Beispiel #1
double ARGBColor::GetValue()
	double hue;
	double sat;
	double val;
	GetHSV(hue, sat, val);
	return val;
Beispiel #2
double ARGBColor::GetSaturation()
	double hue;
	double sat;
	double val;
	GetHSV(hue, sat, val);
	return sat;
Beispiel #3
void ARGBColor::SetSaturation(double newSat)
	double hue;
	double sat;
	double val;
	GetHSV(hue, sat, val);
	SetHSV(hue, newSat, val);
Beispiel #4
void ARGBColor::SetValue(double newVal)
	double hue;
	double sat;
	double val;
	GetHSV(hue, sat, val);
	SetHSV(hue, sat, newVal);
Beispiel #5
void ARGBColor::SetHue(double newHue)
	double hue;
	double sat;
	double val;
	GetHSV(hue, sat, val);
	SetHSV(newHue, sat, val);
Beispiel #6
IMAGE *AdjustValue(IMAGE *image, double percent)
	// To be completed by student ...
	// This function adjusts the value (perceived luminance of all pixels in an image by a certain percent
	unsigned row = GetRows(image);
	unsigned col = GetCols(image);
	unsigned i, j;
	double hue, sat, val; 

		for (i=0; i<row; i++) {
			for (j=0; j<col; j++) { //these for loops traverses through the 2D image
				GetHSV( image, i, j, &hue, &sat, &val); //retreives the values
				PutHSV( image, i, j, hue, sat, val*(percent/100)); //changes the value by the parameter percent
	return image;
Beispiel #7
IMAGE *AdjustSaturation(IMAGE *image, double percent)
	// To be completed by student ...
	// this function adjusts the saturation of all pixels by a certain percent 
	unsigned row = GetRows(image);
	unsigned col = GetCols(image);
	unsigned i, j;
	double hue, sat, val;

		for(i=0; i<row; i++) {
			for (j=0; j<col; j++) { //these loops traverses the image
				GetHSV( image, i, j, &hue, &sat, &val); 	//retreives the values
				PutHSV( image, i, j, hue, sat*(percent/100), val);	//adjusts the sat value
	return image;
Beispiel #8
IMAGE *AdjustHue(IMAGE *image, double degrees)
	// To be completed by student ...
	//This function adjusts the hue in all pixels of an image by a certain amount of degrees
	unsigned row = GetRows(image);
	unsigned col = GetCols(image);
	unsigned i, j;
	double hue, sat, val;
	for (i=0; i<row; i++) {
		for (j=0; j<col; j++) {		//traverses the array
			GetHSV(image, i, j, &hue, &sat, &val); 	//retreives the values
			PutHSV(image, i, j, hue + degrees, sat, val);		//adjusts the hue value
	return image;
Beispiel #9
	void Color::SetSaturation(const glm::float32& sat)
		glm::f32vec4 hsv = GetHSV();
		hsv.y = sat;
Beispiel #10
	const glm::float32 Color::GetSaturation() const
		return GetHSV().y;
Beispiel #11
	void Color::SetHue(const glm::float32& hue)
		glm::f32vec4 hsv = GetHSV();
		hsv.x = hue;
Beispiel #12
	const glm::float32 Color::GetHue() const
		return GetHSV().x;
Beispiel #13
	void Color::SetValue(const glm::float32& val)
		glm::f32vec4 hsv = GetHSV();
		hsv.z = val;
Beispiel #14
	const glm::float32 Color::GetValue() const
		return GetHSV().z;
float wxColourExt::HsvHue() const
    GetHSV(&H1, &S1, &V1);
    return H1;
float wxColourExt::HsvValue() const
    GetHSV(&H1, &S1, &V1);
    return V1;
float wxColourExt::HsvSaturation() const
    GetHSV(&H1, &S1, &V1);
    return S1;