Beispiel #1
EXPORT_C void dWorldSetAutoEnableDepthSF1 (dxWorld */*world*/, int autodepth)
	if (autodepth > 0)
		GetGlobalData()->autoEnableDepth = autodepth;
		GetGlobalData()->autoEnableDepth = 0;
Beispiel #2
CMemDC::CMemDC(CDC& dc, CWnd* pWnd) :
	m_dc(dc), m_bMemDC(FALSE), m_hBufferedPaint(NULL), m_pOldBmp(NULL)


	m_rect.right += pWnd->GetScrollPos(SB_HORZ);
	m_rect.bottom += pWnd->GetScrollPos(SB_VERT);

	HDC hdcPaint = NULL;

	if (!GetGlobalData()->m_bBufferedPaintInited)
		GetGlobalData()->m_bBufferedPaintInited = TRUE;

	m_hBufferedPaint = BeginBufferedPaint(dc.GetSafeHdc(), m_rect, BPBF_TOPDOWNDIB, NULL, &hdcPaint);

	if (m_hBufferedPaint != NULL && hdcPaint != NULL)
		m_bMemDC = TRUE;
Beispiel #3
void C_thread::CreateThread(E_PRIORITY priority){

   quit_request = false;
   status = STATUS_STARTING;
   RThread1 *tp = new(true) RThread1;
   tp->owner = (C_thread_access*)this;
#ifndef __SYMBIAN_3RD__
   tp->gd = GetGlobalData();
   imp = tp;
                              //make unique thread name
   Cstr_w tname; tname<<L"Thread-" <<GetTickTime();
   tp->Create(TPtrC((const word*)(const wchar*)tname, tname.Length()), ThreadProcThunk, 8192, NULL, tp);
   TThreadPriority pr;
   case PRIORITY_VERY_LOW: pr = EPriorityMuchLess; break;
   case PRIORITY_LOW: pr = EPriorityLess; break;
   default: assert(0);
   case PRIORITY_NORMAL: pr = EPriorityNormal; break;
   case PRIORITY_HIGH: pr = EPriorityMore; break;
      //pr = EPriorityRealTime;
      pr = EPriorityAbsoluteHigh;

Beispiel #4
MemoryBlock::MemoryBlock(size_t size)
        /*std::cout << "MemoryBlock CTor: size = " << size << std::endl;
      std::cout << "cachesize = " << cache_.size() << std::endl;
      for (const auto& i : cache_)
        std::cout << i.first << "; " << *(i.second.second) << std::endl;*/

        auto it = GetGlobalDataInternal().cache_.find(size);
        if(it != GetGlobalDataInternal().cache_.end())
            this->size = size;
            ownData = true;
            refCount = (*it).second.second;
            data_ = (*it).second.first;
        } else
    } else

    //std::cout << "#### totalAllocatedBytes = " << totalAllocatedBytes << std::endl;
Beispiel #5
BOOL CALLBACK ConfigureProc(HWND dlg,UINT message,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) {
    static ConfContext *Context;

    DWORD state;
    switch(message) {
    case WM_INITDIALOG :
	Context = (ConfContext*)((HostData*)lParam)->ProcData->Context;
	return FALSE;
    case WM_COMMAND:
	switch LOWORD(wParam) {
	case IDOK:
	    return TRUE;
	    return TRUE;
	    if(HIWORD(wParam)==BN_CLICKED) {
	    	state = SendDlgItemMessage(dlg,IDC_START_SERVER,BM_GETCHECK,0,0);
		if(state==BST_CHECKED) {
		} else {
		return TRUE;

    return FALSE;
Beispiel #6
int main()
	// 获取全局数据

	return 0;
Beispiel #7
CMemDC::CMemDC(CDC& dc, const CRect& rect) :
	m_dc(dc), m_bMemDC(FALSE), m_hBufferedPaint(NULL), m_pOldBmp(NULL), m_rect(rect)

	HDC hdcPaint = NULL;

	if (!GetGlobalData()->m_bBufferedPaintInited)
		GetGlobalData()->m_bBufferedPaintInited = TRUE;

	m_hBufferedPaint = BeginBufferedPaint(dc.GetSafeHdc(), m_rect, BPBF_TOPDOWNDIB, NULL, &hdcPaint);

	if (m_hBufferedPaint != NULL && hdcPaint != NULL)
		m_bMemDC = TRUE;
nsresult nsClipboard::GetNativeDataOffClipboard(nsIWidget * aWindow, UINT /*aIndex*/, UINT aFormat, void ** aData, PRUint32 * aLen)
  HGLOBAL   hglb; 
  nsresult  result = NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

