Beispiel #1
A1(PRIVATE, DCtlPtr, otherdctl, ParmBlkPtr, pbp)
    DCtlHandle h;

    h = 0;
    switch (CW(pbp->cntrlParam.ioCRefNum)) {
    case AINREFNUM:
	h = GetDCtlEntry(AOUTREFNUM);
    case AOUTREFNUM:
	h = GetDCtlEntry(AINREFNUM);
    case BINREFNUM:
	h = GetDCtlEntry(BOUTREFNUM);
    case BOUTREFNUM:
	h = GetDCtlEntry(BINREFNUM);
    return h ? STARH(h) : 0;
Beispiel #2
int  SDL_SYS_CDInit(void)
	SInt16			dRefNum = 0;
	SInt16			first, last;

	SDL_numcds = 0;

	/* Check that the software is available */
	if (Gestalt(kGestaltAudioCDSelector, &SDL_cdversion) || 
			!SDL_cdversion) return(0);

	/* Fill in our driver capabilities */
	SDL_CDcaps.Name = SDL_SYS_CDName;
	SDL_CDcaps.Open = SDL_SYS_CDOpen;
	SDL_CDcaps.Status = SDL_SYS_CDStatus;
	SDL_CDcaps.Play = SDL_SYS_CDPlay;
	SDL_CDcaps.Pause = SDL_SYS_CDPause;
	SDL_CDcaps.Resume = SDL_SYS_CDResume;
	SDL_CDcaps.Stop = SDL_SYS_CDStop;
	SDL_CDcaps.Eject = SDL_SYS_CDEject;
	SDL_CDcaps.Close = SDL_SYS_CDClose;

	/* Walk the list, count each AudioCD driver, and save the refnums */
	first = -1;
	last = 0 - LMGetUnitTableEntryCount();
	for(dRefNum = first; dRefNum >= last; dRefNum--) {
		Str255		driverName;
		StringPtr	namePtr;
		DCtlHandle	deviceEntry;

		deviceEntry = GetDCtlEntry(dRefNum);
		if (! deviceEntry) continue;
		/* Is this an .AppleCD ? */
		namePtr = (*deviceEntry)->dCtlFlags & (1L << dRAMBased) ?
				((StringPtr) ((DCtlPtr) deviceEntry)->dCtlDriver + 18) :
				((StringPtr) (*deviceEntry)->dCtlDriver + 18);
		BlockMoveData(namePtr, driverName, namePtr[0]+1);
		if (driverName[0] > gDriverName[0]) driverName[0] = gDriverName[0];
		if (! EqualString(driverName, gDriverName, false, false)) continue;

		/* Record the basic info for each drive */
		SDL_cdlist[SDL_numcds].dRefNum = dRefNum;
		BlockMoveData(namePtr + 1, SDL_cdlist[SDL_numcds].name, namePtr[0]);
		SDL_cdlist[SDL_numcds].name[namePtr[0]] = 0;
		SDL_cdlist[SDL_numcds].hasAudio = false;
int  SDL_SYS_CDInit(void)
	SInt16			dRefNum = 0;
	SInt16			first, last;

	SDL_numcds = 0;

	if (Gestalt(kGestaltAudioCDSelector, &SDL_cdversion) || 
			!SDL_cdversion) return(0);

	SDL_CDcaps.Name = SDL_SYS_CDName;
	SDL_CDcaps.Open = SDL_SYS_CDOpen;
	SDL_CDcaps.Status = SDL_SYS_CDStatus;
	SDL_CDcaps.Play = SDL_SYS_CDPlay;
	SDL_CDcaps.Pause = SDL_SYS_CDPause;
	SDL_CDcaps.Resume = SDL_SYS_CDResume;
	SDL_CDcaps.Stop = SDL_SYS_CDStop;
	SDL_CDcaps.Eject = SDL_SYS_CDEject;
	SDL_CDcaps.Close = SDL_SYS_CDClose;

	first = -1;
	last = 0 - LMGetUnitTableEntryCount();
	for(dRefNum = first; dRefNum >= last; dRefNum--) {
		Str255		driverName;
		StringPtr	namePtr;
		DCtlHandle	deviceEntry;

		deviceEntry = GetDCtlEntry(dRefNum);
		if (! deviceEntry) continue;
		namePtr = (*deviceEntry)->dCtlFlags & (1L << dRAMBased) ?
				((StringPtr) ((DCtlPtr) deviceEntry)->dCtlDriver + 18) :
				((StringPtr) (*deviceEntry)->dCtlDriver + 18);
		BlockMoveData(namePtr, driverName, namePtr[0]+1);
		if (driverName[0] > gDriverName[0]) driverName[0] = gDriverName[0];
		if (! EqualString(driverName, gDriverName, false, false)) continue;

