Beispiel #1
 *  Berechnet Spielerfarbe mit in eine gegebene Farbe mit ein
 *  (player muss mit +1 gegeben sein!)
unsigned IngameMinimap::CombineWithPlayerColor(const unsigned color, const unsigned char player) const
    // Spielerfarbe mit einberechnen
    unsigned player_color = gwv.GetWorld().GetPlayer(player - 1).color;

    return MakeColor(0xFF, (GetRed(color) + GetRed(player_color)) / 2,
        (GetGreen(color) + GetGreen(player_color)) / 2,
        (GetBlue(color) + GetBlue(player_color)) / 2);
Beispiel #2
 *  Berechnet Spielerfarbe mit in eine gegebene Farbe mit ein
 *  (player muss mit +1 gegeben sein!)
 *  @author OLiver
unsigned IngameMinimap::CombineWithPlayerColor(const unsigned color, const unsigned char player) const
	// Spielerfarbe mit einberechnen
	unsigned player_color = COLORS[GameClient::inst().GetPlayer(player-1)->color];

	return MakeColor(0xFF,(GetRed(color)+GetRed(player_color))/2,
PWL_CREATEPARAM CFFL_FormFiller::GetCreateParam() {

  cp.pParentWnd = nullptr;
  cp.pProvider = this;
  cp.rcRectWnd = GetPDFWindowRect();

  uint32_t dwCreateFlags = PWS_BORDER | PWS_BACKGROUND | PWS_VISIBLE;
  uint32_t dwFieldFlag = m_pWidget->GetFieldFlags();
  if (dwFieldFlag & FIELDFLAG_READONLY) {
    dwCreateFlags |= PWS_READONLY;

  FX_COLORREF color;
  if (m_pWidget->GetFillColor(color)) {
    cp.sBackgroundColor =
        CPWL_Color(GetRed(color), GetGreen(color), GetBlue(color));

  if (m_pWidget->GetBorderColor(color)) {
    cp.sBorderColor =
        CPWL_Color(GetRed(color), GetGreen(color), GetBlue(color));

  cp.sTextColor = CPWL_Color(COLORTYPE_GRAY, 0);

  if (m_pWidget->GetTextColor(color)) {
    cp.sTextColor = CPWL_Color(GetRed(color), GetGreen(color), GetBlue(color));

  cp.fFontSize = m_pWidget->GetFontSize();
  cp.dwBorderWidth = m_pWidget->GetBorderWidth();

  cp.nBorderStyle = m_pWidget->GetBorderStyle();
  switch (cp.nBorderStyle) {
    case BorderStyle::DASH:
      cp.sDash = CPWL_Dash(3, 3, 0);
    case BorderStyle::BEVELED:
      cp.dwBorderWidth *= 2;
    case BorderStyle::INSET:
      cp.dwBorderWidth *= 2;

  if (cp.fFontSize <= 0)
    dwCreateFlags |= PWS_AUTOFONTSIZE;

  cp.dwFlags = dwCreateFlags;
  cp.pSystemHandler = m_pApp->GetSysHandler();
  return cp;
Beispiel #4
 *  @author OLiver
void Minimap::CreateMapTexture(const void *param)


	/// Buffer für die Daten erzeugen
	unsigned char *buffer = new unsigned char[map_width * 2 * map_height * 4];

	for(MapCoord y = 0;y<map_height;++y)
		for(MapCoord x = 0;x<map_width;++x)
			// Die 2. Terraindreiecke durchgehen
			for(unsigned t = 0;t<2;++t)
				unsigned color = CalcPixelColor(param,x,y,t);

				unsigned pos  = y*map_width*4*2+(x*4*2+t*4+(y&1)*4)%(map_width*4*2);
				buffer[pos+2] = GetRed(color);
				buffer[pos+1] = GetGreen(color);
				buffer[pos]   = GetBlue(color);
				buffer[pos+3] = GetAlpha(color);

	map.create(map_width*2, map_height, buffer, map_width*2, map_height,
				libsiedler2::FORMAT_RGBA, LOADER.GetPaletteN("pal5"));

	delete [] buffer;
Beispiel #5
// ****************************************************************************
//  Function Name:	RSolidColor::DarkenBy( )
//  Description:		
//  Returns:			Nothing
//  Exceptions:		None
// ****************************************************************************
void RSolidColor::DarkenBy( YScaleFactor scale )
	YColorComponent	red	= GetRed();
	YColorComponent	green	= GetGreen();
	YColorComponent	blue	= GetBlue();
	uLONG				redder	= static_cast<uLONG>( ::Round( static_cast<YRealDimension>( red )  * scale ) );
	uLONG				greener	= static_cast<uLONG>( ::Round( static_cast<YRealDimension>( green )  * scale ) );
	uLONG				bluer		= static_cast<uLONG>( ::Round( static_cast<YRealDimension>( blue )  * scale ) );

