Beispiel #1
bool Hashtable::Put(const void *key, void *value)
	Entry *entry = GetHashEntry(key);
	int hash = fHashFunc(key);
	int index;

	if (entry)
		return true;

	if (fCount >= fThreshold)

	index = hash % fCapacity;

	fTable[index] = new Entry(fTable[index], key, value);

	return true;
int EnvironmentROBARM::GetRandomState()
    short unsigned int coord[NUMOFLINKS];
    double angles[NUMOFLINKS];
    short unsigned int endeffx, endeffy;
	EnvROBARMHashEntry_t* HashEntry = NULL;

    printf("picking a random state...\n");

       //iterate over links
        for(int i = 0; i < NUMOFLINKS; i++)
                //give it a shot
                coord[i] = (short unsigned int)(EnvROBARMCfg.anglevals[i]*(((double)rand())/(RAND_MAX+1)));

        //iterate over links
        double endx[NUMOFLINKS];
        double endy[NUMOFLINKS];
        double x0, y0, x1, y1;

        for(int i = 0; i < NUMOFLINKS; i++)
            int j = 0;
            //set the start of the link
            if(i == 0)
    	        Cell2ContXY(EnvROBARMCfg.BaseX_c, EnvROBARMCfg.EnvHeight_c-1,&x0,&y0);
                x0 = endx[i-1];
                y0 = endy[i-1];

            //try to set the angle
            int numoftrials = 100;
            for(j = 0; j < numoftrials; j++)
                //give it a shot
                coord[i] = EnvROBARMCfg.anglevals[i]*(((double)rand())/(RAND_MAX+1));

                //check the new link
	            ComputeContAngles(coord, angles);
		        x1 = x0 + EnvROBARMCfg.LinkLength_m[i]*cos(angles[i]);
		        y1 = y0 - EnvROBARMCfg.LinkLength_m[i]*sin(angles[i]);

		        //check the validity of the corresponding line segment
		        if(IsValidLineSegment(x0,y0,x1,y1, EnvROBARMCfg.Grid2D, NULL))

            //see if we found it
            if(j == numoftrials)
                //failed, reset
                printf("have to reset\n");
                endx[i] = x1;
                endy[i] = y1;

        //if not valid then try something else
            //printf("ERROR: we could not have gotten an invalid sample\n");
            //done - found

    //compute end effector
    ComputeContAngles(coord, angles);
    ComputeEndEffectorPos(angles, &endeffx, &endeffy);
    bool bIsGoal = false;
    if(endeffx == EnvROBARMCfg.EndEffGoalX_c && endeffy == EnvROBARMCfg.EndEffGoalY_c)
        bIsGoal = true;
        //printf("goal succ is generated\n");

    if((HashEntry = GetHashEntry(coord, NUMOFLINKS, bIsGoal)) == NULL)
        //have to create a new entry
        HashEntry = CreateNewHashEntry(coord, NUMOFLINKS, endeffx, endeffy);

    return HashEntry->stateID;
void EnvironmentROBARM::GetRandomSUCCS(CMDPSTATE* SourceState, vector<int>* SuccIDV, vector<int>* CLowV, int K)
    short unsigned int coord[NUMOFLINKS];
    short unsigned int endeffx, endeffy;
    double angles[NUMOFLINKS];

    //clear the successor array

    //the number of successors
    int numofsuccs = K;

	//goal state should be absorbing
	if(SourceState->StateID == EnvROBARM.goalHashEntry->stateID)

	//get X, Y for the state
	EnvROBARMHashEntry_t* HashEntry = EnvROBARM.StateID2CoordTable[SourceState->StateID];
	//iterate through random actions
	for (int succind = 0; succind < numofsuccs; succind++)
        //pick the coordinate that will have dist = longactiondist
        int maxcoordind = (int)(NUMOFLINKS*(((double)rand())/RAND_MAX));

        //now iterate over the coordinates
        for (int cind = 0; cind < NUMOFLINKS; cind++)

            if(cind == maxcoordind)
                //we know the magnitude and just need to set sign
                if((((double)rand())/RAND_MAX) > 0.5)
                    //positive sign
                    coord[cind] = (HashEntry->coord[cind] + ROBARM_LONGACTIONDIST_CELLS)%EnvROBARMCfg.anglevals[cind];
                    //negative sign
                    if(HashEntry->coord[cind] < ROBARM_LONGACTIONDIST_CELLS)
                        coord[cind] = HashEntry->coord[cind] + EnvROBARMCfg.anglevals[cind] - ROBARM_LONGACTIONDIST_CELLS;
                        coord[cind] = HashEntry->coord[cind] - ROBARM_LONGACTIONDIST_CELLS;
                    //if(coord[cind] < 0)
                    //    printf("ERROR: ROBARM_LONGACTIONDIST_CELLS is too large for dim %d\n", cind);
                    //    exit(1);
                //any value within ROBARM_LONGACTIONDIST_CELLS from the center
                int offset = (int)(ROBARM_LONGACTIONDIST_CELLS*(((double)rand())/RAND_MAX));
                if((((double)rand())/RAND_MAX) > 0.5)
                    offset = -offset;

