void RenderDoorLockInfo()
	INT16 i, xp, yp;
	INT16 sScreenX, sScreenY;
	CHAR16 str[ 50 ];
	for( i = 0; i < gubNumDoors; i++ )
		GetGridNoScreenPos( DoorTable[ i ].sGridNo, 0, &sScreenX, &sScreenY );
		if( sScreenY > (2 * iScreenHeightOffset + 390) )
		if( DoorTable[ i ].ubLockID != 255 )
			swprintf( str, L"%S", LockTable[ DoorTable[ i ].ubLockID ].ubEditorName );
			swprintf( str, iRenderDoorLockInfoText[0] );
		xp = sScreenX - 10;
		yp = sScreenY - 40;
		DisplayWrappedString( xp, yp, 60, 2, FONT10ARIAL, FONT_LTKHAKI, str, FONT_BLACK, TRUE, CENTER_JUSTIFIED );
		if( DoorTable[ i ].ubTrapID )
			SetFont( FONT10ARIAL );
			SetFontForeground( FONT_RED );
			SetFontShadow( FONT_NEARBLACK );
			switch( DoorTable[ i ].ubTrapID )
				case EXPLOSION:
					swprintf( str, iRenderDoorLockInfoText[1] );
				case ELECTRIC:
					swprintf( str, iRenderDoorLockInfoText[2] );
				case SIREN:
					swprintf( str, iRenderDoorLockInfoText[3] );
				case SILENT_ALARM:
					swprintf( str, iRenderDoorLockInfoText[4] );
					swprintf( str, iRenderDoorLockInfoText[5] );
				// WANNE: Fix a vanilla glitch in the editor: The text for the brothel siren trap was missing.
				// Fixed by Tron (Stracciatella): Revision: 6253
					swprintf( str, iRenderDoorLockInfoText[6] );
			xp = sScreenX + 20 - StringPixLength( str, FONT10ARIAL ) / 2;
			yp = sScreenY;
			mprintf( xp, yp, str );
			swprintf( str, iRenderDoorLockInfoText[7], DoorTable[ i ].ubTrapLevel );
			xp = sScreenX + 20 - StringPixLength( str, FONT10ARIAL ) / 2;
			mprintf( xp, yp+10, str );
void RenderDoorLockInfo()
	INT16 i, xp, yp;
	INT16 sScreenX, sScreenY;
	UINT16 str[ 50 ];
	for( i = 0; i < gubNumDoors; i++ )
		GetGridNoScreenPos( DoorTable[ i ].sGridNo, 0, &sScreenX, &sScreenY );
		if( sScreenY > 390 )
		if( DoorTable[ i ].ubLockID != 255 )
			swprintf( str, L"%S", LockTable[ DoorTable[ i ].ubLockID ].ubEditorName );
			swprintf( str, L"No Lock ID" );
		xp = sScreenX - 10;
		yp = sScreenY - 40;
		DisplayWrappedString( xp, yp, 60, 2, FONT10ARIAL, FONT_LTKHAKI, str, FONT_BLACK, TRUE, CENTER_JUSTIFIED );
		if( DoorTable[ i ].ubTrapID )
			SetFont( FONT10ARIAL );
			SetFontForeground( FONT_RED );
			SetFontShadow( FONT_NEARBLACK );
			switch( DoorTable[ i ].ubTrapID )
				case EXPLOSION:
					swprintf( str, L"Explosion Trap" );
				case ELECTRIC:
					swprintf( str, L"Electric Trap" );
				case SIREN:
					swprintf( str, L"Siren Trap" );
				case SILENT_ALARM:
					swprintf( str, L"Silent Alarm" );
					swprintf( str, L"Super Electric Trap" );

			xp = sScreenX + 20 - StringPixLength( str, FONT10ARIAL ) / 2;
			yp = sScreenY;
			mprintf( xp, yp, str );
			swprintf( str, L"Trap Level %d", DoorTable[ i ].ubTrapLevel );
			xp = sScreenX + 20 - StringPixLength( str, FONT10ARIAL ) / 2;
			mprintf( xp, yp+10, str );
void RenderSelectedItemBlownUp()
	UINT32 uiVideoObjectIndex;
	INT16 sScreenX, sScreenY, xp, yp;
	ITEM_POOL	*pItemPool;
	UINT16 szItemName[ SIZE_ITEM_NAME ];
	INT32 i;
	INT16 sWidth, sHeight, sOffsetX, sOffsetY;