	TpsAssert( ( scale >= 0.0 ), "Negative color component makes no sense." );
	TpsAssert( ( scale <= 1.0 ), "Bad color component scale factor." );

	red	= ( redder > red ) ? kMinColorComponent : static_cast<YColorComponent>( red - redder );
	green	= ( greener > green ) ? kMinColorComponent : static_cast<YColorComponent>( green - greener );
	blue	= ( bluer > blue ) ? kMinColorComponent : static_cast<YColorComponent>( blue - bluer );

#ifdef	_WINDOWS							 
	m_Color = RGB( red, green, blue );
#endif	// _WINDOWS
#ifdef	MAC = red; = green; = blue;
#endif	// MAC
Beispiel #6
 *  @author OLiver
unsigned PreviewMinimap::CalcPixelColor(const void * param, const MapCoord x, const MapCoord y, const unsigned t)
	const glArchivItem_Map& s2map = *static_cast<const glArchivItem_Map*>(param); 
	unsigned color = 0;
	// Baum an dieser Stelle?
	unsigned char landscape_obj = s2map.GetMapDataAt(MAP_TYPE, x, y);
	if(landscape_obj >= 0xC4 && landscape_obj <= 0xC6)
		color = VaryBrightness(TREE_COLOR,VARY_TREE_COLOR);
	// Granit an dieser Stelle?
	else if(landscape_obj == 0xCC || landscape_obj == 0xCD)
	// Ansonsten die jeweilige Terrainfarbe nehmen
		color = TERRAIN_COLORS[s2map.getHeader().getGfxSet()]

		// Schattierung
		int r = GetRed(color)+s2map.GetMapDataAt(MAP_SHADOWS, x, y)-0x40;
		int g = GetGreen(color)+s2map.GetMapDataAt(MAP_SHADOWS, x, y)-0x40;
		int b = GetBlue(color)+s2map.GetMapDataAt(MAP_SHADOWS, x, y)-0x40;

		if(r < 0) r = 0;
		if(r > 255) r = 255;
		if(g < 0) g = 0;
		if(g > 255) g = 255;
		if(b < 0) b = 0;
		if(b > 255) b = 255;

		color = MakeColor(0xFF,unsigned(r),unsigned(g),unsigned(b));

	return color;
*  @author OLiver
unsigned PreviewMinimap::CalcPixelColor(const MapPoint pt, const unsigned t)
    unsigned color = 0;
    // Baum an dieser Stelle?
    unsigned char landscape_obj = objects[GetMMIdx(pt)];
    if(landscape_obj >= 0xC4 && landscape_obj <= 0xC6)
        color = VaryBrightness(TREE_COLOR, VARY_TREE_COLOR);
    // Granit an dieser Stelle?
    else if(landscape_obj == 0xCC || landscape_obj == 0xCD)
        color = VaryBrightness(GRANITE_COLOR, VARY_GRANITE_COLOR);
    // Ansonsten die jeweilige Terrainfarbe nehmen
        color = TerrainData::GetColor(lt, TerrainData::MapIdx2Terrain(t == 0 ? terrain1[GetMMIdx(pt)] : terrain2[GetMMIdx(pt)]));

        // Schattierung
        const int shading = shadows[GetMMIdx(pt)] - 0x40;
        int r = GetRed(color) + shading;
        int g = GetGreen(color) + shading;
        int b = GetBlue(color) + shading;

        if(r < 0) r = 0;
        if(r > 255) r = 255;
        if(g < 0) g = 0;
        if(g > 255) g = 255;
        if(b < 0) b = 0;
        if(b > 255) b = 255;

        color = MakeColor(0xFF, unsigned(r), unsigned(g), unsigned(b));

    return color;
Beispiel #8
 void Color::ToFloat(float Dest[]) const
     Dest[0] = GetRed()   / 255.0f;
     Dest[1] = GetGreen() / 255.0f;
     Dest[2] = GetBlue()  / 255.0f;
     Dest[3] = GetAlpha() / 255.0f;
Beispiel #9
    Color Color::Modulate(const Color& c) const
        uint8 R = static_cast<uint8>(GetRed()   * c.GetRed()   / 255);
        uint8 G = static_cast<uint8>(GetGreen() * c.GetGreen() / 255);
        uint8 B = static_cast<uint8>(GetBlue()  * c.GetBlue()  / 255);
        uint8 A = static_cast<uint8>(GetAlpha() * c.GetAlpha() / 255);

