int HWCDisplayPrimary::FrameCaptureAsync(const BufferInfo &output_buffer_info,
                                         bool post_processed_output) {
  // Note: This function is called in context of a binder thread and a lock is already held
  if (output_buffer_info.alloc_buffer_info.fd < 0) {
    DLOGE("Invalid fd %d", output_buffer_info.alloc_buffer_info.fd);
    return -1;

  auto panel_width = 0u;
  auto panel_height = 0u;
  auto fb_width = 0u;
  auto fb_height = 0u;

  GetPanelResolution(&panel_width, &panel_height);
  GetFrameBufferResolution(&fb_width, &fb_height);

  if (post_processed_output && (output_buffer_info_.buffer_config.width < panel_width ||
                                output_buffer_info_.buffer_config.height < panel_height)) {
    DLOGE("Buffer dimensions should not be less than panel resolution");
    return -1;
  } else if (!post_processed_output && (output_buffer_info_.buffer_config.width < fb_width ||
                                        output_buffer_info_.buffer_config.height < fb_height)) {
    DLOGE("Buffer dimensions should not be less than FB resolution");
    return -1;

  SetLayerBuffer(output_buffer_info, &output_buffer_);
  post_processed_output_ = post_processed_output;
  frame_capture_buffer_queued_ = true;
  // Status is only cleared on a new call to dump and remains valid otherwise
  frame_capture_status_ = -EAGAIN;

  return 0;
void HWCDisplayExternal::ApplyScanAdjustment(hwc_rect_t *display_frame) {
  if (display_intf_->IsUnderscanSupported()) {

  // Read user defined width and height ratio
  int width = 0, height = 0;
  HWCDebugHandler::Get()->GetProperty("sdm.external_action_safe_width", &width);
  float width_ratio = FLOAT(width) / 100.0f;
  HWCDebugHandler::Get()->GetProperty("sdm.external_action_safe_height", &height);
  float height_ratio = FLOAT(height) / 100.0f;

  if (width_ratio == 0.0f ||  height_ratio == 0.0f) {

  uint32_t panel_width = 0;
  uint32_t panel_height = 0;
  GetPanelResolution(&panel_width, &panel_height);

  if (panel_width == 0 || panel_height == 0) {
    DLOGV("Invalid panel dimensions (%d, %d)", panel_width, panel_height);

  int x_offset = INT((FLOAT(panel_width) * width_ratio) / 2.0f);
  int y_offset = INT((FLOAT(panel_height) * height_ratio) / 2.0f);

  display_frame->left = display_frame->left + x_offset;
  display_frame->top = display_frame->top + y_offset;
  display_frame->right = display_frame->right - x_offset;
  display_frame->bottom = display_frame->bottom - y_offset;
void HWCDisplayPrimary::SetFrameDumpConfig(uint32_t count, uint32_t bit_mask_layer_type) {
  HWCDisplay::SetFrameDumpConfig(count, bit_mask_layer_type);
  dump_output_to_file_ = bit_mask_layer_type & (1 << OUTPUT_LAYER_DUMP);
  DLOGI("output_layer_dump_enable %d", dump_output_to_file_);

  if (!count || !dump_output_to_file_) {

  // Allocate and map output buffer
  output_buffer_info_ = {};
  // Since we dump DSPP output use Panel resolution.
  output_buffer_info_.buffer_config.format = kFormatRGB888;
  output_buffer_info_.buffer_config.buffer_count = 1;
  if (buffer_allocator_->AllocateBuffer(&output_buffer_info_) != 0) {
    DLOGE("Buffer allocation failed");
    output_buffer_info_ = {};

  void *buffer = mmap(NULL, output_buffer_info_.alloc_buffer_info.size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
                      MAP_SHARED, output_buffer_info_.alloc_buffer_info.fd, 0);

  if (buffer == MAP_FAILED) {
    DLOGE("mmap failed with err %d", errno);
    output_buffer_info_ = {};

  output_buffer_base_ = buffer;
  post_processed_output_ = true;