	GetGridNoScreenPos( gsItemGridNo, 0, &sScreenX, &sScreenY );

	if( sScreenY > 340 )

	//Display the enlarged item graphic
	uiVideoObjectIndex = GetInterfaceGraphicForItem( &Item[ gpItem->usItem ] );
	GetVideoObject( &hVObject, uiVideoObjectIndex );
	sWidth = hVObject->pETRLEObject[ Item[ gpItem->usItem ].ubGraphicNum ].usWidth;
	sOffsetX = hVObject->pETRLEObject[ Item[ gpItem->usItem ].ubGraphicNum ].sOffsetX;
	xp = sScreenX + (40 - sWidth - sOffsetX*2) / 2;
	sHeight = hVObject->pETRLEObject[ Item[ gpItem->usItem ].ubGraphicNum ].usHeight;
	sOffsetY = hVObject->pETRLEObject[ Item[ gpItem->usItem ].ubGraphicNum ].sOffsetY;
	yp = sScreenY + (20 - sHeight - sOffsetY*2) / 2;

	BltVideoObjectOutlineFromIndex( FRAME_BUFFER, uiVideoObjectIndex, Item[ gpItem->usItem ].ubGraphicNum, xp, yp, Get16BPPColor(FROMRGB(0, 140, 170)), TRUE );

	//Display the item name above it
	SetFont( FONT10ARIAL );
	SetFontForeground( FONT_YELLOW );
	SetFontShadow( FONT_NEARBLACK );
	if( gpItem->usItem == ACTION_ITEM || gpItem->usItem == SWITCH )
		BuildTriggerName( gpItem, szItemName );
	else if( Item[ gpItem->usItem ].usItemClass == IC_KEY )
		swprintf( szItemName, L"%S", LockTable[ gpItem->ubKeyID ].ubEditorName );
		LoadItemInfo( gpItem->usItem, szItemName, NULL );
	xp = sScreenX - (StringPixLength( szItemName, FONT10ARIAL ) - 40) / 2;
	yp -= 10;
	mprintf( xp, yp, szItemName );

	if( gpItem->usItem == ACTION_ITEM )
		UINT16 *pStr;
		pStr = GetActionItemName( gpItem );
		xp = sScreenX - (StringPixLength( pStr, FONT10ARIALBOLD ) - 40) / 2;
		yp += 10;
		SetFontForeground( FONT_LTKHAKI );
		mprintf( xp, yp, pStr );
		SetFontForeground( FONT_YELLOW );

