Beispiel #1
EllipseSelection::EllipseSelection (Coord x0, Coord y0, int rx, int ry,
Graphic* gs) : (gs) {
    Append(new IFillEllipse(x0, y0, rx, ry));
    Append(new Ellipse(x0, y0, rx, ry));

// EllipseSelection reads data to initialize its graphic state and
// create its filled interior and outline.

EllipseSelection::EllipseSelection (istream& from, State* state) : (nil) {
    ReadGS(from, state);
    Coord x0, y0;
    int rx, ry;
    from >> x0 >> y0 >> rx >> ry;
    Append(new IFillEllipse(x0, y0, rx, ry));
    Append(new Ellipse(x0, y0, rx, ry));

// Copy returns a copy of the EllipseSelection.

Graphic* EllipseSelection::Copy () {
    Coord x0, y0;
    int rx, ry;
    GetOriginal(x0, y0, rx, ry);
    return new EllipseSelection(x0, y0, rx, ry, this);

// GetOriginal returns the center point and the x and y radii lengths
// that were passed to the EllipseSelection's constructor.

void EllipseSelection::GetOriginal (Coord& x0, Coord& y0, int& rx, int& ry) {
    ((Ellipse*) Last())->GetOriginal(x0, y0, rx, ry);
Beispiel #2
boolean TextGraphic::RotatedIntersects (BoxObj& userb, Graphic* gs) {
    int beg, end, lineSize, nextBeg, ypos = 0;
    const char* s = GetOriginal();
    int size = strlen(s);
    PSFont* f = gs->GetFont();
    Coord x[4], tx[5];
    Coord y[4], ty[5];
    x[0] = x[1] = x[2] = x[3] = y[0] = y[1] = 0;
    y[2] = y[3] = f->Height();

    for (beg = 0; beg < size; beg = nextBeg) {
        GetLine(s, size, beg, end, lineSize, nextBeg);
        x[1] = x[2] = f->Width(&s[beg], lineSize) - 1;
	transformList(x, y, 4, tx, ty, gs);
	tx[4] = tx[0];
	ty[4] = ty[0];
	FillPolygonObj fp(tx, ty, 5);
	if (fp.Intersects(userb)) {
            return true;
        y[0] -= _lineHt;
        y[1] -= _lineHt;
        y[2] -= _lineHt;
        y[3] -= _lineHt;
    return false;
Beispiel #3
CircleSelection::CircleSelection (Coord x0, Coord y0, int r, Graphic* gs)
: (gs) {
    Append(new IFillCircle(x0, y0, r));
    Append(new Circle(x0, y0, r));

// CircleSelection reads data to initialize its graphic state and
// create its filled interior and outline.

CircleSelection::CircleSelection (istream& from, State* state) : (nil) {
    ReadGS(from, state);
    Coord x0, y0;
    int r;
    from >> x0 >> y0 >> r;
    Append(new IFillCircle(x0, y0, r));
    Append(new Circle(x0, y0, r));

// Copy returns a copy of the CircleSelection.

Graphic* CircleSelection::Copy () {
    Coord x0, y0;
    int r;
    GetOriginal(x0, y0, r);
    return new CircleSelection(x0, y0, r, this);

// GetOriginal returns the center point and radius length that were
// passed to the CircleSelection's constructor.

void CircleSelection::GetOriginal (Coord& x0, Coord& y0, int& r) {
    ((Circle*) Last())->GetOriginal(x0, y0, r, r);
Beispiel #4
Graphic* SFH_ClosedBSpline::Copy () {
    Coord* x, *y;
    const Coord* cx, * cy;
    int count = GetOriginal(cx, cy);
    x = (Coord*)cx; y = (Coord*)cy;