  HWND nativeWin = nullptr;//(HWND)aWindow->GetNativeData(NS_NATIVE_WINDOW);
  if (::OpenClipboard(nativeWin)) { 
    hglb = ::GetClipboardData(aFormat); 
    result = GetGlobalData(hglb, aData, aLen);
  return result;
 bool  TaskReceive( net_task &task,IAgent* agent,
					DWORD sessionId, 
					IGenericStream* inStream )
	 bool ret = false;
		ret = GetGlobalData( agent, sessionId ) && task.receive( inStream ) ;
		 Msg( "accept!" );
		 return ret;
	return ret;
Beispiel #10
BOOL CTTMultiPaneFrameWnd::CreateEx(DWORD dwStyleEx, LPCTSTR lpszWindowName, DWORD dwStyle, const RECT& rect, CWnd* pParentWnd, CCreateContext* pContext)
	dwStyle |= WS_POPUP;

	if (pParentWnd != NULL && pParentWnd->GetExStyle() & WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL)
		dwStyleEx |= WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL;

	m_hParentWnd = pParentWnd != NULL ? pParentWnd->m_hWnd : NULL;

	if (!CWnd::CreateEx(dwStyleEx, GetGlobalData()->RegisterWindowClass(_T("Afx:MiniFrame")), lpszWindowName, dwStyle, rect, pParentWnd, 0, pContext))
		return FALSE;

	if (pParentWnd != NULL)
		if (DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST(CFrameWnd, pParentWnd) == NULL)
			TRACE0("Minframe parent must be derived from CFrameWnd. Creation failed.\n");
			return FALSE;

		// register with dock manager
		CDockingManager* pDockManager = m_pDockManager != NULL ? m_pDockManager : afxGlobalUtils.GetDockingManager(pParentWnd);

		if (pDockManager == NULL)
			TRACE0("Minframe parent must be connected to dock manager. Creation failed.\n");
			return FALSE;


	return TRUE;
// If aFormat is CF_DIBV5, aMIMEImageFormat must be a type for which we have
// an image encoder (e.g. image/png).
// For other values of aFormat, it is OK to pass null for aMIMEImageFormat.
nsresult nsClipboard::GetNativeDataOffClipboard(IDataObject * aDataObject, UINT aIndex, UINT aFormat, const char * aMIMEImageFormat, void ** aData, PRUint32 * aLen)
  nsresult result = NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
  *aData = nullptr;
  *aLen = 0;

  if ( !aDataObject )
    return result;

  UINT    format = aFormat;
  HRESULT hres   = S_FALSE;

  // XXX at the moment we only support global memory transfers
  // It is here where we will add support for native images 
  // and IStream
  hres = FillSTGMedium(aDataObject, format, &fe, &stm, TYMED_HGLOBAL);

  // Currently this is only handling TYMED_HGLOBAL data
  // For Text, Dibs, Files, and generic data (like HTML)
  if (S_OK == hres) {
    static CLIPFORMAT fileDescriptorFlavorA = ::RegisterClipboardFormat( CFSTR_FILEDESCRIPTORA ); 
    static CLIPFORMAT fileDescriptorFlavorW = ::RegisterClipboardFormat( CFSTR_FILEDESCRIPTORW ); 
    static CLIPFORMAT fileFlavor = ::RegisterClipboardFormat( CFSTR_FILECONTENTS ); 
    static CLIPFORMAT preferredDropEffect = ::RegisterClipboardFormat(CFSTR_PREFERREDDROPEFFECT);

    switch (stm.tymed) {
     case TYMED_HGLOBAL: 
          switch (fe.cfFormat) {
            case CF_TEXT:
                // Get the data out of the global data handle. The size we return
                // should not include the null because the other platforms don't
                // use nulls, so just return the length we get back from strlen(),
                // since we know CF_TEXT is null terminated. Recall that GetGlobalData() 
                // returns the size of the allocated buffer, not the size of the data 
                // (on 98, these are not the same) so we can't use that.
                PRUint32 allocLen = 0;
                if ( NS_SUCCEEDED(GetGlobalData(stm.hGlobal, aData, &allocLen)) ) {
                  *aLen = strlen ( reinterpret_cast<char*>(*aData) );
                  result = NS_OK;
              } break;

