Beispiel #1
BitMap Storage::BuildBitmap(UINT maxLength) const
	LIVE_ASSERT(maxLength > 0);
	if (IsEmpty())
		return BitMap();
	UINT minIndex = GetMinIndex();
	UINT maxIndex = GetMaxIndex();
	if ((minIndex == 0) && (maxIndex == 0))
		return BitMap();
	LIVE_ASSERT(minIndex > 0);
	LIVE_ASSERT(minIndex <= maxIndex);
	UINT length = maxIndex - minIndex + 1;
	LIMIT_MAX(length, maxLength);
	maxIndex = minIndex + length - 1;
	const PieceInfoCollection& pieceColl = m_dataPieces;
	PieceInfoCollection::const_iterator BeginItr = pieceColl.find(minIndex);
	PieceInfoCollection::const_iterator EndItr   = pieceColl.upper_bound(maxIndex);

	BitMap bitmap(minIndex, length);
	for (PieceInfoCollection::const_iterator itr = BeginItr; itr != EndItr; itr++ )
	return bitmap;
TC_Error_Code TCDS_Ascii_Harmonic::LoadData(const wxString &data_file_path)
    if(m_IndexFile) IndexFileIO( IFF_CLOSE, 0 );

    m_indexfile_name = data_file_path;

    TC_Error_Code error_return = init_index_file();
    if(error_return != TC_NO_ERROR)
        return error_return;

    wxFileName f(data_file_path);
    m_harmfile_name = f.GetPath( wxPATH_GET_SEPARATOR | wxPATH_GET_VOLUME );
    m_harmfile_name += f.GetName();
    error_return = LoadHarmonicConstants(m_harmfile_name);

    //  Mark the index entries individually with invariant harmonic constants
    unsigned int max_index = GetMaxIndex();
    for(unsigned int i=0 ; i < max_index ; i++) {
        IDX_entry *pIDX = GetIndexEntry( i );
        if(pIDX) {
            pIDX->num_nodes = num_nodes;
            pIDX->num_csts = num_csts;
            pIDX->num_epochs = num_epochs;
            pIDX->m_cst_speeds = m_cst_speeds;
            pIDX->m_cst_nodes = m_cst_nodes;
            pIDX->m_cst_epochs = m_cst_epochs;
            pIDX->first_year = m_first_year;
            pIDX->m_work_buffer = m_work_buffer;

    return error_return;
Beispiel #3
BitMap Storage::BuildBitmap() const
	if (m_dataPieces.empty())
		return BitMap();
	UINT minIndex = GetMinIndex();
	UINT maxIndex = GetMaxIndex();
	if ((minIndex == 0) && (maxIndex == 0))
		return BitMap();
	LIVE_ASSERT(minIndex > 0);
	LIVE_ASSERT(minIndex <= maxIndex);
	UINT length = maxIndex - minIndex + 1;
	const PieceInfoCollection& pieceColl = m_dataPieces;
	PieceInfoCollection::const_iterator BeginItr = pieceColl.find(minIndex);
	PieceInfoCollection::const_iterator EndItr   = pieceColl.find(maxIndex);

	BitMap bitmap(minIndex, length);
// 	for(int i = 0; i < length; i ++ )
// 	{
// 		bitmap.SetBit(minIndex + i);
// 	}
	for (PieceInfoCollection::const_iterator itr = BeginItr; itr != EndItr; itr++ )

