Beispiel #1
Datei: scf.cpp Projekt: garinh/cs
void csSCF::RegisterClasses (char const* pluginPath, 
    iDocument* doc, const char* context)
  if (doc)
    csRef<iDocumentNode> rootnode = doc->GetRoot();
    if (rootnode != 0)
      csRef<iDocumentNode> pluginnode = rootnode->GetNode("plugin");
      if (pluginnode)
	csRef<iDocumentNode> scfnode = pluginnode->GetNode("scf");
	if (scfnode.IsValid())
	  RegisterClassesInt (pluginPath, scfnode, context);
	  csPrintfErr("SCF_ERROR: missing <scf> node in metadata for %s "
	    "in context `%s'\n", pluginPath != 0 ? pluginPath : "{unknown}",
        csPrintfErr("SCF_ERROR: missing root <plugin> node in metadata "
	  "for %s in context `%s'\n",
	  pluginPath != 0 ? pluginPath : "{unknown}", GetContextName(context));
Beispiel #2
bool csSCF::RegisterClass (const char *iClassID, const char *iLibraryName,
  const char *iFactoryClass, const char *iDesc, const char *Dependencies, 
  const char* context)
  CS::Threading::RecursiveMutexScopedLock lock (mutex);
  size_t idx;
  csStringID contextID = 
    context ? contexts.Request (context) : csInvalidStringID;

    csPrintfErr("SCF_NOTIFY: registering class %s in context %s (from %s)\n",
      iClassID, CS::Quote::Single (GetContextName(context)), iLibraryName);

  if ((idx = ClassRegistry->FindClass(iClassID)) != (size_t)-1)
    scfFactory *cf = (scfFactory *)ClassRegistry->Get (idx);
    if (ContextClash (cf->classContext, contextID))
      csPrintfErr("SCF_WARNING: class %s (from %s) has already been "
        "registered in the same context %s (in %s)\n",
        iClassID, iLibraryName, CS::Quote::Single (GetContextName(context)),
        The user may want to override a standard CS plugin by putting
	a plugin exhibiting the same class ID into the e.g. app directory.
	In this case a warning is probably not desired. But for debugging
	purposes we emit something.
    #ifdef CS_DEBUG
      // Don't report when the already registered class is static.
      if (cf->classContext != staticContextID)
	// @@@ some way to have this warning in non-debug builds would be nice.
	csPrintfErr("SCF_NOTIFY: class %s (from %s) has already been "
	  "registered in a different context: %s vs. %s (from %s); this "
	  "message appears only in debug builds\n",
	  iClassID, iLibraryName,
	  CS::Quote::Single (GetContextName(context)),
	  CS::Quote::Single (GetContextName(cf->classContext)),
    return false;

  scfFactory* factory = new scfFactory (iClassID, iLibraryName, iFactoryClass,
    0, iDesc, Dependencies, contextID);
  ClassRegistry->Push (factory);
  SortClassRegistry = true;
  return true;
Beispiel #3
Datei: scf.cpp Projekt: garinh/cs
void csSCF::RegisterClassesInt(char const* pluginPath, iDocumentNode* scfnode, 
			       const char* context)
  bool const seen = pluginPath != 0 && libraryNames->Contains(pluginPath);

    char const* s = pluginPath != 0 ? pluginPath : "{unknown}";
    char const* c = GetContextName(context);
    if (!seen)
      csPrintfErr("SCF_NOTIFY: registering plugin %s in context `%s'\n", s, c);
      csPrintfErr("SCF_NOTIFY: ignoring duplicate plugin registration %s "
        "in context `%s'\n", s, c);

  if (seen)
    return;			// *** RETURN: Do not re-register ***

  csRef<iDocumentNode> classesnode = scfnode->GetNode("classes");
  if (classesnode)
    csRef<iDocumentNodeIterator> classiter = classesnode->GetNodes("class");
    csRef<iDocumentNode> classnode;
    while ((classnode = classiter->Next()))
      csString classname = get_node_value(classnode, "name");
      csString imp = get_node_value(classnode, "implementation");
      csString desc = get_node_value(classnode, "description");