	//Count the number of items in the current pool, and display that.
	i = 0;
	GetItemPool( gsItemGridNo, &pItemPool, 0 );
	Assert( pItemPool );
	while( pItemPool )
		pItemPool = pItemPool->pNext;
	xp = sScreenX;
	yp = sScreenY + 10;
	mprintf( xp, yp, L"%d", i );
	//If the item is hidden, render a blinking H (just like DG)
	if( gWorldItems[ gpItemPool->iItemIndex ].bVisible == HIDDEN_ITEM || 
			gWorldItems[ gpItemPool->iItemIndex ].bVisible == BURIED )
		if( GetJA2Clock() % 1000 > 500 )
			SetFontForeground( 249 );
		mprintf( sScreenX + 16, sScreenY + 7, L"H" );
		InvalidateRegion( sScreenX + 16, sScreenY + 7, sScreenX + 24, sScreenY + 27 );
void RenderMapEntryPointsAndLights()
	INT16 sGridNo;
	INT16 sScreenX, sScreenY;
	INT32 i;
	if( gfSummaryWindowActive )
	SetFont( FONT10ARIAL );
	SetFontForeground( FONT_YELLOW );
	SetFontShadow( FONT_NEARBLACK );
	sGridNo = gMapInformation.sNorthGridNo;
	if( sGridNo != -1 )
		GetGridNoScreenPos( sGridNo, 0, &sScreenX, &sScreenY );
		if( sScreenY >= -20 && sScreenY < 340 && sScreenX >= -40  && sScreenX < 640 )
			DisplayWrappedString( sScreenX, (INT16)(sScreenY-5), 40, 2, FONT10ARIAL, FONT_YELLOW, L"North Entry Point", FONT_BLACK, TRUE, CENTER_JUSTIFIED );
	sGridNo = gMapInformation.sWestGridNo;
	if( sGridNo != -1 )
		GetGridNoScreenPos( sGridNo, 0, &sScreenX, &sScreenY );
		if( sScreenY >= -20 && sScreenY < 340 && sScreenX >= -40  && sScreenX < 640 )
			DisplayWrappedString( sScreenX, (INT16)(sScreenY-5), 40, 2, FONT10ARIAL, FONT_YELLOW, L"West Entry Point", FONT_BLACK, TRUE, CENTER_JUSTIFIED );
	sGridNo = gMapInformation.sEastGridNo;
	if( sGridNo != -1 )
		GetGridNoScreenPos( sGridNo, 0, &sScreenX, &sScreenY );
		if( sScreenY >= -20 && sScreenY < 340 && sScreenX >= -40  && sScreenX < 640 )
			DisplayWrappedString( sScreenX, (INT16)(sScreenY-5), 40, 2, FONT10ARIAL, FONT_YELLOW, L"East Entry Point", FONT_BLACK, TRUE, CENTER_JUSTIFIED );
	sGridNo = gMapInformation.sSouthGridNo;
	if( sGridNo != -1 )
		GetGridNoScreenPos( sGridNo, 0, &sScreenX, &sScreenY );
		if( sScreenY >= -20 && sScreenY < 340 && sScreenX >= -40  && sScreenX < 640 )
			DisplayWrappedString( sScreenX, (INT16)(sScreenY-5), 40, 2, FONT10ARIAL, FONT_YELLOW, L"South Entry Point", FONT_BLACK, TRUE, CENTER_JUSTIFIED );
	sGridNo = gMapInformation.sCenterGridNo;
	if( sGridNo != -1 )
		GetGridNoScreenPos( sGridNo, 0, &sScreenX, &sScreenY );
		if( sScreenY >= -20 && sScreenY < 340 && sScreenX >= -40  && sScreenX < 640 )
			DisplayWrappedString( sScreenX, (INT16)(sScreenY-5), 40, 2, FONT10ARIAL, FONT_YELLOW, L"Center Entry Point", FONT_BLACK, TRUE, CENTER_JUSTIFIED );
	sGridNo = gMapInformation.sIsolatedGridNo;
	if( sGridNo != -1 )
		GetGridNoScreenPos( sGridNo, 0, &sScreenX, &sScreenY );
		if( sScreenY >= -20 && sScreenY < 340 && sScreenX >= -40  && sScreenX < 640 )
			DisplayWrappedString( sScreenX, (INT16)(sScreenY-5), 40, 2, FONT10ARIAL, FONT_YELLOW, L"Isolated Entry Point", FONT_BLACK, TRUE, CENTER_JUSTIFIED );
	//Do the lights now.
	for( i = 0; i < MAX_LIGHT_SPRITES; i++ )
		if( LightSprites[ i ].uiFlags & LIGHT_SPR_ACTIVE )
			sGridNo = LightSprites[ i ].iY * WORLD_COLS + LightSprites[ i ].iX;
			GetGridNoScreenPos( sGridNo, 0, &sScreenX, &sScreenY );
			if( sScreenY >= -50 && sScreenY < 300 && sScreenX >= -40  && sScreenX < 640 )
				if( LightSprites[ i ].uiFlags & LIGHT_PRIMETIME )
					DisplayWrappedString( sScreenX, (INT16)(sScreenY-5), 50, 2, FONT10ARIAL, FONT_ORANGE, L"Prime", FONT_BLACK, TRUE, CENTER_JUSTIFIED );
				else if( LightSprites[ i ].uiFlags & LIGHT_NIGHTTIME )
					DisplayWrappedString( sScreenX, (INT16)(sScreenY-5), 50, 2, FONT10ARIAL, FONT_RED, L"Night", FONT_BLACK, TRUE, CENTER_JUSTIFIED );
					DisplayWrappedString( sScreenX, (INT16)(sScreenY-5), 50, 2, FONT10ARIAL, FONT_YELLOW, L"24Hour", FONT_BLACK, TRUE, CENTER_JUSTIFIED );
Beispiel #5
/////////////////////////////// Trait Selection ////////////////////////////////////////////
TraitSelection::Setup( UINT32 aVal )