	return bitmap;
Beispiel #4
	for(int i=0; i<(int)m_pItemDataVector->size(); i++)
		if(val < (*m_pItemDataVector)[i].threshold)
			return i;
	return GetMaxIndex();
Beispiel #5
size_t Storage::RemoveExpired(const StreamIndicator& baseIndicator, UINT minBufferTime)
	UINT64 elapsedTime = baseIndicator.GetElapsedTime();
	LIVE_ASSERT(elapsedTime <= INT_MAX);
	if (elapsedTime <= minBufferTime)
		return 0;
	elapsedTime -= minBufferTime;
	size_t deletedCount = 0;
	PieceInfoCollection::iterator iter = m_dataPieces.begin();
	while (iter != m_dataPieces.end())
		if (m_dataPieces.size() <= 1)
		MediaDataPiecePtr piece = iter->second.GetPiece();
		UINT pieceIndex = iter->first;
		// 可能删掉upperBound对应的piece
		//LIVE_ASSERT(pieceIndex < upperBound);
		// 如果upperBound以后一直没有数据,或者距离很远才遇到下一片,则可能会发生upperBound对应的片也过时的情况
		if (pieceIndex >= baseIndicator.GetPieceIndex())
			// peer端的BaseIndex不一定是最小的,需要加以检查
			LIVE_ASSERT( piece->GetTimeStamp() >= baseIndicator.GetTimeStamp() );
			UINT64 elapsedTimeStamp = piece->GetTimeStamp() - baseIndicator.GetTimeStamp();
			if (elapsedTimeStamp >= elapsedTime)
				SOURCENEW_DEBUG("推进 MinIndex="<<GetMinIndex()<<" MaxIndex="<<GetMaxIndex()<<" 推进时间戳="<<elapsedTime);
		// piece过期,删除之
		STREAMBUFFER_WARN("Storage::RemoveExpired: " << make_tuple(pieceIndex, baseIndicator.GetPieceIndex()));
	while (m_dataPieces.size() > STORAGE_PIECE_LIMIT)

	return deletedCount;
AccountOpResult Battlenet::AccountMgr::LinkWithGameAccount(std::string const& email, std::string const& gameAccountName)
    uint32 bnetAccountId = GetId(email);
    if (!bnetAccountId)
        return AccountOpResult::AOR_NAME_NOT_EXIST;

    uint32 gameAccountId = GameAccountMgr::GetId(gameAccountName);
    if (!gameAccountId)
        return AccountOpResult::AOR_NAME_NOT_EXIST;

    if (GetIdByGameAccount(gameAccountId))
        return AccountOpResult::AOR_ACCOUNT_BAD_LINK;

    PreparedStatement* stmt = LoginDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(LOGIN_UPD_BNET_GAME_ACCOUNT_LINK);
    stmt->setUInt32(0, bnetAccountId);
    stmt->setUInt8(1, GetMaxIndex(bnetAccountId) + 1);
    stmt->setUInt32(2, gameAccountId);
    return AccountOpResult::AOR_OK;
Beispiel #7
void SortEigenvalues (double *WR, double *WI, double *VR, int matDim, int eigenModesNumber, int verbosity)
    int N, i, j, index;

    double WRcopy[6], WIcopy[6], VRcopy[36];
    double **VV;
    int *MaxIndex;

    MaxIndex = malloc(sizeof(*MaxIndex)*N);
    VV = malloc(sizeof(*VV)*N);
    for (i=0; i<N; i++)
        VV[i] = malloc(sizeof(**VV)*N);

    /*--- Finding biggest components of vectors... */
    for (i=0; i<N; i++) {
        for (j=0; j<N; j++) {
    for (i=0; i<N; i++) {
        MaxIndex[i]=GetMaxIndex(VV[i], N);

    /*--- Copying arrays... */
    for (i=0; i<matDim; i++) {
        for (j=0; j<matDim; j++) {

    /*--- Copying back according to MaxIndex... */
    for (i=0; i<N; i++) {
        WR[i*2]=  WRcopy[index*2];
        WI[i*2]=  WIcopy[index*2];
        for (j=0; j<matDim; j++) {
            VR[i*2*matDim+j]=    VRcopy[index*2*matDim+j];

    if (verbosity > 0) {
        printf("Eigenvalues after sorting:\n");
        for(i=0; i<matDim; i++) {
            printf("%d: %9.6f + i* %10.6f\n",i,WR[i],WI[i]);
    if (verbosity > 1) {
        printf("Vectors after sorting:\n");
        MatrixPrintout((double*)&VR[0], &matDim, &matDim, 1);

    for (i=0; i<N; i++)
Beispiel #8
void Storage::ViewStreamBuffer() const
	VIEW_INFO("Storage::ViewStreamBuffer - LocalBitmap " << GetMinIndex() << " " << GetMaxIndex() << " " << BuildBitmap().GetResourceString() << " End");
Beispiel #9
UINT Storage::GetBufferSize() const
	if (m_dataPieces.empty())
		return 0;
	return GetMaxIndex() - GetMinIndex() + 1;
TC_Error_Code TCDS_Binary_Harmonic::LoadData(const wxString &data_file_path)
    if(!open_tide_db (data_file_path.mb_str())) return TC_TCD_FILE_CORRUPT;