                //we know the magnitude and just need to set sign
                if(offset >= 0)
                    //positive sign
                    coord[cind] = (HashEntry->coord[cind] + offset)%EnvROBARMCfg.anglevals[cind];
                    //negative sign
                    coord[cind] = (HashEntry->coord[cind] + offset);
                    if(HashEntry->coord[cind] < -offset)
                        coord[cind] = HashEntry->coord[cind] + EnvROBARMCfg.anglevals[cind] + offset;
                    //if(coord[cind] < 0)
                    //    printf("ERROR: ROBARM_LONGACTIONDIST_CELLS is too large for dim %d\n", cind);
                    //    exit(1);
            }//else random offset
        }//over coordinates

        //skip the invalid sample

		//clock_t currenttime = clock();

        //compute end effector
        ComputeContAngles(coord, angles);
        ComputeEndEffectorPos(angles, &endeffx, &endeffy);

        //skip the ones whose end-effector is outside
        if(abs(HashEntry->endeffx - endeffx) > ROBARM_LONGACTIONDIST_CELLS || abs(HashEntry->endeffy - endeffy) > ROBARM_LONGACTIONDIST_CELLS)

        bool bIsGoal = false;
        if(endeffx == EnvROBARMCfg.EndEffGoalX_c && endeffy == EnvROBARMCfg.EndEffGoalY_c)
            bIsGoal = true;
            //printf("goal succ is generated\n");

        EnvROBARMHashEntry_t* OutHashEntry = NULL;
        if((OutHashEntry = GetHashEntry(coord, NUMOFLINKS, bIsGoal)) == NULL)
            //have to create a new entry
            OutHashEntry = CreateNewHashEntry(coord, NUMOFLINKS, endeffx, endeffy);

        //compute clow
        int clow;
        clow = EnvironmentROBARM::GetFromToHeuristic(HashEntry->stateID, OutHashEntry->stateID);


		//time3_addallout += clock()-currenttime;

    //see if the goal belongs to the inside area and if yes then add it to SUCCS as well
    if(abs(EnvROBARMCfg.EndEffGoalX_c - HashEntry->endeffx) <= ROBARM_LONGACTIONDIST_CELLS &&  
        abs(EnvROBARMCfg.EndEffGoalY_c - HashEntry->endeffy) <= ROBARM_LONGACTIONDIST_CELLS)

    	EnvROBARMHashEntry_t* OutHashEntry = EnvROBARM.goalHashEntry;

        int clow = EnvironmentROBARM::GetFromToHeuristic(HashEntry->stateID, OutHashEntry->stateID);



void EnvironmentROBARM::GetSuccs(int SourceStateID, vector<int>* SuccIDV, vector<int>* CostV)
    int i, inc;
    short unsigned int succcoord[NUMOFLINKS];
    double angles[NUMOFLINKS];

    //clear the successor array

	//goal state should be absorbing
	if(SourceStateID == EnvROBARM.goalHashEntry->stateID)

	//get X, Y for the state
	EnvROBARMHashEntry_t* HashEntry = EnvROBARM.StateID2CoordTable[SourceStateID];

    //default coords of successor
    for(i = 0; i < NUMOFLINKS; i++)
        succcoord[i] = HashEntry->coord[i];	
    //iterate through successors of s
    for (i = 0; i < NUMOFLINKS; i++)
        //increase and decrease in ith angle
        for(inc = -1; inc < 2; inc = inc+2)
	        if(inc == -1)
		        if(HashEntry->coord[i] == 0)
			        succcoord[i] = EnvROBARMCfg.anglevals[i]-1;
			        succcoord[i] = HashEntry->coord[i] + inc;
		        succcoord[i] = (HashEntry->coord[i] + inc)%

            //skip invalid successors

            //get the successor
    	    EnvROBARMHashEntry_t* OutHashEntry;
            bool bSuccisGoal = false;
            short unsigned int endeffx = 0, endeffy = 0;
            bool bEndEffComputed = false;
            if(abs(HashEntry->endeffx - EnvROBARMCfg.EndEffGoalX_c) < 3 || abs(HashEntry->endeffy - EnvROBARMCfg.EndEffGoalY_c) < 3) 
                //do a strict checks on the endeff coordinates of the successor
	            ComputeContAngles(succcoord, angles);
	            ComputeEndEffectorPos(angles, &endeffx, &endeffy);
                if(endeffx == EnvROBARMCfg.EndEffGoalX_c && endeffy == EnvROBARMCfg.EndEffGoalY_c)
                    bSuccisGoal = true;
                    //printf("goal succ is generated\n");
                bEndEffComputed = true;

		    if((OutHashEntry = GetHashEntry(succcoord, NUMOFLINKS, bSuccisGoal)) == NULL)
                if(bEndEffComputed == false)
	                ComputeContAngles(succcoord, angles);
	                ComputeEndEffectorPos(angles, &endeffx, &endeffy);