		SDL_cdlist[SDL_numcds].dRefNum = dRefNum;
		BlockMoveData(namePtr + 1, SDL_cdlist[SDL_numcds].name, namePtr[0]);
		SDL_cdlist[SDL_numcds].name[namePtr[0]] = 0;
		SDL_cdlist[SDL_numcds].hasAudio = false;
Beispiel #4
void GetRequestTheDM1Way (VideoRequestRecPtr requestRecPtr, GDHandle walkDevice)
	AuxDCEHandle myAuxDCEHandle;
	unsigned long	depthMode;
	unsigned long	displayMode;
	OSErr			error;
	OSErr			errorEndOfTimings;
	short			height;
	short			jCount = 0;
	Boolean			modeOk;
	SpBlock			spAuxBlock;
	SpBlock			spBlock;
	unsigned long	switchFlags;
	VPBlock			*vpData;
	short			width;

	myAuxDCEHandle = (AuxDCEHandle) GetDCtlEntry((**walkDevice).gdRefNum);	
	spBlock.spSlot = (**myAuxDCEHandle).dCtlSlot;
	spBlock.spID = (**myAuxDCEHandle).dCtlSlotId;
	spBlock.spExtDev = (**myAuxDCEHandle).dCtlExtDev;
	spBlock.spHwDev = 0;								// we are going to get this pup
	spBlock.spParamData = 1<<foneslot;					// this slot, enabled, and it better be here.
	spBlock.spTBMask = 3;								// don't have constants for this yet
	errorEndOfTimings = SGetSRsrc(&spBlock);			// get the spDrvrHW so we know the ID of this puppy. This is important
														// since some video cards support more than one display, and the spDrvrHW
														// ID can, and will, be used to differentiate them.
	if ( noErr == errorEndOfTimings )
		// reinit the param block for the SGetTypeSRsrc loop, keep the spDrvrHW we just got
		spBlock.spID = 0;								// start at zero, 
		spBlock.spTBMask = 2;							// 0b0010 - ignore DrvrSW - why ignore the SW side? Is it not important for video?
		spBlock.spParamData = (1<<fall) + (1<<foneslot) + (1<<fnext);	// 0b0111 - this slot, enabled or disabled, so we even get 640x399 on Blackbird
		errorEndOfTimings = SGetTypeSRsrc(&spBlock);	// but only on 7.0 systems, not a problem since we require DM1.0
		// now, loop through all the timings for this GDevice
		if ( noErr == errorEndOfTimings ) do
			// now, loop through all possible depth modes for this timing mode
			displayMode = (unsigned char)spBlock.spID;	// "timing mode, ie:resource ref number"
			for (jCount = firstVidMode; jCount<= sixthVidMode; jCount++)
				depthMode = jCount;		// vid mode
				error = DMCheckDisplayMode(walkDevice,displayMode,depthMode,&switchFlags,0,&modeOk);
				// only if the mode is safe or we override it with the kAllValidModesBit request flag
				if (	noErr == error &&
						modeOk &&
						(	switchFlags & 1<<kNoSwitchConfirmBit ||
							requestRecPtr->requestFlags & 1<<kAllValidModesBit
					// have a good displayMode/depthMode combo - now lets look inside
					spAuxBlock = spBlock;				// don't ruin the iteration spBlock!!
					spAuxBlock.spID = depthMode;		// vid mode
					error=SFindStruct(&spAuxBlock);		// get back a new spsPointer
					if (noErr == error)					// keep going if no errorÉ
						spAuxBlock.spID = 0x01;			// mVidParams request
						error=SGetBlock (&spAuxBlock);	// use the new spPointer and get back...a NewPtr'ed spResult
						if (noErr == error)				// Ékeep going if no errorÉ
						{								// We have data! lets have a look
							vpData = (VPBlock*)spAuxBlock.spResult;
							height = vpData->vpBounds.bottom;	// left and top are usually zero
							width = vpData->vpBounds.right;
							if (FindBestMatch (requestRecPtr, vpData->vpPixelSize, vpData->vpBounds.right, vpData->vpBounds.bottom))
								requestRecPtr->screenDevice = walkDevice;
								requestRecPtr->availBitDepth = vpData->vpPixelSize;
								requestRecPtr->availHorizontal = vpData->vpBounds.right;
								requestRecPtr->availVertical = vpData->vpBounds.bottom;
								requestRecPtr->displayMode = displayMode;
								requestRecPtr->depthMode = depthMode;
								requestRecPtr->switchInfo.csMode = depthMode;				// fill in for completeness
								requestRecPtr->switchInfo.csData = displayMode;
								requestRecPtr->switchInfo.csPage = 0;
								requestRecPtr->switchInfo.csBaseAddr = 0;
								requestRecPtr->switchInfo.csReserved = 0;
								if (switchFlags & 1<<kNoSwitchConfirmBit)
									requestRecPtr->availFlags = 0;							// mode safe
								else requestRecPtr->availFlags = 1<<kModeValidNotSafeBit;	// mode valid but not safe, requires user validation of mode switch