    //Build the tables of constituent data

    DB_HEADER_PUBLIC hdr = get_tide_db_header ();

    source_ident = wxString( hdr.version, wxConvUTF8 );

    num_csts = hdr.constituents;
    if(0 == num_csts)
        return TC_GENERIC_ERROR;

    num_nodes = hdr.number_of_years;
    if(0 == num_nodes)
        return TC_GENERIC_ERROR;
    //  Allocate a working buffer
    m_work_buffer = (double *) malloc (num_csts * sizeof (double));

    //  Constituent speeds
    m_cst_speeds = (double *) malloc (num_csts * sizeof (double));

    for (int a=0; a<num_csts; a++) {
        m_cst_speeds[a] = get_speed (a);
        m_cst_speeds[a] *= M_PI / 648000; /* Convert to radians per second */

    //  Equilibrium tables by year
    m_first_year = hdr.start_year;
    num_epochs = hdr.number_of_years;

    m_cst_epochs = (double **) malloc (num_csts * sizeof (double *));
    for (int i=0; i<num_csts; i++)
        m_cst_epochs[i] = (double *) malloc (num_epochs * sizeof (double));

    for (int i=0; i<num_csts; i++)
        for (int year=0; year<num_epochs; year++)
            m_cst_epochs[i][year] = get_equilibrium (i, year);
            m_cst_epochs[i][year] *= M_PI / 180.0;

    //  Node factors

    m_cst_nodes = (double **) malloc (num_csts * sizeof (double *));
    for (int a=0; a<num_csts; a++)
        m_cst_nodes[a] = (double *) malloc (num_nodes * sizeof (double));

    for (int a=0; a<num_csts; a++) {
        for (int year=0; year<num_nodes; year++)
            m_cst_nodes[a][year] = get_node_factor (a, year);

    // now load and create the index

    TIDE_RECORD *ptiderec = (TIDE_RECORD *)calloc(sizeof(TIDE_RECORD), 1);
    for(unsigned int i=0 ; i < hdr.number_of_records ; i++) {
        read_tide_record (i, ptiderec);

        num_IDX++; // Keep counting entries for harmonic file stuff
        IDX_entry *pIDX = new IDX_entry;
        pIDX->source_data_type = SOURCE_TYPE_BINARY_HARMONIC;
        pIDX->pDataSource = NULL;

        pIDX->Valid15 = 0;

        pIDX->pref_sta_data = NULL;                     // no reference data yet
        pIDX->IDX_Useable = 1;                          // but assume data is OK
        pIDX->IDX_tzname = NULL;

        pIDX->IDX_lon = ptiderec->header.longitude;
        pIDX->IDX_lat = ptiderec->header.latitude;

        const char *tz = get_tzfile (ptiderec->header.tzfile);
        change_time_zone ((char *)tz);
            pIDX->IDX_time_zone = -tz_info->tzi.Bias;

        strncpy(pIDX->IDX_station_name, ptiderec->, MAXNAMELEN);
//        if(strstr(ptiderec->, "Beaufort") != NULL)
//            int yyp = 4;

        pIDX->IDX_flood_dir = ptiderec->max_direction;
        pIDX->IDX_ebb_dir = ptiderec->min_direction;

        if(REFERENCE_STATION == ptiderec->header.record_type) {
            //    Establish Station Type
            wxString caplin(pIDX->IDX_station_name, wxConvUTF8);
                pIDX->IDX_type = 'C';
                pIDX->IDX_type = 'T';

            int t1 = ptiderec->zone_offset;
            double zone_offset = (double)(t1 / 100) + ((double)(t1 % 100))/60.;
//            pIDX->IDX_time_zone = t1a;

            pIDX->IDX_ht_time_off = pIDX->IDX_lt_time_off = 0;
            pIDX->IDX_ht_mpy      = pIDX->IDX_lt_mpy = 1.0;
            pIDX->IDX_ht_off      = pIDX->IDX_lt_off = 0.0;
            pIDX->IDX_ref_dbIndex = ptiderec->header.reference_station;         // will be -1

            //  build a Station_Data class, and add to member array

            Station_Data *psd = new Station_Data;

            psd->amplitude = (double *)malloc(num_csts * sizeof(double));
            psd->epoch     = (double *)malloc(num_csts * sizeof(double));
            psd->station_name = (char *)malloc(ONELINER_LENGTH);

            strncpy(psd->station_name, ptiderec->, MAXNAMELEN);
            psd->station_type = pIDX->IDX_type;

