Beispiel #1
void Directx::TRenderTarget::Bind(TContext& ContextDx)
	auto& Context = ContextDx.LockGetContext();

	//	save rendertargets to restore
	Context.OMGetRenderTargets( 1, &mRestoreRenderTarget.mObject, &mRestoreStencilTarget.mObject );

	//	set new render target
	Context.OMSetRenderTargets( 1, &mRenderTargetView.mObject, nullptr );
	//	set viewport
	D3D11_VIEWPORT Viewport;
	ZeroMemory(&Viewport, sizeof(D3D11_VIEWPORT));

	Viewport.TopLeftX = 0;
	Viewport.TopLeftY = 0;
	Viewport.Width = GetMeta().GetWidth();
	Viewport.Height = GetMeta().GetHeight();

	Context.RSSetViewports( 1, &Viewport );
Beispiel #2
bool CWizDatabase::getUserGroupInfo(CWizGroupDataArray& arrayGroup)
    CString strTotal;
    bool bExist;

    if (!GetMeta(g_strGroupSection, "Count", strTotal, "", &bExist)) {
        return false;

    if (!bExist) {
        return false;

    int nTotal = strTotal.toInt();
    for (int i = 0; i < nTotal; i++) {
        QString strGroupGUID = GetMetaDef(g_strGroupSection, QString::number(i));
        QString strGroupName = GetMetaDef(g_strGroupSection, strGroupGUID);

        WIZGROUPDATA group;
        group.strGroupGUID = strGroupGUID;
        group.strGroupName = strGroupName;

    return true;
Beispiel #3
    std::wstring GetName() const {
        u16 meta = GetMeta();

        std::wstring names[] = { L"Sand", L"Red Sand" };

        return names[meta];
Beispiel #4
    std::wstring GetName() const {
        u16 meta = GetMeta();

        std::wstring names[] = { L"Dirt", L"Coarse Dirt", L"Podzol" };

        return names[meta];
Beispiel #5
    int Ardb::IncrbyFloat(const DBID& db, const Slice& key, double increment, double& value)
        CommonMetaValue* meta = GetMeta(db, key, false);
        StringMetaValue* smeta = NULL;

        if (NULL != meta)
            if (meta->header.type != STRING_META)
                return ERR_INVALID_TYPE;
            smeta = (StringMetaValue*) meta;
            if (smeta->value.type == BYTES_VALUE)
                return ERR_INVALID_TYPE;
            value = smeta->value.double_value;
            StringMetaValue nsmeta;
            KeyObject k(key, KEY_META, db);
            SetMeta(k, nsmeta);
            value = increment;
        return 0;
bool CWizDatabase::getBizGroupInfo(QMap<QString, QString>& bizInfo)
    CString strTotal;
    bool bExist;

    if(!GetMeta(g_strBizGroupSection, "Count", strTotal, "", &bExist)) {
        return false;

    if (!bExist) {
        return true;


    int nTotal = strTotal.toInt();
    for (int i = 0; i < nTotal; i++) {
        QString strBizGUID = GetMetaDef(g_strBizGroupSection, QString::number(i));
        QString strBizName = GetMetaDef(g_strBizGroupSection, strBizGUID);

        bizInfo[strBizGUID] = strBizName;

    return true;
bool CWizDatabase::getUserGroupInfo(CWizGroupDataArray& arrayGroup)
    CString strTotal;
    bool bExist;

    if (!GetMeta(g_strGroupSection, "Count", strTotal, "", &bExist)) {
        return false;

    // it's ok, user has no group data
    if (!bExist) {
        return true;

    int nTotal = strTotal.toInt();
    for (int i = 0; i < nTotal; i++) {
        WIZGROUPDATA group;

        group.strGroupGUID = GetMetaDef(g_strGroupSection, QString::number(i));
        group.strGroupName = GetMetaDef(g_strGroupSection, group.strGroupGUID);

        group.bizGUID = GetMetaDef(g_strBizGroupSection, group.strGroupGUID);

        if (!group.bizGUID.isEmpty())
            group.bizName = GetMetaDef(g_strBizGroupSection, group.bizGUID);


    return true;
Beispiel #8
    std::wstring GetName() const {
        u16 meta = GetMeta();

        std::wstring names[] = { L"Oak Wood Planks", L"Spruce Wood Planks", 
                                 L"Birch Wood Planks", L"Jungle Wood Planks", 
                                 L"Acacia Wood Planks", L"Dark Oak Wood Planks" };

        return names[meta];
Beispiel #9
    std::wstring GetName() const {
        u16 meta = GetMeta();

        std::wstring names[] = { L"Stone", 
                                 L"Granite", L"Polished Granite", 
                                 L"Diorite", L"Polished Diorite", 
                                 L"Andesite", L"Polished Andesite" };

        return names[meta];
Beispiel #10
    std::wstring GetName() const {
        u16 meta = GetMeta();
        meta &= 7;

        std::wstring names[] = { L"Oak Sapling", L"Spruce Sapling", 
                                 L"Birch Sapling", L"Jungle Sapling",
                                 L"Acacia Sapling", L"Dark Oak Sapling",

        return names[meta];
Beispiel #11
bool CWizDatabase::GetPassword(CString& strPassword)
    bool bExists = false;
    if (!GetMeta(g_strAccountSection, "Password", strPassword, "", &bExists)) {
        TOLOG("Failed to get password while GetPassword");
        return false;

    if (strPassword.IsEmpty())
        return true;

    strPassword = WizDecryptPassword(strPassword);

    return true;
Beispiel #12
bool CFfmpegDec::SetMetaData(FILE *_in, CAudioMetaData* m, bool save_cover)
	if (!meta_data_valid)
		if (!Init(_in, (const CFile::FileType) m->type))
			return false;

		int ret = avformat_find_stream_info(avc, NULL);
		if (ret < 0) {
			printf("avformat_find_stream_info error %d\n", ret);
			return false;
		if (!is_stream) {
			for(unsigned int i = 0; i < avc->nb_streams; i++) {
				if (avc->streams[i]->codec->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO)

