void SendCoinsDialog::updateSmartFeeLabel()
    if(!model || !model->getOptionsModel())
    CCoinControl coin_control;
    coin_control.m_feerate.reset(); // Explicitly use only fee estimation rate for smart fee labels
    FeeCalculation feeCalc;
    CFeeRate feeRate = CFeeRate(GetMinimumFee(1000, coin_control, ::mempool, ::feeEstimator, &feeCalc));

    ui->labelSmartFee->setText(BitcoinUnits::formatWithUnit(model->getOptionsModel()->getDisplayUnit(), feeRate.GetFeePerK()) + "/kB");

    if (feeCalc.reason == FeeReason::FALLBACK) {
        ui->labelSmartFee2->show(); // (Smart fee not initialized yet. This usually takes a few blocks...)
        int lightness = ui->fallbackFeeWarningLabel->palette().color(QPalette::WindowText).lightness();
        QColor warning_colour(255 - (lightness / 5), 176 - (lightness / 3), 48 - (lightness / 14));
        ui->fallbackFeeWarningLabel->setStyleSheet("QLabel { color: " + warning_colour.name() + "; }");
        ui->labelFeeEstimation->setText(tr("Estimated to begin confirmation within %n block(s).", "", feeCalc.returnedTarget));

Beispiel #2
Result CreateTransaction(const CWallet* wallet, const uint256& txid, const CCoinControl& coin_control, CAmount total_fee, std::vector<std::string>& errors,
                         CAmount& old_fee, CAmount& new_fee, CMutableTransaction& mtx)
    LOCK2(cs_main, wallet->cs_wallet);
    auto it = wallet->mapWallet.find(txid);
    if (it == wallet->mapWallet.end()) {
        errors.push_back("Invalid or non-wallet transaction id");
        return Result::INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY;
    const CWalletTx& wtx = it->second;

    Result result = PreconditionChecks(wallet, wtx, errors);
    if (result != Result::OK) {
        return result;

    if (!SignalsOptInRBF(*wtx.tx)) {
        errors.push_back("Transaction is not BIP 125 replaceable");
        return Result::WALLET_ERROR;

    if (wtx.mapValue.count("replaced_by_txid")) {
        errors.push_back(strprintf("Cannot bump transaction %s which was already bumped by transaction %s", txid.ToString(), wtx.mapValue.at("replaced_by_txid")));
        return Result::WALLET_ERROR;

    // check that original tx consists entirely of our inputs
    // if not, we can't bump the fee, because the wallet has no way of knowing the value of the other inputs (thus the fee)
    if (!wallet->IsAllFromMe(*wtx.tx, ISMINE_SPENDABLE)) {
        errors.push_back("Transaction contains inputs that don't belong to this wallet");
        return Result::WALLET_ERROR;

    // figure out which output was change
    // if there was no change output or multiple change outputs, fail
    int nOutput = -1;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < wtx.tx->vout.size(); ++i) {
        if (wallet->IsChange(wtx.tx->vout[i])) {
            if (nOutput != -1) {
                errors.push_back("Transaction has multiple change outputs");
                return Result::WALLET_ERROR;
            nOutput = i;
    if (nOutput == -1) {
        errors.push_back("Transaction does not have a change output");
        return Result::WALLET_ERROR;

    // Calculate the expected size of the new transaction.
    int64_t txSize = GetVirtualTransactionSize(*(wtx.tx));
    const int64_t maxNewTxSize = CalculateMaximumSignedTxSize(*wtx.tx, wallet);
    if (maxNewTxSize < 0) {
        errors.push_back("Transaction contains inputs that cannot be signed");
        return Result::INVALID_ADDRESS_OR_KEY;