      // For backward compatibility, we build a comma-delimited dependency
      // string from the individual dependency nodes.  In the future,
      // iSCF::GetClassDependencies() should be updated to return an
      // iStringArray, rather than a simple comma-delimited string.
      csString depend;
      csRef<iDocumentNode> depnode = classnode->GetNode("requires");
      if (depnode)
	csRef<iDocumentNodeIterator> depiter = depnode->GetNodes("class");
	csRef<iDocumentNode> depclassnode;
	while ((depclassnode = depiter->Next()))
	  if (!depend.IsEmpty()) depend << ", ";
	  depend << depclassnode->GetContentsValue();

      char const* pdepend = (depend.IsEmpty() ? 0 : depend.GetData());
      RegisterClass(classname, pluginPath, imp, desc, pdepend, context);
Beispiel #4
static void
describeContext (FILE *out, const CONTEXT context) {
	RECT rect;
	CONTEXT oldContext = SetContext (context);
	GetContextClipRect (&rect);
	fprintf(out, "Context '%s':\n"
			"\tClipRect = (%d, %d)-(%d, %d)  (%d x %d)\n",
		   GetContextName (context),
		   rect.corner.x, rect.corner.y,
		   rect.corner.x + rect.extent.width,
		   rect.corner.y + rect.extent.height,
		   rect.extent.width, rect.extent.height);
	SetContext (oldContext);
/** UI_COMMAND takes long for the compile to optimize */
void FLevelEditorModesCommands::RegisterCommands()

	int editorMode = 0;
	FKey EdModeKeys[9] = { EKeys::One, EKeys::Two, EKeys::Three, EKeys::Four, EKeys::Five, EKeys::Six, EKeys::Seven, EKeys::Eight, EKeys::Nine };

	for ( const FEditorModeInfo& Mode : FEditorModeRegistry::Get().GetSortedModeInfo() )
		// If the mode isn't visible don't create a menu option for it.
		if (!Mode.bVisible)

		FName EditorModeCommandName = FName(*(FString("EditorMode.") + Mode.ID.ToString()));

		TSharedPtr<FUICommandInfo> EditorModeCommand = 
			FInputBindingManager::Get().FindCommandInContext(GetContextName(), EditorModeCommandName);

		// If a command isn't yet registered for this mode, we need to register one.
		if ( !EditorModeCommand.IsValid() )
			FFormatNamedArguments Args;
			Args.Add( TEXT("Mode"), Mode.Name );
			const FText Tooltip = FText::Format( NSLOCTEXT("LevelEditor", "ModeTooltipF", "Activate {Mode} Editing Mode"), Args );

				editorMode < 9 ? FInputChord( EModifierKey::Shift, EdModeKeys[editorMode] ) : FInputChord() );


Beispiel #6
static void
drawContext (CONTEXT context, double hue /* no pun intended */)
	FRAME drawFrame;
	CONTEXT oldContext;
	FONT oldFont;
	DrawMode oldMode;
	Color oldFgCol;
	Color rectCol;
	Color lineCol;
	Color textCol;
	bool haveClippingRect;
	RECT rect;
	LINE line;
	TEXT text;
	POINT p1, p2, p3, p4;

	drawFrame = GetContextFGFrame ();
	rectCol = hsvaToRgba (hue, 1.0, 0.5, 100);
	lineCol = hsvaToRgba (hue, 1.0, 1.0, 90);
	textCol = lineCol;

	// Save the original context.
	oldContext = SetContext (context);
	// Get the clipping rectangle of the specified context.
	haveClippingRect = GetContextClipRect (&rect);

	// Switch back the old context; we're going to draw in it.
	(void) SetContext (oldContext);

	p1 = rect.corner;
	p2.x = rect.corner.x + rect.extent.width - 1;
	p2.y = rect.corner.y;
	p3.x = rect.corner.x;
	p3.y = rect.corner.y + rect.extent.height - 1;
	p4.x = rect.corner.x + rect.extent.width - 1;
	p4.y = rect.corner.y + rect.extent.height - 1;

	oldFgCol = SetContextForeGroundColor (rectCol);
	DrawFilledRectangle (&rect);