        return Color(R, G, B, A);
Beispiel #10
void SkeletonSprite::Render() const {
	// TAREA: Implementar la especificacion del enunciado
	Renderer::Instance().SetBlendMode( GetBlendMode() );
	Renderer::Instance().SetColor( GetRed(), GetGreen(), GetBlue(), GetAlpha() );
	glTranslated( GetX(), GetY(), 0 );
Beispiel #11
sf::Color rbColor::ToSFML( VALUE aColor )
    aColor = rbColor::ToRuby( aColor );
    sf::Uint8 r = NUM2CHR( GetRed( aColor ) );
    sf::Uint8 g = NUM2CHR( GetGreen( aColor ) );
    sf::Uint8 b = NUM2CHR( GetBlue( aColor ) );
	sf::Uint8 a = NUM2CHR( GetAlpha( aColor ) );
    return sf::Color( r, g, b, a );
 *  Zeichnet die Textur.
 *  @author FloSoft
void glArchivItem_Bitmap::Draw(short dst_x, short dst_y, short dst_w, short dst_h, short src_x, short src_y, short src_w, short src_h, const unsigned int color, const unsigned int unused)
    if(texture == 0)
    if(texture == 0)

    if(src_w == 0)
        src_w = width_;
    if(src_h == 0)
        src_h = height_;
    if(dst_w == 0)
        dst_w = src_w;
    if(dst_h == 0)
        dst_h = src_h;


    assert(getBobType() != libsiedler2::BOBTYPE_BITMAP_PLAYER);

    struct GL_T2F_C4UB_V3F_Struct
        GLfloat tx, ty;
        GLubyte r, g, b, a;
        GLfloat x, y, z;

    GL_T2F_C4UB_V3F_Struct tmp[4];

    int x = -nx_ + dst_x;
    int y = -ny_ + dst_y;

    tmp[0].x = tmp[1].x = GLfloat(x);
    tmp[2].x = tmp[3].x = GLfloat(x + dst_w);

    tmp[0].y = tmp[3].y = GLfloat(y);
    tmp[1].y = tmp[2].y = GLfloat(y + dst_h);

    tmp[0].z = tmp[1].z = tmp[2].z = tmp[3].z = 0.0f;

    tmp[0].tx = tmp[1].tx = (GLfloat)src_x / tex_width_;
    tmp[2].tx = tmp[3].tx = (GLfloat)(src_x + src_w) / tex_width_;

    tmp[0].ty = tmp[3].ty = (GLfloat)src_y / tex_height_;
    tmp[1].ty = tmp[2].ty = (GLfloat)(src_y + src_h) / tex_height_;

    tmp[0].r = tmp[1].r = tmp[2].r = tmp[3].r = GetRed(color);
    tmp[0].g = tmp[1].g = tmp[2].g = tmp[3].g = GetGreen(color);
    tmp[0].b = tmp[1].b = tmp[2].b = tmp[3].b = GetBlue(color);
    tmp[0].a = tmp[1].a = tmp[2].a = tmp[3].a = GetAlpha(color);

    glInterleavedArrays(GL_T2F_C4UB_V3F, 0, tmp);
    glDrawArrays(GL_QUADS, 0, 4);

Beispiel #13
    const Color& Color::operator *=(float v)
        int R = static_cast<int>(GetRed()   * v);
        int G = static_cast<int>(GetGreen() * v);
        int B = static_cast<int>(GetBlue()  * v);
        int A = static_cast<int>(GetAlpha() * v);

        SetInt(R, G, B, A);

        return *this;
Beispiel #14
    const Color& Color::operator -=(const Color& c)
        int R = GetRed()   - c.GetRed();
        int G = GetGreen() - c.GetGreen();
        int B = GetBlue()  - c.GetBlue();
        int A = GetAlpha() - c.GetAlpha();

        SetInt(R, G, B, A);

        return *this;
Beispiel #15
    Color Color::operator +(const Color& c) const
        int R = GetRed()   + c.GetRed();
        int G = GetGreen() + c.GetGreen();
        int B = GetBlue()  + c.GetBlue();
        int A = GetAlpha() + c.GetAlpha();