			    //have to create a new entry
			    OutHashEntry = CreateNewHashEntry(succcoord, NUMOFLINKS, endeffx, endeffy);

        //restore it back
        succcoord[i] = HashEntry->coord[i];
static int CheckIfAllFilesKnown(TMPQArchive * ha, const char * szListFile, DWORD * pFileSeeds)
    TMPQHash * pHashTableCopy = NULL;   // Copy of the hash table
    TMPQHash * pHash;
    TMPQHash * pHashEnd = NULL;         // End of the hash table
    DWORD dwFileCount = 0;
    int nError = ERROR_SUCCESS;

    // First of all, create a copy of hash table
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        if((pHashTableCopy = CopyHashTable(ha)) == NULL)
            nError = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY;
        pHashEnd = pHashTableCopy + ha->pHeader->dwHashTableSize;

        // Notify the user
        if(CompactCB != NULL)
            CompactCB(lpUserData, CCB_CHECKING_FILES, 0, ha->pHeader->dwBlockTableSize);

    // Now check all the files from the filelist
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        SFILE_FIND_DATA wf;
        HANDLE hFind = SFileFindFirstFile((HANDLE)ha, "*", &wf, szListFile);
        BOOL bResult = TRUE;

        // Do while some files have been found
        while(hFind != NULL && bResult)
            TMPQHash * pHash = GetHashEntry(ha, wf.cFileName);

            // If the hash table entry has been found, find it's position
            // in the hash table copy
            if(pHash != NULL)
                pHash = pHashTableCopy + (pHash - ha->pHashTable);
                if(pHash->dwName1 != (DWORD)-1 && pHash->dwName2 != (DWORD)-1)
                    TMPQBlock * pBlock = ha->pBlockTable + pHash->dwBlockIndex;
                    DWORD dwSeed = 0;

                    // Resolve the file seed. Use plain file name for it
                    if(pBlock->dwFlags & MPQ_FILE_ENCRYPTED)
                        char * szFileName = strrchr(wf.cFileName, '\\');

                        if(szFileName == NULL)
                            szFileName = wf.cFileName;

                        dwSeed = DecryptFileSeed(szFileName);
                        if(pBlock->dwFlags & MPQ_FILE_FIXSEED)
                            dwSeed = (dwSeed + pBlock->dwFilePos) ^ pBlock->dwFSize;
                    pFileSeeds[pHash->dwBlockIndex] = dwSeed;

                    pHash->dwName1      = 0xFFFFFFFF;
                    pHash->dwName2      = 0xFFFFFFFF;
                    pHash->lcLocale     = 0xFFFF;
                    pHash->wPlatform    = 0xFFFF;
                    pHash->dwBlockIndex = 0xFFFFFFFF;
            // Notify the user
            if(CompactCB != NULL)
                CompactCB(lpUserData, CCB_CHECKING_FILES, ++dwFileCount, ha->pHeader->dwBlockTableSize);

            // Find the next file in the archive
            bResult = SFileFindNextFile(hFind, &wf);

        if(hFind != NULL)

    // When the filelist checking is complete, parse the hash table copy and find the
    if(nError == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        // Notify the user about checking hash table
        dwFileCount = 0;
        if(CompactCB != NULL)
            CompactCB(lpUserData, CCB_CHECKING_HASH_TABLE, dwFileCount, ha->pHeader->dwBlockTableSize);

        for(pHash = pHashTableCopy; pHash < pHashEnd; pHash++)
            // If there is an unresolved entry, try to detect its seed. If it fails,
            // we cannot complete the work
            if(pHash->dwName1 != (DWORD)-1 && pHash->dwName2 != (DWORD)-1)
                HANDLE hFile  = NULL;
                DWORD dwFlags = 0;
                DWORD dwSeed  = 0;

                if(SFileOpenFileEx((HANDLE)ha, (char *)(DWORD_PTR)pHash->dwBlockIndex, SFILE_OPEN_BY_INDEX, &hFile))
                    TMPQFile * hf = (TMPQFile *)hFile;
                    dwFlags = hf->pBlock->dwFlags;
                    dwSeed = hf->dwSeed1;

                // If the file is encrypted, we have to check 
                // If we can apply the file decryption seed
                if(dwFlags & MPQ_FILE_ENCRYPTED && dwSeed == 0)
                    nError = ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE;

                // Remember the seed
                pFileSeeds[pHash->dwBlockIndex] = dwSeed;

                // Notify the user
                if(CompactCB != NULL)
                    CompactCB(lpUserData, CCB_CHECKING_HASH_TABLE, ++dwFileCount, ha->pHeader->dwBlockTableSize);

    // Delete the copy of hash table
    if(pHashTableCopy != NULL)
    return nError;
Beispiel #6
bool Hashtable::ContainsKey(const void *key)
	return GetHashEntry(key) ? true : false;
Beispiel #7
void *Hashtable::GetValue(const void *key)
	Entry *entry = GetHashEntry(key);

	return entry ? entry->value : NULL;