Beispiel #1
static void SpectralEnvelopeEstimation(double *x, int x_length,
    WorldParameters *world_parameters) {
  CheapTrickOption option = {0};

  // This value may be better one for HMM speech synthesis.
  // Default value is -0.09.
  option.q1 = -0.15;

  // Important notice (2016/02/02)
  // You can control a parameter used for the lowest F0 in speech.
  // You must not set the f0_floor to 0.
  // It will cause a fatal error because fft_size indicates the infinity.
  // You must not change the f0_floor after memory allocation.
  // You should check the fft_size before excucing the analysis/synthesis.
  // The default value (71.0) is strongly recommended.
  // On the other hand, setting the lowest F0 of speech is a good choice
  // to reduce the fft_size.
  option.f0_floor = 71.0;

  // Parameters setting and memory allocation.
  world_parameters->fft_size =
    GetFFTSizeForCheapTrick(world_parameters->fs, &option);
  world_parameters->spectrogram = (double **) malloc(sizeof(double *) * (world_parameters->f0_length));
  for (int i = 0; i < world_parameters->f0_length; ++i) {
    world_parameters->spectrogram[i] =
      (double*) malloc(sizeof(double) * (world_parameters->fft_size / 2 + 1));

  DWORD elapsed_time = timeGetTime();
  CheapTrick(x, x_length, world_parameters->fs, world_parameters->time_axis,
      world_parameters->f0, world_parameters->f0_length, &option,
  printf("CheapTrick: %d [msec]\n", timeGetTime() - elapsed_time);
Beispiel #2
void InitializeCheapTrickOption(int fs, CheapTrickOption *option) {
  // q1 is the parameter used for the spectral recovery.
  // Since The parameter is optimized, you don't need to change the parameter.
  option->q1 = -0.15;
  // f0_floor and fs are used to determine fft_size;
  // We strongly recommend not to change this value unless you have enough
  // knowledge of the signal processing in CheapTrick.
  option->f0_floor = world::kFloorF0;
  option->fft_size = GetFFTSizeForCheapTrick(fs, option);
Beispiel #3
void CheapTrick(double *x, int x_length, int fs, double *time_axis, double *f0,
    int f0_length, double **spectrogram) {
  int fft_size = GetFFTSizeForCheapTrick(fs);
  double *spectral_envelope = new double[fft_size];

  ForwardRealFFT forward_real_fft = {0};
  InitializeForwardRealFFT(fft_size, &forward_real_fft);
  InverseRealFFT inverse_real_fft = {0};
  InitializeInverseRealFFT(fft_size, &inverse_real_fft);

  double current_f0;
  for (int i = 0; i < f0_length; ++i) {
    current_f0 = f0[i] <= world::kFloorF0 ? world::kDefaultF0 : f0[i];
    CheapTrickGeneralBody(x, x_length, fs, current_f0, fft_size,
        time_axis[i], &forward_real_fft, &inverse_real_fft, spectral_envelope);
    for (int j = 0; j <= fft_size / 2; ++j)
      spectrogram[i][j] = spectral_envelope[j];

  delete[] spectral_envelope;
Beispiel #4
// Test program.
// test.exe input.wav outout.wav f0 spec flag
// input.wav  : argv[1] Input file
// output.wav : argv[2] Output file
// f0         : argv[3] F0 scaling (a positive number)
// spec       : argv[4] Formant shift (a positive number)
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    if (argc != 2 && argc != 3 && argc != 4 && argc != 5) {
        return 0;
    int fs, nbit, x_length;
    double *x = wavread(argv[1], &fs, &nbit, &x_length);

    if (CheckLoadedFile(x, fs, nbit, x_length) == false) {
        printf("error: File not found.\n");
        return 0;

    // Allocate memories
    // The number of samples for F0
    int f0_length = GetSamplesForDIO(fs, x_length, FRAMEPERIOD);
    double *f0 = new double[f0_length];
    double *time_axis = new double[f0_length];

    // FFT size for CheapTrick
    int fft_size = GetFFTSizeForCheapTrick(fs);
    double **spectrogram = new double *[f0_length];
    double **aperiodicity = new double *[f0_length];
    for (int i = 0; i < f0_length; ++i) {
        spectrogram[i] = new double[fft_size / 2 + 1];
        aperiodicity[i] = new double[fft_size / 2 + 1];

    // F0 estimation
    F0Estimation(x, x_length, fs, f0_length, f0, time_axis);

    // Spectral envelope estimation
    SpectralEnvelopeEstimation(x, x_length, fs, time_axis, f0, f0_length,

    // Aperiodicity estimation by D4C
    AperiodicityEstimation(x, x_length, fs, time_axis, f0, f0_length,
                           fft_size, aperiodicity);

    // Note that F0 must not be changed until all parameters are estimated.
    ParameterModification(argc, argv, fs, f0, f0_length, spectrogram);

    // The length of the output waveform
    int y_length =
        static_cast<int>((f0_length - 1) * FRAMEPERIOD / 1000.0 * fs) + 1;
    double *y = new double[y_length];
    // Synthesis
    WaveformSynthesis(f0, f0_length, spectrogram, aperiodicity, fft_size,
                      FRAMEPERIOD, fs, y_length, y);

    // Output
    wavwrite(y, y_length, fs, 16, argv[2]);


    delete[] x;
    delete[] time_axis;
    delete[] f0;
    delete[] y;
    for (int i = 0; i < f0_length; ++i) {
        delete[] spectrogram[i];
        delete[] aperiodicity[i];
    delete[] spectrogram;
    delete[] aperiodicity;

    return 0;