            case CF_UNICODETEXT:
                // Get the data out of the global data handle. The size we return
                // should not include the null because the other platforms don't
                // use nulls, so just return the length we get back from strlen(),
                // since we know CF_UNICODETEXT is null terminated. Recall that GetGlobalData() 
                // returns the size of the allocated buffer, not the size of the data 
                // (on 98, these are not the same) so we can't use that.
                PRUint32 allocLen = 0;
                if ( NS_SUCCEEDED(GetGlobalData(stm.hGlobal, aData, &allocLen)) ) {
                  *aLen = NS_strlen(reinterpret_cast<PRUnichar*>(*aData)) * 2;
                  result = NS_OK;
              } break;

            case CF_DIBV5:
              if (aMIMEImageFormat)
                PRUint32 allocLen = 0;
                unsigned char * clipboardData;
                if (NS_SUCCEEDED(GetGlobalData(stm.hGlobal, (void **)&clipboardData, &allocLen)))
                  nsImageFromClipboard converter;
                  nsIInputStream * inputStream;
                  converter.GetEncodedImageStream(clipboardData, aMIMEImageFormat, &inputStream);   // addrefs for us, don't release
                  if ( inputStream ) {
                    *aData = inputStream;
                    *aLen = sizeof(nsIInputStream*);
                    result = NS_OK;
              } break;

            case CF_HDROP : 
                // in the case of a file drop, multiple files are stashed within a
                // single data object. In order to match mozilla's D&D apis, we
                // just pull out the file at the requested index, pretending as
                // if there really are multiple drag items.
                HDROP dropFiles = (HDROP) GlobalLock(stm.hGlobal);

                UINT numFiles = ::DragQueryFileW(dropFiles, 0xFFFFFFFF, NULL, 0);
                NS_ASSERTION ( numFiles > 0, "File drop flavor, but no files...hmmmm" );
                NS_ASSERTION ( aIndex < numFiles, "Asked for a file index out of range of list" );
                if (numFiles > 0) {
                  UINT fileNameLen = ::DragQueryFileW(dropFiles, aIndex, nullptr, 0);
                  PRUnichar* buffer = reinterpret_cast<PRUnichar*>(nsMemory::Alloc((fileNameLen + 1) * sizeof(PRUnichar)));
                  if ( buffer ) {
                    ::DragQueryFileW(dropFiles, aIndex, buffer, fileNameLen + 1);
                    *aData = buffer;
                    *aLen = fileNameLen * sizeof(PRUnichar);
                    result = NS_OK;
                    result = NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
                GlobalUnlock (stm.hGlobal) ;

              } break;

            default: {
              if ( fe.cfFormat == fileDescriptorFlavorA || fe.cfFormat == fileDescriptorFlavorW || fe.cfFormat == fileFlavor ) {
                NS_WARNING ( "Mozilla doesn't yet understand how to read this type of file flavor" );
                // Get the data out of the global data handle. The size we return
                // should not include the null because the other platforms don't
                // use nulls, so just return the length we get back from strlen(),
                // since we know CF_UNICODETEXT is null terminated. Recall that GetGlobalData() 
                // returns the size of the allocated buffer, not the size of the data 
                // (on 98, these are not the same) so we can't use that.
                // NOTE: we are assuming that anything that falls into this default case
                //        is unicode. As we start to get more kinds of binary data, this
                //        may become an incorrect assumption. Stay tuned.
                PRUint32 allocLen = 0;
                if ( NS_SUCCEEDED(GetGlobalData(stm.hGlobal, aData, &allocLen)) ) {
                  if ( fe.cfFormat == CF_HTML ) {
                    // CF_HTML is actually UTF8, not unicode, so disregard the assumption
                    // above. We have to check the header for the actual length, and we'll
                    // do that in FindPlatformHTML(). For now, return the allocLen. This
                    // case is mostly to ensure we don't try to call strlen on the buffer.
                    *aLen = allocLen;
                  } else if (fe.cfFormat == preferredDropEffect) {
                    // As per the MSDN doc entitled: "Shell Clipboard Formats"
                    // CFSTR_PREFERREDDROPEFFECT should return a DWORD
                    // Reference:
                    NS_ASSERTION(allocLen == sizeof(DWORD),
                      "CFSTR_PREFERREDDROPEFFECT should return a DWORD");
                    *aLen = allocLen;
                  } else {
                    *aLen = NS_strlen(reinterpret_cast<PRUnichar*>(*aData)) * 
                  result = NS_OK;
            } break;
          } // switch
        } break;

      case TYMED_GDI: 
#ifdef DEBUG
          PR_LOG(gWin32ClipboardLog, PR_LOG_ALWAYS, 
                 ("*********************** TYMED_GDI\n"));
        } break;