	SetContextForeGroundColor (lineCol);
	line.first = p1; line.second = p2; DrawLine (&line);
	line.first = p2; line.second = p4; DrawLine (&line);
	line.first = p1; line.second = p3; DrawLine (&line);
	line.first = p3; line.second = p4; DrawLine (&line);
	line.first = p1; line.second = p4; DrawLine (&line);
	line.first = p2; line.second = p3; DrawLine (&line);
	// Gimme C'99! So I can do:
	//     DrawLine ((LINE) { .first = p1, .second = p2 })

	oldFont = SetContextFont (TinyFont);
	SetContextForeGroundColor (textCol);
	// Text prim does not yet support alpha via Color.a
	oldMode = SetContextDrawMode (MAKE_DRAW_MODE (DRAW_ALPHA, textCol.a));
	text.baseline.x = (p1.x + (p2.x + 1)) / 2;
	text.baseline.y = p1.y + 8;
	text.pStr = GetContextName (context);
	text.align = ALIGN_CENTER;
	text.CharCount = (COUNT) ~0;
	font_DrawText (&text);
	(void) SetContextDrawMode (oldMode);

	(void) SetContextForeGroundColor (oldFgCol);
	(void) SetContextFont (oldFont);
Beispiel #7
Datei: scf.cpp Projekt: garinh/cs
void csSCF::ScanPluginsInt (csPathsList const* pluginPaths,
                            const char* context)
  if (pluginPaths)
    // Search plugins in pluginpaths
    csRef<iStringArray> plugins;

    size_t i, j;
    for (i = 0; i < pluginPaths->Length(); i++)
      csPathsList::Entry const& pathrec = (*pluginPaths)[i];
      if (IsVerbose(SCF_VERBOSE_PLUGIN_SCAN))
        char const* x = scannedDirs.Contains(pathrec.path) ? "re-" : "";
        csPrintfErr("SCF_NOTIFY: %sscanning plugin directory: %s "
          "(context `%s'; recursive %s)\n", x, pathrec.path.GetData(),
          pathrec.scanRecursive ? "yes" : "no");

      if (plugins)

      csRef<iStringArray> messages =
        csScanPluginDir (pathrec.path, plugins, pathrec.scanRecursive);

      if ((messages != 0) && (messages->GetSize () > 0))
        csPrintfErr("SCF_WARNING: the following issue(s) arose while "
          "scanning '%s':", pathrec.path.GetData());
        for (j = 0; j < messages->GetSize (); j++)
          csPrintfErr(" %s\n", messages->Get (j));

      csRef<iDocument> metadata;
      csRef<iString> msg;
      for (j = 0; j < plugins->GetSize (); j++)
        char const* plugin = plugins->Get(j);
        msg = csGetPluginMetadata (plugin, metadata);
        if (msg != 0)
          csPrintfErr("SCF_ERROR: metadata retrieval error for %s: %s\n",
            plugin, msg->GetData ());
        // It is possible for an error or warning message to be generated even
        // when metadata is also obtained.  Likewise, it is possible for no
        // metadata to be obtained yet also to have no error message.  The
        // latter case is indicative of csScanPluginDir() returning "potential"
        // plugins which turn out to not be Crystal Space plugins after all.
        // For instance, on Windows, the scan might find a DLL which is not a
        // Crystal Space DLL; that is, which does not contain embedded
        // metadata.  This is a valid case, which we simply ignore since it is
        // legal for non-CS libraries to exist alongside CS plugins in the
        // scanned directories.
        if (metadata)
          RegisterClasses(plugin, metadata, 
          context ? context : pathrec.type.GetData());
/** UI_COMMAND takes long for the compile to optimize */
void FLevelViewportCommands::RegisterCommands()
	UI_COMMAND( ToggleMaximize, "Maximize Viewport", "Toggles the Maximize state of the current viewport", EUserInterfaceActionType::ToggleButton, FInputChord() );
	UI_COMMAND( ToggleGameView, "Game View", "Toggles game view.  Game view shows the scene as it appears in game", EUserInterfaceActionType::ToggleButton, FInputChord( EKeys::G ) );
	UI_COMMAND( ToggleImmersive, "Immersive Mode", "Switches this viewport between immersive mode and regular mode", EUserInterfaceActionType::ToggleButton, FInputChord( EKeys::F11 ) );

