Beispiel #1
	void InitThreadPool() {
		boost::uint32_t systemCores   = Threading::GetAvailableCoresMask();
		boost::uint32_t mainAffinity  = systemCores;
#ifndef UNIT_TEST
		mainAffinity &= configHandler->GetUnsigned("SetCoreAffinity");
		boost::uint32_t ompAvailCores = systemCores & ~mainAffinity;

#ifndef UNIT_TEST
			int workerCount = std::min(ThreadPool::GetMaxThreads() - 1, configHandler->GetUnsigned("WorkerThreadCount"));
			int workerCount = -1;
			const int numCores = ThreadPool::GetMaxThreads();

			// For latency reasons our worker threads yield rarely and so eat a lot cputime with idleing.
			// So it's better we always leave 1 core free for our other threads, drivers & OS
			if (workerCount < 0) {
				if (numCores == 2) {
					workerCount = numCores;
				} else if (numCores < 6) {
					workerCount = numCores - 1;
				} else {
					workerCount = numCores / 2;
			if (workerCount > numCores) {
				LOG_L(L_WARNING, "Set ThreadPool workers to %i, but there are just %i cores!", workerCount, numCores);
				workerCount = numCores;


		// set affinity of worker threads
		boost::uint32_t ompCores = 0;
		ompCores = parallel_reduce([&]() -> boost::uint32_t {
			const int i = ThreadPool::GetThreadNum();

			// 0 is the source thread, skip
			if (i == 0)
				return 0;

			boost::uint32_t ompCore = GetCpuCoreForWorkerThread(i - 1, ompAvailCores, mainAffinity);
			//boost::uint32_t ompCore = ompAvailCores;
			return ompCore;
		}, [](boost::uint32_t a, boost::unique_future<boost::uint32_t>& b) -> boost::uint32_t { return a | b.get(); });

		// affinity of mainthread
		boost::uint32_t nonOmpCores = ~ompCores;
		if (mainAffinity == 0) mainAffinity = systemCores;
		Threading::SetAffinityHelper("Main", mainAffinity & nonOmpCores);
Beispiel #2
	void InitThreadPool() {
		boost::uint32_t systemCores   = Threading::GetAvailableCoresMask();
		boost::uint32_t mainAffinity  = systemCores;
		boost::uint32_t ompAvailCores = systemCores & ~mainAffinity;
#ifndef UNIT_TEST
		mainAffinity = systemCores & configHandler->GetUnsigned("SetCoreAffinity");

			int workerCount = -1;
#ifndef UNIT_TEST
			workerCount = configHandler->GetUnsigned("WorkerThreadCount");
			// For latency reasons our worker threads yield rarely and so eat a lot cputime with idleing.
			// So it's better we always leave 1 core free for our other threads, drivers & OS
			if (workerCount < 0) workerCount = ThreadPool::GetMaxThreads() - 1;
			//if (workerCount > ThreadPool::GetMaxThreads()) LOG_L(L_WARNING, "");


		// set affinity of worker threads
		boost::uint32_t ompCores = 0;
		ompCores = parallel_reduce([&]() -> boost::uint32_t {
			const int i = ThreadPool::GetThreadNum();
			if (i != 0) {
				// 0 is the source thread, skip
				boost::uint32_t ompCore = GetCpuCoreForWorkerThread(i - 1, ompAvailCores, mainAffinity);
				return ompCore;
			return 0;
		}, [](boost::uint32_t a, boost::unique_future<boost::uint32_t>& b) -> boost::uint32_t { return a | b.get(); });

		// affinity of mainthread
		boost::uint32_t nonOmpCores = ~ompCores;
		if (mainAffinity == 0) mainAffinity = systemCores;
		Threading::SetAffinityHelper("Main", mainAffinity & nonOmpCores);