    } //switch

  return result;
Beispiel #12
PFN_EXECUTE_CMD GetKrnlnFuncAddr(FuncIndex index)
	return (PFN_EXECUTE_CMD) GetGlobalData((int)index);
Beispiel #13
static void
processIslandsFast (dxWorld * world, dReal stepsize, int maxiterations)
	dxBody *b, *bb, **body;
	dxJoint *j, **joint;

	// nothing to do if no bodies
	if (world->nb <= 0)

	dInternalHandleAutoDisabling (world,stepsize);

	// make arrays for body and joint lists (for a single island) to go into
	body = (dxBody **) ALLOCA (world->nb * sizeof (dxBody *));
	joint = (dxJoint **) ALLOCA (world->nj * sizeof (dxJoint *));
	int bcount = 0;				// number of bodies in `body'
	int jcount = 0;				// number of joints in `joint'
	int tbcount = 0;
	int tjcount = 0;
	// set all body/joint tags to 0
	for (b = world->firstbody; b; b = (dxBody *) b->next)
		b->tag = 0;
	for (j = world->firstjoint; j; j = (dxJoint *) j->next)
		j->tag = 0;

	// allocate a stack of unvisited bodies in the island. the maximum size of
	// the stack can be the lesser of the number of bodies or joints, because
	// new bodies are only ever added to the stack by going through untagged
	// joints. all the bodies in the stack must be tagged!
	int stackalloc = (world->nj < world->nb) ? world->nj : world->nb;
	dxBody **stack = (dxBody **) ALLOCA (stackalloc * sizeof (dxBody *));
	int *autostack = (int *) ALLOCA (stackalloc * sizeof (int));

	for (bb = world->firstbody; bb; bb = (dxBody *) bb->next)
		// get bb = the next enabled, untagged body, and tag it
		if (bb->tag || (bb->flags & dxBodyDisabled))
		bb->tag = 1;

		// tag all bodies and joints starting from bb.
		int stacksize = 0;
		int firsttime = 1;
		int autoDepth = GetGlobalData()->autoEnableDepth;
		b = bb;
		body[0] = bb;
		bcount = 1;
		jcount = 0;
		while (stacksize > 0 || firsttime)
		    if (!firsttime)
			    b = stack[--stacksize];	// pop body off stack
			    autoDepth = autostack[stacksize];
			    body[bcount++] = b;	// put body on body list
		        firsttime = 0;
			// traverse and tag all body's joints, add untagged connected bodies
			// to stack
			for (dxJointNode * n = b->firstjoint; n; n = n->next)
				if (!n->joint->tag)
					int thisDepth = GetGlobalData()->autoEnableDepth;
					n->joint->tag = 1;
					joint[jcount++] = n->joint;
					if (n->body && !n->body->tag)
						if (n->body->flags & dxBodyDisabled)
							thisDepth = autoDepth - 1;
						if (thisDepth < 0)
						n->body->flags &= ~dxBodyDisabled;
						n->body->tag = 1;
						autostack[stacksize] = thisDepth;
						stack[stacksize++] = n->body;

		// now do something with body and joint lists
		dInternalStepIslandFast (world, body, bcount, joint, jcount, stepsize, maxiterations);

		// what we've just done may have altered the body/joint tag values.
		// we must make sure that these tags are nonzero.
		// also make sure all bodies are in the enabled state.
		int i;
		for (i = 0; i < bcount; i++)
			body[i]->tag = 1;
			body[i]->flags &= ~dxBodyDisabled;
		for (i = 0; i < jcount; i++)
			joint[i]->tag = 1;
		tbcount += bcount;
		tjcount += jcount;

Beispiel #14
EXPORT_C int dWorldGetAutoEnableDepthSF1 (dxWorld */*world*/)
	return GetGlobalData()->autoEnableDepth;
Beispiel #15
static GlobalData& GetGlobalDataInternal()
   return (GlobalData&) GetGlobalData();
Beispiel #16
void CMenuButton::OnSysColorChange()