	UI_COMMAND( CreateCamera, "Create Camera Here", "Creates a new camera actor at the current location of this viewport's camera", EUserInterfaceActionType::Button, FInputChord() );
	UI_COMMAND( HighResScreenshot, "High Resolution Screenshot...", "Opens the control panel for high resolution screenshots", EUserInterfaceActionType::Button, FInputChord() );
	UI_COMMAND( UseDefaultShowFlags, "Use Defaults", "Resets all show flags to default", EUserInterfaceActionType::Button, FInputChord() );

	UI_COMMAND( PilotSelectedActor, "Pilot Selected Actor", "Move the selected actor around using the viewport controls, and bind the viewport to the actor's location and orientation.", EUserInterfaceActionType::Button, FInputChord( EModifierKey::Control | EModifierKey::Shift, EKeys::P ) );
	UI_COMMAND( EjectActorPilot, "Eject from Actor Pilot", "Stop piloting an actor with the current viewport. Unlocks the viewport's position and orientation from the actor the viewport is currently piloting.", EUserInterfaceActionType::Button, FInputChord() );
	UI_COMMAND( ToggleActorPilotCameraView, "Actor Pilot Camera View", "Toggles showing the exact camera view when using the viewport to pilot a camera", EUserInterfaceActionType::ToggleButton, FInputChord( EModifierKey::Control | EModifierKey::Shift, EKeys::C ) );

	UI_COMMAND( ViewportConfig_OnePane, "Layout One Pane", "Changes the viewport arrangement to one pane", EUserInterfaceActionType::ToggleButton, FInputChord() );
	UI_COMMAND( ViewportConfig_TwoPanesH, "Layout Two Panes (horizontal)", "Changes the viewport arrangement to two panes, side-by-side", EUserInterfaceActionType::ToggleButton, FInputChord() );
	UI_COMMAND( ViewportConfig_TwoPanesV, "Layout Two Panes (vertical)", "Changes the viewport arrangement to two panes, one above the other", EUserInterfaceActionType::ToggleButton, FInputChord() );
	UI_COMMAND( ViewportConfig_ThreePanesLeft, "Layout Three Panes (one left, two right)", "Changes the viewport arrangement to three panes, one on the left, two on the right", EUserInterfaceActionType::ToggleButton, FInputChord() );
	UI_COMMAND( ViewportConfig_ThreePanesRight, "Layout Three Panes (one right, two left)", "Changes the viewport arrangement to three panes, one on the right, two on the left", EUserInterfaceActionType::ToggleButton, FInputChord() );
	UI_COMMAND( ViewportConfig_ThreePanesTop, "Layout Three Panes (one top, two bottom)", "Changes the viewport arrangement to three panes, one on the top, two on the bottom", EUserInterfaceActionType::ToggleButton, FInputChord() );
	UI_COMMAND( ViewportConfig_ThreePanesBottom, "Layout Three Panes (one bottom, two top)", "Changes the viewport arrangement to three panes, one on the bottom, two on the top", EUserInterfaceActionType::ToggleButton, FInputChord() );
	UI_COMMAND( ViewportConfig_FourPanesLeft, "Layout Four Panes (one left, three right)", "Changes the viewport arrangement to four panes, one on the left, three on the right", EUserInterfaceActionType::ToggleButton, FInputChord() );
	UI_COMMAND( ViewportConfig_FourPanesRight, "Layout Four Panes (one right, three left)", "Changes the viewport arrangement to four panes, one on the right, three on the left", EUserInterfaceActionType::ToggleButton, FInputChord() );
	UI_COMMAND( ViewportConfig_FourPanesTop, "Layout Four Panes (one top, three bottom)", "Changes the viewport arrangement to four panes, one on the top, three on the bottom", EUserInterfaceActionType::ToggleButton, FInputChord() );
	UI_COMMAND( ViewportConfig_FourPanesBottom, "Layout Four Panes (one bottom, three top)", "Changes the viewport arrangement to four panes, one on the bottom, three on the top", EUserInterfaceActionType::ToggleButton, FInputChord() );
	UI_COMMAND( ViewportConfig_FourPanes2x2, "Layout Four Panes (2x2)", "Changes the viewport arrangement to four panes, in a 2x2 grid", EUserInterfaceActionType::ToggleButton, FInputChord() );