        Color Ret;
        Ret.SetInt(R, G, B, A);

        return Ret;
Beispiel #16
// ****************************************************************************
//  Function Name:	RSolidColor::IsDark( )
//  Description:		Determines if this color is "dark" or not. It works by
//							converting the RGB to a luminance (Y) value. The conversion
//							was taken from the Color FAQ, which is available from:
//  Returns:			TRUE if this color is dark
//  Exceptions:		None
// ****************************************************************************
BOOLEAN RSolidColor::IsDark( ) const
	// The color weights
	const int kRedWeight = 3;
	const int kGreenWeight = 10;
	const int kBlueWeight = 1;

	// A color is dark if the weighted sum of the components is less than this value:
	const int kDark = ( kMaxColorComponent * ( kRedWeight + kGreenWeight + kBlueWeight ) ) / 2;

	return static_cast<BOOLEAN>( ( GetRed( ) * kRedWeight ) + ( GetGreen( ) * kGreenWeight ) + ( GetBlue( ) * kBlueWeight ) < kDark );
Beispiel #17
    Color Color::operator *(float v) const
        int R = static_cast<int>(GetRed()   * v);
        int G = static_cast<int>(GetGreen() * v);
        int B = static_cast<int>(GetBlue()  * v);
        int A = static_cast<int>(GetAlpha() * v);

        Color Ret;
        Ret.SetInt(R, G, B, A);

        return Ret;
Beispiel #18
void CColour::Invert()
    // Invert the RGB values
    int red(0),green(0),blue(0);
    // RGB values have a range of 255
    red = ~(GetRed());
    green = ~(GetGreen());
    blue = ~(GetBlue());

Beispiel #19
 *  zeichnet eine Linie.
 *  @param[in] x X-Koordinate
 *  @author jh
void Window::DrawLine(unsigned short ax, unsigned short ay, unsigned short bx, unsigned short by, unsigned short width, unsigned int color)
    glColor4ub(GetRed(color), GetGreen(color), GetBlue(color), GetAlpha(color));

    glVertex2i(ax, ay);
    glVertex2i(bx, by);

/// Berechnet die dunklere Spielerfarbe zum Zeichnen
unsigned CalcPlayerFOWDrawColor(const unsigned color)
    // Farbkomponenten extrahieren
    unsigned red = GetRed(color), green = GetGreen(color), blue = GetBlue(color);

    // "Skalieren"
    red = red * FOW_DRAW_COLOR_BRIGHTNESS / 0xFF;
    green = green * FOW_DRAW_COLOR_BRIGHTNESS / 0xFF;
    blue = blue * FOW_DRAW_COLOR_BRIGHTNESS / 0xFF;

    // Fertige Farbe zurückgeben
    return MakeColor(0xFF, red, green, blue);
Beispiel #21
void StaticText::SetText(cchar* text)


	SDL_Color color = { GetRed(), GetGreen(), GetBlue(), GetAlpha() };
	SDL_Surface* surface = TTF_RenderUTF8_Blended_Wrapped(static_cast<Font*>(GetFont())->Get(), GetText(),
		color, GetFont()->GetTextWidth(text));
	_texture = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(static_cast<Renderer*>(XAGUI::XAGUI::GetRenderer())->Get(), 
	SDL_SetTextureAlphaMod(_texture, color.a);
Beispiel #22
 * \brief Draw a line on image in a given color
 * \param img t_img* - image to modify (also output)
 * \param pix1 t_pixel - first point of line
 * \param pix2 t_pixel - second point of line
 * \param RGB CPU_INT32U - color of the line
 * \return t_vect - vector representing the line
 * Needs to be done
 * Helpfull macro to define color is SetRGB(r,g,b), with value between 0 and 255
t_vect highlight_line(t_img * img,t_pixel pix1,t_pixel pix2,CPU_INT32U RGB)
    t_vect v;
    CPU_FP32 a, b, y_calc;
    CPU_INT16S i,j;

    t_simplearea area_of_draw;

    if((pix2.x - pix1.x) != 0)
        a = ((CPU_FP32)pix2.y - (CPU_FP32)pix1.y) / (((CPU_FP32)pix2.x - (CPU_FP32)pix1.x));
        a = 1000000;

    b = (CPU_FP32)pix1.y - a * (CPU_FP32)pix1.x;

