Beispiel #1
  uint64_t RateLimiter::GetMaxUnits(int counter_index, const char * key, const timeval& time, uint64_t amount) {
    LimiterEntry * limiter_entry = counters_[counter_index];


    std::map<const char *,LimiterState *>::iterator it = keymap_.find(key);
    LimiterState * state = NULL;


    if ( it == keymap_.end() ) {
      char * key_copy = (char *)malloc( strlen(key) + 1  );
      strcpy(key_copy, key);
      //NOTE: consider letting only limiterentry construct new states
      state = new LimiterState(GetCounterArray(), GetTimevalArray(time));
      keymap_.insert( std::pair<const char *, LimiterState *> ( key_copy, state ));
    } else {
      state = it->second;

    //******** fixme -> this should have a critical section per key
    timeval elapsed;
    timeval stime = state->time(counter_index);
    timersub(&time, &stime, &elapsed);

    //FIXME: tv_usec seems to differ on different compilers/platforms :S
    float elapsed_ms = (elapsed.tv_sec * 1000.0f) + ( elapsed.tv_usec/1000.0f );
    float rate_timeslice = 1.0f - (limiter_entry->milliseconds() - elapsed_ms) / limiter_entry->milliseconds();
    //FIXME: -> this is very very ugly
    if (rate_timeslice<0) rate_timeslice=0;

    //FIXME: this one sometimes gets slightly negative ... shudder
    TSReleaseAssert(rate_timeslice >= 0.0f);

    float replenishment  = rate_timeslice * limiter_entry->max_rate();
    float newallowance   = state->allowance(counter_index) + replenishment;

    //clip the new allowance value at the max rate for this limiter
    newallowance = newallowance > limiter_entry->max_rate() ? limiter_entry->max_rate() : newallowance;
    TSReleaseAssert(newallowance >= 0.0f);

    int rv = amount;

    if (amount > newallowance) {
      amount = rv = newallowance;

    TSReleaseAssert(rv >= 0);

    //now substract the specified amount
    newallowance -= amount;
    if (newallowance >= 0.0f  ) {
      //update the state
      state->set_allowance(counter_index, newallowance);
      state->set_time(counter_index, time);

    //******** end fixme 

    return rv;
  LimiterState * RateLimiter::Register() {
    timeval now;
	LimiterState * state =  new LimiterState(GetCounterArray(), GetTimevalArray(now));
    return state;
Beispiel #3
  //TODO: thread safety!! this assumes the stl map is implemented using a r/b tree that does not change
  // during lookups. e.g. concurrent reads are allowed.
  //TODO: a hash table would be more appropriate then a std::map
  //this function updates the specified counter for the specified key, substring amount units at the specified time.
  //the return value is 0 when no throttling is needed. it returns the number of ms that needs te be waited for to allow the 
  //specified amount to be substracted from the remaining allowance
  uint64_t RateLimiter::Register(int counter_index, const char * key, const timeval& time, uint64_t amount) {
    LimiterEntry * limiter_entry = counters_[counter_index];


    std::map<const char *,LimiterState *>::iterator it = keymap_.find(key);
    LimiterState * state = NULL;


    if ( it == keymap_.end() ) {
      char * key_copy = (char *)malloc( strlen(key) + 1  );
      strcpy(key_copy, key);
      //NOTE: consider letting only limiterentry construct new states
      state = new LimiterState(GetCounterArray(), GetTimevalArray(time));
      keymap_.insert( std::pair<const char *, LimiterState *> ( key_copy, state ));
    } else {
      state = it->second;

    //******** fixme -> this could have a critical section per key, 
    //but that would generate a lot of lock structures
    timeval elapsed;
    timeval stime = state->time(counter_index);
    timersub(&time, &stime, &elapsed);

    //FIXME: tv_usec seems to differ on different compilers/platforms :S
    float elapsed_ms = (elapsed.tv_sec * 1000.0f) + ( elapsed.tv_usec/1000.0f );
    float rate_timeslice = 1.0f - (limiter_entry->milliseconds() - elapsed_ms) / limiter_entry->milliseconds();
    //FIXME: -> this is very very ugly
    if (rate_timeslice<0) rate_timeslice=0;

    //FIXME: this one sometimes gets slightly negative ... shudder
    TSReleaseAssert(rate_timeslice >= 0.0f);

    float replenishment  = rate_timeslice * limiter_entry->max_rate();
    float newallowance   = state->allowance(counter_index) + replenishment;

    //clip the new allowance value at the max rate for this limiter
    newallowance = newallowance > limiter_entry->max_rate() ? limiter_entry->max_rate() : newallowance;

    //now substract the specified amount
    newallowance -= amount;
    if (newallowance >= 0.0f ) {
      //update the state
      state->set_allowance(counter_index, newallowance);
      state->set_time(counter_index, time);
    state->set_taken(counter_index, state->taken(counter_index) + amount);
    dbg("added amount, currently taken %f", state->taken(counter_index));

    //******** end fixme 

    if (newallowance >= 0.0f) {
      //dbg("OK  : rate timeslice: %f (elapsed ms: %f), replenish %f units, substract %ld, new allowance %f\n", rate_timeslice, elapsed_ms, replenishment, amount, newallowance);
      return 0;
    } else { 
      float debt_factor = 1.0f - ( (limiter_entry->max_rate() + newallowance) / limiter_entry->max_rate()  );
      uint64_t wait_ms = ceil((float)limiter_entry->milliseconds() * debt_factor);
      //clog("RL!!: rate timeslice: %f, replenish %f units, substract %ld, if allowed, debt would be %f (%ld ms)\n", rate_timeslice, replenishment, amount, newallowance, wait_ms);
      return wait_ms;