Beispiel #1
float RuntimeSpriteObject::GetPointY(const gd::String & name) const
    if ( !name.empty() )
        const Point & point = GetCurrentSprite().GetPoint(name);
        return GetCurrentSFMLSprite().getTransform().transformPoint(point.GetX(), point.GetY()).y;

    return GetY();
Beispiel #2
std::vector<Polygon2d> RuntimeSpriteObject::GetHitBoxes() const
    if ( currentAnimation >= animations.size() )
        std::vector<Polygon2d> hitboxes; //Invalid animation, bail out.
        return hitboxes;
    const sf::Sprite & currentSFMLSprite = GetCurrentSFMLSprite();

    std::vector<Polygon2d> polygons = GetCurrentSprite().GetCollisionMask();
    for (std::size_t i = 0;i<polygons.size();++i)
        for (std::size_t j = 0;j<polygons[i].vertices.size();++j)
            sf::Vector2f newVertice = currentSFMLSprite.getTransform().transformPoint(
                            !isFlippedX ? polygons[i].vertices[j].x : GetCurrentSprite().GetSFMLSprite().getLocalBounds().width-polygons[i].vertices[j].x,
                            !isFlippedY ? polygons[i].vertices[j].y : GetCurrentSprite().GetSFMLSprite().getLocalBounds().height-polygons[i].vertices[j].y);
            polygons[i].vertices[j] = newVertice;

    return polygons;
bool RuntimeSpriteObject::CursorOnObject(RuntimeScene & scene, bool accurate)
    #if defined(ANDROID) //TODO: Accurate test leads to strange result with touches.
    accurate = false;

    RuntimeLayer & theLayer = scene.GetRuntimeLayer(layer);
    auto insideObject = [this, accurate](const sf::Vector2f & pos) {
        if (GetDrawableX() <= pos.x
            && GetDrawableX() + GetWidth()  >= pos.x
            && GetDrawableY() <= pos.y
            && GetDrawableY() + GetHeight() >= pos.y)
            int localX = static_cast<int>( pos.x - GetDrawableX() );
            int localY = static_cast<int>( pos.y - GetDrawableY() );

            return ( !accurate || GetCurrentSprite().GetSFMLTexture()->image.getPixel(localX , localY).a != 0);

    for (std::size_t cameraIndex = 0;cameraIndex < theLayer.GetCameraCount();++cameraIndex)
        const auto & view = theLayer.GetCamera(cameraIndex).GetSFMLView();

        sf::Vector2f mousePos = scene.renderWindow->mapPixelToCoords(
            scene.GetInputManager().GetMousePosition(), view);

        if (insideObject(mousePos)) return true;

        auto & touches = scene.GetInputManager().GetAllTouches();
        for(auto & it : touches)
            sf::Vector2f touchPos = scene.renderWindow->mapPixelToCoords(it.second, view);
            if (insideObject(touchPos)) return true;

    return false;
Beispiel #4
bool RuntimeSpriteObject::CursorOnObject(RuntimeScene & scene, bool accurate)
    RuntimeLayer & theLayer = scene.GetRuntimeLayer(layer);

    for (std::size_t cameraIndex = 0;cameraIndex < theLayer.GetCameraCount();++cameraIndex)
        sf::Vector2f mousePos = scene.renderWindow->mapPixelToCoords(
            scene.GetInputManager().GetMousePosition(), theLayer.GetCamera(cameraIndex).GetSFMLView());

        if (GetDrawableX() <= mousePos.x
            && GetDrawableX() + GetWidth()  >= mousePos.x
            && GetDrawableY() <= mousePos.y
            && GetDrawableY() + GetHeight() >= mousePos.y)
            int localX = static_cast<int>( mousePos.x - GetDrawableX() );
            int localY = static_cast<int>( mousePos.y - GetDrawableY() );

            return ( !accurate || GetCurrentSprite().GetSFMLTexture()->image.getPixel( localX , localY ).a != 0 );

    return false;
Beispiel #5
float RuntimeSpriteObject::GetCenterY() const
    return GetCurrentSprite().GetCenter().GetY()*fabs(scaleY);
Beispiel #6
float RuntimeSpriteObject::GetDrawableY() const
    return Y - GetCurrentSprite().GetOrigin().GetY()*fabs(scaleY);
Beispiel #7
 * Y center is computed with the current sprite
float RuntimeSpriteObject::GetCenterY() const
    //Just need to multiply by the scale as it is the center
    return GetCurrentSprite().GetCentre().GetY()*fabs(scaleY);
Beispiel #8
 * Get the real X position of the sprite
float RuntimeSpriteObject::GetDrawableX() const
    return X - GetCurrentSprite().GetOrigine().GetX()*fabs(scaleX);