// Check the luminance and return true if this colour // nearer to black than white and vice versa. bool CColour::NearBlack() { int h,s,l; GetHSL(h,s,l); return ( (l < 120) ? true : false ); }
void CColour::Lighten(int Amount /* = 1 */) { int h,s,l; GetHSL(h,s,l); l += Amount; if (l > 240) l = 240; SetHSL(h,s,l); }
void CColour::Darken(int Amount /* = 1 */) { int h,s,l; GetHSL(h,s,l); l -= Amount; if (l < 0) l = 0; SetHSL(h,s,l); }
float wxColourExt::HslLuminosity() const { GetHSL(&H0, &S0, &L0); return L0; }
float wxColourExt::HslSaturation() const { GetHSL(&H0, &S0, &L0); return S0; }
float wxColourExt::HslHue() const { GetHSL(&H0, &S0, &L0); return H0; }