    // calculate the old fee and fee-rate
    old_fee = wtx.GetDebit(ISMINE_SPENDABLE) - wtx.tx->GetValueOut();
    CFeeRate nOldFeeRate(old_fee, txSize);
    CFeeRate nNewFeeRate;
    // The wallet uses a conservative WALLET_INCREMENTAL_RELAY_FEE value to
    // future proof against changes to network wide policy for incremental relay
    // fee that our node may not be aware of.
    CFeeRate walletIncrementalRelayFee = CFeeRate(WALLET_INCREMENTAL_RELAY_FEE);
    if (::incrementalRelayFee > walletIncrementalRelayFee) {
        walletIncrementalRelayFee = ::incrementalRelayFee;

    if (total_fee > 0) {
        CAmount minTotalFee = nOldFeeRate.GetFee(maxNewTxSize) + ::incrementalRelayFee.GetFee(maxNewTxSize);
        if (total_fee < minTotalFee) {
            errors.push_back(strprintf("Insufficient totalFee, must be at least %s (oldFee %s + incrementalFee %s)",
                                                                FormatMoney(minTotalFee), FormatMoney(nOldFeeRate.GetFee(maxNewTxSize)), FormatMoney(::incrementalRelayFee.GetFee(maxNewTxSize))));
            return Result::INVALID_PARAMETER;
        CAmount requiredFee = GetRequiredFee(maxNewTxSize);
        if (total_fee < requiredFee) {
            errors.push_back(strprintf("Insufficient totalFee (cannot be less than required fee %s)",
            return Result::INVALID_PARAMETER;
        new_fee = total_fee;
        nNewFeeRate = CFeeRate(total_fee, maxNewTxSize);
    } else {
        new_fee = GetMinimumFee(maxNewTxSize, coin_control, mempool, ::feeEstimator, nullptr /* FeeCalculation */);
        nNewFeeRate = CFeeRate(new_fee, maxNewTxSize);

        // New fee rate must be at least old rate + minimum incremental relay rate
        // walletIncrementalRelayFee.GetFeePerK() should be exact, because it's initialized
        // in that unit (fee per kb).
        // However, nOldFeeRate is a calculated value from the tx fee/size, so
        // add 1 satoshi to the result, because it may have been rounded down.
        if (nNewFeeRate.GetFeePerK() < nOldFeeRate.GetFeePerK() + 1 + walletIncrementalRelayFee.GetFeePerK()) {
            nNewFeeRate = CFeeRate(nOldFeeRate.GetFeePerK() + 1 + walletIncrementalRelayFee.GetFeePerK());
            new_fee = nNewFeeRate.GetFee(maxNewTxSize);

    // Check that in all cases the new fee doesn't violate maxTxFee
     if (new_fee > maxTxFee) {
         errors.push_back(strprintf("Specified or calculated fee %s is too high (cannot be higher than maxTxFee %s)",
                               FormatMoney(new_fee), FormatMoney(maxTxFee)));
         return Result::WALLET_ERROR;

    // check that fee rate is higher than mempool's minimum fee
    // (no point in bumping fee if we know that the new tx won't be accepted to the mempool)
    // This may occur if the user set TotalFee or paytxfee too low, if fallbackfee is too low, or, perhaps,
    // in a rare situation where the mempool minimum fee increased significantly since the fee estimation just a
    // moment earlier. In this case, we report an error to the user, who may use total_fee to make an adjustment.
    CFeeRate minMempoolFeeRate = mempool.GetMinFee(gArgs.GetArg("-maxmempool", DEFAULT_MAX_MEMPOOL_SIZE) * 1000000);
    if (nNewFeeRate.GetFeePerK() < minMempoolFeeRate.GetFeePerK()) {
            "New fee rate (%s) is lower than the minimum fee rate (%s) to get into the mempool -- "
            "the totalFee value should be at least %s or the settxfee value should be at least %s to add transaction",
        return Result::WALLET_ERROR;

    // Now modify the output to increase the fee.
    // If the output is not large enough to pay the fee, fail.
    CAmount nDelta = new_fee - old_fee;
    assert(nDelta > 0);
    mtx =  *wtx.tx;
    CTxOut* poutput = &(mtx.vout[nOutput]);
    if (poutput->nValue < nDelta) {
        errors.push_back("Change output is too small to bump the fee");
        return Result::WALLET_ERROR;

    // If the output would become dust, discard it (converting the dust to fee)
    poutput->nValue -= nDelta;
    if (poutput->nValue <= GetDustThreshold(*poutput, ::dustRelayFee)) {
        LogPrint(BCLog::RPC, "Bumping fee and discarding dust output\n");
        new_fee += poutput->nValue;
        mtx.vout.erase(mtx.vout.begin() + nOutput);