	GetSoldier( &pSoldier, gusSelectedSoldier );

	if ( pSoldier == NULL )


	CHAR16 pStr[300];

	// create entries for the sub-menus for each trait
	const UINT8 num = 2;
	UINT8 traitarray[num];
	traitarray[0] = RADIO_OPERATOR_NT;
	traitarray[1] = VARIOUSSKILLS;
	for ( int i = 0; i < num; ++i)
		swprintf( pStr, gzMercSkillTextNew[traitarray[i]] );

		pOption = new POPUP_OPTION(&std::wstring( pStr ), new popupCallbackFunction<void,UINT32>( &Wrapper_Setup_SkillSelection, traitarray[i] ) );

		// if we cannot perform this skill, grey it out
		if ( !HAS_SKILL_TRAIT(pSoldier, traitarray[i]) )
			// Set this option off.
			pOption->setAvail(new popupCallbackFunction<bool,void*>( &Popup_OptionOff, NULL ));

		GetPopup()->addOption( *pOption );

	// cancel option
	swprintf( pStr, pSkillMenuStrings[SKILLMENU_CANCEL] );
	pOption = new POPUP_OPTION(&std::wstring( pStr ), new popupCallbackFunction<void,UINT32>( &Wrapper_Cancel_TraitSelection, 0 ) );
	GetPopup()->addOption( *pOption );
	// grab soldier's x,y screen position
	INT16 sX, sY;
	// sevenfm: changed TraitsMenu position from soldier to mouse
	//GetSoldierScreenPos( pSoldier, &sX, &sY );
	GetGridNoScreenPos( sTraitsMenuTargetGridNo, gsInterfaceLevel, &sX, &sY );
	if( sX < 0 ) sX = 0;
	if( sY < 0 ) sY = 0;

	usTraitMenuPosX = sX + 30;		
	usTraitMenuPosY = sY;

	if ( ( usTraitMenuPosX + 400 ) > SCREEN_WIDTH )
		usTraitMenuPosX = SCREEN_WIDTH - 400;

	if ( ( usTraitMenuPosY + 130 ) > SCREEN_HEIGHT )
		usTraitMenuPosY = SCREEN_HEIGHT - 190;

