Beispiel #1
bool VampEffect::Process()
   if (!mPlugin)
      return false;

   int count = 0;

   bool multiple = false;
   unsigned prevTrackChannels = 0;

   if (GetNumWaveGroups() > 1)
      // if there is another track beyond this one and any linked one,
      // then we're processing more than one track.  That means we
      // should use the originating track name in each NEW label
      // track's name, to make clear which is which
      multiple = true;

   std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Effect::AddedAnalysisTrack>> addedTracks;

   for (auto leader : inputTracks()->Leaders<const WaveTrack>())
      auto channelGroup = TrackList::Channels(leader);
      auto left = *channelGroup.first++;

      sampleCount lstart, rstart = 0;
      sampleCount len;
      GetSamples(left, &lstart, &len);

      unsigned channels = 1;

      // channelGroup now contains all but the first channel
      const WaveTrack *right =
         channelGroup.size() ? *channelGroup.first++ : nullptr;
      if (right)
         channels = 2;
         GetSamples(right, &rstart, &len);

      // TODO: more-than-two-channels

      size_t step = mPlugin->getPreferredStepSize();
      size_t block = mPlugin->getPreferredBlockSize();

      bool initialiseRequired = true;

      if (block == 0)
         if (step != 0)
            block = step;
            block = 1024;

      if (step == 0)
         step = block;

      if (prevTrackChannels > 0)
         // Plugin has already been initialised, so if the number of
         // channels remains the same, we only need to do a reset.
         // Otherwise we need to re-construct the whole plugin,
         // because a Vamp plugin can't be re-initialised.
         if (prevTrackChannels == channels)
            initialiseRequired = false;
            //!!! todo: retain parameters previously set

      if (initialiseRequired)
         if (!mPlugin->initialise(channels, step, block))
            Effect::MessageBox(_("Sorry, Vamp Plug-in failed to initialize."));
            return false;

      const auto effectName = GetSymbol().Translation();
         ? wxString::Format( _("%s: %s"), left->GetName(), effectName )
         : effectName
      LabelTrack *ltrack = addedTracks.back()->get();

      FloatBuffers data{ channels, block };

      auto originalLen = len;
      auto ls = lstart;
      auto rs = rstart;

      while (len != 0)
         const auto request = limitSampleBufferSize( block, len );

         if (left)
            left->Get((samplePtr)data[0].get(), floatSample, ls, request);

         if (right)
            right->Get((samplePtr)data[1].get(), floatSample, rs, request);

         if (request < block)
            for (unsigned int c = 0; c < channels; ++c)
               for (decltype(block) i = request; i < block; ++i)
                  data[c][i] = 0.f;

         // Truncation in case of very long tracks!
         Vamp::RealTime timestamp = Vamp::RealTime::frame2RealTime(
            long( ls.as_long_long() ),
            (int)(mRate + 0.5)

         Vamp::Plugin::FeatureSet features = mPlugin->process(
            reinterpret_cast< float** >( data.get() ), timestamp);
         AddFeatures(ltrack, features);

         if (len > (int)step)
            len -= step;
            len = 0;

         ls += step;
         rs += step;

         if (channels > 1)
            if (TrackGroupProgress(count,
                  (ls - lstart).as_double() /
                  originalLen.as_double() ))
               return false;
            if (TrackProgress(count,
                  (ls - lstart).as_double() /
                  originalLen.as_double() ))
               return false;

      Vamp::Plugin::FeatureSet features = mPlugin->getRemainingFeatures();
      AddFeatures(ltrack, features);

      prevTrackChannels = channels;

   // All completed without cancellation, so commit the addition of tracks now
   for (auto &addedTrack : addedTracks)

   return true;
Beispiel #2
bool EffectNyquist::Process()
   bool success = true;

   if (mExternal) {

   // We must copy all the tracks, because Paste needs label tracks to ensure
   // correct sync-lock group behavior when the timeline is affected; then we just want
   // to operate on the selected wave tracks
   SelectedTrackListOfKindIterator iter(Track::Wave, mOutputTracks);
   mCurTrack[0] = (WaveTrack *) iter.First();
   mOutputTime = mT1 - mT0;
   mCount = 0;
   mProgressIn = 0;
   mProgressOut = 0;
   mProgressTot = 0;
   mScale = (GetEffectFlags() & PROCESS_EFFECT ? 0.5 : 1.0) / GetNumWaveGroups();

   mStop = false;
   mBreak = false;
   mCont = false;

   mDebugOutput = "";

   // Keep track of whether the current track is first selected in its sync-lock group
   // (we have no idea what the length of the returned audio will be, so we have
   // to handle sync-lock group behavior the "old" way).
   mFirstInGroup = true;
   Track *gtLast = NULL;

   while (mCurTrack[0]) {
      mCurNumChannels = 1;
      if (mT1 >= mT0) {
         if (mCurTrack[0]->GetLinked()) {
            mCurNumChannels = 2;

            mCurTrack[1] = (WaveTrack *)iter.Next();
            if (mCurTrack[1]->GetRate() != mCurTrack[0]->GetRate()) {
               wxMessageBox(_("Sorry, cannot apply effect on stereo tracks where the tracks don't match."), 
                            wxOK | wxCENTRE, mParent);
               success = false;
               goto finish;
            mCurStart[1] = mCurTrack[1]->TimeToLongSamples(mT0);