    //printf("y = %.2f x + %.2f\n",a,b);

    area_of_draw.BotLeft.x = mini(pix1.x,pix2.x);
    area_of_draw.BotLeft.y = mini(pix1.y,pix2.y);
    area_of_draw.TopRight.x = maxi(pix1.x,pix2.x);
    area_of_draw.TopRight.y = maxi(pix1.y,pix2.y);

    for(i=area_of_draw.BotLeft.y;i<= area_of_draw.TopRight.y ;i++)
        for(j=area_of_draw.BotLeft.x ; (j<= area_of_draw.TopRight.x );j++)
                //check if point belong to the line between pix1 and pix 2
                y_calc = a * j + b;
                if(((CPU_INT16S)y_calc -abs(a)/1.5 <= i)&&((CPU_INT16S)y_calc +abs(a)/1.5 >= i))
                    img->Red[i][j] = GetRed(RGB);
                    img->Green[i][j] = GetGreen(RGB);
                    img->Blue[i][j] = GetBlue(RGB);

    v.x = 5;
    v.y = a * v.x + b;
    return v;
Beispiel #23
 *  zeichnet ein Rechteck.
 *  @param[in] x X-Koordinate
 *  @author OLiver
void Window::DrawRectangle(unsigned short x, unsigned short y, unsigned short width, unsigned short height, unsigned int color)

	glColor4ub(GetRed(color), GetGreen(color), GetBlue(color), GetAlpha(color));

	glVertex2i(x, y);
	glVertex2i(x, y+height);
	glVertex2i(x+width, y+height);
	glVertex2i(x+width, y);

void Rainbow(
  const double x, 
  unsigned char& r, 
  unsigned char& g,
  unsigned char& b)
  const int r0 = GetRed(x);
  const int g0 = GetGreen(x);
  const int b0 = GetBlue(x);
  const int max = std::max(r0, std::max(g0,b0));

  r = 255.0 * static_cast<double>(r0) / static_cast<double>(max);
  g = 255.0 * static_cast<double>(g0) / static_cast<double>(max);
  b = 255.0 * static_cast<double>(b0) / static_cast<double>(max);
Beispiel #25
 *  Variiert die übergebene Farbe zufällig in der Helligkeit
 *  @author OLiver
unsigned Minimap::VaryBrightness(const unsigned color, const int range) const
	int add = 100 - rand()%(2*range);

	int red = GetRed(color)*add/100;
	if(red < 0) red = 0;
	else if(red > 0xFF) red = 0xFF;
	int green = GetGreen(color)*add/100;
	if(green < 0) green = 0;
	else if(green > 0xFF) green = 0xFF;
	int blue = GetBlue(color)*add/100;
	if(blue < 0) blue = 0;
	else if(blue > 0xFF) blue = 0xFF;

	return MakeColor(GetAlpha(color), red, green, blue);
 *  Zeichnet die Textur.
void glArchivItem_Bitmap::Draw(Rect dstArea, Rect srcArea, unsigned color /*= COLOR_WHITE*/)
    if(GetTexture() == 0)

    RTTR_Assert(dstArea.getSize().x > 0 && dstArea.getSize().y > 0);
    RTTR_Assert(srcArea.getSize().x > 0 && srcArea.getSize().y > 0);
    // Compatibility only!
    Extent srcSize = srcArea.getSize();
    if(srcSize.x == 0)
        srcSize.x = getWidth();
    if(srcSize.y == 0)
        srcSize.y = getHeight();
    Extent dstSize = dstArea.getSize();
    if(dstSize.x == 0)
        dstSize.x = srcSize.x;
    if(dstSize.y == 0)
        dstSize.y = srcSize.y;

    RTTR_Assert(getBobType() != libsiedler2::BOBTYPE_BITMAP_PLAYER);

    std::array<Point<GLfloat>, 4> texCoords, vertices;


    vertices[0].x = vertices[1].x = GLfloat(dstArea.left);
    vertices[2].x = vertices[3].x = GLfloat(dstArea.right);
    vertices[0].y = vertices[3].y = GLfloat(;
    vertices[1].y = vertices[2].y = GLfloat(dstArea.bottom);