							if (spAuxBlock.spResult) DisposePtr ((Ptr)spAuxBlock.spResult);	// toss this puppy when done
			// go around again, looking for timing modes for this GDevice
			spBlock.spTBMask = 2;		// ignore DrvrSW
			spBlock.spParamData =  (1<<fall) + (1<<foneslot) + (1<<fnext);	// next resource, this slot, whether enabled or disabled
			errorEndOfTimings = SGetTypeSRsrc(&spBlock);	// and get the next timing mode
		} while ( noErr == errorEndOfTimings );	// until the end of this GDevice

Beispiel #5
OSErr RVGetCurrentVideoSetting (VideoRequestRecPtr requestRecPtr)
	unsigned long		displayMgrVersion;
	OSErr				error = paramErr;
	CntrlParam			pBlock;
	VDSwitchInfoRec		switchInfo;
	AuxDCEHandle		theDCE;
	VDSwitchInfoRec		videoMode;		

	requestRecPtr->availBitDepth			= 0;	// init to default - you can do it if it is important to you
	requestRecPtr->availHorizontal			= 0;
	requestRecPtr->availVertical			= 0;
	requestRecPtr->availFlags				= 0;
	requestRecPtr->displayMode				= -1; 
	requestRecPtr->depthMode				= -1;
	requestRecPtr->switchInfo.csMode		= 0;
	requestRecPtr->switchInfo.csData		= 0;
	requestRecPtr->switchInfo.csPage		= 0;
	requestRecPtr->switchInfo.csBaseAddr	= 0;
	requestRecPtr->switchInfo.csReserved	= 0;
	Gestalt(gestaltDisplayMgrVers, (long*)&displayMgrVersion);
	if (requestRecPtr->screenDevice)
		if (displayMgrVersion >= 0x00020000)
		{	// get the info the DM 2.0 way
			error = DMGetDisplayMode(requestRecPtr->screenDevice, &switchInfo);
			if (noErr == error)
				requestRecPtr->depthMode			= switchInfo.csMode;
				requestRecPtr->displayMode			= switchInfo.csData; 
				requestRecPtr->switchInfo.csMode	= switchInfo.csMode;
				requestRecPtr->switchInfo.csData	= switchInfo.csData;
			return (error);	// we (maybe) set the world back to a known setting
		{	// get the info the DM 1.0 way
			videoMode.csMode = -1;		// init to bogus value
			videoMode.csData = -1;		// init to bogus value			
			pBlock.ioNamePtr = nil;
			pBlock.ioCRefNum = (*(requestRecPtr->screenDevice))->gdRefNum;
			pBlock.csCode = cscGetCurMode;
			*(Ptr *)&pBlock.csParam[0] = (Ptr)&videoMode;
			error = PBStatusSync((ParmBlkPtr )&pBlock);	// ask the driver first....since we trust it the most
			if ( noErr == error && ((-1 == videoMode.csMode) || (-1 == videoMode.csData)) )
				error = statusErr;
			if (noErr != error)	// if the driver has no clue fill it videoMode by hand as a last resort
				theDCE = (AuxDCEHandle)GetDCtlEntry((*(requestRecPtr->screenDevice))->gdRefNum);
				if( theDCE )
					videoMode.csData = (unsigned char)(*theDCE)->dCtlSlotId; 
					videoMode.csMode = (*(requestRecPtr->screenDevice))->gdMode;
					error = noErr;
			if (noErr == error)	// Set our data
				requestRecPtr->displayMode			= videoMode.csData; 
				requestRecPtr->depthMode			= videoMode.csMode;
				requestRecPtr->switchInfo.csMode	= videoMode.csMode;
				requestRecPtr->switchInfo.csData	= videoMode.csData;
			return (error);	// we (maybe) set the world back to a known setting
	return (-1);
Beispiel #6
P1(PUBLIC pascal trap, INTEGER, OpenDeskAcc, Str255, acc)	/* IMI-440 */
    INTEGER retval;
    DCtlHandle dctlh;
    WindowPtr wp;

    if (EqualString (acc, about_box_menu_name_pstr, TRUE, TRUE))
	do_about_box ();
	retval = 0;
	goto done;

    if (OpenDriver(acc, &retval) == noErr) {
	retval = CW(retval);
	dctlh = GetDCtlEntry(retval);
	if (dctlh)
	    wp = HxP(dctlh, dCtlWindow);
	    if (wp)


    SEvtEnb = TRUE;
    return retval;