            // Get meridian, which is seconds difference from UTC, not figuring DST, so that New York is always (-300 * 60)
            psd->meridian =  -(tz_info->tzi.Bias * 60);
            psd->zone_offset = zone_offset;

            // Get units
            strncpy (psd->unit, get_level_units (ptiderec->level_units), 40 - 1);
            psd->unit[40 -1] = '\0';

            psd->have_BOGUS = (findunit(psd->unit) != -1) && (known_units[findunit(psd->unit)].type == BOGUS);

            int unit_c;
            if (psd->have_BOGUS)
                unit_c = findunit("knots");
                unit_c = findunit(psd->unit);

            if(unit_c != -1) {
                strncpy (psd->units_conv, known_units[unit_c].name, sizeof(psd->units_conv)-1);
                strncpy (psd->units_abbrv, known_units[unit_c].abbrv, sizeof(psd->units_abbrv)-1);
            else {
                strncpy (psd->units_conv, psd->unit, 40 - 1);
                psd->units_conv[40 - 1] = '\0';
                strncpy (psd->units_abbrv, psd->unit, 20 - 1);
                psd->units_abbrv[20 - 1] = '\0';

            // Get constituents
            for (int a=0; a<num_csts; a++)
                psd->amplitude[a] = ptiderec->amplitude[a];
                psd->epoch[a] = ptiderec->epoch[a] * M_PI / 180.;

            psd->DATUM = ptiderec->datum_offset;

            m_msd_array.Add(psd);                     // add it to the member array
            pIDX->pref_sta_data = psd;
            pIDX->IDX_ref_dbIndex = i;
            pIDX->have_offsets = 0;
        else if(SUBORDINATE_STATION == ptiderec->header.record_type) {
            //    Establish Station Type
            wxString caplin(pIDX->IDX_station_name, wxConvUTF8);
                pIDX->IDX_type = 'c';
                pIDX->IDX_type = 't';

            int t1 = ptiderec->max_time_add;
            double t1a = (double)(t1 / 100) + ((double)(t1 % 100))/60.;
            t1a *= 60;                  // Minutes
            pIDX->IDX_ht_time_off = t1a;
            pIDX->IDX_ht_mpy = ptiderec->max_level_multiply;
            if(0. == pIDX->IDX_ht_mpy) pIDX->IDX_ht_mpy = 1.0;
            pIDX->IDX_ht_off = ptiderec->max_level_add;

            t1 = ptiderec->min_time_add;
            t1a = (double)(t1 / 100) + ((double)(t1 % 100))/60.;
            t1a *= 60;                  // Minutes
            pIDX->IDX_lt_time_off = t1a;
            pIDX->IDX_lt_mpy = ptiderec->min_level_multiply;
            if(0. == pIDX->IDX_lt_mpy) pIDX->IDX_lt_mpy = 1.0;
            pIDX->IDX_lt_off = ptiderec->min_level_add;

            pIDX->IDX_ref_dbIndex = ptiderec->header.reference_station;
//           strncpy(pIDX->IDX_reference_name, ptiderec->, MAXNAMELEN);

            if( pIDX->IDX_ht_time_off ||
                    pIDX->IDX_ht_off != 0.0 ||
                    pIDX->IDX_lt_off != 0.0 ||
                    pIDX->IDX_ht_mpy != 1.0 ||
                    pIDX->IDX_lt_mpy != 1.0)
                pIDX->have_offsets = 1;


    //  Mark the index entries individually with invariant harmonic constants
    unsigned int max_index = GetMaxIndex();
    for(unsigned int i=0 ; i < max_index ; i++) {
        IDX_entry *pIDX = GetIndexEntry( i );
        if(pIDX) {
            pIDX->num_nodes = num_nodes;
            pIDX->num_csts = num_csts;
            pIDX->num_epochs = num_epochs;
            pIDX->m_cst_speeds = m_cst_speeds;
            pIDX->m_cst_nodes = m_cst_nodes;
            pIDX->m_cst_epochs = m_cst_epochs;
            pIDX->first_year = m_first_year;
            pIDX->m_work_buffer = m_work_buffer;
    free( ptiderec );

    return TC_NO_ERROR;