	SetPos(usTraitMenuPosX, usTraitMenuPosY);
void RenderMapEntryPointsAndLights()
	INT32 sGridNo;
	INT16 sScreenX, sScreenY;
	INT32 i;
	if( gfSummaryWindowActive )
	SetFont( FONT10ARIAL );
	SetFontForeground( FONT_YELLOW );
	SetFontShadow( FONT_NEARBLACK );
	sGridNo = gMapInformation.sNorthGridNo;
	if( sGridNo != -1 )
		GetGridNoScreenPos( sGridNo, 0, &sScreenX, &sScreenY );
		if( sScreenY >= (- 20) && sScreenY < (2 * iScreenHeightOffset + 340) && sScreenX >= (- 40)	&& sScreenX < SCREEN_WIDTH )
			DisplayWrappedString( sScreenX, (INT16)(sScreenY-5), 40, 2, FONT10ARIAL, FONT_YELLOW, iRenderMapEntryPointsAndLightsText[0], FONT_BLACK, TRUE, CENTER_JUSTIFIED );
	sGridNo = gMapInformation.sWestGridNo;
	if( sGridNo != -1 )
		GetGridNoScreenPos( sGridNo, 0, &sScreenX, &sScreenY );
		if( sScreenY >= (- 20) && sScreenY < (2 * iScreenHeightOffset + 340) && sScreenX >= (- 40)	&& sScreenX < SCREEN_WIDTH )
			DisplayWrappedString( sScreenX, (INT16)(sScreenY-5), 40, 2, FONT10ARIAL, FONT_YELLOW, iRenderMapEntryPointsAndLightsText[1], FONT_BLACK, TRUE, CENTER_JUSTIFIED );
	sGridNo = gMapInformation.sEastGridNo;
	if( sGridNo != -1 )
		GetGridNoScreenPos( sGridNo, 0, &sScreenX, &sScreenY );
		if( sScreenY >= (- 20) && sScreenY < (2 * iScreenHeightOffset + 340) && sScreenX >= (- 40)	&& sScreenX < SCREEN_WIDTH )
			DisplayWrappedString( sScreenX, (INT16)(sScreenY-5), 40, 2, FONT10ARIAL, FONT_YELLOW, iRenderMapEntryPointsAndLightsText[2], FONT_BLACK, TRUE, CENTER_JUSTIFIED );
	sGridNo = gMapInformation.sSouthGridNo;
	if( sGridNo != -1 )
		GetGridNoScreenPos( sGridNo, 0, &sScreenX, &sScreenY );
		if( sScreenY >= ( - 20) && sScreenY < (2 * iScreenHeightOffset + 340) && sScreenX >= (- 40)	&& sScreenX < SCREEN_WIDTH )
			DisplayWrappedString( sScreenX, (INT16)(sScreenY-5), 40, 2, FONT10ARIAL, FONT_YELLOW, iRenderMapEntryPointsAndLightsText[3], FONT_BLACK, TRUE, CENTER_JUSTIFIED );
	sGridNo = gMapInformation.sCenterGridNo;
	if( sGridNo != -1 )
		GetGridNoScreenPos( sGridNo, 0, &sScreenX, &sScreenY );
		if( sScreenY >= (- 20) && sScreenY < (2 * iScreenHeightOffset + 340) && sScreenX >= (- 40)	&& sScreenX < SCREEN_WIDTH )
			DisplayWrappedString( sScreenX, (INT16)(sScreenY-5), 40, 2, FONT10ARIAL, FONT_YELLOW, iRenderMapEntryPointsAndLightsText[4], FONT_BLACK, TRUE, CENTER_JUSTIFIED );
	sGridNo = gMapInformation.sIsolatedGridNo;
	if( sGridNo != -1 )
		GetGridNoScreenPos( sGridNo, 0, &sScreenX, &sScreenY );
		if( sScreenY >= (- 20) && sScreenY < (2 * iScreenHeightOffset + 340) && sScreenX >= (- 40)	&& sScreenX < SCREEN_WIDTH )
			DisplayWrappedString( sScreenX, (INT16)(sScreenY-5), 40, 2, FONT10ARIAL, FONT_YELLOW, iRenderMapEntryPointsAndLightsText[5], FONT_BLACK, TRUE, CENTER_JUSTIFIED );

	//Do the lights now.
	for( i = 0; i < MAX_LIGHT_SPRITES; i++ )
		if( LightSprites[ i ].uiFlags & LIGHT_SPR_ACTIVE )
			// Check for light out of bounds.	This actually happens in Drassen.
			if (LightSprites[ i ].iY < 0 || LightSprites[ i ].iY > WORLD_ROWS ||
				LightSprites[ i ].iX < 0 || LightSprites[ i ].iX > WORLD_COLS)
				LightSprites[ i ].uiFlags &= (~LIGHT_SPR_ACTIVE);

			sGridNo = LightSprites[ i ].iY * WORLD_COLS + LightSprites[ i ].iX;
			GetGridNoScreenPos( sGridNo, 0, &sScreenX, &sScreenY );
			if( sScreenY >= (- 50) && sScreenY < (2 * iScreenHeightOffset + 300) && sScreenX >= (- 40)	&& sScreenX < SCREEN_WIDTH )
				if( LightSprites[ i ].uiFlags & LIGHT_PRIMETIME )
					DisplayWrappedString( sScreenX, (INT16)(sScreenY-5), 50, 2, FONT10ARIAL, FONT_ORANGE, iRenderMapEntryPointsAndLightsText[6], FONT_BLACK, TRUE, CENTER_JUSTIFIED );
				else if( LightSprites[ i ].uiFlags & LIGHT_NIGHTTIME )
					DisplayWrappedString( sScreenX, (INT16)(sScreenY-5), 50, 2, FONT10ARIAL, FONT_RED, iRenderMapEntryPointsAndLightsText[7], FONT_BLACK, TRUE, CENTER_JUSTIFIED );
					DisplayWrappedString( sScreenX, (INT16)(sScreenY-5), 50, 2, FONT10ARIAL, FONT_YELLOW, iRenderMapEntryPointsAndLightsText[8], FONT_BLACK, TRUE, CENTER_JUSTIFIED );