Beispiel #1
//	Return the position of the second link compared to this link
// Result = IS_ON | IS_LEFT | IS_RIGHT
// Here Left and Right is defined as being left or right from
// the this link towards the center (common) node
LinkStatus KBoolLink::OutProduct(KBoolLink* const two,double accur)
	Node*	center;
	double distance;
	if (two->GetBeginNode()->Equal(two->GetEndNode(), 1))
	if (GetBeginNode()->Equal(GetEndNode(), 1))
	KBoolLine* temp_line = new KBoolLine(this, _GC);

	//the this link should connect to the other two link at at least one node
	if (m_endnode == two->m_endnode || m_endnode == two->m_beginnode)
		center = m_endnode;
	{	center = m_beginnode;
//		assert(center==two->endnode || center==two->beginnode);

	//here something tricky
	// the factor 10000.0 is needed to asure that the pointonline
	// is more accurate in this case compared to the intersection for graphs
	int uitp = temp_line->PointOnLine(two->GetOther(center), distance, accur);

	delete temp_line;

	/*double uitp=	(_x - first._x) * (third._y - _y) -
					(_y - first._y) * (third._x - _x);
	if (uitp>0) return IS_LEFT;
	if (uitp<0) return IS_RIGHT;
	return IS_ON;*/

	//depending on direction of this link (going to or coming from centre)
	if (center == m_endnode)
	  if (uitp==LEFT_SIDE)
			return IS_LEFT;
	  if (uitp==RIGHT_SIDE)
			return IS_RIGHT;
	else  //center=beginnode
	  if (uitp==LEFT_SIDE)
			return IS_RIGHT;
	  if (uitp==RIGHT_SIDE)
			return IS_LEFT;
	return IS_ON;
Beispiel #2
kbNode* kbLine::OffsetContour( kbLine* const nextline, kbNode* _last_ins, double factor, kbGraph *shape )
    kbLink * offs_currentlink;
    kbLine  offs_currentline( m_GC );
    kbLink* offs_nextlink;
    kbLine  offs_nextline( m_GC );
    kbNode* offs_end;

    kbNode* offs_bgn_next;
    kbNode* offs_end_next;

    // make a node from this point
    offs_end = new kbNode( GetEndNode(), m_GC );
    Virtual_Point( offs_end, factor );
    offs_currentlink = new kbLink( 0, _last_ins, offs_end, m_GC );
    offs_currentline.Set( offs_currentlink );

    offs_bgn_next = new kbNode( nextline->m_link->GetBeginNode(), m_GC );
    nextline->Virtual_Point( offs_bgn_next, factor );

    offs_end_next = new kbNode( nextline->m_link->GetEndNode(), m_GC );
    nextline->Virtual_Point( offs_end_next, factor );

    offs_nextlink = new kbLink( 0, offs_bgn_next, offs_end_next, m_GC );
    offs_nextline.Set( offs_nextlink );

    offs_currentline.Intersect2( offs_end, &offs_nextline );

    // make a link between the current and the previous and add this to kbGraph
    shape->AddLink( offs_currentlink );

    delete offs_nextlink;

    return( offs_end );
Beispiel #3
kbNode* kbLine::OffsetContour_rounded( kbLine* const nextline, kbNode* _last_ins, double factor, kbGraph *shape )
    kbLink * offs_currentlink;
    kbLine  offs_currentline( m_GC );
    kbLink* offs_nextlink;
    kbLine  offs_nextline( m_GC );
    kbNode* offs_end;
    kbNode* medial_axes_point = new kbNode( m_GC );
    kbNode* bu_last_ins = new kbNode( _last_ins, m_GC );

    kbNode* offs_bgn_next;
    kbNode* offs_end_next;

    // make a node from this point
    offs_end = new kbNode( GetEndNode(), m_GC );

    *_last_ins = *GetBeginNode();
    Virtual_Point( _last_ins, factor );
    Virtual_Point( offs_end, factor );
    offs_currentlink = new kbLink( 0, _last_ins, offs_end, m_GC );
    offs_currentline.Set( offs_currentlink );

    offs_bgn_next = new kbNode( nextline->m_link->GetBeginNode(), m_GC );
    nextline->Virtual_Point( offs_bgn_next, factor );

    offs_end_next = new kbNode( nextline->m_link->GetEndNode(), m_GC );
    nextline->Virtual_Point( offs_end_next, factor );

    offs_nextlink = new kbLink( 0, offs_bgn_next, offs_end_next, m_GC );
    offs_nextline.Set( offs_nextlink );

    offs_currentline.Intersect2( medial_axes_point, &offs_nextline );

    double result_offs = sqrt( pow( ( double )GetEndNode()->GetY() - medial_axes_point->GetY(), 2 ) +
                               pow( ( double )GetEndNode()->GetX() - medial_axes_point->GetX(), 2 ) );

    if ( result_offs < fabs( m_GC->GetRoundfactor() * factor ) )
        *_last_ins = *bu_last_ins;
        *offs_end = *medial_axes_point;
        delete medial_axes_point;
        delete bu_last_ins;
        // make a link between the current and the previous and add this to kbGraph
        delete offs_nextlink;
        shape->AddLink( offs_currentlink );
        return( offs_end );
    { //let us create a circle
        *_last_ins = *bu_last_ins;
        delete medial_axes_point;
        delete bu_last_ins;
        kbNode* endarc = new kbNode( offs_bgn_next, m_GC );
        shape->AddLink( offs_currentlink );
        delete offs_nextlink;
        shape->CreateArc( GetEndNode(), &offs_currentline, endarc, fabs( factor ), m_GC->GetInternalCorrectionAber() );
        return( endarc );
Beispiel #4
//~~ glVector verticalForce() [glOrtogonalEdge] ~~
glVector diff = (GetEndNode().absGetPosition() - GetStartNode().absGetPosition()).Dir();

double a = fabs(diff.m_x) * fabs(diff.m_y);
const double f = 0.05;

double force;

if (a <= f)
    force = a / f;
    force = f / a;

if (fabs(diff.m_x) > fabs(diff.m_y))
    return glVector(0,14*force * diff.m_y);
   return glVector(14*force * diff.m_x,0);
Beispiel #5
glVector startCenter = GetStartNode().absGetPosition();
glVector endCenter = GetEndNode().absGetPosition();

glVector diff = endCenter - startCenter;
glVector centerdir = diff.Dir().Rotate90Degree();
glVector halfdiff(diff);
halfdiff *= 0.5;

double d;

if (width<0)
	d = -width - radius();
	d = radius() - width;

centerdir *= d;

return startCenter + halfdiff + centerdir;