	UI_COMMAND( ApplyMaterialToActor, "Apply Material", "Attempts to apply a dropped material to this object", EUserInterfaceActionType::Button, FInputChord() );

	UI_COMMAND( ToggleCinematicPreview, "Toggles Cinematic Preview", "If enabled, allows Matinee or Sequencer previews to play in this viewport", EUserInterfaceActionType::ToggleButton, FInputChord() );

	UI_COMMAND( FindInLevelScriptBlueprint, "Find In Level Script", "Finds references of a selected actor in the level script blueprint", EUserInterfaceActionType::Button, FInputChord(EModifierKey::Control, EKeys::K) );
	UI_COMMAND( AdvancedSettings, "Advanced Settings...", "Opens the advanced viewport settings", EUserInterfaceActionType::Button, FInputChord());

	// Generate a command for each buffer visualization mode
		struct FMaterialIterator
			const TSharedRef<class FBindingContext> Parent;
			FLevelViewportCommands::TBufferVisualizationModeCommandMap& CommandMap;

			FMaterialIterator(const TSharedRef<class FBindingContext> InParent, FLevelViewportCommands::TBufferVisualizationModeCommandMap& InCommandMap)
				: Parent(InParent)
				, CommandMap(InCommandMap)

			void ProcessValue(const FString& InMaterialName, const UMaterial* InMaterial, const FText& InDisplayName)
				FName ViewportCommandName = *(FString(TEXT("BufferVisualizationMenu")) + InMaterialName);

				FBufferVisualizationRecord& Record = CommandMap.Add(ViewportCommandName, FBufferVisualizationRecord());
				Record.Name = *InMaterialName;
				const FText MaterialNameText = FText::FromString( InMaterialName );
				Record.Command = FUICommandInfoDecl( Parent, ViewportCommandName, MaterialNameText, MaterialNameText )
					.UserInterfaceType( EUserInterfaceActionType::RadioButton )
					.DefaultChord( FInputChord() );

		FName ViewportCommandName = *(FString(TEXT("BufferVisualizationOverview")));
		FBufferVisualizationRecord& OverviewRecord = BufferVisualizationModeCommands.Add(ViewportCommandName, FBufferVisualizationRecord());
		OverviewRecord.Name = NAME_None;
		OverviewRecord.Command = FUICommandInfoDecl( this->AsShared(), ViewportCommandName, LOCTEXT("BufferVisualization", "Overview"), LOCTEXT("BufferVisualization", "Overview") )
			.UserInterfaceType( EUserInterfaceActionType::RadioButton )
			.DefaultChord( FInputChord() );

		FMaterialIterator It(this->AsShared(), BufferVisualizationModeCommands);

	const TArray<FShowFlagData>& ShowFlagData = GetShowFlagMenuItems();

	// Generate a command for each show flag
	for( int32 ShowFlag = 0; ShowFlag < ShowFlagData.Num(); ++ShowFlag )
		const FShowFlagData& SFData = ShowFlagData[ShowFlag];

		FFormatNamedArguments Args;
		Args.Add( TEXT("ShowFlagName"), SFData.DisplayName );
		FText LocalizedName;
		switch( SFData.Group )
		case SFG_Visualize:
			LocalizedName = FText::Format( LOCTEXT("VisualizeFlagLabel", "Visualize {ShowFlagName}"), Args );
			LocalizedName = FText::Format( LOCTEXT("ShowFlagLabel", "Show {ShowFlagName}"), Args );

		//@todo Slate: The show flags system does not support descriptions currently
		const FText ShowFlagDesc;

		TSharedPtr<FUICommandInfo> ShowFlagCommand 
			= FUICommandInfoDecl( this->AsShared(), SFData.ShowFlagName, LocalizedName, ShowFlagDesc )
			.UserInterfaceType( EUserInterfaceActionType::ToggleButton )
			.DefaultChord( SFData.InputChord )
			.Icon(SFData.Group == EShowFlagGroup::SFG_Normal ?
						FSlateIcon(FEditorStyle::GetStyleSetName(), FEditorStyle::Join( GetContextName(), TCHAR_TO_ANSI( *FString::Printf( TEXT(".%s"), *SFData.ShowFlagName.ToString() ) ) ) ) :