    return new SFH_ClosedBSpline(x, y, count, this);
Beispiel #5
void CircleSelection::WriteData (ostream& to) {
    Coord x0, y0;
    int r;
    GetOriginal(x0, y0, r);
    to << "Begin " << startdata << " Circ\n";
    to << startdata << "\n";
    to << x0 << " " << y0 << " " << r << " Circ\n";
    to << "End\n\n";
Beispiel #6
void EllipseSelection::WriteData (ostream& to) {
    Coord x0, y0;
    int rx, ry;
    GetOriginal(x0, y0, rx, ry);
    to << "Begin " << startdata << " Elli\n";
    to << startdata << "\n";
    to << x0 << " " << y0 << " " << rx << " " << ry << " Elli\n";
    to << "End\n\n";
Beispiel #7
void TextGraphic::CalcBox (Coord& l, Coord& b, Coord& r, Coord& t, PSFont* f) {
    int beg, end, lineSize, nextBeg;
    const char* s = GetOriginal();
    int size = strlen(s);

    l = r = 0;
    b = _lineHt;
    t = f->Height();
    for (beg = 0; beg < size; beg = nextBeg) {
        GetLine(s, size, beg, end, lineSize, nextBeg);
        r = max(r, f->Width(&s[beg], lineSize) - 1);
        b -= _lineHt;
Beispiel #8
bool SFH_ClosedBSpline::contains (PointObj& po, Graphic* gs) {
    const Coord *x, *y;
    int count = GetOriginal(x, y);
    Transformer* t = gs->GetTransformer();

    if (t != nil) {
        t->InvTransform(po._x, po._y);

    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
	if (x[i] == po._x && y[i] == po._y) {
            return true;
    return SF_ClosedBSpline::contains(po, gs);
Beispiel #9
boolean TextGraphic::UntransformedIntersects (BoxObj& userb, Graphic* gs) {
    int beg, end, lineSize, nextBeg, ypos = 0;
    const char* s = GetOriginal();
    int size = strlen(s);
    PSFont* f = gs->GetFont();
    BoxObj box(0, 0, 0, f->Height());

    for (beg = 0; beg < size; beg = nextBeg) {
        GetLine(s, size, beg, end, lineSize, nextBeg);
        box._right = f->Width(&s[beg], lineSize) - 1;
        if (box.Intersects(userb)) {
            return true;
        box._top -= _lineHt;
        box._bottom -= _lineHt;
    return false;
Beispiel #10
bool SFH_ClosedBSpline::intersects (BoxObj& userb, Graphic* gs) {
    PointObj po;
    const Coord *x, *y;
    int count = GetOriginal(x, y);
    Transformer* t = gs->GetTransformer();

    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
	po._x = x[i];
	po._y = y[i];

        if (t != nil) {
            t->Transform(po._x, po._y);
	if (userb.Contains(po)) {
            return true;
    return SF_ClosedBSpline::intersects(userb, gs);
Beispiel #11
ClosedBSplineSelection::ClosedBSplineSelection (Coord* x, Coord* y, int n,
Graphic* gs) : (gs) {
    myname = "CBSpl";
    Append(new IFillClosedBSpline(x, y, n));
    Append(new ClosedBSpline(x, y, n));

// ClosedBSplineSelection reads data to initialize its graphic state
// and create the closed B-spline's filled interior and outline.

ClosedBSplineSelection::ClosedBSplineSelection (istream& from, State* state)
: (nil) {
    myname = "CBSpl";
    ReadGS(from, state);
    Coord* x;
    Coord* y;
    int n;
    ReadPoints(from, x, y, n);
    Append(new IFillClosedBSpline(x, y, n));
    Append(new ClosedBSpline(x, y, n));

// Copy returns a copy of the ClosedBSplineSelection.

