), GetBgColor().b(), CHAT_HISTORY_ALPHA - alpha ) );
				m_pFiltersButton->SetAlpha( (CHAT_HISTORY_ALPHA*2) - alpha );
				GetChatHistory()->SetBgColor( Color( 0, 0, 0, alpha ) );
				SetBgColor( Color( GetBgColor().r(), GetBgColor().g(), GetBgColor().b(), alpha ) );
				m_pChatInput->GetPrompt()->SetAlpha( alpha );
				m_pChatInput->GetInputPanel()->SetAlpha( alpha );
				m_pFiltersButton->SetAlpha( alpha );
Beispiel #2
void CBaseHudChat::CreateChatInputLine( void )
#ifndef _XBOX
	m_pChatInput = new CBaseHudChatInputLine( this, "ChatInputLine" );
	m_pChatInput->SetVisible( false );

	if ( GetChatHistory() )
		GetChatHistory()->SetMaximumCharCount( 127 * 100 );
		GetChatHistory()->SetVisible( true );
void CHudChat::ApplySchemeSettings( vgui::IScheme *pScheme )
	if ( m_bIntermissionSet )
		LoadControlSettings( "resource/UI/BaseChat_Intermission.res" );
		LoadControlSettings( "resource/UI/BaseChat.res" );

	m_IScheme = pScheme;

	// Skip over the BaseChat so we don't reload non-intermission settings
	EditablePanel::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme );

	SetPaintBackgroundType( 2 );
	SetPaintBorderEnabled( true );
	SetPaintBackgroundEnabled( true );

	SetKeyBoardInputEnabled( false );
	SetMouseInputEnabled( false );
	m_nVisibleHeight = 0;

	Color cColor = pScheme->GetColor( "DullWhite", GetBgColor() );
	SetBgColor( Color ( cColor.r(), cColor.g(), cColor.b(), CHAT_HISTORY_ALPHA ) );

	GetChatHistory()->SetVerticalScrollbar( false );
Beispiel #4
// Purpose: 
void CBaseHudChat::StopMessageMode( void )
#ifndef _XBOX

	engine->ClientCmd_Unrestricted( "gameui_allowescapetoshow\n" );

	SetKeyBoardInputEnabled( false );
	SetMouseInputEnabled( false );
	if ( GetChatHistory() )
		GetChatHistory()->SetPaintBorderEnabled( false );
		GetChatHistory()->SetMouseInputEnabled( false );
		GetChatHistory()->SetVerticalScrollbar( false );
		GetChatHistory()->ResetAllFades( false, true, CHAT_HISTORY_FADE_TIME );

	//Clear the entry since we wont need it anymore.

	m_flHistoryFadeTime = gpGlobals->curtime + CHAT_HISTORY_FADE_TIME;
Beispiel #5
// Purpose: 
void CBaseHudChat::StartMessageMode( int iMessageModeType )
#ifndef _XBOX
	m_nMessageMode = iMessageModeType;


	if ( m_nMessageMode == MM_SAY )
		m_pChatInput->SetPrompt( L"Say :" );
		m_pChatInput->SetPrompt( L"Say (TEAM) :" );
	if ( GetChatHistory() )
		GetChatHistory()->SetMouseInputEnabled( true );
		GetChatHistory()->SetKeyBoardInputEnabled( false );
		GetChatHistory()->SetVerticalScrollbar( true );
		GetChatHistory()->ResetAllFades( true );
		GetChatHistory()->SetPaintBorderEnabled( true );
		GetChatHistory()->SetVisible( true );

	vgui::SETUP_PANEL( this );
	SetKeyBoardInputEnabled( true );
	SetMouseInputEnabled( true );
	m_pChatInput->SetVisible( true );
	m_pChatInput->SetPaintBorderEnabled( true );
	m_pChatInput->SetMouseInputEnabled( true );

	//Place the mouse cursor near the text so people notice it.
	int x, y, w, h;
	GetChatHistory()->GetBounds( x, y, w, h );
	vgui::input()->SetCursorPos( x + ( w/2), y + (h/2) );

	m_flHistoryFadeTime = gpGlobals->curtime + CHAT_HISTORY_FADE_TIME;

	m_pFilterPanel->SetVisible( false );

	engine->ClientCmd_Unrestricted( "gameui_preventescapetoshow\n" );
Beispiel #6
// Purpose: Do respositioning here to avoid latency due to repositioning of vgui
//  voice manager icon panel
void CBaseHudChat::OnTick( void )
#ifndef _XBOX
	m_nVisibleHeight = 0;

	CBaseHudChatLine *line = m_ChatLine;

	if ( line )
		vgui::HFont font = line->GetFont();
		m_iFontHeight = vgui::surface()->GetFontTall( font ) + 2;

		// Put input area at bottom

		int iChatX, iChatY, iChatW, iChatH;
		int iInputX, iInputY, iInputW, iInputH;
		m_pChatInput->GetBounds( iInputX, iInputY, iInputW, iInputH );
		GetBounds( iChatX, iChatY, iChatW, iChatH );

		m_pChatInput->SetBounds( iInputX, iChatH - (m_iFontHeight * 1.75), iInputW, m_iFontHeight );

		//Resize the History Panel so it fits more lines depending on the screen resolution.
		int iChatHistoryX, iChatHistoryY, iChatHistoryW, iChatHistoryH;

		GetChatHistory()->GetBounds( iChatHistoryX, iChatHistoryY, iChatHistoryW, iChatHistoryH );

		iChatHistoryH = (iChatH - (m_iFontHeight * 2.25)) - iChatHistoryY;

		GetChatHistory()->SetBounds( iChatHistoryX, iChatHistoryY, iChatHistoryW, iChatHistoryH );


Beispiel #7
void CBaseHudChat::ApplySchemeSettings( vgui::IScheme *pScheme )
	LoadControlSettings( "resource/UI/BaseChat.res" );

	BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme );

	SetPaintBackgroundType( 2 );
	SetPaintBorderEnabled( true );
	SetPaintBackgroundEnabled( true );

	SetKeyBoardInputEnabled( false );
	SetMouseInputEnabled( false );
	m_nVisibleHeight = 0;

	SetBgColor( Color( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) );
	SetFgColor( Color( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) );

	Color cColor = pScheme->GetColor( "DullWhite", GetBgColor() );
	SetBgColor( Color ( cColor.r(), cColor.g(), cColor.b(), CHAT_HISTORY_ALPHA ) );

	GetChatHistory()->SetVerticalScrollbar( false );