		ShowFlagCommands.Add( FLevelViewportCommands::FShowMenuCommand( ShowFlagCommand, SFData.DisplayName ) );

	// Generate a command for each volume class
		UI_COMMAND( ShowAllVolumes, "Show All Volumes", "Shows all volumes", EUserInterfaceActionType::Button, FInputChord() );
		UI_COMMAND( HideAllVolumes, "Hide All Volumes", "Hides all volumes", EUserInterfaceActionType::Button, FInputChord() );

		TArray< UClass* > VolumeClasses;

		for( int32 VolumeClassIndex = 0; VolumeClassIndex < VolumeClasses.Num(); ++VolumeClassIndex )
			//@todo Slate: The show flags system does not support descriptions currently
			const FText VolumeDesc;
			const FName VolumeName = VolumeClasses[VolumeClassIndex]->GetFName();

			FText DisplayName;
			FEngineShowFlags::FindShowFlagDisplayName( VolumeName.ToString(), DisplayName );

			FFormatNamedArguments Args;
			Args.Add( TEXT("ShowFlagName"), DisplayName );
			const FText LocalizedName = FText::Format( LOCTEXT("ShowFlagLabel_Visualize", "Visualize {ShowFlagName}"), Args );

			TSharedPtr<FUICommandInfo> ShowVolumeCommand 
				= FUICommandInfoDecl( this->AsShared(), VolumeName, LocalizedName, VolumeDesc )
				.UserInterfaceType( EUserInterfaceActionType::ToggleButton );

			ShowVolumeCommands.Add( FLevelViewportCommands::FShowMenuCommand( ShowVolumeCommand, DisplayName ) );

	// Generate a command for show/hide all layers
		UI_COMMAND( ShowAllLayers, "Show All Layers", "Shows all layers", EUserInterfaceActionType::Button, FInputChord() );
		UI_COMMAND( HideAllLayers, "Hide All Layers", "Hides all layers", EUserInterfaceActionType::Button, FInputChord() );

	// Generate a command for each sprite category
		UI_COMMAND( ShowAllSprites, "Show All Sprites", "Shows all sprites", EUserInterfaceActionType::Button, FInputChord() );
		UI_COMMAND( HideAllSprites, "Hide All Sprites", "Hides all sprites", EUserInterfaceActionType::Button, FInputChord() );

		// get all the known layers
		// Get a fresh list as GUnrealEd->SortedSpriteInfo may not yet be built.
		TArray<FSpriteCategoryInfo> SortedSpriteInfo;

		FString SpritePrefix = TEXT("ShowSprite_");
		for( int32 InfoIndex = 0; InfoIndex < SortedSpriteInfo.Num(); ++InfoIndex )
			const FSpriteCategoryInfo& SpriteInfo = SortedSpriteInfo[InfoIndex];

			const FName CommandName = FName( *(SpritePrefix + SpriteInfo.Category.ToString()) );

			FFormatNamedArguments Args;
			Args.Add( TEXT("SpriteName"), SpriteInfo.DisplayName );
			const FText LocalizedName = FText::Format( NSLOCTEXT("UICommands", "SpriteShowFlagName", "Show {SpriteName} Sprites"), Args );

			TSharedPtr<FUICommandInfo> ShowSpriteCommand 
				= FUICommandInfoDecl( this->AsShared(), CommandName, LocalizedName, SpriteInfo.Description )
				.UserInterfaceType( EUserInterfaceActionType::ToggleButton );

			ShowSpriteCommands.Add( FLevelViewportCommands::FShowMenuCommand( ShowSpriteCommand, SpriteInfo.DisplayName ) );

	// Generate a command for each Stat category
		UI_COMMAND(HideAllStats, "Hide All Stats", "Hides all Stats", EUserInterfaceActionType::Button, FInputChord());

		// Bind a listener here for any additional stat commands that get registered later.
		UEngine::NewStatDelegate.AddRaw(this, &FLevelViewportCommands::HandleNewStat);
		FStatGroupGameThreadNotifier::Get().NewStatGroupDelegate.BindRaw(this, &FLevelViewportCommands::HandleNewStatGroup);