    // Mark new tx not replaceable, if requested.
    if (!coin_control.signalRbf) {
        for (auto& input : mtx.vin) {
            if (input.nSequence < 0xfffffffe) input.nSequence = 0xfffffffe;

    return Result::OK;
Beispiel #3
void CoinControlDialog::updateLabels(WalletModel *model, QDialog* dialog)
    if (!model)

    // nPayAmount
    CAmount nPayAmount = 0;
    bool fDust = false;
    CMutableTransaction txDummy;
    for (const CAmount &amount : CoinControlDialog::payAmounts)
        nPayAmount += amount;

        if (amount > 0)
            CTxOut txout(amount, (CScript)std::vector<unsigned char>(24, 0));
            fDust |= IsDust(txout, ::dustRelayFee);

    CAmount nAmount             = 0;
    CAmount nPayFee             = 0;
    CAmount nAfterFee           = 0;
    CAmount nChange             = 0;
    unsigned int nBytes         = 0;
    unsigned int nBytesInputs   = 0;
    unsigned int nQuantity      = 0;
    bool fWitness               = false;

    std::vector<COutPoint> vCoinControl;
    std::vector<COutput>   vOutputs;
    model->getOutputs(vCoinControl, vOutputs);

    for (const COutput& out : vOutputs) {
        // unselect already spent, very unlikely scenario, this could happen
        // when selected are spent elsewhere, like rpc or another computer
        uint256 txhash = out.tx->GetHash();
        COutPoint outpt(txhash, out.i);
        if (model->isSpent(outpt))

        // Quantity

        // Amount
        nAmount += out.tx->tx->vout[out.i].nValue;

        // Bytes
        CTxDestination address;
        int witnessversion = 0;
        std::vector<unsigned char> witnessprogram;
        if (out.tx->tx->vout[out.i].scriptPubKey.IsWitnessProgram(witnessversion, witnessprogram))
            nBytesInputs += (32 + 4 + 1 + (107 / WITNESS_SCALE_FACTOR) + 4);
            fWitness = true;
        else if(ExtractDestination(out.tx->tx->vout[out.i].scriptPubKey, address))
            CPubKey pubkey;
            CKeyID *keyid = boost::get<CKeyID>(&address);
            if (keyid && model->getPubKey(*keyid, pubkey))
                nBytesInputs += (pubkey.IsCompressed() ? 148 : 180);
                nBytesInputs += 148; // in all error cases, simply assume 148 here
        else nBytesInputs += 148;

    // calculation
    if (nQuantity > 0)
        // Bytes
        nBytes = nBytesInputs + ((CoinControlDialog::payAmounts.size() > 0 ? CoinControlDialog::payAmounts.size() + 1 : 2) * 34) + 10; // always assume +1 output for change here
        if (fWitness)
            // there is some fudging in these numbers related to the actual virtual transaction size calculation that will keep this estimate from being exact.
            // usually, the result will be an overestimate within a couple of satoshis so that the confirmation dialog ends up displaying a slightly smaller fee.
            // also, the witness stack size value is a variable sized integer. usually, the number of stack items will be well under the single byte var int limit.
            nBytes += 2; // account for the serialized marker and flag bytes
            nBytes += nQuantity; // account for the witness byte that holds the number of stack items for each input.

        // in the subtract fee from amount case, we can tell if zero change already and subtract the bytes, so that fee calculation afterwards is accurate
        if (CoinControlDialog::fSubtractFeeFromAmount)
            if (nAmount - nPayAmount == 0)
                nBytes -= 34;

        // Fee
        nPayFee = GetMinimumFee(nBytes, *coinControl, ::mempool, ::feeEstimator, nullptr /* FeeCalculation */);

        if (nPayAmount > 0)
            nChange = nAmount - nPayAmount;
            if (!CoinControlDialog::fSubtractFeeFromAmount)
                nChange -= nPayFee;

