Beispiel #1
bool AttributeAnimationInfo::Update(float timeStep)
    if (!animation_)
        return true;

    currentTime_ += timeStep * speed_;

    if (!animation_->IsValid())
        return true;

    bool finished = false;
    // Calculate scale time by wrap mode
    float scaledTime = CalculateScaledTime(currentTime_, finished);

    animatable_->OnSetAttribute(attributeInfo_, animation_->GetAnimationValue(scaledTime));

    if (animation_->HasEventFrames())
        PODVector<const VAnimEventFrame*> eventFrames;
        GetEventFrames(lastScaledTime_, scaledTime, eventFrames);

        for (unsigned i = 0; i < eventFrames.Size(); ++i)
            animatable_->SendEvent(eventFrames[i]->eventType_, const_cast<VariantMap&>(eventFrames[i]->eventData_));

    lastScaledTime_ = scaledTime;

    return finished;
bool ValueAnimationInfo::Update(float timeStep)
    if (!animation_ || !target_)
        return true;

    currentTime_ += timeStep * speed_;

    if (!animation_->IsValid())
        return true;

    bool finished = false;

    // Calculate scale time by wrap mode
    float scaledTime = CalculateScaledTime(currentTime_, finished);

    // Apply to the target object

    // Send keyframe event if necessary
    if (animation_->HasEventFrames())
        PODVector<const VAnimEventFrame*> eventFrames;
        GetEventFrames(lastScaledTime_, scaledTime, eventFrames);

        for (unsigned i = 0; i < eventFrames.Size(); ++i)
            target_->SendEvent(eventFrames[i]->eventType_, const_cast<VariantMap&>(eventFrames[i]->eventData_));

    lastScaledTime_ = scaledTime;

    return finished;