std::unique_ptr<ODTask> ODDecodeFFmpegTask::Clone() const
   auto clone = std::make_unique<ODDecodeFFmpegTask>(mScs, Streams{ mChannels }, mContext, mStreamIndex);

   //the decoders and blockfiles should not be copied.  They are created as the task runs.
   return std::move(clone);
Beispiel #2
movable_ptr<ODTask> ODDecodeFlacTask::Clone() const
   auto clone = make_movable<ODDecodeFlacTask>();
   clone->mDemandSample = GetDemandSample();

   //the decoders and blockfiles should not be copied.  They are created as the task runs.
   // This std::move is needed to "upcast" the pointer type
   return std::move(clone);
movable_ptr<ODTask> ODDecodeFFmpegTask::Clone() const
   auto clone = make_movable<ODDecodeFFmpegTask>(mScs, Streams{ mChannels }, mContext, mStreamIndex);

   //the decoders and blockfiles should not be copied.  They are created as the task runs.
   // This std::move is needed to "upcast" the pointer type
   return std::move(clone);
ODTask* ODDecodeFFmpegTask::Clone()
   //we need to create copies of mScs.  It would be better to use a reference counter system.

   ODDecodeFFmpegTask* clone = new ODDecodeFFmpegTask((void*)mScs,mNumStreams,mChannels,mFormatContext,mStreamIndex);

   //the decoders and blockfiles should not be copied.  They are created as the task runs.
   return clone;
Beispiel #5
///Orders the input as either On-Demand or default layered order.
void ODDecodeTask::OrderBlockFiles(std::vector<ODDecodeBlockFile*> &unorderedBlocks)
   //we are going to take things out of the array.  But first deref them since we ref them when we put them in.
   for(unsigned int i=0;i<mBlockFiles.size();i++)
   //TODO:order the blockfiles into our queue in a fancy convenient way.  (this could be user-prefs)
   //for now just put them in linear.  We start the order from the first block that includes the ondemand sample
   //(which the user sets by clicking.)   note that this code is pretty hacky - it assumes that the array is sorted in time.

   //find the startpoint
   sampleCount processStartSample = GetDemandSample();
   for(int i= ((int)unorderedBlocks.size())-1;i>= 0;i--)
      //check to see if the refcount is at least two before we add it to the list.
      //There should be one Ref() from the one added by this ODTask, and one from the track.
      //If there isn't, then the block was deleted for some reason and we should ignore it.
         //test if the blockfiles are near the task cursor.  we use the last mBlockFiles[0] as our point of reference
         //and add ones that are closer.
         //since the order is linear right to left, this will add blocks so that the ones on the right side of the target
         //are processed first, with the ones closer being processed earlier.  Then the ones on the left side get processed.
         if(mBlockFiles.size() &&
            unorderedBlocks[i]->GetGlobalEnd() >= processStartSample &&
                ( mBlockFiles[0]->GetGlobalEnd() < processStartSample ||
                  unorderedBlocks[i]->GetGlobalStart() <= mBlockFiles[0]->GetGlobalStart()) )
            //insert at the front of the list if we get blockfiles that are after the demand sample
            //otherwise no priority
         if(mMaxBlockFiles< (int) mBlockFiles.size())
            mMaxBlockFiles = mBlockFiles.size();
         //Otherwise, let it be deleted and forget about it.

Beispiel #6
///changes the tasks associated with this Waveform to process the task from a different point in the track
///@param track the track to update
///@param seconds the point in the track from which the tasks associated with track should begin processing from.
void ODTask::DemandTrackUpdate(WaveTrack* track, double seconds)
   bool demandSampleChanged=false;
   for(size_t i=0;i<mWaveTracks.size();i++)
      if(track == mWaveTracks[i])
         sampleCount newDemandSample = (sampleCount)(seconds * track->GetRate());
         demandSampleChanged = newDemandSample != GetDemandSample();


ODTask* ODComputeSummaryTask::Clone()
   ODComputeSummaryTask* clone = new ODComputeSummaryTask;
   return clone;
movable_ptr<ODTask> ODComputeSummaryTask::Clone() const
   auto clone = make_movable<ODComputeSummaryTask>();
   clone->mDemandSample = GetDemandSample();
   return std::move(clone);