Beispiel #1
// LeapTouch - this is the headcrab's touch function when it
// is in the air
void CHeadCrab :: LeapTouch ( CBaseEntity *pOther )
	if ( !pOther->pev->takedamage )

	if ( pOther->Classify() == Classify() )

	// Don't hit if back on ground
	if ( !FBitSet( pev->flags, FL_ONGROUND ) )
		EMIT_SOUND_DYN( edict(), CHAN_WEAPON, RANDOM_SOUND_ARRAY(pBiteSounds), GetSoundVolue(), ATTN_IDLE, 0, GetVoicePitch() );
		pOther->TakeDamage( pev, pev, GetDamageAmount(), DMG_SLASH );

	SetTouch( NULL );
// Purpose: Deal the damage from the headcrab's touch attack.
void CNPC_Headcrab::TouchDamage( CBaseEntity *pOther )
	CTakeDamageInfo info( this, this, GetDamageAmount(), DMG_SLASH );
	CalculateMeleeDamageForce( &info, GetAbsVelocity(), GetAbsOrigin() );
	pOther->TakeDamage( info );