void	Voronoi::CheckCircle(VParabola * b){

	VParabola * lp = VParabola::GetLeftParent (b);
	VParabola * rp = VParabola::GetRightParent(b);

	VParabola * a  = VParabola::GetLeftChild (lp);
	VParabola * c  = VParabola::GetRightChild(rp);

	if(!a || !c || a->site == c->site) return;

	Vec2d * s = 0;
	s = GetEdgeIntersection(lp->edge, rp->edge);
	if(s == 0) return;

	double dx = a->site->x - s->x;
	double dy = a->site->y - s->y;

	double d = std::sqrt( (dx * dx) + (dy * dy) );

	if(s->y - d >= ly) { return;}

    Vec2d * newv = new Vec2d(); newv->set( s->x,  s->y - d );
    VEvent * e = new VEvent( newv, false);
	//VEvent * e = new VEvent( new Vec2d(s->x, s->y - d), false);
	b->cEvent = e;
	e->arch = b;

int IntrBox3Sphere3<Real>::FindJustEdgeIntersection (Real cy, Real ex,
    Real ey, Real ez, Real dx, Real dz, Real vx, Real vy, Real vz,
    Real& ix, Real& iy, Real& iz)
    // Finds the intersection of a point dx and dz away from an edge with
    // direction y.  The sphere is at a point cy, and the edge is at the
    // point ex.  Checks the edge and the vertex the velocity is heading
    // towards.

    Real rsqr = mSphere->Radius*mSphere->Radius;
    Real dy, crossZ, crossX;  // possible edge/vertex intersection
    int signY;

    // Depending on the sign of Vy, pick the vertex that the velocity is
    // heading towards on the edge, as well as creating crossX and crossZ
    // such that their sign will always be positive if the sphere center goes
    // over that edge.

    if (vy >= (Real)0)
        signY = 1;
        dy = cy - ey;
        crossZ = dx*vy - dy*vx;
        crossX = dz*vy - dy*vz;
        signY = -1;
        dy = cy + ey;
        crossZ = dy*vx - dx*vy;
        crossX = dy*vz - dz*vy;

    // Check where on edge this intersection will occur.
    if (crossZ >= (Real)0 && crossX >= (Real)0
    &&  crossX*crossX + crossZ*crossZ >
        // Sphere potentially intersects with vertex.
        Vector3<Real> relVelocity(vx, vy, vz);
        Vector3<Real> D(dx, dy, dz);
        Vector3<Real> cross = D.Cross(relVelocity);
        if (cross.SquaredLength() > rsqr*relVelocity.SquaredLength())
            // Sphere overshoots the box on the vertex.
            return 0;

        // Sphere actually does intersect the vertex.
        mContactTime = GetVertexIntersection(dx, dy, dz, vx, vy, vz, rsqr);
        ix = ex;
        iy = signY*ey;
        iz = ez;
        // Sphere intersects with edge.
        Real vsqrX = vz*vz + vx*vx;
        mContactTime = GetEdgeIntersection(dx, dz, vx, vz, vsqrX, rsqr);
        ix = ex;
        iy = cy + mContactTime*vy;
        iz = ez;
    return 1;
int IntrBox3Sphere3<Real>::FindFaceRegionIntersection (Real ex, Real ey,
    Real ez, Real cx, Real cy, Real cz, Real vx, Real vy, Real vz,
    Real& ix, Real& iy, Real& iz, bool aboveFace)
    // Returns when and whether a sphere in the region above face +Z
    // intersects face +Z or any of its vertices or edges.  The input
    // aboveFace is true when the x and y coordinates are within the x and y
    // extents.  The function will still work if they are not, but it needs
    // to be false then, to avoid some checks that assume that x and y are
    // within the extents.  This function checks face z, and the vertex and
    // two edges that the velocity is headed towards on the face.

    // Check for already intersecting if above face.
    if (cz <= ez + mSphere->Radius && aboveFace)
        mContactTime = (Real)0;
        return -1;

    // Check for easy out (moving away on Z axis).
    if (vz >= (Real)0)
        return 0;

    Real rsqr = mSphere->Radius*mSphere->Radius;

    Real vsqrX = vz*vz + vx*vx;
    Real vsqrY = vz*vz + vy*vy;
    Real dx, dy, dz = cz - ez;
    Real crossX, crossY;
    int signX, signY;

    // This determines which way the box is heading and finds the values of
    // CrossX and CrossY which are positive if the sphere center will not
    // pass through the box.  Then it is only necessary to check two edges,
    // the face and the vertex for intersection.

    if (vx >= (Real)0)
        signX = 1;
        dx = cx - ex;
        crossX = vx*dz - vz*dx;
        signX = -1;
        dx = cx + ex;
        crossX = vz*dx - vx*dz;

    if (vy >= (Real)0)
        signY = 1;
        dy = cy - ey;
        crossY = vy*dz - vz*dy;
        signY = -1;
        dy = cy + ey;
        crossY = vz*dy - vy*dz;

    // Does the circle intersect along the x edge?
    if (crossX > mSphere->Radius*vx*signX)
        if (crossX*crossX > rsqr*vsqrX)
            // Sphere overshoots box on the x-axis (either side).
            return 0;

        // Does the circle hit the y edge?
        if (crossY > mSphere->Radius*vy*signY)
            // Potential vertex intersection.
            if (crossY*crossY > rsqr*vsqrY)
                // Sphere overshoots box on the y-axis (either side).
                return 0;

            Vector3<Real> relVelocity(vx,vy,vz);
            Vector3<Real> D(dx,dy,dz);
            Vector3<Real> cross = D.Cross(relVelocity);
            if (cross.SquaredLength() > rsqr*relVelocity.SquaredLength())
                // Sphere overshoots the box on the corner.
                return 0;

            mContactTime = GetVertexIntersection(dx, dy, dz, vx, vy, vz,
            ix = ex*signX;
            iy = ey*signY;
            // x-edge intersection
            mContactTime = GetEdgeIntersection(dx, dz, vx, vz, vsqrX, rsqr);
            ix = ex*signX;
            iy = cy + vy*mContactTime;
        // Does the circle hit the y edge?
        if (crossY > mSphere->Radius*vy*signY)
            // Potential y-edge intersection.
            if (crossY*crossY > rsqr*vsqrY)
                // Sphere overshoots box on the y-axis (either side).
                return 0;

            mContactTime = GetEdgeIntersection(dy, dz, vy, vz, vsqrY, rsqr);
            ix = cx + vx*mContactTime;
            iy = ey*signY;
            // Face intersection (easy).
            mContactTime = (-dz + mSphere->Radius)/vz;
            ix = mContactTime*vx + cx;
            iy = mContactTime*vy + cy;

    // z coordinate of any intersection must be the face of z.
    iz = ez;
    return 1;