		//fseek((FILE *) in, 0, SEEK_SET);
		av_dump_format(avc, 0, "", 0);

		codec = NULL;
		best_stream = av_find_best_stream(avc, AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO, -1, -1, &codec, 0);

		if (best_stream < 0) {
			return false;

		if (!codec)
			codec = avcodec_find_decoder(avc->streams[best_stream]->codec->codec_id);
		samplerate = avc->streams[best_stream]->codec->sample_rate;
		mChannels = av_get_channel_layout_nb_channels(avc->streams[best_stream]->codec->channel_layout);

		std::stringstream ss;

		if (codec && codec->long_name != NULL)
			type_info = codec->long_name;
		else if(codec && codec->name != NULL)
			type_info = codec->name;
			type_info = "unknown";
		ss << " / " << mChannels << " channel" << ( mChannels > 1 ? "s" : "");
		type_info += ss.str();

		bitrate = 0;
		total_time = 0;

		if (avc->duration != int64_t(AV_NOPTS_VALUE))
			total_time = avc->duration / int64_t(AV_TIME_BASE);
		printf("CFfmpegDec: format %s (%s) duration %ld\n", avc->iformat->name, type_info.c_str(), total_time);

		for(unsigned int i = 0; i < avc->nb_streams; i++) {
			if (avc->streams[i]->codec->bit_rate > 0)
				bitrate += avc->streams[i]->codec->bit_rate;
			if (save_cover && (avc->streams[i]->disposition & AV_DISPOSITION_ATTACHED_PIC)) {
				mkdir(COVERDIR, 0755);
				std::string cover(COVERDIR);
				cover += "/" + to_string(cover_count++) + ".jpg";
				FILE *f = fopen(cover.c_str(), "wb");
				if (f) {
					AVPacket *pkt = &avc->streams[i]->attached_pic;
					fwrite(pkt->data, pkt->size, 1, f);
					m->cover = cover;
					m->cover_temporary = true;
		if(!total_time && m->filesize && bitrate)
			total_time = 8 * m->filesize / bitrate;

		meta_data_valid = true;
		m->changed = true;
	if (!is_stream) {
		m->title = title;
		m->artist = artist;
		m->date = date;
		m->album = album;
		m->genre = genre;
		m->total_time = total_time;
	m->type_info = type_info;
	// make sure bitrate is set to prevent refresh metadata from gui, its a flag
	m->bitrate = bitrate ? bitrate : 1; 
	m->samplerate = samplerate;

	return true;
Beispiel #13
wxString MetadataCtrl::FormatLabel(const wxString & format, MyFrame * frame,
                                   bool useLua)
    if (! frame || ! frame->GetPuzzle().IsOk())
        return wxEmptyString;
    wxString result;
    const puz::Puzzle & puz = frame->GetPuzzle();
    wxStringTokenizer tok(format, _T("%"), wxTOKEN_RET_EMPTY_ALL);
    bool ismeta = false; // Is the current token a metadata value?
    while (tok.HasMoreTokens())
        if (! ismeta)
            result << tok.GetNextToken();
            ismeta = true; // The next token is a metadata value
        else // We're in the middle of a percent-delimited string
            wxString str = tok.GetNextToken();
            if (str.empty()) // This is a literal %
                result << _T("%");
            else // This is a metadata value
                str = GetMeta(str, frame);
                if (useLua)
                    if (str.empty()) {
                        result << _T("nil");
                    else {
                        str.Replace("'", "\\'");
                        result << _T("'") << str << _T("'");
                else // plain text
                    result << str;
#else // ! XWORD_USE_LUA
                result << str;
#endif // XWORD_USE_LUA
            ismeta = false; // The next token is plain text
    if (! useLua)
        return result;
    // Process this with lua
    wxLuaState & luastate = wxGetApp().GetwxLuaState();
    lua_State * L = luastate.GetLuaState();
    // Compile a lua function taking a puzzle argument
    if (result.Find(_T("return")) == -1) // Make sure we're returning something
        result = _T("return ") + result;
    wxLuaCharBuffer code(wxString::Format(_T("return function (puzzle) %s end"), (const wxChar *)result.c_str()));
    // Compile and run the code
    if (luaL_loadbuffer(L, code.GetData(), code.Length(), "") == 0)
        if (lua_pcall(L, 0, 1, 0) == 0)
            if (lua_isfunction(L, -1)) // Make sure we got a function
                // Call this function
                luapuz_pushPuzzle(L, &frame->GetPuzzle());
                if (lua_pcall(L, 1, 1, 0) == 0)
                    // Check the result
                    if (luastate.lua_IsString(-1))
                        result = luastate.lua_TowxString(-1);
                        lua_pop(L, 1);
                        return result;
                    // Clean up the stack
                    lua_pop(L, 1);
            else // Clean up the stack
                lua_pop(L, 1);
        // Return the error
        result = luastate.lua_TowxString(-1);
        lua_pop(L, 1);
        return result;
    return wxEmptyString;
#else // ! XWORD_USE_LUA
    return result;
#endif // XWORD_USE_LUA