	// Map the bookmark index to default key.
	// If the max bookmark number ever increases the new bookmarks will not have default keys
	TArray< FKey > NumberKeyNames;
	NumberKeyNames.Add( EKeys::Zero );
	NumberKeyNames.Add( EKeys::One );
	NumberKeyNames.Add( EKeys::Two );
	NumberKeyNames.Add( EKeys::Three );
	NumberKeyNames.Add( EKeys::Four );
	NumberKeyNames.Add( EKeys::Five );
	NumberKeyNames.Add( EKeys::Six );
	NumberKeyNames.Add( EKeys::Seven );
	NumberKeyNames.Add( EKeys::Eight );
	NumberKeyNames.Add( EKeys::Nine );

	for( int32 BookmarkIndex = 0; BookmarkIndex < AWorldSettings::MAX_BOOKMARK_NUMBER; ++BookmarkIndex )
		TSharedRef< FUICommandInfo > JumpToBookmark =
			this->AsShared(), //Command class
			FName( *FString::Printf( TEXT( "JumpToBookmark%i" ), BookmarkIndex ) ), //CommandName
			FText::Format( NSLOCTEXT("LevelEditorCommands", "JumpToBookmark", "Jump to Bookmark {0}"), FText::AsNumber( BookmarkIndex ) ), //Localized label
			FText::Format( NSLOCTEXT("LevelEditorCommands", "JumpToBookmark_ToolTip", "Moves the viewport to the location and orientation stored at bookmark {0}"), FText::AsNumber( BookmarkIndex ) ) )//Localized tooltip
			.UserInterfaceType( EUserInterfaceActionType::Button ) //interface type
			.DefaultChord( FInputChord( NumberKeyNames.IsValidIndex( BookmarkIndex ) ? NumberKeyNames[BookmarkIndex] : EKeys::Invalid ) ); //default chord

		JumpToBookmarkCommands.Add( JumpToBookmark );

		TSharedRef< FUICommandInfo > SetBookmark =
			this->AsShared(), //Command class
			FName( *FString::Printf( TEXT( "SetBookmark%i" ), BookmarkIndex ) ), //CommandName
			FText::Format( NSLOCTEXT("LevelEditorCommands", "SetBookmark", "Set Bookmark {0}"), FText::AsNumber( BookmarkIndex ) ), //Localized label
			FText::Format( NSLOCTEXT("LevelEditorCommands", "SetBookmark_ToolTip", "Stores the viewports location and orientation in bookmark {0}"), FText::AsNumber( BookmarkIndex ) ) )//Localized tooltip
			.UserInterfaceType( EUserInterfaceActionType::Button ) //interface type
			.DefaultChord( FInputChord( EModifierKey::Control, NumberKeyNames.IsValidIndex( BookmarkIndex ) ? NumberKeyNames[BookmarkIndex] : EKeys::Invalid ) ); //default chord

		SetBookmarkCommands.Add( SetBookmark );

		TSharedRef< FUICommandInfo > ClearBookMark =
			this->AsShared(), //Command class
			FName( *FString::Printf( TEXT( "ClearBookmark%i" ), BookmarkIndex ) ), //CommandName
			FText::Format( NSLOCTEXT("LevelEditorCommands", "ClearBookmark", "Clear Bookmark {0}"), FText::AsNumber( BookmarkIndex ) ), //Localized label
			FText::Format( NSLOCTEXT("LevelEditorCommands", "ClearBookmark_ToolTip", "Clears the viewports location and orientation in bookmark {0}"), FText::AsNumber( BookmarkIndex ) ) )//Localized tooltip
			.UserInterfaceType( EUserInterfaceActionType::Button ) //interface type
			.DefaultChord( FInputChord() ); //default chord 

		ClearBookmarkCommands.Add( ClearBookMark );
	UI_COMMAND( ClearAllBookMarks, "Clear All Bookmarks", "Clears all the bookmarks", EUserInterfaceActionType::Button, FInputChord() );

	UI_COMMAND( EnablePreviewMesh, "Hold To Enable Preview Mesh", "When held down a preview mesh appears under the cursor", EUserInterfaceActionType::Button, FInputChord(EKeys::Backslash) );
	UI_COMMAND( CyclePreviewMesh, "Cycles Preview Mesh", "Cycles available preview meshes", EUserInterfaceActionType::Button, FInputChord( EModifierKey::Shift, EKeys::Backslash ) );