         // Check whether we're in the same group as the last selected track
         SyncLockedTracksIterator gIter(mOutputTracks);
         Track *gt = gIter.First(mCurTrack[0]);
         mFirstInGroup = !gtLast || (gtLast != gt);
         gtLast = gt;

         mCurStart[0] = mCurTrack[0]->TimeToLongSamples(mT0);
         sampleCount end = mCurTrack[0]->TimeToLongSamples(mT1);
         mCurLen = (sampleCount)(end - mCurStart[0]);

         mProgressIn = 0.0;
         mProgressOut = 0.0;

         // libnyquist breaks except in LC_NUMERIC=="C".
         // Note that we must set the locale to "C" even before calling
         // nyx_init() because otherwise some effects will not work!
         // MB: setlocale is not thread-safe.  Should use uselocale()
         //     if available, or fix libnyquist to be locale-independent.
         char *prevlocale = setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, NULL);
         setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C");

         nyx_set_os_callback(StaticOSCallback, (void *)this);
         nyx_capture_output(StaticOutputCallback, (void *)this);

         success = ProcessOne();

         nyx_capture_output(NULL, (void *)NULL);
         nyx_set_os_callback(NULL, (void *)NULL);

         // Reset previous locale
         setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, prevlocale);

         if (!success) {
            goto finish;
         mProgressTot += mProgressIn + mProgressOut;

      mCurTrack[0] = (WaveTrack *) iter.Next();
      mCount += mCurNumChannels;

   mT1 = mT0 + mOutputTime;


   if (mDebug && !mExternal) {
      NyquistOutputDialog dlog(mParent, -1,
                               _("Nyquist Output: "),


   //mDebug = false;

   return success;
Beispiel #3
bool VampEffect::Process()
   if (!mPlugin) return false;

   TrackListOfKindIterator iter(Track::Wave, mTracks);

   int count = 0;

   WaveTrack *left = (WaveTrack *)iter.First();

   bool multiple = false;
   int prevTrackChannels = 0;

   if (GetNumWaveGroups() > 1) {
      // if there is another track beyond this one and any linked one,
      // then we're processing more than one track.  That means we
      // should use the originating track name in each new label
      // track's name, to make clear which is which
      multiple = true;

   while (left) {

      sampleCount lstart, rstart = 0;
      sampleCount len;
      GetSamples(left, &lstart, &len);

      WaveTrack *right = NULL;
      int channels = 1;

      if (left->GetLinked()) {
         right = (WaveTrack *)iter.Next();
         channels = 2;
         GetSamples(right, &rstart, &len);

      size_t step = mPlugin->getPreferredStepSize();
      size_t block = mPlugin->getPreferredBlockSize();

      bool initialiseRequired = true;

      if (block == 0) {
         if (step != 0) block = step;
         else block = 1024;
      if (step == 0) {
         step = block;

      if (prevTrackChannels > 0) {
         // Plugin has already been initialised, so if the number of
         // channels remains the same, we only need to do a reset.
         // Otherwise we need to re-construct the whole plugin,
         // because a Vamp plugin can't be re-initialised.
         if (prevTrackChannels == channels) {
            initialiseRequired = false;
         } else {
            //!!! todo: retain parameters previously set

      if (initialiseRequired) {
         if (!mPlugin->initialise(channels, step, block)) {
            wxMessageBox(_("Sorry, Vamp Plug-in failed to initialize."));
            return false;

      LabelTrack *ltrack = mFactory->NewLabelTrack();

      if (!multiple) {
      } else {
         ltrack->SetName(wxString::Format(wxT("%s: %s"),


      float **data = new float*[channels]; // ANSWER-ME: Vigilant Sentry marks this as memory leak, var "data" not deleted.
      for (int c = 0; c < channels; ++c) data[c] = new float[block];

      sampleCount originalLen = len;
      sampleCount ls = lstart;
      sampleCount rs = rstart;

      while (len) {

         int request = block;
         if (request > len) request = len;

         if (left) left->Get((samplePtr)data[0], floatSample, ls, request);
         if (right) right->Get((samplePtr)data[1], floatSample, rs, request);

         if (request < (int)block) {
            for (int c = 0; c < channels; ++c) {
               for (int i = request; i < (int)block; ++i) {
                  data[c][i] = 0.f;

         Vamp::RealTime timestamp = Vamp::RealTime::frame2RealTime
            (ls, (int)(mRate + 0.5));

         Vamp::Plugin::FeatureSet features = mPlugin->process(data, timestamp);
         AddFeatures(ltrack, features);

         if (len > (int)step) len -= step;
         else len = 0;

         ls += step;
         rs += step;

         if (channels > 1) {
            if (TrackGroupProgress(count, (ls - lstart) / double(originalLen)))
               return false;
         } else {
            if (TrackProgress(count, (ls - lstart) / double(originalLen)))
               return false;

      Vamp::Plugin::FeatureSet features = mPlugin->getRemainingFeatures();
      AddFeatures(ltrack, features);

      prevTrackChannels = channels;

      left = (WaveTrack *)iter.Next();

   return true;