Graphic* ClosedBSplineSelection::Copy () {
    Coord* x;
    Coord* y;
    int n;
    GetOriginal(x, y, n);
    Graphic* copy = new ClosedBSplineSelection(x, y, n, this);
    delete x;
    delete y;
    return copy;

// GetOriginal returns the control points that were passed to the
// ClosedBSplineSelection's constructor.

void ClosedBSplineSelection::GetOriginal (Coord*& x, Coord*& y, int& n) {
    ((ClosedBSpline*) Last())->GetOriginal(x, y, n);
Beispiel #12
boolean TextGraphic::contains (PointObj& po, Graphic* gs) {
    PointObj pt (&po);
    PSFont* f = gs->GetFont();
    BoxObj box(0, 0, 0, f->Height());
    int beg, end, lineSize, nextBeg, ypos = 0;
    const char* s = GetOriginal();
    int size = strlen(s);

    invTransform(pt._x, pt._y, gs);
    for (beg = 0; beg < size; beg = nextBeg) {
        GetLine(s, size, beg, end, lineSize, nextBeg);
        box._right = f->Width(&s[beg], lineSize) - 1;
        if (box.Contains(pt)) {
            return true;
        box._top -= _lineHt;
        box._bottom -= _lineHt;
    return false;
Beispiel #13
PolygonSelection::PolygonSelection (Coord* x, Coord* y, int n, Graphic* gs)
: (gs) {
    myname = "Poly";
    Append(new IFillPolygon(x, y, n));
    Append(new Polygon(x, y, n));

// PolygonSelection reads data to initialize its graphic state and
// create its filled interior and outline.

PolygonSelection::PolygonSelection (istream& from, State* state) : (nil) {
    myname = "Poly";
    ReadGS(from, state);
    Coord* x;
    Coord* y;
    int n;
    ReadPoints(from, x, y, n);
    Append(new IFillPolygon(x, y, n));
    Append(new Polygon(x, y, n));

// Copy returns a copy of the PolygonSelection.

Graphic* PolygonSelection::Copy () {
    Coord* x;
    Coord* y;
    int n;
    GetOriginal(x, y, n);
    Graphic* copy = new PolygonSelection(x, y, n, this);
    delete x;
    delete y;
    return copy;

// GetOriginal returns the vertices that were passed to the
// PolygonSelection's constructor.

void PolygonSelection::GetOriginal (Coord*& x, Coord*& y, int& n) {
    ((Polygon*) Last())->GetOriginal(x, y, n);
Beispiel #14
BSplineSelection::BSplineSelection (Coord* x, Coord* y, int n, Graphic* gs)
: (gs) {
    Init(x, y, n);

// BSplineSelection reads data to initialize its graphic state and
// create its components.

BSplineSelection::BSplineSelection (istream& from, State* state) : (nil) {
    bspline = nil;
    ReadGS(from, state);
    Coord* x;
    Coord* y;
    int n;
    ReadPoints(from, x, y, n);
    Init(x, y, n);

// Copy returns a copy of the BSplineSelection.

Graphic* BSplineSelection::Copy () {
    Coord* x;
    Coord* y;
    int n;
    GetOriginal(x, y, n);
    Graphic* copy = new BSplineSelection(x, y, n, this);
    delete x;
    delete y;
    return copy;

// GetOriginal returns the control points that were passed to the
// BSplineSelection's constructor.

void BSplineSelection::GetOriginal (Coord*& x, Coord*& y, int& n) {
    ((BSpline*) bspline)->GetOriginal(x, y, n);
Beispiel #15
boolean TextGraphic::TransformedIntersects (BoxObj& userb, Graphic* gs) {
    int beg, end, lineSize, nextBeg, ypos = 0;
    const char* s = GetOriginal();
    int size = strlen(s);
    PSFont* f = gs->GetFont();
    Coord l, b, r, t = f->Height();
    Coord tl, tb, tr, tt;

    l = b = r = 0;
    for (beg = 0; beg < size; beg = nextBeg) {
        GetLine(s, size, beg, end, lineSize, nextBeg);
        r = f->Width(&s[beg], lineSize) - 1;
	transform(l, b, tl, tb, gs);
        transform(r, t, tr, tt, gs);
        BoxObj box(tl, tb, tr, tt);
	if (box.Intersects(userb)) {
            return true;
        b -= _lineHt;
        t -= _lineHt;
    return false;