    Point<GLfloat> srcOrig = Point<GLfloat>(srcArea.getOrigin()) / GetTexSize();
    Point<GLfloat> srcEndPt = Point<GLfloat>(srcArea.getEndPt()) / GetTexSize();
    texCoords[0].x = texCoords[1].x = srcOrig.x;
    texCoords[2].x = texCoords[3].x = srcEndPt.x;
    texCoords[0].y = texCoords[3].y = srcOrig.y;
    texCoords[1].y = texCoords[2].y = srcEndPt.y;

    glVertexPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 0,;
    glTexCoordPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 0,;
    glColor4ub(GetRed(color), GetGreen(color), GetBlue(color), GetAlpha(color));
    glDrawArrays(GL_QUADS, 0, 4);
Beispiel #27
 *  Berechnet für einen bestimmten Punkt und ein Dreieck die normale Terrainfarbe
 *  @author OLiver
unsigned IngameMinimap::CalcTerrainColor(const MapCoord x, const MapCoord y, const unsigned t)
	unsigned color = TERRAIN_COLORS[gwv.GetLandscapeType()][ (t==0) ? gwv.GetNode(x,y).t1 : gwv.GetNode(x,y).t2];

	// Schattierung
	int shadow = gwv.GetNode(x,y).shadow;
	int r = GetRed(color)+shadow-0x40;
	int g = GetGreen(color)+shadow-0x40;
	int b = GetBlue(color)+shadow-0x40;

	if(r < 0) r = 0;
	else if(r > 255) r = 255;
	if(g < 0) g = 0;
	else if(g > 255) g = 255;
	if(b < 0) b = 0;
	else if(b > 255) b = 255;

	return MakeColor(0xFF,unsigned(r),unsigned(g),unsigned(b));
Beispiel #28
 *  Calculate the normal terrain color for a given point and triangle
unsigned IngameMinimap::CalcTerrainColor(const MapPoint pt, const unsigned t)
    unsigned color = TerrainData::GetColor(gwv.GetWorld().GetLandscapeType(), (t == 0) ? gwv.GetNode(pt).t1 : gwv.GetNode(pt).t2); //-V807

    // Schattierung
    int shadow = gwv.GetNode(pt).shadow;
    int r = GetRed(color) + shadow - 0x40;
    int g = GetGreen(color) + shadow - 0x40;
    int b = GetBlue(color) + shadow - 0x40;

    if(r < 0) r = 0;
    else if(r > 255) r = 255;
    if(g < 0) g = 0;
    else if(g > 255) g = 255;
    if(b < 0) b = 0;
    else if(b > 255) b = 255;

    return MakeColor(0xFF, unsigned(r), unsigned(g), unsigned(b));
Beispiel #29
 *  Zusätzliche Dinge, die die einzelnen Maps vor dem Zeichenvorgang zu tun haben
 *  in dem Falle: Karte aktualisieren
 *  @author OLiver
void IngameMinimap::BeforeDrawing()
	// Ab welcher Knotenanzahl (Teil der Gesamtknotenanzahl) die Textur komplett neu erstellt werden soll
	static const unsigned MAX_NODES_UPDATE_DENOMINATOR = 2; // (2 = 1/2, 3 = 1/3 usw.)

	// Überhaupt Änderungen nötig?
		// Komplette Textur neu erzeugen, weil es zu viele Knoten sind?
		if(nodes_updated_list.size() >= map_width*map_height/MAX_NODES_UPDATE_DENOMINATOR)
			// Ja, alles neu erzeugen
			// Alles Aktualisierungen wieder zurücksetzen
			for(MapCoord y = 0;y<map_height;++y)
				for(MapCoord x = 0;x<map_width;++x)
					nodes_updated[y*map_width+x] = false;
			// Entsprechende Pixel updaten
			for(list<Node>::iterator it = nodes_updated_list.begin();it.valid();++it)
				for(unsigned t = 0;t<2;++t)
					unsigned color = CalcPixelColor(&gwv,it->x,it->y,t);
				// Jetzt muss er nicht mehr geändert werden
				nodes_updated[it->y*map_width+it->x] = false;

Beispiel #30
 *  Alle Punkte Updaten, bei denen das DrawnObject 
 *  gleich dem übergebenen drawn_object ist
 *  @author OLiver
void IngameMinimap::UpdateAll(const DrawnObject drawn_object)
	// Gesamte Karte neu berechnen
	for(MapCoord y = 0;y<map_height;++y)
		for(MapCoord x = 0;x<map_width;++x)
			for(unsigned t = 0;t<2;++t)
				if(dos[y*map_width+x] == drawn_object ||  // das gewünschte Objekt
					(drawn_object == DO_PLAYER && // bei DO_PLAYER auf evtl. nicht gezeichnete Häuser und Straßen
					((dos[y*map_width+x] == DO_BUILDING && !houses) || // achten, da dort auch nur das Player-
					(dos[y*map_width+x] == DO_ROAD && !roads)))) // Territorium zu sehen ist!
					unsigned color = CalcPixelColor(&gwv,x,y,t);