// Purpose: Used to specify that the NPC has a reason not to use the a navigation node
// Input  :
// Output :
bool CAI_BaseNPC::IsUnusableNode(int iNodeID, CAI_Hint *pHint)
	if ( m_bHintGroupNavLimiting && m_strHintGroup != NULL_STRING && STRING(m_strHintGroup)[0] != 0 )
		if (!pHint || pHint->GetGroup() != GetHintGroup())
			return true;
	return false;
// Purpose: Is squad member in my way from shooting here
// Input  :
// Output :
bool CAI_BaseNPC::IsValidShootPosition ( const Vector &vecShootLocation, CAI_Hint const *pHint )
	// limit choices to hint groups
	if (GetHintGroup() != NULL_STRING)
		if (!pHint || pHint->GetGroup() != GetHintGroup())
			return false;

	if ( m_pSquad )
		return m_pSquad->IsValidShootPosition( vecShootLocation, pHint );

	return true;
// Purpose :  Is cover node valid
// Input   :
// Output  :
bool CAI_BaseNPC::IsValidCover( const Vector &vecCoverLocation, CAI_Hint const *pHint )
	// firstly, limit choices to hint groups
	string_t iszHint = GetHintGroup();
	char *pszHint = (char *)STRING(iszHint);
	if ((iszHint != NULL_STRING) && (pszHint[0] != '\0'))
		if (!pHint || pHint->GetGroup() != GetHintGroup())
			return false;

	// If I'm in a squad don't pick cover node it other squad member
	// is already nearby
	if (m_pSquad)
		return m_pSquad->IsValidCover( vecCoverLocation, pHint );
	// UNDONE: Do we really need this test?
	// ----------------------------------------------------------------
	// Make sure my hull can fit at this node before accepting it. 
	// Could be another NPC there or it could be blocked
	// ----------------------------------------------------------------
	// FIXME: shouldn't this see that if I crouch behind it it'll be safe?
	Vector startPos = vecCoverLocation;
	startPos.z -= GetHullMins().z;  // Move hull bottom up to node
	Vector endPos	= startPos;
	endPos.z += 0.01;
	trace_t tr;
	AI_TraceEntity( this, vecCoverLocation, endPos, MASK_NPCSOLID, &tr );
	if (tr.startsolid)
		return false;

	return true;