            // Never create dust outputs; if we would, just add the dust to the fee.
            if (nChange > 0 && nChange < MIN_CHANGE)
                CTxOut txout(nChange, (CScript)std::vector<unsigned char>(24, 0));
                if (IsDust(txout, ::dustRelayFee))
                    nPayFee += nChange;
                    nChange = 0;
                    if (CoinControlDialog::fSubtractFeeFromAmount)
                        nBytes -= 34; // we didn't detect lack of change above

            if (nChange == 0 && !CoinControlDialog::fSubtractFeeFromAmount)
                nBytes -= 34;

        // after fee
        nAfterFee = std::max<CAmount>(nAmount - nPayFee, 0);

    // actually update labels
    int nDisplayUnit = BitcoinUnits::BTC;
    if (model && model->getOptionsModel())
        nDisplayUnit = model->getOptionsModel()->getDisplayUnit();

    QLabel *l1 = dialog->findChild<QLabel *>("labelCoinControlQuantity");
    QLabel *l2 = dialog->findChild<QLabel *>("labelCoinControlAmount");
    QLabel *l3 = dialog->findChild<QLabel *>("labelCoinControlFee");
    QLabel *l4 = dialog->findChild<QLabel *>("labelCoinControlAfterFee");
    QLabel *l5 = dialog->findChild<QLabel *>("labelCoinControlBytes");
    QLabel *l7 = dialog->findChild<QLabel *>("labelCoinControlLowOutput");
    QLabel *l8 = dialog->findChild<QLabel *>("labelCoinControlChange");

    // enable/disable "dust" and "change"
    dialog->findChild<QLabel *>("labelCoinControlLowOutputText")->setEnabled(nPayAmount > 0);
    dialog->findChild<QLabel *>("labelCoinControlLowOutput")    ->setEnabled(nPayAmount > 0);
    dialog->findChild<QLabel *>("labelCoinControlChangeText")   ->setEnabled(nPayAmount > 0);
    dialog->findChild<QLabel *>("labelCoinControlChange")       ->setEnabled(nPayAmount > 0);

    // stats
    l1->setText(QString::number(nQuantity));                                 // Quantity
    l2->setText(BitcoinUnits::formatWithUnit(nDisplayUnit, nAmount));        // Amount
    l3->setText(BitcoinUnits::formatWithUnit(nDisplayUnit, nPayFee));        // Fee
    l4->setText(BitcoinUnits::formatWithUnit(nDisplayUnit, nAfterFee));      // After Fee
    l5->setText(((nBytes > 0) ? ASYMP_UTF8 : "") + QString::number(nBytes));        // Bytes
    l7->setText(fDust ? tr("yes") : tr("no"));                               // Dust
    l8->setText(BitcoinUnits::formatWithUnit(nDisplayUnit, nChange));        // Change
    if (nPayFee > 0)
        l3->setText(ASYMP_UTF8 + l3->text());
        l4->setText(ASYMP_UTF8 + l4->text());
        if (nChange > 0 && !CoinControlDialog::fSubtractFeeFromAmount)
            l8->setText(ASYMP_UTF8 + l8->text());

    // turn label red when dust
    l7->setStyleSheet((fDust) ? "color:red;" : "");

    // tool tips
    QString toolTipDust = tr("This label turns red if any recipient receives an amount smaller than the current dust threshold.");

    // how many satoshis the estimated fee can vary per byte we guess wrong
    double dFeeVary = (nBytes != 0) ? (double)nPayFee / nBytes : 0;

    QString toolTip4 = tr("Can vary +/- %1 satoshi(s) per input.").arg(dFeeVary);

    dialog->findChild<QLabel *>("labelCoinControlFeeText")      ->setToolTip(l3->toolTip());
    dialog->findChild<QLabel *>("labelCoinControlAfterFeeText") ->setToolTip(l4->toolTip());
    dialog->findChild<QLabel *>("labelCoinControlBytesText")    ->setToolTip(l5->toolTip());
    dialog->findChild<QLabel *>("labelCoinControlLowOutputText")->setToolTip(l7->toolTip());
    dialog->findChild<QLabel *>("labelCoinControlChangeText")   ->setToolTip(l8->toolTip());

    // Insufficient funds
    QLabel *label = dialog->findChild<QLabel *>("labelCoinControlInsuffFunds");
    if (label)
        label->setVisible(nChange < 0);